5-Those Annoying Lions

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"Katie!" Shiro said, filling her vision. Him! a deep voice said in her head. That must be one of the lions. He wants Shiro? "Katie, Matt and everyone was so worried. What happened back there?" She looked at her worried friend. He helped her to sit up on the hospital bed as something soft with fur went under the covers to hide. She looked at the obvious lump on the other side of her. Green?

"I don't know. I just remember Matt mentioning seeing the green lion, then I did," she explained as she tried to wrap her head around what just happened. That one! I want that one! She felt something tug at her to the castle's ground. With a huff she fell out of the bed and onto the floor. Underneath the castle? There's only dungeon! Why would a lion be down there... "Shiro, dungeon, now."

"What?" Katie grabbed his arm and lead him out the door. The soft fur-ball followed. Which way was to the dungeon again? She racked her memory trying to find the pathway she always took to escape everyone the first couple of weeks at the castle. She remembered seeing a painting she was scared of and smelling the chief of the castle's cooking. She saw a familiar room as she crossed the halls with a confused Shiro. It had a green sign that read "Katie" in fancy handwriting. It was her room. She knew the way to the dungeon from here.

She turned down the next hallway when she reached the door and passed a painting of King Alfor's grandfather. His eyes always staring at you no matter what position you stood in. The painter did that to remind them that the past kings are always watching them from the spirit realm. That fact alone creeped Katie out. They passed the painting and continued to pass knight armor stands positioned against the wall and weapons hung up with sharp points. Soon the smell of supper seeped out the kitchen door and into their noses. They were close.

With a quick swerve around the corner, they met the stairs that lead down to the dungeon. "No questions. A lion's calling!" she said as she dragged Shiro down the stairs. He looked at her as the cold air drafted upward towards them. Shiro opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off.

A roar erupted from below, cutting into the silence of the eerie dungeon. With a smile she let go of his arm and continued down the path. "He's calling you," she said as she searched for where the roar had come from, but only saw cells. The lion wouldn't be in plain sight, she knew that. There must be some kind of door or secret entry just for the lion. She remembered how she found her lion. "Shiro, do you see anything that I can't see?"

He looked around the dimly lit dungeon. It took a few moments, but he noticed one of the walls showing a faint glow, and with hesitation, he started to walk over to it. Katie glanced at the wall and didn't see anything. Shiro continued to make his way to the wall with skeptical eyes. Suddenly the wall opened up and the roar was heard again.

"Go! Go! He's calling you!" Katie said once more and pushed Shiro into the room. He turned to give her some advice about treating a king, but she was gone and so was the door. He backed away from where the entrance once was and into a cold stone. Something wrapped around his torso, but all Shiro could see was a purple mist tightly clinging to him as it seemed to be entering his skin. A low rumble was heard and a black lion appeared, slinking around the corner of what Shiro had backed into. The lion passed tubes, cages, and technology Shiro had never seen before. Each one seemingly to have a dark past to why they were so beaten up and misused.

The majestic lion circled around to him, almost as tall as him. With a quick slash of its paw, it clawed Shiro's chest causing immense pain to shoot to every point in his body. He screamed, stumbling for a way out. Why did Katie send him here without any warnings if she knew this is what happens?

Whatever happened next, he did not know. It was all black to him, but when he awoke he saw Katie. His head was on her lap as she talked to someone. Underneath his body was something soft. Were they on a bed? Her hands softly brushed his hair, something she did often when they were younger.

"What happened?" he said, looking at who Katie was talking about. He stared back at two cubs, one green, one black. "What the-" Shiro tried to get up, but the pain in his chest stopped him, causing him to fall back onto Katie's lap. She laughed.

"No sir, no movement, yet! It'll take a while to finish the process," she said as the green cub laid above Shiro's head at Katie's side. Shiro didn't know what to think about this sudden appearance, but just looked away to see the door creak open.

"How is he?" Keith asked with Lance right behind him as they came in. Katie looked at them and two different voices shouted, That one! More lions? Keith and Lance... which one is which... She felt two strings tugging at her right arm and right leg. The last one was tugging at her chest..., weird. One of the lions spoke. It was a female with a cool voice, like running water. She said, "I want the one in blue." and her leg was tugged at. 

Couldn't they wait... With a sigh Katie looked up at them like a person with a mission. "I have some places you two need to visit," she started as the lions explained where she needed to send the two. "Keith you know that volcano near the bakery you always were fascinated with? I need you to go there and find a cave. Lance there's a pond behind the castle, you need to to swim to the deepest spot. Don't question why I need you two to do this."

They looked at each other with confusion. "I won't question it, I will question you, though," Keith said turning around and leaving. Lance later followed with dread.


ThatOnServant out! (wtf I just though of Angelica snapping when I typed this)

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