Chapter 9: Laws of Lovemaking

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Thank you for reading this story and I want to begin by thanking God and I pray everyone stays safe and healthy during these tough times.

Mature Content Disclaimer: This chapter has mature content appropriate for ages 18 and older.

If you want me to censor mature content mentioned then please do comment or message me and I will censor the content.

Thank you for reading :)

Sorry for any grammar errors, but it is quite late in the U.S. right now, so I will wake up tomorrow morning and do grammar edits :). I am so sorry for any of them :(.


His lips grabbing a hold of my neck finding themselves astonished that they had not yet claimed this spot. The pace of his body increasing against mine as he nudged his lips into the nape of my neck continuing to mold his wet, hot lips against my reddened flesh finding himself encaptivated by the subtle cherry dust flavors offered upon it. My eyes closing shut tightly as I heaved slightly wrapping my hands around his wrists tightly finding myself becoming intoxicated by the lustful liquor his lips dropped upon the edges of my neck enough to seep into my bumbling heartbeat that throbbed against his tongue.

A small giggle escaping from lips as he pulled me closer continuing to tie knots of seduction around me preparing me what is to come later tonight. My cheeks turning dark red as he let his lips drown feathered, narcotic kisses upon them before pacing his lips down my neck once again continuing to leave urgent, feverish warm kisses against it.

Wrapping my arms around him I pulled him into an embrace feeling his lips drag themselves down my neckline where he began to suck on the corners of my cleavage. My eyes lifting themselves up now losing myself in an existential fantasy where only sensuality exists...where only one get's their needed drug of lust. His hands penetrating the edges of my dress pushing him against me as I began to take shallow breaths looking out the dark windows of his limo ensuring no one was seeing us not even the driver who we had barricaded with a wall between him and us.

"Shivaay....we have to stop...the airport is coming soon I think..." I tried to hold strength in my voice wrapping my hands into his neck feeling his lips plunging into the depths of my cleavage continuing to suck ardently on the softness of my breasts as I let out a sigh of impatience...beginning to develop a strong craving to have him right in this instant.

A soft moan escaping from my lips while he groaned lightly continuing to pace himself against me dragging his fingers up my knee slipping themselves right underneath the chiffon fabric of my dress.

Gasps beginning to escape from me as he clasped his palm immediately upon my lips letting out a chuckle while he let his rough fingers drag themselves slowly...teasing my flower where he brushed his fingers gently.

"Not too loud now...We do not want my driver to know what we both are doing in the back..." He hissed into my ear blowing a wave of humid heat on to it making me shiver slightly as I whined feeling his teeth take a bite of my earlobe.

Liking his roughness, I bit gently into his palm while he let out a laugh looking into my eyes liking how I was indulging and responding back to his tease. Dragging his fingers down my lips, he admired my red lipstick finding himself allured by the shade. His eyes wandering down my bosom as he let out a smirk finding himself tempted by the sight before looking up at me.

"You want more right now. Your lips say and beg me to stop yet your eyes are yearning for me...wanting me to enter you in this moment..." He snapped a bold statement immediately making my heart hit many brakes with suddenly beats skipping wildly hitting loud tempos. His lines enough to drown me into an imminent dream of him taking me in right now in this limo and making love to me despite the dangers of everyone seeing us.

A canvas of butterflies began to paint itself down my heart and to my waist as his fingers lazily roamed all over my flesh making my thighs close themselves shut finding my flower drenching itself wet finding vulnerability to the mere tender brushes of his touch.

He held a wicked smile seeing me struggle to hold my temptations that were trying to pursue me to let go of them. Biting my lip I arched my back up feeling his heated fingers explore the edges of my curves digging into the dips of my waist only to slide themselves sneakingly underneath my dress to pinch my thighs.

A whimper escaping from me as I looked into his eyes gesturing him to stop the play he is indulging in, but no he found pleasure in his game liking how a mere light touch of his seductive, dangerous fingers is enough to arouse the milks of my flower.

"Shivaay...please stop now...Do not torture me with the idea of not having you right now...because I cannot..." I let out a breathy whisper feeling my chest continuing to rise and fall as I felt his hand encircle around the nape of my neck forcing me to look into his demonic blue hues that held a shackling lust enough to make me his captive which I want to be. He let out a weak smile slowly beginning to lean his moist lips down to towards my trembling ones while letting his fingers swivel in the corners of my heated neck.

"You can have me anytime you want to just the way I can have you when I want to...You are mine now...and to keep you as mine, I must satisfy each and every need of yours'..." He whispered staking his right on me that I have given him. My heart continuing to lose its rhythm as I found a sense of solace in the idea of I being only his...under his protection...under his rule...under his lead to my escape...

Showing him a weak smile, I laid still against the car seat continuing to look into his eyes that roamed around the features on my face finding himself encountering a new flaw each and every mysteries he had not yet closely seen.

Tracing my neck around the collar of his shirt, I pulled him closer as he lifted himself up above me hitting his head gently against the roof of the limo. We let out a small laugh without cause finding ourselves tipsy from the brief trysts of passion we both have been indulging in since last night.

"Just kiss me now...I want a kiss before we have to get out of this car and face my family...I cannot even think of not touching you...kissing you...making love to you for these damned four hours...I want you Shivaay just as you want me..." I spoke feeling demure touching down on my quavering heart upon the confession of unusual needs and cravings I am developing for him wanting him to continue to take me on these highs.

Taking off his mask that kept his shades dark, he held a fragile smile across his lips liking what he had heard from me appearing to embrace the thought for himself as well. His hands caressing the corners of my cheeks before he leaned over leaving a tender kiss on my temple.

"And you have me Anika not just for a moment, but beyond that. Once we get on that plane we will talk more about ourselves, but let me assure you that in those damned four hours, you are going to be right beside me. From now on, you will only be besides me never alone and never with anyone else except me..." His lines holding that possessive exorcist phantom that still was threading itself around me wanting to shackle me and right now I want to be shackled in this manner.

This man has everything that I have never gotten from anyone else in my life. Everything. It is not his money that I want, but I want his strength...I want his lust for me...I want his gentle ways that give me a calm which nothing else has ever given me...I like his possession...His protection...I like how he takes me on escapes not only in sense of love making, but in manners where it is only him and I away from those cruel people who have only ruined my life...I am done. I am done with my family and I want to walk out on them now...Shivaay is that man who will help me get out of my family...and I am his mate now. That I have decided.

He let out a chuckle liking how I am losing myself in deep thoughts over his dangerous statement...finding pride in how I am willing to give myself up to him for my escape. His fingers entwining into my waves pulling me up only to take a hold of my lips.

His hands wrapping around my hips pulling me on to his thighs as I continued to push myself on to him holding the brutal bloodied kiss in which we both attempted to wetten our dried lips savoring the ripened tartar tastes of each other. My hands dragging down his shirt before forcing them into his heated chest as I began to rub it while he let a small groan into my mouth taking the back of my head forcing me into an ardent kiss as I giggled obliging and letting him dive deeper into my mouth allowing him to explore the roofs and bottoms of it.

The limo suddenly reaching a loud halt hitting the brakes hard as I stumbled slightly only for Shivaay to pull me tightly on to his lap saving me from a fall. My hand clasping against his cheek as I let out a giggle feeling foolish in how we both are not leaving any spot virgin from our unusual trysts.

"You are driving me insane woman. Do you know that?" He questioned biting frustration into his lips as I smiled widely feeling his hands wrap tightly around my waist not wanting to let go of me although we finally have reached the airport.

"No, but I will like to see how it feels to be driven insane by a man...if you know what I mean," I tip toed the thought raising my eyebrows at him innocently catching his eyes widening appearing a little caught back on my bold request.

His hands fixating themselves around my waist continuing to rock me on his lap while I laid my head on his shoulder layering him with tender kisses on his jaw allowing my lips to mold there. "You wait and watch what Anika. I can drive you insane in a second and I will once you are ready..." He whispered the dangerous thrill against my cheek before leaving a luscious kiss on it.

My heart hitting tempos as I sat still pondering over his thought holding a nervous smile thinking about ways he can drive me insane. Playing with my fingers, I grabbed the sunglasses on his shirt taking a hold of them and placing it on his nose liking how dashing he looked in them. He took a smirk liking how I am silently telling me him what makes me form an attraction for him.

"For now you first have to survive my insane family. I have been missing for almost twenty four hours since that paint fiasco and the fact I have showed up to go to Goa might displease them," I noted as I cringed slightly realizing that perhaps in matters of overexcitement gloated with sense of confidence that have been retrieved from sessions of lovemaking, I may have forgotten that I should not have shown up uninvited considering Arti may still be upset with me.

Shivaay letting out a chuckle appearing to have caught on to my worry as he rubbed my shoulder gently before pressing his lips against my arm trying to give me strength. Giving him a pout, I hit my head lightly against his while looking into his blue hues that appeared intoxicated by my naïve flavors which somehow have had the authority to bewitch him. His hand wrapping behind my head entwining it into my waves forcing me to look into his gaze and drag my attention towards him.

"That may seem a fiasco to you baby, but that fiasco is the reason why you are in my arms at the moment...why we made love...why we have dared to unite...Anika you are only Shivaay Singh Oberoi's now and so know one thing that now your family are just strangers...You do not have to associate with them if you do not want to. In my opinion, you should not even speak to them...They are not worthy of you. Only I am worthy of you...Do you understand? Only I am worthy of you no other one." He held a hallow, deadly voice trying to reign a sense of claim upon me snapping the threads of my relationships with others to only have me to himself.

A sense of confusion holding me tight as I sat still observing his words trying to catch their deeper meaning knowing that this man is more complex than he portrays himself to be. He is unusual...dangerous...a thrill...He is bad and yet that is exactly what I love about him. Somewhere he does hold a point though that I am not obliged to associate and preserve my relationship with my family if all their lives they have never really seen me as part of it...This family abandoned me the moment they found that I have a "flaw"...that I am barren. They see me as a burden considering I am unemployed, do not have a career, and have also failed to marry...Shivaay is right that they are not worthy of me.

I felt another brushful kiss on my neck as I let out a smile looking towards him feeling his hand rubbing the corner of my thigh making it slightly tremble. His eyes showing a look of admiration to me before pressing his lips gently against mine only to pull back.

"I love it when you sit like this quietly and appear to run wonder of thoughts in your mind...You are too innocent Anika and that is what makes me want you and keep you. You know I kind of get turned on seeing you like this as quiet and complacent," He spoke letting out a laugh as my gaze lowered feeling a sense of shyness overcome me hearing his thoughts. Perhaps, this quiet and reserved nature of mine is likely the cause of his initial attraction to me.

"What made you choose me and what makes me special Shivaay that you do not want any woman after me? What makes you want to end your ways for once and try to only pursue me?" I questioned curiously daring to challenge his statements wanting to test if he truly has genuine interests in this nameless bond we both are forming.

Shivaay's smile widening not once showing any reluctance in answering my question. Instead, he appears eager to express an answer. His hands wrapping around my waist pulling me more into his lap leaving a modest kiss on my temple.

"I have the answer to all your questions and I will answer them once we get on that plane sweetheart. We will have four hours alone with each other in which we both can discuss, plan, and strengthen our bond. Four hours is enough to talk about us...and for me to admire you and do things that will ease you into the type of bond we both will share..." He whispered seductively into my ear engraving a wild, arrhythmic heartbeat within me which immediately bounded itself in pure excitement over exactly what we both were going to do in that plane...what exactly he will do to show his adoration...what exactly will our bond be like...If I am now his forever and he see's me as his then what does that mean? What potential is he speaking of?

I sat like a curious kitten continuing to think while Shivaay continued to laugh running his hands through my waves before grabbing my purse on the seat next to him only to take out my own pair of sunglasses. "Baby looks too smoking hot when she wears these sunglasses," He remarked making my cheeks turn red in an instant as I looked towards him while he held a small laugh opening my sunglasses and placing them on to me.

"I look like a movie actress! Hold the cameras please, I need to get ready for a close up!" I held a dramatic tone flipping my hair back only to give him a wide smile as I flashed my eyebrows up and down making his laugh collapse into a rumble liking my goofiness.

He shook his head realizing I am going into my childish giddy phase that I kind of showed last night as well...Let's just say when we were at the peak of climaxing I kind of let out many sets of giggles every time...I do not know why I do that, but it is unusual because Shivaay looked me as if I was an alien undergoing an exorcism.

"Now let's go or else we will miss the flight Shivaay! I want to go to Goa!" I whined showing him a pout as he chuckled grabbing my legs and lifting me off his lap before opening the door to his limo having not wanted his guards to do such considering we both were being quite intimate in the limo.

A rush of heat waving through my feet and up to my face as I took deep breaths trying to normalize my reddened cheeks that clearly reflected that things definitely had heated up in this limo.

Grabbing my long, black shoulder bag I was about to step out, but only to have him open the door for me as he smiled having stopped his guard from holding the door out for me. Confusion striking me feeling taken aback from his behavior considering the type of narcissist and egoistic man he is, he does not believe in doing the work that his employees do.

"You are completely like a child Anika! Now why are you sitting here? Come on let's go as the flight leaves in half an hour and we have to check in and get you something to eat," He scolded me lightly while holding a smile before grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the car.

His genuine smile enough to allow a smile to cross my own lips as I giggled before wrapping my hand into his immediately with pride not once feeling ashamed that we both were holding hands in public right in middle of a busy airport in Delhi. Shivaay's eyes slightly glistening liking how his bulky hand perfectly wrapped around my tiny fingers as he rubbed his rough palm into the softness of mine. We both looked into each other's eyes finding a sense of calmness without any fear of expressing our affection towards each other aware that perhaps from now on it is only him and I together.

"I am not a child Shivaay! I just like adding a little lively spirit to dullness...And to be honest it has been long since I have felt this way...until now," I confessed feeling a little flustered how I am hinting a confession to him that he is the prime reason...his skills at lovemaking at a prime make me feel an unusual sense of life...kind of a will to be myself without any fear.

He gave me a subtle smile pulling me closer and fixing my waves gently only to look into my brown marbles that revealed a foolish glee. "Then be this way because your smile is enough to pinch my dullness and even force me to laugh...You are a fresh breath of air that I want to continue to take because somewhere I know you are the one that I have been looking for."

His lines tugging on the strings of my heart as I felt it somersault while I lowered my gaze feeling shy on hearing his compliment. The one for what? I keep asking myself this question and somewhere I know that once we get on that plane is when he likely will answer these questions of mine.

Keeping the silence dancing, he began to lead me down the path towards the main entrance of the airport as he quickened the pace while I attempted to match his steps. My feet slightly stumbling as I grumbled before pulling his hand back trying to stop him from walking too fast.

"Hey, I am a fast walker, but you are like running. Slow down please," I called after him tugging on his hand as he stopped looking at me innocently appearing to blame me for my pace of walking.

"Well you should know from last night that I do not work on a slow pace if you know what I mean," He snapped the innuendo as I jaw dropped open hearing his comment while flushing red fondling over memories from last night where he clearly had picked up pace quite quickly after I had lost my virginity.

Clearing my throat awkwardly, I looked away immediately inciting a laugh from him amused by how he had shut my mouth. His hand tugging on me forcing me to look at him while he began to lead me once again as I attempted to match his wide steps.

"I hope you like things fast, but I can go slow as well," He whispered reaching closely to my ear inciting a shade of goosebumps across my neck becoming aware of what he exactly is trying to he was questioning my preference in the he is trying to remind me that we have plenty of exhilarating trysts in store for the both of us.

Biting on my lip, I stood next to him in line for the airport check in while I held a pondering smile thinking about my preference while ruminating over last night in his bedroom. He continued to look at me wanting an answer as I tapped my finger on my chin teasing his patience knowing he has very little.

"Hmm...I do not know Shivaay. I have to test different forms of paces to see what I prefer..." I replied in a seductive whisper ensuring his guards will not listen who stood behind us. He raised his eyebrow becoming tempted by my offer as I rolled my tongue against my dried lips exposing its pink flesh slightly to him. His eyes dropping down my tongue as I continued to twist it on my lips before trailing my fingers steadily along the corners of his navel inciting his muscle to flex themselves appearing affected by my touch.

"I have to test if I prefer slow and steady enough to wrench many juices that come from a long, long peak or fast, turbulent pace that makes me hit many...many peaks...I have to test in the bedroom with you on what I prefer," I hushed my tone leanly closely against his shoulder attempting to lure him into my idea as he gulped letting out a cough trying to appear unfazed by my flirtation though clearly finding himself tensing over the long distance we yet have to travel to our hotel room in Goa.

Feeling slightly hot, I looked away myself trying to humble my tryannic thirst as I gave a weak smile to the police man who checked our passports. Shivaay's grasp tightening on my hand to sway my attention as I looked at him curiously.

He revealed a smirk swinging our hands back and forth while scheming a reply to my invitation. "I like hitting many peaks in a short while, but...when I hit the long, slow peak last night I realized I enjoy that as well. Now we both have to work a method that will put the ball in the hole in a manner that will be...satisfying. We have to test many times," He spoke nonchalantly right in front of the policeman without any shame. Blushing strawberries on my cheeks, I felt my heart skip a beat hearing his lines, but feeling slightly angry he was discussing our bedroom secrets in such a barbaric manner in front of others.

The policeman looking at both of us curiously finding himself interested in our conversation as he handed back our passports. "What game is this you both are talking about?" He questioned as my eyes widened caught off guard from the question before I turned my head swiftly to Shivaay throwing a glare at him as he let out a chuckle liking the question.

"A very interesting game officer. I suggest every couple should play it about three times a day as it leaves both quite satisfied," He remarked coolly as my mouth widened feeling stunned by how he is now waving such dirty filth in front of a police officer. Squeezing his hand tightly, I attempted to bring him back to reality and stop him from speaking more.

"It helps a lot with losing calories and breaks any tough tension between couples...Do you know what it is?" He questioned holding a lingering smirk as the police officer raised his eyebrow appearing confused while Shivaay continued to laugh. Lowering my gaze, I looked away feeling embarrassed that this idiot is likely going to talk about sex because of course he would since somewhere he is a sex addict thinking about it all the time.

Muttering a curse under my breath, I kept my peace while continuing to shoot daggers at Shivaay through my sunglasses.

"It's called golf." Shivaay's answer boldly killing the police officer's dirty thoughts that appeared to have gleaned across his eyes who likely also had thought about lovemaking as an answer. A sudden laugh escaping from my lips hearing Shivaay's witty answer while looking at the police officer who looked at him in disbelief.

"Golf really?" He smacked as Shivaay rolled his eyes through his sunglasses before beginning to walk and wave the officer off.

"Hole and ball. Focus on these two terms and you will understand what golf I am referring to!" Shivaay calling back to him as I began to let out a set of giggles slapping his chest gently while the police officer continued to scratch his head failing to understand the double meaning of Shivaay's statement.

"That man sucks in the bedroom if he cannot understand what a hole and a ball is," Shivaay muttering seriously only to incite a emphatic laugh from me as I leaned my head against his shoulder shaking my head seeing Shivaay was inflating his ego knowing only he is the true man in the bedroom.

"Why do I feel you like putting other men down to make yourself feel better? Why do I really feel that you are a narcissist?" I questioned jokingly holding a smile as we continued to walk hand in hand into the airport.

He held a impish smile hearing my question as he carefully led me through the crowd with his guards guiding our path. Shivaay shrugging his shoulders as he looked back towards me before brushing a kiss on my temple.

"There is nothing wrong in harmless play. I was just trying to prove a point to you that other men are not like me...that only I know the ways to a woman...I only know how to satisfy...And that you should feel lucky that you have me and not these boring men who know nothing and are inexperienced," He appeared to spat at the men around him finding them as a competition to his existence. He scowled furthering simmering his ego while I rolled my lips back to hide a smile entertained by him realizing this man is a complete egomaniac and yet I like it...I like his guts and how without any shame he portrays his true being not giving a damn what anyone else thinks.

Feeling slightly turned on, I let my eyes wander down his strong jawline and up to his blue hues only to let myself admire his tensed, bulky muscles tightening themselves below his navy blue collared shirt. Licking my lips, I let my sight drop down to his robust, etched waist reminding myself of his taste as I blushed although continuing to stare feeling a tensed arousal swiveling within my navel.

"You are turning me on," I spoke in a low voice revealing a blunted smile to him as his eyes shifted towards me letting out a grin liking my statement. We both continued to walk through the crowd as he let our entwined hands slide against the corners of my thigh making it tremble while I bit my lip knowing what he was doing.

"Then let me turn you on. Better to start now before we get on that plane," He hissed inciting a current of shock within me as I looked at him unable to conceive what he meant while his smile widened leading me down the path towards restraunts.

"Shivaay...what do you mean now?" I asked slightly louder as lowered my glasses looking at him seeing him laugh continuing to let our hands roam the edges of my waist making it flinch slightly.

"You know what I mean Anika. Stop playing innocent considering you should know by now what wild ideas I carry," He muttered flashing me a wink as I gasped clasping my fingers on my mouth catching on his plan inciting a laugh from him who began to delight on my expression.

He wants to fuck in plane. Wow. The level he goes to in scheming and making plans is truly applause worthy. This man is insane...wild...a bit crude...and damn it I love it. I love this boldness of his...I love how without shame he expresses these ideas...and I love how we both are on the same page regarding this matter.

A giggle escaping from me as I looked at him while he continued to laugh. Both of us sharing a nice moment as we continued to laugh walking hand in hand trying to find a place to eat. Tugging on the thin straps of my sundress, I attempted to fix them along with pulling up my cleavage finding flubs of fats bothering me. He kept looking back at me finding himself attracted to my features that I was beginning to find as flaws.

"You are beautiful Anika stop trying to find ways to pick on yourself. You look ravishing today and damn it, it feels good to know that I am the only one who has a right on you...that no other man can even dare to admire you because you are only mine," He demeaned the thought making my stomach flutter with butterflies wrapping around my heart. My gaze lowering as I formed a frail smile feeling modest.

My eyes lifting up as I felt a jolt hit me immediately stopping in my tracks encountering a set of familiar figures in front of me who began to look towards us. Arti and Ayaan appearing to fume sithering like green snakes with envious eyes that shot blood red seeing my hand wrapped tightly into Shivaay's. A small smirk forcing its way across my lips as I looked at Ayaan who tightened his jaw while beginning to frown seeing how Shivaay ran our hands down my thigh.

"Oh crap!" I smacked my words out finally hitting a light bulb that these two morons are being a witness to our display of affection. Snatching my hand out quickly of Shivaay's grasp, I encountered beastly creatures wandering their eyes across us while Shivaay and I carried foolish grins on our lips failing to wipe them away.

Shivaay letting out a chuckle quite laid back seeing the lunatics before us that are supposedly "family" for me. Feeling a little anxious, I attempted to take a step away from Shivaay trying to show some distance as my eyes wandered across the members in front of us that included part of my family and also his family.

A toad clumping on to my throat beginning to suffocate it as I began to flush red seeing my parents' gazes lift towards me showing a spark of judgement with curiosity over where I had been all this time and what I was doing with Shivaay.

"Ba-ba! Ba-ba! Ma...Ah!" The cooish sounds erupting from a tiny little being who appeared to call out to the both of us telling us to take her away from the green eyed monsters surrounding her.

An instant smile crossing my lips as I turned my eyes looking at the bundle of snuggles bouncing her way out of Athiya, her nanny's, grasp trying to reach out her arms towards me. My eyes widening as I raised my eyebrows before placing my sunglasses on top of my head and reaching my hands out towards the hazel eyed cuteness.

"Ira!...Awww, you want me to hold you? Huh?" I sung to her as she began to giggle finding herself intrigued by me and able to recognize me oddly even though we have had very few encounters.

"I think she missed you and strangely she did not miss her father," Shivaay muttering showing a tinge of jealousy as I let out a small laugh before wrapping my hands around Ira and pulling her into my arms dowsing her cheeks with soft kisses.

"Meh...meh..." She continued to repeat her new babbling word as she gave me a wide grin before wrapping her tiny fingers around the strap of my dress. Letting out a laugh I pulled her into an embrace beginning to rock her up and down.

"Of course Ira will miss me only because I am the fun one not the boring one...right Iru? Right my cutiepie?" I looked at her playing my finger under her lips inciting a smile from her as she let out a shriek before hugging me tightly.

Shivaay grumbling not liking that Ira was failing to pay attention to her father. "Boring really? I am boring?" He remarked playing off a flirtatious smile looking at me clearly implying that if he was boring that last night would have not been as wild as it was.

My eyes wandering back to our families as they stood stunned looking at Shivaay and I clearly in disbelief how we both were indulging in a casual conversation and how Shivaay was miracously smiling due to me. Clearly, him displaying a smile is a rarity and one that I have somehow managed to bring. They continued to roam their eyes between the both of us while some began to whisper to each other trying to make a connection on what exactly we both were doing together.

"Shivaay where were you? I was looking for you since the morning before leaving for the airport. Also, what are you two doing together?" Shivaay's Daadi coming forth looking at us confused while still holding a fragile smile somewhere catching on that there is something deeper going on between Shivaay and I.

Now I remember, Daadi did come in the morning knocking on his bedroom door trying to wake him up, but he was asleep while I was kind of getting out of the shower. Either way how could have we responded considering I was in his room...That would have been a blunder if Daadi would have seen us.

Feeling slightly awkward by the curious looks, I attempted to divert my attention to Ira who had placed her thumb in her mouth and was sucking on it. I slightly smiled finding myself fascinated by her innocence as she looked at me revealing pure naivity.

Shivaay clearing his throat as he looked at everyone who continued to eye us like wild hawks wanting to ensure that Shivaay and I are not playing any hooky although we are. My eyes meeting his as he rolled his eyes before looking back at his Daadi.

"Well I do not know about Anika, but I just fell asleep and could not wake up on time. By the time I woke up, I quickly got ready and when I was about to leave I saw Anika in the lobby who was rushing to come here, so I offered her a ride and we got here. That is all plain and simple," He held a strength in voice not once wavering from the blatant lie as he looked into everyone's eyes not once wincing.

My smile widening finding myself allured by his sly ways of lying as I looked back seeing that some of our family members were appearing to be gulliable and taking belief in his statement.

My mother throwing me a scowl as she walked up to me with Arti right besides her side. Both of them still showing a level of frustration and dissent in how I decided to show to up despite both of them technically kicking me out of Arti's wedding preparations due to the painting fiasco from yesterday.

"Anika, I think it would have been best if you would have stayed back at the hotel, but here you are at the airport wanting to go to Goa," Papa agreeing with my mother as he looked at me appearing disappointed that I dared to show up.

My gaze lowering as I felt guilt dive into me reminding me that I likely have taken the wrong step by showing up here. Despite the insults I faced on the hands of Ma and Arti yesterday due to me breaking that prop for Arti's preweddig photoshoot, I still decided to show to display that they cannot break me and that I am strong and able to make my decisions such as going on this trip. But maybe I am wrong....I should not have showed up invited because seeing the looks on my parents and Arti's faces, I can tell they are horrified by my presence.

"Anika, what are you doing here? We were not expecting you at all to show up on this trip to Goa, but here you are! I mean this is purely the reason why we did not go to wake you up in the morning!" Ma exclaiming as I bit my lip nervously feeling a little frightened by how I indeed had decided to go against her word and be part of Arti's special hen's party considering I am not that invited over my past with Ayaan of course.

No Anika do not be scared. Give it back to her and do not let her control your plans now. You are a grown woman who has the right to decide where to go and when. Give it back to these women or else they will dance your head like they have done in the past.

Taking a step forward, I looked at Ma straight into her eyes not once showing hesitance becoming aware that I to hold some power. Ma and Arti have wronged me by insulting me in such a manner yesterday and blaming me for my lost engagement and my bareness.

"I want to come to Goa Ma. I mean I have been looking forward for this trip for quite a while as you know and it is best we break the tension between us all and move on. As I have noted I had no intentions in ruining Arti's prewedding photoshoot. Is it not better we all make peace and not further ruins things," I spoke trying to hold in my temper that was slightly simmering seeing Arti's eyes dart black continuing to throw me a smug look not liking my presence.

Ma taking a sigh as she shook her head appearing to precure her anger while looking at me with disgust finding my being repulsive to her. "It is better you would have stayed back in the hotel instead of deciding to show up here to go to the trip. I do not like that at all Anika. Already things were ruined yesterday and I cannot say if it was your fault or not. However, the truth is that you going to Goa will not further appease issues, but ruin them," She snapped her tongue at me like a crocodile eating my hope alive.

My tongue tying itself shut as I lowered my eyes knowing I have lost...and lost my dream for once taking a taste of paradise. More than just proving my strength to my sister and ex-fiance, I wanted to go because Goa has been my dream spot to vacation at for years...A place where I feel I might find some calm and peace for even a moment. The best part is that at Goa, Shivaay was going to join me and I wanted that...I want to spend time with him just him and I, but know looks like fate has other plans.

"Why would Anika stay back at her hotel? She too deserves to come on this trip considering she already has a plane ticket that she has bought for herself from her savings!" Shivaay's voice thundering loudly as I immediately looked up at him seeing his eyes slightly redden with his temper appearing to boil within him as he clenched his jaw tightly trying to shoot bullets at my parents and sister.

Damn it. I should not have told him on the way that I paid for the ticket to Goa with my savings, but I did not know he would use this reason to fight for me to go on this trip. However, he is fighting for me...and is that not good? He knows I want to go on this trip to not only prove my confidence and strength, but also explore a different place that I have wanted to go for long.

"Shivaay sir it is best you do not get involved in this matter. You do not know Anika at all...She is cunning and shrewd and..." Ayaan intervening as he threw me a look of disgust eyeing the skin tight dress the wore reminding me of how he hated me in these type of clothes wanting me to dress more conservative.

My gaze lowering feeling tears hinge on me feeling my voice dropping low not willing to fight as I pondered over Ayaan's statement able to grasp on to what exactly he meant. He see's me only as a curse...His long time acquaintance turned girlfriend and then fiancé is only perceived to him as a hex and that is disgusting. I cannot believe that despite how long we were together, he never dared to form any level of respect for me...and here I was the dumb fool expecting love from him.

"You be quiet Ayaan! How dare you point your finger at Anika?!" Shivaay's voice roaring now as it echoed loudly through the airport catching attention of the passerbys. My eyes widening as I began to feel my heart pounding loudly with fear while I looked at Shivaay who began to tremble with creatures of anger running through him viciously inciting his wrath.

Ayaan's eyes bolting out unable to believe the pint of rage he had just faced at the hands of Shivaay who was now on a roll ready to take on everyone who was daring to point their fingers at me.

"Shivaay sir you are not understanding our point. Anika ruined Arti's prewedding photoshoot yesterday and she should have been more responsible considering she is her older sister. Anika is truly an irresponsible child and we cannot just let go of her mistakes," Papa speaking in a lighter tone to Shivaay trying to ease his nerves while he continued to ramble in anger.

He took a step in front of me immediately veiling me from the rest of our families while he looked at everyone tempted to unleash more of his wrath upon them not liking how they were blaming me.

"I do not understand one point that you all brought Anika to this extravagant wedding yet are not allowing her to even enjoy it now. I completely understand if you all do not want her to be part of the wedding preparations, but at least let her enjoy her time here. She wanted to go to Goa and she was hesitating back in the hotel and I forced her to come. Alright?! I forced her and brought her here because I think...she has a right to take part in her sister's happiness. Anika herself wants to be part of her sister's wedding and her good moments! Right Anika?" He let his lines pierce through my family inserting a blatant falsehood which I never claimed to him.

Shame enveloping me as I avoided their glances while my family looked at me finding themselves slightly changing from the lie Shivaay had spoken. Arti's happiness?...I mean I want her happiness, but my purpose of going to this trip is just to show strength that I am not affected by Arti's wedding to Ayaan and that no matter how much they insult me, I can still stand my ground.

"Nah! Nah!" Ira screaming loudly at her father as I looked at her seeing that she was getting affected by Shivaay's temper which he was now unleashing at my family. My hands wrapping around her ear as I buried her head into my bosom where she latched her lips immediately finding herself mothered my presence. Her tiny fingers hitting my bosom continuously as I began to feel an unusual sense of connection collide down into my heart with beats unraveling themselves to the baby's innocent touch enough to incite a weak pinch of love in my womb.

"It's okay Ira...Papa will be fine," I whispered against her ear continuing to rock her up and down noticing Daadi's gaze upon the both of us as she held a small smile finding herself liking the sight of Ira holding on to me as if I was her mother.

"Still, I think Anika should not be on this trip..." Ma muttering while Daadi immediately placed her hand on her shoulder stopping her from speaking anymore.

"Shivaay beta is absolutely right that we should allow Anika to be part of Arti's party in Goa and rest of her happy moments in the wedding. Sisters always argue and people make mistakes without any intention to harm. I know Anika is a good soul and she would have never purposely ruined Arti's photoshoot...I mean look at Anika. My Ira never goes to anyone, but look at how she is hugging Anika and Anika is adoring her even though that child is a stranger to her. This tells me that she likely never tried to harm her sister. You all should be lenient on her and allow her to enjoy her small trip to Goa," Daadi lending her support as she smiled looking at Ira who continuing to play with the straps of my dress while I bounced her against me.

Tears lightly falling down my cheeks as I kissed Ira's forehead tenderly realizing that at times when your own loved ones leave you then you have strangers who are able to actually see and embrace your truth.

Lifting my gaze, I met Shivaay's as he looked at Ira and I intently finding himself a bit surprised in how I was embracing his daughter who appeared to find comfort in my bosom. I gave him a weak smile as his eyes traced my tears with his temper boiling up figuring their origins came from my family.

"You know what Ma? Mr. Oberoi and Daadi are correct, I think we all overreacted a little bit yesterday and as a sister I should trust Anika because she is after all my blood. She will never ever think wrong of me right Anika?" Arti's high pitched voice catching my attention as I looked towards her immediately encountering a witched smile. Her eyes looking at me up and down appearing to search for clues upon my skin finding herself weaving a sick thought as she looked at me and then Shivaay.

Throwing a curious look, I tilted my head at her unable to believe that this woman...who is a homewrecker and indulged in an affair with my then fiancé to only make its hers...has sympathy for me and is willing to fulfill her duties as a sister to me. It is odd that she who was insulting me yesterday is not treating me with such respect without an ulterior motive.

"Arti, what are you saying? Were you not quite upset about the photoshoot being ruined?" Ayaan questioning Arti as he wrapped his hand around her arm while looking at me attempting to portray a small romantic gesture. His eyes wandering back to Shivaay who's arm gently pressed against mine finding himself catching on that his boss has shown some interest in me.

Arti flipping her hair to the side as she sighed rubbing her hand on Ayaan's shoulder before giving me a dirty look and faking a smile. Yep, this girl is plastic as it gets...I am surprised how she is my sister.

"No Ayaan. I was just being impulsive yesterday and I should not have spoken to Anika in such a manner. I should not isolate my own older sister from my wedding. In fact, it will be nice to spend some quality time with my sister on this trip to Goa as planned," Arti letting out a snicker as she walked up to me only to give me a tight hug.

My mouth dropping into a frown becoming aware that Arti is faking and that somewhere she still is holding a grudge for me. Arti never forgives and forgets...It is a rarity.

I looked at Shivaay who peered closely as the both finding himself unconvinced on Arti's words. His eyes showing his own scheming as he darted them back at forth between Arti and Ayaan who stood across from us. He held a brief wicked smile finding himself achieving a dangerous plan while he looked at Arti and then Ayaan.

"Arti beta are you sure you want Anika to join? You do not have to be so kind as Anika was at fault," Ma throwing a snarky remark while running her hand on Arti's head. Ma's comment stinging me shut as Arti let go of me and placed an angelic smile on her lips looking at everyone as if she is a poor, innocent mongoose and I am the snake who dared to ruin her special day.

This bitch is manipulative that I know. Just with a snap of finger, she is running everyone on her palm seen in how Daadi is now also smiling with approval while my parents are showing pride in Arti's big heart that gives forgiveness.

"Yes Ma. How can I just not enjoy these last moments with Anika before I get married? I mean Anika is so near and dear to my heart," Arti going on her dramatic mockery of sisterhood as Ma smiled looking at my father.

"Our Arti has truly grown and look at how mature she is unlike others," Ma trailing her voice off to me as she threw me a taunt. Letting my tears run down I pulled Ira closely against my heart finding some comfort in the little being who still found me lovable. Ira letting out a small whimper as she tapped her fingers against my cheeks while I looked at her seeing that she was becoming curious why I was crying.

I do not get it. I have given the biggest sacrifice by not raising my voice against the injustice that my parents caused by approving Arti and Ayaan's relationship. I for once fulfilled my duty as a sister, but no my family fails to see such.

My eyes lifting to Shivaay revealing my set of tears, from disappointment on my parents. Shivaay biting his lip continuing to look at the thorns of betrayal climbing themselves out of my eyes as he took a step closer before brushing his hand gently against my back looking at our families who were distracted by Arti's show.

"Keep quiet Anika for now. You want Goa? Well, let this bitch speak as she is the only way we both will get to have our own sweet time," He whispered into my ear sending a shiver down my spine as I flinched turning complete red aware of what he was implying.

His flippant remark inciting a smile across my lips liking how at least I have him on my side who also shares a distaste for Arti. Point to be noted is that he is right that the only way I get to go to Goa is through Arti's approval and I need this or else my parents will figure a way to hold me back.

"Fine if this is what you want Arti then Anika can go with us since I do not want to interfere in both of your guys' relationship," Ayaan the hypocrite speaking as I raised my eyebrow looking at him completely disgusted.

Oh really? You jackass Ayaan. You already have ruined Arti and my relationship by two timing and indulging in an affair with her while you were engaged with me. Damn he is a snake that I failed to catch.

"Well if this is what Arti and Ayaan want and if they both want to make peace with Anika...We all should let Anika go on the trip. I trust that Anika will be on her best behavior and do everything to ensure this trip goes well for both Arti and Ayaan. Correct Anika?" Papa questioning me as he eyed me keenly wanting me to oblige to his demand. Ma also looking at me impatiently wanting reassurance from me that I will not mess things up.

Okay maybe I will not ruin Arti and Ayaan's trip because I am the Arti's older sister and I will do everything to ensure Arti's wedding goes well, but that does not mean I will be walked upon. I am going to be serial vamp to these two dimwits and I do not care. Enough of them walking over me. I will ensure they feel some guilt over how they have treated me...I have to even if it takes my entire youth to make them feel remorse.

Plastering a sweet smile, I placed my hand on Arti's shoulder gently before taking a tighter grasp of babbling Ira in my arms. "Of course Ma and Papa I will ensure Arti and Ayaan's trip and rest of their wedding goes well. From the bottom of my heart, I am so apologetic to Arti and Ayaan and all of you. It was truly a mistake in how I broke that heart for Arti's photoshoot, however, I promise to be on my best behavior and ensure Arti and Ayaan enjoy this wedding and enjoy the rest of their future together...My deepest blessings to them," I ran the phony, cringed and cliched lines across my tongue while placing my hand on my heart showing them the promise while deep down now swiveling in anger ready to claw Arti and Ayaan's egoes out and show them their place.

Shivaay letting out brusque chuckle as I looked back at him giving him a mischevious smile while he held pride catching on the true meaning of words becoming aware that I am going to be a solid bitch on this trip.

Ma letting out a faint smile appreciating my cliched thoughtful words while Papa smiled placing his hand on my head. "Wow, you truly have changed Anika. Such kind words for Arti is quite remarkable," Ma speaking as I faked a smile looking at Arti who was now shooting me daggers turning complete red on how my parents were beginning to side me once again.

"Anika has always been a kind soul. You all should appreciate her more in fact. I mean look at how she is caring for my Ira. I now can restfully go back to the hotel knowing Ira is in safe hands on this trip to Goa," Daadi announcing confidently as I gave her a genuine smile aware that she is speaking truly from her heart and not faking it like the others.

"What?! Ira?...She is going with us?" Shivaay bolting his shock out with his bulging, blue pearled eyes dropping out of his eyelids with his mouth dropping open. A sudden giggle escaping from me as I looked at the poor man's face who just had been deprived his pleasure.

Ira beginning to clap loudly joining her tiny giggles with mine as I threw my head back up completely amused by how Shivaay's plans have been ruined by this tiny cute monster. "Good job go girl," I whispered into her ear as she let out a wide grin towards me appearing to understand me even though she couldn't.

Shivaay throwing me a glare as he tightened his mouth not liking how I was enjoying his misery. Poor Shivaay...This genius brought so many toys and objects in his suitcase with a complete intact plan for our vacation only to be ruined by his own grandmother.

"Of course Ira is going with you. She needs fresh air and a change in her surroundings like her doctor has discussed with all of us. Our Ira needs normality to fully develop in which she is struggling," Daadi speaking gently trying to make her grandson understand his responsibilities.

My heart skipping a beat upon hearing Ira's plight as I looked at her while she babbled to herself and nudged her lips on to my bosom as if I am her mother. She is so innocent...Completely unaware that her mother long on, but here she is holding on to me and seeing me as her protector. No wonder she is having delays in development...She needs a mother figure and likely more attention from Shivaay as well.

Shivaay sighing as he lowered his gaze finding a sense of guilt in his statement now realizing that he has to stop his selfishness and focus on his daughter. Well at least he found some shame soon or else I would have dropped him now if he dared to resist Ira not coming on a trip.

" are right Daadi. I just...did not think of such obviously. But, is Athiya coming along to care for her?" He questioned while Daadi nodded with a smile proud her grandson is willing to uptake his duties as a father.

"Yes, Athiya is of course going to care for Ira, but you also ensure to spend time with her. Ira needs you Shivaay. Understood?" Daadi looking at him as his eyes softened looking at his daughter finding himself weakening to her issues on hand. A soft smile touching my lips as I looked at Shivaay wanting him to agree to Daadi's request.

"Yes I will spend time...with Ira," He barely spoke sighing with a small bit of frustration that his plan was ruined. A giggle escaping from me as I looked at a bubbling Ira before pulling her into an embrace.

"Do not worry Daadi. Ira will be taken care of and I assure you that," I intervened giving my promise as I felt a love for Ira thread into my heart finding myself connecting with her even though she is not mine...she does not have my blood...she barely knows me, but yet, I feel as if this baby is mine. I do not know why, but I feel quite connected to Ira for some odd reason.

Ma looking at me bewildered by my statement as Arti began to run many ideas in her mind while I kept rocking the babbling infant in my arms. Shivaay weakly smiling liking my promise while Daadi ran her hand through my head blessing me.

"See I am telling all of you Anika has a good heart and all of you were doubting her. I can read others and I know that this girl is blessed and pure in her intentions," Daadi praising me as I smiled lightly looking at my parents who appeared slightly embarrassed in their inability to judge their daughter correctly.

"We should all get going now back to the Haveli. I am sure the youngsters can check in on their own," Ma snubbing Daadi's praise for me as she gave me a snooty look before raising her nose up in the air.

Rolling my eyes, I looked at Shivaay who gritted his teeth finding annoyance in my mother who was proudly showing her prejudice by continuing to hug Arti and wishing her a safe trip before walking towards me and throwing me a wave.

"Take care Anika and this time I shall not hear any complaints about you and your attitude issues on this trip. Understood?" She patted my cheek gently as if I am a five year old who does not know how to pick up their own crap.

"Anika do not ruin this as my boss is also on this trip alright? Ensure you make no more mistakes," Papa ordering me before giving me a side hug as I kept my silence only nodding not wanting to indulge in further conversation with my hypocrite parents who neglect Arti's mistakes, but always find ways to pick on mine.

"Take care of yourself Anika beta and thank you for offering to care for Ira," Daadi appreciating my gesture once more before kissing Ira's forehead while the tiny infant kept her head buried in my neck not willing to even let go to see her great-grandmother off.

"Iru, say bye bye to Daadi. Come on you silly bear," I cooed at her trying to grab her attention while Ira pulled on to me more tightly not listening to my request. Daadi letting out a laugh liking Ira's antics as she continued to latch on to me not once daring to look at anyone else including her loved ones.

"It's okay Anika beta. It is better she is at peace in your arms...Shivaay can I talk to you for a moment?" Daadi gesturing Shivaay for a private conversation to which he immediately agreed before throwing me a smile.

"I will be back," He muttered to me quickly before walking off with Daadi as I shyly smiled finding myself admiring his features completely lacking awareness that others were staring at me while I continued to oogle Shivaay.

"Looks like someone is having quite the fun," Arti whispering her envy into my ear inciting a wide smirk to appear across my lips as I turned my eyes towards her clearly seeing her red eyes burning in resentment over how I am reigning the attention of Shivaay....who is more powerful, richer, and truly a man unlike her fiancé.

"Yes I am having fun and I love it...The taste...The ride...The end of a trust is all fun...pure paradise...which only he can give and what I got. Thank God, I found him because he nothing like my previous experience," I hissed a fire on her throne of self-pride only to let out a laugh at her face while her jaw dropped open hearing my subtle, indirect confession of my derailment...and my rebellion.

Throwing my hair to the side, I threw her a devilish smile while she began to take deep breaths fuming in pure rage unable to accept that I have trapped a better catch than her...that I have found a better man than her...a man she can never get and will never be worth of.

"Good luck with Ayaan Arti...My sincere condolences to you," I gibed placing my hand on my heart once again throwing her a sugar coated smile wanting to rub in my victory in her face.

Her and Ayaan thought that I can never get a man because apparently I am a dull and boring soul along with the fact I cannot give kids. Well these two can go to hell because I have found a man who is not a piece of filth and shallow as them, but truly knows how to value me.

Letting out another giggle, I threw my head up while little Ira also let out a laugh before suddenly throwing spit in the opposite direction. My eyes popping open as the large, bottled spit slapped itself on Arti's face. Arti gasping loudly as she looked at the infant who began to giggle before bubbling out more spit and throwing it at her direction.

Laughter erupting from me as I wrapped my hand around Ira pulling her towards my direction although liking how she too is accompanying me in my hatred for Arti.

"Arti are you okay?" Ayaan speaking to her wrapping his arm around her while Arti snatched herself away from his grasp.

"You just leave me alone!" She scolded him as she began to walk away on her heel while Ayaan ran after her like a dog.

I continued to laugh liking the sight before me as Arti stumbled her way down the lobby with her suitcase. Ayaan continuing to call after, but failing to grab her attention.

Poor Arti and Ayaan...These two do deserve each other now when I think of it. I always cursed fate for how it took Ayaan away from me, but I should not have. I had a better person waiting for me...a person who necessarily is not a lover, but a partner who can fulfill a simple friendship...can protect me, yet give me the confidence to stand up for myself...and one who can also make me feel loved when I want to be.

Shivaay is the one who is made for me and that I know now.

Shivaay's Point of View

My eyes wandering back to Anika who stood in the far distance continuing to laugh and twirl Ira in the air drowning her with kisses. A faint smile crossing my lips looking at the two finding myself somewhere endearing the both finding an unusual connection the two were forming despite being strangers.

"Anika is made for you Shivaay. She is the mother made for Ira. Look at her and how she is showering a mother's love on Ira that no other stranger would...She is the one for you and one who can heal you..." Daadi's persuasion catching me of guard as I immediately looked towards her while standing by the exit of the airport. She held a gentle smile continuing to admire Anika and Ira together beginning to weave her own hopes of Anika be her daughter-in-law.

My heart hitting a stronger tempo as I felt Anika's taste continuing to linger against my lips reminding me of that exuberant, turbulent fire of lovemaking we both had indulged in last she had entrusted me with her virginity allowing me to be the first man to touch her and possibly the last.

A tinge of guilt touching down me as I began to chew on my lip aware that I have taken a woman's virginity to whom I may never be able to give a commitment to. She is not worthy of being put in a nameless bond, but what can I do? I do not believe in these relationships that are defined and forced upon by other members of society...I have seen that love is an illusion...marriage is an illusion. All of it...My mother leaving my father for another man...My mother...daring to abuse me despite giving birth to me. This is all evidence that love does not exist...and any bond based on love is a lie and only brings one's downfall.

"Daadi can we please stop this discussion. I do not want to talk about a possible marriage proposal with Anika or any other woman. She might be a perfect mother for Ira and she likely will be, but...It is just that I do not see myself as one who will be able to fulfill a marriage with anyone. I do not believe in marriage and never will. You know the reason to this and so please do not try to pursue me into this," I hit the words bluntly to her wanting to engrave my decision in her mind, so she does not dare to make such a request again. I felt my temper subtly raise itself up below the surface while I tried to maintain calm not wanting to hurt Daadi's feelings considering she is the closest of being a mother figure to me.

Daadi sighing as she shook her head in frustration disapproving my decision though finding herself fonding over Anika seeing her as my potential wife. "Shivaay...look at her for once. She and you will make such a lovely couple that I have no doubt of. No other woman can tolerate your dominating and short-tempered nature besides a soft spoken and reserved person such as Anika who can fill your flaws. She is young and can be molded according to your needs which will be perfect for you. She will be a perfect wife who can run your home," She spoke her conservative mind igniting my temper more not liking it one bit how she is expecting Anika to be a typical housewife who will tolerate my tantrums and rage worthy moments.

Have I chosen Anika because of her reserved nature? Yes I have for reasons...But does that mean I will not allow her to explore her true self? No absolutely not. Anika can be whoever she wants outside of her unusual relationship, but once she comes home to me...Then I will rule.

"We already have spoken and discussed over this topic about Anika being a wife to me. As I have said I have no interest in getting married to her and we should leave it at such. So, can you please leave now Daadi? It is best you get to the Haveli safe and sound..." I held a dominant tone looking at her wanting her to end this topic immediately.

Daadi rolling her eyes as she fixed her pursue before proceeding down the exit. "Well, to be honest, I convinced her parents to send her to Goa because I want you to spend some quality time with her. Get to know Anika more and I am sure you will like her. I see the way you look at her and I also see how she looks at you...You both have an interest and attraction for each other, so pursue it Shivaay. Anika likely is shy and will not take the first step, but you take it alright? I want to hear some good news once you both return from Goa," Daadi letting out a laugh continuing to try to command me as I bit into a smile hearing her cluelessness.

Anika shying from taking the first step? Damn she plays off her simplicity because the Anika I know definitely knows how to run the bedroom. Even though, she is still unaware of many things about lovemaking, she is not shy in such matters. Daadi truly is a lost soul that cannot be helped, but at least she assisted in convincing Anika's parents or else I do not know what I would have done if Anika and I would not have gone to Goa.

"Oh look who we have here!" Daadi exclaiming in excitement as I looked the other way only to feel a jolt eyeing the three figures making their way towards the both of us.

"Namaste Daadi. How are you doing?" Om taking Daadi's blessings along with Gauri as I crossed my arms looking away and not wanting to associate with him.

Memories of the past rushing across my eyes reminding me of how he and Priyanka both had walked away from our troubled father who was at the verge of bankruptcy...How these two chose our unfaithful mother over our father because of security their new step father was offering in assets.

"It is so hot Daadi! My God, it is humid!" Priyanka waving her hands at her face as she made her way towards us before throwing me a fake smile.

"Oh nice to see you Shivaay bhai. I did not know you also are coming to Goa," She spoke trying to initiate chit chat while I threw her a glare finding annoyance in her presence.

"Why are you coming Shivaay? I mean I am coming because Gauri is Arti's cousin, but why you?" Om trying to push folds on my temper aware that even small questions are enough to trigger me on him. He is sly and he knows it. I do not know why he continues to poke at me despite I clearly telling him to keep distance. Despite our argument on Arti's welcome party two nights ago, he still is daring to converse with me and trying to play with my anger.

"I am coming because Ayaan invited me personally and considering he is a trusted employee of my company, I obliged on cordial levels," I grit the lie out of me feeling a gravel of ash rush across within me along with a bitter taste erupting in my mouth reminding me how that Ayaan not only cheated on my Anika, but also was her fiancé.

Last night proved Anika was a virgin definitely, but the fact she was with him for a while is not something I am still able to accept. The fact that she likely shared a first kiss with him....held hands with him...and probably had some unusual intimate moments for some reason makes me feel a burning, hallow current within me...It fills me with disgust that some man was putting his hands on Anika...who is mine. Only mine.

"Well it is nice you came Shivaay bhai to this trip. I am sure you and Om can spend some quality time together to resolve any issues on hand," Gauri noting breaking a rough tension that now was encircling Om and I.

Resolve issues? Never. Om is the one who created issues by abandoning our father and in no manner will I attempt to close this gap in our relationship because Om is a shallow man who is full of greed. That is all and that is the truth. Why will I try to mend our relations and have him come back and bite me?

"Anyways, congratulations Gauri. I heard you are expecting, so congrats," I noted giving her a weak smile as she smiled and placed her hand on her expanding womb. An uncanny feeling touching down on me as I looked back immediately towards Anika remembering how she had mentioned her infertility.

Anika continuing to shade giggles with Ira as she placed a bottle of milk in her mouth trying to feed her. My heartbeat slightly dropping seeing her becoming overjoyed with the infant in her lap...And that is called a cruel fate...when a woman like her cannot become a mother.

"I would suggest stay away from Anika Gauri bhabi...I heard she is a barren," Priyanka snapping as she fixed her lipstick while looking at a mirror.

A sudden pop sounding off within me as I felt a shadow of anger drop down immediately taking a hold of adrenaline which began to rush through me. How dare she even speak of such about Anika? How dare she imply that my Anika is a curse because she is barren?

My body beginning to tremble as I began to feel an unusual demon set its claws into my heart protruding into and screaming at me to speak. To stand for that woman who dared to love my ugliness last night...who continues to dare to stand by me despite the cruel intentions I hold.

"How dare you Priyanka?! How dare you hold such ill thoughts about Anika?! Huh! Who are you to say such demeaning words about her?!" My voice echoing loudly booming into Priyanka who suddenly began to shake with fear running its way into her as she looked at me confused on why I was supporting a stranger.

"Hey calm down! Why are reacting in such a manner?" Om stepping in front of me trying to protect Priyanka who was now beginning to grumble not liking the insult she was facing considering everyone was now looking at us.

"Why I am reacting?! What about her? Are these the manners you and Ma have taught her? What kind of sick thoughts does she carry?!" I spat continuing to feel hinges of my temper clouting upon me ready to full consume me while I kept my gaze fixed on Priyanka who threw me a glare.

"Oh please Shivaay. She is talking about someone who is a complete stranger to you and all of us...Why are you minding her words? She is worried about my child's safety," Om's line pinching needles into me as I looked at him feeling shock that he too is believing such foolish beliefs.

A cluster of darkness enveloping me tight as I let my rage hit many high tempos within me now begging me to unleash it and do justice with Anika. These creatures will dare to spew such filth on my Anika...These creatures who are not even worth dust underneath her feet will dare to judge her.

My hands suddenly slammed themselves against Om's chest with full force of anger erupting within me as Daadi shrieked grabbing my arm trying to pull me back. Om stumbling back only for Priyanka to hold him as he lunged towards me with his own fury, but not enough to take grasp of me.

"How dare you push me you bastard?!" Om beginning to scream at me with my guards running towards the both of attempting to create a gap while I struggled in Daadi's grasp wanting to trample him in this instant.

"I am not a bastard! I am the true Oberoi who actually stuck himself to justice! I stayed by my father and did not abandon him!...My father taught me how to not speak or think ill of others unlike you and Priyanka who completely have forgotten your manners and are daring to be so vile!" Screams at this point criss crossing out of me as I pushed Daadi away lightly taking wide steps towards Om ready to take him down.

A sudden warm touch taking hold of my arm attempting to pull me back out the claws of a bustling temper that was seething within me. My eyes immediately moving towards the origin of the touch meeting a pair of brown eyes that held tears within them. Her lips slightly trembling with fear as she tightened her grasp on my arm snatching me out from my guard's grip.

"Shivaay please stop..." Anika whispered with her voice enough to slash a knife against the raging being within me. Her tears tempting to weaken my anger as she wrapped her hands tightly around my arm shaking her head and gesturing me to stop.

"No...Anger is not suited for you. Come on let's go," She continued to speak letting her tears fall as she looked towards Om and the rest who appeared to a hit pause of curiosity finding themselves at disbelief on how she had reigned my anger somewhat.

"Anika do you even know what was said?" I looked at her as she wiped away her tears before lowering her gaze reflecting that indeed she had heard everything. Her cheeks flushing red indicative she was feeling mortified in how her infertility was becoming a hot topic amongst everyone else to discuss.

My hand immediately taking a hold of hers as I looked at Om and Priyanka whose eyes widened completely shocked by seeing our hands entwining into one.

Anika is not my wife...not my girlfriend...not my lover. But, the bond we both are about to form requires me to be her protector...Requires me to stand in front of her and speak for her because she deserves to be given the utmost respect that she deserves. The bond we both will form will be based on which I will dominant and she will fulfill...but that does not mean that I will let her fend for herself. If she gives me what I want, which she has, then I will protect her just like I will do now...The rules are simple and one those she will obey and so will I, but in a manner that will satisfy the both of us.

Anika's Point of View

Barren...Hex...Curse. The three words have now become synonymous to my identity and enough to puncture holes in my empty womb to let it know that perhaps I am not even worth being called a woman considering I cannot even birth life.

How can I continue to anger upon others on them questioning my infertility because all of them after all are a product of society...There is no use in even arguing over this subject because people never change regarding such matters. So, it is better to not discuss of it.

"No one can dare to say or question Anika out all of you. I do not want one individual even saying a pinch of ill towards Anika or her character or anything related to her. She shall be respected and valued the way everyone else is. Do you all understand?" He spoke a threat to his own family as I felt my heart beginning to skip beats before looking at him who held a demonic phantom in his wrangling, rich red eyes.

A weak smile touching my lips as I stood by him unable to believe that he is standing up for me and my rights the way no one else has ever. He becoming a voice to my being tempting my heart that found itself now turning a blank page to write his name on it and engrave it upon it...finding itself stitching remnants of a bit of love attraction that I am forming at the moment for him.

Our hands continuing to entwine as I looked towards his family who appeared befuddled by the exact definition of a relationship that clearly was being reflected off the both of us. No normal man and woman hold hands in such a manner unless....some intimacy is present and clearly Shivaay has decided to make this subtle announcement to his family...

My smile slightly widening liking the fact that he is claiming me as his even though I should fear of it. Afterall, if my parents find out that I am indulging in a fling with Shivaay then hell likely will break loose. Shivaay is Papa's boss and clearly there is a conflict of interest if I am sleeping with with Shivaay.

But, to hell with it. Shivaay wants to plan a bigger relationship with me and if he has mentioned the forsaking of my old relationships, it means that our future involves just the both of us, so why fear now? Why fear if I have Shivaay by my side?

"Shivaay bhai...why are you supporting her? Is she your...girlfriend?!" Priyanka exclaiming in sheer shock as she looked at me in horror considering already she is not a huge fan of after all she is Arti's best friend and likely Arti has poisoned her mind against me.

"What?! Anika are you both dating?" Gauri equally astonished as she made her way towards me unable to grasp on the fact that I am sort of "dating" her brother-in-law.

My gaze lowering as I stepped behind Shivaay turning completely red and feeling utterly shy that everyone was beginning to question the state of our relationship.

Daadi appearing equally surprised, but somewhat elated as her eyes widened with a smile touching her lips appearing to approve our relationship. "Well, Shivaay you could have told me that right now you two are only seeing each other," She spoke looking at the both of us.

Shivaay sighing as he shook his head completely embittered by his family's set of reactions on the subtle revelation he had made. My hand squeezing his telling him to not speak more aware that his temper is still coursing through him felt in the throbbing vein of his palm.

"I owe no answers to any of you. Make on thing clear that my personal life is my own and no one else's to question. It is better you all keep quiet and not even bring this topic back again about infertility or Anika and I dating. If I hear one single word about this then I will truly show a side of me that all of you may regret," His voice holding danger as a dancing demon leapt into his blue hues now dragging itself out and spewing its venom on each of his loved ones.

I stood still hearing his threat while keeping silence knowing that he holds a valid point of keeping our matter private, although, the tone of his voice is definitely not approval worthy. But, it is better to not say a word or else I may just trigger him more.

"Daadi take care of yourself and I will see you next week," Shivaay bidding Daadi farwell who appeared to want to say more, but not able to as Shivaay immediately turned me around grabbing my hand and beginning to walk.

"Let's go now. I do not even want their shadows near you," He hissed as I looked up towards him seeing his eyes continuing to redden appearing to be struggling to bring his true form back from the clutches of the demon that still held him. He tightened his grasp on my hand while looking straight ahead not wanting to expose me to this shade of his that may just even dare to harm me...Well he thinks his anger will harm me, but I know he will never hurt me. Never.

But damn he looks hot when he's angry and that is not a lie. My eyes finding themselves charmed by his flushed red cheeks with his piercing eyes revealing subtle wounds that yearned healing...His anger running a force of adrenaline through him that likely is creating mounds of tension which I can loosen. His powerful rage that he can excise upon me through pure pleasure. The thought arousing to me as I wrapped my hand around his arm while we continued to walk hand in hand.

"Where is Ira?" He questioned as I smiled remembering the cute bundle who I had put to sleep a few minutes ago.

"Well Mr. Father I think you need to learn more about your daughter. It is her naptime right now and I just put her to sleep after which Athiya took her and likely is checking in at the counter," I remarked feeling slightly annoyed how he does not know such a simple thing about Ira.

Shivaay keeping his silence as he nodded not wanting to entertain any more conversation finding himself still consumed with his temper. My eyes wandering to Om, Gauri, and Priyanka who kind of followed closely behind us, but maintaining some distance clearly still jarred by Shivaay's outburst.

A small smile touching my lips as he continued to guide me through the crowd towards the airport check in counter while I felt my heart hitting wild flutters over the fact how he just confessed our relationship to his family in the most lunatic way possible.

Who threatens his own family over revealing or even discussing his romantic relationship? Well clearly this idiot does. A giggle escaping from my lips as we walked to an almost empty line at the far distance leaving behind Arti, Ayaan, and the rest of our family members behind in the crowded line for economy. We made our way towards Athiya who held a sleep ridden Ira in her arms as we waited patiently to check ourselves in.

"Now why are you laughing?" He snapped back at me throwing me his wicked eyes not liking that I was being goofy for no reason even though I have a valid one.

"Because you are the most unusual man I have ever met. Who announces a relationship by a threat? I mean Shivaay, what are you made of?!" I exclaimed now bursting into pure laughter clasping my fingers on my lips as his eyes wandering down to my lips that continued to sing tunes in pure amusement.

A small smile began to play on his lips as he tried to maintain a serious, stern expression, but clearly finding himself captivated by my series of giggles. "You be quiet now. Do not try to get on my bad side. Already I am annoyed by my family," He grumbled appearing a little adorable as he puffed his cheeks. Looking back, I eyed our family members across at the distance finding themselves entangled in their mess of checking in not paying attention to the both of us.

My smile widening as I immediately turned and slapped my lips against his cheek giving him a sloppy, but longing kiss trying to melt his temper. His eyes slightly widening caught off guard by my gesture as he immediately wrapped his hand around my waist pulling me closer while I giggled giving him another ardent kiss letting my tongue ravenously slide against his rough skin.

His eyes meeting mine as I smiled running my hand through his waves fixing them before looking at him finding himself encaptivated. "Do you know hot sexy you are looking right now? I hate that you lose your temper, but I would be lying if I say that when you are like this, I do not get turned on because right now I want to take you and..." I hit a pause to my seductive whisper feeling a sense of demure despite wanting to complete the sentence.

He smirked as he began to slide his hand down my hip inciting a shiver from me finding his fingers running down the edges of my dress right where my thigh was. "And what?...What do you want to do to me?" He blew heat against my ear making me flinch feeling my heart fall down to my navel where pleasure hit course. My fingers running down the corners of his shirt as I tightened my grasp on it while feeling his hand now slipping underneath my dress beginning to penetrate the soft skin of my thigh underneath. A small gasp escaping from me as I felt his hand dangerously reaching to my flower before I looked around seeing other passengers were busy with themselves failing to notice what we both were doing.

"Shivaay stop...someone might notice," I let out a whine while letting out another giggle trying to snatch myself out of his grasp as he held a playful smile beginning to penetrate his fingers into my inner thigh while I tried to remove his hand.

Wandering my eyes, I looked around again only to see Ayaan watching us directly with his face clearly shot blood red as he appeared fuming seeing Shivaay digging his hand right into my inner thigh.

"He's watching us isn't he?" Shivaay leaning over into my ear as I looked back immediately towards him encountering a naughty smile. Clearly, this genius saw Shivaay before I did and he is definitely trying to make Ayaan jealous considering the narcissist he is. He wants to show off that he has me.

"You are looking ravishing today and damn I am enjoying making that brute envious," He jeered before pulling me against his chest dragging his hand out of my thigh only to pull me into an embrace allowing my back to face him while Shivaay appeared to display a smirk to Ayaan.

I let out a subtle giggle enjoying the way we both were tormenting Ayaan as Shivaay wrapped his arms tightly around me before beginning to layer the nape of my neck with sizzling flirtatious kisses trying to fully tease him.

"No tell me what you want to do when you see me angry?...This will give me an idea about the guidelines we will set for our relationship," He spoke in a low tone arising interest in me as I looked at him finding him holding a sense of intent not appearing to joke.

"W-what do you mean?" I found myself slightly stuttering feeling a little nervous about his statement trying to figure what he meant by it except failing to as he gave me a mysterious smile before entwining our hands together once again.

"You will find out when we will talk alone once we board. By the way, we never got you anything to eat, however, once we get on the plane, I will get you a nice meal," He spoke changing the subject immediately while my mind began to run on a wild course finding myself pensive over his question trying to dig into its meaning.

Shivaay letting go of me slowly continuing to look at Ayaan who now was forcing himself to look away, but clearly burning smoke not liking the idea of how I have gotten myself a new man who clearly is much better than him.

We both stood in silence in the line as I began to ponder over Shivaay's question trying to figure what he meant.

How his anger related to the type of relationship we have? What does he mean by that? I do not really understand by it. Does he want to express his anger through sex? Is that what he means?...But then he is carrying those blindfolds and restraints in his suitcase indicating he is somewhere pleasured by the idea of holding dominance in sex and even perhaps liking being dominated by a woman in it as well...

My cheeks turning a solid red cherry as I let the thought pass by finding myself completely mortified by what we both are going to do in the next level of lovemaking...I am definitely open to the idea of using those objects because I kind of am curious how it feels. I do not care what anyone says, but there is something definitely erotic about being admired and made love to rather than having to reciprocate every kiss given by a man with a kiss given by me. Like for example, if he tries to pleasure me then as a way of giving back to him, I have to do the same even though I might just want to enjoy the act rather than responding back to him. If I am blindfolded or kind of have my hands tied then I can just enjoy the moment....enjoy being made love to...reach that peak without having to worry about giving him pleasure. Same with him. He likely also does not want to try at times and wants me to do everything which I can, but I want him to guide me first.

A sudden cry pulling me out of my wacky thoughts as I shut them down immediately seeing the innocent face peeking out above a shoulder towards me. A smile appearing across my lips as I looked at the little bundle who decided to wake up from her nap.

"Aww...are you not supposed to be napping right now silly?!" I pretended to chide her before letting out a laugh and grabbing Ira from Athiya's grasp while Athiya was struggling to check in as Shivaay assisted the two with the check in personell.

"Wawa...wawa," She began to repeat an adorable new sound as she began to clap her hands again completely active in an instant as if she never had slept. Wrapping my hands around her tightly, I brushed my finger gently against her cheek trying to tickle her as she smiled liking the little play.

"Ira going to Goa! Are you not going to have fun now?...Do you want to go to the beach sweetie? Do you want to see the ocean?" I questioned her as she held a bright smile looking at me keenly trying her best to understand what foreign language I was speaking that was not a babble.

"" She repeated hearing the word beach from me as my eyes widened realizing that this little one is likely a genius in the making considering how fast she caught my word.

" you want to go to the beach?...Will my cutie Iru wear cute little sunglasses and a bathing suit? Do you even know to swim pumpkin?" I spoke to her softly trying to tease her as I tickled her inciting more rampant giggles.

"Bah! Bah!" Ira screaming loudly slapping her tiny fingers on Shivaay's shoulders finally recognizing her father after long. Shivaay throwing her a small glare as he leaned over my shoulder.

"Oh now you remember me huh? What does she have that your Papa doesn't?" Shivaay trying to scold her while hiding his smile as Ira let out a small pout beginning to form tears that she was being chided.

A small giggle escaping from my lips as I laid another light kiss on Ira's forehead.

"Because my Iru likes to be cuddled and be played with. She does not like being with people who do not like to play!" I exclaimed sticking my tongue out at him as Ira squealed loudly liking my response as she laid her head against my bosom finding home in my heart.

Shivaay rolling his eyes hating the insult as he looked back at the check in personnel before grabbing my passport and handing it off to her. "Ensure she is a passenger on first class with me," He kept a stern look as I slightly smiled liking how he had strong intent to spend his time on the flight with me. This man is not going to let me out of his sight that I can tell right now being able to feel his possessive nature.

"Well there is an opening of a room with two passengers on the flight. It will cost extra money to transfer the seat and quite a lot," The employee spoke as Shivaay slapped a wad of cash on the counter immediately as my eyes widened seeing the amount he has been just casually carrying around in his pocket.

"You are carrying that much cash around? Do you want to get robbed?" I whispered to him as Shivaay let out a chuckle finding my inquiry idiotic. His hand wrapping around my waist as he kissed my cheek tenderly while Ira gave off a small giggle delighting over how her father was showing affection to me. Shivaay smiling as he leaned over and placed a kiss on Ira's head.

"What are the guards for then? Obviously, they will protect us my dear Anika," He spoke as my gaze lowered feeling foolish that I had asked a dumb question.

"My Anika is not dumb, she is just naïve," He whispered as my eyes shot to him quite dazed by how he just read my thought without me even speaking of it. Shivaay smiled placing the strand of hair behind my ear before pressing his lips on my temple as I slightly smiled liking his consolence.

"Why are we getting a room on a plane for a four-hour flight?" I snooped at him not liking that he was wasting on me as he sighed feeling irritated by inquisitive nature as the employee smiled handing us off our tickets and passports.

We began to walk towards the security clearance line as he helped me navigate the crowd while I kept Ira close to me wanting to protect her from the strange faces that could incite her anxiety.

"Because there are some things better discussed and done in a room," He spoke in lowered voice against my ear heating it up red as my heart skipped a beat becoming clearly aware of what the underlying meaning of his statement was.

"You are crazy do you know that?" I looked towards him only to see him let out an impish laugh as we made our way down the security lanes separated between genders.

Sighing I took a stand in the line looking towards Shivaay who stood right across from me not liking the separation, but knowing it is only for a times being. He giving me an air kiss as I giggled before placing my fingers on my lips looking around only to blow a kiss back to him.

Shivaay clasping his hand on his heart rubbing it gently as I made a vomiting face at him.

"Stop being so cheesy," I mouthed to him as he let out a chuckle while Ira let out a laugh clasping her tiny fingers on her mouth only to mimic the both of us.

"Ba! Ba!" She shrieked waving her hand out towards her father and giving him an air kiss. Shivaay letting out an elated smile liking how his daughter was expressing her love for him. My heart hitting many drums as I looked at the father and daughter liking their adorable interaction before I kissed the dainty infant again.

Walking down the metal detector, I raised my hand up while holding Ira on the other side of me. The agent waved the wand through my body as my eyes moved towards Shivaay who raised his eyebrows looking at me up and down appearing to check me out. My hand waving itself out as I attempted to show him that I would slap his butt off while he let out a charcoaled laugh as he entered the metal detector himself.

"Anika what are you doing?" The statement startling me as I looked back seeing Gauri following me out of the security clearance before taking her steps besides me.

Giving her a perplexed look, I slowed my pace making our way through the crowd of people as I hid Ira into my bosom wrapping my hands around her while she slightly whimpered not liking the amount of people.

"What do you mean Gauri? I am doing nothing," I spoke nonchalantly as Gauri sighed not liking my answer before placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you seriously dating Shivaay bhai? Do you even know what you are getting into?" She gave me a worried look as if I was myself entering a death cave by submitting in a relationship with Shivaay.

Letting out a laugh at her fearful expression, I continued to walk seeing Shivaay from the far distance trying to make his way towards us. "Oh God Gauri, you are acting as if he is the devil himself or something! I mean first of all, we both have no confirmed that we are dating and second of all, Shivaay is not what you all perceive to be. He is so kind and considerate. I mean Ayaan was never like this to me the way he is. He understands me on quite an insane level to a point he completes my sentences and reads my thoughts. He knows exactly what I want and when I want and...I mean...he supports me like he just did in front of all of you. So, you tell me what is wrong with him?" I joked finding myself entertained by Gauri's horrified look who continued to take deep breaths finding herself anxious by my lines.

Her hand grabbing mine as she quickly dragged me to the side near the wall of the waiting area trying to hold a private moment away from everyone else. "Anika you are like my younger sister and you mean a lot to me. I am sorry what Om and Priyanka said and I am so glad Shivaay bhai supported you in that manner. But, I am telling you that he is not good news. He is not. He has a bad reputation amongst women," She spoke in a lowered tone trying to be stern with me and insert fear as I rolled my eyes continuing to pat Ira's back trying to put her to sleep knowing she was now getting slightly cranky.

"Look if it is about the playboy thing then I already knew about that before Gauri and I am fine with that to be honest because I am not looking for a relationship type of thing like others you know? I just am getting out of a broken engagement, so I mean do not worry if you are scared he will cheat on me or something," I muttered my secret to her knowing that she will keep it because that is how she is. Gauri is a cousin who keeps secrets the best and is worth the truth, so I know she will not tell others about the lack of seriousness Shivaay and I have towards each other.

Gauri pressing her temple finding herself getting a headache appearing stressed as she placed her hand on Ira's head lovingly while the infant suckled her lips against my heart. Placing her hand on my shoulder, she forced me to look into her eyes that somewhere were now getting prepared to tell a bitter truth.

"Anika this is why I am worried. You are too naïve and he is too manipulative. He will manipulate the hell out of you to a point that you will get trapped just like my friend circle did. Shivaay literally had flings, one night stands, and short term relationships with almost all my friends. He is very cunning to a point that he can read any woman's mind and know exactly what is going in it just like he reads you very easily. No wonder he completes your sentences and thoughts because he is that good at reading women. He is unusual to a point that he literally rants and raves in anger for hours if something goes against his wishes. He has huge anger issues. He has a dark side where he manipulates, he rages, and he does everything to reign his partner...I mean do you even know what the rumor is lately?"

The piano of fear beginning to play its chorus within me trying to overpower my deep attraction...scratch that lust...pure lust that is infiltrating me at the moment towards that man. Every piece of me that not only lays on the flesh, but on the heart now is absorbing his taste, his touch, and his affection that he continues to lay upon me since last night. His toxic taste is a boon to me and I cannot even think of him in such wrong light that Gauri is speaking of.

Gauri sighing as she looked over my shoulder seeing Shivaay pausing along the way and appearing to have indulged in a conversation with my cousins Natasha and Albeli who miraciously also out of nowhere have showed up on this trip to Goa. A sinister needle of jealousy pricking me as I noticed Shivaay letting out a small laugh with the two women finding himself entertained by the conversation.

"Rumor has it that he is looking for a permanent type of partner on whom he can let go of his tensions upon..." Gauri's muddled statement raising my interest as I looked back towards her wanting her to expand upon her answer.

Gauri playing with her fingers as she looked at me awkwardly eyeing Ira who lingered against me finding it inappropriate to speak more since the child is present. My eyes moving towards Athiya who sat on a seat across from me as I quickly walked towards her handing a sleepy Ira off to her.

My hand grabbing Gauri's as I pulled her on a seat next to me wanting more details on what she exactly wants to spill. "Just tell me what you heard Gauri. Alright? I want to know all the deets no matter how crude they may be," I held my demand looking into her eyes as she took a deep breath trying to gather her thoughts before speaking of them.

"Look Shivaay has always been with upper middle class women or those who are just high class like him. These women are quite open sexually and have many partners in the past, so they are quite you know bold and liberal. Well, Shivaay is a complete narcissist so my friends say. They say he has weird sense of logic in that he will do everything to help a woman advance her career or education, but when it comes to a personal intimate relationship, he wants a woman who can heal him in a way...He has always wanted more physical intimacy out of all the women he been with and honestly women do not want that. I mean no lie, half of these women were with him because of his money and the rest just do not like the art of lovemaking. But he does...So, after his last relationship with Falguni that ended up being such a big media catastrophe considering Falguni spilled details of his anger issues along with him cheating on her...He kind of has changed his perception on what he wants...Rumor has it, which I think started from his own best friend Ergel, that he has been looking for a woman for a long time who is willing to give him what he wants when he wants...He wants dominance...He wants someone who can oblige to his rule...He wants to groom someone by giving her what she needs in return for what he wants...Like he is looking for a woman who is more reserved and quiet in nature... but willing to indulge in the physical aspect of intimacy for a longer period of time..." Gauri's voice trailing off as her mouth immediately shut itself showing terror seeing the figure whose footsteps were being heard behind me.

Gauri's words barely setting in place within me as it only further began to twist many puzzles in my mind while I sat in silence not finding any wrong in her lines considering I am aware of most of what she is saying. I mean if Shivaay can read people, I can master people and I know exactly that this is his thinking. He likes inflating his ego by being with a vulnerable woman who he can protect and make her feel good about herself which will empower him in the sense that he feels he is that of a great man that he has an ability to do such...I know he tries to manipulate, but do I fall for it? No. Does he want to groom me? Hell yes. Do I want to be groomed? A big fat hella yes. He is perfect for me. Rich, powerful, and most of all keeps me at the center of his attention. This is what I like and what I have always wanted.

Sure he has a rough past, but I can tell he is genuine...he is kind...and he really cares about me. I mean I am the one who seduced him into sleeping with me because he felt that guilty on taking my virginity considering I am not even his girlfriend...He is a kind soul and my heart says that.

"Anika..." His voice calling out to me as I felt him standing right behind me while an immediate smile appeared across my lips. I looked at Gauri who was bemused by my expression feeling stunned that I was unfazed by it. Giving her a hug, I got up looking towards Shivaay who smirked looking towards Gauri before grabbing my hand and entwining it into his.

"Nice try Gauri, but she knows me best and knows all my intentions even the cruel ones. Right baby?" Shivaay let out an impious laugh as I let out a giggle leaning my cheek towards him where he immediately brushed his lips upon giving me a sloppy wet kiss.

Gauri clearly astonished as she looked at the both of us while Shivaay wrapped his hand around my waist pulling me against his chest capturing my attention as I found myself admiring his mischevious eyes that clearly had many plans ins tore for me.

"You both are crazy. Are you two really going to do what I am thinking or are you two already doing it?" She questioned getting up as Shivaay and I looked at both of each other proding upon our well kept secret that we both are fucking only. The thought crossing both of us immediately as we let out an uncanny laugh at the same time as if we thought the same.

"Do you know how much trouble you will both get in? And Anika why are you doing this?!" Gauri trying to talk sense into both of us as I sighed taking a hold of Shivaay's hand as he attempted to pull me towards the check in counter for boarding.

"See ya later! Ciao!" I yapped at Gauri giving her a wave ending our conversation as Shivaay and I shared a laugh making our way down the lobby finding Athiya following behind us with Ira.

"So you want to groom me huh?" I inquired to Shivaay as I saw a smirk linger across his lips as he looked back towards me trying to see if I was hesitant on the idea even though I wasn't.

"Yes, but you can back off if you want to whenever you want to. How about we discuss this once we board? It is best we discuss and set forth a plan...for our long term partnership," He held a business like tone as I grinned finding quite a fascination with what he has in store for me.

This idiot thinks he can run me. He has met his match and I will let him run me, but I will make some solid rules on reigning him. I am not going down without a good game with him.

Swinging our hands together, we made our way to the boarding counter as I looked at Arti and Ayaan at the distance waiting to get boarded. My eyes wandering to Natasha and Albeli who began to whisper amongst themselves clearly stunned by seeing my hand in Shivaay's not able to comprehend that the man they wanted to catch is now mine.

"By the way, why were you laughing with those two loafers over there? Were you trying to pick them up?" I hit my temper remembering how he was conversing with them moments ago without any shame that I am with him. My eyes turned as I slapped him a glare ready to claw him out while he gave me a teasing smile.

"Omg, are you both together now?!" Albeli exclaiming as she interrupted our conversation making her way towards us with Natasha following behind her.

Their presence further wrenching my angry critters as I snatched my hand out of Shivaay's and threw them a dirty look taking a step in front of Shivaay trying to hide him from their philandering eyes.

"What is it to you both?" I clapped back as Albeli threw me a side eye before looking at Natasha not liking the fact that Shivaay has shown interest in me.

"Wow. I mean if you two are together then wow. I mean miracles truly then do happen huh Anika? I never would have thought you would have ended up with another man considering what happened with Ayaan," Natasha noted trying to pinch my nerve, but failing at it as I found myself unaffected the mention of name clearly having gotten him out of my system due to Shivaay mainly who is now on my mind.

Shivaay taking a step forward finding himself triggered by the mention of Ayaan's name not liking it one bit. "We had a good conversation about getting you both an internship at my company, but I think I might have to reconsider considering the level of rude communication skills you both hold towards your own cousin," He throwing off a warning with a powerful tone as I gave them a wicked smile liking how he has sided me and is putting these two off who clearly are trying to flirt there way with him like they did at the party.

"What?!" Albeli exclaiming as Natasha began to throw me a nasty look not liking that Shivaay is daring to snatch away their potential internship due to me.

"So for this Anika, you will try to kill of our internship? What does she have though? Like really, she is not even that flattering like the both of us. She is a complete dull character and yet for her sake, you are denying us?!" Natasha calling him out while he kept a dangerous smile as he sighed slipping his hand into mine while I squeezed his hand sensing his temper was boiling within him not liking my insult.

"She is not dull believe me on that part. Anyways, you both can go now as I do not want to hold a conversation." His hand pulling on mine as he drawled the statement on the two vamps before pulling me towards the boarding counter as our turn came.

"She's traveling first class? Wow, how did she get him? Like we tried so hard, but how did she lure him?" Natasha talking loudly with Albeli completely upset over how they lost their prey as I surpressed a laugh looking towards Shivaay who was handing off our passports to the airline employee.

"I was not picking up girls Anika and never will. I have found the perfect one and she is right in front of me," He spoke softly looking into my eyes as I felt myself blushing liking his words and knowing that he finds his sole interest in me and no other woman.

That is what I want from him. I do not want anything else except his loyalty because that is what is the most important to me...I do not want to lose a man like him. He is flawed, but he is perfect in the sense of filling my own flaws and that is all I need.

"Now let's kiss," He whispered wrapping his hand around my cheek letting heat rush up to it as I looked around seeing the massive crowd feeling slightly nervous that everyone will see us. My eyes lowering feeling demure as I began to feel his leaning in closer while I stood in silence leaning against the counter with my eyes focusing on his lips that were making their way towards me.

My heart beginning to rise and fall as I felt myself trembling finding eyes on us as he continued to lean in and then he paused. His lips briefly touching the corner of my lips taking a succulent hold of them letting his tongue roll by only to leave a bruising yet passion induced kiss right next to my lips giving a tease.

My eyes lifting up meeting his as he smiled assuring me that he will guard our boundaries in front of others before he wrapped his hand around the back of my head laying a tender kiss on my temple.

"Damn those two are jealous," He whispered as I looked at him confused before looking back and realizing that my man had just put in a show. Gasping loudly, I looked back at him as he shrugged his shoulders trying to play off innocence while I looked at Arti and Ayaan who both were slithering in a pool of rage finding complete jealous merged with resentment.

Arti clenching her fists tightly finding herself ready to pounce on me any moment despising how I have grabbed on to a man who is superior and a better version of a true man than her own fiancé.

Shivaay snaking his hand around my waist, I smiled leaning over and kissing his cheek finding no shame in expressing affection at this point. I do not give a damn if everyone tells my parents what is going on because to be honest none of that matters anymore to me. No one matters. Why will I care what they all think if they never cared about me? Without any shame, they barred me off because I am barren. Then they proceeded to fix Arti and Ayaan's wedding though realizing how wrong those two were by having an affair while Ayaan was engaged with me. So, I do not give two cents what anyone thinks. I should only give attention to Shivaay because he is the genuine person who actually treatd me as a human and if he finds no harm in letting others know about us then I also do not care. Simple as that.

"Let's go now huh?" Shivaay whispered as he kissed my forehead again looking at Ayaan directly throwing him a smirk before wrapping his hand into mine and leading me down to boarding while I waved at Arti and Ayaan as they stood in the long line leading to economy.

"What if they tell my parents Shivaay? I mean I am not worried, but they will react vehemently," I noted to him as Shivaay shrugged his shoulders appeared disconcerted with the notion of others finding out.

"Anika it is better once we board, we both can discuss in further detail about our future and I believe once we do that...You will have the least concern what your family thinks about us. As I said, now you are only mine and you will not associate with that family of yours' who always have only thought ill of you. They do not deserve you baby, but only I do alright?" He spoke loudly announcing to everyone that I am his as onlookers looked at us weirdly not able to understand what the hell we both were talking about.

We both let out a joint laugh as we walked down the metal pathway connector to the airplane with my hand brushing gently against Ira's head finding her sound asleep on her nanny's shoulder. "She is adorable Shivaay I am telling you. We should bring her with us in our room," I noted to him fixing my purse on my shoulder as Shivaay sighed looking at his daughter finding her as a third wheel that has permanently decided to ruin his romantic plans.

"Are you seriously giving her more attention than me? Is she cuter than I?" Shivaay joking with a smile lingering on his lips as I giggled making our way down the entrance to the plane showing our boarding passes to the flight attendant.

"Well, I mean I cannot lie, but I have a stronger connection with my Iru than you and that is no lie. She is just too cute Shivaay...I mean no one can beat those chubby cheeks and hazel eyes," I noted shaking my head as I leaned over Athiya's shoulder kissing Ira's head while she snored lightly.

"Oh really? Really now?" Shivaay remarked as he sneered at me while I nodded quickly and ran my hand through Ira's hair fixing it before pulling her small hoodie on to her head.

"Athiya make sure you keep her covered especially her head since the plane does get cold quite a lot due to the AC alright?" I ordered Athiya as she nodded finding herself sleepy as well clearly tired out from the energetic infant who finally had given up to sleep.

"And make sure she is properly fed because she was not fully drinking her milk. If you have any questions then ask me okay?" I spoke to her again finding myself upholding my promise to Daadi and also the fact that somewhere I am feeling that connection with Ira.

I do not know why I am commanding and ordering Athiya as if I am Ira's mother, but for some odd reason this infant has somehow enslaved my heart to her. It is unusual, but Ira just feels as if she is my own and I do not know why.

"You are just acting as if you are Ira's mother," Shivaay joked as he handed off Ira's passport to the flight attendant who opened it. I slightly smiled fixing Ira's blanket around her trying to keep her snuggled while she laid in peace.

"So Chaaya will be seated with Athiya correct in their own separate room?" The attendant spoke as my ears shot up hearing the unfamiliar name from the flight attendant who began to guide the four of us down the empty plane ready to board us first from first class.

"Chaaya?" I whispered to Shivaay who smiled weakly looking back at me as he placed his hand on my waist guiding me down the aisle.

"Yes, Ira's first name is Chaaya. We call her Ira because that is her middle name, but her full name is Chaaya Ira Singh Oberoi," Shivaay speaking as my smile widened hearing the name finding a sense of familiarity to it.

That name Chaaya sound so familiar as I felt my heartbeats increasing with a sense of uncanny excitement hearing the name and finding an immediate liking to it as I looked at the infant in front of me.

"Chaaya? Such a wonderful name Shivaay and you are not calling her that? Do you know Chaaya means shadow in the sense that when one is burning under the scortching sun and begging for mercy or for light while struggling to keep above...a shadow protects them and gives them a comfort and solace that nothing else can. Chaaya is that solace for you Shivaay...and likely for me. She is like a saving grace who saves people...So call her Chaaya will you?" I scolded him nudging his elbow breaking the serious definition I was giving on the lovely name. Shivaay raising his eyebrow pondering over the definition as he found himself digging into deep thought while hearing my lines.

"It is so odd, but I feel as if we both have had this conversation before like something similar in sense of defining the name Chaaya. Like déjà vu as if we both decided on this name in a hospital room where you delivered her! Hah! That would be so funny if Chaaya was our daughter right? I mean you and I having a daughter? It sounds odd, but yet so right," Shivaay flirted the thought around as I felt a small ache in my temple hearing his lines feeling nauseous over the thought of déjà vu. He is right...It feels as if we both have discussed about this name Chaaya before, but why would we do that? I mean we never met before until now...but then I also am feeling this strong connection to Chaaya and why is that?

My thoughts breaking apart with the flight attendant's voice who opened a large door on the plane leading to a room as I peeked inside quite marveled by it seeing a small bed in the corner and then two lounge chairs utilized for takeoff and landing.

"This is not our room, but Athiya to take care of scratch that Chaaya," Shivaay speaking as I smiled liking how he is calling the little one by her true name upon my request.

My eyes set on Chaaya who moved slightly on Athiya's shoulder before giving out a small yawn enough to stab my heart as it melted in an instant pushing me to spend more time with her. "She is the most adorable baby I have seen. How about you go ahead to the next room and let me just put her to complete sleep. Please?" I requested giving out a pout to Shivaay who sighed giving me a frown pretending to be upset though a small smile lingered across his lips.

"What are you made of Anika? Chaaya is a stranger to you and yet you are acting as if she is your responsibility like you are her mother or something," He spoke finding his eyes softening slightly as I let out a giggle before taking Chaaya from Athiya and wrapping my hands around her tightly before beginning to pat her back gently trying to put her to complete sleep.

"Okay now you go on and I will be there soon," I noted to him as he let out a groan not liking that I am giving more attention to the little one than him.

"I am right in the room next to this one alright? I will be waiting patiently, but not too long. I have plans if you know what I mean," He let out the flirtatious line enough to arouse a blush across my cheeks as I buried my face into Chaaya's tiny neck trying to hide the effect he is beginning to have me with merely his words.

Shivaay letting out a laugh before walking out as I giggled looking at Chaaya who continued to slap her tiny fingers on my chest trying to find a place to latch her mouth on to appearing to find me as a mother figure.

My eyes lowering to her as I sat down on the lounge chair holding her in my arms continuing to admire her as she let out another yawn before opening her eyes slightly only to give me an endearing smile realizing that it is I holding her.

She is precious. My Chaaya is precious is she not? Her mere touch is enough to sink love into my womb...try to touch its barren ground and seed love for her in it. She feels as if she is mine eventhough she is not. But, the way she latches on to me immediately more than anyone else and looks at me with those hazel eyes reflecting her innocent love...It feels as if she see's me as her mother even though she never has known what a mother is. The innocent smile she only gives me makes me feel as if she only wants to give it to me to treasure.

"I have never seen her attaching herself to anyone like she does to you. It is as if she see's her mother in you," Athiya speaking as I weakly smiled continuing to rock Chaaya while she continued to hit my bosom with her hands letting out a loud shriek as if trying to ask me for something.

"I think she thinks you will feed her," Athiya remarking as my heart hit a sudden pause hearing her words with tears immediately touching my eyes. My womb dropping in an instant as I felt its emptiness wrap around me while the infant laid on top of it.

Chaaya opening her eyes more revealing complete peace found in the purity she still holds considering she has come from the divine itself only a few months ago...My heartbeats continuing to slow down as I looked into her eyes seeing how she is devoid of the cult beliefs which everyone else holds towards me...not seeing me as a woman, but a curse and yet here this infant see's me as a mother.

My precious angel how can you even see me as a mother? I am barren and here you are asking me to give a part of me that does not even exist and never will. If I had it in me, I would pray to have a daughter just like you, but I cannot even ask that and here you are asking the most treasure, chaste piece of me that I can never give. I let the lines runs within my mind continuing to speak it in silence as I rocked her to sleep.

Shivaay's Point of View

If virtue had another name then it would Anika.

She has trapped me in an innocent, yet dangerous manner and ever since last night I cannot let go of her...Her taste has drugged me to a point that now I am addicted to it and only want her. The way she obeys me when we make love, but yet still holds a subtle dominance over me...The way she dares to reign me in her subtle brushful kiss or her sweet nothings is bewitching and that is what I love the most. Making love to her is different in its own way...because it feels empowering to guide her considering no man has ever touched her except I. Only I. And that is what I have wanted for long.

Anika is the one who I want and who I have searched for. Never would I have thought I would find the woman I am looking for in such a way, but I have and now I will do everything to ensure she stays.

She is perfect in every sense in the type of mate I have been looking for. Her shyness...Her reserved nature out which she can crack any moment and reveal a bold ego is what I love. It makes me eager to face her challenges and win them. Having her challenge me and then I to dominant is what I like and what I want.

Licking my lips, I leaned back in my lounge chair remembering last night and how she completely embraced her sensuality not once shying away from her desires and her need to be pleasured. No woman has been like that with me...No one. Despite it being her first time, the way she indulged in pleasure without any hesitance is a key determinate that she will be the perfect mate for years to come ahead of me.

I do not want a commitment, but I want a mate who can lead me on escapes that I need from my life almost every day. I want a mate who is willing to have the will and desire to make love on beck and call just like I do. Anika and I are on the same page in terms of what and how much pleasure we both want from each other...and that is perfect.

My eyes wandered out the open door of the room looking out seeing passengers passing by only to encounter that bastard. That bastard who once laid his eyes on my Anika only to leave her...The bastard that dared to touch my Anika...get close to her, but only to leave her.

Slamming my feet on the ground, I picked myself up only to make my way slowly towards him as he waited to go through first class and be in economy where a man like him deserves to be.

A smirk touching my lips as I observed him while looking at myself in the mirror across the wall realizing that this brute is nothing compared to who I am and what I am. This soul can never give competition to wonder Anika is not even mentioning him any longer and only finding comfort in my company. She herself knows that she is lucky to have lost him.

"Hey Ayaan," I spoke leaning against the door looking at him while he stood in line to go past into the next class.

Ayaan holding a stream of his temper as he clenched his jaw tightly revealing his dark smoked eyes that held envy. An inner laugh erupting within me as I kept my lips pursed revealing a smirk to him of victory knowing that somewhere he is cursing himself for leaving Anika to me.

Anika is looking damn hot today and seeing every person' eye on her, but only her to give attention to me letting everyone know that she is mine is what I have craved...There is a pure satisfaction in knowing that who everyone wants is only mine...Only mine.

"Hello Shivaay sir. I have been meaning to talk to you," He grunted the words through his teeth as he stepped to side standing in the door frame as I while letting other passengers go through.

We both looked into each other's eyes as I let my rage burn its way through me finding a sinister claw scratch its ground on me trying to consume me while I attempted to stand my composure aware that Anika is right next door in the other room.

"Speak now. I do not have all the time to stand here and listen to you," I snapped the line at him as Ayaan furrowed his eyebrows not liking my implication that he is a piece of dust whose words hold no importance to me.

Tightening his jaw, he cleared his throat trying to push down his anger as he attempted to look into my eyes again, but failing somewhere finding intimidation by how I was not moving my eyes away, but only keeping them locked shut on him ready to fry him up.

"Anika is not for you sir...She is not what you think she is. She is not like the other girls you have been with as she is quite shy and has her own values...If you are expecting more from her then she will not give such. Most importantly, she has her flaws in the sense that she is not the ideal woman for any man...She does not know even know how to romance. I mean she was my ex-fiance and I can tell you it was brutal being with her. She does not know how to even kiss let alone never even slept with me. She is so conservative that she barely locked lips with me and did not even indulge in basic romance. Most of all, she cannot even have kids!"

My hands suddenly rampaging themselves out taking a firm grasp of his sweater as I began to feel a shadow cross within me emitting a turbulent force. A wrathed heat brittling its way into me as I felt a sudden shot of frenzied madness take a hit on me. My eyes twisting themselves up as I slammed Ayaan against the wall behind the door ready to slice his voice that dared to challenge me.

Ayaan's eyes shooting up immediately revealing crippled fear that was now bouncing within me making his mouth close shut as he began to quiver seeing that I had taken off my mask and placed on the true being or creature I am.

A subtle laugh erupting from me as I looked into his eyes liking that fear becoming aware that this is the moment to tie him up and make him submit to my will. He is a thorn that I have to take out from Anika and my way...I have to ensure he never looks back at Anika and Anika never looks back at him. My arm digging itself into his neck as I leaned closer letting my breaths of anger wind their way into him so he could feel their whips that will incite his submission to me.

"Do not say her name. Ever. To even hear her name from your mouth makes me want to give you a merciless punishment...To hear you even talk about her flaws which she does not have...To hear you dare to question her and my relationship...I feel a deep need to punish you and give you a suffering that you will remember. No one can save themselves from Shivaay Singh one besides God can stop me from punishing those who dare...who dare to even speak of something or someone I own. Do you know what I will do to you if you dare to even come close to Anika or if you dare to even speak to her?" I held my voice low, but enough to slaughter a threat at him feeling my body beginning to tremble as I clenched my hand against his jaw squeezing it tight as he began to struggle in taking his breaths while I attempted to bring him on the border of death so he remembers it.

"W-what?" He barely whispered now shaking violently with his eyes continuing to engorge themselves with pure horror not liking the demonic shade I was painting myself up with. Anika's words ringing in my ear reminding me how she called me "demonic" many times last night on our pleasure run trysts...finding herself liking this dominant side of me.

An impish laugh erupting form me reminding myself of Anika finding my anger slightly lowering while I dug my arm deeply into Ayaan's neck continuing to hold his jaw with my other hand letting him take a bite of death that I was allowing to dance around him.

"Shivaay Singh Oberoi never spares anyone...even loyal individuals or employees such as you if they dare to even step on my territory. If someone even dares to look at something I own then I feel as if they are challenging me and my power...And I do not like to be challenged without my permission. Never. That is not how it works. I play the game and I decide my opponent not anyone else. I make the moves not anyone else. I decide one's life not anyone else...So if someone tells me what to do or questions my authority then I have to punish them..." I crunched the warning at him as he went pale with his hands slamming themselves against the wall while I began to squeeze his jaw more tightly inciting a yelp from him as I smiled liking his scream reminding myself how Anika cried last night for she cried and spoke of the injustice this bastard did to she cried that she was abandoned because she was barren.

"P-please l-let me g-go s-sir...I-I p-promise I-I w-will n-not do a-anything o-or e-even l-look t-towards Anika...I-I promise. P-please...d-do not punish me..." He continued to fumble his begging to me as I continued to laugh finding some healing to the wound I had taken from I embraced her heartbreak last night making it mine and ensuring I will take some form of revenge of it.

My hands letting go of his neck as I grabbed the end of his sweater pulling him closer to me ensuring he looked into my blood thirsty eyes and gain a deeper introduction into the sins I can commit in a second without any regret and fear...How I can send him to hell in a second if I want to.

"Listen to me you bastard. I want you to engrave this in your mind....I want you to know that Anika is now Shivaay Singh Oberoi's. She is owned by me and I have claimed her. She is now your boss's special...special and closest loyal partner. She now will have the same amount of power that I have over you meaning that she now will rule you like I do....She has a stake on my property the way I do...She now is part of my reputation...and part of my name...She now is not your ex fiancé or your soon to be wife's sister...No. She is beyond that now. She is Shivaay Singh Oberoi's and that means have no right on her. You cannot speak to her...You cannot look at her...You cannot touch her...and you cannot even be near her. She is now no one to you and if you even dare to try to make your way into her heart then I swear I will ruin you Ayaan....I will bring you down and I will ensure that you meet your reckoning in the most brutal and ugliest way possible...I will not kill you, but I will give you a suffering that you will be tormented under for the rest of your life and God will support me in this. God has always supported me and He will ensure that you receive your punishment upon my hands if you dare to harm my Anika or leech your sick way onto her..." I hissed and slashed his last pitiful thought letting my threat swivel down into him and shackle his mind to a point that he will now forever be only a captive to my thoughts and actions...who will ensure he only bows and listens to me never questioning me nor my Anika.

Ayaan continuing to shake with his eyes now devoid lacking no thought nor own's will indicating somewhere he is submitting to my threat willing to allow me to handcuff him and swear his loyalty to me...Always make your enemy your captive. He is Anika's enemy and so now I will make him my captive and ensure he lays under my foot all his life.

"I-I w-will d-do everything y-you h-have just s-said...P-please t-trust me. I-I will be l-loyal to you o-only...a-and w-will not s-say a word to a-anyone a-about you both and w-what you both a-are..." He stuttered with tears of misery filling his eyes finding himself tortured by my presence somewhere seeing that it is possible I can push him off the edge to death.

A wicked smile touching my lips as I looked at him while he gulped nervously finding himself unable to capture whether I am satisfied by his answer or scheming his incarceration. My hands still tightening their grip on the collar of his sweater as I looked into his eyes ensuring he see's my demon that I love to nurture within me for swines like him.

"Shivaay..." A soft, mellow tone running its tune towards me as my hands immediately dropped their grip with my anger shutting itself down hiding and falling deep within me ensuring it will not surface in the presence of her.

She shall not see this side of me until she vows herself to me on that piece of paper. I have to ensure she holds no fear or else she might just run away and that is not what I want.

Plastering a faint smile on my lips that appeared amiable, I dusted Ayaan's shoulder before turning on my feet looking at Anika who stood right behind us next to the door appearing curious about what Ayaan and I were doing.

Her eyes set on me finding Ayaan as a mere thorn in our presence as my smile widened liking that her attention is now solely fixated on me not wandering on her past. She slightly smiled making her way towards me as I snaked my hand around her waist pulling her against me tightly ensuring Ayaan see's that she is now mine.

Anika letting out a giggle feeling ticklish under my touch as she placed her hand on my chest finding herself admiring me while I smiled liking her gentle caress finding it as a bane to my rage that continued to fumble its way within me.

"Ayaan and I were just discussing a business matter, but since you are here now it is best I end business talks and indulge in other important matters with you of course," I spoke loudly making sure Ayaan hears who stood before us. His eyes holding a marked green colored malice not liking that Anika is not even turning once to look at him.

"Shivaay we can only discuss and address important matters if we are alone," She spoke in a perky voice as I smirked aware she is teasing Ayaan. I love when she rebels like this. She is a turn on when she is shy, but when she rebels and challenges is the ultimate seduction and makes me want to immediately take her in.

My eyes falling down her waves as I admired them while looking at her figure hugging dress that she flaunted with pride while she held a bright smile that reached her eyes enough to tell me she genuinely is finding joy in my presence. I swear I have never seen a beautiful woman like her...Not only in how she looks, but in her kindness and that darned heart of hers' that only knows how to love and never hate.

This is why I want her and I why I am determined she signs herself off to me.

Ayaan letting out a grunt as he cleared his throat taking a step away from the wall and making his way to the open door. "I will leave you both alone. Have a good journey," He spoke eating on to his resentment not liking how we both were in each other's arms. I threw him a glare as I sneered and waved him off.

"Our journey will be great, but it is you who has to be careful," I called after him as he clenched his jaw wanting to reply, but only to be reminded of my threat. My smirk widening as I felt Anika wrapped her arms around me pulling me into an embrace while I held her tight only to let my hand drop against her neck.

Her eyes lifting up revealing her pristine being that held a naivity to it. Her attraction and liking for Ayaan nowhere in sight as her soul that she kept on the surface of her eyes reflecting an enchantment...a strong sense of allure for me indicative as she let her eyes wander down my features letting out a shy smile while blushing red.

My heart skipping a beat as I found her weaving a place for me within her heart indicative she is erasing the other swine's name from her being and slowly beginning to replace it with mine just the way I want it be.

"You are absolutely breathtaking Anika...I swear I have been unlucky for long considering I never met you until now. If I met you long ago then I would never have wandered..." My own lines stunning me as I felt my heart speak them without any uncertainity.

Anika's gaze lowering continuing to blush as I smiled fonding over her shyness aware she was loving my lines, but finding herself unable to appreciate them. Tracing my fingers slowly down her shoulder letting it brush against the thin strap of her dress, I incited a tremble from her as she shivered letting out a giggle as I smiled finding myself luring in by those rose colored lips that begged me to hold them.

My eyes lifting up as I watched Ayaan looking towards us continuing to grudge over how Anika has simply won a victory over me without even doing anything she will now be endowed with the luxuries that are also mine. He cannot digest that I have taken a woman who once was his and I love that...A man like him should suffer.

Slowly leaning in, I lowered my head continuing to look up before letting my lips take a hold of hers. A small gasp of surprise erupting from her before she immediately wrapped her arms around me diving me into a tumultuous kiss. Our mouths opening in a rhythm as she let her wet tongue seep a nectar, ripened sweet taste into my mouth as I took hold of the sweet sedative that will numb my wounds for a moment. My eyes lifting up as wrapped my hand around the back of Anika's head pulling her closer while looking at Ayaan who turned a solid ugly forest green with red pops of paint scattering across his cheeks unable to bear how Anika was devouring my taste losing herself in my arms...something she never did to him. Her hands dragging down my shirt as she let out a moan beginning to increase the pace urgently sucking on my lips before letting her tongue entwine into a ravenous kiss. I let out a laugh matching her pace continuing to look at Ayaan who slammed his hand hard against the wall of the plain beginning to tremble while convulsing in embarrassment and seething.

"I want you...Shivaay....I want you...only...only you baby..." She began to repeat loudly in between the longing possessive kisses releasing a wined bitter flavor from her mouth clearly beginning to color herself with my vile shade. My heart running a solid, hard erratic beat hearing her lines that no woman has ever spoken for me...Her honesty clearly savaging its way out of the wistful kisses as she allowed herself to suck my take a hit of my dead soul...She does not even care how I am or who I am...she just wants me because I for once make her feel wanted and she does the same to me...she makes me feel wanted...human.

Ayaan's eyes widening as he clasped his hands together against his mouth shaking his head with tears touching his eyes unable to bear Anika's declaration while I slightly smiled enjoying the sight clearly aware that this was needed for Anika to do to officially push him away and forever cut the thread. My hand dragging itself down her waist to side of her hip squeezing her curve firmly extracting another moan from her as I smiled continuing to respond to the kiss while looking at Ayaan.

"Then you can have me are mine one else's...but mine..." I let out the breathy declaration as she tightened her grasp on the collar of my shirt pulling me into a deeper longing kiss.

My hand waving off to Ayaan as I smiled seeing him stumbling back slightly with the attendant forcing him down the aisle. Letting out a laugh against her hot, luscious lips...I dragged my hand against the door only to slide it shut on Ayaan's face that held tears on it not able to accept that a woman that loved him once now completely has forgotten him and only holds my ownership.

Anika is perfect in running my home and being the partner I need. She wants to be with me forever in a manner of partnership and I love that. She has no expectations from me and not clingy or desperate like other women I have been with. She and I both do not believe in the philosophy of love nor relationships based on such. She wants someone to whom she can confide with, be protected by, and be guided by and I can do all of that if in return she offers to manage my home while also satisfying my needs.

She wants a good life that I can see in her eyes. She wants pampering, attention, and a fantasy like life where she is loaded with a home and is able to proceed in her career. I can give all of that to her. That is nothing for me.

Anika will continue to give me what I want while I will help her grow into her skin...And we both can stay in a long-term partnership as such. This is a perfect plan and I know Anika will agree. She is need of an escape and I will give it to her.

She is now only mine and not her family's. They have lost her claim on her and now I have it. Now once she joins me on this journey, I will ensure she gives up her family and her loved ones because these people will be a hurdle in our bond and that is what I do not want. I want Anika only for myself and no one else. No one.

Anika's Point of View

This man has won me and that is not a lie. He is a drug that I need and without it I might just be gone...drown back in that misery from which he finally pulling me out of. I have had enough of sitting in the dark realms with only my tears and cursing of my fate...I have had enough.

Shivaay is my escape and he will take me away from all these beings who have never respected or acknowledged my love... ...They never realized that and now I want to be with a man who actually is able to appreciate these virtues that I carry. And that man is Shivaay.

And now I only want to be with him. I can see our future together where he will lead me the way to my growth...where he will set me free...where he will continue to make me feel human through his affection, yet, not force me to commit to a damned philosophy of love.

His hands slamming me gently against the wall letting go of my lips briefly as I attempted to take breaths finding myself winding from the feverish set of kisses we both just indulged in. My hand dragging against my neck as I tried to breathe while looking at Shivaay who began to unbutton the top two buttons of his shirt. My eyes widening seeing his tongue rolling against his lips as his eyes began to roam all over me finding himself enticed by the bulging neckline of my dress.

Flushing red, I kept still looking at him while he gave me a seductive smile liking my demure which was luring him in forcing him to indulge in an act that is highly inappropriate for the skies.

"W-we..are a-about to b-board Shivaay...l-like I mean...t-takeoff..." I found myself losing my words finding myself shying away from what he wanted to do as he let out chuckle before grabbing the back of my head immediately forcing me to look into his eyes that were now ignited with a deep hunger for me.

"But we can prepare for what will happen after the takeoff..." He whispered against my trembling lips letting out a wicked smile. A small smile touching my lips as I continued to lean against the wall waiting patiently how he will prepare me.

His lips suddenly colliding with mine with sheer force as he took a hold of them forcing my mouth open in an instant. Hitting the pace right from the start, he began a barbaric trek on my lips which savagely replied back taking a strong hit of his salivating mouth. An eruption of narcotic lava flowing into our mouths with bitter bland tastes suddenly melting into a syrup of sugar which were drenching us wet. My lips sliding down his finding myself losing ground as I began to give him sloppy, moist kisses while he returned them with urgent defiant ones biting lightly on to my red lipstick only to leave a ravenous kiss. The heats of our skins molding into one as I felt his rough, bulky hands drag down my trembling shoulders before sliding right into the soft dip of inner thigh which he began to rub into deeply making many moans escape from me while he continued to ravish on the strawberry bitterness of my lips mixed with plumps of sweet ecstasy.

"Shivaay...someone will come..." I spoke breathlessly in between a quick brief kiss as he grumbled pushing his lips with a stronger forcer making me whimper. My hands trailing around his back as I pulled him closer increasing the momentum of the kiss beginning to suck on his tongue that tasted as a sizzling wet popsicle.

A gasp immediately erupting from me feeling his fingers penetrate the edges of trembling tulip flower that laid between my thighs where pleasure hit...where he always entered. His lips letting go of mine as he began to press his weight against my body vigorously moving himself up and down against me continuing to penetrate my flower with his fingers.

A wet flesh twisting and knotting itself against the nape of my neck inciting a loud heave from me as he began to leave tormenting, hard kisses igniting it to turn red. My fingers digging into the waves of his hair as he began to slam me over and over against the wall continuing to increase the pace of his heated body against mine beginning to suck on my neck gently only to leave an agonizing tender kiss. My heated navel tightening itself immediately feeling a circling wave of wet milk beginning to elude out into my small cherry that laid at the center of flower.

"Takeoff will begin in 10 minutes..." The pilot announcing suddenly as I let out an immediate moan feeling milk suddenly slipping its way out of me while Shivaay's smile widened aware what was happening. His fingers beginning to draw a heart shape on my flower slipping underneath the lacy fabric that covered it as I whimpered slightly trying to hold on to the white, stringy liquid that was pleasuring itself out of me forcing me to let go of it.

"We are preparing Anika...preparing for our own takeoff..." He whispered against my ear heating it up red as I groaned in complaint feeling his fingers push harder with a stronger force against my red cherry that began to ripen letting out its juices slowly wanting to burst, but not yet able to. Suddenly he began to slide his flesh down against my body as I gasped once again feeling his rough hands brushing lightly against the firm raspberries on my breasts only to dive down underneath my dress once again.

My hands collapsing above my heads as my back arched up immediately while I attempted to breathe, but failing finding myself intoxicated with the alcoholic lust he was beginning to infilitrate me with. His fingers lifting my dress up slightly twisting the fabric into knots around his finger as I suddenly felt a piece of my skin lift itself up making me groan feeling him begin a tease. His lips molding on to the smooth drops of my thigh as he began to leave a succulent kiss letting his tongue explore the inner rims of my thigh right where my flower found itself trembling wanting him to soak it wet.

My gasps beginning to increase as they continued to escape from me feeling him drag his lips up against my flower where he began to give brushful, quick kisses letting his tongue lap against my flower only to let go and bite into the curved fold of my thigh sucking on it potently.

His fingers continuing to lump themselves up and down against my flower while he continued to explore the shadows of my inner thigh where he opened his mouth and layered me with loud, salivating kisses finding himself thirsting over the liquid that was pooling itself within my flower.

"M-make love to me...p-please...please..." I urged him feeling pure pleasure erupting within my navel diving down my rose flower only to climb up to my heart igniting its beats forcing me to engrave his name on it as he is the one who is daring to insert needles of ecstasy into ecstasy that will drug me and help me for once find peace.

He appeared to take shallow breaths finding himself also becoming boozed from my flavors that he barely took a taste of, but enough to enhance his craving of wanting more. Sighing he lifted himself up meeting my eyes continuing to penetrate my flower making me whimper as I bit into my lips trying to surpress a shriek feeling pure milk now clouting into my flower wanting a release.

His blue hues holding pure lust as he began to lick his lips wet finding himself charmed by my trembling lips that continued to sing tunes of desire that were running through them. My eyes begging him for more wanting him to help me release the after love of pleasure that was drenching me wet while his eyes were holding a command that I stay put...that he shall decide the right moment to give me a climax that will bring me on the biggest, yet most fulfilling high.

He continued his tease letting his fingers play against the petals of my flower that laid between my thighs as I attempted to close them shut wanting to stop myself.

A faint smile crossing his lips as he began to rhythm himself against me while I responded arching myself up against the wall pushing myself against him. His one hand pushing itself hard into my waist while with his other he continued to push his fingers harder into my flower. My arms wrapping around him as I pulled him into an embrace while Shivaay sighed loudly finding himself losing patience wanting to enter me right this moment.

"Do not touch me you understand? Do not kiss me right now or anything...Hold me, but that is it baby. Nothing else huh?" He whispered a command against my ear only to fill me with confusion while I continued to gasp finding his fingers digging into my flower.

Do not touch him? What does he mean? He did not mention of such last night...With free will I let myself roam on his flesh allowing me to consume every taste of his. He in fact urged me to pleasure him last night...guided me in how to exactly take a hold of his manhood and extract his taste. So why can I not touch him? Why can I not kiss him? Why does he not want to feel loved the way he is making me feel?

The ground beneath us began to vibrate as I suddenly began to feel my flower tumble and fall running a current through them with liquid forming tides within me. The plane beginning to move as my eyes widened with my lips burying into his neck overcoming with fear while the door behind us began to knock loudly.

"Plane is about to take off sir and ma'am...please take your seats if you have not yet," The flight attendant calling outside the door as I let out a loud moan feeling his fingers continuing to rub my flower with dynamic strength.

Shivaay letting out a groan as he tried to force himself to stop while I sighed holding him tight feeling the plane increase its speed. Our bodies stumbling slightly as his hands loosened from my waist meeting my eyes immediately. A smile touching his lips finding delight seeing a red shade consuming me completely while I struggled to hold the pool of milk within me closing my thighs shut. Frustration hitting me as I let out a grumble throwing him a frown while stumbling once again feeling the plane now almost about to take off.

Letting out a chuckle, he grabbed my waist slowly guiding me towards the lounge seat at the end of the room while I nudged his chest hitting it gently not liking how he completely tormented me with the tease only to leave me right before I hit my peak.

His hands pushing me on to the seat as I collapsed on to it hard only to encounter his lips that introduced me to my taste...the flavor of the liquid that escaped from my flower moments ago. Our lips slightly parting as he poured a brown syrup, sugared taste into my mouth which I immediately downed into me wanting to savor the juices that my own body had produced with labor. His lips tender kissing mine one more time before letting go and looking into my eyes that reflected elation over what he had done to me.

"Now just sit and enjoy what is about to happen...You have a fear of flying right?...Well, now you have a perfect distraction to it..." He spoke in a low, husky tone making my heart flip flop immediately finding it dribble its beats as suddenly the seat below me began to vibrate while his hands brushed against my tensing navel plunging into it forcing more liquid out of my flower.

A heave escaping from me as I leaned forward while he snapped the belt shut around me before collapsing on to the lounge chair next to me. Immediately turning my head, I looked at him encountering a wicked smile as he snapped his belt shut before placing his fingers against his lips letting his eyes dive down my waist where pleasure hit me. Mischeviousness running in his eyes while he let out a laugh laying his head against the seat.

"Please be seated as now we are taking off to Goa. We will make an announcement once it is safe to leave your seats," The pilot announcing as he began to now rampantly increase the momentum of the plane.

A sudden knot exploding within me as I gasped with pure shock running waves within me unable to believe what was happening to me. The vibration of the plane beginning to match its pace with my body where suddenly liquid rose petals began to melt themselves off while the inner folds of my tulip flower opened letting juices now flow themselves out.

My thighs closing themselves shut as I squeezed my legs together leaning forward letting my navel tighten while I shrieked with a force of sensuous pleasure imploding down my waist. My breaths deepening themselves as I attempted to take bits of air, but failing feeling the plane lift itself up on a steep incline.

"Gosh...Shivaay...w-what have you done?" I yelped with my hand immediately grasping his as I looked at him while he continued to chuckle finding himself amused by his harmless act that was torturing me at the moment.

Complete milk beginning to run out of me as I began to shriek and heave continously not stopping for a beat feeling the vibrations of the plane running beneath my flower forcing me to continue to release the liquid that was now pooling itself and slowly escaping out of me only to draw down my thigh.

He leaned over wrapping his arm around me beginning to lace me with dosing, quick feathered kisses trying to calm me down while I gasped lifting my legs up slightly letting the liquid slip by. My lips burying into his neck as I took a grasp of his shirt while beginning to ravish him with feverish, drunk kisses finding myself loaded with pills of lust.

"Baby I was trying to help you and divert your attention from the fear you have...and this is a small sneak peek of the next level we will take in our relationship," He spoke nonchalantly with a tinge of thrill as I weakly smile closing my eyes shut feeling my senses purge with a fire igniting down my flower slowly letting it flame its way out.

Moans beginning to recline themselves out me hitting loud beats as I wrangled and twisted in my seat only to arch my back up feeling complete hot lava flow out of me with liquid syrup coming out in large, raging waves. My heart beginning to rise, fall, crash and only to plunge down my navel as I began to throb swiftly against my breasts only to run down my flower. Heats rushing up my feet to my lips as I began to sing Shivaay's name as we began to glide up. The plane increasing its speed only to give me a kick as I let out a shriek with a lagoon of paradise swishing within my heart only to flow down and grapple my flow instantenously couping out.

" not do this...please...give end this...I need you...only you can help me..." I urged him wrapping my hand into his tightly while he sighed drumming his fingers loudly against the metal bars of seat finding himself at the verge of lunging upon me and ravishing love upon me.

Giving out a loud heave, I pressed my leg over the other while biting my lip continuing to look at him finding his eyes now completely wandering over me with exuberant lust ready to take me in on that savage ride to solace. Only he can help me out of this because I do not know how to let go of this to unknot myself. These are lanes I have never explored and only he can guide me...He is the only one who can free me.

A knock erupting on the door next to me as I sighed before lifting my hand up and unlocked it only to slide it and see the flight attendant. My cheeks flushing red as I squeezed my thighs trying to surpress my moans while continuing to feel the bumpy, quick, and swift vibrations of the plane plunging into my flower. Shivaay letting out a subtle chuckle encountering my flustered face where heat was continuing to ouster upon. He appeared to find joy in how I was struggling to control my undefining urge to take him and fuck him.

"Hello, I was just here to bring you your meals. You both can now take off your seatbelts as well. We have a complimentary bar with drinks in the mini refrigerator along with a couple of nice chocolates and sweets in the drawers here," The flight attendant beginning to show us the location of the goods in the room continuing to ramble as I unhooked my belt while squeezing my legs shut struggling to hold that liquid in while pressing a forced smile on my lips.

"So, you can nap and rest on this nice, comfortable bed. Believe me many couples adore this bed and always claim how relaxing and soothing it is. Anyways, I hope you both enjoy your flight," She spoke with a smile as my eyes widened eyeing the large bed before glancing towards Shivaay who held a playful smile with sin crossing his blue hues indicative of his cruel intentions as he opened his laptop and laid on his lap.

A light of excitement bursting within me sparking down into my flower as I bit into a shy smile continuing to turn red now aware of what was about to happen soon. He is clever and damn I love his ideas. These darned ideas that only a man like him can conceive of...these ideas that are at the peak of fulfilling ones unquenched desires and at the high of bringing a thrill that can drug one with exhilaration for infinity.

"You look red? Are you fine?" The flight attendant questioning leaving our meal trays on a wooden table next to me. My throat suddenly choking feeling embarrassment clench my heart while I felt myself turning more red.

"Um...y-yes. I just have a fear of flying that is all...I get quite frustrated and tensed..." I muttered looking towards Shivaay who bit into a laugh finding himself delighting over my last three words knowing the true meaning of it...knowing the pressure building within me that I wanted to unleash in this instant.

The flight attendant raising her eyebrow not appearing to buy my excuse as she made her way to the door. "Alright if you say so. Will you both not like to be disturbed? I can make a note of that and only come at the end of the flight when we will be about to land," She spoke cheerfully trying to be on her best behavior as Shivaay nodded immediately.

"Yes, please ensure no disturbance is cause to the both of us as we will like some privacy for the rest of the flight," He held a chilled, stern voice trying to appear serious though somewhere on the verge of breaking into a barbaric seductor that he is where without shame he brings a woman to her best...helps her explore her mysteries and realize her full climate potential...helps her learns that what a true man is which is only him.

My thoughts slightly turning me on as I crossed my leg over the other trying to smile though finding myself weakening wanting in this instant to take Shivaay and make love to him in the most brutal, yet passionate way possible where I will lead and he will follow me...where I will vent my frustration while he will listen continuing to pleasure me.

"No worries at all, I assure you that you both will not be disturbed. Have a nice flight." The flight attendant leaving her pleasant way out sliding the door shut leaving us to our private grounds.

And then it happened.

Pure havoc breaking loose itself within me as my body drawled itself up with my hand locking the door shut before I kicked my flats off on the ground letting them fly up. Shivaay's eyes widening caught off guard by me and before he knew it I ran towards him grabbing his laptop and sliding it on to the table only to jump into his lap.

My lips crashing into his forcing his mouth open and releasing an exuberant, tail of salivating hunger into him letting my tongue latch on to his. Our lips crashing into each other immediately as we opened our mouths dipping into a turbulent kiss with our tongues knotting into one. His mouth beginning to lay small drips of powdered paradise giving me a small drug of contention that will be enough to stay away from a moments time. The pace of our lips continuing to increase as I began to take control of kiss forcing him to increase the momentum with my body pacing itself up and down against him. Moans escaping from me as I attempted to take a breath before climbing over continuing to kiss him breathlessly while increasing the lengths of the whiskered kisses we both were indulging in.

His eyes meeting mine as we paused for a second while I found myself slightly breathless finding the knot within me about to open soon ready to make its release. Running my hands through my hair, I bit my lips thinking what I was about to do as I dragged my knees hooking it around his waist only to lift myself up on his thigh. A small groan escaping from him as he lowered his gaze letting it fall on the two blossoming red cherries on my breast that were firmly protruding out from the chiffon cloth of my figure hugging dress.

My heart stuttering only to flutter and lose its rhythms while pounding loudly against my chest only to let its beats be felt in my cheeks which began to turn red. Biting my lip, I staring at his bulge from his pants that was beginning to rise up indicating the tensed attraction he too was facing...that somewhere he held patience for some odd reason although he too wanted to take me in.

"Just fuck me..." I whispered looking into his eyes as he licked his lips once again while I flipped my hair back behind my shoulders giving him a seductive smile before pressing my breasts firmly against his chest lifting myself up and then beginning to force a rhythm of my body against him. His hands immediately dragging underneath my dress taking a hold of my underwear allowing his fingers to dip into it and feel the milk pooled in my flower. A gasp escaping from me as he let out another groan while I found myself turning red before entwining my fingers around my underwear wanting to slip it off, but feeling slightly shy on doing such.

"Help me please?" I let the innocent line escape from me as I bit my lip looking at him feeling my heart skip another beat beginning to tremble while I let my hand drag down his jeans brushing it lightly against his bulge. He let out a small grunt as he dragged his hand down my underwear letting the lace dance into his hand finding himself delighted by the juices continuing to escape out of me.

Tracing my fingers down his zipper, I began to drag it down while his hands began to drag down my underwear slowly making me flinch as I arched my back letting my hand open the button to his jeans.

He began to lean forward towards me as I smiled feeling his hand slip my underwear off throwing it off on the ground while I began to lower his pants ready to give him a special hit of my pleasure.

Letting the silence dance, I shifted myself up in his lap letting my fingers trail down his shirt allowing them to entwine into its buttons which I began to open slowly one by one. Shivaay sighing as he suddenly wrapped his hand around mine stopping me from opening the last button on his shirt.

"Anika...we have to discuss and talk about our future," He spoke wrapping his fingers into my hair as I found myself drowning into the tart tastes of his chest finding myself drunk with his strong cologne that turned me on letting me know the man he is...

"We will baby, but let me please make love to you...I have to...I feel so suffocated right now..." I yelped squeezing my thighs together around his waist continuing to feel my flower soaking in petals of ardent lascivious and lewd lust.

Shivaay sighing taking a grasp of my chin forcing me to look at his laptop while I grumbled not wanting to look at it. His hands dragging down my shoulders as he pulled me into a tight embrace while I slightly smiled liking the warmth of his chest.

"Anika I have expectations from the type of relationship I want between us. We both share a nameless relationship, but there has to be guidelines in the way we both will behave with each other and the way we will run our lovemaking..." He spoke as I lifted my gaze up looking into his eyes feeling confused unable to grasp on to the meaning of his words while he slightly smiled wrapping his hand around my cheek before leaning down and laying a tender kiss on my temple.

"Anika I have been looking for a woman like you for a while. A woman who hold good virtues, thoughts, and beliefs, but also holds the same appreciation for philosophies that I believe in...Look, I want you to first listen to me completely and then make a decision on what you want and if you want to continue with me..." He spoke carefully trying to wheel the idea in mind ensuring I will pay attention to him and not make any prejudice decision.

Smiling weakly I clasped my hand around his cheeks before kissing his forehead gently as I fixed his hair and pulled him into a hug. "Of course, I will listen Shivaay. I trust you and the way you have treated me with such kindness and consideration, I know you will always think well of me. You truly are someone I can believe in and the only one I honestly trust because you make me feel so good about myself...It's been years since I have felt this confident and have developed a will to truly embrace myself and my needs and wants without finding any shame in it. You make me feel as if it is alright to nurture these desires and to want to satisfy one's emptiness through the art of lovemaking...Sounds cliché, but really you are the best man I have ever met and I feel so lucky to have you to myself..." Tears taking holding of me as my voice slightly trembled while I felt myself blush admitting the feelings I am beginning to develop for Shivaay.

He is beginning to affect me that I know. It is not a loving attraction, but I have one. Whether it is lust or something deeper I do not know, but this heart is finding itself drowning in a sea that has yet not been explored...a sea where once one takes a taste of it...they forever shackle themselves to their partner because there is where they truly find....solace. A partner that makes them want to want to know that this partner will always be by their side in life and continue to cherish them and treasure them no matter how much they will falter...And Shivaay is that man for me.

Shivaay lowering his gaze with his hands clasping against my cheeks wiping my tears away before burying his lips into my neck where he began to leave lone yet achingly incomplete kisses finding himself struggling to lavish me with his adoration with a sense of guilt being felt in him.

" mean so much to me, but I am scared what you will think after reading this document...reading why I want to be with you and why I want a relationship such as this from you...a relationship that will never have a name, but one that will have strong expectations of you and even me...a relationship that will expect you to perhaps forever bind yourself to me, but in a manner that will never give you respect as my wife nor as my girlfriend. can leave me right now if you do not want this. I will free you...I should not have taken your virginity Anika...I should not have done that-" He began to let his tears fall down my shoulder finding himself breaking down with shame as I immediately clasped my fingers against his lips looking into his eyes not liking his statement one bit.

"Baby never ever feel guilty about last night. Do not even dare to think you wronged me by taking my virginity. That was purely my sole decision and you were the one hesitating, but I convinced you because that is what I wanted. So, never even think that you were wrong because Shivaay...I wanted that...Do you understand? And I know you will never harm me and...Shivaay I like being with you...The way you give me butterflies...The way you kiss me...The way you admire me...The way you try so hard to make me smile and ensure I am happy...The way make love to me... to be honest Shivaay I...I find home in you..." I whispered with tears now drowning my cheeks as I clasped my hand against my lips wrapping my hands around him as he pulled me into a hug beginning to indulge my neck with lengthy, passionate sizzling kisses while he continued to wipe my tears away.

"You will change your mind once you see this likely will perhaps..." He spoke with tears catching hold of him as I looked at him puzzled still not able to understand him considering the Shivaay I know will never wrong me...ever. He appears demonic and has shades of the devil himself, but I know...he is good...he is human and not cruel. My heart knows that and I shall believe in it.

His hand dragging to the laptop next to us as I turned myself looking towards it before relaxing on to his lap seeing a document on it as Shivaay buried his lips into my neck pulling me into a tight hug while peering closely at the document beginning to read it.

Laws of Lovemaking and Relationship

1. This relationship shall be a mutual relationship not based on any romantic matter, but purely one that is based on satisfying the sexual needs of two individuals involving the partner, Shivaay Singh Oberoi, and his mate. This relationship shall not have any commitment and is one based purely on satisfying needs and wants. However, the mate must follow the rules listed below which her partner requires her to follow.

2. Loyalty shall utmost be upheld in the relationship where the mate must ensure she swears her loyalty to her partner and does not freely converse or indulge in conversation with other men.

3. Honesty shall be practiced by the mate as she shall always speak the truth no matter what harm it will cause. She shall never hide any fact or truth from her partner and always report it to him and no one else she knows.

4. She shall move in with her partner and stay at their home where she will be required to stay for one year after which it is her free will if she wants to leave.

5. She is expected to be a homemaker who can of course explore her interests, hobbies, education, and perhaps a career, but once she is at home, she must ensure the home is run in a smooth and efficient manner.

6. She shall always ensure that the proper diet and meal schedule of her partner's is fulfilled by employees and if possible she must prepare all meals for her partner.

7. She shall ensure all her partner's daily needs are met and ensure he is properly taken care of.

8. She shall always groom herself in a manner that is pleasing to her partner in accord to her fashion, makeup, hairstyle, manners, and behavior.

9. She is expected to always ask for permission from her partner before indulging in any social event or gathering and when possible she shall bring her partner to such events never going alone.

10. If she wants to pursue an interest including higher education or career, she must consult with her partner. He has the right to decline her request in accord to her best interests because the partner always knows best. He shall decide what interests she can pursue.

11. The partner shall decide her daily and weekly schedule which she must follow no matter what as that will keep her partner pleased.

12. She cannot contact family or friends without her partner's permission because after all her partner has better interests for her.

13. She shall always ensure her partner is pleased and happy with how she will manage the home including his child. She must ensure that she is able to uphold her duties at the home if she decides to pursue interests or else she must abandon her interests for the home because the home is important.

14. She shall always ensure her partner is satisfied in the bedroom, but that does not mean she will not have free will. She will have complete will on what shall please her in the bedroom and her partner will not decline her from such.

15. The partner likes to assume dominance in love making through various means and acts including blindfolds, restraints, and other objects used to please. However, he is free to assume a submissive position and she has a right to please herself the way she wants to. She has the right to decline usage of such objects and the partner will oblige to it.

16. However, she shall become acquainted and familiar with what acts please her partner and utilize such when needed, but she is not required to.

17. The partner when tensed and stressed expects lovemaking to be a method of relaxation. She has a right to decline however.

18. The partner does not like to be touched through hugging or kissing in the bedroom unless he himself requests her to do such.

19. He expects daily lovemaking, but she has a right to decline according to her interests.

20. He does not like to indulge in typical romantic courses such as dates, dinners, and other activities, so these activities shall be banned and only can be done if the partner himself requests such.

21. The partner shall fund her expenses with $10,000 as a set monthly allowance along with funding her endeavors including education and career enhancement programs. The partner will further fund her daily necessities as required. The partner will keep track of all spending done and he will ensure that proper spending is done.

22. The partner shall know where she is going and with whom she has been with. She shall not lie to him at any costs.

23. The partner has right to accessing call records and text messaging records as well.

24. The partner will deem appropriate with whom she can keep contact and associate with.

25. The partner shall deem appropriate what education and career she shall pursue.

26. The partner shall deem appropriate sexual acts.

27. The partner desires this relationship shall be long lasting meaning defined as ten or more years.

28. The partner can end the relationship before a year, but she cannot. She can only leave the relationship after one year.

29. If the relationship succeeds for one year then it shall continue only by mutual decision of the couple. If it does succeed then the laws listed here shall continued to be followed.

A subtle laugh escaping from my lips as I read the last line before sighing pulling him into a tighter hug finding a current of shock hitting me and pinching my heart, but not enough to a point that I am enveloped with fear and ready to run. No...I will not run.

Shivaay truly is my everything now. He is home. The way his embrace gives me comfort...The way his brushful kiss is enough to make me feel loved...The way him making love to me brings me to a state of euphoric solace...The way his words are enough to drum my heartbeats and making me feel this level of self pride and self love...He truly is home and I want to build a home...with him.

However, I will rebel.

I am not leaving him, but I am rebelling. are mine now, but I need to give you a good dose of reality...I will build this home with you, but only with my conditions not yours'. Time to make edits to this rulebook...

This Anika is different. She never submits, but only reigns and Shivaay I will reign you and your a point that you will be fulfilling these rules and not I...I will teach you do not worry. I will make you human.


Please everyone please do not be upset with the rules I listed above. As I have noted in Anika's point of view, Anika has decided to rebel against these rules meaning she will edit them as she pleases and will do everything to challenge Shivaay. I promise that I just had to leave this story on a cliffhanger, but I promise that Anika will rebel. Anika in this story is more outspoken and sassy as seen in this chapter and she will rule Shivaay. These are just rules Shivaay made in advance looking for a woman who would follow such, but as you see he feels slightly guilty of the expectations he has from Anika meaning once Anika in the next chapter expresses her desire to change the rules, he will definitely and likely listen. Remember, Anika has not yet agreed to such rules and next update will show what she will do. Please, please do not be mad at me. I promise Anika is different in this story and she will rebel. I promise you that these rules will not be happening, but instead she will be challenging Shivaay and teaching him a lesson.

Now, the question is what problems these rules will create and what changes do you think Anika should and likely will make to these rules?

Author's Note:

This story is mature and utilizes different language and tone from "Learning to Love Him Again" which is more serious. I kind of get hate on writing mature content, hence, why at times I hold back because I get judgement on writing these scenes a lot. Like at times I lose my confidence and I feel horrible when many say I ruined this popular couple for them meaning I ruined Shivaay and Anika by putting in such scenes. Like I get hate a lot on my mature content and so I am really scared about posting these mature scenes. So, like if you do not want me to continue this story because of mature content or anything else then please let me know.

Next update I am not sure when will happen. Please let me know if I should continue writing this story and if you want to read this story that is heavy on mature content. Please let me know if you want to read this story and if not then I will stop writing it for sure.

This upcoming week, I am updating the wedding chapters for "Learning to Love Him Again" meaning Shivaay and Anika are getting married in Chapter 42 Part 1, so do read Chapter 41 if you have not as big twists are coming! Shivaay's shocking past will be revealed right before the wedding and let's see how Anika reacts! Also, the big mystery on why Shivaay left Anika is now in full focus and this is related to Shivaay's childhood on why he left Anika and hid Chaaya. Also, Anika's past is related to Shivaay in LTLHA as well. Also, Chaaya and Anika are reuniting in Chapter 44, so please do read Chapter 42 and these wedding chapters because after this Anika's character is also changing in LTLHA and becoming more bold and confident and stronger :)

If you want me to censor mature content mentioned then please do comment or message me and I will censor the content.

Sorry if update was too long, but I do not know when I will update next, so I just put it together. If you want me to update soon, then please do let me know :) as I want know if you all are interested in reading more of this story :).

Thank you for reading and if you liked this chapter then please do like, comment, and share :)



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