5.Truth revealing

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Next day morning

Oberoi Mansion

Rudra : O.. Did Anika didi take the call
Om: no Rudra the Phone still says switched off
Rudra:I hope Anika didi safely reached her house...
Om: but why her phone is switched off.. She goes alone at late midnight.... It makes me worry more Rudra
Rudra: O may be she forget to charge her mobile... O try to call on Sahil's no.
Om: ohhh I literally forget about it
Om dials Sahil...
Rudra: what happened om
Om: call is not connecting.... I hope she safely reached her house last night
Khanna comes there
Om : khanna what about Anika??
Khanna:no sir.... Last night Anika mam didn't reached her home
Omeu: what???
Om : khanna what are you saying??Did you check her on house
Khanna:I send a men to her house to check on .. He says the house is locked and when he enquire about it ,Anika mam's neighbour said last night Anika mam didn't come to the house and a police constable took Sahil from there....they dont know much more about it
Rudra: what??O something happened to Anika Didi... I have a feeling about it...otherwise why should a police constable take Sahil from there... I don't remember Anika didi having a police constable friend
Om: you are right Rudra.... I also have same feeling.... Khanna find where Anika is.... I hope she is fine

Om phone rings...

Om : it's from my friend Dev..

" Helloo Dev
Ohh it's okay Dev... We will catch up oneday
You don't need to be sorry Dev... Take care yourself and also your sister I hope she is fine
Okay! Have a safe journey

Om's ends the call

"What is it om...  Dev bhaiya is not coming here" Rudra asked
"No... Something emergency happened... His sister is not well... So he had to fly back to London... "
"He have a sister.. " Rudra said
"Yes.. But I don't know much about her... Okay Rudra Let's focus on Anika... Keep trying her number okay" Om said


At Hall...

Dadi, Tej and jhanvi are sitting their
Dadi : I don't know what happening in this house.... I don't expect my Billu to do something like this
Jhanvi: maa calm down...
Tej: Maa  there is no shivaay fault... He does what a business man should do in situations like that
Dadi: Tej marriage is not a business... And what he done to Anika is not right
Jhanvi: Tej you can't take shivaay's side.... he make Anika leave the house at midnight....what he does that time is totally wrong....
Tej: yes I agree on that...what he done on Anika last night is wrong...
Pinky :There is nothing wrong in doing that.... That middle class girl should know her place
Tia and pinky comes there
Tia: Good morning everyone
jhanvi: Tia... How do you feel know?
Tia: i'm feeling better jhanvi aunty
Pinky : Tia sit here and drink this tea it makes you feel better
Tia : thank you pinky aunty
Pinky : Tia when will you stop calling me aunty
Tia: oops!!! Sorry mom... (Tia smiles)
Jhanvi : Tia do you remember what happened to you yesterday
Tia : jhanvi aunty plzz don't make me remember about yesterday..
Tia started her fake cry
Pinky : Jeethaniji plzz don't make Tia stress... She is not fully recovered
Jhanvi : I'm sorry Tia... I don't mean to hurt you
Tia: it's okay Jhanvi aunty... I can understand

Shivaay comes there
Shivaay: Tia are you feeling better know
Tia: yes Shivaay baby much better
Shivaay: good... And don't worry we are gonna catch that person who kidnapped you...i already send the complaint to commissioner
Tia get scared hearing it
Tia : Shivaay baby it's not necessary
Shivaay : what you mean Tia? You don't want to catch them
Tia : I don't mean like that shivaay baby... If media knows about it... Then...
Tej: Tia is right shivaay.... If media knows about Tia kidnapping then they will suspect about the wedding
Shivaay: don't worry badepapa... I already talked to commissioner to keep this confidential
Tia: but shivaay baby...
Pinky : Tia u don't neet to worry.... Shivaay will handle this...
Tia smiles fakely
Dadi : Billu.... What you are doing is completely wrong
Shivaay : what you mean dadi?
Dadi : whatever you did to Anika is completely wrong....
Pinky : Mummy ji when will you stop talking about that middle class girl
Jhanvi : pinky we should accept that shivaay did wrong with Anika by making her leave at late night alone
Pinky : jeethaniji you also taking side of that middle class....
"OKAY ENOUGH" Shivaay shouted.
"No one will talk about Anika in this house " Shivaay said
"But Shivaay you should answer about Anika's whereabouts" Om comes there
"What you mean Om? " Shivaay asked
"Bhaiya Anika is missing " Rudra dropped the bomb
"What you mean by Anika is missing " Shivaay worriedly asked
Rudra try to speak but Om interrupt him
"Really Shivaay... don't act like dumb... You made a women leave at late night alone and you are pretending like nothing happened... Yesterday Anika leave this house at midnight in that terrible state... In fact you made her leave like that... We also have a sister did we allow her to leave the house alone at midnight.. No right.... It's because Anika has no one to care... You did this becoz you think she is orphan and there is no.... "
"STOP IT OM... JUST Stop... " Shivaay shouted
"Why should I... If anything happens to Anika you are responsible for it " Om said angrily
"Om why are you shouting at my shivaay for that middle class girl" Pinky said

"Pinky we are also a women... You shouldn't talk like this... We know what happenes if a women went alone at midnight... And what Shivaay done is completely wrong" Jhanvi said

"Jhanvi is right... Shivaay what you did is wrong ..You shouldn't make her leave like that at night" Tej said
'This Anika....i hope nothing bad happen to her ' Tia thinks
"Okay stop why everyone is blaming my son" Pink said
"Pinky stop taking Shivaay's side " Shakti said
'Anika wherever you are I hope you are fine 'Shivaay thought
"Bhaiyaa we should find Anika didi" Rudra shakes Shivaay...
"Rudra we will find Anika... We don't need his help " Om said.
Shivaay is about to say something but his phone beeps... He receives a message from Daksh says 'Shivaay I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to my Anika...'

'How did Daksh know about all these... He is not here... Wait may be Anika went to him last night...  Daksh is her boyfriend obviously she called him last night and told everything... How can I forget Anika's deeds...for a moment I cursed myself for doing bad to her.. I worried about her but... I proved wrong again.... Anika is such a gold digger 'Shivaay thought and anger took over him

"Rudra come we don't have time" Om and Rudra are about to leave
"No one is going to search about Anika " Shivaay shouted
"Bhaiyaa what are you saying"
"I said no one from here are not going to search Anika whereabouts"
"Seriously Shivaay....what happened to you... I don't understand why you are behaving like this.... Rudra don't mind him let's go"
"Anika is with Daksh... She went to Daksh's house last night... " Shivaay said
"She went to Daksh house....but why she went to Daksh house" Om asked
"Why not??Daksh is her boyfriend....Anika is with her boyfriend now so we don't need to worry about her... End of the topic" Shivaay said
"Shivaay are you kidding... Who said this to you... I don't think Anika will go to Daksh house that too at midnight... " Om said
"May be she called him and Daksh picked her from here " Shivaay said
"Bhaiya what are you talking Daksh bhaiya is not even here, if so I don't think Anika didi called Daksh Bhaiya... We know Anika didi very well... She don't seek anyone's help... " Rudra said
"What you know about Anika Rudra? You know nothing about her she have another face that we don't know" Shivaay sadi angrily
"Shivaay why you accusing Anika, like she did something bad... If you want to say something say clearly" Om shouts back

He recalls Daksh’s words and says forget it.
Om holds his hand and stops him.
Om : you have to tell us shivaay,
Shivaay : Anika have spent a night with Daksh under this roof... She have spent the night and took a good price for it, 15 lakhs
Everyone gets shocked.
Pinky : OMM she is such a cheap girl...good that she is gone form our lives
"Shivaay do you have any idea what you are talking... Anika will never do this... "Om said frustratingly
" I also think the same Om.... But I'm wrong... We forget about where she comes from.. She is a middle class who will do anything for money "
Om controls his anger and asked" Who told this  to shivaay "
"First Daksh told me about it... But I don't believe it... But I have seen with my eyes she is coming from Daksh's room before my wedding day" Shivaay said
"Bade Bhaiya plzz stop" Soumya shouted
"Soumya... " Shivaay turns to her
"Bade bhaiya I think you are mistaken... Anika didi will never do such a thing" Soumya said
"Soumya I can understand.. She treated you like a sister but.."
"Bade bhaiya it's me ,I was with her that day" Soumya said with teary eyes
He asks what do you mean soumya
Soumya :yes, I was scared a night before,Daksh called Anika didi on knowing that, we were in his room.
Shivaay: you slept with Anika in Daksh’s room that night.
Soumya:yes Bade bhaiya Anika didi could not sleep, I was scared, she was talking to me all night to make me feel better
Shivaay :was Anika with you, all night.
Soumya says yes...shivaay gets shocked.
Shivaay : then what about that 15 lakhs check
Shakti: Shivaay I think Daksh fooled you..Anika took loan for Sahil’s admission ,I spoke to bank manager and got loan approved. That check is from me to Anika..Daksh took it from me saying he will hand over it to Anika
Hearing everything Shivaay feels like the world is collapsed
"Shivaay you are completely wrong" Om said with sadness
"Bhaiya how can you think about Anika didi like this... We know her very well... She will never do such things" Rudra said
"Rudra is right how could you shivaay... How can you hurt somebody like Anika "  A voice comes from entrance
"Daksh... " Shivaay clutches his fist in anger
Daksh comes there clapping his hands...
"Omg what a family drama.... And shivaay why you snatched my finance from me.... Why you hurt my Anika" Daksh said sarcastically
"Stop taking Anika's name from your flirthy mouth" Shivaay shouted
"Ohh no shivaay... By the way where is my fiance or should I say your WIFE Shivaay" Daksh said last words angrily "don't get shocked shivaay.... I know everything... How you forced or should I say blackmailed Anika to marry you using her brother" Daksh said
Everyone get shocked hearing it
"Shivaay what is he saying... And Daksh I don't except this from you.... How could you turn like this.... We treated u like our family" Om said angrily
Daksh laughs
Daksh says I know shivaay what you are thinking....technology is great, we can stalk anyone and keep an eye... Wait I will show you all a entertaining video
Daksh plays the video shivaay forcing Anika to marry him... Everyone get shocked and looks at shivaay... Shivaay stood there like statue
Daksh:how is it...I like it, to keep love close, anger is bad, you both are very much stubborn, I tried hard to separate you two, I tried to create misunderstandings that you hate her, I said all that to break you two, but you married her, you did not get away from Anika, so now Anika has to get away from everyone....so sad
Shivaye says if you touch Anika then..
Daksh asks what will you do, you don’t even know where she is...
Daksh laughs and says you underestimated Daksh Khurana. You all made fun of my love, Anika chose you instead me &, you will get punished, Anika will gone forever, you will be guilt all life that she is gone because of you. You never gonna find her... Daksh laughs sarcastically
Shivaye: shut up Daksh, if Anika gets a scratch, I will not leave you, where is she....
"Even I don't know where she is... I came here to took her with me but she is not here... Where did she go...shivaay where did you hide my lovely Anika " Daksh said dramatically
omru holds shivaay.... Meanwhile police comes there and arrest Daksh
"You are not my shivaay whom I knows... " Shakti says
"Billu what you done to Anika is very wrong....i think I raised my grandsons well but u proved me wrong" Dadi stumblels priyanka and soumya holds her
"Shivaay I don't except this from you " Tej said
"Shivaay you and Daksh are not different...u are  not my brother shivaay" Om angrily shouted
"Why everyone is blaming my son... That girl" Pinky was interrupted by Shakti
"Pinky shut up... When will you stop blaming Anika for Shivaay's mistake." Shakti shouts at pinky
"I... I know what I did is wrong.... I completely blinded by Daksh lies....you all can shout at me later first I need to find Anika.... Omru plzz help me to find your Bhabhi.. " Shivaay sounded emotionally
Omru nodded...
"You are right shivaay.... First we need to find where is Anika?? We already enquired about her but still no news about her and sahil..." Om said
"Where did she go?? I...I hope she is okay" Shivaay  cries
Rudra consoles him "Bhaiya nothing will happen to Bhabhi"

At Airport

Anika hugs sahil and cries emotionally.
"Plzz take care of yourself okay... " Sahil wiles her tears and says " Don't worry Anika didi...i'm grown up now... I can take care of myself... You should take care of yourself... Look at you..."
Anika laughs and hugs him again
Arnav, Karan, Dev and veer looks at their bond
Arnav : pari..you don't need to worry about him... Veer is here he will take care him... And also he can visit us during vacation
Veer : yes Anu you don't need to worry about him
Anika nodded... They all are started to leave
Karan :veer take care of yourself.... And tell our enquiry to maasi and choti
Veer hugged them all
Dev: bye champ take care of yourself
Veer hugged Anika and whispers her ear " Don't worry Anu... Oberoi's are never gonna find Sahil's whereabouts "
Anika looks at him surprisingly... Veer smiles at her and nodded... She mouthed thank you
Veer :take care of yourself.... Don't think about past... Okay
Anika nodded..
They went inside.... Anika looks at her brothers she  feels safe around them... Finally she is meeting up with her family... Her wait is over... Finally she can breathe peacefully...

Sorry guys for not updating for a long long time.... I lost interest in writing that's why.... But I come back...so I decided to give u all an update in this starting of new year... Kindly ignore Grammer mistakes...

Wish you all a Happy and a Wonderful  New year...
I will try to update... I'm not gonna stop this story... I will continue it... So don't worry guys wait for my next update....

Thank you
Sulekha Nik💜

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