Chapter 5 Part 2: Shades of Love

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AUTHOR'S ADVISORY: Strong Reference to Alcohol is made in this chapter only for storyline purposes only. Frequent Alcohol Use Is Injurious to Health. Alcohol Use is only mentioned for storyline purposes only.

Hi everyone :) Here is Chapter 5 Part 1 for this story. Part 2 follows this :)

This story may show similarities with "Learning to Love Him Again" (LTLHA) and this was done on purpose because this story is a rendition to "Learning to Love Him Again" as it explores what Shivika could have been if their lives had not been turned upside down in "Learning to Love Him Again". However, differences are present in the dynamics of their relatinship and if possible let's not discuss LTLHA in this story just because I am a little low and I do not want to talk about that story right now, but focus on this new one. I am currently working on LTLHA and that will hopefully be updated soon, but let's just focus on this new story if possible :) Thank you for understanding my concern :)

If you like this chapter and story then please do not forget to like, comment, and share.

If you like this story then if possible please do share this story with other readers :)

Thank you for reading :)

Friendly Note: Please excuse any grammar issues as I posted this quite late at night in the U.S., but I will be editing for grammar tomorrow. Thank you for understanding :)


My eyes stood still, wavering themselves through the light brown rocked pillars that closed off the lake that stood a few feet away from me. The moonlight's hues continuing to spread its way down the steps as I sat still letting my tears dry on to my some continued to make their way down my cheeks.

A pang erupting in my thigh reminding me of the senseless way my family didn't give a care about the injury I got only thinking about themselves and money. Wouldn't it have been better if I was an orphan than to have a family like this? Where there is no thing as love, but only greed and selfishness that thrives and nurtures itself.

Laying my head on my knees, I looked up at the moon admiring its beauty, but taunting its ability to bless me with happiness...questioning it why it blesses everyone with love and bliss, but not me...What wrong have I done that I am not allowed to have love? Am I not human? Do I not deserve love? Tell me...please...My heart spoke barely able to lay its wishes as it laid damaged from wounds that laid fresh not being able to repair themselves.

"She says she is brave...She says she is brave, but then she sits under the guise of the moon and lays her tears...She is a pearl of the ocean, yet, she lays her tears not realizing what a treasure she is..." My eyes lifting up as I heard the gentle, tender words unravel themselves from the voice that was attempting to touch a broken soul.

Tears falling on to my hands, as I looked down on the floor finding his reflection behind me. Shivaay...He stood still with his hands in his pockets as he appeared to observe me trying to unlock my secrets that screamed themselves entrapped in my tears.

Lifting my head up, I slowly looked back towards him catching a soft smile that he displayed...a smile of pity perhaps. " are the pearl everyone looks for, but unfortunately never find it due to their filth...Now don't lay tears for those who are filth..." He spoke gently slipping his words into an envelope and pushing it through into my heart to let it know that it should not reak itself with filth.

My heart melting in an instant as I heard his words...words from a stranger that not even a loved one spoke. My heart beating itself once again, finding life again as it found comfort in the company of his words.

However, he is just reciting a poetic doesn't mean it holds my truth. My conscience spoke not allowing me to submit to his comfort.

"Mr. Oberoi...these are only words...but they may not be my truth," I spoke looking back towards the lake standing still under the night...embracing darkness just like me.

Shivaay taking a deep breath as he took a step towards me before taking a seat right next to me. A warm touch brushing against my hand as it immediately flinched back finding itself trapped under a strong hold...His large hand wrapping itself into the small, frail hand of mine.

"The heart speaks its depths only for truth Anika...You are too innocent to know how brutal this world is...perhaps that's why you are laying your tears because you do not realize that this world is not worth the tears...that selfish, malicious people are not worth the beauty of your contemplation and thoughts," He whispered as I immediately looked back towards catching his blue hues that held an unusual sense of depth...maturity to hues that have seen a long life perhaps of brutality that they appear to hold back in the darkness that surrounds them.

A sense of curiosity touching me...Who is this man? How does he know the depths of life so much at such an age?...He of course is much older than me, but still...the sense of maturity and depth he has is something remarkable.

He began to rub his hand lightly against mine making it tremble under his touch igniting goosebumps along the way. A weak smile appearing across my lips finding his words healing my fresh wounds.

"W-why a-are you here?" I whispered barely catching my breath since they were still stumbling due a sense of panic that had bitten itself on to me after what had happened moments ago back at the party.

Squeezing my hand, he looked at it appearing to match our fate lines that followed with one another before smiling. Somehow, I felt it was wrong to hold on to his hand knowing that perhaps we were progressing towards something more...too fast and too soon along with knowing that love is something I might never be capable of holding on to in my heart, yet, somehow I am allowing him to touch me in such manner...I am giving him permission because somewhere he provides me a source of safety, comfort, adoration...that no one has done before...

Maybe this is an infactuation, but then is it wrong to have an infactuation and indulge in it?Anika...all your life you have lived according to society's values and norms-what have you gotten from it?-Nothing. You have not gotten anything from living according to society's cherished values. You have one "flaw"-that isn't even a flaw considering it is something fate has decided, and yet due to this one thing, society has completely isolated you. Your family has left you...So, what have you gotten from being good? Wouldn't it be fun for once to indulge in hidden thrills and pleasure? Wouldn't it be nice to get someone's attention...find pleasure in it?

"Now the reason why I am here is best kept secret for now ..." He spoke as he looked at me keeping his gaze still on my lips appearing to admire them. A sense of timidness touching me as my cheeks turned a shade of red. His gaze holding an unusual sense of passion...a fire...that tended to hold on to my soul wanting it to touch it. No man has looked at me before the way he is looking at me now...and somehow I am allowing him to despite knowing how dark he might dangerous he might...knowing he breaks hearts, yet, somehow I am allowing him to unravel me because somehow he has captured me with the threads of his words...his admiration...and I want it even if it means I might be hurt later.

Silence held as we stared into the empty night gazing at the stars that lightly peeked through the clouds filling the empty darkness where the moon could not reach it. "Want to tell me what happened? I am good at keeping secrets," He said gently as I smiled looking up at the moon taunting it that now it was not the only one who would become aware of my misery. Sometimes it's the easiest to share one's pain with a stranger because somehow they will not tell anyone else. Somehow Shivaay's words indeed caught me and

"She laid tears because she once had a very precious heart...a heart she cherished with much delicacy...She handed off her heart to someone she loved...someone for whom she could even commit the sins of the world if it gave him happiness...But then you know what happened? He broke that heart...He spread his poison into it and then left it...left it to die..." The last sentence .barely cracking itself on to the surface as I felt tears slip down my cheeks feeling the wound fresh-the poison still there torturing it.

I had trusted Ayaan so much. I gave away my entire heart to him believing that he would keep it safe and yet he broke it along with breaking me...leaving me hallow. Clasping my pallu against my mouth, I began to cry once more suppressing my wails into the piece of cloth.

"Anika...please don't cry like this...Don't waste your precious tears on someone who broke your heart..."He spoke as I felt his fingers trail to the side of my shoulder. His empathy burning into the edges of my soul alieving itself of it pain.

"Come on...please don't cry..." He spoke once more, trailing his hand to my back as it immediately recoiled itself unaware of its touch that burned on the bare skin revealed from the blouse I wore. Pulling himself closer to me, he leaned in closer as I kept my gaze lowered letting my tears slip by. His warm breath tickling the edges of my cheek as I found comfort in the heat his skin seemingly displayed.

"Waise...why did your mom tell you to leave the party?" Shivaay questioned curiously as I sighed shaking my head not wanting to tell him more knowing I already had spoken enough and it was best to keep some things private.

"Acha...don't tell me ok, but stop crying...Waise, I know this is the wrong time saying this, can even break hearts with the beauty you hold when laying these precious tears on your cheeks..." Shivaay spoke as immediately a smile crossed my lips looking back at him as he looked at me teasingly.

"Stop!" I nudged his arm as he let out a small chuckle moving his face closer looking into my eyes intending to intimidate me.

"Stop flirting!" I exclaimed immediately looking away as he let out a small laugh slipping his hand from my back.

"Why? If you are ok with it then I have a right to flirt Ms. Malhotra," He taunted knowing he had stepped on a nerve of mine clearly aware that I found pleasure in his compliments.

Rolling my eyes, I wiped the last remaining bit of tears before giggling realizing how he had unknowingly placed me in a better mood somehow salvaging the sadness I held replacing it with a sense of silliness I tend to keep most of the time...a sense of joy I attempt to hold on to knowing if I play with this joy that I soon might be able to feel it.

"Acha ji? need to throw your pickup lines at me because...I am quite aware about your reputation in the market," I noted with a smirk.

Raising his eyebrow, he looked at me confused. "Oh really? Market? You have the oddest choice of words," He spoke as I began to giggle throwing my head up at his hypocricy.

"Says the man who talks in poetic lines...Hm...sure...I have an odd choice of words," I noted as Shivaay furrowed his eyebrows while he attempted to hide a smile appearing to enjoy the conversation.

"Acha ji? So, tell me what my reputation is..." He said with a sense of demand.

My gaze matching his as I looked at him appearing to hunt if there were any truth to the rumors spoken of him tonight...Somewhere his eyes show mystery...a sense of darkness...I know there is a gray shade hiding men like him are rarely perfect like this the way he is appearing tonight.

"Well ...You like to indulge in pleasure...You find desires and needs fulfilled by indulging in flings with other women...Which I don't know is right or wrong, but every person has a dark shade, so there is likely a dark streak to you perhaps..." I spoke laying his truth to him knowing it is likely what he is.

Shivaay's gaze standing still appearing to absorb my words. His small play breaking in his eyes as he lowered his gaze realizing that I had found the truth about him. I may be naïve, but somehow I can understand such things due to some grace. "And yet she knows so much about me, but still indulges in conversation with me," He spoke as a smirk appeared across his lips startling me with the level of confidence he displayed-a need to have the upper hand apparent inside of him.

Indeed, despite knowing his truth, somehow, I still am pulled by him and somehow I find a sense of thrill knowing how he is a no strings attached person-finding a sense of excitement in thinking how it would be like to indulge in a fling...something I never have done before and perhaps should've before diving deep into matters of love with one man who never valued me.

"Do you like the game Anika?" He spoke with his tone taking a dark turn. His eyes lowering looking straight into mine as my heart skipped a beat finding a sense of fear touch me on seeing how he changed his shade.

A chill going down my spine as I looked at him not knowing what to say. He smiled as he immediately turned around gesturing a waiter walking by to stop.

"One beer please," He spoke as the waiter opened a beer bottle handing it over to him.

My eyes widening as I watched him chug on the beer smelling the scent of alcohol burning from him yet he continued to indulge in more alcohol. Shivaay smiled appearing to liking the bitter poison intoxicating him.

"Answer me you like the game? The chase?" He questioned once more before flicking his finger against the bottle.

Fidigting my fingers together, I looked up at him confused not knowing what to say except that perhaps I did like the game...the chase. I know his intentions, but somehow I find myself liking his intentions, which I shouldn't, but then I find a sense of curiosity in what it would be like to be in a fling. "I-I mean...I don't know what to say..." I replied realizing it was best to keep quiet.

"Means you like the chase Anika...You like to be chased," Shivaay spoke as he looked back. My breath stopping feeling startled that he instantly read me without even knowing me...I like the chase?...I wouldn't lie, but I do like being chased...It feels good to have someone chase me since it never happened before even with Ayaan I was chasing him, but he never chased me.

I sighed as I looked out to the lake watching it ripple itself against the surface. He took another swing of the beer before looking back towards me. "Well...let's forget about everything then Anika...Forget about the chase...Forget about whatever has happened tonight...Let's just have fun," He spoke with a wide smile as I raised my eyebrow confused by his statement.

"Why would you want to have fun with me? I am sure you can have lots of fun at the party not here in this boredom that lovingly surrounds me," I noted with sarcasm as Shivaay let out a chuckle.

"Honestly, I didn't want to come here, but Daadi forced me to and I came for a sake of a business project as well. Otherwise, I would've stayed back home...I really don't want to see my brother right now..." He spoke as my eyes widened realizing who he was referring to. Shivaay is Gauri's brother-in-law meaning Om's older brother. But, why does he want to avoid him considering he is his own brother? I want to ask, but then who am I to ask considering its his private matter. I mean I hardly know him after all.

" you drink?" He questioned as my eyes widened seeing him move the bottle towards me.

I quickly jumped back shaking my head. "Of course not! I mean...Alcohol is bad for you, you do know that right?" I remarked as Shivaay rolled his eyes appearing to have caught on to the alcohol's effects as he looked intoxicated.

"Well today is a party Anika and occasional drinking is allowed mind you," He spoke as he held the bottle out for me.

Biting my lip, I looked at the bottle before shaking my head realizing it was wrong to indulge in drinking seemingly since I am against it. My eyes moving to the waiter as he appeared to hold soda in his tray.

"Um...excuse me? Can I get glass please?" I spoke as the waiter smiled handing me off the glass.

Shivaay's eyes widening as I chugged down the soda realizing how thirsty I was. My body suddenly jerking as bitter taste erupted in my mouth making me squint. A burning sensation volcanizing inside of my chest as the soda trailed down it.

"Yuck! What is this?!" I exclaimed attempting to spit out any remaining taste, but failing. Shivaay erupting into laughter as he placed his hand on his forehead suddenly getting a fit of the giggles.

"Oh God. I just offered you beer, but you drank whiskey. Wow, hats off to you," Shivaay exclaimed as my eyes widened realizing what had just happened. My heart beginning to pound loudly with a sense of anxiousness since this was likely the first time I drank alcohol.

"Oh no! No! What is going to happen now?! Like what am I supposed to feel?! Tell me!" I exclaimed grabbing his shoulder shaking him trying to pull him out of his laughing tirad he had indulged himself in. His hand clasping to his stomach as he tried to breath, but failed to looking at me.

"This is gold! We have a hypocrite here who was just lecturing me on how bad alcohol is and she herself drank it! Wow...slow claps!" He exclaimed continuing to laugh at me. My eyebrows furrowing realizing how he was making fun of me. Pouting my lips, I immediately pushed myself up slamming my feet against the stairs.

"Acha janaan suno!" He called after me as my eyes widened hearing what he had just called me. Janaan? What? Stopping in my steps, I immediately looked back towards him seeing him continuing to laugh before he ran up the stairs.

"Janaan?!" I exclaimed quite astonished from his ability to cozy up in a minute despite how much we didn't know about one another. A wide smile erupting across Shivaay's lips as he made his way towards me. His hand grabbing on to my wrist pulling me a step closer. A sense of awkwardness holding on to me with realization how close we had become in a matter of a day...remembering everything from the plane ride, to the dhaba, the clinic, and now the party...What is this? Isn't it wrong to immediately dive into something like this? I bit my lip contemplating my thoughts trying to understand where I might be going wrong.

"Um...the name just slipped, but it's a nice name I picked up from poetry." My eyes widening quite astonished by his daring attitude. Shaking my head, I looked at him utterly confused not knowing what to say except just stay dumbfounded.

Shivaay smiled as alcohol wavered around him telling me that perhaps the alcohol was speaking more in him making him loosen up considering how stern he is seen since yesterday at the airport and then the dhaba as well.

"Acha...fine I overreacted, but hey it's you who drank that glass. Waise, now since you already are drunk, wouldn't it be fun to indulge some more in alcohol?" He spoke raising his eyebrows with a smirk.

"What? No of course not. And you shouldn't be drinking because I think you are drunk,"I argued as Shivaay let out a small chuckle before grabbing a hold of my hand.

"Come on let's have some fun," He argued with his words appearing to slur indicating he was definitely intoxicated at the moment and a night of drinking had gotten to him.

"No more drinking!" I argued attempting to keep my hold as Shivaay chuckled before grabbing my cheek. The soft, gentle touch of his fingers immediately igniting a blush as he pinched on my cheek.

"Janaan looks too cute right now!" He spoke with a chuckle making me frown.

"Come on let's have some fun ok? Just some fun yaar! Loosen up" He argued before he began to pull me down the small entryway leading back to the courtyard where the party was.

His hand holding tightly on to mines' as we began to walk through the tall trees in the back courtyard hiding ourselves from the guests that indulged in the party cheering loudly to music as they all appeared to dance and drink the night away. My eyes falling on to Arti and Ayaan who danced close to one another hand in hand. Ayaan twirling her before wrapping his hands around her waist. My heart burning in an instant as I looked at them finding a sense of bitter betrayal touch me once again...Look at them...they are shamelessly having fun and enjoying their lives without a care of what they have done to me. And look at my parents full of joy and happiness not once concerned how much they have hurt then why am I holding on to my morals and values they have given me knowing these morals and values have only hurt me...Out of respect for my parents, I tolerated their decision to allow Arti to marry Ayaan even allowing them to blame me for the wedding being called off due to my "flaw" which isn't a flaw...Moreover, out of love and respect, I didn't once raise my voice against my own sister who betrayed me...So, see I have gone wrong with morals and values...perhaps that is what I should let go of and live my life for once.

"Anika...I have the perfect place to have some fun!" Shivaay exclaimed with a wild smile before pulling me inside of the haveli. Our feet tapping loudly against the floor making the sound echo in the empty haveli since most of the guests were outside enjoying.

Making a small turn to the right we made our way down a pair of wooden steps leading towards a set of large wooden doors. Looking confused, I grabbed a hold of his arm. "Where are we going?" I questioned as Shivaay smiled before looking at a waiter standing next to the door.

"Mr. Oberoi please come in. This is an all exclusive access for anyone in the wedding party with all bills on the house," The waiter spoke with a smile before opening the wooden door. Raising my eyebrow, I looked back at Shivaay as he immediately grabbed my hand pulling me inside as the door closed shut behind us.

My steps faltering immediately seeing the sight in front of me. What. The. Hell. Layers of wine bottles decked each and every single white wall of the room without any end coming to it. Different varieties and colors shining their way through as they laid everywhere one by one. My mouth gaping open as Shivaay chuckled before looking back at me.

"I found this wine cellar yesterday and there are many varieties of wines here. I am sure we will find something for my taste and perhaps your taste as well," Shivaay spoke with a wink as a small giggle erupted from me. A sense of excitement touching me for some odd reason feeling the bright lights falling on to my face perhaps inciting a sense of daze...or it could be the whiskey maybe.

"Now loosen up alright? Enough of crying for tonight," Shivaay ordered before walking down the aisles of wine trying to figure which one to pick.

"You already are drunk," I repeated once again trying to shake him to reality. Shivaay shaking his head as he held out his hand.

"Well tonight is a party and we shall enjoy, so let me pick the wine please?" He repeated with a lowered tone assuring his command over the matter. Crossing my arms, I shook my head realizing he was not going to budge from his decision seen in his stern looking eyes that held a sense of command.

" is a classic red wine bottle," He spoke with happiness before pulling it out from the shelf looking at it with admiration.

"Ok, let's open this one and see how it is," Shivaay said immediately picking up a wine opener from the table. He smiled grabbing on to the bottle tightly before wrapping the opener on its cap.

I sighed leaning against the wall behind the shelf realizing it was hopeless to convince him to stop from indulging in drinks. What am I doing here? My mind spoke curiously making me shrug my shoulders with realization that perhaps indeed I too want to indulge in some fun...find some entertainment to my life.

"," He exclaimed grabbing open the bottle suddenly splashing the wine as the bottle tilted out of his hand. The cool liquid falling on to my saree as I exclaimed loudly grabbing hold on the wet pallu that stuck to my waist.

Shivaay immediately pulling back the bottle with his eyes wide open. "Oh I didn't mean that Anika! The bottle just tilted out of my hand!" He exclaimed immediately placing the bottle on the table taking a step towards me. His hand immediately wrapping around my waist making me jerk back instantly.

Dead silence touching us as we stood still. My eyes immediately meeting his finding that same fire in them that they had held since the start of tonight...A sense of passion raging in the blue hues appearing to take claim of his heart. His fingers lightly tiptoeing against my waist making it tremble under his heated, seductive touch. His gaze lowering on to my lips that began to quiver feeling a sense of nervousness touch me since it had been quite a while someone had come so close to me...A sense of excitement touching me as well with curiosity regarding how it would feel to be touched lovingly once it would feel to have that hallow, emptiness being salvaged by feeling loved once again...having my desire for pleasure fulfilled.

"You do not know how beautiful you are Anika...This innocence..." He whispered trailing his fingers lightly against my arm igniting goosebumps. A sense of heat touching my cheeks as I felt him press his body lightly against me pushing me back.

His hand trailing against the side of my cheek before capturing my gaze. "This purity...You are naïve and that is what caught a hold of me..." He spoke with his words touching the light strings of my heart making it drum loudly. A small smile appearing across my lips leading a giggle to come through.

A loud bang erupting as we suddenly jolted. Shivaay's arms wrapping immediately around my waist pushing me against the wall. My heart beginning to pound loudly against my chest with fear pumping itself inside of me upon worry who it could be. In an instant, my arms wrapping tightly around him with fear someone might see us together and then especially me here...God, what would they think of us?

Footsteps appearing to make their way in the wine cellar as someone appeared to pace around. Their hands moving against wine bottles that loudly clinked with one another. Our bodies hiding behind the large wooden shelf pressing against one another melting into one another's health as our flesh touched one another grazing against its exoticness. His hands wrapped around the bare skin of my waist with his head burying into my shoulder inciting a shiver as I felt his lips graze against my skin. My eyes closing shut as I heard the door slam shut with the footsteps vanishing.

We stood still not moving an inch. My body continuing to tremble lightly not able to withstand it feeling a tender, pleasureful touch since it had never closed such a gap with any man...not even Ayaan. A warm brush touching the side of my skin making my fingers immediately took hold of his shirt, digging themselves deeply into it, as I felt his lips press against the edge of shoulder. The soft, illusive touch burning its name into the edge of my soul making it known it was present...that it wanted its owner. His delicate, fragile kiss somehow shattering my strength making a weakness touch my legs that began to tremble.

My head lowering burying itself into his shoulder wanting myself to stay there in its comfort...finding a sense of protection in his arms. His tender words from tonight slowly weaving themselves back to my heart. "I have meant each and every word I said are a noor...a gem that is rare to find...Even if this might be a game, but allow me and allow yourself to indulge in pleasure..." He whispered as a soft smile appeared across my lips with a sense of thrill igniting itself inside of me realizing an innate desire to indulge in a no strings attached point of pleasure...Break the rules Anika. Think about the excitement behind it.

His lips pressing once more against the nape of my neck making me bite my lip realizing he had kissed a sweet spot...something I was not unaware of until his touch decided to indulge in the spot. "You can have me...I am all yours'..." His voice seemingly dark revealing a tinge of danger to it however fulfilling my need knowing that danger was something I wanted...wouldn't it be nice to indulge in one's secret, hidden desires with someone who has a dark side...someone who can protect me from a malicious world I have lived in all my life...from a malicious and selfish loved ones?

The pace of his lips slowly increasing as he began to kiss each and every inch of my shoulder making my breaths becoming shallow inciting a tight knot inside of my heart full of tension, nervousness, and timidness realizing no one had trailed their touch in such places. Everything appearing new as my hands began to tremble tracing themselves to the side of his back not knowing what to do or react.

His hand sliding against my pallu before trailing it towards my cheek capturing me in his sight once again. Our eyes meeting once more...His eyes holding on to me keeping me steady figuring that I was a virgin in such tender matters.Shivaay smiled before lowering his gaze once more to my lips. My teeth biting into feeling that the red lipstick it had wore was now likely faded and smudged from tears that touched them tonight.

"When you bite your lip like do not even know what you do to men," His voice husky and low making my heart drop with seduction pressing on it. His face leaning in closer breathing its scent of alcohol on to me seemingly intoxicating my senses and exciting them wanting the danger. The gap between our lips an inch apart as my lips trembled...begging to be touched, but having fear of what would happen since it has been years since they've been touched.

"W-What d-do" My voice coming out as a bare whisper, but curiosity touching me making me want to know his intentions. My hands trailing against his chest innocently running through the seams of his black shirt brushing my fingers against his buttons. His eyes immediately moving to my hands with a smirk appearing realizing the innocent seduction my body was somehow doing caught in the heated moment.

"A beauty like you only deserves admiration...adoration...When you bite that lip then all I want is to capture hold of you, make you mine, and then let everyone know that you are only mine." And without saying another word, he closed the gap between us pressing his lips against mines'.

My lips trembling against his attempting to find strength since they seemingly had lost their gravity. His hand trailing against the back of my head pulling me closer attempting to support me. Slipping his lips against my lower lip, he introduced their unusual tenderness to them filled with the taste of alcohol consuming me making me want more of his bittersweetness...more of him. My lips clumsingly sliding against his as he slightly smiled before leaning my head against his shoulder, given me some support, as he pressed his lips tightly against mine. My hand trailing against neck as I pulled him closely towards me responding to the rhythm of his lips. My soul slowly resurrecting itself finding a sense of life in feeling loved after years...finding pleasure after being broken by a true love. Thrill flipping into my heart making it pound loudly against my chest as I dived deeper into his lips forcing him to open them.

His hand pressing against my wet, sticky waist as he pulled me closer against him introducing a pure, bittersweet taste he held. My hand trembling as it led its way down his chest right where his heart was tenderly rubbing that spot.

Letting go of my lips, he immediately trailed his lips against my cheeks beginning to lay tender kisses against them. My eyes closing shut feeling my body heat up feeling overwhelmed by the amount of admiration it was being given by someone else. His teeth trailing against my cheek before laying to the side of my neck suddenly biting into the bare cool skin. My eyes widening as I immediately led out a small shriek clenching on his shirt tightly realizing what he has done...proudly marking me as his...

"I bet he never did this..." Shivaay whispered smiling against my skin. A weak smile touching me remembering that indeed no one had ever done this.

His lips once gain laying a layer of kisses against my shoulder before once again moving towards my lips and capturing them. My body standing still as I barely responded to the kiss feeling a sense of intoxication abruptly capture me drowning me in pleasure as a sense of fire ignited inside of me wanting only him.

Our lips increasing the pace against one another as he held on to my cheeks allowing him fuller access to my lips. A small moan slipping out of my mouth as he indulged in further pleasure deepening the kiss once again. Seemingly the moment catching hold of us as we tumbled against the wall falling in each other's arms only focused on one another's innocent touch and kisses.

His hand slipping to the edge of my pallu as I suddenly felt it slipping down. Wrapping my hand around his neck, I pulled him closer deepening the kiss...however...something suddenly hit me.

Stop Anika. Stop. This is not good. No. Absolutely not! He is your father's boss! 13 years your senior! Stop! He is a complete stranger...a player! Don't do this! My conscience screaming at me suddenly taking over my ego.

My eyes immediately opening realizing how close we our innocent moment was suddenly becoming more heated minute by minute. My lips still responding to the kiss, but somehow realizing that all of this was wrong...each and every bit of it figuring what potential effect all of this could have on every single part of my life...Crap what have I done?

Suddenly my lips loosened against his as I immediately pushed myself back. My pallu draping itself down as I immediately pulled it up feeling flustered and slightly mortified upon what I had done. A burning pain erupting on my neck making my hand immediately touch it realizing the small mark he had left on it.

Shivaay's eyes lifting up appearing his face appeared red from all the alcohol and then suddenly the heated moment that had caught best of him. Red lipstick stains crisscrossing on his lips and the side of his neck symbolizing my innocent kisses. Clasping my hands against my face, I immediately lowered my gaze realizing what a mortifying, awkward situation we had casually dropped ourselves again.

"What's wrong?" He suddenly spoke appearing unhindered by how wrong the entire moment was unaware of the delicacy of the situation.

My breaths deepening as I attempted to collect myself together, but failing as my body continued to shake from the rush of adrenaline that passed through it from thrill and excitement of the moment. "Um...I...this is of this is so am going to go...sorry...I...Oh God!" I exclaimed barely able to form sentences as I immediately wrapped my pallu around my shoulder. My feet kicking against the floor as I began to run realizing I had forgotten my heels outside near the lake. The bare cool ground hitting my feet as I ran up the steps to the door.

Shivaay appearing to yell after me as my feet stumbled against the edges of the saree before I grabbed hold of the doors. Run Anika. Run! You fool...look at what you have done! My conscience yelled as I ran passed the waiter standing outside towards the hotel lobby.

My body trembling as I heard Shivaay calling after me. The elevator doors opening as I stepped in quickly pressing the button seeing Shivaay pacing right after me. The sense of embarrsment overwhelming as I hit the button hard ensuring the doors closed.

My body hitting the wall as I clasped my hands across my mouth realizing what had happened. His ghostily kisses trailing still against my skin...teasing me, inciting a desire for pleasure shamelessly, and somehow unraveling the knots to my heart...What have you done Anika? What have you done?


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Do you think Shivaay is a dark character? What do you think the dynamics of Shivaay and Anika's relationship will be?

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Friendly Note: Please excuse any grammar issues as I posted this quite late at night in the U.S., but I will be editing for grammar tomorrow. Thank you for understanding :)

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