Chapter 5 Part 1: Shades of Love

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Due to popular demand, I decided to resume writing this story. Thank you God for giving me the courage to write again and thank you readers for reading this story and liking it :)

Hi everyone :) Here is Chapter 5 Part 1 for this story. Part 2 follows this :)

This story may show similarities with "Learning to Love Him Again" (LTLHA) and this was done on purpose because this story is a rendition to "Learning to Love Him Again" as it explores what Shivika could have been if their lives had not been turned upside down in "Learning to Love Him Again". However, differences are present in the dynamics of their relatinship and if possible let's not discuss LTLHA in this story just because I am a little low and I do not want to talk about that story right now, but focus on this new one. I am currently working on LTLHA and that will hopefully be updated soon, but let's just focus on this new story if possible :) Thank you for understanding my concern :)

If you like this chapter and story then please do not forget to like, comment, and share.

If you like this story then if possible please do share this story with other readers :)

Thank you for reading :)

Friendly Note: Please excuse any grammar issues as I posted this quite late at night in the U.S., but I will be editing for grammar tomorrow. Thank you for understanding :)



My hand slowly traced against my womb as tears made their way down my cheeks. A sense of emptiness slowly filling it up as I looked into the mirror seeing my eyes lost of life...

Closing my eyes shut, I remembered the words that the doctor had spoken a month ago. I am sorry to say, but the possibility of you becoming a mother is very low...It is quite possible you will never become a mother.

My hands clasping against my mouth as I bit into it feeling a sense of hallowness reach my soul as tears continued to roll down my cheeks.

My mother always told me a woman is complete by becoming a mother...A woman's worth in society perhaps is always weighed by the fact if they can give birth to life...Something that is wrong in each and every sense, but still is valued by each and every individual-a value given to a woman which shouldn't be given.

However, what hurts me the most is not what society thinks, but the fact that fate deprived me from being able to give birth to life is something that I can never accept...a bitter poison that I cannot take in. I want kids...I want my own children...I sighed as I leaned against the mirror.

Hearing a knock on my bedroom door, I lifted my head up as I wiped my tears away. Stay strong. Do not falter and show others your weakness...It is integral you stay strong.

"Come in!" I yelled as the door opened revealing that it was Ayaan.

Taking another shallow breath, I wiped a remaining tear from my eye and attempted to place a weak smile across my lips.

"H-Hey, w-what a-are you doing here?" My voice barely cracking through as I looked at him.

Ayaan's gaze lowering as he appeared to contemplate something before looking up towards me. "Um...can we sit down and talk if possible?" I raised my eyebrow in curiosity about what he wanted to talk about as I noticed a sense of worry apparent across his face.

"S-Sure. Have a seat," I spoke softly gesturing towards the small couch.

He appeared to fidget with his fingers with a sense of noticeable anxiousness as he took a seat on the couch.

"What's wrong? Is everything ok?" I questioned as I took a seat next to him.

He took a deep breath as he placed his hands against his lips appearing to gather his words. An unusual sense of fear beginning to creep up inside of me as I felt something was not right and something was about to go wrong.

Ayaan slowly lifted his gaze meeting mines' as he finally spoke. "I...Look, I want to begin with saying that I deeply respect you as a person Anika. You truly have always supported me both in my personal and professional life...You have always fulfilled your duties as a friend and now a fiancé...Thank you for that," He spoke as I looked at him still feeling confused on what he was trying to say. The tone of his voice telling me that something was off and my heart could not pinpoint what it may be.

"W-What do you w-want to say?" My voice barely making through as I felt a sudden rush of anxiety approach me feeling a sense of uneasiness as I looked at him appearing to turn serious.

"I-...Look Anika, I have a lot of dreams in life...Dreams about my personal life. I...I want a family in the future..." My eyes widening feeling startled by his statement.

Shaking my head, I looked towards him. "F-Family? W-Well, we can have one...I mean there is surrogacy through getting a possible egg donor or adoption of course..." I mumbled as I began to recite the list of possibilities that my doctor herself had given to me.

Since the past few weeks, I have been busy researching such possibilities all on my own attempting to find ways that I could hopefully have a family in the future. However, the way Ayaan has just remarked he wants a seems odd.

A sense of nervousness clung on to my heart as I clasped my hands together attempting to keep composure awaiting what Ayaan was going to speak.

"Anika...I want my own family just like others. A normal family in which there is less complexity and more simplicity. Just like others I want a wife who is the mother of my own children...children who have my blood. Do you understand what I am saying?" Ayaan spoke. I felt a sudden shock attempting to ensure what I heard was right.

What he trying to say? Is he saying that he doesn't see me as someone who can do such because I cannot have children? Is he...?

"What do you mean? Be clear and just tell me outright what you are trying to say. Don't beat around the bush," I attempted to gather courage and not show my vulnerability at the weakness that I didn't want anyone to see...

Ayaan sighed as he clasped his hands against his lips before looking towards me. "I...I cannot see myself forming a normal, typical family with you...I am sorry Anika, but I tried a lot to accept this truth that you cannot have children, but I just cannot...It is best we end this relationship right here...It's best we call off our engagement."

A slow numbness slowly approached my body as his words unraveled...words that bit by bit pierced my soul questioning it, letting it know how it was hallow, and immediately touched my womanhood that is an integral part of my soul.

My eyes lowering as I placed my hand on my womb with my eyes catching on to the small diamond ring I wore...My mom told me that once relationships are made then they are hard to be broken...That a strong relationship cannot even be broken by the biggest storms then how did this happen? I have known Ayaan since long...We have loved each other since high school. We know everything about one another and I have always supported him through thick and thin, so how can our relationship break over this?

Tears slowly began to slip down my cheeks with my heart slowly begining to crack realizing that the one true love it held had now been snatched from it. My eyes moving towards Ayaan who sat still not a tear seen in his eye maintaining a seemingly poker face. A sudden ache touching me with realization that it appeared as if it didn't matter to him that our relationship was ending.

I sighed as I got up looking towards him. "W-Why? How can you do this?....I love you so much Ayaan...We love each other so much...I mean...Are you really going to leave me the first time when I have fallen? Do you realize how painful all of this has been for me and now...when I need you the most, you have decided to walk away...I cannot believe you would be so selfish...I cannot believe the fact that right now you are thinking about yourself and what the world would say over me who you claim to love!" I began to take deep breaths placing my hand on my chest as my heart began to pound loudly.

"I did love you, but I just feel that...that something was still missing....And then this news came along the way which further convinced me it best we separate..." I stumbled back upon hearing his words. He felt something was missing in our love? Since when? I stood still looking at him confused as my hand slowly dragged itself to the ring on my finger.

"Here's the ring you gave..." He grabbed my hand placing the small gold band on it. Closing my eyes shut, I let out my tears appalled by his cold demeanor that lacked any means of compassion. How can he treat me like this after so many years of being together? Was our relationship this meaningless to him?

"I-I...want the ring back..." He spoke as I opened my eyes realizing he was gesturing to the ring I wore. His coldness igniting anger inside of me as my blood began to boil hearing him. How can he act so nonchalantly about this situation? How can he be so heartless?

My hand immediately snatching the ring out of my finger as I threw it on the floor. "Here! Take your damn ring! How can you be so heartless?! How are you not feeling anything? We have been together forever and this is what you are doing to me?! How dare you?!" I screamed as Ayaan stood still not saying a wore. He rolled his eyes quickly kneeling down and taking the ring.

My eyes widening in shock as I took his reaction. Tears continuing to roll down my cheeks as my heart continued to break in realization of how perhaps the love we supposedly had may have been one sided all along.

"Is something forcing you? Is it your mom?!" I questioned as Ayaan sighed before furrowing his eyebrows.

"No! It's no one except me! I want my own family and that is something you are not capable to doing! Ok? Now just get off my back will you?!" He yelled angrily and before I knew it he walked out of the room not saying another word.

Clenching my fists tightly, I grabbed my womb pushing on to it tightly submitting my anger into it over how it was the cause of all of this...How this seemingly emptiness, hallowness snatched away one true valuable thing I cherished...which was my relationship with Ayaan.

How can Ayaan do this? Why did he do this? The question beginning to swarm my mind as I collapsed my hands against my head continuing to cry screaming the painful wounds that were now slowly forming on it.

No...No...he cannot do this to me...He cannot...How can he kill my love for him in an instant after everything we have been through as a couple?...We have shared our ups and downs throughout life from childhood until now...I began to take deep breaths as I slipped against the floor wrapping my hands around my knees.

My heart now slowly capturing itself in a chokehold as angst rippled through it questioning its ability to love...threatening it that if this heart tries to love someone else once again that it shall lose its beats...Indeed my heart rumbled on this warning as I realized what a mistake I had committed...a mistake of falling in love with a man who never respected my love nor respected me and loved me...


Not only I made a mistake in falling in love with a wrong man, but I made a mistake of falling in love. Love is an illusion...It doesn't exist. If it existed then Ayaan and I would've been together right now...We were together since children as best friends and then a couple right from high school until after college graduation...We were together for each other in everything. I did everything to make him happy and make him feel cared for. He was always on my thoughts never once leaving them...But, what happened? Everything ended. Everything in a moment because he couldn't accept a flaw that I had...not a flaw, but something that divine fate did not endow upon me...

Closing my eyes shut, I slowly wiped away my tears as I opened them looking at my reflection once more. Lifeless...Soulless...Perhaps all of the above. My hands trailed against the smudged eyeliner that made its way down my cheek from the tears.

A hallow feeling entering my heart as I realized today was the beginning of the wedding festivities...Do you also know why I don't believe in love? Because the sister I loved the most betrayed me and indulged in an affair with my then fiancé Ayaan after he found out I couldn't have children....Perhaps, this is a prime example of how love does not exist...Love is supposed to be selfless, so say true lovers from old times, and no one is selfless in this world, so love does not exist.

Slipping the silver bangles down my wrist, I sighed as I looked into the mirror once more. My hand running down the black saree as I attempted to fix it, but failing utterly at it. This was my first time wearing a saree and clearly not the master at it. The video I found online was minimally helpful and I did consider asking Ma, but she has been very upset with me over the fact that my purse got stolen and my luggage with all the clothes for the wedding got lost as well. Well, thankfully at least Ma allowed me to borrow her saree for the welcome party for the guests.

Hearing a knock on the door, I quickly looked back. Oh no, I haven't even done my hair yet and Ma is probably here to check on me. Great, now I will give another reason to her to get angry at me. I sighed as I got up quickly walking to the door.

"Ma I will be ready in five minutes ok?!" I exclaimed as I opened the door. My eyes widening as I realized the figure in front of me was definitely not Ma.

"Hey," Shivaay spoke as he stood in front of me with a soft smile across his lips. My heart skipping a beat in an instant as I took sight of him. His features seemingly luring me as I grazed my eyes over the black suit he wore, I found myself admiring his features that etched from the suit.

My eyes slowly moving up as I noticed his eyes widen appearing to have caught sight of what I was wearing.

Raising my eyebrow, I looked at him confused before he immediately looked away turning his back towards me. My eyes immediately dropping down to my saree as my eyes widened realizing my pallu had slipped down on the floor.

"Oh crap!" I exclaimed immediately grabbing the pallu as the pleats loosened once again. My hand immediately wrapping the pallu tightly around me as I felt my face heating up.

"I-I...Um..." Pulling the door closer towards me, I hid behind it as I slowly peeked out with strands of hair from the bun fell over my face. He stood still with his back towards me as he slowly turned his face to the side. A small smile playing across his lips as he looked ahead.

"'s your thigh?" He spoke in a lowered voice as a soft smile appeared across my lips. No one really has asked me that question since yesterday not even my parents as they were too busy giving me a long lecture last night on how I should be more careful with valuables not once thinking the pain I was going through...

" thank you for asking," I whispered nervously I bit my lip placing my head against the door feeling a sense of shyness approach me considering how he just saw me...The way no one has ever seen me before.

" is some medicine that the doctor prescribed and I completely forgot to give it to you as Ira got very cranky last night." My smile widening as he moved his hand backward holding a small brown bag. I bit my lip as I looked up towards him before slipping my hand against his. My hand slowly trembling as I felt the unfamiliar touch of his hand.

"Y-You...didn't have to do this. Um...thank you so much," I whispered as I smiled grabbing the bag of medicine and holding it in my hand.

Shivaay smiled as he looked to the side appearing to contemplate upon a thought.

"Um...I just...wanted to see you I guess, so this was a good excuse..." He spoke as my eyes widened quite stunned by the boldness of his statement. My cheeks flushing red as my heart began to race. He wanted to see me? What does he mean? The thoughts slowly wavering around me as I looked at him...He's handsome, rich, probably can have any girl then why would he take an interest in me who is a complete loser, doesn't have a job, and is bankrupt at the moment.

But, Anika even if he has an interest you, why are you indulging in such? Love is an illusion and any path leading to this possibility is an illusion itself.

Shivaay let out a small chuckle as I stood in silence feeling incredibly timid in his presence not being able to say a word as my throat tightened in nervousness.

"But then you were busy I am assuming?" He spoke with a playful smile appearing to ponder over what he had seen.

"Um...y-yeah...k-kind" I took a deep breath not knowing what to say as the moment clearly had caught up to me making my mind go blank.

His flirting and the fact how he just saw me...My eyes falling on to the cleavage of my blouse realizing what he must've seen...something no man has and he is a stranger. A shiver going down my spine as I leaned against the door.

"I thought we could down together to the party, but you're not ready, so I will see you downstairs then? Hm?" His voice appearing oddly calm as I noticed a smile playing across his lips.

"S-Sure...I...will see you downstairs..." I muttered as I looked down awkwardly.

"How much time will you take?" He questioned as I raised my eyebrow feeling confused by his level of interest.

"Um...I...fifteen minutes maybe," I mumbled still feeling the rush of adrenaline from the moment's embrassment.

"Hm...get's ready quite quickly...I like it," He spoke as I shook my head quite confused by what he meant.

"W-what?" I blurted quite puzzled by what he was doing here and taking interest when I would get ready.

Shivaay shrugged his shoulders. "I will see downstairs," He spoke and walked away in silence.

Slamming the door shut, I quickly turned around on my heel as I quickly grabbed on to my saree feeling quite embarrassed. What must he be thinking of me? How stupid and foolish I can be? Damn this stupid saree!

Placing the medicines on my dressing table, I cursed my idiotcity as I gathered the pleats of the saree placing it on my shoulder and tightening it with another bobby pin.

My heart beginning to beat lightly against my chest as it fluttered remembering how Shivaay looked at me when the moment happened...The way he immediately turned around...I slightly smiled as I fixed my pallu. "So embarrassing...Only these kind of weird incidents can happen to you," I murmured quite annoyed as I fixed the deep red lipstick on my lips.

"What if he get's any wrong ideas?" I sighed opening my hair before running a comb through them letting them run out in their waves.

The worst thing is he is Papa's boss and then Nani knows his Dadi so well...Gosh, this is so embarrassing. I don't even think I can look him in the eyes anymore. "Stupid saree!" I yelled in anger as I grabbed the pallu hard clenching it tightly in my hands as I looked at myself once more admiring the small silver colored border of the saree as little silver colored flowers sprinkled itself across the cotton cloth.

My eyes falling over my flaws as I touched my waist realizing how there were going to be many beautiful young women tonight and I was definitely going to be one of them. Damn curves! I cursed my ill luck as I looked at the saree.

If only I was not a fool and picked up the wrong luggage from the airport then I would be wearing a nice anarkali tonight that would hide these disastrous flaws.

Shaking my head, I put on my small chandlier earrings before my eyes fell on the bag full of medicine that Shivaay brought for me...He doesn't even know me, but he took the initiative to buy me medicine?...What did he mean he wanted an excuse to see me? Is he taking interest in me? I thought as a soft smile appeared across my lips.

My dating life has definitely been drab since the last two years as my last relationship was Ayaan...Placing my hands against my cheeks, I felt their warmth realizing I was still blushing.

Suddenly my conscience spoke as I remembered Ayaan and I...What are you thinking Anika? Do you really want to indulge in this mess again?....Remember love doesn't exist, so don't indulge in such matters...It's best to keep distance from such matters.

Also, most importantly he is so old. He is much older than you Anika and think about the peculiarities of this situation...It's wrong. Wrong to indulge in a romance with him and why would you want to indulge in romance? Stay away. Stay away remember what Ayaan did?

Suddenly the door flew open as I jumped back feeling caught off guard. My eyes quickly moving towards the door realizing it was Ma. Ma sighed as she shook her head appearing frustrated. Lowering my gaze, I quickly fixed my saree as I stood in silence not saying a word knowing Ma was still quite upset with me and in no mood to normalize her behavior with me.

"What are you doing here still?! The party is about to start! For God's sake Anika have some respect for others! This is the beginning of your sister's wedding festivities," Ma remarked angrily as I sighed quickly fixing my heels.

"I-I am sorry Ma, but I was having difficult wearing this saree," I muttered softly as Ma rolled her eyes.

"Excuses! I love how you have so many excuses. Perhaps this is a reason you failed to get into medical school and get stable employment for the past 2 years!" Ma taunted as I sighed shaking my head realizing she had finally given her world famous taunt once more. I bit my lip trying to ignore her words despite the fact that they were toxic and imminently did hit a nerve of mines'...It is not my fault that my luck is ill. I have tried my best, but it's not my fault I cannot find stable employment nor a school to get into.

"Acha now go to Arti's room to help her get ready! She might need your help," Ma remarked as I side eyed her before walking out of the room down the hallway towards Arti's room.

Why would Arti need my help? We aren't getting along anyways at the moment which is likely considering what has happened between us. I don't have animosities to Arti and somewhere I am happy for her considering the big change that is about to happen in her life, but...I feel betrayed...I feel betrayed by how Ayaan and Arti pursued a relationship while Ayaan was engaged to me. I feel backstabbed by the fact that Ayaan ended our engagement in order to get married to Arti. A sense of disgust slowly crawled itself inside of my gut as I remembered the truth of my life.

I love Arti as she is my younger sister and I will always love her, but the fact that a loved one betrayed me is something I cannot digest. The worse thing I cannot digest is that Arti never said sorry to me after doing all of this, but instead has only distanced herself.

Anika it's ok, don't remember the past as now there is use of pondering over it. You are her older sister and it is your duty to be here and take part in the wedding. I felt an unusual sense of pain wrap around me as I knocked on Arti's door.

The door swinging open as a familiar figure appeared. "Hi, Gauri is that you?" I questioned as Gauri smiled and hugged me.

"How are you Anika?! I am so happy to meet you after so long," Gauri exclaimed happily as I smiled and let go of her.

"I am doing good. Gosh, I cannot believe it's been so long since we have met. I mean Pooja Massi always mentions you, but still I mean it's been long since we two have chatted. Well, why would you chat considering you moved all the way to New York City?!" I exclaimed as we walked into the bedroom. Gauri giggled as she wrapped her arm around me.

"Well, I got really busy Anika with work, but now we are here and we will chat. Waise, I should be mad at you that you skipped my wedding," Gauri remarked as I sighed pouting my lips.

"I am so sorry Gauri, but it is not my fault you decided to get married during finals week of my senior year in college!" I exclaimed as Gauri chuckled shaking her head.

"I know yaar I am sorry, but Om's mom is very conservative regarding these things and the panditji only found that day as auspicious for the wedding which is why we couldn't even change the date," Gauri noted apologetically as I shook my head.

"It's ok Gauri! Relax. I am just glad to see you happy alright," I noted as Gauri smiled giving me a side hug once more.

"Of course Anika is. At least that is all she can do." The familiar voice speaking as I looked back catching sight of Arti as she sat proudly with a wide smile in front of the dressing table. She glowed in a midnight blue gown she wore that perfectly hugged representing the beauty she carried unlike me who was full of flaws...No wonder Ayaan chose her over me...A slight smile appearing across my lips as I looked down at myself catching sight of my flaws that ran through each and every inch of me defining me.

"What do you mean?" Gauri questioned confused as Arti looked into our reflection in mirror in front of her.

"We all know what I mean," Arti spoke with a smirk as her words elegantly pierced poison into my heart telling it what it worth was...not even a penny. My gaze lowering as I looked at my fate lines finding truth to her words that this Anika doesn't have any happiness written for her, but she can only stand by the sidelines smiling and taking part in others' happiness.

"Well at least I can take part in others' happiness...I am not the rose with thorns," I spoke softly as I looked towards her. Her eyebrows furrowing as she looked back towards me realizing the poetic line was intended towards her.

"Says the one who burns today in front of me," She spoke as she smiled slowly getting up.

Her words slowly creeping into me as I felt my soul set aflame with her taunt realizing how she was salvaging my intentions and attempting to figure what they were. I cannot believe she is my sister...She should know out of all that my intentions have always been pure unlike hers' that were soiled and only intended to spread its mucky filth on to others.

"Those with a heart burn in jealousy. Those whose hearts have been salvaged to a point the soul cannot touch them do not burn...they only stifle themselves in suffocation in the world's filth that spreads itself everywhere..." I spat as I felt my anger slowly beginning to boil as bitter memories of the past rushed back...memories in which she was chosen instead me by the man I truly loved. I didn't have a right to fight against his decision, but at least I have a right to stand tall and proud.

Arti crossed her arms as she bit her lip appearing tensed attempting to find words, but none could overcome the ones I had spoken as they were the truth. "Anika...let's um...go downstairs or something,"Gauri spoke attempting to break the tension.

A wide smirk appearing across Arti's face as she looked towards me tilting her head as she looked at me up and down. "Of course, take her downstairs. I mean he probably is waiting for her," Arti spoke with her words initiating a dance of puzzlement inside of me as I looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" I questioned as she raised her eyebrow before shrugging her shoulders.

"Hmm...well says the one who has done everything to seduce him since she met him," She spoke as my eyes widened. Her words catching me off guard as a sense of anger tinged upon my soul from hearing an accusation upon its treasured value which was dignity.

Clenching my jaw tightly, I bit my lip attempting to control myself knowing today was a special occasion for her as the wedding festivities were beginning. "How dare you?" I questioned as Arti let out a small laugh.

"Well you are daring in this case my dear sister. Trying to trap such a powerful, rich man...but you are in for a surprise. Shivaay Singh Oberoi is not what he appears to be," She spoke in a sing song voice drumming up my anger as I took a large step towards her before Gauri grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"How dare you speak to your older sister in such manner? Arti, I am respecting you and keeping my patience because you are my younger sister and this is a special moment for you or else you do know what I would've done," I hissed as Arti rolled her eyes looking back at me.

"Hm? Well, I told the truth. Shivaay Singh Oberoi is only a player. He loves flings, but not relationships as the media says it. So, I wouldn't waste my time are into such things...which I can see considering relationships are not your strong point," Arti remarked numbing my anger as I stood still stunned by her choice of words realizing how she was speaking filth about me shamelessly without considering the fact I was her sister... a part of her blood. My heart steadily beginning to wrench itself feeling a sense of disgust touch it over how my own sister, despite knowing me, would claim I would stoop so low to seduce Shivaay....How can she taunt my on my life's failings knowing she contributed to it by indulging in an affair with my then fiancé Ayaan and now even pursuing marriage with him? How can she do this despite the fact I haven't said a word against how I am extremely upset with her sin?

Tears slowly brimming themselves to my eyes as I felt my soul struggle to accept such filth my sister has thrown at me. " say such words Arti? I am your sister and you dare to throw such filthy accusations at me? I am extremely shocked..." My voice barely cracking through feeling Gauri rub my shoulder attempting to calm me down.

"Oh come on can you just go away already with your tears and nonsense? Today is such a festive day, so get out will you?!" Arti ordered. My mouth widening quite appalled as I took a step back looking towards her.

"Arti come on, Anika is your sister at least respect her will you?" Gauri intervened as Arti rolled her eyes before turning away beginning to fix her lipstick.

Tears slipping down my cheeks as I quickly wiped them away attempting to hold to my strength and not show my weakness to anyone. Just leave Anika. Why are you standing here and continuing to allow others to embarrass you? Plus, you are older than Arti and as an older sister, it is your duty to ensure her wedding festivities go well. Despite the fact that you both are not getting along as of now, it is best you keep peace and maintain composure.

" be downstairs..." I whispered before walking towards the door.

"His girlfriend made a huge mockery of him two months ago by exposing how he is a big time cheater and a pure alcoholic who has a temper issue! That man doesn't have a soul as she claimed... So...just letting you know before you decide to play your cards," Arti spoke loudly as I stopped by the door looking back towards her.

"He is Gauri's brother-in-law. You can at least believe her. Right Gauri?" Gauri's eyes widened as she immediately looked back towards me.

Closing my eyes, I shook my head back and forth as I let my tears spill not being able to continue to bear Arti's nonsensical filth that she belovedly was molding on to me at the moment. "I am going now. Hm...Thank you so much for your crap," I remarked sarcastically with a wide smile before I threw her the middle finger and walked out slamming the door behind me as I heard a large gasp from Arti.

If I am quiet it doesn't mean I can't speak. I am only sparing you because it is your wedding Arti or else you would've had to bear my toxic words that I love to spit if someone dares to challenge and question my character.

Walking towards the elevator, I got in squeezing myself through the guests as I stood still attempting to hold tears back as my heart began to pound loudly against my chest as I felt a bitter mix of anger and sadness file itself into me.

How can Arti even think I would dare to seduce Shivaay knowing who he is and the difference of day and night we both have. The biggest difference being our massive age difference and along with the fact the class difference...and even if all of that was normal, I don't even think I would ever dare to seduce someone for their money if that is what Arti was implying which I could clearly tell. How can she even think I will try to lure someone in knowing it is not part of my character?

As the elevator doors opened, I walked out as I followed the signs pointing towards the courtyard where the party was being held. A sense of frustration touching me as I took deep breaths trying to cool down my anger, but failing at it as I walked down the long hallway towards the wooden doors that opened out to the large courtyard that went for many feet out into the vast landscape as the large haveli surrounded the edges of it.

Loud music touching the misty, cool air of the night as guests piled their pleasant way through the courtyard walking through tables that led to the large stage set in place for Ayaan and Arti. A sense of discomfort approaching me as I noticed some relatives eyeing me and then appearing to talk clearly about the broken engagement and how Arti was marrying my ex fiancé. Great, this night is definitely going to miserable. The joy of being publicly mortified, I thought in sarcasm as I awkwardly walking through the crowd of guests making my way through the large pastel pink and white rose flowered entrance.

A sudden chill appearing to go through my spine as I felt a warm touch against my arm. A set of goosebumps appearing as I immediately jumped back looking towards my side realizing it was him...Shivaay.

My eyes meet the blue hues of his as I found them red appearing to drown themselves into the depths of a mysterious darkness they appeared to hold on to. A small smile lifting itself up across his lips as he looked at me moving his eyes up and down until it fell write where my cleavage was. My gaze immediately lowering as I felt my cheeks turning a deep shade of red remembering what happened moments ago when he saw me in my room...seeing me in a way no one has before...indeed it is mortifying. Gosh, what must he be thinking of me?

A small chuckle slipping from him as I felt him look at me intently before brushing his hand against my arm. My eyes widening at his daringness to touch me as if I was not a stranger, but his acquntaince. My head immediately shooting up as I looked at him...his face barely visible as the orange hues of the candles surrounding us barely touched his darkness.

"I hope...your problem is fixed..." He whispered with a bare tone of. An unusual knot slowly forming inside of my chest as my heart began to beat loudly not being able to bear the tender, soft touch of his shoulder brushing against my arm that ignited a set of flames on to my soul...a small smile appearing across my lips liking his seduction...his way of subtle flirting knowing that I found comfort in it just like yesterday since the day we met.

My eyes lowered as I diverted them not being able to face him as his gaze appeared to ignite a sense of shyness inside of me. "Um...I..." I began to stutter not able to find the right words. I clenched on to the end of my pallu tightly ensuring it would not repeat its mistake once again.

He let out another laugh before taking a step closer. My heart beginning to beat wildly out of my chest feeling the heat of his body slipping from him and entering mines' as he leaned in closer next to my ear. "I am good at these type of things...I can help you next time..." He whispered huskily. My eyes widened as I let out a small gasp shocked by his statement immediately looking back towards him not knowing what to say and completely stunned by his flirtatious behavior considering how he was just treating me yesterday in the plane, but then remembering how he was later flirting with me at the hotel...

"With ensuring your purse is not stolen next time," He spoke sending me into a set of confusion as I noticed a precarious smile across his lips feeling as if he was meaning the pallu incident and not the robbery. My mind beginning to spin wildly with a sense of curiosity, nervousness, and...excitement liking his sense of flirtation.

Oh my God...this man is not what he appears to be...Despite the bitterness of Arti's words...there is probably some truth to the claims she made.

My eyes standing still as I looked at him appearing astonished, but also attempting to decode the meaning of his words...Is he flirting with me?...But why? I mean...I am so bland and dull...But, wait...he is flirting with you. My conscience spoke as I watched him moves his eyes up and down once more setting chills in my body along the way as he appeared to etch my features in his mind attempting to remember them and somehow I allowed him to look at me like this finding a sense of excitement jumping inside of me...excitement over how a man like him is taking interest in me...A man who can have any woman, but somehow taking interest in me- a boring, bland, dull Anika who is bankrupt...A small smile appearing across my lips as I looked down at my hands playing with them nervously as we stood close not moving an inch, but staying still and enjoying the silence that danced amongst the both of us.

But this is wrong Anika! He is a alcoholic...a man with a temper....all according to Arti, but likely true considering how accurate she always is in such matters...However, wouldn't it be exciting to be with someone like him? Forgetting about relationships and indulging in a fling?...No! Absolutely not! This is not what you parents have taught you! My conscience attempting to drag me out of my ego and make me focus on my reality. Yes, it's best to stay away. Stay away. I repeated to myself as I slowly took a step away my eyes moving towards a hotel employee who walked towards us smiling.

"Welcome to the party. Everyone was waiting for you both! And finally you came...I am sure you will love the arrangements tonight!" The employee said excitedly as she grabbed a small pair of pink rose garlands from the tray she was holding immediately placing one around Shivaay's neck and mine.

Raising my eyebrow, I looked at her confused by the statement she made. "Um...everyone was waiting for us? Why?" I questioned.

"Well you are the couple of the evening. My you both make such a beautiful couple," The employee remarked as my mouth gaped open immediately looking back towards Shivaay who appeared to stifle a laugh before letting go of my arm.

"We're not a couple...You definitely had some confusion. I think the couple still has to come...Someone gave you the wrong message," Shivaay remarked as he placed the back of his hand on his lips trying to stop his laugh as I shook my head feeling quite embarrassed by the mistake.

Beautiful couple? Him and I? My mind slightly laughing at the thought while appearing to ponder over it as I looked back at him and I trying to find a connection.

"We're the couple!" The perky voice speaking with a tinge of anger as we turned back seeing Arti and Ayaan walking hand in hand. Arti appearing quite perturbed and frankly angry as she eyed the both of us before throwing me a look as I did something wrong.

"Oh I am so sorry for the confusion," The employee remarked as I sighed taking the garland off of my neck and handing it to her.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" Ma questioned as she walked towards us with Neha aunty who looked at her son, Ayaan, quite confused with what was happening.

"Well, she made a mistake thinking Anika and Mr. Oberoi were the couple for the night! I mean who hired her?!" Arti questioned looking at her up and down with a sense of disgust appearing to judge her.

"What happened?" Neha aunty questioned curiously as she eyed the rose garlands Shivaay and I wore.

Grabbing the garland, I snatched it off of my neck handing it back immediately to the hotel employee feeling a sense of sheer awkwardness from the moment with the thought of being with Shivaay as discomforting despite a part of my heart feeding on the thought enticed by it.

"What type of arrangements are these?! I mean look at this employee...she thought that Anika and Mr. Oberoi are the couple who are getting married and are the couple of the night," Arti exclaimed eyeing a glare towards me seemingly frustrated by the misunderstanding.

Shaking my head back and forth, I pressed my hand against my temple already getting a tad bit annoyed by the attitude Arti was proudly displaying tonight which was slowly beginning to creep its way inside of me inching into my nerves.

This night is definitely going to be long...Full of Arti's tantrums, malicious gazes of guests who appear to take pity, but also feed off my misery, and then of course the slow poison Ayaan and Arti as a couple would project into me by displaying their love for one another. The joy of being the center of attention in a miserable way indeed feeds off one's dark side that loves to taunt one and make them relish in their flaws.

"Oh my God! What kind of proposterous thing is this!" Neha aunty exclaimed as Ma sighed taking a deep breath as she looked back towards me and Shivaay.

Shivaay's shoulder still trailing lightly against the back of my arm as I took a deep breath attempting to focus on Ma, but seemingly his unknowingly method of seduction appearing to divert my attention, luring in an empty barren soul...My eyes slowly making their way towards him as he still played a soft smile on his lips. His eyes revealing a mysterious depth to them that held the waltz of seduction as its façade.

"Well...I indeed apologize Mr. Oberoi for the confusion," Ma noted as she looked towards the both of us. Shivaay immediately looking towards her lifting his fingers off of my arm.

"No problem at all. I didn't mind as mistakes and misunderstandings can happen by anyone...I don't spoil by mood by such pity things..." Shivaay spoke with his voice seemingly lowered appearing to hold back what he may truly be feeling. There is something unfathomable about him...I don't know what it is, but there is something dark to his shades.

Slipping the garland off of his neck, he placed it in the tray before looking back towards me. "I am sure Anika didn't mind," He spoke implying an alternative meaning as he grazed his eyes over me. My heart skipping a beat as his eyes appeared to brush past my superficial details and tip toeing into the depths I held within me.

"Acha how about we all just keep calm and move on to a wonderful night. Right Arti?" Ma spoke as she grabbed Arti's arm gesturing her to stop making a fuss.

"Anyways, congratulations Ayaan and Arti for the wedding," Shivaay said with a smile as he shook their hands.

"Thank you sir for willing to attend the wedding," Ayaan spoke as Shivaay smiled.

"Well I had to considering Dadi is best friends with Arti's Nani and also the fact you are marketing head for my company of course," Shivaay spoke with a smile as Ayaan smiled appearing to play off his innocence which he loved to put as a mask upon his innocence I easily fell for.

My eyes trailing towards him and Arti as they stood close next to one another appearing to thread love between them with their blushing smiles and dazed gazes that seemingly Ayaan and I failed to have now when I think about it.

My eyes wandered to Papa who quickly walked towards us. "Arre, Mr. Oberoi what are you doing here? Your table is in the front. Please come our way and come on all of you go on the stage," Papa ordered as he ushered us to come along with him.

"Where are you going?" Ma questioned grabbing a hold of my wrist as I looked at her confused. Everyone seemingly passing by as I noticed Shivaay look back at both of us curiously before Papa ushered him away.

"What do you mean?" I questioned as Ma sighed pulling me to the side of the entrance letting other guests to pass by.

"Look Anika, already we have faced a lot of hassels these two years regarding Ayaan, Arti, and you three...All our relatives are here tonight and clearly aware of what has happened between you three, so I think it is better you stay away from the spotlight tonight...It's best you keep distance from guests because everyone has very curious minds and their own suspicions why the wedding was called off between you and Ayaan...What if everyone finds out about your problem?" Ma spoke slowly tying up my gut as I felt it crumple up into knots touching the soft burns of pain in my womb that remained and told me how empty I am.

I cannot believe she would say such as my own mother...It is as if she believes firmly that what is happening in this moment is all my fault as if I am a curse due to which my womb emptied itself leading my wedding to get cancelled. It is not my fault that I have a sense of emptiness...It was fate...Pure fate. I bit my tongue holding tears not wanting to say another word knowing there was no point in arguing...If they see me as so wrong then why did they bring me here to this wedding?...If they are ashamed of me and believe I will create gossip then it would've been best, I would've been left back in California. But, how can I blame them?They brought me to maintain their honor and show to the world how we are united, but they also want to keep me isolated to ensure the truth isn't revealed about me to anyone knowing how it would hurt their reputation that I am a barren.

"Now try to lay low alright? Take a seat back here at one of the tables. It's best you keep away from the relatives and other guests ok?" Ma spoke with a tone of command as I nodded knowing there was no use in fighting since she always wins at the end and what is the point of arguing as I have no interest in this wedding except I am just here as a sister to show solidarity.

My eyes following Ma as she walked away towards the large table decked out in the front for rest of the family to sit at including Shivaay himself who sat with Dadi. Even strangers get more respect then I who is part of this family. A sense for revulsion touching me as I felt a tear slip down my cheek not being able to hold its strength any longer. Is being barren a crime?...Is it a crime to not be able to have a child and then be judged by society as a whole?...Well perhaps Ma is right people will begin to judge me considering the man who I truly loved left me for this reason...He indulged in an affair with Arti after finding out about my condition and then broke me....stabbing the love in my heart and telling me that he is no longer mine...Indeed, people are soulless in this world. Absolutely soulless.

My eyes wandering to a small empty table in the back of the courtyard as I made my way to it knowing it was the best place to find peace in my loneliness knowing that was the only soulmate written in this damned fate I carry.

Taking a seat, I looked out towards the stage as Arti and Ayaan shared giggles with one another sharing sweet blissful talks...How can they be so happy knowing what they have done? Don't they feel any shame? Not an ounce of it knowing what they did to me...Is love really this selfish to a point that it makes lovers blind to the sins they may commit to have one another?

Running my hand through a pastel pink rose from the tall rose bushes that stood behind me, I looked at it appearing to admire its beauty realizing that love was just like this rose...simple, beautiful, elegant, but selfish seen in its thorns that pierces everyone except those who hold true love in their hearts. A small smile playing across my lips as I leaned my chin into the palm of my hand finding my vivid, life like thoughts capture my mind not wanting to let go of me.

"Hmm...I guess didi put you here for tonight?" My eyes lifting up realizing it was no one other than Pooja massi who held a wide smirk.

"Y-Yes...yes she did," I replied feeling a tinge of annoyance mixed with embarrassment over how I was isolated from everyone else.

"Well what we can do. I mean it is best you stay a little away from the spotlight or else people will continue to talk. have yet to congratulate me," Pooja massi said as I looked at her confused not able to comprehend what she meant.

Pooja massi raised her eyebrow as she looked at me. "Let me guess you don't know about Gauri's pregnancy?!" She exclaimed as my eyes widened quite surprised by the news. A wide smile appearing across my lips as I looked at her.

"Really?! Wow, that is wonderful news Pooja massi. Congratulations! I...I didn't know," I spoke with excitement upon knowing Gauri was going to become a mother and I of course an aunt.

"Thank you for congratulating me," Pooka massi said with a smile as she took a seat next to me. I smiled as I looked at her finding a sense of contemplation in her eyes as if she wanted to say something.

"I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to say something to you about Gauri," She spoke before grabbing my hand and looking at me.

"Look, I know you have good intentions and of course you are didi's daughter, so just like's best you keep distance from Gauri. Look, didi told me about your condition and I feel bad for you of course, would be best you keep distance from Gauri just because our family believes if a barren woman if around a pregnant woman then it might harm the child..." Her words immediately stabbing nails into my womb as a sense of emptiness erupted inside of me setting up my soul in a dark mist of agony that bluntly salvaged it letting it know it was not worthy of being valued.

My hands trembling as I grabbed on to my lap digging my fingers into it not wanting to let my tears spill and unveil the minimal strength my soul was barely holding on to in order to live.

"I hope you understand Anika...a child is involved in this matter. So, it's best you keep distance from Gauri ok?" Pooja massi repeated once more as I sat still with my mind reaching a subtle dead end not wanting to even delve deeper into the shallow words that had entered it knowing it may incite havoc...a point from where I may never return.

My eyes watching as Pooja massi smiled as if what she said meant if it was normal to tell a woman how she is worthless, an omen to society because after all she chose to be barren right? Afterall, she probably committed a sin that led her to be like this right?-Well wrong. All of this is wrong. It is wrong that I am being isolated. It is wrong that I am being treated as a curse because of something that fate has decided for me. If these people truly valued God and divine fate then they would value this decision that was made for me, but no...these people perceive me to be an evil phantom that rose out from the ground.

Tears began to slip down my cheeks as I clasped my hands against my cheeks letting the tears enterwine with my fate lines knowing this was what fate has written for me. All my life, I have done everything for my family...always intending to keep them happy and ensuring that I be the best daughter for them and now what did I get? The moment and the time that I need them the most, they have seemingly decided to isolate me...seeing me as omen for them. How could they do this to me? Am I really this worthless? Biting into the palm of my hand, I attempted to hold my tears as I noticed some guests looking at me as they passed by. Gosh, this is mortifying...I thought as I wiped my hands becoming blush pink with a mix of black as my makeup streamed against it unveiling the sadness I attempted to hide with makeup...

Suddenly a loud screech echoed its way through the large courtyard as the music braked upon a sudden stop. Papa appearing with a microphone as he got on to stage with Arti and Ayaan standing up behind him holding on to each other's hands tightly as they proudly displayed their "pure" love in front of the world not letting anyone know about the filth it hid.

"Good evening everyone! I hope all of you are doing well,"Papa spoke with a sense of joy perfectly gleaning from his voice not once concerned how he had seemingly isolated one of his daughters for the sake of the other...indeed he is a good father right?

"I am so glad all of you decided to attend the welcome party we are hosting tonight for all of you who have decided to join these two weeks of blissful and joyous wedding festivities for our children Ayaan Saxena and of course Arti Malhotra who are about to begin a new and beautiful journey in their life as soulmates," Papa said proudly as the crowd of guests erupted in a loud applause and cheers for the couple that stood before them...the couple who loves to create havoc in order to feed their love's strength...A soft smile appearing across my lips as I bit into my finger suppressing a tear.

"Well, I will let this special couple talk, but before that we should welcome a great guest we have amongst ourselves who left important work back home to join our children's boss and of course the very talented and the one in the running for the richest businessman in the U.S., Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi," Papa announced as I rolled my eyes realizing how he was definitely fawning Shivaay in order to get that promotion he really wants...probably Ayaan too as well knowing how he is. Wow, how embarrassing can they get? I thought with a tinge of anger and need to insult them in my mind that was coming as the aftermath of the tears spent on a family who doesn't give a damn about me.

Shivaay appearing awkward as he got up waving at everyone before raising his eyebrow in a slight confusion. His face appearing tense with awkwardness screaming his facial expressions before he took a seat.

"Wow, so he is rich?" My ears popping up as I looked back noticing Natasha, Chachu's daughter, talking to her younger sister Albeli at the table across from me.

"Of course he is damn rich...I heard his net worth is more than fifty billion dollars combining his pharmaceutical companies and the solar company he took over. He's pretty big back in Silicon Valley of course in terms of taking medical start ups and all," Albeli noted as I raised my eyebrow looking back at Shivaay as he appeared to snatch a glass of whiskey from the waiter before taking a swing from it.

"You see that?...He's an alcoholic I heard. He likes to drink a lot just like his father was of course...Like father like son. But, you know what's the worst?" Albeli spoke as Natasha leaned over wanting to hear the gossip. Seemingly, even I found myself wanting to hear the gossip slightly intrigued by Shivaay's story. Leaning my body closer, I held my head up as they sat about two feet away from me making their voices smoothingly clear.

"He is a serial player. I mean he is not commitment type you know? Apparently this trait or habit of his got him in a major scandal two months ago. His last girlfriend Falguni Ahuja, that diamond merchant's daughter, went on TV and exposed his palendering ways to everyone by showing like dozens of photos of him with different girls while they both were together for a year and a half. She then kept crying and then strangely getting angry over how he would have these moments of rage where he goes completely off the rails!" Albeli exclaimed as my eyes widened with my jaw dropping as I heard the claims. My eyes immediately shooting up to Shivaay as he sat calmly running his lips against the glass of alcohol seemingly dazed as he looked up at the dark night not once paying attention to the long speech Neha aunty was giving on the happy couple.

My mind appearing to catch on to his details trying to observe his body language to find truth to Albeli's words that were making me really curious about him.

Temper?...My mind wandering to yesterday in the dhaba when he did lose his cool...Perhaps.

Player?...Likely considering how he was flirting with me yesterday and today...

A small chill running through my spine as I felt an uncanny feeling touch me as I looked at Shivaay realizing this man just might be toxic...a dark shadow that loves sadistic pleasure perhaps.

"Was he abusive to her?!" Natasha exclaimed as I immediately looked back as Albeli gestured her to shut up.

"No! Of course not Natasha!...He was not abusive to her! Falguni said that he would just throw things and then would keep pacing yelling and cursing for hours not letting go of the issue. I heard he went to anger management multiple times, but no luck apparently," Albeli spoke as I felt my heart skip a beat with fear rupturing inside of me as I looked at Shivaay realizing there was an edge of danger to him...a danger that likely no one wants to touch. Damn it Anika. Why do you always encounter such type of men? Why can you never have a normal life? I cursed my luck as I gestured the waiter to give me a glass of soda.

But why am I cursing myself? I mean why should I curse myself? I don't have an interest in him...I mean shouldn't have an interest in him considering he is so old. It is wrong to even think such and especially it is wrong to think of such now knowing what kind of guy he likely is....But think about it Anika...maybe these girls are lying or that Falguni is lying?...Afterall it is called a scandal for a reason-a possible rumor of course.

"But you know what? I think Falguni was exaggerating the whole thing because her designer label line for her summer diamond collection were about to come out and she wanted publicity," Abeli spoke as I shrugged my shoulders realizing that perhaps indeed that Falguni could be lying about the entire situation.

"But, that player thing is definitely true. He is a serial playboy," Albeli remarked as Natasha gasped before a smile appeared across her lips as she looked at Shivaay.

"Hm...means fun for me," Natasha spoke as she began to giggle. Of course fun for you until Chachu finds out Natasha, I thought sarcastically as I rolled my eyes before taking a sip of my soda.

"Well I just want to say that I am very lucky to have found a beautiful and wonderful girl like Arti in my life. She completes me the way no one ever has," Ayaan spoke catching my attention as I immediately looked up. An ache filtering its way into my heart as his words touched me reminding me the times when he would tell me how I completed him...perhaps they were just words to you, I thought as Ayaan grabbing Arti's hand before leaning in to kiss her cheek. Indeed, I have learned one thing that men's words are just intricate shallow lies aimed to tie a woman in knots around their fingers whom they can love or leave at any moment.

Arti letting out a small perky giggle like the diva she is as she snatched the microphone out of Ayaan's hand. "I always knew Ayaan was made for me and honestly I knew he was going to be mine at the end of the day...A perfect man like him, who is intelligent, handsome, kind, are only made for girls like me who are deserving of men like him...who have done good deeds," Arti said proudly displaying her self centered ego to everyone who began to clap at her nonsensical words.

Arti smiling as she turned her head looking straight towards me as she pursed her lips together throwing a dirty look. Words implied towards me directly knowing they would pieces the gazes of my soul and make it feel ashamed not wanting to look at anyone in the eye...Well you succeeded at that Arti. Clearly, I can never look at anyone in the eye as only pity will be seen which I do not want...You are correct Arti-souless, coward men like Ayaan may be made for girls like you who love to feed on your own blood's sadness for your own sadistic pleasure.

Never would I have thought my own sister would do this to me. Shaking my head, I looked away as Arti and Ayaan smiled before Ayaan popped open a champagne bottle as everyone cheered loudly waving their glasses of alcohol in the air. "To the beginning of our journey to becoming soulmates!" Ayaan yelled as the music suddenly came on with the spotlight coming on to the dance floor.

And then the dance of the devils began as Ayaan brought Arti on to the dance floor as they began to dance across it flawlessly. Arti glowing in the blue gown she wore as Ayaan leaned her closer towards him laying another kiss on her cheek as he appeared to admire her...My heart slowly burning as angst snaked through it igniting a sense of jealousy. My soul attempting to extinguish the jealousy knowing it is wrong considering he is now someone else's...who is my sister. This is so wrong and I know I shouldn't be getting jealous, but my heart is questioning every single moment I spent with this man who claimed to love me and hold me in such delicate ways yet somehow gave up on me because of a flaw my body had...Was our love this shallow? This weak?

Tears slipped down my cheeks as I stared at my reflection in the candle vase laying on the table finding a sense of sadness touching it...loneliness...probably lifelessness as well. I don't know why, but my emotions are getting me today and they shouldn't since I have been trying hard to be positive and happy, but it feels awful to see the man you once loved to be with someone else, that being your own sister.

"Beautiful..." The voice catching me off my thoughts as I immediately looked up catching sight of Shivaay as he held a soft smile across his lips. His hand lingering against the chair next to me as he pulled it out taking a seat next to me.

"I forgot to say this to you when I first saw you tonight," He spoke with his words laying a shade of red on my cheeks. His eyes lightly glazing over my face as I lowered my gaze finding a sense of shyness overcome me as it had been a long time since someone took time to admire me.

A smile abruptly clasping onto me as I kept my eyes set on the edges of his shoulder not wanting to look up and meet that intense gaze he appeared to keep. "Me and beautiful?...This likely an illusion you are having...perhaps due to the alcohol," I spoke eyeing the glass of whiskey in his hand. He let out a small laugh as I looked up at him finding him taking another sip of the bitter poison.

"No matter how much I drink of it and wish for illusions...I somehow am never able to capture them. Only reality haunts every minute...every day," He spoke with his eyes appearing to drift away into a daze. A sense of curiosity hitting me as I looked at him wanting to decode the meaning of his statement that might reveal a secret depth he might hold.

" shouldn't be thinking such low of yourself...Beauty grazes you very delicately...something I haven't seen in anyone else," He looked into my eyes and in an instant capturing them as I found myself somehow being lured by the mystery they held...a mystery I find enticing.

Stop it Anika. He is just playing with your mind. Don't you remember he is a player? Men have a habit of building lies-remember Ayaan did? My mind spoke cleverly as I smiled, "Everyone says these illusive words Mr. Oberoi...tell me something different," I spoke leaning closer placing the palm of my hand under my chin looking at him with a teasing smile.

Raising his eyebrows, he looked at me appearing caught off guard from my challenge. His lips dragging themselves loosely across the edges of the glass taking his last sip of alcohol. "Beauty is described as something that lays on the flesh and I have seen this many times in every woman I have encountered so far, but...your beauty is something that is rarely found...rarely touched...a beauty your soul has seen in the depths of your innocence, a purity, something that has been touched by miseries, but still lives and wants to be mended...a beauty in your soul that always mends others, but needs a mending itself to it..." My breath stopping as his world unraveled the walls I have held for long...His words seemingly touching a drum on my heart letting it know its miseries...Innocence, purity?...Perhaps things that ruined me...A sense of warmth still wrapping around my heart as his words seemingly touched the depths of it...No one has spoken such way of me. No one until him.

Shivaay smiled as he looked towards me making my heart beat quickly against my chest feeling a sense of excitement in the moment-liking the attention. "You...definitely...know how to play with words," I replied as Shivaay chuckled before looking back towards Arti and Ayaan who continued to dance with one another.

"Well you tell me. Did you like them?" He questioned as I let out a small giggle looking away.

"Hmm...that is for me to know. Right?" I questioned teasingly as I clasped my hands together in my lap playing an innocent smile.

"Where is Ira?" I questioned curiously realizing the little beauty was nowhere in sight and clearly I was kind of missing her remembering the fun I had spending time with her yesterday.

"Remember I told you she had jet lag? Well...she finally fell asleep and it's best she get's rest,so she's upstairs in her room with her nanny of course," He replied as I nodded realizing he was perhaps correct.

"By the way, she loved the flowers you gave," Shivaay noted as I immediately looked at him remembering the flowers I gave today in the morning. A bit childish, but hey it was a great idea! I thought as I looked towards him.

"Well I am glad she did...Flowers a nice classic touch," I spoke proudly as Shivaay chuckled shaking his head.

"Hmm...indeed flowers are a nice touch...but their beauty perhaps enhanced by the one who picked them," He spoke as I let out another giggle rolling my eyes at his cheesiness.

"Cheesy much?" I noted as he shrugged his shoulders before looking away.

"But, it's the truth," He noted.

"Acha ji?" I spoke with a smile noticing a small smirk appearing across his lips before looking back. Our eyes catching sight of one another once again and seemingly finding each other's company quite attractive in the loneliness they appeared to carry.

However, he broke off the moment as he looked away back to the dance floor. "Waise, what are you doing here in the back? Shouldn't you be seated where I am?" He questioned curiously as I sighed realizing I currently didn't have a lie to cover myself. Great now what am I supposed to say?

" mood! I wanted to sit here so I sat here...It is very nice here actually. A perfect escape from the loud chit chat and questioning curiosity everyone carries," I noted as Shivaay looked at me curiously appearing to question my words. My gaze lowering as I know what a bad liar I am and I might just reveal the real reason why I am sitting here away from everyone else.

"Hi so nice to meet you!" My head immediately shot up as I saw Natasha standing right next to me as she looked at Shivaay. A nice flirty smile apparent across her face as she looked towards Shivaay. Oh great, I was right...she of course will flirt with Shivaay knowing how she is strongly rooted in the idea of money. My eyes moving towards Shivaay as he looked at her puzzled with a sense of confusion.

"My name is Natasha. I am Anika's cousin and of course Anand Thaiyya ji's niece," Natasha said smiling as she held out her hand for Shivaay to shake. Shivaay barely brushing his hand against hers' as he appeared to look back at me...His eyes set right where I was appearing to observe me keenly. A sense of awkwardness touching me as I looked up towards Natasha.

"Hi Natasha. How are you?" I questioned trying to be kind despite knowing how annoying she was along with the self proclaimed diva attitude she also carried like Arti.

Natasha looked back at me giving me a wicked smile as she looked at me up and down appearing to take in the plain saree I wore. Her eyes scrambling all over it before she scrunched up her nose appearing disgusted by the style choice.

"A saree Anika? Seriously? I mean why? You could've at least afforded a cheap dress. Everyone knows in the entire family that you are bankrupt, but still you could've borrowed one or something. I mean I have plenty to offer to you...I mean look this dress I am wearing right now is a Stella McQueen dress and then I have others like these which I will not be wearing anytime soon, so you can have them," Natasha said appearing to throw pity at me as I looked back at my saree feeling flustered as I realized indeed I was the only young person wearing a saree as everyone else were wearing dresses...Indeed, I do stand out like a sore thumb. This is all my fault. If only I had paid close attention and picked up the right suitcase from the airport. Damn it.

My cheeks turning red as I looked up at Shivaay finding a bit mortified that I was embarrassed right in front of him considering the type of class he comes from. Shivaay appearing to furrow his eyebrows as he immediately looked up at Natasha. "What's wrong with a saree? It is nice and classy," He snapped initiating a set of comfort to the sheer awkwardness that had touched me. A soft smile touching my lips as for the first time someone had actually stood up for me and that too a stranger.

"In fact...a saree shows a beauty in a new way," He spoke looking back towards me as I raised my eyebrow finding a sense of seduction in his eyes as he looked at me up and down. My eyes widening as I saw his eyes trail to the pallu I wore...remembering in an instant what he meant. For some reason, my heart immediately jumped up in excitement from his seduction lifting a peculiar smile across my lips.

He is shameless and somehow I like it. The ego in my brain spoke with joy as I shut up the thought.

"Mr. Oberoi, what are you doing here? You should come to your table as dinner is about to get served," Ayaan spoke walking towards us hand in hand with Arti. Shivaay breaking the gaze as he looked back towards the both of them. My eyes falling towards Arti who eyed the both of us with a smirk across her lips-her words touching me making me remember how she accused me of seducing him. Oh of course she would be thinking some crap right now. Oh well, go ahead and think Arti-I don't give a damn.

"Indeed, you should be in the front not here in the back with Anika. I mean Anika must've bored you with her talks," Arti said as she giggled with Ayaan smirking as he looked back towards me.

"Oh really? I am boring? Wow. Well, Mr. Oberoi please do go now and let these two grace your company. I am sure they will be quite entertaining as always-they love creating sparks and fireworks in other people's lives," I threw up my head in the air letting out a small laugh finding myself giddy with anger and frustration. How dare they insult me? After everything they have done to me, they dare to insult me in such a manner.

An immediate wide smile appearing across Shivaay's lips as he appeared to like the sarcasm I displayed in the moment. His eyes shooting back to Ayaan and Arti who appeared dumbfounded and a bit shocked by the comeback I made.

"Well...uh...please do come and join everyone else on the dance floor," Ayaan barely speaking through. Shivaay smirked before getting up and looking towards me.

"Oh yes. You should definitely dance," Natasha remarked with a high flirtatious voice as she looked towards Shivaay with a sense of seduction. Rolling my eyes, I took the last sip of soda before staring out at the dance floor wanting to ignore everyone and just be left alone in my blissful misery.

My arm suddenly flinching as I felt goosebumps ignite as it felt the exotic touch. My eyes lowering as I noticed his fingers trail against my wrist before grabbing my hand. Immediately looking up, I caught sight of Shivaay as he smiled looking at our hands perfectly fitting each other's imperfections as our fate lines merged with one another...His touch melting through the flesh and right to the soul telling it that this was was right to hold on to one another in a moment of loneliness.

"Do you want to dance with me?" He spoke as if it was a command. Raising my eyebrow, I looked at him confused before looking back at Ayaan and Arti who appeared extremely puzzled. A gasp erupting from Natasha as she appeared shocked by the occurrence since she expected the dance.

A small smile simply appearing across my lips as I found an odd joy in the moment with showing others how I for once was wanted by for once someone wanted me and no one else. Hmm...I don't know how to dance, but I might just do it tonight as I smiled looking at him. His eyes appearing to catch my answer as he pulled on my hand.

"Come let's dance," He spoke with a sense of command in his voice as he immediately pulled me up. Pulling me closer, he immediately began dragging me towards the dance floor as we brushed passed Ayaan...A wider smile erupting across my lips as I looked back at Ayaan shrugging my shoulders appearing to tease him.

Shivaay's hand slipping into the gaps between my fingers as he immediately entwined his hand into mine. My eyes widening by the initiative as I grabbed his arm pulling him back towards me making him halt in his steps.

"W-What are you doing?" I barely whispered as a sense of excitement from his initiative appearing to thrust itself upon me making his daring nature much more attractive.

Immediately looking back, he pulled our hands closer as his eyes lowered appearing to fall on to my lips. A sense of temptation apparent as he rubbed his hand against mine. My heart fluttering as I felt my body heat up by the mere gaze. "Dancing as of now Anika..." He replied in a low husky voice immediately making my heart drop with realization that there might be more to come....A sense of joy touching me as somehow that empty, hallow loneliness wanted that love...that lust...even if it was from a stranger.

My eyes moving towards the guests as they appeared to pry their eyes towards us with curiosity as Shivaay began to lead me towards the dance floor. A soft smile appearing across my lips as I looked at him feeling slightly impressed by his daring nature...indeed an allure to my heart.

"I-I...really d-don't know how to dance," I whispered as we walked on to the wooden dance floor right towards the center.

Shivaay's gaze meeting mines' as a smile appeared across his lips. "Then let me lead...something I like to do," He whispered in lowered tone as my heart rumbled hearing a sense of authority from him. This man is a mystery...I just know it.

A warm, hot touch slipped against the side of my waist as I immediately flinched looking up towards him as his gaze appeared lowered right where his fingertips trailed appearing to admire the sight. The heat of fingertips traveling its way into me as I felt my heart skip a beat in an instant leading the heat escape on to my face it appeared to turn a different shade of red.

Taking a step closer, he closed the gap between us trailing his hand around my waist before pulling me against his chest in an instant capturing me in his subtle seduction. His eyes setting an unusual command for me to obey as my hand somehow captured life trailing itself up his arm before laying it on his shoulder. The scent of alcohol, he heavily carried, filling up my senses setting my measure of reality to fire as somehow I enjoyed the presence of a darkness he kept hidden, but seemingly was expressing in certain ways.

"Just follow me ok?" He spoke as I nodded realizing how I might just wreck this dance with the clumsy person I am.

His foot moving forward as I looked down immediately moving back in response as I bit my lip nervously realizing how I might not just make a fool of myself, but also of him. This is going to be so embarrassing. I thought as I mentally facepalmed myself.

Suddenly his pushed me against his waist catching my attention as I looked at him quite puzzled by the move. "Don't look down...look only at me ok?" He spoke as I seemingly agreed not once fighting back appearing to give into his words...something I rarely do for anyone else.

A soft smile appearing across his lips as he looked at me shamelessly appearing to capture my features. "No one can compete with your beauty tonight...No one...Hm..." He spoke as I bit into a smile catching his admiration and placing it into the pocket of my heart where a wound wasn't present from Ayaan.

"What beauty? The saree I am wearing is a 10 year old saree of my mom's and this makeup I carry is barely worth ten dollars...Hm? So I think you are playing with me," I spoke defiantly liking the idea of doing a play of words with him. Shivaay appearing caught in my words as I took a step forward as we stepped back and forth on the dance floor.

"Beauty can never be measured by money Anika...You are too naïve to think such," He spoke as he immediately dipped me down. My eyes widening as I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck as a sense of fear lingered that if he let go then I would fall.

A wide smile appearing across his lips as he kept me lowered appearing to enjoy the moment. His fingers trailing against the bare skin of my waist as I felt a chill go down my spine with a heart igniting the bare tones of my soul.

"Your beauty is the most precious Anika...something that can never be valued even if the entire world's wealth is brought to weigh it..." He spoke as my gaze lowered as a sense of shyness touched me...His compliment appearing foreign as it was something I never heard of before until now. Butterflies drumming themselves out of heart as it flew into my abdomen igniting sheer nervousness.

Immediately, he pulled me up as my hands remained on his chest right next to his heart. Peering intently towards me, he kept his gaze still as I looked away finding my parents appearing quite stunned looking at the both of us with an intense gaze attempting to figure the puzzle between both of us. A small smile erupting across my lips as I found myself being a rebel in front of them and enjoying the fact that for once I was rebelling after how they treated me with regards to Arti's proposal forgetting about my feelings and seemingly only focusing on her.

Our bodies swaying side by side as Shivaay leaned closer towards me capturing my attention in an instant as I immediately looked towards him brushing my nose against. My body immediately flinching back as I realized the closeness our flesh held...our souls held. His soul threading itself into mine as he pulled me closer making my arms wrap around his shoulder.

"Blushing hm? Now this is a new reaction..." He spoke as I let out a small giggle feeling my cheeks burn red into it finding myself flustered not knowing what to say because it was odd to have someone converse with me in such a manner...even Ayaan never spoke in such manner with me before...Our conversations tended to be simple never indulging in such type of flirtation full of poetic lines...Indeed, I was finding myself enjoying Shivaay's attention that fiddled and dabbled itself with such lines.

He smiled as he leaned in closer. My body beginning to tremble slightly realizing how we were an inch apart. My ear heating up tenderly as I felt his lips laying a centimeter away from it. "Shyness is something that has been lost...only few have that treasure...and it makes me go crazy when I see it," His voice lowered with a seductive tone to it. Goosebumps touching me immediately as I lowered my face finding myself submitting to his mysterious aura he held on to.

"You are know that," He repeated once more as I softly smiling allowing him to string the tunes of my heart finding a unique sense of bliss in it.

"Now say something. Am I only going to do the talking?" Shivaay asked demandingly as I let out a small giggle immediately looking into his eyes that danced a waltz to seduction.

Say something? I mean I don't know what to say. His words somehow have initiated a cascade of silence inside of me leaving me awestruck at how someone can find something to compliment me in considering the layers of flaws I have.

"I-I...don't know what to say...Your words have entangled me in a web that I myself do not know what to say...I am a flawed person and then to see someone gather some pieces of me and admire them is something new..." I spoke as I looked into his eyes that stood still in mines'.

A smile lifting him up as he trailed his fingers on to my back drumming on to my anxious nerves finding themselves bumbling in fear, but also thrilled in be touched by him. His eyes appearing to unravel my details as he looked at me up and down making me blush. "Well, it is there loss who don't admire a beauty like you...Their gazes are shallow failing to recognize the depths of beauty that lay hidden in layers, but are the truest treasure," He spoke as my heart fluttered immediately not being able to take in his words...finding them wrapping themselves around my heart and igniting an unusual attraction for the man speaking such words...God, who have you made me encounter? What is this man made of? But then...isn't it wrong to be indulging in such pleasure of words knowing how different we both are in class and age?...Isn't it better I keep him away knowing what problems may come if I further pursue this...

"Where have you learned to speak like this?" I questioned, letting out a small giggle, attempting to divert him from his trail of flirtation he was heavily indulging himself in knowing that it was not right considering the differences we have in our age and the fact he is my father's boss-someone who pays my father to run his family...wouldn't it be wrong to be indulging in such matters of the heart?

Shivaay smiled as he let out his hand making me twirl as I giggled feeling a bit childish as he immediately wrapped his hand around my waist before entwining his hand into mine as we increased the pace of our steps. Somehow my clumsiness disappearing as he appeared to fill in my flaw. "Reading poetry helps I guess...but then having someone, a true treasured beauty, to admire in front of them can also help," He spoke as his eyes appeared to fall on my lips. My heart skipping a beat as somehow it could no longer tolerate the tumble of seduction that rolled out of his tongue. Afterall, a wounded heart cannot tolerate the sudden level of reverence of its owner that hasn't received such in long.

"You truly know how to play with words do you know that?" I spoke as I looked at him keenly hinting to him that I could tell he was trying to rub his name into my heart to ensure my thoughts would lead back to him after he would be gone tonight.

Shivaay let out a chuckle as his thumb lightly rubbed my hand making it quiver under his touch somehow not being able to touch the light, pleasure hunting touch he had. " with brains...I like it," He spoke as I rolled my eyes before slipping my hand out of his as I realized the music had stopped.

Shivaay appearing confused as I turned on my heel and began to walk off the dance floor. "Just one dance? I am pretty sure I did a good job of impressing you for another dance," He spoke quickly pacing after me as I let out a small giggle feeling giddy in the moment realizing how somehow he was chasing me. Indeed, a sense of pleasure hitting my heart that I was leading him on a chase, something I had never done before-perhaps that was my mistake with Ayaan.

"Impress? So that was what you were trying to do? Now I am wondering how much truth your words held," I noted as I looked back at him teasingly finding him walking quickly after me attempting to catch up to my steps.

Shivaay's eyes widening appearing at a loss of words since I clearly had caught him. See, this Anika is very smart in finding out such sneaky ways...Although I did admire his guts and somehow did find pleasure in his words, but still...he was just trying to entangle me in his web...He is a player after all, but think about it Anika...wouldn't it be exciting to indulge in a rendezvous with a man like him-a rebel, a player, someone dark, mysterious...aren't you tired of your simple, boring life? My pleasure seeking side spoke once again as I felt a sense of confliction touch me.

His hand catching hold of my arm as he immediately pulled me towards him. My feet stumbling as I took a step forward hitting my head against his chest. Immediately looking up, I matched his gaze that looked at me with a sense of urgence...a fire of pleasure igniting itself in it as they peered closely beyond my flesh and right into my thought...

"The words that stringed themselves out of my heart were truthful Anika...They held truth to them...Now I know you are naïve...a bit childish as well, but...I do know that the truth of these heartbeats cannot allow you to deny the truth they spoke..." He noted numbing my thoughts as somehow his words appeared to surreally enter latching themselves on to my soul making it surrender to him....A desire to believe him arising inside of me as I looked at him observing a sense of seriousness touch him as he pursed his lips before walking away.

Treasured beauty?...Precious beauty?...I felt a small smile touch me as I felt a sense of bliss ponder itself into me drumming my heart loudly upon realization on how his words may have held some truth in the admiration he may hold for me. Wrapping the end of dupatta into the palm of my hand, I held on to it tightly feeling a sense of thrill touch me realizing how a man like him found interest in a boring, flawed girl like me...What does he see in me that I do not? Biting my lip, I turned around watching him hold a conversation with a guest before appearing to look back at me...My heart instantly dropping itself as I took sight of him...Realizing how handsome he is...becoming intrigued by a proud demeanor he appeared to hold-full of mystery, yet power that could overwhelm anyone, yet, he finds interest in me...Shivaay appearing to give me a small smile looking at me up and down making me blush in an instant as I found a sense of attraction in his eyes for me.

Quickly turning around, I suddenly wavered back encountering a familiar face...although now he was just a stranger. His piercing eyes meeting mines' as he looked at me with a sense of anger. "What the hell was that Anika?" Ayaan spat as he crossed his arms appearing to look at Shivaay who stood at a distance from me.

A smile appearing across my lips realizing what he was talking about it finding a sense of satisfaction over how I had touched a nerve of his. "What?" I asked innocently though finding joy in annoying him.

Ayaan throwing me a glare as he clenched his fists tightly turning different shades of red. "You and Mr. Oberoi. How dare you do this? What gave you right to seduce him in such manner? I know your want to seduce him so you can capture him in your hands and prevent him from giving me a promotion because that is how much you hate me because I left you," He spoke hitting me with his filth as my eyes widened quite shocked by his choice of words. Seduce? How can he even think about me in such a manner? Moreover, how can he even think I would plan something so cheap against him? If I wanted revenge from him then I would've definitely done that so by now. A sense of anger touching me as I felt disgust inch itself into my soul igniting it with rage over how its character was questioned.

"How dare you accuse me of such?!" I exclaimed as Ayaan threw his head up in the air before looking at me.

"Oh please don't be naïve. Everyone could see how you two were dancing without shame! Everyone was looking at you both!" He yelled his voice echoing as my gaze lifted up realizing guests around us were now beginning to look towards us.

A sense of shock hitting me with realization on how this man, who was my fiancé and a childhood love, would treat me in such a manner and accuse of something in front of everyone without worrying how his words would affect my image? Tears setting themselves into my eyes as I felt the filth of his words dive deep inside of me and entangle me.

"Shut up Anika! How dare you talk to Ayaan in such manner?!" Ma spat with anger as she walked up to the both of us. My eyes widening as I looked at her completely shocked by how she was yelling at me without any concerns on what Ayaan accused me of.

" you even know what he accused me of? Anyone would be angry hearing such crap from a cheat like him!" I spat with anger realizing my voice was getting louder and louder minute by minute appearing to catch others' attention. My eyes wandering back finding Shivaay in sight as he appeared to walk up towards us with a sense of curiosity.

Oh God, can this just get more embarrassing? I thought feeling tears beginning to spill out of eyes as everyone's piercing and curious gaze tapped on to the tender low self esteem I kept under wraps and hidden inside of me.

"Stop Anika! Not another word ok?!Please spare us from further pain than you already have given in the past!" She exclaimed as my eyes widened feeling utterly appalled by her choice of words finding the hidden meaning and realizing what she was accusing she always did...that my wedding with Ayaan was called off due to my flaw...that it was my fault that I decided to empty my womb and fill it up with ashes preventing life from resurrecting itself in it...How can she say such being a woman herself? And now she dares to support this cheat and her daughter, who stole her own sister's dare she?

"Now...Anika...leave from this party ok? Leave!" Ma yelled loudly as whispers and gasps erupted amongst the guests...Their eyes falling on to me as they began to throw their mucky, dirty thoughts and words on to me. A sense of mortification embracing itself tightly around me as I felt my heart beginning to beat loudly with my face turning a deep shade of red realizing how my own mother dared to embarrass me in public in such manner...without even accounting for the fact how none of this was my fault.

Tears ripping themselves out of me, not able to hold back anymore, as I felt a sense of pange in my heart erupt realizing how empty and lonely it was...not one wanting to touch it, admire it, and love it...Stumbling back as a sense of shock touched me, I looked up towards Ma feeling a sense of anger brush me realizing how despite the fact that I was part of her, her own blood, she would treat me in such manner in front of everyone. How can she do such?

Whispers and talks still surrounding all of us a sense of pindrop silence touched everyone forgetting everything about the night's pleasures and only focusing on filthy past.

Be strong Anika...walk away now. Do not falter. Go. Go. My mind immediately taking over and commanding me making me instantly take a step. Wrapping my arms around me, I began to walk away. My feet quickening their steps in an attempt to escape the miserable, agony that now was catching on to me, teasing me, and reminding me of my flaws that led to such day that no one is by me...not even my own parents.

Pushing myself through the crowd of guests, I began to take deep breaths in an attempt to catch normality to my shallow breaths that now were tumbling on top of each other. The saree's ends catching on to my heel as I stumbled grabbing on to the wall of the small gateway that led out to another large empty yard that stood above the lake where the haveli was.

Sighing in frustration, I immediately kicked off my heels grabbing a hold of them as I stomped by feet on the marble floor releasing my anger knowing that the empty ground could be the only one who would be willing to hear cries, my anger, my frustration...that no one is willing to see or accept.

Am I just a phantom to everyone? Am I not a human being? Do I not have rights to be any because I am a woman? Is it my fault that I am empty...that I cannot bring life to this hideous world? How is this all my fault? I am the one who was betrayed. I am the one who is being made to walk on this path of thorns by portraying a façade to the world at this wedding and hiding that utter sense of anger and frustration over how my own loved ones betrayed own first love!

My feet letting go of the ground as I walked down the brown marble steps immediately taking hold of it. A sense of weakness touching me making me collapse on to the ground. "Why?! Why?!" Screams erupting from my wrangled soul as I threw my head up looking at the moon knowing divine fate laid somewhere up in the heavens tonight...knowing that divine was somewhere here watching me closely...becoming a part of my loneliness that had deeply now took hold of a hallow soul that laid inside of me.

"Why?! Why did you do this to me?! Why?!" I screamed taking grasp on to my womb digging my fingers into it wanting to burn it down knowing that now it held no value...knowing that due to this flaw, my entire hopes...were all snatched away.

Tears leading their way down my cheeks as they trailed on down my neck collapsing themselves against my heart...burning it further down letting it know its agony...letting it know how its owner now perhaps could never be loved or love someone else.

My hands wrapping around my knees as I pulled them against my chest with tears continuing to stream down my cheeks. If only my womb had been not left empty then perhaps, Ayaan would've still been mine...perhaps my parents would've still loved me not seeing me as a curse...perhaps things would've been different. That tonight would've been my wedding party not someone else's...not my own sister's.

Why did fate do this to me? Why did fate make this decision for me? What wrong did I do that now I have to bear such punishment? How am I wrong? Not once have I ever thought ill about someone then why am I being punished? Why? My mind continuing to question fate as I looked up towards the moon feeling its light touching me as it fell down upon me, yet, failing to bless me leaving my lap only with emptiness...


Chapter 5 Part 2 is about to get more Shivika scenes :) Chapter 5 Part 2 follows this part

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Do you think Shivaay is a dark character? What do you think the dynamics of Shivaay and Anika's relationship will be?

Chapter 5 Part 2 follows this part :)

Friendly Note: Please excuse any grammar issues as I posted this quite late at night in the U.S., but I will be editing for grammar tomorrow. Thank you for understanding :)

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