Chapter 4: Roses and Lilacs

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Hi everyone :) Thank you for giving such a wonderful response to the first two chapters of this story :) I want to thank God of course for His blessings and all of you who have read this story :)

Here is the next chapter and this time I also wrote two chapters which is Chapters 3 and 4. I want to say that the Anika in this story is the complete opposite of the one in "Learning to Love Him Again" as she doesn't really reflect on emotions, doesn't go in depth in it and is very quirky and odd along with being a little childish.

Also, this story will get emotional, but right now I am building up the characters and it is taking me time to get into the characters' thought process. Shivaay's point of view will slowly be revealed in the upcoming chapters.

Thank you for reading :)


As we made our way through the outskirts of Rajasthan, I found myself admiring the small hills and dunes of the desert that seeped their way through. Placing my hand on to my thigh, I felt the pain subsiding as it still felt slightly numb.

My eyes falling upon Ira as she slept in peace with a sense of innocence apparent in how she pouted her lips kept her hands shut into small fists that laid against her mouth. I slightly smiled as I looked at her as she slept. It's odd how I find myself liking Ira considering how I don't really like children. It's just her innocence latches on to my heart and pushes me to open up to her and care for her.

I looked back at Dadi as she delved into deep conversation with Shivaay who appeared to be not amused as he looked out the window of the SUV.

"Try your best to bond with Om ok? I know it's been long since you two have spent time together, but this will be perfect for you both..." Dadi noted attempting to convince him as he sighed.

"We are very separate individuals now. It's been long...Now can we stop talking about this please?" Shivaay begged as Dadi sighed shaking her head before looking away.

I looked the other way pretending to not have heard anything as I looked out realizing we had finally reached the heritage haveli where the wedding festivities were going to take place. My eyes falling on to the haveli as it appeared time had seized as it emitted a majestic, royal aura seen in the intricate designs of the dusty brown colored haveli as sunshine fell upon it.

A large front garden welcoming us through the black gates as we drove through the shade of trees as tall flower bushes passed by us. I found myself mesmerized by the beauty of the haveli as I admired the nature and beauty of it.

The driver stopped in front of the main door as I realized guests for the wedding were piling into the haveli in herds as a large crowd of cars were parked in the driveway.

" looks like they did nice arrangements..." Dadi said smiling as I opened the door getting out as I barely made it my bad leg. I held my hand out helping Dadi to step out as she smiled and thanked me.

"Welcome to heritage haveli. It is our pleasure to serve you," An employee said as she smiled walking towards us and placing a garland made of roses around my neck.

Shivaay walked up next to us as the employee approached him to put the garland around his neck as he held his hand up waving her off.

"No thanks..." He appeared slightly annoyed as his eyes followed the large entrance of the haveli which was decorated with various arrays of bright colored flowers as employees welcomed guests. He tugged on his sweater appearing overwhelmed by the arrangements.

"So, you must be the Oberoi Family who are the chief guest for the wedding. Indeed, please come in," She said smiling as she gestured us to walk up the large brown marbled colored steps.

"Um...I am the bride's sister and not part of their family," I mumbled as I limped my way next to her as I looked at her name tag that read "Sheetal" on it.

"Oh sorry for the confusion. Yes, you also follow us. We have booked a nice floor for all of you. Actually the whole haveli is booked under your family's name..." Sheetal said as I looked at her quite surprised by her statement.

What? The whole haveli is booked by my family, but how? Where did they get the money from to afford all of this? Last time I checked, my family is barely saving any money then where did they get all the money from to afford all of this? I bit my lip curiously as we made our way into the large entrance of the haveli welcomed by a large registration desk that stood right across from the large seating area for guests.

I looked around trying to look for my family, but failing as large crowds of relatives stood in the area chattering and laughing with one another as young kids ran around wildly. So, we already have booked all of you and here are the keys to your rooms..." Sheetal said handing us our respective keys.

"What about access cards? Isn't that the way hotels are run these days?" Shivaay questioned quite annoyed as Sheetal smiled attempting to keep patience as she could tell Shivaay was one of those annoying guests.

"Well, that's why we are a heritage haveli. Everything is kept very traditional. We don't want to make too much change to the originality of this place," Sheetal said as Shivaay threw a glare at her before looking away.

"Ok I can show all of you your rooms on the third floor," Sheetal said smiling as Shivaay shook his head back and forth.

"No thanks. Just get us a bell boy and he can show us our way," Shivaay ordered as Sheetal gave him a side eye before agreeing and gesturing for a bell boy.

"Ok, Shivaay sir, I will take Ira upstairs to my room to change her diapers then I will bring her to your room," Atiya said as Shivaay nodded.

"Room 307 alright?" Shivaay gestured at her as Atiya nodded before heading towards a small elevator.

"Acha...I am also tired Shivaay beta. I am going to go with Atiya upstairs and then I will meet you later tonight alright?" Dadi said as she smiled at me waving me goodbye before walking away.

"Here is your respective luggage," Shivaay's bodyguard said as he rolled my luggage towards me. I smiled looking at the flower colored suitcases as I grabbed on to them. As I grabbed on to the suitcase, I noticed my nametag was missing from one of them.

"What? Where's my name tag?" I muttered as I quickly grabbed on to the zipper of the suitcase.

"What happened?" Shivaay asked curiously as he walked up to me as I quickly laid down my suitcase with my hands trembling. I am absolutely sure I labeled my suitcase, but then when the suitcases were coming out on the conveyor belt, I just grabbed them assuming they were mine since they came with the rest of the family's. But, crap...I should've checked. I sighed as I slowly opened the suitcase.

This cannot be happening. How much worse can this day get?

As I opened the suitcase hoping and praying that it was mine, I only found myself being surprised as suddenly men's clothing appeared in the suitcase. "No! No! This cannot be happening! Crap I screwed up big time!" I screamed as I shuffled through the suitcase in hopes I would find my dresses for the wedding festivities,but being left disappointed as there was none of them in it.

"Bad Anika! Bad!" I screamed to myself as I began to cry and pout my lips.

"What's wrong?! Can you stop behaving so childish? Everyone is looking at us!" Shivaay yelled with a sense of annoyance as I slowly looked up realizing that he was correct as relatives in the sitting area were looking directly at us, well basically me with hawkish eyes as they peered over one another's shoulders.

I sighed as I quickly closed the suitcase slamming it against the ground as I looked at Shivaay with tears streaming down my cheeks. I don't know how many times I am going to cry today.

"Now will you speak up please?" He ordered as he furrowed his eyebrows crossing his arms tightly around his chest waiting for an answer.

I clasped my hands together nervously as I looked at him. "Um...that is not my suitcase...I mean not the one clothes...I was supposed to wear for the wedding..." I mumbled the last word as Shivaay raised his eyebrows up in the air looking at me quite staggered by my confession.

"You what? You are saying you picked up the wrong suitcase from the airport?" Shivaay questioned as I sighed nodding my head as I looked up at him expecting a long lecture from him considering he seems the type to do that, but instead I caught him smiling as he looked at me.

" know I shouldn't be surprised. This is exactly what should be expected of you,"He said as he chuckled.

I so want to curse at you right now, I thought as I glared at him. How can he laugh knowing what a tough situation I am in? The guts of this man is so...damn it. I cursed him in my mind as I grabbed my suitcases and began to drag them against the floor slamming them against it in anger and frustration.

"What do you mean that is exactly what you would expect from me? Huh?" I asked demandingly as I looked at him as Shivaay smirked walking besides me.

"Do I look like a clown to you?"I questioned angrily as Shivaay smiled his shaking his head back and forth.

"Hm...that is a tough question..." He teased as my mouth gaped open as I looked at him.

"I am suffering so much right now in my this is one of the worst days in my life and you are making fun of me? Have a soul will you?"

"Ouch...a little tough on the words..." He muttered as we made our way into one of the small elevators. The bell boy dragging in Shivaay's luggage as we squeezed ourselves inside.

I leaned back against the wooden wall as I crossed my arms looking at him. "I want to say and do so many things to you right now..." I clenched my teeth tightly as I imagined myself grabbing his collar and cursing so badly at him and that rude attitude he held.

"Really? So do I..." The words slipping out of his mouth appearing to tease me. My mouth widening as I looked up at him realizing what he was doing. Shivaay smirked looking at me up and down as he leaned back crossing his arms. Lowering my gaze, I looked away as I felt myself blush feeling a little cumbersome under his gaze. His eyes showing a sense of seduction as they looked upon me. What is he saying? God, I am so angry right now and this man is just...I mean flirting with me? Like what? I sighed as I felt my anger subsiding as his flirtatious words had definitely caught on to me.

As the elevator doors opened, we walked out as the bell boy unload the luggage. I noticed Ma, Papa, and Arti standing in the lobby of the third floor looking out downstairs to the first floor. Papa looking back as he caught sight of us both.

"Oh Nandini, look Oberoi sir is finally here!" Papa exclaimed excitedly as he welcomed Shivaay. Ma quickly rushing towards him and folding her hands.

"Namaste sir. I hope your journey went well," Ma said as she smiled looking at Shivaay.

" was fine..." Shivaay muttered as he looked back towards me as I gulped nervously remembering how this was likely the worst car ride I ever had.

Rubbing my hands against one another, I looked at Ma and Papa nervously thinking about how they are going to react upon hearing what happened today. Oh my God, I cannot even imagine what they will do since that thief stole all of my money. Also, once they find out about my luggage....What will I do? I felt my body tense up as I tugged on my fingertips nervously hoping I would drown away and Ma and Papa would forget to give me any attention focusing only on Shivaay.

"Oh my God, Anika what happened to her thigh?!" Arti exclaimed as she quickly jumped up towards me as suddenly I felt adrenaline being released into my body as I felt my face turn red.

"Anika, what happened?" Ma said turning towards me as she looked at my thigh as Papa peered over her shoulder.

"Um...I..." I began to stutter as fear was clearly tightly clenching on to my voice.

"Wait, where is your purse? Huh?" Ma questioned as she looked at me worriedly.

I bit my lip nervously chewing on it as I looked at her. I felt a certain level of tightness in my stomach as my heart dropped instantly not knowing what to say as I didn't have the guts to say the truth.

Just speak Anika. Come on. Just say it alright. My mind told me encouraging me to speak as I took a deep breath looking at Ma. Gathering all my remaining strength and bravery, I cleared my throat chewing on to its dryness. I looked up at the beige colored ceiling as I was not ready to look towards them and say the truth.

"Um...well...first thing is that purse got stolen by a thief of course and then luggage with the clothes for the also got switched..." I whispered the last sentence as I immediately looked down towards Ma as I noticed her face reddening as her yes darkened.

"What?! What did you say?!" She screamed as I shook taking a step back fearfully as I bumped into Shivaay's arm.

This is not good. My parents will definitely blow up today. I slowly looked towards Papa trying to gauge on to his emotion as he looked equally appalled after hearing me.

"I-I am sorry Ma and Papa...I mean I..."

"Shut up will you?! Is there anything you have done correctly in your life? Tell me honestly, that is there anything you have done properly?!" Ma yelled as I felt my lips quivering realizing I was about to cry. A sense of shame dropping on to me as I looked back at Shivaay realizing how I was becoming a mockery in front of a complete stranger.

"Ma I am sorry....I truly am..."

"Sorry? Anika will sorry fix everything considering you were carrying so much cash in your purse that included money we gave you? Do you know how tight money is right now? Huh?" Papa questioned as I kept my eyes down feeling ashamed as I had let my parents down.

"This shows Anika that you do not appreciate money. Honestly, I told you to keep your purse safe then how did someone steal it? Moreover, now you are telling me your luggage bag got switched? I mean how irresponsible can you be? No wonder! No wonder you lost something so big in your life!" Ma spat as my eyes shot up as mom's words immediately pierced me touching that wound that I was trying to heal. I knew exactly what she meant by her last sentence...she was referring to how I was the reason why Ayaan left me for my own sister, Arti...I felt a tear drop down my cheek as I tried to swallow tears back.

"Well...I always told you that even though Anika di is the oldest, she is still is very irresponsible. Now look she caused such a big loss!" Arti intervened as I looked up at her finding her smirking as she looked at me.

I shrugged looking at her and realizing how she was enjoying the moment in matter of fact. I don't know why Arti hates me so much considering I am her sister. What is it that I have done that she doesn't see me as a sister, but as an enemy?

"I...I am not irresponsible...It is not my fault that a thief came and stole my purse! I mean my savings were also in the purse and I had promised to return the money I borrowed from you both for my expenses as well!" I argued as Ma clenched her fists tightly looking at me.

Soon tears were climbing down my cheeks as I hiccupped panicking in the moment as I looked at Arti who was shamelessly smiling at my breakdown. I glared at her wanting to remove that smirk off of her face considering she is the one who has ruined my life the most. She is the reason why I have lost the most precious relationship I had...a relationship of pure love that I had with Ayaan which she stole from me. I looked at her angrily and without a thought my anger spilled out.

"And Arti don't you dare interfere considering what you have done to me! You stole everything that was mine! You stole my world!"

"Shut up Anika!" Ma yelled and before I knew it I felt a sudden sharp sting on my cheek as her hand landed on it.

A loud clap erupted from her slap as suddenly my cheek went numb as I felt it throb violently. Placing my hand on my cheek, I tenderly ran my fingers over the stinging pain as I looked at Ma as she appeared to be full of rage. I looked back at Arti who smiled as she looked away knowing she had succeeded once again.

I looked to my side realizing Shivaay was standing right next to me. He appeared shell shocked by witnessing the chaotic moment as he looked back at me. His eyes appearing to fall on to my tears as they spilled away. What must he be thinking about me? He must be laughing at the type of joke I am in my family.

The moment mortifying as I looked at Ma. How could my own mother embarrass me in public like this? How could she just slap me? Was I wrong in saying those words? But...I spoke the truth didn't I? How is it that my own parents cannot see the pain that I am going through? How is it that they have completely forgotten about me? Am I not their daughter? I felt my heartache as a sense of loneliness shaded upon me, taunting me and telling me that indeed in this world and in this life I was all alone.

My eyes widened as Ma suddenly raised her hand up again. Closing my eyes shut, I was ready to receive another slap until nothing happened.

Slowly opening my eyes, I noticed a large figure standing in front of me as he held Ma's hand up in the air. As I looked up I realized it was Shivaay standing in front. Why is he protecting me? I thought as it felt odd considering a stranger was protecting me from my own family.

"The fact that you have raised your hand at your daughter in public is not something that is appropriate...In fact raising your hand ever on your daughter is inappropriate Mrs. Malhotra..." His voice having a sense of dominance as he stood tall and prideful with a sense of controlled anger.

His words instantly crashing on to me as I felt tears slip down my cheeks realizing how right he was while how wrong my mother was. His words holding truth and somehow giving value to me that I feel my family has forgotten to give me.

Shivaay let go of Ma's hand as she looked at him puzzled by his reaction considering it was a family matter. Placing my hand on his arm, I tried to gesture him to not say a word as I had a feeling his anger might just blow the situation out of proportion.

"I know I should not interfere in your family's private matter, but this matter also relates to me. Your daughter Anika saved my Ira today. She was holding Ira when the thief came and Anika resisted trying to save her purse, but the thief showed Ira the knife and Anika intervened leading her to get wounded." I looked up at him feeling a tear slip down my cheek as I took a deep breath feeling bittersweet as he appeared to defend me.

Shivaay sighed as he looked back at Papa and Ma appearing eeringly calm and composed."I know Anika made a mistake in picking up the wrong luggage, but in this moment she is wounded and injured...I am a father myself and I believe that parents should be worried more about their child's safety and health than such matters. Your daughter got stitches today and is in a lot of pain, so you should care for her rather than be mad at her as of now. Rest is up to you, but you are the one who are ruining your daughter's pride and honor in public where people can see what is happening."

A soft smile appearing across my face as I lowered my gaze as the maturity, the calmness, and a sense of values reflected in his statement somehow touching my heart. His words somehow creating a protective barrier around me...healing the pain felt from the slap that my own mother laid on me. He's a stranger...someone in whom I shouldn't find solace, but somehow the way he has fought for me is something that only a few people can do.

"But...she is our daughter and we-" Papa cut Ma off grabbing on to her hand tightening it as Ma looked at him confused.

"Y-Yes, you are right Oberoi sir...absolutely correct. Nandini was wrong in hurting Anika and honestly we didn't know that Anika saved Ira or else we wouldn't have reacted this way...Um...please you go ahead rest and Anika beta, you also go to your room. We will talk more about this subject tomorrow in the morning alright?" Papa said as I looked at him quite confused as Papa never usually changes his tone like the way he did today.

"It's good you have understood the matter clearly. I don't want to interfere in your family matters, but this matter concerned me so I spoke. I will see you tomorrow," Shivaay noted before looking back at me as I looked up at him giving him a small smile.

His eyes moving over my tears as he looked into my eyes as if assuring me that he is here to support me. He slightly smiled as he grabbed his suitcase and walked away.

I looked back towards my family as they looked back at me.

"This conversation will continue tomorrow Anika," Papa noted as I sighed taking a deep breath noticing his demeanor becoming more harsh as Shivaay disappeared down the hallway.

I slightly smiled realizing how fake my family can be. How easily they can change colors according to their pleasure. Papa likely agreed with Shivaay since he was his boss and he didn't want to displease him.

Arti smirked looking at me as she waved at me. "And you thought Shivaay saved you..." Arti said letting out a snarky giggle as I threw a glare at her grabbing on to my luggage.

"Anika, don't think you are off the hook alright? I don't regret what I had done. You deserved that slap considering how much bitterness you were spewing about your sister," Ma spat still full of anger.

Ma's words hurting me as I looked at her finding a sense of inequality in her heart for both of her daughters. " always see Arti's pain...You always care about how she is doing or feeling not once considering how I feel or how I am. Have you forgotten that I even exist?" I questioned as I wiped my tears realizing my family wasn't worth them.

"Anika...don't you dare spew such hatred! Alright?! You will get another slap from me!" Ma warned pointing her finger at me as Papa pulled her away.

I smiled as her words seemingly caused an ache inside of me. "Hmm...I am used to that. That's what you always have done Ma..." I whispered as I remembered the painful memories from childhood.

Without saying another word, I walked down the hallway. Sometimes I wonder why fate has endowed me with such a family...A family in which seemingly no one cares for me one bit. Not one of them cares how I feel or how I am doing, only concerned with their own needs and desires selfishly.

I grabbed the key to the hotel room as I got to room 308 quickly looking back as I realized Shivaay's room was the one right across from his as I remember he was given room 307. I slightly smiled as I opened the double doors...I should thank Shivaay when I get time...I closed the door shut behind me.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes shut trying to find calm as my whole day had been so chaotic. I cannot believe how I survived today considering so much as happened. What am I going to do? I have no money at the moment. I have no clothes for the wedding also. Moreover, my relationship with my parents has further gone sour. I sighed as I ran the list of problems through my mind of which I had a habit to do so. I have always had a habit of trying to numb my emotions by making a list of the problems and going through their logistics. It's odd I know, but it is the best way to cope with them.

Slowly opening my eyes, I walked towards the large canopy bed collapsing on it as my legs went weak from a sense of pain and tiredness. As I closed my eyes, tears made their way out of my eyes as I hid my face into the pillow.

How could Ma humiliate me in public like this? Doesn't my family have any emotions? Not once did they ask if I am ok or if I am in pain due to my wound. I felt my stomach revolt in disgust as I turned on my back encircling my sadness into thoughts of diversion as I stared at the pink pastel flowers running against the emerald colored pain on the ceiling. If only life was like a bed of roses, but unfortunately it is not.

One is always alone in this world...not even family is there to comfort at times when you are at your worst.

Relationships are about being selfless then why isn't my family like that. Are all relationships in the world more based on selfishness rather than selflessness? Are relationship truly just based on the idea of what one benefits? Since I don't have anything to offer in the sense of professional means considering I am unemployed, my parents really don't care about me? I mean my parents can show off Arti at family dinners recounting her accomplishments at being a successful accountant while I am just a failing premed....Stop it Anika...stop thinking such childish thoughts....but what if my childish thoughts hold some weight?

But then Anika...not everyone must be like this...Shivaay...a complete stranger somehow fought for your pride in public today...He has only known you for a few hours and somehow he has supported you today. I smiled as I wrapped a strand of hair around my finger remembering the sense of righteousness he portrayed in front of my parents today...the way he fought for me the way no one else has ever done...I should thank him. He has helped me a lot today as he took me to the doctors', bore my dramatic tantrum at the doctor's, and then supported me in front of my parents...He definitely deserves a thank you.

I smiled as I felt my eyes close as fatigue took over me. Without another thought, I soon fell asleep escaping from the world's realities.


The Next Day

I slightly smiled as I bit my lip wrapping my blue dupatta around my neck as I kneeled down next to a small bush of roses. Not a bad idea Anika...this is probably the best thank you gift you can give in a situation in which you are short on cash...I smiled as I cut another pair of white roses and gathered them with a pair of lilac lilies I held in a small cloth.

Somehow since last night, I have not been able to get Shivaay out of my head. Memories from yesterday are continuing to repeat in my mind even though I don't want them to. I know I shouldn't be thinking about him. He is much older than I am and it feels wrong to think of him, but somehow I cannot seem to control my mind as my thoughts are turning back to him.

There is a sense of mystery in Shivaay that somehow is grabbing my attention and making me think of him. The way he stands so tall and prideful in public with a rough edged demeanor, but becomes so innocent and caring with his daughter is remarkable. The way he teases someone and yells at them, but in an instant also protects them...He is toxic, but there is some good in him...I know if someone hears my thoughts they may assume that I am on the wrong path as I shouldn't be sympathizing with a toxic man, but I don't know somewhere I think there is more to him than there appears to be on the surface.

As I walked into the haveli towards the elevator, I noticed Pooja Massi making her way towards me. Oh God, what is she doing so early in the morning? I quickly hid the flowers underneath my dupatta as I smiled looking at her.

"Hi Anika. What are you doing so early in the morning?" Pooja Massi asked as we got into the elevator.

"Um...just...getting some fresh air...Also jetlag is definitely getting to me..." I mumbled as I held on to the small boquet of flowers behind me leaning against the elevator.

"Hmm...I heard you got wounded. How is your thigh?" Pooja massi asked as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Fine, I guess. I am limping a little, but that's about it," I replied trying to keep the conversation at minimum waiting for the elevator to slowly make its way up to the third floor.

"Waise...I am going to the upper patio. I heard there is a nice pool there...Anyways, you came with Mr. Oberoi right? Hm...he is a good catch," Pooja massi said raising her eyebrows at me as I looked at her puzzled.

"W-What do you mean?" I asked nervously as the elevator doors opened.

"Well, I mean he's older, but he might be a good match for you...Your mother told me about your problem...ladies' problem right? Well, he already has a daughter, so that problem is solved...Also wouldn't it be nice for him to get such a young..." Pooja massi began laughing with the insensitive joke as the elevator doors shut close on her.

I stood still as her hurtful words crawled on to my cheerful spirts dimming them. Aren't I a woman? Don't I have feelings? Is my worth only given by the fact that I can bear children? I cannot believe how insensitive my own family can be. Well, what do you expect Anika? This whole family is run by conservative thinking, rules, and values. They only value the "ideal women" that lives up to their norms...somehow I don't fit into that ideal...Don't overthink Anika...Insensitive people like Pooja massi are not worth it. Be brave. You have to fight your own battles.

I sighed as I walked down the hallway holding on to the flowers in my hand contemplating if I should give them to Shivaay as Pooja massi's statement had dimmed down the sense of glee I held inside of me.

Anika, you took your time to collect all the flowers so give it him. But, isn't it idiotic that I am giving him flowers? I thought as I walked up to the front door of his room.

But then Anika, you are weird, so only you would get such an idiotic idea. I sighed as I ran my hands through the white roses and lilacs. But then remember your manners as well...weren't you taught that one should always thank their well wishers? I chewed on my lip as I nervously stood in front of the door.

Without a second thought, I knocked on the door loudly placing the flowers behind my back. I stood patiently as I fixed my dupatta around my neck feeling awkward. Just turn back Anika, go back. This is a really bad idea and you know it too. Your childishness always get's the best of you. Who gives flowers to someone? Yuck! My mind taunted as I sighed ready to turn back and go towards my room until I heard the door creak behind me.

Hearing a loud yawn, I stopped realizing that the door had opened behind me. Crap.

"Anika? Is that you?" He mumbled appearing to have been overcome with sleep. I sighed as I looked at the flowers I held.

Slowly turning around, I caught sight of him immediately catching hold on to myself. He stood leaning against the door as he ran his hands through the waves of his hair. Sleep overwhelming his blue eyes as he wore a black t-shirt fitted snuggly around his body enhancing the shape of his muscles. It would be so wrong if I say he is not attractive...I halted the thought as I made my way towards him feeling nervous as I placed the flowers behind my back.

" morning Mr." Great Anika, speak up! Say something! My mind yelled back at me as I faltered not knowing what to say.

Shivaay looked at me curiously as he held a sleepy Ira in his arm. I slightly smiled trying to gather courage to give him the flowers.

"Were you sleeping?" The question barely cracking out of me as I looked at Ira as she smiled realizing it was me standing in front of her. She began to babble holding out her hand towards me. I smiled waving at her as she smiled and giggled.

"Well considering I am jetlagged and the time here in India is completely opposite from the one in California...yes...I was trying to sleep and trying to put this little one back to sleep as well..." Shivaay noted with a tinge of annoyance as he looked at me.

Great, he is clearly annoyed by my uninvited visit. "So, what are you doing here?" He questioned once more as I weakly smiled not knowing what to say since I feel I might have gotten to his nerves.

Tightening my grasp on to the flowers, I looked at him. Just say it Anika. What are you waiting for? Say thank you and leave! Say it! "Umm...uh...thank you!" I exclaimed suddenly pulling out the bouquet of flowers in front of him.

I closed my eyes shut, slowly peering at him as he appeared surprised by the flowers. His eyes glancing down at the flowers as he appeared at a loss of words. My hands began to clam up as I felt my heart pounding against my chest in nervousness as I looked at him ready to be made fun of.

As I looked up at him, I noticed a small smile beginning to play on his lips as he looked up at me and then the flowers again. "Thank you? For what Anika?" He questioned curiously as I gulped nervously feeling quite perturbed in the moment.

"Um...for everything...Thank you for taking me to the doctor and bearing my tantrum at the clinic..." I barely whispered as Shivaay led out a chuckle looking at me as Ira appeared to giggle as well. I pouted my lips looking at Ira gesturing her to be serious in the situation.

"Um...and thank you for standing up for me in front of my parents...It meant a lot to me that you stood up and were you..." I kept my eyes lowered not looking up once as I suddenly felt shy for some odd reason.

I felt a sudden touch on my hand as I noticed Shivaay's fingers brushing against my grabbing on to the flowers. A shy smile appearing as I looked up at him seeing his eyes light up as he held the flowers looking at them before running them against his nose. He appeared to smell their fragrance as he looked up at me.

"Hmm...they smell nice...where do you get them from?" He questioned as I wrapped the end of my dupatta around my fingertip before placing it in my mouth.

"Umm...I cut them from the garden..." I whispered.

"You what?! I don't think you can do that..."He said as I looked at him shocked.

"What?! Oh am I supposed to know? I am definitely in a lot of trouble now..." I began to panic as I felt my face redden suddenly becoming anxious.

"Arre...relax need to panic. This will be our little secret alright?" Shivaay noted as he winked at me. My mouth gaping open as I looked at him quite astonished at his daring behavior.

"Hmmm...I think Ira really likes the flowers..." Shivaay remarked as Ira grabbed hold of them running her face against them as I giggled looking at her innocence.

"This is quite unique considering this is the age of social media, text messaging, and emojis...Anika what are you?" He questioned as I looked at him puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know...You are so different..." His eyes showing a glimpse of wonder and curiosity as they looked at me.

Different? That is a unique way to label my odd, weird, and quirky behavior. I know I am different. I always have been in terms of how I think, behave, and do...So it's nothing new to hear it from someone else I guess, but I don't know the way he says the statement still makes me curious wanting to understand by what he means by saying the term.

"Anyways, thank you it means a lot to me that you stood up for me and helped me in my time if if I disturbed you..." I turned on my heel beginning to walk towards my room until I heard him call me.

"Anika!" I stopped as I looked back at him curiously as Shivaay appeared to contemplate.

" time I should see you standing up for yourself. You should be stronger and fight for yourself ok?" I smiled nodding as I looked at him feeling an unusual sense of happiness from hearing his statement.

"And...when I say different, I mean it in a good way...You are change to the various gray shades I have seen..." He said as he smiled smelling the flowers once more as I felt myself blush as I bit my lip smiling back at him.

"Hmm...these smell unusually better...probably because of the person who made the bouquet. Right Ira?" Shivaay said teasingly as he looked at a giggling Ira.

I smiled as I placed the end of my dupatta in my lip before opening the door and looking back at him once more as he looked back at me. Without saying another word, I waved at him as he chuckled before I closed the door shut.

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