Chapter 8: After Love (Mature)

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I hope all of you stay safe and we all are united in this together :) I pray God guides us and I know He will protect us :)

Thank you for reading and if you like this chapter please do vote, comment, and share :)

Mature Content: This Chapter contains mature content appropriate for those who are 18 years and older.


French kisses. Rough, rugged bites. Pleasure run trysts. They went on a subtle repeat where he continued to admire me and I ravished in it allowing his sweet nothings to light the blunts of sensual paradise within. Laces pain from a burned virginity becoming overwhelmed with rivers of pleasure that gorged their way out of him into me. Time escaping as we allowed ourselves to drown into the lakes of hunger where we shamelessly played on our fantasies letting our lips to crash and let go...letting our fingers to tease...while we continued to pace and fall into a rhythm of love. It went all night and we let it run...not once stopping, but only increasing the paces of our heartbeats and letting our flesh to run and glide.

Memories of last night continuing to run in my mind before devouring my heart that was still beating fast finding itself still reminiscing the moment and wanting more...lusting on the man who scraped its wounds and laid unhinged desires upon it.

A smile touching my swollen, red lips that found themselves consumed and ravaged with lust that had stolen their virginity replacing it with pure, toxic passion that craved for ecstasy once again. My hands dragging against the edges of his white cotton shirt wanting to feel his touch that still lingered in it with the smell of his strong cologne that whiffed into my senses further igniting my thirst to have a taste of him.

Raising my hands against the curtains I opened them slowly letting the sunrise drop its dews upon me before laying itself on the man behind me. Turning on my tip toes, I looked back finding him sound sleep with light snores trailing out of him. My cheeks turning a shade of red finding myself reminded of what happened yesterday and how we made love...starting from sunset to almost sunrise.

Throwing the towel on the couch I began to slowly walk towards him finding myself admiring his features that laid enhanced from the light that now was dropping upon him. Climbing up gently on to the bed, I lifted myself over him before placing myself on top of his waist. He laid still continuing to sleep not flinching once while he remained in deep sleep.

Heat rushing up my feet and up to my heart putting it on fire which was now burning for him. I sat still gently running my hands up to his cheeks and leaning down blowing the heat of my mouth against his letting them quiver...His eyes immediately shooting up encountering mine which were eager to zest on his flavors.

Our lips holding close beginning to tremble finding themselves charmed and enticed by one another begging for us to close the gap.

"Good morning baby..." I whispered before molding my lips against his that opened in an instant welcoming my invitation. His hands roughly dragging up to my hips pulling me closer against his waist as he began to devour mine. Our lips immediately increasing their rhythms as I leaned closer dragging my cold hands against the heat of his chest which I began to rub finding a moan escape from him. Tongues sliding out as we inched into each other's folds and began to push and tug on the pink flesh of our inner core finding ourselves allured by the hotness they offered mixed with traces of sensual spice. His hand wrapping into my damp hair as he arched up beginning to dominate the kiss wanting more as we moved back and forth. Rose petals of liquid pleasure dropping down my navel while I felt the creases of thrill lift itself out of him while we continued to gasp for breaths before submerging into a flutter, trail of kisses.

" did..." He continued to speak in between our kisses while a giggle escaped from me before pressing my lips gently against his and letting go.

Trailing my hands up his chest, I leaned over him and began to tenderly kiss his cheeks wanting to please his hunger knowing how much he worked to fulfill my dirty desires last night.

"You earned it..." I whispered holding seduction beginning to endeavor on his neck letting my tongue plunge into his rugged skin liking its roughness that lit many puffs of excitement within me.

"This is the best way a woman has woken me up in the morning...Oh I love it baby..." He hissed wrapping his hand into my waves and lifting me up revealing his eyes that were lusting me. His eyes wandering down my lips and to the dips of my cleavage where his shirt clung tightly to my wet skin...revealing secrets that I had wrapped underneath.

A smirk touching my lips as I traced my fingers down to his lips admiring their rough, yet bitter taste.

"You better love it...and I better be the best compared to the others. I will wake you up like this each and every morning if you only appreciate me and no other woman..." My voice holding threat knowing I have to manipulate Shivaay to reel him in or else he will stray considering his reputation...At this point, I want Shivaay to stay and I want him to continue this fling because he is a man that makes me feel wanted.

Shivaay revealing a wicked smile as he moved my hair to the side only to wrap his hand around my neck.

"She wants to rule his heart...She wants to rule his heart...yet how does this noor know that she already has possessed his soul...she already has made him surrender...she already has imprisoned him with her bewitching beauty...a beauty not seen, not heard, not lusted...but felt...a beauty felt in the flames she ignites in his heart...a beauty felt in the selfless love she lays...she is his noor and he is her captive who will now only admire her...lavish her with passion...bring life to her..."

My body going still as his words seeped through my heart that began to beat erratically... jumping, diving, falling, crashing, and rising... once again finding itself in disbelief in the amount of adoration this ugly soul was getting.

A small laugh escaping from me as I shook my head. "S-stop bluffing Shivaay...I am not a noor. She is not a noor...she is not a noor, but a coal that will only burn...she will fall into ashes...she will only fall...she will not breathe...not live...but collapse....crash...." My lips quivering as I felt tears slip down my cheeks realizing remnants of a hallow emptiness still somewhere swivel within my heart that has not been completely removed from the romantic tryst I indulged in.

A sudden force lifting me up as I felt Shivaay roll me over slamming me on to the bed before he grabbed a hold of my cheeks and wiped my tears away roughly.

"Don't you dare ever say such words again Anika. Do you understand? How dare you say such demeaning words about yourself? You are a beautiful, kind, the most amazing woman I have ever met. You are so different and somehow this difference you carry amongst other women makes me go insane...The way you understand me...the way you listen to me...the way you complete my are a woman that I am not leaving easily. You will be the center of my will be the one deserving of the best luxuries and beauty of the world that I will endow upon the end of the day it's always going to be you..."

To have a man like him admire a woman like me is something that only exists in fantasies...and fantasies are something that are never made for women like me...who are ugly on the flesh...deformed on the heart...and flawed to a point that if we want to repair them we cannot because that is how much we begin to love them.

His eyes softening as he continued to wipe by streaming tears before grabbing a hold of them and beginning to kiss them making them his. My cheeks turning shades of red feeling his words impress upon my heart that found its feeble state slowly strengthening finding itself speechless over the level of devotion that he was showering upon it...Somewhere I find truth to his words that makes me want to believe in them...but fear still continues to latch in that he might just leave me when he brings me to the top.

" I promised, I will not leave you until you want to leave me. I want you...I cannot commit, but I like being with you. I like your personality...I like everything about you even those features that you find as flaws but I admire...I love this childishness. I love the sudden set of maturity that comes within you at the right time. I love how you understand me and complete my words. I love this innocence mixed with traces of seduction...oh and I love how you make love to me..." His voice stopping halting with its huskiness as my eyes suddenly widened with shades of red blowing up on my face hearing the last line remembering memories from last night.

A wicked smile touching his lips knowing he had turned my mood upside down completely in an instant as my gaze lowered not wanting to be reminded of what I had done. My heart dropping with my stomach running up butterflies with nerves dropping down into me.

"Damn it Anika...despite being a virgin until last night, you definitely out won all the women I have been with...I honestly would have never even thought or guessed you were capable of this considering how innocent these looks are..." He spoke inching next to my throat before plunging his tongue down it making me moan finding it reminiscent of this fetish he indulged in last night.

Deep red flames burning my feet before running up to my face as I remembered what I had done last night. His taste still lingering upon my lips remembering the flavors he offered that had layers of his darkness, but essence of a purity I had not tasted before. Biting my lip, I attempted to hold a shy smile feeling mortified with how I unchained my patience and went out of control.

"Oh baby I loved what you did...The way you made love to me, I want it like that always. I will bring you on the biggest high of your life and I want you to bring me on a high that I can never crash from ever..." Command hitting his lines as I licked my lips desiring his dominance in our lovemaking sessions liking the control and the way he does everything to fulfill each and every filthy desire and need I have.

Wrapping my arms around him I pulled him into an embrace feeling his lips run down my shoulder. His shirt slipping its way down my shoulder as he trailed his fingers up my buttons wanting to open them.

"I want this Shivaay, but we are going to get late...we have to leave soon for Goa remember? It Arti and Ayaan's bachelor and bachelorette party weekend." Another moan escaping from me feeling him suck on the edges of my shoulder finding himself lost in the rifts of my skin which appeared enticing.

Shivaay lifting his head up before peeking up at me appearing a little stunned by what I had said. "What? You want to go to Arti and Ayaan's parties?! Why? This does not make sense Anika! Do you even remember how they treated you yesterday and yet you still want to go to Goa?!" He exclaimed immediately pulling me up and looking into my eyes trying to find if I still had some sense left or completely left it in the sheets last night.

A smile touching my lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "Shivaay if I do not go then they will jest over me and make fun of the fact that their small little words were enough to break me...enough to allow me to barricade myself within the four walls of my hotel room. I don't want that Shivaay. I want to change. I want to become stronger and I want to become a woman of whom no one ever takes advantage of the way I was taken advantage of before. I have to go and show them that they cannot break me and no matter what they may throw at me, I will not fall down..." Touching a pause, I looked into his eyes that appeared to soften and hold on to my thought to ponder over it.

I know I perhaps shouldn't go to Goa, but then from last night, I have decided to live for myself and try to change myself to become a stronger person. The journey will be long and tough and at points I may falter and become weak, but through this long journey of life, I have to face my battles and overcome them.

"Anika, you don't have to do this. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone at all. What will make you stronger is what will give you happiness and peace. I want that for you Anika because I know you deserve have a right to have a right to be the woman you want to be. Don't hurt yourself more because...I don't know what it is, but I cannot see you hurting...I cannot see you in tears...I cannot see you falling apart..." His words hitting my heart making it crash into reality of how indeed in this moment I should live for myself and for my desires.

Shivaay wrapping his hands around my cheeks forcing me to look into his eyes that held the powerful thoughts he had spoken in simple words which were wrapping around my soul and telling it that for once to just just breathe and live.

"No one has ever cared this much for me the way you have in a couple of days...No one has ever even dared to listen to me and here you are listening and giving me the courage to live for myself..." I whispered finding tears touch me before he kissed them away tenderly.

"Anika, I will always be here and never think you are alone. You are now not alone and you have me to listen to you when you want to be speak to you when you want to be stand by you when you want courage...I will always be there for you no matter what happens...I promise." A smile touching his lips as he made his small promise to me...a promise that appears small, but holds a deeper meaning for me considering no one has ever even dared to listen to this ugly soul.

Clasping my hands around his cheeks, I pulled him closer laying a kiss on his forehead finding myself swiveling in his features that appeared more divine than the first time I laid my eyes upon him.

"I know you will be here for me because the way you held me yesterday is the way no one has ever held me...No one has dared to touch an ugly Anika...they all appreciate the Anika who is perfect, beautiful, and is able to fulfill their demands...and guess what? I am not that Anika. So for you to even dare to...touch even dare to look at my even kiss my gross shows me that you are a man who may try to portray himself as one who never loves, but you have an ability to make someone feel loved even for a moment..." My voice hitting its soft cracks with a realization touching me that perhaps I have never felt loved the way I was last night that too by a stranger...who claims he cannot love.

It's odd, but why do I feel as if last night as more than just a moment in which we fucked? Yes, the word blunt, but it is the truth. Sure, I asked him to make love, but in that moment we knew we just fucked and yet here I am sitting and thinking that somewhere there was more to it.

Running his fingers down my lips he let them dip down my heart before capturing my eyes that held only tears realizing that perhaps I may never be loved...I will feel loved for a moment, but not forever and that feeling sucks the most.

"Anika your beauty lays in the fact that you do not even realize it. But I saw that beauty the moment I laid my eyes on you...I don't see a flaw on you, but what I see is grace that touches you...The moment I touched you was the moment I realized that what I thought was paradise in another's woman's arms was nothing compared to the heaven I found in you...The moment I kissed you I realized what I thought was a kiss with someone else was nothing, but dust...Your kiss gave me a taste of ecstasy that I never had. So baby if you think you are ugly than perhaps there is nothing called beauty in this world..." His words hitting me home as I felt roots crack and burst into the rims of my heart where it once had dared to love and now wanted to love once again as well.

Rinsing his fingers against my dry, thirsty lips, he leaned down letting the heat of his desires to simmer upon them before taking hold of them. A smile touching my lips as he scraped his lips down my wrists wrapping them into my hands pressing himself gently down upon my body. Letting our folds loose, we began to roam each other's flavors with our tongues twisting into knots. Hitting a tempo, our lips began to tenderly and sweetly run across one another increasing the pace and letting our kisses collide and crash. Tracing my legs up, I let them glide before wrapping them around his hips as we rhythmed together.

A sudden fire of lust hitting the both of us smashing between our bodies that were beginning to press firmly against each other begging us to give into satin sheets of pleasure once again. Rubbing my feet against his, I pulled them up and entwined them into his finding my legs weakening not being able to bear his flesh that was submerging into mine begging me to give in and take a pill of lust.

A giggle escaping from my lips that merged on to his cheek letting my tongue criss cross down it while he let out a small groan realizing I was teasing him. Our hands entwining into each other as he pushed them down on the pillow ready to ease me in...

"Damn it...I want you again...I thought this craving would end, but it...only...has...worsened..." His breaths barely catching him as he began to unravel the bedsheets around his waist ready to make love once again.

"I have the same craving as you...but first agree to go to Goa with me. Come with me and we can have fun...don't you want more fun?...Adventure...thrill....Don't you want to...fuck more?" I hissed as I felt a shiver go down my spine saying that filthy word knowing how much dirt was in that word and yet I am saying it because I am that woman who holds these ugly desires, but know they are enough to fulfill my emptiness.

He let out a deep sigh as I grabbed his neck pulling him closer letting him rhythm upon me ready to make me his once again. Biting my lip, I looked into his eyes as they appeared to ponder on the thought.

"Look I never wanted to even go on that trip, but Ayaan forced me to sign up considering he has been head of marketing for long in my company and I have to be cordial...But seeing how they are and how they treat you...I do not want to go...I honestly have no respect left for Ayaan and I am doubting his ability to work for me...More than that, I feel it is wrong for you to go there... I feel you will get hurt on that trip...they are not right for you...I...I cannot see you getting hurt like yesterday. I don't know what it is...but I want to protect you...." His voice showing concern as I weakly smiled pressing my lips gently against his letting their dull taste linger before letting go wanting to leave a tease.

It feels odd to hear someone wants to protect me as that is rare. It's rare to hear that I am worth being protected. Why do I feel so connected with Shivaay the way I have never felt with anyone including Ayaan? How have we closed our distance so quickly all in one night?

"I know you want to protect me...then come with me. I...I want to have fun and this is an excuse to get out and have an adventure...I want to try to live for myself for once...will you show me how it feels to live for yourself? Will you stand by me to show to my family that I do not need them?...Most importantly, don't you want to spend time with me...alone? No elders to supervise us...we can have many thrills alone..." My voice shaking as I attempted to sing seduction into him as he began to lift himself looking down and finding his eyes linger down my thighs and into the flower between them where he found pleasure.

Chewing on his lips vigorously, he attempted to ponder over the thought I had inserted into him finding himself tempted by it. He is a man of interests that I know. Any decision or step he takes is always calculative and involves his benefit, thus, I will talk to him in his language that he best understands.

Giving him a slight smile, I traced my feet up against his waist before lifting the edges of the shirt I wore slightly up keeping secrets veiled, but ensuring enough of a peek that would tempt him.

His gaze lowering as he traced his fingers up my knees taking a firm hold of them. Layers of warmth now beginning to erupt and flow like hot lava from the corners of my feet up to my navel before rushing down my flower once again that began to tremble knowing it was going to be drenched once again.

"I want you now...right now and every moment after..." He whispered taking a firm hold of my knees and dragging me against his waist as my smile widened knowing he was somewhat surrendering to me and allowing me to rule the game between us.

Trailing my hands into his, I led them down my weakening thighs that were now the stems of the flower between them which was begging me to allow it to be soaked once again. Taking a deep breath, he tightened his lips realizing he was about to lose the grasp on thirst that was tormenting him at the moment.

"You can have me as much as you want, but only if you agree to my wish...Say yes and you can touch, tempt, and taste each and every piece of me...Just say yes..." I led my lines into him locking him into my cage of hope that I was treasuring at the moment.

I know it is wrong to manipulate one into their wishes, but that is the only way I can pursue him to come with me because I would be lying if I say I do not desire his company nor enjoy it. I want him next to me...I want him to continue to adore me...I want him to continue to make love to me and make me feel wanted for once.

He began to lower himself making my flower tremble with my eyes lowering to the sheet now loosening around the edges of his waist realizing how close we were to another moment of giving into desire.

My back arching itself up feeling his fingers dragging themselves lazily down my navel making a gasp escape from me. He began to penetrate his fingers on my navel igniting a rush of pleasured milk that was churning itself into my flower for him to take a taste of it once again. His eyes lifting up watching me tremble as I held the pillow behind me while diving into that intoxicating drug that he has given me many times since last night...a drug that innocently purges into my flower and incites only desire....that forces me to beg for his hit that only he can give by entering me and taking me on that high.

"You deserve a man like me do you not?" He whispered penetrating his fingers deeply into my waist making me shriek in a delight feeling an ease of the milk making its way down my navel and into my flower.

Then a layer of heat began to blow its way down as I closed my eyes shut feeling a pair of succulent lips drawing a hill of burns upon my waist taking a firm hold of it. He then began to his tease slowly taking a piece of my thin skin into his mouth only to suck it with a slow, paced vigor...before proceeding to the next piece. His lips increasing their their momentum in the form of a drawled long, ravenous kisses only to stop and hit a speed of wet, sloppy, lazy kisses. His kisses repeating themselves around the edge of my quivering, red blushed waist before drawing down against the dangerous border of my hip.

"I-I deserve you...b-but that does not mean I will continue to obey you...You have to obey me and come with me..." I gasped barely able to keep the lines running while I drew shallow, heavy breaths that continued to collapse on my heart which began to unlayer its naivity only to embrace a dangerous, temptation that would allow itself to be pleasured in a manner never done before.

He let out a subtle laugh that appeared to be pure, wrenching, and haunting demonic lust that already has bewitched me. He continued to lower himself dragging his toxic, punishing lips down my quivering thigh making me slightly moan becoming aware where he was headed to.

"I will come with you...But first you come for me," He hissed the dangerous innuendo as my eyes shot wide open with a current of pleasure striking my flower that began to melt itself knowing that it was needed for my escape.

A weak smile touching my lips while burning a vicious red on my cheeks feeling the shirt on my body drag itself up as he began to push it slowly easing me in. Without a warning, he began to kiss the corners of my flower running his tongue against it before leaving a tender, hunger filled kiss sucking it shut.

Another moan escaping from me as I let out a giggle grabbing on to the sheets tightly unable to bear the torture filled love he was beginning to pleasure me with....tasting my innocence...drinking my naiveness...taking a hit of my small red cherry...he was brewing my thirst trying to arouse it to its milking peak.

"Promise me we will share a room together in Goa..." He whispered smiling against my weakening thigh that continued to tremble begging him to give me a release that I needed at the moment. A shy smile touching my lips hearing his simple request though knowing the cruel intentions he held behind it.

My hands folding themselves down into the nape of his hair taking a firm grasp of his waves as I pushed him firmly against my thigh. Obeying my silent request, he began to lay rough, voluptuous kisses down the soft dips of my thigh as I began to rhythm myself against him while he began to increase the speed encircling his tongue at the dangerous level of my flower, but not daring to touch it...waiting for the right peak when he could take me on a high.

"I promise to be in that room...with and night...doing everything...that you and I...both want...Tasting, tempting, and...raising pleasure to a high from which you and I both...cannot get off....I promise to come for you...Now obey me and come with me to Goa...Promise me that you will come with me to Goa..." My voice shaking as I tried to muster the core of my strength finding myself drowning in a sheet of lasciviousness.

The silence beginning to play within us as he threw my leg up immediately making my heart skip its beats as it began to pound itself quickly hitting dangerous, pinching rhythms against my bosom. A tempered moan escaping from me looking up towards him as he raised himself up laying lewd, sensual warm kisses down against the corners of my knee making it tremble before taking a bite of the fold.

A smirk touching his lips finding himself empowered by the tunes I was now singing for him wanting more of him...telling him to take me in and give me that last hit of wined desires that were swiveling within my navel begging me to let go.

He began to lean himself forward lowering his head continuing to admire the trembling flaws of my bosom that were beginning to peak through the shirt and lift themselves above it. Letting his eyes wander, he found himself astonished by certain spots he had not yet touched, but eagerly wanted to. He appeared to ponder over my promise trying to scheme a way and see where his interest would be fulfilled while licking his dry lips that were holding a tortured craving for me. Revealing a wicked smile, he moved his eyes up looking at me revealing he was beginning to plan the perfect trip for the both of us...a trip in which we both would dive into laced lust.

"Baby whatever you want...I will obey if it means to have you. You are who I want...who I know is made for only me...If you can trust me with your virginity...then trust me that I will be with you in your worst and in your best. Do not make promises to me because I already know that you are mine and that you will always return to only me...Anika, you are mine not forget that you are only mine..." His voice holding an unusual strength reflecting a demonic spread of sinful seduction as he shackled me to his soul...claiming me as his...knowing that I am going to follow his lead while he will follow mine. I will hold the ropes and he will guide me through the unknown lanes of sensuality that I have a tensed need to take part of.

My heartbeats increasing their tempered pace as I held a fragile smile across my lips liking his claim...admiring how without any regrets he is weaving himself to me...wanting to keep me as his forever...perhaps. If he does not change.

"I want you...forever, so make love to me...because I want to give myself to you and I want you to completely surrender yourself to me and only me..." The lines unconsciously escaping from my trembling lips as his eyes held still appearing taken aback, but somewhere liking how I was daring to cross our unnamed relationship's boundary by confessing a desire to have him more than a momentary thing.

And then it happened.

His hunger filled lips coming down immediately crashing on to mine taking a vigorous, firm hold of them making a sudden moan erupt from me as he salivated a cherry wined taste into my mouth. Our tongues colliding wet finding themselves pulsating against each other as we began to take sudden solid drips of each other's ecstasy taking a blunt of plumped lust mixed with a chardane of sinful passion. He began to indulge in a pleasure tormenting kiss grabbing the back of my hair firmly continuing to kiss me ravenously taking a sip of each and every bland flavor I had to offer before pushing his robust, heavy body on to me making me gasp.

Then he hooked pleasure on to me tightly. His hands taking a tight hold of my hips introducing a thrillful wave of throbbing, milked pleasure penetrating the folds of my flowers before entering me with a force that I liked.

A shriek streaming out from my bumbling heart that found itself gliding into complete sensual rapture finding itself losing the ability to even keep a mild rhythm, but deciding to rummage in a barbaric high.

My hands digging themselves deeply into his back arching myself up pushing myself into him as he began to rhythm me swiftly increasing the pace every second wanting to reach our peeks this instant now fully aware what worked on me and how I found delights of gratification in these subtle waves of lust.

"F-faster...we have to go...soon..." I began to pant finding my breaths shutter as he let out a small groan crashing his lips on to mine once again consuming me in a messy, hot covetous kiss with our tongues wrestling wanting a finer taste of the liquor that was now erupting within our soundful bodies enough to quench our craving for some time.

Our eyes meeting each other immediately as he made his way deeper into the folds of my flower, that laid between my thighs, while continue to latch his blues hues into mine. Taking a hold of my cheek he raised my head up forcing me out of my intoxicated state wanting to sink a promise into me. "I promise that you can have me for as long as you want...I will always be here for you because I have....never...met a woman like you...and I love each and every part of you," He spoke holding a loud voice finding pride in his promise wanting to uphold each and every bit of it.

Heat rushing up to my cheeks feeling his lips press tenderly against my temple as I held a small smile looking at him. Giving me a gentle smile, he wrapped his hands around my wrists before beginning to move himself up and down against me beginning to tease my flower that now was finding itself soaking wet feeling the sheers of his oceanic tides entering it. My eyes closing shut immediately as I raised my neck up only for his tongue to glide down it taking a nice bite of the cherry shaped dip on my neck sucking it warm.

A set of moans escaping from my lips as I began to get a hit of that warm, trail of liquid sweeping its way into the petals of my flowers melting them and forcing them to let go of creams of yearning I held for him whisked with cherried taste.

His hands dragging down my breasts taking a firm hold of his cotton shirt letting his fingers slip against the frozen rose petals which found themselves blossoming up into tall peaks.

Then I began to hear fabric rip loudly with his and my hands entwining into one struggling to take his shirt off. A giggle escaping from my lips as Shivaay let out a frustrated groan letting his bulky hands pop the buttons off only to throw the ripped shirt. His fingers brushing gently down my heart around the frozen petals of my chest lingering for a moment before taking a rough bite of the solid red colored strawberries on my breast. His mouth taking a sip of their sweetness that was seeping through it wanting to continue to keep his fascination.

"Baby...f-faster...please...we have to go..." I whispered into his ear as he continued to find himself lost in the untouched flavors that were powdered on the tans of my skin. His lips beginning to engorge me with musty, fierce kisses repeatedly weaving me in a wild tease continuing to admire them moistening them with his liking for the two blueberries on my breasts.

"You are are wanted...and you are desired by only Shivaay Singh Oberoi...Do you understand? You are only mine baby...only mine..." He hissed looking into my eyes revealing a unusual obsession in his eyes as he looked at me. My smile widening liking how his eyes were wandering down me admiring each flaw of it before only to lift and admire my face. His lines capturing me and in an instant bringing me into his which he will continue to make love to me in such a manner that I believe no other man can.

His warm hands immediately entwining into my trembling one signaling me he was going to now take me on that infinite high like he had done all night. Then suddenly he deepened his penetration hitting the bottom of my flower right on that craving cherry which began to peak its way out finding a dew dropped milk now rushing out of me as I whimpered in a shrilled voice feeling the after love from last night soaking its way of out.

"Baby...come on...for me...come..." He whispered against my ear begging me to let go of more as suddenly he hit the speed high beginning to engorge me into a high of lavacious sensual dark, pills of ecstasy. His hands slamming mine hard against the mattress as he began to vigorously increase the speed of his body against mine while I began to arche myself up and down trying to keep my folds open wanting him to continue. Our hot, moist bodies molding into one as he began to urgently push himself deeper into me continuing to increase the momentum as we began to rock against each other letting the mattress dump itself down before rising.

His lips lasping tightly into my neck as he began to layer it with tender, quick, but longed kisses making heat rush up against my neck while I continued to whimper begging him to do more liking the tease. My hands taking a firm grasp of his allowing him to freely roam his lazy, toxic lips down my bosom where he began to drink off of me quickly taking a hit of a tonic of red wined flavors from my protruding peaks laying on my breasts.

"Shivaay...gosh...what are you...doing to me?...Oh...I want you so...much...Again...and again..." I hit a shrieked tempo barely able to catch my breaths finding themselves consumed with a throbbing need to have him continue to fill that empty barren flower within me that wanted to be soaked by him.

A breathy laugh escaping from his lips feeling amused by my subtle confession that has escaped from my unconscious which is finding itself losing complete control under his captivity that it loved.

His fingers taking a firm grasp of my waves as I smiled hitting a sharp red blush across my cheeks before digging my fingernails into the back of his and leaning in to take a bite of his collarbone.

"You...have done worse to I cannot even think...of anyone else besides you...what you offer is what I have never anyone else...Do you hear me?...You are the one...I have always...been looking for..." He whispered bewitching me as I kept my eyes half closed finding myself smoldering in his thoughts that were admiring me...telling me I am wanted...that I am unique...that he finds a deep need to have me. This is what I always have wanted...Always...and to find it in him is perfect...I wanted a man like him...with power...with a dominance upon others except me...He is not anything like my ex and that is what I love about him.

He lunged into me beginning to rock me back and forth vigorously without stopping even for a beat. He began to roughen his thrusts becoming aware that I now was at ease considering last night we both had unleashed our boundaries finding ourselves dwelling into an usual type of sexual fantasies.

Slamming his coveted lips into mine, he took me in for a rough kiss as I bit into his lip hard inciting a groan from him. We both opened our mouths snaking into each other without shame ready to take a last hit of our ripened lustful desires streaming out of our salivating, hot flesh.

Ripening me with full streams of liquid flowing out of him, he began to incite continuous gasps from me by increasing his penetration hitting my cherry many times wanting to make it plump before it arouses a subtle trail of its sweetness that he can savor. My navel tightening as I began to shake feeling my entire body burn in withering heat as he continued to push himself against me trying to help me release the tensed petals that are swiveling within me violently.

Then he began to give me kicks of ecstasy continuing to hold his grip wrapping his hands firmly into mine before hitting my peak making me shriek vehemently. My legs wrapping around him tightly as he continued pushing into me hard knowing that this was it...we both were about to fall soon.

A loud moan escaping from me feeling a sudden a unwavered release of burning, creamed milk spill out of me down my navel and out of my flower. He groaned finding himself enticed by my flavors as he continued to thrust wanting more of my juices. Pinching the corners of the rose buds on my breasts he began his tease letting his ardent lips roam wildly down my bosom inciting whimpers from me. A hit of a thrill lunging on to me as I arched my back up continuing to give him what he wanted while taking his admiration as a treasure.

"Baby...I want more of you...this lasted too short..." He whispered against the corners of my heart as I felt my entire flesh turn complete red hearing his craving that I too held. My heart beginning to beat out of many rhythms begging me to return to him though knowing time was passing and there could not be more.

His liquid stream rising out of me and making its way into me as I whimpered while he hit his peak. Slowing down his rhythm, he began to let the both of us enjoy the ripe fruits of our quick session of love making. Rubbing into the folds of my flower, he glided liquid into it allowing it to tremble, but only open up more begging him to continue.

Continuing to suck his lips on the creases of my navel he lifted himself up beginning to play with me in a subtle manner. A giggle escaping from me now used to his games considering he has done it many times since last night.

"I swear we could make babies really quick considering how much we have made love since last night..." He spoke as my smile widened with my cheeks blushing hot feeling his lips laying moist, hot against the borders of my waist right where my womb was finding itself fascinated with the idea of babies being seeded by him.

Confusion entering my mind, but somewhat thrilled from the thought although I should not be. His statement is quite unhinged and yet is enticing to think of...Thinking of making babies in this unusual manner...babies that will be a part of him and I...babies that will be mine...

Stop Anika! What the hell is wrong with you?! My conscious screaming into me loudly putting a halt to my thoughts that randomly came out of nowhere.

Pushing my hands against his shoulders I rubbed them trying to loosen his tense muscles considering how much he has struggled with me since last night as he is experienced and I am still kind of a virgin in these matters although I have broken my fruit.

"I...I cannot have babies Shivaay..." Reminding myself of the truth feeling my heart sink slightly though it continued to beat on a high it had received in form of a paradise pleasure seeped through him.

Shivaay letting out a chuckle continuing to lower finding himself thrilled on the juices he was about to savor soon.

"Well if we ever tried...I am damn sure I will make you pregnant...Since last night we have made love seven times and doing the math along with considering how good I am in working my ways...I could help you conceive..." He continued to argue trying to inflate his ego liking how he has pleasured me many times. Rolling my eyes I laid still finding myself intrigued by the thought of having a baby although I am completely crazy of thinking such considering babies should be the last thing on my mind.

"You are insane for saying such things ...Babies and you?...You are the last one...I will see as a father...sometimes I you take care of Ira..." I continued to speak feeling his hot lips mold at the dangerous crease of my flower making me slightly gasp. His hands purging deeply into my womb penetrating it as I bit my lip liking how his fingers dug deep into my skin pleasuring even the fat folds of it.

"I am not insane...I am practical. I trust my abilities to make anyone pregnant...and I am the best at everything mind you..." He spoke letting his lips become muffled as he began to suck on the white juice escaping and trailing itself down my thigh. A small moan escaping from me as I ran my hands through my neck while he began to rhythm himself against me continuing to savor and taste the milk liquid that he was now extracting out of my flower that laid between my thighs.

"What an have. Damn...the level of" My sentence stopping midway feeling my breaths stopping as a small shriek escaped from me feeling his tongue roll down the tulips rising out of me making him draw to the liquid it offered.

Utter, sheer ecstasy hitting its powders down my navel and up to my flower as I began to increase my gasps with my hands dragging the sheets over the both of us finding shyness in how without any shame...without any shackles...without any boundaries...I am entering a realm of pure, sick, yet divine lust...pleasure to a point that perhaps is rare for anyone to receive.

"Say my name and admire me...the way...I admired you all night..." He held a dark tone appearing to demand his right as he lifted his lips up slightly looking towards me as I continued to tremble unable to phantom the level of adoration he is giving.

A weak smile touching my lips as I felt him pinch my thigh gently wanting to hear my thoughts of him that would spur his ego which he holds in a very heinous manner. My hands taking a tight hold of the sheets burying ourselves in it shading us with darkness while light of the day began to scatter through the windows.

"There are no...words to describe...the type of are. None. You...are what...everyone wants...who everyone needs...The danger...mixed with a thrilling kindness...The darkness tinged with light...The way you put on a mask of being a lone....aloof...unsympathetic... but then how you hold me...listen to kind and gentle to me...I love you are like this...with only me..." I spoke in a bare whisper arching my back up feeling his lips take a lengthy agonizing kiss of my cherry to incite a breathy moan from me. Collapsing my teeth against my lips, I bit into the immense level of shrieks that were begging to come out of me.

He began to take me on another escape putting me on a sudden high without a warning as I began to take shallower breaths continuing to rummage my hands deeply into the sheets unable to control the sudden surge of a magnetic sheer force that was sparking out of my flower. Penetrating his fingers on the corner of my hips, he began to scavenge for the subtle creams swiveling out of my tulip that laid delicately between my thighs right under my waist. His savage like, vicious kisses continuing to unlayer my flower with his lips molding on to my flesh.

"Baby...but you are the one...who can truly have me...Only you can have deserve me...A woman like you deserves a man like me...The innocence...The naivity...The ability to never think or do harm to others...A woman like you is what I have...always been looking for..." He bellowed out continuing to adore me as I felt heat rush up my legs and to my heart turning crimson. My smile widening feeling him continuing to deflower me in the gentle, yet, most bold way possible continuing to unknot me as he began to leave thrill seeking, possessive kisses to embolden me with confidence. I too deserve to be fulfilled...satisfied...that I too have a claim on my sensuality that only I have a right one else, but only me.

"Say my name...I want you to only say my name from now on..." He whispered tracing his hands down my thighs wanting to soon end this tryst knowing time was on our tails. My cheeks beginning to ignite themselves with fire as I closed my eyes shut not even wanting to look at him feeling shy how he has touched me...seen my flaws...taken me on many escapes that I have dared to express. He has explored me completely and yet continues to find mysteries and unravel them within me that I myself never knew I have had.

"Shivaay...Shivaay...Shivaay...." I began to repeat his name over and over again as he let out a small laugh seeing how I laid with my eyes closed shut tightly feeling a bit mortified how I have indulged in such plain acts of pure all night I have requested him to continue to make love to I have somehow been the one to seduce him only to give him the key to my virginity.

He lifted himself up above from me before tracing his hands down my arms only to bring me up with a large force. Confusion hitting me as I opened my eyes slightly to encounter his reddened eyes that were a product of no sleep from last night.

A soft warm sheet making its way around me as I felt his fingers drag it up against my bare back letting it wrap around me delicately. My gaze lowering feeling his eyes wander down my secrets that he was slowly beginning to layer wanting to protect them from even a lifeless object's dirty sight. Blushing slightly, I appeared to take deeper breaths finding myself struggling to take a grasp of my heart that is now beating without a rhythm craving for another kick of ripened lust that he has to offer me.

Silence touching the both of us as we sat still on the bed finding ourselves intrigued by each other's presence...lack of words still enough for us as we both found ourselves endearing the idea that it is only the both of us for once being able to express ourselves in a hauntingly dangerous way that makes us become a savage, yet, somehow still human to take a drip of toxic lovemaking that we both like.

His hands wrapping around my neck as I kept my gaze low in demure feeling him admiring me once again. He pressed his lips tenderly against my temple before leaning against the back of the bed while I kept my silence sitting next to him wrapped in the white sheet feeling utterly coy in his presence.

"You are beautiful...Do you even know what you have? What you possess?" He spoke softly before pulling me into an embrace as I smiled shyly burying my lips into his neck leaving a gentle kiss against it.

"You are like that river...which many want to touch...taste...ravish upon, but you let your currents run only allowing some to even come near even adore treasure you..." His lines making my heart skip a beat as he ran his fingers through my waves continuing to lay paper thin kisses against my neck enough to arouse a wave of blissed petals down my navel wanting him to enter me again to allow their escape.

"Shivaay...stop...We have to stop now. As much as you want this I want it to, but we have to leave in half an hour," I whined feeling his hands wrap around my neck as he fully indulged in hot, wicked kisses that were making my flesh turn a bloody red wanting him to continue. His lips molding and merging into the plums of the nape of my neck continuing to succulate upon my flesh leading his saliva run down only to lick it away.

A small sigh escaping from my lips as I slipped my hand out of my sheet trying to pull his lips up knowing he was once again getting lost. " want this and so do I...we can stop quickly again..." He muttered trying to play off innocence as I giggled wrapping my hands around his neck forcing him to look into my eyes.

He showed a small pout while beginning to frown not liking that he was being told we have to postpone. I began to lean in closer letting my lips brush against his ear as he slightly trembled appearing to be affected my light touch. A small smile touching me liking how I somehow have that same noxious affect upon him which he has on me.

"No baby no. Rest we have to save for later...for Goa. You wanted to introduce me to let's postpone this for that...When we get to our hotel room in Goa...we can indulge in many fantasies that I also have and want you to fulfill..." I held an unusual seduction in my voice which appeared to rumble through the passioned tryst we both had just indulged in...a tryst that somehow empowers me with a confidence that forces me to take reign of others including him.

His nose brushing against my cheek before revealing a wide smirk to me liking my thought with his blue hues reflecting a scheming demon that was already thinking of ways to make our hotel room an interesting playground of experiments.

"You want to do be introduced? You?" He questioned again raising his eyebrow trying to ensure he had heard me correctly as I sighed looking away immediately feeling myself turn an apple red clearly having been caught in weaving wrongful, dirty fantasies that somewhere I too have a hunger for.

My mind going back to last night reminding myself of the various ways he had unknotted me...the ways he eased me only to take me on mysterious rides where I found new enigmas about myself that I myself never knew of. The way he ran his hands down my neck to guide me in uncharted territory as I took a taste of him...The way he held my arms up against the wall while continuing to make love to me without any hesitation wanting to take me to a different ride...The way he found various spots in this room to make love to me...Believe me last night was when I reached the edge of my insanity and I loved it...I reveled in it...and I want more of it.

Taking his hand into mine, I looked into his eyes that held curiosity continuing to figure my thoughts as I slightly smiled before kissing the edges of his finger tenderly.

"Y-yes. I want to be introduced to new ways of...finding...exploring...and embracing who I truly am and always have wanted to be. This is what I have wanted...I have wanted to let go of my virgin ways and take a love for my sensuality...I do not believe in the ways of the world anymore...I do not want to be part of this social fabric...I want to be myself and fulfill what I want whether it is pleasure to what I want to do in life to what type of person I want to be...and thank you for making me realize that this is what I have always wanted for long..." Despite the hesitation, I held an uncanny sense of confidence not found before within me...a confidence of truly accepting my needs...and understanding that expressing them or even desiring them is not wrong...We all are human after all...and it is not wrong to want want a sexual desire and fulfill it.

His fingers grazing lightly against the side of my heated cheek making me shiver slightly as I heaved twisting my waist inward becoming aware that a hit of his toxic touch is enough to weaken me...but enough to empower me as well.

Suddenly his arm wrapped around me pulling me against his chest as I let out a laugh feeling his lips molding into the nape of neck pulling the sheet off of my shoulder while layering me with eager, urgent kisses only to stop and leave a vicious bite. My hands wrapping around his arm pulling myself closer feeling himself pace his chest against my back only to take a lick of my hot ear before chewing on my earlobe making me whimper slightly.

"You are a mystery and seeing you unlayer yourself to reveal such sexy boldness...turns me on to a point that I want to take you in right now. Never thank me though...I do not want that. You earned this...You have earned me. You earned to be made love to in a manner that no one else can...I want to explore fantasies with you, but I am dominant Anika...I do not like to surrender...Do you understand what I mean?" He hissed the dangerous line against my ear making a shiver go down my spine inciting an imminent thrill within me liking the role play in my mind completely having wished it all along...wanting him to be the one to lead and I to fulfill...

Holding my own seductive smile, I turned my head towards him before wrapping my hand around his cheek running it against his beard becoming attracted to the strong jawline beneath it that exhibit his true manliness in a way that I never saw in anyone else before...including that ex who was a complete coward.

His hand immediately snaking around my waist lifting me on to his lap as my smile widened liking how he reads me in an instant knowing what I want and when. He appeared to be catching on to my decision as he held a devilish smile before pulling me closer against his chest as I grabbed a tight hold of his jaw.

"Be dominant. I like it that way baby...I do not like to be with cowards. I want to be with a man who can actually satisfy me...a man who knows what I need...I want you to do everything to me that will give me my escape...Do you understand? I want you to be the one to lead me in this...I want you...and only you...not a sick coward that I was stuck with...I thank my stars that he left me...because I would never have known what a man is...You showed me what a true man is...Only you..." I engraved his confidence into him firing his ego that is the dangerous being which runs him in these trysts and allows him to be the man he truly is. His eyes scrolling over me trying to take in my statement and figure where I had undertaken such a large state of self confidence not found within me before.

He appeared to want to speak, but I silenced him. Latching my lips on to his, I introduced my own flavors into his mouth letting him take a taste of sweet innocence that I have always lovingly used to mask a seductress who held many horned temptations. His mouth tasting dangerously bitter as I slipped my tongue into it pressing myself on to him to increase the pace of our lips which began to sloppily drag down against each other. Our mouths opening to introduce hotness into each other as we both began to take a wet taste of each other's salivating hunger and intoxicating cravings.

"Give me everything...that you told me last night of...the way you want to unkot me...the different methods..." I whispered against his lips that trembled before looking into his eyes that held an intoxication of me.

His eyes widening appearing shocked by my statement as I let out a giggle only to appeared flustering red hot. Burning a temperate warm, I pressed my lips against his gently letting the kiss be lasting for a moment wanting to take a luscious taste of his lips one last time.

Lifting myself off of his lap, I wrapped the bedsheet around me lightly slipping off from the bed knowing we had to end this tryst now considering we have half an hour to leave.

He held a wide mouth open still stunned by my statement having not expected it from me as I continued to giggle letting my eyes wander seeing the mess in it that we both created from last night.

Lamps having fallen only to break...Paintings collapsed on the couch which was pushed against the fireplace...Pillows drawn on the ground on which we both had laid...making love.

Turning slightly red, I steadily made my way towards my suitcase laying next to the door as I opened it quickly to take out my clothes to wear. Last night was a little wild I will not lie...It was unusual in the way we wrecked havoc in one small place by making love in various grounds feeling unhinged and only wanting to explore each other....from the wall to the even the floor...we did not leave one place where love was not made except the bathroom where he did want to take me, but somehow never happened due to sleep that suddenly had overcome me.

Did I hold a virgin curiosity? Perhaps yes. I am curious and I kind of wanted to indulge in exploration and I liked it...I found thrill in it and I want more of it...I want him to be with me the way he was last night...held me gentle, but with some dominance...however enough to turn me on and satisfy me in a manner that put me on a path of more cravings.

"What you saw last night in this room was nothing compared to what I can do...Do you realize that?" He held a husky voice enough to make my legs drop another pound of weakness as I lifted my sheet up before placing on my undergarments while hiding the sight from him who sat still on the bed behind me.

His lines making my heart skip a beat as I sighed taking a deep breath trying to add rhythm to my rambling heartbeats that were running in lunacy trying to figure the meaning his words despite having some familiarity to it with what he had mentioned to me last night.

"You are so shy Anika...I mean you cannot even change your clothes in front of me and to think you will like to see more of the side of pleasure..." He let out a chuckle amused by me as I felt a tinge of my temper boil up not liking how he was doubting my ability to perform.

Taking my bed sheet off, I immediately threw it on the ground feeling furious while continuing to hear his laugh. Turning on my feet, I stood in front of him revealing the lacy fabrics that covered me as his eyes widened immediately hitting a bulge underneath the sheet covering his waist.

Throwing him a glare, I grabbed a hot pink dress from my suitcase before making my way slowly towards him slamming my feet against the ground trying to pound my anger into it not liking how he had laughed at me.

Snapping the straps of my bra loudly, I stopped my feet on the ground in front of him trying to put a tease seeing him drool like a wolf continuing to let his eyes roam over the black lacy fabric covering the corners of my cleavage which was popping its way out.

"Like what you see?" I asked innocently throwing my waves behind my shoulder allowing him a better view as he licked the corner of his lips continuing to gouge his eyes down on my breasts that protruded their way out of the fabric.

"W-What is this?...Where do you get clothes like these?....But the big question is how the hell did you get your suitcase considering you lost the key to your room?!" He suddenly began to bombard me with questions jumping up on the mattress looking towards me feeling furious how I had just endorsed a plain cotton fabric on my skin last night when we made love, but now here I am wearing lacy fabric.

Letting out a giggle, I took a step closer wrapping my hands around his neck leaning over on to the bed seeing his eyes wander up to me continuing to boil in a rage. "I showered in the morning then went to reception to get the key and got my suitcase ready for the trip. Then I came back here dried my hair kind of and to you..." I held a playful tone flipping my waves against his face as he groaned not liking my statement. His fingers immediately taking a firm hold of my waist pulling me on to his thighs while he began to chew on his lips vigorously.

"What did you wear when you went to the reception desk? Anika...what did you wear? Who was at the desk there? Was it a female or male employee?" His voice appearing to hold an unusual sense of obsession filled with urgency continuing to run his hands through my hair ensuring I was fine.

Appearing confused I looked at him seeing his eyes reddening with his temper appearing to boil a notch up...that seething temper that he had displayed yesterday in front of his own mother revealing how barbaric it can be.

"I wore your shirt and a bathrobe over myself before going downstairs. The employee was a poor woman who was barely holding on to her sleep like no other employee was in sight...Gosh she took forever to find another key, but found one eventually. I honestly wanted to wake you up to get the keys for me, but you felt asleep immediately after taking a shower and I felt bad considering I kind of kept you up all night and I was difficult with..." Feeling slightly mortified by the last few words, I turned a shade of red lowering my gaze beginning to play with my dress as I opened it out of its folds before unzipping the back zipper of it. His hands suddenly grabbing my thighs letting a surprise shriek erupt from me as with a force he wrapped my legs around his waist slowly beginning to straddle me.

A small laugh erupting from me by the sudden move of his as I wrapped my arms around him looking at him confused seeing him still holding a snaked displeasure in his blue hues which held a black cloud around it. His hand taking a hold of the back of my head pulling me closer forcing me to look into his eyes that held a sense of corruption.

"Anika I want to get one thing clear in your mind. You are only mine now do you understand? When I do flings, I expect a sense of loyalty from the other person involved which is you in this instance. I expect you to behave in a certain way...I do not want others to look at you or even dare to think of you in a manner that only I can. I will not tolerate if any man see's you the way I get to see you...the way I can touch you...the way I can admire you and make you feel...I have that right only Anika...only I. Do you understand? You are now only Shivaay Singh Oberoi's and that means you will now follow a set of guidelines that I also will follow..." His lines engraving possession....a haunting ached need to claim me as a stake...A glint of obsession appearing to run across his eyes as he pushed me against his waist continuing to straddle me while beginning to caress my back drumming his fingers against my spine.

He appeared slightly demonic with his eyes holding glazes of rage that he appeared to hold back on. He veiled his demon it with patience playing off a different mask of a gentle soul. There is subtle manipulation in him that I can catch indicative he is a dominant man that likes to run a reign over each and every aspect of his life.

But the possession he feels for me is one that I too am beginning to build as well. Somewhere I know that in this moment, if I see him with any other woman, I will likely lose my mind because I have given myself fully up to him...I gave up my virginity to him in an instant without even fully knowing him because somewhere I feel this connection with him that I never have felt before with anyone else...It feels as if I know him since forever and that allows me to trust him.

Taking a deep breath, I began to ponder over his statement that is claiming a guideline for me and him to follow. I continued to open the zipper to my dress feeling unhinged by how I sat in his lap where he began to move his hands up and down my thighs trying to ease me into his request.

"Can you help me?" I whispered to him as I handed him the dress who appeared confused how I have not yet commented on his demand.

A set of tears touching my eyes as I lowered them feeling a little fearful of his guidelines not wanting to be shackled again the way I have been by my family for years. Somewhere I do fear that I am merely becoming shackled again from a conservative ideology of my family to only jump into a bond that holds rules.

Raising my arms up in the air, I let him slide the chiffon hot pink sundress down me allowing his fingers to glide roughly down my breasts letting them roll down the corners of the laced fabric. A small whimper escaping from me as I immediately pulled him into an embrace feeling his fingers digging deep underneath the laced fabric to only feel the softness of my breasts. My eyes closing shut as I buried my lips into his neck beginning to lay a repetitive set of tender whisked kisses against his neck. His hands continuing to encircle on the two rose buds of my bosom finding himself intrigued by how he had failed to give more love to them during our tryst.

"I also expect loyalty Shivaay and promise to be loyal to you while we are in this fling together, but have to give me loyalty as well. I want you to only appreciate my only make love to only claim me and no other woman..." I whispered against his ear making it heat up red as I took a bite of it in an instant biting my request into him to only incite a groan from him.

His hands digging into my back making it tense as I sighed feeling his fingers entwine with the zipper to only pull it up slowly forcing himself to close it although in this moment, he wants to drop me out of this dress and continue to make love to me.

Wrapping his hand into my waves, he lifted my head up slightly revealing a weak smile before leaning down and laying a brief kiss on my cheek. His eyes reflecting an answer to my request appearing to have embraced it as I dragged my hand down is chest rubbing my thumb into his muscles liking how they flex underneath my touch.

"I know you are a woman who will continue to show loyalty to me no matter what...that loyalty is embedded in this heart of yours'," He spoke priding over loyalty that I will give...which he himself may not.

A sense of fear wrapping itself around me while I sat still looking into his eyes trying to determine if he was being genuine considering the image he himself has nurtured and somewhere proudly admits of it.

"Loyalty is serious Shivaay...You do realize that loyalty means being committed to one person and only that person until you decide to not be with them....You want us to follow guidelines well one of it should be that we both have to be loyal not just me...and we both have to vow to it no matter what may come be..." I continued to entrance the thought into him trying to catch him if he was lying to me aware that I myself do not want to be used the way Ayaan did.

He held a smile lifting himself up continuing to carry me in his arms as I kept my legs wrapped around him. Feeling confused by his sudden set of movement, I wrapped my hands tightly around his neck while he sighed before leading me to his walk in closet setting me down carefully on the small sofa.

Appearing confused, I continued to look at him while he scavenged in his closet for a pair of clothes he can change in. Not once replying to my previous statement, he took out a navy blue collared shirt and blue jeans beginning to undrape the sheets around his waist.

My cheeks turning cherry blossom red as I immediately looked away still finding some unease on seeing his bare flesh although I have already seen most of it if not all.

"Shivaay I was talking to you and here you are changing not once replying to my request," I whispered with my voice continuing to tremble feeling mighty shy of how he was continuing to change in front of me. He sighed taking a deep breath before zipping up his jeans and placing on his collared shirt.

"Because I have a reason sweetheart. It is important we discuss a few things before I decide to make promises to you. I want to ensure you understand what you are getting into if you really want us to advance this fling to another level...a level that you want to explore although it may test you," He spoke in a practical tone grabbing the back of my head kissing my forehead affectionately as I pouted looking at him.

"Then tell me what I am getting into now...I want to know," I whined with eagerness grabbing the end of his shirt beginning to button it up while seeing him hold a smirk liking how I was tempted to learn about his ideas.

"Now are we not supposed be leaving soon? Come on get up and help me pack or else if that plane flies off for Goa, I do not know what I am going to do...I mean it is technically a fucking vacation." Shivaay trying to divert my attention as he hurriedly grabbed his suitcase gesturing me towards his closet to help him with packing.

My eyes widening hear his last line appearing a little stunned by his comment as I kept my legs crossed looking at him beginning to imagine what exactly he means by a so-called "fucking vacation".

He let out a small smirk entertained by my expression that ran along the lines of a shoe being placed in a big horse's mouth. Slamming his hand against the suitcase on the table in front, he leaned towards me blowing heat across the locks of my hair making my lips quiver that found themselves being shamelessly teased by him.

"Well it is a fucking vacation considering how much we are going to fuck when we get there...Remember I only have agreed to go because we will be in that hotel room day and night. That is the only reason I am wasting a plane ticket to go there," He seethed in a husky voice enough to initiate a piqued liquid arousal within my flower feeling his seduction wrap itself proudly around me.

Biting my lip, I lowered my gaze playing with my fingers nervously finding myself thrilling over the fact of how much love we were going to make pleasuring over the idea, though, a little worried over what exactly the next level of our lovemaking may include.

"Now jaanan get up from the sofa and help me pack," He ordered holding a serious look as if he is my boss and I have to obey him although I do not want to considering this is not my work. But, putting into the fact, how much I have tired him out from last night, I guess I can help him.

Letting out a grumble not liking the idea of doing work, I lazily got up from the couch going towards the closet beginning to take his shirts out folding them quickly and placing them into his suitcase. My eyes moving towards him as he held his laptop reading something intently allowing me to do all the work for him.

Throwing him a glare, I mumbled a curse underneath my breath not liking that I am packing for him as if I am his wife. Craning my neck, I tried to peek at his laptop to ensure he is not picking up girls on the internet considering he is a mighty playboy who loves to indulge in the art of fucking.

Swiftly turning his head towards me, he grimaced disapproving over how I am trying to poke my nose in his privacy. "What are you doing Anika? Go and pack. There is nothing to see on my laptop right now," He scolded changing his mask to the demonic one in which he loves to relish on commanding and asserting his authority over others telling them his wants and needs from them.

Throwing the last piece of his pants into the suitcase, I crossed my arms looking at him not liking his tone. "Excuse me Mr. Oberoi, this is not my job to do. I am not your wife or so-called Mrs. Shivaay Singh Oberoi...I am Anika Malhotra mind you and you cannot just order me around. You can order other people around but not me because you know why?" I smacked the rude tone back to him appearing to shock his wrangled, screwed up creature that found itself astonished by being spoken to in such a brutish manner.

"Anika look at how you are speaking to me! I do not like this tone right now..." He raising his voice pointing his finger to me as he slammed the laptop shut before throwing it into his laptop bag emitting his anger into it.

Beginning to tap my foot quickly against the ground feeling frustrated by his uncouth nature, I bent down against the drawer of his closet attempting to pull on it though it appeared stuck. Grunting, I tried to pull on it harder with all my force while looking at him who now held a smirk liking the struggle I was facing.

"Baby I can use any tone with you if you will try to rule me! You know why I can do this? Because I am the only one who has agreed to fuck with you. I am the one who gave you a taste of a virgin which a man like you likely never had considering the women you have been with. Oh and you know what the hell is funny is that you are a playboy yet you expect loyalty from me. What a hardcore jerk you are! I mean honestly I have had enough of people walking over me all my life and now I get you! The great Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi who also now has these so-called guidelines and tells me how I should be! Like baby, I gave you myself last night and you can never get a better woman than me...You should be thankful you got me considering the weird women you likely fucked! I be honest the way you have complimented me and told me I am the best woman you have ever made love to shows that indeed I am worth it...I am worth being admired...being pampered...being treated well and not being told what to do!" I began to rant loudly with my anger hitting a high leveled peak finally blowing my top off not liking how he has been ordering me around in these past few minutes and questioning me as if he owns me.

I began to slam my hand against the drawer angrily while looking at him wanting to incite and pinch his darned big ego, but failing utterly at it. He stood above me letting his eyes wander down to the deep neck of my dress finding himself oogling my breasts before letting out a chuckle.

"Oh and you do not own me by the way! See I run you considering you find something in me that has forced you to make love to me so many times. Hell, you just want to tear my dress right now and make love to me in this moment, but you cannot because Anika rules her body and her wants and need not you. You cannot even touch these!" I snapped pointing my finger directly at my breasts flaunting their vulptouousness to him as he pursed his lips tightly feeling threatened by the fact that I was speaking the truth to him.

His eyes holding a lace of distaste while he clenched his fists a little bit taking a grasp of his temper that I likely had riled up even though I was speaking my mind finding remnants of confidence within me. Somewhere after last night, I feel different...I feel as if I have more power over myself...power over my own body. I feel that my virginity was somehow shackling me and letting it go has given me a new lease on my life...a new identity.

"Why isn't this drawer opening?! What crap do you have in here?!" I exclaimed pulling on the drawer hard only to fall back as it rummaged open with suddenly odd objects beginning to fly out.

A squeal erupting from me feeling a metal object fall on to my lap immediately as crossed my legs up looking towards Shivaay who suddenly began to laugh throwing his head up in the air before slamming his hand against the closet trying to balance himself from the giddiness he held.

Grabbing the metal object in my hand, I quickly got up not liking how he was laughing at me as if I am some clown. "Hey! Do not laugh at me Shivaay! I am being serious here that you cannot just tell me what to do! I am not following any guideline that involves me listening to you and having to behave as your wife!" I continued to argue pointing the object towards him angrily only to catch sight of it.

Suddenly, a current of shock stung itself loudly against me as my hand began to tremble seeing what I was holding in my hand. My jaw dropping down while staring at the object with pills of surprise popping within me unable to grasp on what I was holding.

A deafening chuckle escaping from him once again as my eyes shot up turning completely red while staring at the object beginning to catch on the idea of what it was and what he will do with it. His palm slithering against mine taking a grasp of the metal object only to snatch it away from me and raise it in front of my eyes.

"So, I does not want to feel owned when we make love huh?" He spoke in a dangerous whisper snapping his hands loudly against the metal object releasing it in front of my eyes.

Handcuffs. What. The. Hell.

My body immediately slamming itself against the back of the closet as I kept my eyes fixed on the metal pieces along with unusual silky fabric combined with ropes spilling themselves out on to the floor below me. My heart increasing its beats beginning to throb violently against my heated flesh that flustered red while I trembled nervously realizing exactly the function all of these.

He began to take steps towards me holding a smirk finding himself delighted over my mortified expression liking the subtle shyness I was beginning to display upon imagining how we both may use these objects on each other. His chest pressing itself gently against mine as he wrapped his hands around my wrists right where he would place those handcuffs to make love to me.

He began to lean down towards my lips continuing to brush the metal handcuffs against my hand, but not daring once to put them on without my permission.

"Do not be scared...This is why I want to talk to you alone in privacy where we both can discuss the boundaries of this fling...I want to take you to the next level, but only by easing you in Anika...Last night after we made love, I have formed an idea...a plan in my mind...about us, not just you and me individually, but us...However, let's pause on this and discuss once we get on that airplane to Goa...Just keep an open mind for now alright?" He spoke calmly trying to hold my wandering eyes that skimmed the objects on the ground finding my mind now running on high speed imagining how he would use all of these on me...the thrill...the excitement....the high...He will give this to me...all of it.

But still, what the heck Shivaay?! I have watched "Fifty Shades of Grey" shamelessly in the privacy and dark corners of my room plenty of times to know what these are and I cannot believe that this man has bought these on his trip to India. What the hell was he thinking in carrying these around with him? Like no seriously, which sane person takes these on a vacation?

His hands rubbing against my shoulders as I kept still feeling myself run on a frenzied spree of wicked thoughts. Pulling me closer, he leaned his lips against my temple leaving a tender kiss on it, but failing to soothen my wild, furious curiosity over what exactly he was thinking bringing these on his trip.

"W-What the hell is this though?! Are you like a sex addict or something that you decided to bring all of these objects on your trip?! Do not tell me you brought other girls to this room before making love to me last night! Have you picked up other girls like Shivaay....seriously tell me because I want honesty from you!" I exclaimed with my temper boiling within me like hot lava finding displeasure on the fact that maybe other girls were brought to this exact bed where he made love to me many times since last night.

He let out a chuckle amused by my reaction while he shook his head kneeling down and beginning to pick up all of the unusual pleasuring objects from the ground finding no shame in touching them. Sighing he pushed the objects into the suitcase burying them underneath the pile of his clothes before zipping it shut.

"Anika I assure you the only girl I have brought to this room is you and you are the first one I have made love to in quite a few months...So, you should be proud that you broke my celibacy that I was hanging on to for a while," He muttered jokingly holding a wicked smile as I threw him glare continuing to tap my foot angrily against the ground unable to believe that this man who portrays himself to be aloof, reserved holds these type of objects that are utilized for purposes of pleasure...This man.

Never would I ever thought he would have these type of sick objects although they are quite appealing. I know many people do not have taste in these type of things, but I would be lying to myself if I say I am not curious...that I do not want to try these on myself or on him...I mean the idea of using these objects on him is tempting...quite tempting...To reign him and control him is something that arouses me...that I like.

" are you a sex addict?" I questioned holding on to my curiosity of him as he rolled his eyes while putting his shoes on. He bit his lip thinking over my question, but finding it indifferent as if it does not matter that somewhere he might carry a subtle addiction for sex.

"Let's get going now we can discuss more on our flight as I am booking you first class with me. No way in hell will I allow you to travel with that filth you call family on economy," He held a joyful tune to his voice finding himself elated by my reaction liking how I had not ran away from him fearing his intentions, but still sticking around for curiosity.

A small smile touching my lips as I sighed unable to grasp on to what this man truly is, but somewhat liking his shade even though it is a little worrisome on how he carries many masks within him.

Taking my hand immediately, he began to lead me out into his bedroom while dragging his suitcase along the way. Stopping right by the door, he immediately knelt down to my open suitcase taking out a pair of black flats for me. His eyes lifting up immediately as he revealed a smile before taking my foot as I flinched trying to pull it back not liking how he had taken hold of it.

"Shivaay stop! What are you doing?" I grabbed his hand trying to stop him from holding my foot while he rubbed it gently. A small chill running through me as I leaned back against the wall trying to balance myself finding a liking to his gesture, but still not wanting him to be at my feet.

"You said it yourself that you want to be treated right by me...You want to be pampered...You want to be an empress of sorts...and so now I will show you a different side of luxury that you have never seen before...I will treat you the way you should be treated Anika," He spoke softly without any hesitance appearing confident of showing me a different shade of leisure opulence that I have not seen ever.

A weak smile touching me liking how he has mellowed due to my scolding obeying me without any hesitation. A man like him who runs each and every person, obeying to me is something I like...It shows his serious interest in me which somewhere I want. I know last night, I kept repeating that this is a fling...that we will part...but right now as I am standing here while he holds my feet even showing them a nurtured sense of love...I want him. I do not want him for a moment, but perhaps....forever.

Caressing my feet gently, he leaned over letting his lips collapse against my calf where he opened his mouth letting his tongue run down only to leave a ravishing agonizing kiss on it. My hands taking a strong grasp of the wall behind me as I heaved feeling my flower tremble between my thighs finding it piquing arousal as it began to open itself up.

Holding a genuine small smile, he slipped my feet into the pair of flats before rubbing my calves gently pulling me forward towards him. A complete silence hitting the both of us as he held my foot placing it on his thigh as we both found ourselves captured by each if we both have known each other much longer than known. There is this eerie mystery between the both of us...a mystery in our bond...that I know we both have...It feels as if we are bonded since long not just now.

"I never want to part from you Anika...It feels odd to say considering how little we know each other, but it feels right to be with you. It feels right to have you here...To see you here continuing to be besides me despite seeing an ugly shade in that closet with those objects...shows me that somewhere fate is controlling the both of us. That despite how different you and I both are...we both are meant to be. You are meant to be only mine. The fact that I continue to obey to your I have not dared to be angered upon how you scolded I listened to you and here I am at your feet wanting to tell you that you will be treated kindly by me...tells me that fate has completely taken control of me and wants me to be shackled to you. You make me weak Anika in an unusual way...I get strength from you to face feel I am human, but then I feel weak in my flaws...I feel weak in the idea of being dominant...Anika...I want you...I cannot make commitments Anika...It is not possible for me, but I want you...You are what I have been looking for." He let his heart speak its innocent truth for once allowing it to weave itself into my own heart triggering a spark impulse from it enticing it with his invitation of making our bond much stronger than what it is as of now.

My heartbeats beginning to increase as I held a shy smile finding myself blissed with how he had just spoken my own despite being different, we both run on the same path of where we want to proceed this bond. Running my fingers through my waves, I continued to hold a smile not knowing what to say, but clearly loving his lines completely captivated by them becoming aware that the territory we both are walking on at the moment is a path to forever...we both want a nameless bond, but one that is forever.

Clasping my hands around his neck I immediately pulled him against my chest forcing his head to lower and look into my eyes. "And you are what I realize I always wanted and needed...I pity myself that all this time I have been crying over a wrong man who was never worth it...I had always been looking for a man like you...One who is strong, confident, yet, gentle, kind, considerate towards me...One who gives me strength...One whose company is enough to kill my loneliness...One who makes me smile even when there is nothing to smile about...I want every bit of you Shivaay and for me...I want only you now...So I want to let you know that make me yours', but also make yourself mine...Will you do that for me?" I questioned finding my lips trembling feeling a hint of vulnerability wrap its way around me weakening my heart and forcing me to confess a bitter pill...that somewhere I am finding myself weaving a passionate deep desire to keep this man forever...

His eyes meeting mine appearing stunned that I am on the same page as him on where I want to take our relationship...that somewhere I want the both of us together as one...that I see him and I with a potential of forever. A weak smile crossing his lips with tears holding his eyes something I never thought I would see...His tears telling the stories of many wounds he likely has held as a product of his past...wounds he wants to hide from me, but somewhere is building a trust that he can show them to me...He see's me as one who can heal him as I see him as one who has saved me.

"Yes...I will make you mine...We do not need a name for our bond. Trust, loyalty, and honesty is enough to tie us and I know you and I both are willing to do that...So, I will be yours' Anika...until you want to finish it...but I never want to end what we have started...You are too precious now...You are precious to me Anika and losing you will be awful that I know..." He spoke softly slowly poking a thread into my heart weaving me to him and initiating a commitment of unusual sorts...a commitment without a name...without any identity, but one that is a being of its own which is hypnotizing the both of us and snapping us into a fantasy of being together forever...without any reason or cause...

His hands wrapping into the nape of my neck pulling me closer as he began to lean down enchanting me completely forcing me to submit to his vulnerability. Our lips beginning to move closer as I felt him blow heat gently on to mine making them quiver and force them to beg him to take them in. An unusual magnetic force tying us together with an enigma of...dare I say love...dangerously running around us trying to entrap us...trying to make us fall in the sheets of not lust, but love...sheer love.

"Kiss me right now if you want us to be together for longer than just a fling...That we can keep this as a fling of sorts in sense of not giving it name, but that you want to be with me not just for a moment, but a mate that I can share my sorrows with...that I can keep happy...that I can make love to...Kiss me right now Anika if you want that...Right now kiss me if you want more which I know I will be able give to you because for some reason I feel as if I have finally gained you after losing you for so long...It feels odd, but I feel a connection with you that I never have felt towards any woman. You are not a mere object of pleasure for me, but deeper than that. Your innocence...Your naiveness...Your smile...Your thoughts...The ability in you to challenge me, yet, listen to me and comfort me...This ability you have to understand me...I love all of it...And I want to keep you longer than just a kiss me right now if you want in the sense you want to partner with me and be my mate..." He let his heart speak more, but now bravely with powders of ecstasy that now screaming a level of passionate attraction...desire...want...craving he held for me. His tears begging me to allow him to take me take me on my pull me out of the claws of my family and show me a beauty that I have not seen yet.

Mate...partner...without a name, but one that may be with him for longer...forever. He does not want to let go of me...His eyes show fear of ending us and that fear right now is imploding the heartbeats of my heart daring to subject it to captivity...but a captivity that I willingly will find joy in...confidence in...and even life in...This man is my escape. He has everything that I need...I do not need love, but I need comfort, security, and a sense of strength that he somehow gives me...Do I believe in love? No. But, is it possible am falling for him? Maybe.

I want to be his mate. I do. This is what I need...To be with a person who can forever fill this gap of loneliness that I carry...A person who is able to understand me. To care for me only. To make me feel wanted in a way that gives me the confidence to continue to live.

Revealing a tearful smile, I leaned my lips in barely brushing them against his as he let out a small sigh holding on his patience with a lingering fear that I may just back out. "Kiss me if you want me forever. Give me the kiss and Anika will be yours' forever...Not as a lover, but as a mate with who you can be yourself...with who you can entrust yourself with...with who...who can make you feel wanted...Kiss me now Shivaay if you want to be my partner forever..." I whispered against his lips as silence hit a tempo between us with our hearts continuing to beat against each other vigorously reveling in the fact how we both somewhere were daring to cross the boundary we set last night of maintaining a fling...because clearly right now we both are desiring to have more out of this relationship.

And then it happened.

Without any hesitation...He latched his lips on to mine giving me the kiss as a promise to be mine forever and to fulfill our bond as a forever. Both of our lips forming an instant smile as I wrapped my arms around his neck only to stumble back against the wall before pulling him into my embrace. Our lips slowly starting the kiss with his lips taking a deep control of my quivering ones as he began to ravish me with a feverish, yet, soothing kiss to calm my trembling heart letting it know that he shall treasure it now forever. My lips barely holding a reaction finding themselves drowning in a subtle creamed sweetness his mouth indicative that his promise held a point of pure honesty that was milking itself into his flesh. The pace of our lips increasing as we continued to beat our own rhythm collapsing into a sloppy, drooled kiss only to retrieve into an intoxicating, turbulent kiss. Our lips continuing to open and close entering a dired desire to continue to taste each other with the heat that simmered into our flesh.

His hands wrapping around my waist tightly before grazing down my inner thigh inciting a moan from me. His fingers protruding the dangerous border of my flower as I continued to whimper immediately letting go of his lips before collapsing against the wall feeling his continue to rub the corners of my thigh.

He held a smile pressing his chest gently against me as I let out a giggle liking the tease, but somehow wanting it to stop knowing we both are running short on our time. Both of our smiles holding an unusual glow that appeared reserved, but enough to portray our glee over how we both were not going to end our relationship...ever.

"Anika you are mine now forever do you understand? I only want you now and you are likely the last woman I want to be with...No lie Anika. I want you to be mine now and forever and I am glad you want this as well...So now let's focus only on us and no one else...We will go to Goa only to build our bond...that is all. We will build our relationship and...we will never name it, but we will strengthen it to a point that we both will embrace it forever," He spoke holding that clear intention indicating that he is being honest and that we both are in this together without any regrets...

My hand wrapping into his as I entwined our fingers before looking into his eyes that were reflecting a deep level of only me. Laying my head on his shoulder, I laid a kiss on his heart finding its beats only for me.

"Yes Shivaay....we both will only focus on a unusual forever in which we do not have a name to our bond, but one that will tie us in a manner that we can fill our loneliness and make each other know that we too are wanted..." I whispered letting out my tears only for his palms to wipe them away as he pulled me into an embrace laying a tender kiss on my forehead, but enough to let me know that indeed we both are entering a path to a forever that is not for love, but for survival...a survival to feel wanted, needed, and just human.


So, I had to extend this chapter from the previous one because I did get feedback that I did not do full justice to Shivaay and Anika's first lovemaking scene, so I decided to kind of extend it and show that how easily they have found comfort in each other.

This chapter is a crucial turning point as the end shows a very important statement which is Shivika are indulging in the uncharted territory of a nameless relationship in which there is no love, but an unusual sense of partnership both of them want in which they can be friends, but more than that as they understand each other on a soulmate level able to understand each other's thoughts, beliefs, and needs. I know this is controversial and I know what was found in Shivaay's closet is also controversial, hence, why I ended this update and did not add more. I want to see what readers feel about Shivika's relationship being a little more raunchy and rated R.

So my questions are:

1) What do you feel about Shivaay forming "guidelines" in his relationship with Anika? What guidelines do you want in sense of giving Anika power?

-Anika has power as seen in how she controlled Shivaay in this update in different scenes and she is gaining her self confidence and self love and this will further increase and be seen in her interactions with her crazy family in the next chapter. This story will show her journey in growing up because right now she is 23 and at 23 one still has naiveness and this is her journey of kind of becoming more bold. This Anika is different from the one in LTLHA seen in how she scolded Shivaay in the story, so please do keep this in mind.

2) What do you feel about Shivika's unamed relationship? What problems will this cause?

3) Shivaay mentioned "babies" in this chapter, so what do you think he means by this?

If this chapter was too rated R then I will cut back on it. Please let me know which scenes you want me to censor and I will censor it, so please do comment below or message me and I will censor the scenes :)

Thank you for reading and please do like, vote, comment and share :)

I did not add too much drama since everyone is already worried due to the coronavirus, so I wanted to keep these Goa updates a little relaxed with Shivika's romance and less problems. Right now I am just building their relationship before bringing problems to the story.

Thank you :)



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