Chapter 16: I Love You (Rated Mature)

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Warning: This story and chapter is rated Mature and this warning is posted on this story's official title as well. This content is only for 18 years and above.

Hi everyone :). I am so sorry for the delay in updating, but I am finally on summer vacation and off on my honeymoon. I updated while on the honeymoon and yes this is a flawed chapter, but this is all I could write :(. Thank you for giving so much love to this book and take care :). I know this chapter is long, but I didn't know when I will update next, so all of you can read this chapter slowly on your own time until my next update :).


Clasping my palm against my mouth, I pinched my lips to ensure I was not in a dream. The image in front was pure fantasy. I began to be led down towards the enchanting waterfall that was dripping shades of red. The delicate pastel pink petals of the cherry blossoms above began to scatter upon us in gesture of welcome.

Shivaay and I exchanged a shy smile realizing how this night is now ours'. He pressed a loving kiss on my temple before pulling me into an embrace. We silently walked in each other's arms down the gravel path which followed down through the waterfall. Drops of water befell on the both of us as we slowly walked through the entrance of the cave that led through the waterfall.

I gasped in awe not ready for the fantasy I was about to enter. Suddenly, fireflies lit up the dark cave and run towards us. The cave booming with my giggles as I lifted my head up and began to spin amongst the swirls of fireflies that were now running around me.

The five-year-old me, who used to be fascinated by these tiny creatures that had the ability to light darkness, coming to life. I began to laugh and jump around in an attempt to chase the creatures. My hands running against the small waterwall that ran out of the cave and down into the pond. Shivaay standing in silence not once uttering a word, but appearing to admire me.

"Oh my God! What is this?! How do you know I love fireflies?!" I spun the blue shades of my saree's pallu in a circle continuing to turn and twist loving every moment.

"You love it?" He asked walking towards me as I giggled and grabbed a handful of water and splashed it towards him. He shrieked, almost like a girl, and jumped back not liking what I had done.

"Awwww....billu scared of water? Awww that is such a billu!" I teased his nickname, remembering that is what his grandmother calls him. Shivaay pretending to be angry at me as he grabbed a handful of water and threw it against me.

My mouth dropped open unable to believe he was daring to make me look like a wreck tonight. "Shivaay! Do you know how long it took me to get ready tonight?! Do you know how hard it is for me to put on these many pounds of make up and do my stubborn, frizzy hair?! Do you?!"

Shivaay erupted into a mocking laugh and rolled his eyes clearly not fazed. I grumbled and ran my hands down the water fall only to run towards him and fast speed to splash him wet. He grabbed my wrist and immediately turned me around. Our feet entwining into one. His body slamming down mine as we began to fall.

Suddenly, soft silky, white sheets ran over us. We found ourselves wrapping into a swarm of sheets on the gravel of the cave. Our wet hands smothered against each other's bodies that were now merging into one.

A chandlier of string lights turned on and red roses began to fall upon the both of us. My mouth dropping open as I looked up at the ceiling unable to believe what I was seeing. Images of me smothering every piece of cave. Pictures of him and I that were taken since we reached India clouding every wall. A tearful smile encaptured me as I noticed a beautiful quote engraved on the ceiling of the cave. Tears slowly ran down my to my heart unable to bear the sheer expression of kindness that was being endowed upon me.

A Forever awaits you...let me be your forever. Choose me. Love me. Be with me.

Anika let me love you. Let me love you always.

The last glass barrier of my heart came crashing down. A whimper escaped from me from the utter pain that I was feeling at the moment. My heart letting go of my mind and diving into the pond of love that awaited before me. Every inch of my soul wanting to escape this feeling, but failing to do such.

A soft, tender touch ran gently against my bosom to only lay against my heavy heart that was no longer mine but his. A pair of blue eyes encaptivated me as I found myself losing my senses and becoming intoxicated with the feeling of love.

"I know how hard it is for you to love anyone again. I know you have gotten a heartbreak that may never allow you to love me. And I too cannot love anyone against because of the wounds I have gotten. But, I want us to love each other the way every human should love the other...every soul should love the other. I can never love you the way love is meant to be between a man and a woman, but I can love you the way you deserved to be loved as a human being. I want to heal you. Mend every broken piece of your heart. I want to make you happy. I want to make a forever with you."

His voice trembled with tears that choked him. Not wanting me to see his tears, he buried himself into the nape of my neck. His words threading my broken heart to his. The memories of my past further inciting my wounds that now craved to be healed by him. The thought of building a forever with him driving me into a fantasy.

Tears began to swarm me as I fell into a wail not knowing what to say. The thought of finally having someone in my life who will love me giving me a sense of solace that I had wanted for long. Only, he can heal me and I want him to be the only one to heal me. I want only him.

Running my arms around him, I pulled him into a deep embrace wanting to hold him forever in my arms. He ran his lips up my neck and to my cheek. We paused for a moment and looked at each other to catch sight of sheer love we carried for each other.

"And I too want to forever be with always be loved by you. I do not know what pulls me towards you, but I just cannot think of ever being away from you. There is some connection between us...It's as if I have known you for long and I do not know why I feel this way, but I do...and I just know that if I ever will love anyone ever again in my life it will be you. I may never love you the way I have loved before, but I want to only love you. Only you..."

A tearful smile caught hold of him. We found ourselves losing to the moment. Hope took hold of the both of us as we realized that we both had finally found each other. Maybe we can never love each other the way lovers do...but the mere expression of a broken, ugly love is enough to heal the wounded heart...and that is all we need.

His lips smashed against mine as we drove ourselves into a wild, passionate kiss. His mouth purging mines open. We began to roll on top of each other continuing to wrap ourselves into the silky sheets. Our tongues slowly dancing the tango with our hands running down each other's bare, shaking, moist skin. His hand taking a firm grip of hair as he pushed himself harder on to me. Arching my back up, I pushed my lips fiercely against his and began to sway him with urgent kisses wanting him to forever mark me as his and make me his never giving away that spot to anyone.

"I want you right now..." He spoke breathlessly as his fingers ran down my pallu and threw it on to the floor. My mind began to spin and I could no longer speak. Running my hands down to his head, I began to guide him to where I wanted him to be.

Lowering his gaze, he began to admire the flaws scattered across my flesh. My breaths stumbled upon the other as I began to shake underneath his burning guise finding myself tortured by the mere distance that stood between us.

Suddenly, he began to puncture my wounds with love. Blowing heat gently against the curve of my bosom, he gently pressed a feathered kiss upon it. Goosebump raising up upon my skin as I began to feel his lips tease each and every piece of my skin. His tongue slowly began to slide down against the wetness of my navel. Wrapping his palm against my waist tightly, he arched me up against his mouth that was waiting to torture me.

"Shivaay...Shivaay..." His name began to run out of me like a prayer. Taking a tight grasp of his curls, I pushed him down against my navel as he began to carress it in appreciation. Losing himself to the flaw of my waist, from the mole under my breast down to the small stretch marks against my waist, he began to suck on them firmly. Milking a warm, sweet kiss against the curve of my breast, he let his lips tumble down the curve of my waist, making me gasp.

He lifted his gaze and revealed a devilish smile. He appeared to be amused by the seductive torture he was applying on me. Suddenly, his hands took a tight grasp of my hips and he spread my legs apart to push himself in between them.

My mouth dropped open realizing where his intentions laid. Oh no. This was definitely not part of the plan tonight. Shit. Dinner, dance, conversation. That was part of the plan, not getting a free orgasm. This is not a buy one get one free sale. Heck no.

Before I could even say a word, he began to strike me with soft, hydraulic, yet, vigorous kisses. His tongue struck my belly button only to rup against my breast and take a firm grasp of it and suck it dry. My hands struck the sheets beneath only to take a grasp of the dirt and smother it around his back. Our hands suddenly began to undo the buttons of his coat only to fall apart as he grabbed my neck and greedingly pulled me into another longing kiss.

Hell people might catch us doing what we are driving towards, yet, why is my sanity not stopping me. This is so dirty. We are so dirty. Yet, why am I not able to stop? What is it about him that makes me not want to stop?

"How can someone be so beautiful? Nothing I have seen in my life is comparable to how beautiful you are..." He spoke breathlessly against my lips before driving himself down to my waist and splattering it with intrusive, bruising kisses. He ran his mouth in a circle before letting it twirl down and bite into the curve of my waist. Moans and groans escaped from us as he continued to paint me with love. Sheer love expressed in his bite....felt in his soft the wetness of his mouth that wanted to taste ever piece of me.

Burning vibrant shades of red, I buried my mouth into the sheet unable to bear the amount of praise I was getting from him. Arching my back before diving against the ground, I attempted to hold the thick milk that was running down my waist and to my flower which was becoming wet under every thrust felt from his body. However, I began to lose control feeling that soon I will give myself to him. However, I was wrong.

Suddenly he stopped. He hovered above me and gently lifted my pallu up to veil me. I looked at him in confusion unable to understand why he had stopped. He faintly smiled and pressed his lips against mine before lifting me up in his arms.

"Shivaay! What are you doing? Why did you stop?" A sense of urgency trickled from my voice. My body was shaking violently as it held on to the withering flower that was ready to melt any moment.

"Food is going cold..." He teased out the nonsense line that was enough to break the moment. I sighed in frustration and threw my head back to notice a grand wooden table. Piping, steaming food wafted the entire cave with its aroma. My stomach grumbled wanting to go and lavish upon it.

I gasped and looked back at him in appall realizing what he had done. He smirked and twirled me around in his arm making me shriek in fear.

"Did you just seduce me to leave me hanging? Oh my God." I looked at him in shock as he chuckled and continued to spin me in his arms before stumbling to the wooden chair. Lowering me down gently, he placed me on to the chair. He lifted up the steal lid of the big pot before us to soothen my anger with the piping smell of spices.

"Well you said you wanted to eat actual food, needed nice music, a dance, and conversation for our date, so how can I do you wrong jaan and just proceed to the highlight of the night which is us having sex. Whatever jaan says is what get's..." He sung the last line to further pester and rile me up.

I blushed feeling a mixture of embarrassment and anger on how I literally ruined such a hot chance to have good sex by my stupid demand of having a proper date. Damn it. Why am I so stupid? But then...I have to learn to control myself. But then...what is wrong if I am horny or have desires? Every woman has a right to have desires...why do we have to be shackled?

Lifting up the serving spoon, he hit it against my plate to reveal my favorite dish. My eyes lifted up in excitement as I squealed childishly and looked at him.

"Chicken biryani? How did you know this is my favorite?! Oh my gosh, it's been so long since I have eaten it! I cannot even remember last time when I did...Wow, Shivaay how did you know?"

Shivaay's smile widened as he sat down across from me and lifted up a glass lid to reveal another surprise. I gasped to see warm, hot chocolate brownies dipped in vanilla ice cream and whipped with cream.

"What? That's my favorite dessert. How did you know?!" I exclaimed finding myself completely in awe on how he knows so much about me despite us barely being together for a while.

"Just a wild guess..." He winked at me and lifted a spoon of biryani for me to eat.

Tears touched my eyes as I looked at the entire set up still mesmerized by it. The sound of waterfalls giving peace. Dozens of candles dripping shades of romantic red. Delectable food that is driving me into a state of euphoric pleasure. His confession written on the ceiling of this cave as a reminder of how much I mean to him. Everything is perfect...he is perfect. No one has ever done anything for me let alone make me feel wanted or appreciated until now. Shivaay is the first one who is making me feel me value...letting me know that I too deserve love. When did I get so lucky? What did I do to get a man like him?

"You okay?" He spoke in a gentle, soft tone which was a complete contrast to his deep, rough, brazen voice. Rolling back my tears, I pressed my lips into a smile and nodded not knowing how to express my gratitude for everything he has and continues to give me.

Taking my spoon, I lifted it up to feed him knowing he hasn't eaten very much today. His eyes softened appearing touched by my gesture. Opening his mouth, he took a bite of it and revealed a wide smile. My heart skipping a beat as I caught sight of his charming smile that always does wonders on me.

Gosh I love that smile of his...and the way it makes his eyes twinkle...what is happening to me? Since when I have started making such cheesy, ott statements? This is so not me.

He took a tight grasp of my hand and lifted it up only to bite on to my fingers. I gasped in surprise as butterflies suddenly sprung within me. He let out a chuckle and gave me a wink as he continues to suck on my fingers. His tongue twirled around them only to lightly bite and chew on their flavors. Turning bright red, I lowered my head and stared at the candle set between us wanting to hide my embarrassment. What is he doing? He is shameless. The way he makes every soft, tender, romantic moment so dirty and filthy is a talent of his.

"You know the dish I hate the most in the world is biryani, yet, right now I love this biryani I am eating...only because of you...anything you feed tastes like Jannat even poison I bet will taste like Jannat if given from your hands..." He whispered alluringly before blowing against the flame of the candle. I gave him a bushing smile and lightly slapped his shoulder not liking how ott heis being right now.

"Stop being so cheesy with me. Ugh, you are too much at times. Just be normal for God's sakes! You and your poetry sometimes drives me nuts!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed another spoon of biryani to feed him. He chuckled and snatched another bite from the spoon. Seemingly, he did not appear offended by me reprimanding him, instead, he appeared to like it.

Giving him a shy smile, I moved in closer and let my fingers run gently against his hair. He smirked and grabbed his chair pushing it right next to me finding the small distance between us unbearable. The orange hues of the candle scattering across his beautiful blue eyes that continued to sing silent praise for me. He continuing to laugh for no reason doings wonders on me.

He continued to randomly laugh as he ran his arm around me and pulled me closer. I giggled and fed him more. He looked absolutely adorable as he licked the rice off his lips and smacked his lips together before gagging on the pepper bombs that he bit into. Letting out another laugh, I threw my head back against his shoulder before pinching his cheek to admire his cuteness.

The moment being perfect. This is the first time I am seeing him like this. The way he is seems so relaxed, happy, and at peace...being a deep contrast to his anxious, cold personality that he displays and carries for the world.

"You know it's been years since anyone has fed me...let alone taken care of me..." Shivaay pausing from his confession while appearing to hide his tears. My heart breaking into pieces having not expected to hear such and not knowing how to react. The mere image of him being lonely all these years with no one to care for him causing an unknown pain within me.

"Y-you know, the last time someone fed me was my...d-dad. I remember ever since I was little, at the dinner table, my dad would pick me up and place me in his lap and feed me all sorts of food even the ones I hated...But the amount of love he would put in every bite would make me even eat the worst and most disgusting dishes, especially that stupid tinde ki sabzi! That sabzi that gave me nightmares but I would eat it if he fed me!"

We both broke into an immediate set of tearful giggles finding ourselves confused not knowing whether to laugh over his hatred for that sabzi or his grief for his father. Running my hand gently against his cheek, I wiped his tear away. He shivered under my touch appearing fearful that he was being seen as weak by me, but that was not the case.

"Even when I got older and used to come home after failing an exam or just failing at anything from not getting an internship, to getting on a sports dad would always sit with me at the dinner table and feed me even when I resisted because I was in a bad mood. He just...r-really cared for me...He loved me the most...probably t-the o-only one w-who l-loved me in my family...but his love was enough for me. Um...usually for people it's their moms, but my mom was n-never really present in my life. I-It was always just dad and me...and my dad really d-did everything in his capacity to make me feel loved...He always used to say love is the greatest blessing one can have...not money, not fame, not power, but just love..."

His tearful voice entered a silence. Suddenly, he went numb not able to say another word. He tightened his jaw and bit his lip to surpress his tears not wanting to show vulnerability. Without a thought, I immediately pulled him into my arms and fell into a set of tears. He pulled me intoa. Tight embrace and buried himself into the nape of my neck to hide his tears from the world. His breaths becoming heavy as he struggled to keep composure and not break down. I can tell he is scared that I might run away after seeing him like this in such utter vulnerability.

"Shivaay I am sorry...I am so sorry to hear this. I didn't know...Shivaay don't ever say no one loves you please..." I whispered soothingly against his ear wanting him to know that I will always be here to love him...give him the love he deserves.

His pain becoming mine. My heart falling from the image of him not being loved all his life by anyone except his dad who God took away from him. He has no one to love him. No one. What must he be going through? No wonder he is like this...he is so hurt, damaged, broken...he just wants love and no one is willing to give it to him.

Love is the greatest blessing one can have.

His line repeating within me as I found myself captivated by it...believing it. Guilt swarmed me from the realization on how I have entered this relationship with greed to get a home...get a family...get my desires fulfilled...but failed to realize how much love this relationship requires. I have failed to see how much healing Shivaay needs and I am so scared. Scared of not being able to give him the love he deserves. He completes me, but do I complete him?

"Why are you saying sorry Anika? None of this is your fault...none of it. I should be the one apologizing for ruining our date..."

I immediately placed my finger against his lips not wanting him to speak more. He looked at me in confusion not able to understand why I had made him quiet.

"Don't you ever dare apologize for opening up to me and letting me see the real you...Shivaay I want to see this side of you...know more about you and your life because I want to be the one who you can always lean on knowing you will never fall if you have me....because I feel the exact same way with you. The way you hold me when I am about to fall is the way I want to hold you when you want to fall and give please don't ever close up on me. Be mine the way you make me yours'..."

I found myself breathless unable to fully express my thoughts. This feeling is to powerful to be described and I wish I could to Shivaay to let him know how much he means to me and how much I want him to be mine.

Shivaay smiled faintly as he pulled me into an embrace. I could tell he was feeling overwhelmed at the moment also having troubles with expressing himself. We sat in silence for a while not saying a word. Somewhere holding each other is enough to heal. How I wish this moment stays forever...with me in his arms always.

"I never have opened up to any woman until now...because I feel safe with you knowing you will never judge me...the way you understand me is the way no one else ever can Anika. After my father passed way, I have never trusted anyone until you. You make me feel at home the way my dad did once..." He made the subtle confession in a low, soft, fearful voice. Somewhere he thought that this confession may just make me run away considering how fast he is moving with me in this relationship, but the fact is this confession has only won me further.

A tear spilled out of me as I bit my quivering lip trying hard to hide my happiness over what he had just said not wanting to look desperate because I am not. I can perfectly live my life all alone on my that cat lady who scares away the neighborhood kids on Halloween and is cursed by everyone around her....I am fine with that. However, to know someone finds home in me...that someone being Shivaay...makes me realize how I am still capable of being human...of being kind, nurturing, happy...not a dead soul...but someone who is alive and can give life to others.

Lowering my gaze, I shyly hid myself from Shivaay not wanting him to see me like this. He ran his hand gently over mine and took a grasp of it. Our hands entwined into one letting the lines of our fate merge and forever lock our destiny together...a destiny of love.

"I am sorry if I am overwhelming you Anika..." Shivaay whispered the virginal word. My eyes widened as my ears rose up to ensure I had him say that magic word. Sorry? Did this man...this demonic, scary, beastly man who is known to be dominant, fierce, and stone hearted...just say sorry to me?

I formed a wide smile and looked at him unable to believe he is the same man I had encountered a few days ago. I shook my head and immediately got up from the table pulling him along with me.

"What are you doing Anika?" He questioned as I giggled and grabbed our plates before placing them down on the sheets on the ground and making him sit next to me.

My eyes wandering to the stars in the sky that could be seen from the opening of the cave. I smiled and grabbed his hand in mine wanting him to see what I was seeing. He looked at me in confusion still not able to understand what I was thinking.

"Everyone says once those who have passed they never come back or even look back at us...that they just forget all relationships on this earth and merge with God. I believe, however, that as they become part of God they become part of His beauty...His beauty seen in these stars that are a blanket of solace for us who fear the darkness and the unknown..." I paused for a moment to observe whether he was listening to me and indeed he was. He lifted his gaze towards the stars appearing to accept my belief.

"Your father too became a star after he passed away...and every night he comes to see you in this form of a star to make sure you never are left alone in darkness, but always in the light under his guise as a star. Never ever think you lost him and the home he gave you. He was and will always be your shelter just do not realize it...just know you are still loved by him and will always be..."

We looked at each other in tears grieving the losses we both have faced in life. His grief much more worse than mine, but yet somehow I could still relate to it fully aware how heartbreak feels like.

"And just know...that I too will always be your home. Never ever think you are alone. I will always be here for you. Always. Just like you will be my home, I will be yours'..." The simple lines being enough to make him mine. He wrapped his hand around my cheek to pull me closer and place a loving kiss on my temple. The lake of love spilling over our hearts furthering tying them and drowning them together to only merge them. I do not know if this is love...but it sure feels like it and I am scared....of all of this falling apart, but this feeling is so strong that I do not think I will ever be able to run away from it.

We looked back up at the night sky. Suddenly a star flashed and began to fall. A shriek of excitement escaped from me as I closed my eyes quickly to make a wish. Hmmm...what should I wish for?....

Love is the greatest blessing.

I smiled as the image of Shivaay and Chaaya appeared in front of my eyes. Clasping my hands together in a prayer I made the sacred wish.

I wish for love in form of Shivaay and Chaaya. Make them mine forever....let me have a home please. Please don't take them away from me. Please. Give us a forever we deserve God...I am tired of fighting with life....please give me peace.

I kissed the prayer on my palms before opening my eyes and noticing that Shivaay was staring at me with the goofiest smile. He having not made any wish.

"You didn't make a wish?" I questioned as I grabbed a plate of dessert and began to gorge upon it.

He chuckled and leaned his thumb against the corner of my lip. The heat of thumb sending a current through me as he wiped away the ice-cream.

"My prayers have already been answered in the form of you..." And with that line he sealed my lips with a kiss. His mouth took a gentle hold of mines and pulled me into a passionate narcotic kiss. Our lips molded against each other as we tasted each other's sweetness in form of love that was slowly being threaded out of our beating hearts. Our hands merged into one as we wrapped them around me waist. Leaning into a tight embrace, we continued the kiss letting our lips sing their own praise of love.

Our bodies slipped into a silent rhythm against each other. His hands locked into my hair. My shaking palms drifting down to his shirt's buttons. Both of us eager to consume the other. Tears swelled my heart that continued to expand from surprise of how it was being loved....this heart never thought it is capable of being loved.

I let out a laugh as he twirled me in his arms and began to waltz against me. Our feet tangoed with each other. His lips lazingly ran down the side of my neck to tease each piece of my bare skin. Our hands entwined into one as he pulled me into his chest only to pull away and allow me to twirl. The layers of my saree began to unravel as I let my feet dance in joy across the barren ground. His smile widened and eyes twinkled while watching me laugh and lose myself in the madness of this dangerous feeling-this dangerous idea-love.

"Labon ko...labon pe sajao...kya ho tum mujhse ab patao..." A hoarse scratchy voice broke out. My eyes widened in surprise having not expected the owner of the voice to serenade me. This moment should be awkward. Embarassing. Cheesy. I should find this moment stupid and idiotic. I am the girl who makes fun of couples who behave in this teenage fashion and act like fools, but I am not. I am becoming one of those fools. I too am becoming a creature of mad love.

A childish giggle escaped from me and I immediately ran into his arms embracing him tightly not wanting him to let go of me ever.

Shivaay's hands encaptured me and before I could speak a word, he laid his lips softly against mine. Suddenly, he drove me into a passionate kiss. Our lips began to hungrily consume eachother's bittersweet taste that lumped out from the turmoil of confusion that bounded us...confusion regarding what we are...what we feel for each other...and what if this is all a fascade and not real. However, something within both of our beating hearts told us this indeed is real...that we both indeed are experiencing a love so toxic that may just ruin us, but also set us free.

His hands ran up to the back of my neck as he pulled me in for a deeper kiss. Our lips continued to run breathlessly against each other. My fingers trembled upon feeling the touch of his crisp shirt that tightly hugged his abs. The heat of palm slid itself under on to his cool skin that immediately sucked itself in. He let out a tumbled breath appearing affected by my touch.

My gaze met his only to see it lower. He turned bronze red and appeared to blush as he felt my fingers tease the edges of his belly button before running along the crease of his waist. I felt my face flush bright red though a smirk casually played itself across my lips.

Is Shivaay Singh Oberoi blushing? Did I just make the world's #1 asshole, egoistical maniac feel shy?

I bit my lip to suppress my cackles as I let my fingers slowly run against the button of his shirt. My body began to shake as I pressed myself against him and forced him to look into my eyes. His palm wrapped around my hand wanting to weakly deny my advances though he craved them equally just like I did.

Thunder suddenly roared. Lightening struck itself across our shadows lighting up the fire that resounded within the both of our hearts. Our hands around each other as we leaned our foreheads against the other. We found ourselves trembling with desire-wanting to unleash it any moment.

"Are you blushing? Have I dared to crack a shade of you that you don't show to many?" I whispered against his lips. I ran my hand around the back of his neck to push my lips closer to his read to take hold of them and pull him into sheets of seduction.

He pursed his lips tightly and let his eyes darken in a desperate last minute attempt to hide how he weakened in front of me...submitted himself to my heart...desired to be dominated and felt cared for once rather than leading.

"It's just the alcohol nothing more. I tend to flush if I drink too quickly..." He made the lame excuse and looked away not wanting to reveal that he had just lied to me. It appeared like he feared to show his emotions of any kind. Scared if he does I might just run away.

I smiled shyly and looked out into the dark night witnessing rain beginning to fall. Cool drops of water clasped against both of our shivering skins as we pulled each other closer wanting to become one. Grabbing his cheek, I caressed it lovingly and looked into his eyes with longing.

"Either way, I find you so hot right now. You are the most handsome man I have ever laid my eyes on and that is a haven't even seen a percent of the way I want to make love to many things to do..." I stopped midway finding myself shocked how easily I had expressed such a dirty, sinful thought without any shame.

He formed a devilish smirk and grabbed my waist thrusting me against his manhood that bulged against my thigh. A groan escaped from me as I threw my head back in deep desire wanting him to take me in right now in this moment.

"I thought you wanted the date, the dance, the conversation, dinner...but damn you cracked in an hour Ms. Malhotra..." He whispered huskily against my ear sending a warmth down the nape of my neck. I heaved and grabbed the back of his neck wanting him to witness the intense fire that crackled within me...only waiting to be extinguished by him.

"My mind changes quickly, so before it we don't think about what we had decided to do tonight. Plans change. People change. Three hours ago I was a dreamy, hopeless romantic...and right now I am woman who desires to be loved...fuck I just hate this wide mouth of yours that always commands and challenges me, questions me, and makes me plead. No one has ever challenged me ever Mr. Oberoi. Do you know that? No one..." I repeated against his lips, barely touching them. He let out a small breathless heave and roughly pulled me closer.

"What punishment will I get for the crime I have dared to commit against you?" He teasingly leaned in closer towards my lips. My smile widened as I stroked the stubble on his chin admiring his strong jawline that did wonders to me when it ran against my innocence.

"I don't punish. It's not in me to do that. I only heal the broken...while hurting myself in the process..." I whispered with tears suddenly rolling down my cheeks for no reason. It was as if Shivaay and I have had this conversation before...a déjà vu moment...a moment that appeared to be from the distant past and repeat once again.

"Stop healing others while breaking yourself down. You don't deserve to heal those who only give you pain. Why do you torment yourself this way?" He stroked my cheek lightly with concern not understanding my reasons to do such.

My heart ripped itself out of my skin and dared to speak its truth through the softness of my whimpering voice. I wrapped my hands around his cheeks wanting him to look in my eyes and forever find his healing in them...not running away from me like the others have done after being mended by me.

"Perhaps you think that I being with you will hurt me...will break me...but Shivaay that doesn't matter to me. I already have been wrecked to a point that I cannot be ruined more, so you cannot hurt can only heal me from my lowest point...your presence is enough for me. To have you here with me is enough. I don't crave for more from you. I simply don't."

He revealed his tear filled eyes to me....his marbled blue eyes solely holding my reflection and cherishing it. He was at a loss of words it seemed. Shivaay didn't know what reply he could give that would equal the heaviness of mine.

"Anika...I...don't...please don't give this much value to me. I am not worth it-"

"Shhh..." I clasped my hands against his lips not wanting him to speak more. Why does he think so low of himself when it comes to both of us...? I am the one who is undeserving of him. I am nothing compared to who he is as a person. Nothing.

"You are worth it. You are worthy of being loved. I don't know why, but something within me pulls me towards you and makes me long to just be with you...and that's all I want. are so special to me that I cannot see you hurting. It hurts me to see you this are so one can see the real you the way I can and I wish they can see you the way I do..."

And letting the conversation dance midway, he waltzed me into a kiss. His lips came crashing on to mine pulling me into a turbulent, exploding kiss. His mouth took control of mine as he shamelessly laid vigorous, hydraulic kisses against mine. Our tongues tackled the other and drowned them into each other's throats. Barely letting go for breaths, we clung on to each other tightly. Our hands crawled against each other's clothes and dug our nails to rip the fabric off. The buttons of his shirt crashing on to the ground. The pearls of my necklace falling apart as his palm tore it from my neck.

My heart pounded against his. His body shook against mine. He appeared tired from the sudden dose of passion, but ached for more. Our hands traveled across each other's flaws up to each other's necks down to the supples and dips of our skin before diving to the sinful territory beneath our waists. His mouth explored mine wanting to take in the taste of every nook and devour any taste of it he hadn't had before.

He pushed me back gently against the wall of the cave. Our hands clasped against the seams of my saree. We let go of our lips briefly to bring rhythm to our erractic breaths and heartbeats. His lips collapsed into the base of my neck with his tongue slowly roaming around every crease of it before feeling the pulse of my heart.

"Fuck the plans we made tonight. We got do something way more fun..." He teased as I giggled and wrapped my arms around him in agreement.

"Yeah what is up with old-fashioned boring dates? They are not needed. Nothing of this is needed except each other's company. And tonight...Mr. Oberoi I want your company." I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer looking into his eyes.

He smirked and ran his fingers through the locks of my hair. "And I want yours'."

Suddenly I felt myself falling backwards as a door opened behind me. My eyes widened in surprise having not expected this cave to have a secret passage. Orange hues from candles illuminated the dark cave walls that surrounded us. Shelves of books towered each corner before collapsing over a tower bed that set itself in the middle. Lightening engorged from the majestic white window that covered the entire wall of the cave before casting its gaze upon us.

It was beautiful. Nature's utter beauty encased in a small room.

We twirled in each other's arms with laughter emerging from both of us. Our feet entangled on to the red plush carpet which spread its roots across the entire flooring of the room. I let out a giggle and continued to kiss him finding myself impressed in how confident he was about both of us sexifying this cave tonight despite me saying it was not going to happen. His level of confidence is such a turn on.

" you already made arrangements huh?" I whispered as he chuckled and ran his lips lightly down the cusp of my cheek to my clavicle sucking on its skin gently.

"Well, I mean I do own this place, so I didn't have to work too hard for the arrangements..." He spoke nonchalantly though shocking the wits out of me.

"What? You own this place?!" I exclaimed and turned around on my feet to take in the majestic beauty of the room finding myself more intrigued by its dark, mysterious aura. My eyes scattering across the dark, black and whiteabstract painting that decored the room to the books that bespoke sin. I stared at the black bed sheets that sweeped the floor before catching sight of a golden colored chandlier that casted its shadows on the bed.

"A very bit of it." He wrapped his arms around my waist before peeling the straps of my blouse down. I gasped as I felt his molten lips invade the sullen, sunken skin of my shoulder. His lips lazing ran up and down from my neck to the edges of my arms taking in every bit of it.

I shuttered against him and arched my back out finding myself ready to lose it any moment. The pulse between my thighs bounded with pleasure. My veins bellowed with lust mixed with the sheer crystals of love that escaped from my heart.

A moan made its way out of me. My hand ran down to the buckle of his belt to pull him closer against me. The heat of his palm seeped through the bare skin which laid upon my heart. Suddenly, he began to thrust his body at a rhythmic speed against mine. My back still arched out against his chest as I threw my head back against his shoulder. My legs shook unable to hold themselves up. He slid the pin off of my blouse letting the drape of my saree free allowing it to slither and fall on to the ground.

I bit my lip in pleasure and lowered my head in shyness finding myself oddly exposed in front of him. He turned me towards him and tilted my chin up to look into my eyes. I gulped nervously and wrapped my arms around my bulging bosom that barely held itself in the tight, see through blouse.

"You are so beautiful. The most beautiful woman I have laid my eyes on..." I immediately smiled and lowered my gaze finding myself blushing a deep shade of red. He let out a chuckle and pulled me closer into his arms.

Before I could catch him for a kiss, he fell into a rosewood, brass hanging chair that was let loose from the ceiling. My body crashing into his and before I knew it his mouth took a hope of breasts. I let out a delirious moan finding myself awestruck. His strong, hard hands began to massage the softness of my tender breasts with his mouth taking loud, juicy kisses. His mouth opened wide and ran to the curls of my buds before letting his tongue salivate across my skin shamelessly.

I felt a sudden madness consume me. My hands quickly ran through his shirt and I ripped it off. He groaned as I began to attack his hard-rock chest with full, open mouthed kisses. My hands admiring his abs to my teeth sinking into his chest to make my territory. His hand took a firm grasp of my hair as I continued to explore every part of his body wanting to appreciate every flaw and feature.

I smirked and gained the strength in my hands to unbuckle his belt. His eyes opened widely having not expected the move from me. I giggled love drunk and suddenly set myself above him ready to realize a fantasy I had formed since the past few days. The chair began to twirl back and forth finding itself shook from the sudden change in dominant positions.

Shivaay appeared to weaken. His eyes stood still upon me having not expected the move. I threw my hair to side proudly and sunk my nails into the zipper of his jeans before opening it. He heaved and grasped my hips tightly appearing unaware of what to do. He opening his mouth about to speak before I laid my finger on his lips.

"Sit back and have the fun. Let me dominate for once...As I said...I don't like people challenging me...people who do such then have to learn a lesson...of being submissive." I let out a giggle and tilted my head to innocently bat my eyelashes at him. He revealed a demonic smile and grabbed the back of my neck to pull me closer appearing to level the playing field.

"What do you want to do?" He questioned in a dirty tone. I smirked liking how he was being open to my suggestion. My hand grazed his delicate manhood as I formed a confident smile though felt my body oozed with heat and drowning in red.

"Everything that no other woman has done in this room." I suggestively added fully aware that he brought other girls to this room likely in order to fulfill his adventurous fantasies.

"You know Anika I have never let any girl come into this one. You are the first one..." A chill went down my spine from hearing his confession. Butterflies leapt within my belly out of excitement from knowing how special I am to him.

I turned bright red and looked up at him. He held me in his embrace with his arm locked tightly around my neck fearing if he let's go I would run.

"So no teenage fantasies were fulfilled in this room? Nothing? No girlfriends?" I bombarded him with questions wanting to ensure he was speaking the truth. He proudly shook his head and said "No."

"No Anika. My father told me only to bring a special woman to this place-the one I see...myself spending my entire life with." His voice croaked with tears I could tell. His heart cried from being torn apart, being vulnerable, being able to express the most scariest, yet, beautiful emotion....possibly love.

My heart paused for a moment. My breaths hitched. My stomach knotted and I found myself frozen not knowing what to say or how to respond. I am the first one to be here? He chose to bring me? Am I that special to him? I revealed a coy smile as I began to rub his chest back and forth making him groan against my bosom.

"I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. I just wanted to let you know how special you are to me...and how much you are changing me..." He suppressed himself from speaking more because it appeared if he did he would fall apart. I smiled and planted a soft kiss on his temple to let him know his gesture was equally acknowledged.

"You find me that special? What have I done that makes you think that I am the end to your journey of womanizing?" I hit the blunt question at him daring to break the softness of the moment from fear that he might just be toying with me. My mind is telling me that he might be lying, but my heart is saying that he is speaking the truth---that indeed I am special to him for some reason unknown and this reason is key to him daring to love me the way he has never loved anyone else.

He lightly smiled and ran a strand of my hair behind my ear before leaning his temple against mine. I sat in silence continuing to inspect his eyes from fear that I would be broken again by him though I know he wouldn't do that to me. We held tears in both of our eyes revealing our fears and vulnerabilities to each other in silence not wanting to speak of them, but longing the other to know that we desire to love the other, but the past has broken us so much that we hold this fear.

"You are the one I have been looking for many years. You are precious to me Anika...You make me want to be my old self again. You force me to embody my old identity that I burned away years ago. I was not the man that I am now Anika..."

I left out my tears and wrapped my arms around him pulling him into a tight hug. My heart exploding with the sudden emotion it had locked so tightly in its I felt every part of me electrifying and desiring to express embolden define itself solely by color itself red and in his name.

I want to love him. I want to love this man. I want him. I don't want him physically. I want every taste of his dark, sinner soul that carries a light that I want to encase...I want to feel his love for me. I want to heal his every scar. I want him so much....I want to love him the way he silently expresses his love for me. I want to make him feel that he too is loved...I so do....yet Armaan's wounds have battered me to the point that I am scared...scared to love.

We held each other quietly. Thunder clamped. Rain bellowed. Winds whistled. All of them appearing to yell at us...scream at us...telling us for once to let go of our fears and love....telling us that indeed he and I are the couple that fate has desired from the start.

"And you mean so much to me Shivaay...and I...want...every piece of me to be yours', but...I...." I stopped midway as I noticed him look down with tears in his eyes unable to bear that I cannot give him what he wants.

He placed his hand in his pocket to reveal a brown wallet. His hands trembled as he opened it to reveal an unfamiliar photograph. It revealed a man, looking much similar to Shivaay, holding a small child in his arm. The child held a wide beaming smile with his blue eyes glistening in joy as he held a teddy pair tightly in his arms. I smiled softly at the child's innocence realizing it belonged to the man who everyone thought was a devil...but this picture telling a different story.

"Um...this is my father and this is me..." He paused to compose himself. I immediately wiped his tears away and softly kissed them. He shuttered and looked away in shame hating how he was daring to be vulnerable to me.

"This child is everything that I now despise...well I despised until I...met you. Anika, I had dreams...My father made me dream....told me that anything I wanted was possible. That wealth, property, status is nothing....that is nothing in front of love. He proudly used to tell me how he found his wealth in the form of my mother...and how sad it is that he was so wrong about my mother...that he didn't realize he had nurtured a snake not loved a soulmate..."

He suddenly broke down into tears. His walls dropping one by one. His arms wrapping around my waist tightly wanting to find comfort in me. I fell into tears and found myself embracing his every wound, wanting to taste it, tear it, and burn it away. I began to run gentle, soothing kisses across his cheeks to take in his every tear. My hands caressing his heart wanting to let him know that I will cherish it...that I am not like his mother...that I do value

"He made me dream, made me want, gave me hope...that there is love in this world. That one day I....will be loved. The last time I felt loved...was by my father...only....No one ever loved me besides him...No one understood me the way he did. But the saddest part is that he was never always with me...he gave me dreams and ran off to trips, meetings, and worked tirelessly to satisfy my selfish mother....who wanted more. Who kept asking for more....and if he only knew how she treated me...if only he knew that she did not love me...that...that she hurt me when he was away...."

He clasped his hand against his mouth and closed his eyes shut wanting to submerge the memory back in his mind....wanting to wipe it away....wipe the stains she likely had given him. He appeared scared...that his confession may just make me run away, but it didn't. In fact, it only has convinced me more to be with him.

I felt my breathing stop. A lump form in my throat. Toxic venom spread across my body. The hair rising on my back. I felt a chill. A part of me became enraged. The image of that innocent boy being hurt tearing me apart. I dug my nails deeply into his back and pulled him closer wanting to protect him from every ill and pain...wanting to bear everything for him.

"Shivaay....I am so sorry Shivaay. I am so sorry. I never have wanted to hurt you. I am sorry. I am here for you Shivaay. I am here for you and will always be here. No one can hurt you. I will not allow anyone to hurt you. No one. They will have to go through me before they dare to harm you."

He whimpered against my stomach. His tears running down my belly as he caressed it gently and hid himself within my womb wanting to hide. He felt embarrassed, guilty, ashamed even though he shouldn't. He is so strong for facing this and I am proud to say that a man like him has even dared to love me.

"After she hurt me...and I sat in that dark room...all a child...I dreamnt this dream that my father had engraved within me. I dreamt of a home. A home where I belonged. A home where I would be loved by every soul that breathed in it. I dreamt of being held. Of being loved. Of being wanted. I dreamt of a beauty who would hold me in my worst and tell me that 'Shivaay I am here for you. I will protect you. I will love you. I am here and when I am here nothing and no one can even come close to you.' I dreamt of a life with her....our home. Where it would me, her, and our children....where I would finally have peace. That is all I always have wanted Anika...peace..."

Tears swept me as I closed my eyes shut and slumped down into his arms. I cradled him gently finding myself speechless. My own wounds torn opened and merging with his. The realization of how his and my past held an utmost similarity sent chills through me. The way both of us have been torn apart by those we loved...the way both of us dreamed about a home once upon a time only to have it crushed.

God, this man has suppressed so much, gone through trauma, and yet still stood up strong and fought. His desire to forget has only shattered him more. His wounds never healed, but only rottened making him the way he is now.

"And I dreamt this dream until...I witnessed my father's reckoning. The day I saw love destroy my father....when my mother cheated and left him for a bastard despite how much he had done to satisfy her, show his love for her, and gave her everything she wanted. My dream broke. My dream broke when love brought death to my father because he couldn't handle a broken heart. I realized that what I had been dreaming was a lie....a complete utter lie and that love is nothing. There is no such thing as love. No such thing as a soulmate. No such thing as a dream. I burned this dream away....." He gasped for a breath and wiped his tears away in anger.

I kept my eyes closed not wanting to envision the pain he must have had gone through, but I couldn't help myself. I felt every bit of his pain and it hurt every damn part of me. I couldn't imagine what he has gone through and it hurts to know he suffered the same as I....suffering the pain of a broken dream all alone in a dark room.

Shivaay lifted his gaze to catch hold of my reaction and see if I too would run away from his wounds not wanting to be any part of it. I gave him a gentle smile and pulled him closer towards me continuing to caress his waves. His fingers lingered their warmth against my waist appearing to find comfort in me. I sat in his lap continuing to cradle him not wanting to let go.

Shivaay ran the back of his palm against my cheek wanting our gaze to stand still and wanting me to look into his eyes that held a fearless love for me...a love that he dared to commit to.

"But Anika the dream I thought had died, came back to life the moment I laid my eyes on you. The moment I met you I knew you were the one I was looking for all my life. The way you walked in with that smile...the sadness evident in your eyes, yet, this smile that told me everything will be alright...that no matter how damaged I may be, you will drink my wounds and heal me. The way you carried that innocence and naivity yet seemingly aware of the world's cruelty. The way you made me laugh, challenged me, and broke every part of my was everything I was looking for. In that moment I regretted every single woman I had been with...regretted how dirty I was compared to the purity you carried. I felt ashamed how I formed a desire for a woman like you who deserves someone so much better...someone who is worthy of you..."

I let out a whimper and immediately brushed my fingers against his quivering lips that held tears upon them. I couldn't bear to hear more. I felt overwhelmed by hearing my praise not able to accept I affected him in this manner.

He kissed my fingers and entwined his hand into mine. I gave a small smile and began to lean down to his lips wanting to encapture them. Our hearts began to beat into the same rhythm as we felt this unknown, toxic emotion blend into one....we both know this emotion...a damaging one, one that destroys, never let's one be in peace-love.

I want to get rid of this feeling...I want to burn it away...I want to run away from this emotion that I am beginning to feel-one that has not sprout in the dunes of my heart since ages, but I cannot stop myself.

"Dad told me that is the exact place where soulmates are brought to be loved. This cave was built by my great grandparents who had run away from home and hid here since their families were against their marriage. This cave is a symbol of lovers' ultimate destination-a union-their union. Dad told me when I find someone's storms will appear easier to cross since you will have a companion who is there to lead you the way out...who appears to be your savior, the light to your darkness, the healer to your wounds...he told me the day I find that person....I will let go of my greed for the materialistic world and find my wealth in that person....and for me....that person is you. And I and I are not lovers, but I find my happy ending with only you other woman, but you. I see my home with you...and our family...our children. I see my mornings beginning with you and my nights ending with you. I see myself laughing, crying, and being my true self with you because you make me feel give me hope that there is still good in the world. If I ever to have a happy ending to my dark will only be with you and no one else..."

His voice went to a halt as tears overcame him. I let out a small gasp finding myself astounded by his confession. Tears soaked our cheeks wet as we immediately took hold of each other not ready to let go. His temple collapsed against mine and appeared to weaken in my arms like he was giving him, tired from the world, and just wanting a moment's peace.

And his bloody confession was enough to set my heart on fire-dare it to love once again. My heart began to boil and melt unable to tame its true feelings that it had locked tightly shut out of fear of being ripped apart by him.

I want him. I want him the way he wants me. I see my ending only with him. If I close my eyes and think of the man I want to be with then it will be Shivaay. Only Shivaay and always Shivaay. The truth is...I am falling in love...I am falling in love with Shivaay and I cannot deny it. I cannot stop myself from falling. I cannot run away. I cannot. I only want Shivaay. Only him.

"And Shivaay, I...see my happy ending And I...will give up the entire world and everything if it means to be with you. I too see the beginning of my life and its end with only you. I was a lifeless body that roamed until I met gave me my life and without you there will never be life for are my life..." I let my heart speak for once and allow it to confess what it had told itself to never express until now.

We looked at each other with tearful smiles unable to control the silent unforeseen happiness that made its way into our lives. Never would we both thought we would fine the one we had been looking for all our lives. Never thinking that what we dreamed actually would become true.

My lips came crashing on to his. Suddenly I felt a spark explode between us. His lips immediately opened as he pulled me in for a passionate kiss. The seeds of pleasure erupted onto our tongues that began to indulge in a lustrous dance. He began to hastily kiss me pulling me up into his arm as my waves collapsed on to his face. Throwing my hair back, I pushed myself on to him trying to match his pace by continuing to kiss him breathlessly and seek pleasure from his soft luscious lips.

He and I shook our head and let out a laugh finding ourselves delirious with joy. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in for another narcotic kiss. I let out a soft moan as he slithered his tongue into my throat.

Our bodies locking into one. My legs wrapping around him as he pulled me into his chest. His rough, hard palms taking a firm grip of the seams of my saree ready to undo them any moment. I giggled and ran my palm over his. Hitting my lips against his temple, I kissed it before looking into his eyes.

" family has been doing it in this cave for so many generations...on that bed?" I felt a bit creeped out from the thought of how those people who did the deed are likely dead now. Shivaay let out a loud laugh and threw his head back having not expected me to break the seriousness of the emotional moment in this way.

"Yes they have. Are you turned on by that thought?" He smirked as he threw the dirty thought at me. I shuttered and looked back at him giving him a nauseous look.

"No actually I am not. I am creeped out by the fact that their ghosts may be watching us right now doing it...especially if it's on that bed..." I pointed at the bed beginning to imagine the things that must have been done on it.

Shivaay stared at me intently before bursting into uncontrollable laughter. He ran his hands down the sleeves of my blouse to pull them down. I lightly blushed as I ran my hands over his forcing them to pull harder. He licked his lips with his eyes grazing over my bosom that bulged out of the turquoise blouse. I gave him an angelic smile and batted my lashes innocently at him. Taking his hand, I let it run gently over my bosom wanting to see him craving.

"You don't have to fuck me on the bed..." He whispered in loss appearing distracted by my breast's softness that ran along his hand. I giggled and raised myself on his lap pushing myself against his bulging manhood. He groaned loudly and ran his hand through his hair trying to tame himself.

"I think this chair is perfect..." I whispered the sinful idea into his ear allowing it to heat up. Running my tongue lightly against his earlobe, I nibbled it underneath my teeth. He let out a breathless laugh and curled his fingers against the dangerous border of my waist making me stomach turn inside out with butterflies fluttering down to my innocent flower between the thighs.

"Have you ever allowed a woman to...dominate?" I dangled the dangerous idea in front of him and gave him a seductive look to convince him. He gulped nervously with his mouth drying open in surprise having not expected to be prepositioned by me. His knuckles tightened against the chair as I gave him a girlish giggle and forced his hand on to the seams of my saree.

"No. I haven't allowed anyone to do that..." He stopped midway with his jaw dropping open. I sat proudly in front of him with my hands running dangerously on my cleavage before drawing circles around my rose buds.

"But you will allow me...because I am so special." My smirk widened as I winked at him innocently. He let out a trembled heave and slammed his back against the chair finding himself speechless not knowing how to respond to my offer.

"Umm....I....I never have really let go of control in my life. I like being in control...knowing what is happening." He attempted to look away as I began to lower my sleeves ready to take my arms out of them. I let out a giggle and continued to play with myself. My fingers running gently into my waves down to my neck and shoulders finding myself seducing him shamelessly.

"Then try it for once...try not to be in control. Let me heal you...I want to heal every part of you...every wound and scar you carry, I want to heal, so allow me to..." I encased his face in my palms and whispered softly to him. He reached a standstill finding himself encaptured by appeared as if he found me so beautiful that he couldn't look away.

Allowing my heart to take control, I let my palms run gently down his chest. He trembled and threw his head back finding himself give in to my request. Without any hesitation, I lowered my lips and pressed them softly against his chest. Taking his bud into my mouth, I began to suck on it vigorously finding myself letting lose unable to control. He let out a loud moan and immediately grabbed the folds of the saree beginning to undo them. The folds falling one by one as I grabbed his jaw and pulled him into a hot, wet kiss. Our lips colliding and falling apart into a set of urgent kisses. My hand grabbing his belt as it trembled barely able to unbuckle it. He groaned and grabbed my hand beginning to run it over his manhood that began to erect against my hips. I let out a loud moan able to feel the pulse beneath my waist throb against his manhood waiting eagerly to get a hit of it.

"Oh...fuck..." He muttered against my mouth unable to believe he was allowing me to run the show. I let out a chuckle and grabbed his neck turning it red with layers of feathered kisses allowing my lips to suck on his adam's apple before running it down to his nipple.

He immediately grabbed the back of my head pulling me into another hungery kiss. Our mouths molding into one. His body arching up against mine pleaing for me to take him in. I grabbed his hand slamming it against the wall before taking my other to unzip his jeans. He smirked finding himself amused by dominance. I giggled and threw my hair on to his lips letting my waves drown him into an illusion of my beauty.

His hand took a sudden hold of my blouse and without another thought ripped it off of me allowing my breasts to fall down freely. A blush appeared across my skin. My skin turning molten hot and warm as trickles of sweat fell from it. His mouth parted slightly as he let his hands reach towards my perked buds. Suddenly he took a grasp of them making me moan loudly. And before I knew it, his teeth landed on the fullness of my buds as he took them in to his mouth sucking on them vigorously like a starving demon.

Revealing a soft moan, I threw my head back as I grabbed his belt and threw it open. My hands taking hold of his jean's zipper only to grab hold of his erected manhood. He groaned against my bosom finding himself caught off guard by my act, but enjoying it.

Shivaay pulled me into another passionate heated kiss wanting to pump the drugs of sin into me to empower me....give up his dominance to me...wanting me to lead. My eyes rolled as I felt drugged---finding myself becoming addicted to his every touch, kiss, and stroke against my innocence. His thumb tapping my flower that appeared to soak in wetness ready to take him in any moment and thrust him into a night of passion.

My eyes drummed down to his manhood finding it a figure of beauty....always having found them ugly, I for once found it a masterpiece since it belonged to him. He smirked and grabbed my jaw beginning to kiss it tenderly from my chin to my ear wanting to seduce me.

Tears fell out from both of our eyes as we gazed into each other's eyes to witness the pain we had gone through all these years-trying to find a place we belonged to only to find it form of each other. In that moment, something happened.

He lifted me up gently as I took a hold of his heart only to thrust myself into it. He entered me slowly as my legs widened only to wrap around his hips tightly. His manhood striking savagely through my withering flower ready wanting to burn it and taste the release of milky streams I had nurtured just for him.

"Shivaay..."I crooned his name with my body rolling in circles. My hands taking a firm grasp of his arms to find my strength. He let out a chuckle and thrusted me deeper into him. My body collapsing on top of his only to find it being attacked with blood thirsty kisses that ran in circles from my lips to my neck down to my breasts and up to my clavicle. His teeth biting and leeching every piece of my skin only to tenderly kiss away the bruise.

His eyes meeting mines once again. Our hands entwining into one and wrapping around my hips. Suddenly, I arched my back and began to dive and push myself out of him finding myself at a loss not knowing what I was intended to do. His smirking lips pulling me into another intoxicating kiss. He throttled me hard allowing me to ride him up and down as he began to thrust me hard, but allowing me to run the rhythm. I continued to bounce on top of him with my hands slamming against the wall finding myself unable to control the tightness of the womb that churned a toxic stream of pleasure.

Our bodys churned and collided against each other. Wrapped in a tight embrace as we held on to each other out of fear that if we let go we would forever fall apart. His lips caressed and massaged my breasts carefully. My mouth slid against his back taking it in gently and sucking it softly. Our waists arched against each other able to feel the petals of my flower wither and collapse....our bodies became become molten hot against each other. Sweat prickled against our bodies as we continued to become one. His every thrust becoming harder and deeper. My hips widening wanting to take in every part of him. Our kisses continuing to evolve from feathered sweet to brutal, triumphant ones. He threw me down and began to roll his tongue from my perked rose bud down to my navel salivating on my delicate skin.

"Anika...what are you doing to me..." He spoke breathlessly against my navel as I threw my head on the ground and let out a loud moan. My toes curling against his waist as I felt my legs shake furiously unable to hold on any longer.

Grabbing on to my bosom, I let out a whimper finding myself breathless finding myself at the edge of death...unable to let go of my innocence and give him the sweet taste of lust. He continued to peck and pinch every part of my waist appearing to admire its curves and thirst on its vulpotousness.

"What are you doing to me?....When did I become obsessed with sin?" I whispered to myself finding myself at a loss. Feeling dirty, yet, pure at the same time. Knowing I was breaking every moral rule of society, yet, finding this moment innocent, virginal.

He let out a loud groan and immediately threw me up against his chest. Our mouths crashing into one once again. Moans becoming steady cries as we savagely drove ourselves to the edge. Bare remnants of our clothes being ripped apart. My mouth brusing his as I continued to pull him into a vicious kiss. My nails scratching against his back. His tongue gliding wrecklessly down my navel up to the dip between my breasts. is that even humanely possible? I thought admiring his flexibility as he threw my leg up in the air and continued to prowl through me. Our bodies slamming hard against the wall. The hanging chair swinging violently back and forth ready to break any moment. But we did not stop. My waist twisted and turned as I arched myself back and forth unable to hold the raging fire within me. He continued to thrust and I continued to push myself against him forcing my body against his wanting to take control which he allowed. I pushed my hands against his shoulders and began to beat my body against his...allowing him to kneed my shoulders down to my hips while losing himself in the softness of my skin as he continued to lay hot, loud, covetous kisses upon them.

"Promise me you won't ever leave me...promise me." He caressed my cheek and looked into my eyes with tears appearing pleading....telling me that if I don't give him that promise he would meet his death.

I let out a small whimper and continued to drive myself against him. My tears becoming wails as I began I kiss the corner of his lips. Our heart pounding and bounding against each other. I felt a tightness within mine. Felt its roots sprouting and spreading out...wanting them to entwine into his heart form the final thread that would lock our bond forever. Every moment we shared flashed in front of my eyes....the moment we met, to when he protected me from goons and my own parents, when he held me at the pre wedding party, when he held me in my tears, when he made love to me for the first time....when he placed sindoor on me.

His finger instantly ran over the melting sindoor in the parting of my hair. We dove into the ocean of our tears as he showed me the dried redness of the sindoor on his fingertips. I broke into tears as he continued to slowly rhythm his body into mine...continuing to make love to me. My hands running all over his body as I looked for the invisible wounds that he had gotten from the people he loved. My gaze continuing to follow the redness of my sindoor that melted on his fingers which began to caress my bosom right where my heart beated for him.

Confusion ran through me like lightening. I found myself at a loss not knowing how to to feel every bit of the emotion I thought I had killed within me overpower my senses and drive me into a toxic realm....of love. I felt the fire rage within me. My body suddenly curling against his. He continued to drive himself deeply into me hitting the softness of my innocence and giving it a final long, wet hit. Streams of pleasure overpowering me suddenly. My legs throwing themselves up against the wall as he threw his body against the chair finding himself losing instant control.

Our love entwining into one. Streams of bittersweet love ravaged themselves out of us pouring into each other...surging through our veins...entering my womb...seeding my living being...healing every wound.

Our temples collapsing into each other. Our lips breaking apart....and suddenly our hearts surging at the speed of lightening....not waiting...not listening to the pleas of our broken souls telling it to stop. No our hearts were intoxicated....drugged....slowly blending and becoming one with each other's milked stream of pleasure that ran up to it and gave it the final hit. were overcome with the deadly dose of....

"I love you." Our hearts crashing into my confession. Our bodies reaching a sudden halt. His eyes widening. My lips parting unable to believe it had let out such a dangerous confession. His hands dropping limp against mine. My body cowering against his. Redness streaking us hot.

My eyes closing shut as tears slid out of them. My heart shattering knowing that it once again had lost its war against love.

I love him....I love Shivaay....I gasped from the thought not ready to accept it....but knowing that it was true...that in this moment....every part of my soul is marked by his love for him.

Silence reached the both of us. I knew heartbreak was coming for me...that perhaps he didn't love me...and I was the fool again who fell for him.

About to lift myself and take a run for it, Shivaay grabbed me and suddenly pulled me into a warm, fierce kiss. I shrieked in surprise with my eyes popping open to only meet his blue ones. Both of us equally surprised by his move...not able to believe that he was not running away....but staying....accepting....and

Our lips parted and he collapsed his temple against mine once again. His palm running gently against my cheek only to run over my quivering lips. He formed the most beautiful smile I had ever seen...his eyes shining with light that appeared to destroy his darkness. He placed his hand against my heart appearing to find it precious.

"I love you too Anika...I love you."

Tears broke out of the both of us. Disbelief encaptured us. We couldn't believe what was happening. How easily it all happened. How no roadblocks were presented. How neatly fate had laid us in front of each other and allowed our souls to brush against the other and claim it with love.

We fell into each other's arms in silence wanting to cherish this moment. His fingers gently ran against my bosom to fell my heartbeats that continued to bound for him. My lips ran to his heart as I kissed it tenderly wanting to let it know that is now mine...and only mine. My mind spun in a frenzy finding this all to be a dream since this sort of happiness and peace is not something written in my fate-my life always has had only chaos.

"Oh my love me?" I whispered as I shook my head and held him closer wanting to ensure this was not a figment of imagination. He let out a smile and immediately picked me up in his arms beginning to walk me to the bed. We looked into each other's eyes and found ourselves being ripped apart naked as we exposed our deepest wounds to the other in hopes of them being loved.

He laid me gently on to the bed. Our bodies dipped against each other on to the mattress. Sheets unraveled themselves on top of us. He threw us into the darkness wanting to capture this moment between the both of us not wanting anyone else to witness it...not even nature.

Rain continued to drown us into a pit of passion. Thunder roared like a beast finding itself jealous of the love we held. His eyes flamed red against the light of the candles. My lips became dry in the thirst of desire.

Our souls entwined into one as the lines of our palsm merged against each other. His tears fell on to my cheeks. My breaths became his as I took him in for an affectionate kiss. Our lips smoldered against the other...not savage,or beastly...but perfect...a perfect taste of heaven as it felt. The softness of his wined tasting tongue sweltered the sweetness of mine. We felt our love melt into the other.

"I love you Anika...I love you so much. I cannot begin to tell you how much I love mean so much to me that I cannot even put it into words." He nurtured my tears as he looked down upon me wanting to take in every piece of my soul that sung his name.

Forming a shy smile, I lowered my gaze finding myself suddenly quite exposed, vulnerable, yet, loved by him. His palm clasped on top of mine that rested on my beating heart. We continued to look at each other wanting to see the love for the other.

"You mean so much to me Anika. So much....I want to say so many things to right my feelings in words regarding why and how I love you, but for some reason I cannot. I cannot even find the write letter to begin to form my confession. I love everything about you....everything..." He paused as I whimpered finding myself overwhelmed from his love that I felt. I felt his soul curl on top of mine and enter my very being.

My legs rolled on to his as he began to kneel down and kiss the cusp of my inner thigh. His hot vicious kiss sending lightening through my body. I arched my back and threw my head against the pillow unable to bear the pleasure that reeked havoc within me. He chuckled against my skin and continued to leave a layer of ripe kisses against my skin right to my throbbing pulse where wetness colored me red. I shuttered and held on to the sheets above us wanting this intimate moment to be private. Slowly, he lettered his lips up to my navel taking every bit of its strawberry taste before painting me with chaste, wondrous kisses that ran from the curve of my waist up to the curve below my bosom then to the tangents of my neck.

He gave me the most innocent smile...purity shattered across him...something I had never witnessed before. His love evident in the tears he held...the tears of longing, of wanting, of guilt and shame how easily he had gotten looked like he felt undeserving of me which was wrong because he rightfully earned me. He lifted himself above me as I wrapped my arms around his neck wanting to hold him close.

"Let me make love to you..." I smiled softly from hearing his request as I arched myself against him. He smiled wistfully and entered me slowly. I let out a breathless laugh and dove myself into the nape of his neck finding myself ready to already give him a taste of my sweetness. His strong, arms began to massage my back to my bosom and down to my waste, continuing to kneed and draw me in gently like I was a delicate glass doll.

"I love you so much...god I love you. I love the way you smile that gives me the peace I never have experienced...I love the way your laugh makes me want to laugh...I love how cute you look when you get angry and your tiny nose get's red...You look absolutely beautiful when you cry with these innocent brown eyes showing how naïve you are...but you look the most beautiful when you look at me with this damned smile and those tearful eyes that show your love for me. I love how you love my daughter like she is yours'. I love how you find good in this world that done your wrong. I love how you heal me the way no one can...I love how you hold me and tell me everything will be okay....I love how you never run away even after seeing the worst of me...I love how you love me....the way no one has ever....and I love you so much Anika that I can do anything for you...anything....I am your slave now...A slave to your love."

He and I fell into tears. His confession winning my heart and drowning me into the sheets of love. Unable to believe that he loved me this much...loved my every flaw and found it my strength. He loves me so can he love me so much?

"Don't love me this much Shivaay...I don't deserve it-"

"Shhh...only you are worthy of my love and being deserve it." He pulled our rhythming bodies closer with his hand behind my head. We watched each other trying to take in the moment. I found myself falling apart ready to crash any moment, yet, holding on wanting to let him know how much he meant to me.

"And I love you...I love you Shivaay. I love everything about you. And the world may tell me I am so wrong in loving choosing you to be my forever...but I will never stop loving you. I will always love you. I love every piece of you...I love your darkness more than your light. I love your wounds more than your strengths. I think I always was in love with you since the moment I met you...I began falling in love the moment you stood as a wall and protected me from my own family...I began falling when you walked into my realm of loneliness at the night of the party...and sang that cheesy, idiotic poem of yours' that no man has ever done before for me..."

Shivaay and I burst into laughter remembering that lame poem he sang for me out of a last attempt to impress me...and surprisingly he did. I bit my lip lightly and began to massage his neck appearing to turn him on as he let out a loud breathless groan. He gave a hard thrust into me and began to ride me at a quicker pace.

I quivered and trembled against his sweaty body as I relished the smell of his love...the taste of his love...the presence of his love. We rolled across the bed as the sheets began to be caught around us. His lips collided on to mine as layers of red and black sheets fell on top of us. Feathers of pillows flew in the air as the window opened to let rain fall upon the both of us. Our bodies becoming wet.

"And? What else?" He bit my cheek as he sighed and attempted to hold on to himself wanting to prolong this moment and forever engrave it into our memory...the moment when we united....out of love.

I giggled and forced him to look into my eyes. His eyes rolled back and forth appearing intoxicated---he was definitely turned on. Our tears drying on to our cheeks as we ran our hands on to each other's dried lips wanting to salivate on them.

"I began falling in love with you when my saree's pallu fell in front of your eyes and you looked away immediately wanting not to hurt my man would have done that..." He sighed and threw his lips into my neck beginning to salavage it with deep, possession.

"I began falling in love when you confessed that night at the party how much I meant to I was the first woman to make you feel so special...." I teased him as he hissed at me not liking the teasing one bit. I giggled and pinched his cheeks like I always do.

"But I fell in love with you when you made love to me for the first time...the way you wiped my tears, healed me, and told me that I am worthy of you...the way you made me feel like the only woman in the world...then the way you claimed me into a relationship...yeah I fell in love...and now I cannot go back. No matter how much I try to stop myself, I cannot. I love you Shivaay...I love you."

We paused for a moment. He formed a smile appearing to be in peace...from hearing my if some unknown weight had been lifted from his shoulder. Tears fell down my cheeks as I bit my lip to suppress them not wanting to ruin this moment. He slowly leaned down and captured my lips for a loving kiss. We felt our souls reach for the other and embrace forever becoming one.

Indeed, people get happy ever afters...and I finally got mine. I finally got my prince charming. So cheesy, yet, perfect ending.

A sudden desire to have him all over again exploded upon my pulse. I whimpered loudly and threw my head back. My heart began to run wild. I gasped as he thrusted harder into me. We groaned and moaned together. Our bodies running in a solid rhythm just like a piano finding its muse. We held on to each tightly. Our lips running over each other...falling down to our secrets up to our lips....intoxicating us in the pure, virginal love that continued to exploded through our bodies that thundered against each other.

The bed continued to slam against the wall. Thunder roared. Rain drowned us wet. We continued not stopping for a moment. He continued to rock me harder. My body continued to arch and cower into him. He picked me up and held me against the bookshelves thrusting into me harder. My body collapsing on to his as we rolled on the bed again and continued to push into each other. My hands flopping and slamming the candles down as the room became dark. My body running against the pole of the bed as he pulled me into his lap and continued to make love. Our bodies slithered and fell on the sheets, only to come back into life as we breathed love into each other.

"Let's make a baby..." He whispered the dangerous thought into me. I giggled knowing how impossible that was considering my pregnancy chances are slim. He chuckled and pulled me into a kiss as he rolled me down on to the matress again.

"You are so high..." I muttered as I continued to giggle and drive myself into my pillow finding myself blushing from the thought of having a little me and a little him---the thought beign beautiful, yet, impossible.

"High in your love baby....and yes...we will make a baby-never doubt my sperm-they are quite powerful..." He let out the ignorant medically impossible line.

"Ewww...just stop....stop being so weird or else I will stop having sex with you right now!" I rolled my eyes and threw my hand against my face in embarrassment. He bursted out in laughter and dove himself into my neck.

"What has gotten into me? Your love has driven me mad..." He whispered as I giggled and hugged him tightly. What is even happening? The man who has a heart of a rock is crying, telling me how much he loves me, and is now wanting a baby. Is this a dream or what?!

But no it's very real. All of it. He breathed love into me. The pleasure of lust stream out the both of us. Our bodies rocked and pelted against the other only to fall apart and meet again. He continued to milk me with his lips only to thrust into my very being. We continued to sing our love for each other....praying that we forever keep this love.

He made love to me. He rocked me delicately before thrusting me to give me pleasure. He pulled me into passionate kisses only to let me explore the depths of his manhood. Our bodies held on and rhythmed all night. We continued to explore a never ending path of treasures and

innocent secrets we held. It felt like beautiful sin-pure sin-but with a slice of heaven.

The sun almost rising with its light ready to fall over us any moment. He appeared completely drunk in love as he continued to push himself into me and milk the last remnants of love.

"I am glad you are mine again...that you love me...again," He whispered as we continued to lose ourselves.

Confusion arose within me as I tilted my eyes and looked at the floor only to see his wallet open. My eyes widened as I noticed a photograph on the ground...a photograph of me...with him. Shivaay and I held wide smiles as we had our arms wrapped around each other in the photograph.

Suddenly a blur of memories twisted into my mind. My body began to shake as I looked at the picture....I gasped seeing the symbols of love that decored me.

A heart-shaped mangalsutra lined my neck. Sindoor colored my waves red. I wore a red saree and had a small bump. Shivaay held a wide smile and had me in a tight embrace while I appeared to laugh and lean in for a kiss.

"I hate you Shivaay Singh Oberoi! Do you hear me?! I hate you! We are over! Do you hear me Shivaay?! We are over!" Suddenly I heard my voice screaming in my head though my mouth was not opening. Black and white memories took over me as they flashed in front of my eyes.

"You can deny how much you want to, but you will always be mine! Run as much as you can, but one day you will come back to me....Do you hear me?! You will come back to ME! No one can love this toxic person you are the way I do! Only I can handle you! Only I! Watch you run back to me!" I heard Shivaay's voice roar in my head though it felt like a dream.

"I love you so much Anika...I love you..."I heard Shivaay whisper into my ear though black and white memories consumed me....what is happening? What are these memories? Why do they feel so déjà vu?

A sudden exploding pain took over my temples as I held on to it and let out a scream.

Shivaay immediately letting go and taking a hold of me appearing lost at what was happening. I began to violently scream for no reason. Some sort of anger and fear ruptured out of me. I grabbed my saree and began to wrap it around me.

"Anika what's wrong? Anika!"He began to shake me as I broke into tears unable to describe the paint that I was feeling from something unknown. Something heavy was taking hold of me and I didn't know what.

And suddenly everything went black.


Thank you for reading and let me know what you thought about the ending and their love confession. Do you think Shivaay's secret will finally be exposed or no?

Thank you and take care :) . Stay happy and healthy :).


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