24-Returning Home

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Lance woke up with warmth laying next to him. What happened? Oh wait... Memories of what happened the night before came rushing back. Lance smiled. He looked at Keith beside him. Maybe they went to far? He didn't regret anything, but Keith might have.

Lance ignored the thoughts gnawing away at his mind and left the bed.


Her eyelids felt heavy and she didn't want to open them at all. Though, her memories flooded over her and she realized the responsibility weighing on her shoulders. She reluctantly opened her eyes and blue fur covered her vision. The heck? She tried to get up, but the world seemed to be weighing her down.

Not the world, gravity. That thing that exists. Yeah, that thing. She went to move again, but this time she realized a head weighed her down. So much for a healer. Blue was suffocating her under the weight of her head!

She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Maybe she couldn't do things for awhile. Blue noticed she was awake and left the room without a word. Katie just sat, looking around the room. It was undoubtedly Pidge's room. Machines and all types of gadgets laid loitered over the small desk and corners.

Katie began to wonder who had visited her while asleep. Lance would have, defiantly, but she didn't know if others were even allowed in. While waiting, she longed for something in her hands- a book. She hadn't held a book since she left Garrison. Her yearning for stories finally caught up with her.

She forced herself out of the bed and ignored the slow jelly legs she had. 'Dying and being revived is not fun, noted' she thought. With dread, she searched the room for any signs of a book. With terrible luck, she only found more machinery. With a frown, she made her way to the door like a sloth.

Just as she reached out to touch the button, the door swept open. Outside stood her half awake, but ready to pounce,  friends. "Whoa, what is going on?" Katie asked when she saw the breathless group. Arms wrapped around her body and surprise washed over her. 

Takashi was hugging her again. "Woah, what was that for!" she called, laughing. Allura gave her a look from behind Takashi. That made Katie laugh more. When Takashi pulled away, she was hugged by both Lance and Keith, who were getting along quite well.

"Now, since that is out of the way," Blue began, "We must hurry home. Where is Matt?" Katie didn't like the sound of that. No body answered and it made Katie more anxious.

"He was gone when we returned to play cards with him," Keith and Lance said, shrugging their shoulders. Allura nodded along with them.

"Have you checked outside?" Katie asked, worry clinging to her face. Blue looked at her before gaining an idea. Without another word, the lion raced out of the room and through the halls. "W-Wait, come back!"

Katie raced after the lion, ignoring the pain working its way up her legs. Blue dashed out into the sunlight and raced off towards the portal. Matt awaited them with the gateway open. "Matt!?" Katie cried seeing what he'd done. He got the warp to work!

The others caught up and saw the same sight she was. Matt looked back at them and called out, "Did it!" Katie tackled him and they flew through the warp. The others followed them as they fell through time. Colors and images enveloped them, but left as they were dumped out onto the ground.

Katie was the first to look around. "We're home!" she cheered. Takashi jumped up to see the kingdom of Altea. They were finally home. Allura started to race off towards the outer walls. Katie didn't know the castle was that close to where the warp was.

She took off after her friends. Her legs still hurt and her body seemed more sluggish then before. Though, she kept up with them just fine and they were at the castle's front doors in no time. The city of Voltron didn't seem like they were in total chaos, but then again the captives were on the inside.

"I'm going in. He wants me and he's going to get me," she began," and my vines up his nose!" Lance let out a snort before straightening up again.

"You can't go in alone!" Takashi cried, gripping her shoulders. He knew she was going to enter one way or another. "Let me and Allura come with at least. This is our kingdom. We deserve to fight. No, we have to fight!" Katie couldn't say no to that. She sighed.

"Fine. But don't do anything foolish. You two are the rulers of foolish deeds," Katie said, crossing her arms. Shiro celebrated with a little fist bump he tried to hide. And he wondered why Allura and Katie always teased him about being only six because he was born on a leap year. 

"Look who's talking," Allura teased as she lightly punched Katie's arm. 

"Matt, Keith, and Lance, you three go retrieve the other lions and Hunk. Take Blue, you'll be faster," Shiro commanded. Keith and Lance jumped on Blue, happy to oblige. Katie noticed how close they were, even though there was plenty of room. The heck happened while she was out?

"I'm going with you guys!" Matt said to her and the king and queen, not moving from where he stood. "Mother is inside, I can't leave her alone!" Katie understood. Who would free the captives while the three fought? She placed a hand on her brother's shoulder and smiled. She was going to allow him to come with.

With that final decision, they parted ways. Keith and Lance took Blue to rally the others up and bring them to help while Katie, Shiro, Allura, and Matt went ahead into the castle.

I'm going to begin to publish on the weekends only for the rest of this book. I have been working on two other books on the sideline and other things (School and my own personal needs.) One of my other books is yet another Shidge/Klance book while the other is a original book that I decided to start. Both are not published yet, but I know when they will be. The other Shidge/Klance book (Celestial Witch (Shidge/Klance) AU) will begin right after this book while the other one (Breaking Point) will be published January 8th, 2018. Thanks for sticking around!

-ThatOneServant out!

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