The First Date

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The above song is 'Galliyan' from the movie 'Ek Villain'

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So here's the most awaited first date of our beloved married couple, Abhimanyu and Priyanka


A few weeks later during dinner Abhimanyu suddenly announces that he wanted to take Priyanka out for dinner one day.

Priyanka argues, "Abhimanyu, I appreciate you wanting to take me out for dinner but, what about Aku?"

Abhimanyu replies, "Aku can stay with Kabir like she did the last time we had some alone time. Priyanka, please don't say no. It's been so long since we've spent some time together and I really want to do this before the next deal comes."

Aakansha says, "Priya Bhabhi, please don't worry about me. My friends were planning a sleepover in this week so you both can plan something on that day. Dada has a point and we both know how busy he is. You both should spend some time together without anyone interrupting you two."

Priyanka sighs and replies, "Alright both of you. Aku, when you and your friends finalize the day for your sleepover let us know. Abhimanyu, please don't make any plans until Aku finalizes her plan."

Abhimanyu asks, "What if Aku doesn't go this week?"

Priyanka smiles and replies, "Well then you can talk to Kabir and go with your original plan. But you'll talk to Kabir only if Aku doesn't have a sleepover this week."

Abhimanyu nods in agreement.

Later Aakansha confirms her sleepover plans for Friday, so Abhimanyu starts his planning.


One day after college Aakansha forcefully takes Priyanka shopping.

Aakansha says, "Priya Bhabhi, we have to buy you a new dress for your date."

Priyanka replies, "Aku, I don't need any new clothes. I have some new clothes still left from our wedding."

Aakansha says, "Bhabhi, I know about your clothes because I helped Maa buy them for you. All you have are Indian clothes and right now I want to buy you a western dress."

Priyanka replies, "Aku, I appreciate your efforts, but I don't want to buy any western dresses. I will be uncomfortable the whole time because they're too short."

Aakansha says, "Bhabhi, if that is the only issue then I promise I won't show you any short dresses. We will get you a long evening gown or something like that. I really think you'll look great and it's your first date with Dada."

Priyanka relents knowing that her sister in law would not give up.


After some time, Priyanka notices that it was past lunchtime, so she excuses herself to remind her forgetful husband to have his lunch.

Priyanka hoped that Abhimanyu would have noticed the time himself and started eating his lunch.

It was a far-fetched idea, but a girl could hope that her husband would learn to take care of himself at some point.

Abhimanyu was protective of his family and cared about their health but when it came to take care of himself, he was extremely forgetful and ignorant.

Priyanka respected her husband for his selflessly caring nature, but she hated that he cared for his loved ones at the expense of his own health.

She had tried to tell her husband to take care of himself, but Abhimanyu was too stubborn for his own good.

Priyanka was glad that Abhimanyu at least ate his food properly and on time after her reminders.

She would have preferred her husband remembering to eat himself, but she was satisfied as long as he didn't ignore her pleas and took good care of himself.


Aakansha shakes her head at her sister in law's unconditional care for her brother.

As she learnt more about her Priya Bhabhi, Aakansha understood why her Dada had agreed to marry her after rejecting all the girls their mother had chosen.

Even though Abhimanyu had known all the girls chosen by their mother since his childhood, he didn't feel that any of them could be the wife that he wanted.

Her Dada had chosen a girl, who was practically a stranger for him and that had surprised her the most.

Aakansha understood that Abhimanyu trusted Samar Kaka implicitly, but she still wasn't convinced that her brother had made the best decision by marrying a complete stranger.

As she spent time with Priyanka, Aakansha understood that her brother liked his wife for her selfless and caring nature.


In the office, Abhimanyu smiles to himself as soon as his phone rings.

He had been waiting for his wife's call all day.

Even if Priyanka just called him to remind him to have his lunch, Abhimanyu loved talking to her.

He felt like his day got better by just hearing his wife's melodious voice.

Abhimanyu accepts the call and says, "Hello wifey. I was wondering when you were going to call."

Priyanka replies, "Good afternoon hubby. I call you every day around lunchtime because my dear husband can't seem to remember to eat his food."

Abhimanyu smiles and says, "Well wifey, my mother did warn you about that. And Priyanka, I promise I'm trying to improve my habits, but I don't look at the clock very often. If I'm busy with something, I genuinely forget about everything else."

Priyanka replies, "Abhimanyu I know you're trying to get better. I just don't like that my husband can take care of everyone around him, but he always forgets to take care of himself."

Abhimanyu says, "Well there's also the thing that we won't talk like this during the day if I start remembering to take care of myself. Talking to you like this really brightens up my day."

Priyanka replies, "So that's the real reason. I promise that I will continue to call you like this even when you start taking care of yourself."

Abhimanyu says, "That's a very tempting offer wifey. I'll try my best. Now, did you have your lunch?"

Priyanka replies, "Aku and I are out shopping, so we'll have lunch after some time."

Abhimanyu asks, "What are you two ladies looking for today?"

Priyanka replies, "Aku insists that I should buy a western dress for when we go out together. I was not very comfortable with short dresses, so Aku promised to buy me an evening gown or something."

Abhimanyu says, "Priyanka you don't have to wear anything you're uncomfortable with when we go out. When we're going out on a date, I want you to be comfortable. I know that you prefer to wear Indian clothes and I'm perfectly okay with those. Please don't buy anything uncomfortable for my sake. I really like my wife the way she is. I'll let you in on a little secret, wifey. Your husband really likes to see his wife in a saree because according to him, it makes her look like a divine angel."

Priyanka replies, "I don't think I'll be very comfortable wearing a dress on our date so I'm not wearing one then. I'm just buying one in case I need it for some occasion. Aku also mentioned that college events sometimes have a certain dress code. I appreciate that you want me to be comfortable the way I am. And thank you for telling me about my husband's little secret. I'll keep it in mind. I know that you don't like tying your ties so you also don't need to dress up formally for our date. I also like my husband just the way he is."

Abhimanyu asks, "Even if he forgets to eat his lunch?"

Priyanka replies, "Especially then because this way he gives me something to look forward to in the afternoons."

Abhimanyu says, "Well I'll let you ladies get back to your shopping. I'll just go and have my lunch first before getting back to work. See you at home, wifey."

Priyanka replies, "See you at home, hubby"

Abhimanyu smiles while cancelling the call.

Getting married to Priyanka was definitely the best decision he ever made.

Ever since Priyanka had entered his life, Abhimanyu had changed for the better.


A few days had passed and it was finally the day of the married couple's first date.

Abhimanyu had made reservations at his favourite restaurant and requested for complete privacy.

Priyanka wanted to succeed in college on her own merit and Abhimanyu was willing to do everything he could to fulfil his beloved wife's wishes.

He was a private person, but his personal life did come to light occasionally.

Abhimanyu knew that he couldn't hide the fact that he was married forever but he was willing to try for as long as possible for Priyanka's sake.

He got home early to get ready and take his wife out for a romantic date.

Aakansha had sent him a message saying that he could get ready in his room while she was helping Priyanka get ready in hers.

Abhimanyu was worried about what his sister had in mind, but he chose to ignore the feeling.

He quickly got freshened up and got ready in his favourite shirt and a pair of jeans. The shirt was his favourite because it was the first thing that Priyanka had bought for him.


Abhimanyu waited downstairs for his wife and sister to finish getting ready.

They had planned to leave the house together.

Abhimanyu had already arranged for a driver to drop Aakansha at her friend's house for the sleepover.

He was browsing his work-related emails on his phone when he heard someone walking down the stairs.

Abhimanyu looked up to find his wife walking down the stairs followed by his sister, but his eyes were fixed on his wife.

Priyanka had worn a beautiful red saree and had light makeup applied on her face.

When she reached the end of the stairs, Priyanka noticed that her husband had held his hand out to help her while he looked mesmerised by the way she looked.

She couldn't help but blush at his expression as she accepted her husband's hand.

Priyanka noticed that Abhimanyu had worn the shirt she had bought for him and smiled to herself.

She was glad to see that her husband liked her choice.


Aakansha notices that her brother was mesmerised by the way Priyanka looked.

She cheekily says, "Dada, you can thank me later. Right now, you and Priya Bhabhi need to leave otherwise you'll be late for your reservation."

Abhimanyu snaps out of his trance-like state and replies, "Umm yeah. Aku, there is a driver waiting for you outside. He will drop you at your friend's house so please don't argue with me regarding this."

Aakansha says, "Dada it's okay. I had a feeling that you would have made some arrangements for me. I really appreciate you taking such good care of me even though I trouble you so much."

Abhimanyu side hugs his sister and replies, "You're my little sister Aku. I'll always take care of you no matter what you do to annoy me."


Priyanka smiles as she watches the siblings show their love for each other.

She was glad to see her husband openly admit that he cared for his little sister.

Priyanka knew that Abhimanyu was not very vocal about how much he cared for his family.

Abhimanyu believed that actions spoke louder than words, but Priyanka believed that sometimes it was necessary to tell your family members that you care about them.


Abhimanyu and Priyanka got into their car while Aakansha got into the car her brother had arranged for her. Both the cars left the mansion simultaneously.

Abhimanyu drove himself and his wife to the restaurant while the driver drove Aakansha to her friend's house.

Abhimanyu kept an eye out to ensure that they weren't followed because he didn't want any unwanted interruptions during his first date with his wife.


When Abhimanyu and Priyanka reached their destination, the restaurant staff helped them enter through the back door and took them directly to their private table.

The couple had successfully avoided being detected by the paparazzi.

When they were about to reach their table, Abhimanyu went ahead and pulled out a chair for his wife to sit.

Priyanka shook her head at her husband's antics and sat on the chair after which Abhimanyu took his seat in front of her.

A waiter came to give both of them a menu card and filled their glasses with water.

Abhimanyu and Priyanka discussed about their day while having dinner as usual.

They had grown comfortable in each other's presence.

Abhimanyu says, "Priyanka, I was thinking that tomorrow we should spend some time together. All three of us."

Priyanka replies, "I'm glad that you want to spend some time with both your wife and your sister. Unfortunately, I have to go to college tomorrow to work on an assignment. My partner and I agreed that we should work in the college library."

Abhimanyu smiles and says, "Hey, it's alright. I'll drop you and then I'll spend time with Aku until you come back home. Just out of curiosity, who is your partner?"

Priyanka chuckles and replies, "Don't worry my partner is a girl. Her name is Shivani."

Abhimanyu argues, "Hey, I was not worried about that. I just wanted to know who I will be leaving my dear wife with."

He pauses for a moment and asks, "Are you two friends?"

Priyanka replies, "Because of this assignment, we are getting to know each other better but I won't say that we are friends quite yet. Before this assignment, she also used to avoid spending time with me like the other girls."

Abhimanyu nods and says, "I wanted to talk to you about something important."

Priyanka looks worried and asks, "Is everything alright?"

Abhimanyu replies, "You know that I respect your wish to keep our relationship a secret from everyone in your college. It's just that, I'm a well-known businessman and many reporters like to follow me around and gossip about my personal life. I wanted to protect you from them, so I agreed to keep our marriage a secret. Now as much as I would like to keep them away from you, I also know that it's not possible to hide forever."

Priyanka says, "Abhimanyu, I'm really grateful that I got a thoughtful husband like you. I understand that we can't hide this forever and I just wanted to be treated like the other students in college. I know that people will try to be my friend just so that they get to talk to you. Now that I know about the true nature of my classmates, I don't mind if people know about you and me. I'll know who is genuinely trying to be my friend. Since we last talked about my classmates, a few girls have been actively trying to talk to me during our breaks. I still don't have any friends but at least all the girls are not ignoring my existence anymore."

Abhimanyu replies, "Well I'm really glad to know that you might just have some friends in the future. As much as I love that you spend most of your free time with your dear old husband, I know the importance of having some good friends during your college life."

Priyanka interjects, "My husband maybe be a few years older than me but he's still the most handsome and charming man that I have ever met in my life."

Abhimanyu smiles at the complement and replies, "I really appreciate such a compliment from the most beautiful and amazing woman that I have ever met."

Abhimanyu takes his wife's hand in his and kisses it while Priyanka blushes at her husband's romantic gesture.

Abhimanyu then continues, "So coming back to the matter, I actually wanted to discuss with you. I was wondering if we could hold a public reception type party around our first anniversary where I introduce everyone to the most wonderful woman in the whole world. So, what does my lovely wife think about this plan?"

Priyanka blushes and replies, "Your wife thinks that this is a really good plan."

Abhimanyu says, "Oh and one more thing, I know that you love to do things around the house for me, but I want to hire some help for you."

His wife was about to protest so he cuts her off, "I know that your Chachi had taught you that it is the woman's duty to the chores of her house, but I don't exactly believe that. The house belongs to both of us so it's our duty to maintain the house, not just yours. You have your studies now that need your complete focus so, please don't deny this simple wish of mine."

Priyanka sighs and replies, "I understand your concern and really appreciate you wanting to help me like this, but I have a request."

Abhimanyu takes a sip of water and says, "Let's hear it but I make no promises on agreeing to it."

Priyanka replies, "We can hire some help to clean our house because to be honest that task is very tiring. But you will only hire a cook for helping me on weekdays. I want to cook for my family myself on the weekends."

Abhimanyu nods and says, "That's a reasonable request. But on the weekends, I should also be allowed to cook for my wonderful wife sometimes."

Priyanka smiles and replies, "That is perfectly okay with me"

Soon the couple goes back to enjoying their first date.

Abhimanyu insists on feeding his wife some of the dessert they had ordered himself while Priyanka blushes while trying to return the gesture.

Abhimanyu can't help but chuckle to himself at his beloved wife's innocence.


After they are done, Abhimanyu pays the bill and the couple leave the restaurant the same inconspicuous way that they had entered.

Abhimanyu drives them back home while Priyanka gives him details about her plan for the next day.

They reach home soon and change before going to sleep in each other's arms.

(This is a digital drawing made by me based on a still from the movie 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before')


So our beloved couple seems to be getting more comfortable with each other and moving forward in their relationship

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