Chapter 3: A Chaotic Moment

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Hi everyone :) Thank you for giving such a wonderful response to the first two chapters of this story :) I want to thank God of course for His blessings and all of you who have read this story :)

Here is the next chapter and this time I also wrote two chapters which is Chapters 3 and 4. I want to say that the Anika in this story is the complete opposite of the one in "Learning to Love Him Again" as she doesn't really reflect on emotions, doesn't go in depth in it and is very quirky and odd along with being a little childish.

Also, this story will get emotional, but right now I am building up the characters and it is taking me time to get into the characters' thought process. Shivaay's point of view will slowly be revealed in the upcoming chapters.

Thank you for reading :)


The car ride was awfully silent as everyone fell asleep, well almost everyone except Shivaay and I. We sat in awkward silence as we sat close together as Shivaay attempted to squeeze his overtly muscular body between dadi and I. His arm pushing against mine as I sighed and tried to place my arm away from him, but still felt it somewhat next to me and pushing upon it.

The scenery slowly changed from the city to the natural landscape as hills and desert dunes began to roll by.

"Suno Raghu, please stop by the next rest stop. I want to stretch a little bit," Shivaay spoke as the driver slowed down on the highway and turned to the right.

I fixed my kurta and put on my sunglasses as the SUV parked next to a small dhaba.

"Dadi, we are stopping here. Do you want to eat or get something to drink?" Shivaay asked dadi.

"No, I am fine beta. You go. I just want to sleep more," Dadi replied.

"Are you sure?" I asked dadi.

"Yes, beta you and Shivaay go," Dadi replied.

I opened the passenger door as I stepped down as Shivaay followed me out. Oh God it is so hot. I waved my kurta back and forth as we walked towards the dhaba.

" you know what you want to get?" Shivaay asked as I shrugged my shoulders and looked back at him.

"Well I have to look at the menu first," I replied as we walked up to the cook sitting in the front.

"Have you always been like this?" Shivaay asked as I stopped in my tracks and looked back at him. Raising my eyebrows at him. Like this? Like what?

"What do you mean?"

"So, blunt and cold," He replied. My eyes widened as I lowered my glasses and looked at him. Blunt...cold...What? I have been never been like that...well...I mean maybe? I was always the quiet one and to be honest always had been careful of not being cold or rude to others, but ever since Arti and Ayaan's marriage has been fixed....sometimes I really do not feel like myself. I looked up at him trying to come up with an answer as he waited and anticipated for one.

"That's just how I am." I tried to divert the subject while Shivaay smirked as he bit his lip looking at me. His eyes showing a sense of seduction as he ran his thumb against his lower lip. My heart instantly skipping a beat as I looked at him finds a peculiar sense of desire in his eyes.

"Cold without emotions...I like it..." He spoke in a lowered tone as my eyes widened looking back at him as he played with a smile across his lips. I felt my cheeks redden as I looked away in an instant. Is he flirting with me? No it can't be. I am probably just imagining things. Why would he flirt with me and it is weird...I mean he is so old.

We walked towards a man who sat at a small cash register.

"Um...what do you serve here?" Shivaay asked him.

"Well, here's the menu. You can pick out of this," The man noted nonchalantly as he handed Shivaay a menu. Shivaay rolling his eyes as he appeared to have wanted to have the red carpet rolled out for him. I laughed at the thought as I looked at him.

"Let's sit over there," Shivaay remarked pointing towards a small wooden table in the middle amongst the others. My eyes wandering to other scattered groups of people who sat surrounding the table.

"No. Let's sit over there in the corner." I began walking towards a table at the corner of the dhaba.

"Why? This is a perfect spot," He argued as I shrugged my shoulders looking at him.

"It feels weird sitting in the middle of the dhaba like the front and center of attention," I noted as I held on to my purse and sat down on the table crossing my legs over the other as I bathed myself in the sunlight falling on to me.

Shivaay sighed as he threw the menu down on the table in front of me. Loudly dragging the chair out as he sat down. "Your logic is really weird. Do you know that?"

I flashed a fake smile as I looked at him. "Hmm...thank you for letting me know..." The tone of my voice showing a tinge of sarcasm as I drummed my hands against the table leaning my chin into the palm of my hand as Shivaay raised his eyebrow at me.

Slamming the menu against the table, he opened it as he began to look through it. My eyes following the edges of the worn down menu as they slowly followed up to his face. His curious, contemplating blue eyes catching my gaze.

He continued to flip through the menu intently as he appeared selective in the choice of menu.

Stretching my neck, I tried to peek over his shoulder to look at the menu, but utterly failing.

Quickly lifting his head up, he looked at me puzzle. "What?" He questioned in a cold tone. I rolled my eyes before nudging his arm with my elbow.

"I also have to eat," I spoke as Shivaay glared at me as I moved my hand forward to grab on to the menu, but utterly failing as he pulled it back raising it up in the air.

"What are you doing?!" I exclaimed as I leaned forward from my chair trying to catch hold of the menu as he placed right behind him.

"Hey stop it!" I yelled as I leaned over him my hand trailing up against his arm as I leaned over his shoulder stopping in an instant.

My eyes widening as I flipped my hair up to the side as its long waves fell down onto the side of his neck. The heat of our bodies close as I felt his warm breath brush against the side of my neck raising goosebumps against it. His eyes slowly lifting up as they appeared to trail up from my neck to my face catching its flaws. Somehow blue eyes have always appeared oddly unappealing to me, but I wasn't feeling the same as I looked into his eyes. They were different... but they had a sense of depth to them...something alluring about them...

My eyes fell down to his lips as they ran along his dark beard which enhanced his jawline. Damn he is handsome.

Suddenly he cleared his throat appearing to do it on purpose as I jumped back immediately taking a step back.

"Sorry," I whispered awkwardly as I felt flustered in the moment immediately collapsing into the chair.

"Oh ho, so ma'am also says sorry?" Shivaay said leaning back in his chair as he smirked. I ran my hand through my hair as I lowered my eyes feeling more cringed by the situation.

"Umm...can we please order? I would like to see the menu," I replied.

"See I got the menu first Anika and according to rules, I will look at the items first," He noted with a dominating tone.

I sighed as I leaned back into my chair not thrilled by the tone of his voice. I am only keeping my mouth shut since he is Papa's boss or else I would have showed him his place.

"Ok, I am going to order a chai and an egg paratha," He remarked as he slid the menu towards me.

My mouth gaping open as I looked at him frankly surprised.


"Seriously? So you took such a long time to just order an egg paratha and chai?" I questioned as Shivaay pursed his lips together clearly not pleased by my point of judgement.

"You do realize how tad bit annoying you can be?"

I threw him a glare as I lowered my sunglasses and looked at him. "I could be more than annoying..."I spoke in a lowered tone as I grabbed the menu and began to look through the items.

"I would love to see that..." His voice rough as I felt my heart immediately drop down with a realization that he might just be flirting. I exhaled a breath as I quickly looked up at him as he smirked and placed on his sunglasses.

Why is this old man flirting with me? Doesn't he have any shame? I sighed as I looked at the menu.

"So, what you will both like to have?" A waiter asked as he came up to us.

"One chai and egg paratha..." Shivaay ordered as he then gestured to me.

"Ummm...I will have a coke and two samosas," I said smiling as the waiter took the note and quickly went to the cashier.

"It's morning last time I checked and you are going to have a coke?"

"" I leaned back to my chair as I looked at him.

"What about coffee or chai?" He questioned curiously as if he attempted to unravel my peculiarities.

"Caffeine doesn't suit me to well," I remarked nonchalantly as Shivaay bit his lip as he appeared to hide a smile.

"But, you are drinking a bottle of coke that has caffeine in it."

"So? It's just when I drink chai or coffee, they don't suit me. Don't I have a right to a choic? God!" I exclaimed as I threw my head up in the air as Shivaay shook his head back and forth letting out a small chuckle.

I hate it when someone laughs at me, but for some reason even I wanted to laugh at my own silly comment. But, hey I am telling the truth that for some reason my body doesn't react well to chai and coffee.

Biting into the palm of my hand, I tried to hide a smile as the wind blew directly at my face as I felt a sense of solace in the moment.

"Shivaay sir! Shivaay sir!" I looked up seeing Atiya quickly walking towards us with Ira who was crying loudly. I quickly got up as I looked at Ira who had turned completely red from crying inconsolignly as she appeared in a state of discomfort.

"What happened? Why is she crying?" Shivaay questioned appearing worried which appeared quite different compared to how he was moments ago.

"I don't know sir. She is crying too much and I tried everything..." Atiya said nervously as Shivaay threw her a glare before taking Ira from her arms.

"I am surprised how you handle your three kids if you cannot handle this little baby!" Shivaay snapped as my eyes widened quite appalled by his statement. I looked back at Atiya who appeared a bit teary eyed as she looked at Shivaay before looking down.

"How rude!" I intervened as Shivaay clenched his jaw tightly looking back at me. His eyes appearing showing a sense of anger and frustration.

"You stay out of it! I have had enough of your attitude alright! You are at the height of immaturity and childishness!" He snapped loudly as my mouth gaped open quite shocked by the choice of his words. Who does he think he is to command me around? I am not the one who is employed by him then how he treat me like this? Probably money. I hear money makes one very arrogant and self-centered which I can clearly see in this man.

Stop Anika. Don't say another word. Papa works for him and if you say something then this vicious angry, lunatic man may just seek vengeance from your father. I shook my head at the thought and bit my tongue from saying anything even though I really wanted to show him his place.

"Now Atiya go and get her food alright?" Shivaay ordered to Atiya as she took a large breath of frustration before walking away.

Poor woman. I wonder how she bears his brute anger all day. I wouldn't. I rolled my eyes as I looked at Shivaay who sat down holding Ira tightly in his arms. His demeanor appearing to change as I noticed his eyes beginning to soften with anger and frustration vanishing in an instant.

"What happened Ira? Hm? Don't cry ok?..." He spoke softly into Ira's ears as she continued to cry.

"'s ok alright?" He spoke again as I continued to observe him with Ira. I felt a slight smile appear on my face as I looked at both of them. Ira's innocence somehow taming the vicious beast in front of her. Her tears appearing to wrap his anger around her small tiny fingers. Indeed, someone is right when they say fatherhood does change a man. It's so odd to see Shivaay switch like this within a if he carriers a demeanor to hold himself in public, but sheds it in an instant when it comes to his child.

Ira continued to whail as she kicked her small feet against his chest. I pouted as I looked at her feeling sad how the poor girl was struggling to get a small message across, but failing as she continued to cry.

"Ira, please stop crying meri jaan..." He whispered to her as he cradled her in his arms.

Maybe the heat is getting to her. That could be a possibility. Or maybe she is just jet lagged from such a long international flight? Should I say something? I mean maybe I should, but then he appears to be a type of man who hates getting advice or interference from others in his matter.

Twisting the end of my kurta in my hand, I contemplated the thought as the waiter brought our food. Ira continuing to cry, but her tears appearing to slow down as Shivaay held her against his chest. At the moment, as I looked at her innocent face I felt an unusual ache inside of me. It feels weird to feel a sense of attachment to the little girl, but I don't know I feel awfully bad seeing her like this with the idea that her parents passed away when she is so young. She probably will never know how her mother and father were like...

Shivaay helped her sit up in his lap as she appeared to reach out for his paratha as Shivaay dragged it away. I slightly smiled feeling impressed by his parenting habits. Well, he is good at something. I thought as I bit into my somosa.

Anika tapping loudly against the table as the spoon flew up and hit the table loudly. My eyes widening as I immediately looked up at her as she gave me a toothless grin. She slammed her little hand against the table trying to get my attention.

I smiled as I looked at her. "Well aren't you cute?" I said giggling as she smiled laying her head against Shivaay as she looked at me shyly.

I felt Shivaay looking at the both of us as he seemed quite surprised that Ira was back to smiling as her tears dried on her cheeks.

"I think she likes me..." I said in a sing song voice as Ira giggled tapping her hands loudly on the table. I giggled as she appeared to reach out towards me while I took another bite of the bread of the somosa letting the potatoes spill out. My eyes looking up at Shivaay as he raised his eyebrow at me as he appeared to hold back a smile as he indulged in observing both of our goofiness.

"You are a highly unusual person. Do you know that?" He remarked as I scrunched my nose.

"Hm...says the man who was lashing out fire at everyone a minute before and softened when he had to do 'dad' duties..." I replied smiling as Shivaay threw me a glare before looking at my plate.

"Says the woman who let's all the potatoes spill out of her somosa and eats the bread," He said teasingly as I felt flustered looking back at my plate realizing what I had done.

Well this was supposed to be a secret. Ok I admit it, I have a very bad habit of eating the bread of the somosa and leaving the potatoes out so I could eat them with ketchup. It's not too weird, I mean there must be a person who does the same thing.

"Well that is how I like to eat..." I muttered as Shivaay chuckled.

Shrugging my shoulders,I resumed eating as I stuck my tongue out at Ira making her laugh as she appeared charmed by my silly antics. Keeping her hazel eyes still on me, she continued to tap the table wanting more.

"You have very peculiar eating habits. Do you know that?" He questioned as he took a bite of the anda paratha putting his hand up in the air as Ira attempted to steal it.

"Whatever. Look at you, you soulless person. You can give a small little bite to the poor girl," I argued back as Shivaay threw me a glare.

"Anika...Ira is my child and I decide what she eats alright? Are you a mom? No. I don't think so..." His words stinging me as they hit a soft spot inside of me. Placing my hand on my womb, I felt a sense of emptiness as I realized how I could never carry a child inside of it.

Even though Shivaay was not giving meaning to his words, I found them as a taunt. It's because of this emptiness that Ayaan left me...Sometimes I wonder if Ayaan would have stayed with me if I could get pregnant.

I heard Ira cry as Atiya took her in her arms and sat down next to me opening a small bottle with baby food in it.

"Ok, Ira baby food time!" Atiya said as she moved the spoon towards Ira as she slammed the spoon making it hit the table.

My eyes widened as I looked at the little drama queen as she shook her head back and forth with angry look. I smiled looking at her cuteness as I sipped my coke.

"Atiya, do you even know how to feed a kid?!" Shivaay yelled as Atiya sighed in frustration taking the spoon back.

Ira began to babble as she shook her head looking back towards me reaching out towards me. I looked at her confused as Ira smiled reaching out to me once more.

"Damn it!" Shivaay cursed loudly as the chai spilled on to his shirt. My eyes widened as I looked at him realizing how he had just cursed in front of his daughter.

"Hey! There is a kid right here you know?"

Shivaay shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Ira. "I don't think she understands..." He muttered as I shook my head back and forth. To think I thought he was a good father. Not.

Shivaay walked away as I looked at Ira as she yelled loudly towards me as if she was calling me. I looked at her confused as she let out a few tears as she appeared to reach out to me.

"Ira...don't tell me you want me to hold you? You know I don't know how to hold kids?" I said innocently. As if she would understand what I am saying as I noticed Ira smiling reaching out towards me.

"Here, you hold her. Honestly, I am so tired from handling her today. She is just too moody due to traveling," Atiya said as she immediately placed Ira in my lap as I wrapped my arms around her.

"But Atiya, Ira is your responsibility..."

"I know, but I need a break as well. I am going to order something for myself..." Atiya walked away quickly as I sighed looking back at Ira. Ira smiled as she began to play with my kurta pulling on to it.

"Well aren't you a little drama queen? Hm?" I cooed at her as she giggled looking at me.

"You know how I recognized that because I also am one! One drama queen always recognizes the other one, but you know drama is very good! It keeps the life very active and fun!" I exclaimed happily and proudly as I grabbed a clean spoon and poured some baby food on to it. I made a face as I smelt the awful smell of it and looked back at her clearly understanding why she wouldn't eat it.

"Yuck! Poor you...if it was up to me, I would make you fresh baby food," I said proudly as Ira grinned as if she was trying to understand me.

I felt a sense of glee and joy as I held her. It has been a long time since I have felt this happy and I don't know why, but this little angel gives me a peculiar sense of happiness. Perhaps, she offers a moment's worth of distraction from everything that has happened in my life.

Moving the spoon side to side like a plane, I captured her gaze as she opened her mouth quickly taking a bite of the food.

"Yay! Isn't it yummy?" I said confused as she smiled clapping her hands as she laid her head against my arm.

"Ok! One more!" I brought another one as she took another bite with some spilling on to her face.

"'s ok baby...Here let me get some napkins for you..." I said as I noticed the napkins on the table were a little rough in texture. Quickly grabbing my purse, I opened it and took out a soft hanky to wipe her face.

Suddenly I felt a tug on my purse as I quickly looked up. My eyes widening as I noticed a wiry bod shaped, tall man grabbing on to my purse. My heart beginning to pound as my body immediately jumped into fight-or-flight mode.

"Hey! Let go of my purse!" I yelled as I caught the attention of Atiya and the cashier along with other customers.

Ira beginning to cry as I tightened my grip on my purse pulling it back immediately towards me. No way is he taking my purse. I mean that purse has minimal savings that I made and a large portion that my parents gave me to use while traveling here. In no way am I letting this thief steal it.

"Hey!Let go!" A customer angrily called out the thief as he began walking towards the thief.

Suddenly, I saw a large shiny flash in his hand as he took out a large knife. My eyes widening as I tightened my grip around Ira hiding her face into my bossoum.

Where are Shivaay's guards? I quickly looked up realizing the SUV was gone along with dadi in it. What? Where is everyone? My palms becoming slippery with sweat as the purse began to slip out of my hand.

"Give me the purse right now or your daughter is gone!" The thief yelled as he suddenly pointed the knife towards Ira.

"No! Don't you dare hurt her!" I quickly pushed my chair back getting up and looking him eye to eye as I held on to my purse while holding Ira in my other arm. Somehow an unusual sense of strength emerged inside of me as I was not scared for a second of what might happen.

"I will if you don't give me the purse!" He yelled and suddenly he moved his knife more closely towards Ira as she began to scream and cry much more loudly. I lifted my knee up in the air ready to kick him until I felt a thin, piercing cold touch on my thigh. My eyes widening as the knife slashed against my thigh. Immediately I grabbed on to the chair as the thief grabbed my purse snatching it out of my hand and before I knew it he ran away as a couple of men ran after him.

"Ouch!Owww!" I began to howl loudly as I collapsed on to the chair as Ira began to cry. My hand immediately jumping to my thigh as I felt a pool of cold, rich red blood. Looking up, I noticed the man driving away on a motorcycle holding on to the purse.

No. This cannot be happening right now. What am I going to do? What will happen to my leg as I looked at the large gash? I heard Ira cry as I held her tightly against my chest

"It's ok are fine...." I whispered against her ear as the pain grasped on to my thigh tightly, stinging and burning as I felt it continued to throb against my skin.

Suddenly, I felt a large crowd of people making their way towards us as tears began to spill down my cheeks. Atiya quickly grabbing Ira out of my arms as I began to cry loudly as I felt the pain increase.

"What happened?! What is this?!" I looked up realizing Shivaay pushed his way through the crowd as he looked flustered and confused. His eyes immediately jumping towards me as I noticed his pupils slightly dilate.

His cool hand immediately grabbing on to my thigh as he looked up at me. "Anika! What happened?!" He yelled as I immediately placed my hand on to his shoulder tightening my grip on it as the pain was awful. My fingernails digging into his shoulder.

"Can someone get me a long piece of cloth please?!" Shivaay yelled as he sighed grabbing on to my thigh putting pressure on it to stop the blood from oozing out.

"Sir...some thief tried to steal her purse and then the thief showed Ira a knife. Anika then tried to kick him and he slashed her thigh and ran away with her purse!" Atiya blurted out the entire story as Shivaay looked back at me stunned. His eyes moving up and down at me as he looked at me as if he was trying to make sure if he had heard Atiya correctly.

"W-What? You what?! Why didn't you let go of the damn purse?! Ira could've gotten hurt because of you!" I suddenly shook caught in the surprise by his voice as I immediately looked at him. His face changing colors to deeper shades of red as he appeared to seeth in anger. My hands beginning to tremble as I felt goosebumps rise across my body looking at him. His anger appearing to consume him as I felt his hand tighten on my thigh as I flinched in pain feeling as if he was doing it on purpose.

"I-I am sorry...Um...the moment he tried to come close to Ira...I immediately went in self defense because....I...I was...scared..." My voice barely breaking through as I began to cry. God, what have I gotten myself into? If Shivaay tells everything to my parents I wonder how they are going to react? Oh God, Shivaay is definitely going to do something considering his daughter was put at risk due to me. Suddenly, I felt myself getting anxious as my breaths began to get shallow as I hiccuped through my tears with some of them coming right through my nose as I sniffled.

Shivaay threw me a glare as a waiter handed him a piece of cloth. His jaw clenched tightly as suddenly he lifted my leg up catching me off guard as I jumped back in my chair holding on to it. His hand slowly running up to my thigh as my itmoved up suddenly feeling his cold touch that ran through the ripped legging. I bit my lip as I tried to bite down on my pain as I felt his hand wrap the cloth around my thigh as he held it up.

"Um...stop..." I whispered in pain as he sighed ignoring me as he proceeded and tied the cloth together tightly into a knot.

"Sir what happened?" My eyes lifting up as I realized his bodyguards had finally appeared.

Shivaay immediately got up as he slammed his hand against the table. "Where the hell were you all?! She got robbed and my daughter was about to get hurt!" Shivaay screamed angrily.

"Shivaay beta...stop yelling..." I noticed Dadi making her way towards us until her eyes fell upon my leg. Her eyes widening as she quickly made her way towards me.

"Oh God...Anika beta what happened? Shivaay let's take her to the doctor. I will tell you everything later, but for now we have to take her to the doctor!" Dadi exclaimed as I looked at my thigh worriedly thinking about what was going to happen. What if something really bad goes wrong? Like what I get an infection? Oh God...this is it. My brain going into an overdrive of worries as I suddenly felt a hand on my waist.

Looking up, my nose immediately brushed against Shivaay's as I felt his hand slowly wrap around my waist tightly. My arm immediately lifting up as I wrapped it around his shoulder feeling odd as it had been long since I had come this close to someone. I felt my heart skip as beat as I felt the touch of his hand seep through the kurta.

"Is there a doctor nearby?" Shivaay questioned as he appeared to suddenly calm down.

"Yes...about three miles away there is a small clinic for Dr. Neeta Gupta..." A stranger noted as Shivaay thanked him before he looked back at me.

"Let's get going ok?" Shivaay spoke softly as I looked at him feeling quite puzzled by his sudden change in demeanor.

"Yes, come let's go immediately Anika beta..." Dadi placed her hand on I felt a sudden pang in my thigh quickly kneeling down.

"Ow!" I yelped as I placed my hand on my thigh.

"Shivaay beta just pick her up will you?" Dadi ordered as I immediately looked up at Shivaay. No absolutely not Dadi. I thought in my mind as Shivaay sighed rolling his eyes before I suddenly felt my legs lift up in the air.

"Ouch!" I immediately wrapped my arms tightly around him as he picked me up.

A sudden flutter appearing inside of me as he began to walk. Our bodies close as I felt the heat of his body simmer into mines'. The smell of his aftershave beginning to fill up my senses as my eyes instantly fell upon his features catching on to his blue eyes and moving down towards his strong jawline. The way he pursed his lips together with a sense of anger somehow appearing alluring. I would be lying if I said he is not attractive...I immediately looked away as he turned his face towards me. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed him keeping his intense gaze upon me as he led me to the SUV quickly opening the door and laying me down on the car seat as he got in sitting right next to me.

"Ok...let's go quickly alright? The bleeding appears to have decreased, but still it is best to see the doctor," Dadi remarked as she sat down into the car.

I took deep breaths as I laid back into the car seat clenching on to my thigh as I felt it inflame sensed in how it was becoming warmer and much more painful. Shivaay looked at me as I pressed on my thigh as I felt tears making their way down my cheeks.

"You shouldn't have fought with the thief," Shivaay said as I looked at him throwing him a glare.

" am in so much pain right now....Can we talk about this later?" I whispered as I shook my head back and forth surprised by his ability to pinpoint at my faults despite knowing how much pain I am in.

"Where were you Dadi? How did all of you disappear?" Shivaay questioned Dadi as she sighed looking at him.

"Well, we were running low on fuel, so there was a gas station nearby and that's where we went. I didn't think we would be attacked by a thief,"Dadi argued as Shivaay shook his head back and forth looking frustrated by the situation.

Laying my head on the seat, I tried to relax, but the pain was too much to suffer through. I really hope I don't get stitches. I am so scared of stitches and I never got them before. God, why was I the chosen one today who would be that stupid thief's victim? Why me? I wonder how my parents will react once they find out all of my money was stolen. Thank God, I placed my passport in my luggage, but how will they react once they find out? They are going to definitely kill me considering how short on cash we are.

Placing my head into my hand, I cried not only in pain, but the realization of what may happen once my parents find out. The SUV took a sharp turn to the right as I looked up noticing a small clinic in the distance.

"Anika beta, please don't cry ok? Don't worry everything will be fine alright?" Dadi said running her hand through my hair as I nodded biting my lip trying to hold back the pain.

The SUV stopped as Shivaay immediately opened the door and without any hesitance he wrapped his arms immediately around my waist lifting me up. I looked up at him quite surprised by his initiation as Shivaay looked straight ahead until he stumbled on the ground as I screamed wrapping my arms tightly around him. My face brushing against his neck as he immediately looked down towards me. In an instant our eyes catching one another in a moment's glance...a sense of attraction apparent as his eyes appeared to take in my features.

"Be careful, don't let me fall!" I broke the silence as Shivaay rolled his eyes and walked up the steps to the clinic that was seemingly empty.

"Hello, is Dr. Neeta Gupta here?!" Shivaay yelled loudly as we walked into the tiny hallway of the clinic.

A petite, wiry shaped elderly lady seemingly appeared from a small room. She slowly walked wearing a faded white coat with a pair of large black glasses as she caught sight of us.

"W-What happened? Is she in labor?" My eyes widened as I looked at the elderly woman as she fixed her glasses looking at me. Ok, I gained weight, but I don't think I look pregnant? Or do I? I mean I have been stress eating lately after everything that has happened between Ayaan, Arti, and I, but I have been trying to control it.

My head immediately shooting up to Shivaay as he appeared flustered with his cheeks turning a deep shade of red.

"! Absolutely not! She got injured with a knife that has left a gash on her left thigh. Can you please check it?" Shivaay ordered as the old lady fixed her glasses and slowly walked up looking at my thigh.

"Hmm...ok come inside dear...come come," She led us to the small patient room as I noticed Dadi following behind us.

"Ok, lay her down on the patient bed and I will check ok?" She said as Shivaay helped me sit down on to the bed.

"My name is Dr. Gupta and your name is?" She asked politely as I smiled weakly still in pain from the wound.

"Um...Anika...Anika Malhotra..." I whispered barely as she smiled and slowly untied the cloth as I winced in pain edging towards the bed as Shivaay and dadi stood next to me.

Dr. Gupta quickly washed her hands and placed on her gloves as she looked at the wound. "Ok...does it feel numb?"

"A little bit..."

"Ok...well the cut does appear quite deep, so first I will clean it, then inject a small anesthetic, and then we will do stitches..."

Her last words immediately igniting fear as I jumped up leaning forward towards her as I looked at her. "Stitches?! What? No! No!" I began yelling as Shivaay looked back at me grabbing on to my arm. His eyes looking dead serious as he appeared to hold back anger. I gulped nervously as I had encountered his anger before at the dhaba and I didn't want to see it again, but what am I supposed to do considering I am so scared of getting stitches.

"Stop being childish! You need stitches or else the wound might get infected!" He yelled as I shrugged his arm away angrily.

"No! I don't want stitches! Dadi please tell her to not do stitches! No I don't want stitches!" I began to yell as I grabbed on to Dadi's hands looking at her pleadingly as tears began to stream down my cheeks.

"Beta please clam down...Don't worry the stitches won't hurt..." Dadi tried to console me as I shook my head back and forth as Dr. Gupta began to clean my wound.

"Dadi is crying again and I cannot seem to stop her..." Atiya appeared as she held a crying Ira in her arms.

"Why can't you do your job properly?! Huh! You are her nanny for God's sake!" Shivaay yelled as I shook biting down on to my tongue, suppressing a scream from the pain, as I didn't want to get the beast screaming after me.

"Acha...calm down beta ok? I will take care of Ira and you stay here...alright?" Dadi ordered as Shivaay tried to refuse, but before he could dadi walked out.

I kept my eyes lowered as I could feel Shivaay fuming and simmering with anger and frustration probably at everything from Ira's crying, to Atiya's nanny skills, and then finally me who likely is a burden on him considering I am no one to him, but now he is stuck at the doctor's office with me. He appears as a dominating man who loves control so this is likely what I think is going on with him.

"Ouch!" I yelped in pain as I suddenly grabbed on to Shivaay's arm. My thigh beginning to slightly burn as I felt it heat up.

My fingertips digging into his black sweater as I yelped in pain as Dr. Gupta finished cleaning up the wound. The warmth of his skin somehow giving me comfort as I felt goosebumps arising on his bare arm.

He scoffed loudly trying to shake me away as I held on to his arm fearfully not letting go. "What are you doing Anika? Let go of me..." He whispered as I shook my head looking at Dr. Gupta as she brought an injection.

"Now don't tell me you are scared of are such a child..." Shivaay noted as I threw a glare at him.

"I am not scared of injections, but I am of stitches alright?...And can you please stop calling me a child? Fear is something natural that all humans have..." I replied as Shivaay smirked raising his eyebrow at me.

"Really? That explains why you decided to fight with a thief..." Shivaay remarked as I sighed shaking my head. If only he knew that the reason why I fought with the thief was because that was the remaining money I had for this trip and that currently I am almost bankrupt with barely any money left in my bank account back home in the U.S. along with the fact that I am unemployed.

I looked at the needle nervously as Dr. Gupta had a creepy smile on her face as she immediately punctured the skin around the wound with the anesthetic. I bit my lip trying to act brave as I could tell Shivaay was looking right at me observing whether I would act as a child or not.

"Ok dear, I will now do stitches and it will be quick alright?" Dr. Gupta said as I felt my heart beat increasing as I felt my palms becoming clammy in response to the adrenaline rushing through my veins out of stress and anxiety.

"Dear relax...this area will be numb and you won't feel anything..."Dr.Gupta whispered as I sighed knowing she was telling the truth, but somehow I could not shrug off the fear that something foreign was about to close the cut shut. For some reason, stitches have always creeped me out whenever I saw them in my textbook and that imagery is what is inciting my fear.

"The local anesthetic should numb the area in about twenty to thirty minutes. I will be back ok? Dr. Gupta whispered calmly as I shook my head wiping my tears as I held on to Shivaay's arm. Dr. Gupta placed a piece of cloth on the wound as she walked away.

"Anika...just be calm alright? Dr. Gupta is right that you will be fine...ok? They are just stitches," He noted as if the matter was nothing to him. I shook my head back and forth as I leaned my head against his arm feeling scared to death. For some reason, despite the fact that he was a stranger, I was still trying to find comfort in him since he was the only person here for me at the moment.

Shivaay exhaled loudly as he grabbed a stool sitting down next to me as I let go of his arm looking up at him feeling a sense of awkwardness approach me as it dawned upon me how I had forcefully held on to him in a moment of fear.

What am I doing? This isn't me. I mean I should be more formal and polite considering Shivaay is my father's boss. How can I just touch him like that and...wait...what if he thinks something wrong about me like I am trying to flirt with him or come close to him....? I would never do that. He is much more older than me...I wouldn't even think of it...I felt my mind running in circles in complete havoc as I realized my nervousness had gotten the best of me leading my mind to go in overdrive.

We sat quietly as I tried to divert my mind to the ugly, peeling and chipped white paint on the walls or to the small broken wooden desk sitting right across from me. I tried to look and observe everything besides Shivaay as I felt his constant gaze at me. His gaze increasing the awkward silence in the room as it felt odd to be observed so keenly upon by someone considering no one has looked at me or paid attention to me like that including Ayaan.

"W-What are you looking at?" I asked nervously as I slightly looked up barely catching a glimpse of him as I felt very jittery.

He let out a small laugh as he looked at me. "I have never met a woman like you..." The huskiness of his voice sending a chill down my spine as I felt discomposed by his statement.

"What to do you mean?" I asked curiously as he sighed.

"Hm...some things I don't say Anika...I don't like to explain myself..." He noted as I looked at him confused as he had a sense of playfulness in his eyes.

I sighed as I looked away. Well, I haven't met a man like him before whose moods are a complete rollercoaster ride. One moment he is angry, the next moment he has softened and become calm, and then in another moment he laughs. So odd.

"We can file a police report if you want to..." Shivaay said as I sighed looking up at him shrugging my shoulders.

"What's the use? He ran off on a motorcycle..." I muttered as Shivaay shook his head.

"Well, I am going to send my men back to the dhaba and see if there is any footage and if we can get a report filed ok?" Shivaay noted as I looked up at him. He gave me a soft smile as it appeared comforting. I slightly smiled finding myself not alone as he would help me navigate the situation.

"Why did you just not give the purse to the thief?" He questioned as I sighed looking at him.

A sense of embarrassment quickly hitting me as I looked at him seeing how this man played in the lap of luxury and money. How would he understand why I wasn't letting go of my purse? He doesn't know how I struggled to collect all of the money from working an underpaid job as a waitress and then how more than half of the money was also my parents' who had given it to me for my expenses. How does he know how it feels when one is losing on the professional front with no future to look up to besides the fact that I might be going bankrupt.

"Reasons Mr. you don't like to explain yourself so do I..."I replied as Shivaay raised his eyebrow at me as I winced in pain from my wound.

He looked into my eyes appearing to hunt for my reason as I lowered them not wanting to say another word.

"Ok let's start," Dr. Gupta remarked as she walked in as Shivaay got up letting her sit on the stool.

"Ok, lift up your leg slowly on to the bed ok?" She said as I looked at her nervously before looking at Shivaay as he sighed gesturing me to listen. Slowly lifting my body, I sat up on the bed placing my leg on it as Dr. Gupta held a needle in her hand.

I gulped nervously trying to wetten my dry mouth as I looked at the silver needle she held up in her hand. That's going to touch me and then there will be the ugly stiches, likely staples. I shivered at the thought feeling creeped out as I looked at the needle inching towards my gash.

My eyes completely focusing on to the needle as it came down towards my thigh like a plane ready to land.

"Ahh!" I screamed wrapping my arms tightly around Shivaay's waist burying my face into his stomach as I began crying.

My nose hitting the smell of his strong minty, pungent perfume he wore. My hands wrapping around his back as I clenched on to it tightly feeling the touch of staunch muscles underneath my weak, skinny hands.

I felt my shoulders trembling as I felt his hands make their way slowly down my neck. His touch giving a sense of ease as I felt his hands slowly running through my hair. My tears continuing to flow down my cheek as they fell on to the cloth of his sweater moistening it. My body trembling as I felt my muscles weaken in a moment of vulnerability and angst.

"Anika...relax ok?...You will be fine..." His voice going down decibels as it appeared to soften and become more calming.

I shook my head slightly against his body as I kept my eyes shut feeling Dr. Gupta tugging on to my thigh. "Hmm...when will this end?" I squealed as I moved my hand slowly towards his waist clenching on to his sweater tightly as I felt his hand slowly run down my shoulder as I shivered under his touch. His hand running down to mines' as he held on to it tightly.

"It's going to be done soon ok? You will be fine...Anika..." He whispered as I nodded laying my head against him as I felt the doctor tugging on to my thigh. I laid my head against him not moving once as I tried to find comfort in the fear that had taken the best of me.

"Ok...we are done..." Dr. Gupta announced as I slowly opened my eyes looking at her. My eyes falling on to the staples as they peered through my ripped leggings.

Strands of hair sticking to my face as I moved my head against Shivaay's waist. My eyes widening as I immediately looked up at him. A soft smile appearing on his lips as he looked at me as I immediately looked away as I felt my cheeks burning up with realization what I had done.

This is so mortifying. I slowly slipped my hands away from his body trailing it against his sweater and feeling the last remnants of the warmth of his body as I clasped my hands on to my mouth. What have you done Anika? Don't you have any self-respect? What must he be thinking about me? He must be getting some really wrong ideas about me in his I am trying to get intimate with him....or he must be laughing thinking how childish I am...I bit my teeth into the palm of my hands feeling frustrated upon my impulsive and childish nature.

"Um...I...uh...sorry..." I barely whispered as I looked down staring on to the wound not once looking up at Shivaay feeling quite awkward.

"It'" He replied as I closed my eyes feeling very embarrassed.

"So, I will write a prescription just in case you feel any pain ok?" Dr. Gupta placed her hands in the pockets of her whitecoat as she slowly looked for a pen. She slowly took out a small prescription notepad out of her pocket and began to write down a prescription.

"Um...uh...thank you Dr.Gupta," I said smiling as Dr.Gupta smiled ripping out the piece of prescription and giving it to Shivaay.

My eyes going back to Shivaay as he smiled and quickly took out his wallet to pay.

" shouldn't be paying..." I intervened as I slowly got up fixing my leggings as Shivaay shook his head.

"You saved I mean, I can do this right?" Shivaay said as I looked at him quite surprised as I noticed his eyes softening with a sense of ego and pride disappearing from them. Shivaay took out cash and handed it to Dr.Gupta as she smiled.

"You are so lucky to have such a nice husband like him..."

My eyes widening as I looked at her. What? I looked back at Shivaay as he looked equally surprised. I shivered at even the thought of it considering how old he twelve years my senior. When I start doing the math of what age he must be when I was like in....I stopped the thought as I sighed looking at Dr. Gupta.

"Um...namaste Dr.Gupta. Thank you for your care..." Shivaay said as Dr. Gupta smiled as I limped slightly making my way out of the clinic as Shivaay walked right next to me.

We walked in silence as we made out way to the steps.

"Wait!" He called out as I stopped looking at him confused as he quickly grabbed my hand. My hand immediately flinching as I felt a sudden spark.

"Hold on to my hand and walk down the steps alright?" He ordered sternly as I looked at him. I bit my lip as I looked away finding myself enjoying the attention for some reason. It has been a long time someone has shown concern to me and to see it from a stranger is enticing.

Stepping down the steps one by one we made our way down as I noticed Daadi holding Ira in her arms as she sat on a bench.

"Anika dear, how are you?" She quickly got up looking at me worriedly as I smiled realizing how kind Daadi was in showing such care for me despite me being a complete stranger.

"I am fine Daadi...Thank you for asking and I am so sorry for the trouble..." I mumbled feeling bad.

"No! No Anika this is absolutely not your fault and Atiya told me how you saved Ira in the process which means a lot to me...Ira is our family's first born and very near to my heart. Thank you for saving her..." Daadi said as I smiled.

"Please Daadi, Ira is a child and on basis of humanity I saved her..." I replied as I felt Shivaay look at me.

"Still dear thank you...This really shows that you are your nani's granddaughter. She was always so brave back in the village we both grew up in...Acha, let's go ok? Your family must be worried where we are," Daadi said as I smiled and limped my way to the SUV as I felt my thigh still slightly numb from the anesthestia.

I got in as Daadi sat next to me. My eyes falling on to Shivaay as he made his way inside. I bit my lip looking away immediately as I caught his gaze feeling slightly shy for some reason. My eyes falling on to his reflection in the window as I looked at it. My eyes capturing his features as I found myself admiring them. A sense of manliness reflected in the beard that clashed with his strong jawline. Admiring his lips that he kept tightly together appearing to always be lost in sense of contemplation. Lastly, his eyes...showing a sense of depth and maturity as they appear to always be lost in deep thoughts. I sighed as I felt my heart racing realizing I was finding myself forming an attraction for him despite knowing how wrong it is.

It's been long someone has shown care and concern for me and to see it in a stranger, especially a strict and stern man definitely is pulling on my heart's strings. No one has comforted me in my fears like he has done today...not even my parents who always found themselves despising my sensitive heart and my childishness...Indeed, I shouldn't be feeling this way, but somehow I cannot stop this feeling that I am getting...this attraction for him that further getting flamed and igniting itself into sparks as I continue to look at him, admire him, and enjoy his presence.

Thank you for reading :) Chapter 4 is next :)

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