Chapter 22..

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Ashar's POV.
"What are you doing Maham?" I asked looking at her who was tangling herself with flowers.

"Yes what,are you doing? We are here to decorate Zayan's room and you start making yourself showpiece." It was Shahyan looking at Maham whose hands were tangled with chaplets of flowers while many flowers were hanging around her neck.

Her hair were tied in a pony tail while some locks were teasing her face. She was looking so cute that made me smile and I just keep looking at her who was trying to untangle herself. Anabia went closer to her and tried to help her. It was actually Zayan's wedding day. We all friends were present in his house and now in his room decorating it for his wedding night.

"Hope you are happy now that we came before time." I said looking at Zayan who was laying peacefully on bed.

"Yes of course. By the way are you going to put these lighting also in my room?" He said and I nodded.

"Dude don't make my room a party hall." He said and we all burst into a laughter.

Soon Zayan's room was decorated and we all rusher to get ready. We boys were going to get ready in Zayan's house. I saw Maham going with Anabia and I sighed looking at my Maha. She turned to see me and fly a kiss over me to made me faltered on my feet. She giggled and ran out with Anabia. I smiled more thinking about my crazy Maha.

"Lost in your Maha's thoughts!" Zayan whispered in my ear and I came to my senses.

"Leave it. Get ready groom." I said and pushed him in the dressing room to change.

Me and Shahyan also started to get ready. Soon we three were ready looking handsome and dashing. 

"Man how I'm looking?" Our groom asked while combing his hair again.

"This os the third time you are asking this question. Now hurry up." Shahyan said and I chuckled looking at Zayan who was glaring at both of us.

"Guys its my wedding and you both are making fun of me." Zayan said and I laughed going closer to him.

"I know its your wedding. But you are getting late. Come on our bhabhi would be waiting." I said and he chuckled.

We all went out of his room down in hall where his all family friends and guests were waiting for the groom. His sisters were standing holding the turban in their hands. Zayan smiled and his mother hugged him and kissed him on his forehead to bless him. Sana and Hiba hold him from arms and made him sit on the sofa chair. They put the turban on his head doing the ritual and placed their hands in front of him.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Naaig(gift or money is given to sister by brothers on turban ritual)." Hiba asked and he smilingly placed some money  on her hand and both of his sisters smiled.

"I think we should leave now. Its getting late." Aunty said and all nodded.

I was looking around to find my Maha. Everyone was here. All the girls were here but where was she. Anabia was also here in front of me with girl. Maha was not there with girls. Where this girl is?? I thought and just keep looking around to find her.

"Looking for her?" I startled on the voice of Shahyan.

He pointed toward the main door and there she was. Coming in that red colour frock .Her hair were tied in a sided fish braid while her dupatta was around her shoulders and on her head covering it. With light make up and jewellery she was looking like a princesses. I smiled looking at her who was again fixing her dupatta while adjusting her braid. She look up at me and smiled.

"Okay boys. Take your friend to his car." Aunty's voice interrupted me from looking at my Maha.

I sighed and heard her giggle. We took Zayan out to made him sit in his car. Soon our cars depart to the hall in the form of baraat. As we reached the spot we were welcomed by Zayan's in-laws with flowers and crackers. Me and Shahyan joined with young boys start dancing. After all it was our best friend's wedding. We were totally enjoying it.

After having a fun and dance we entered in the hall. We were welcomed by flowers and roses. All the sister in laws of Zayan took him to the stage and made him sit there. We  all joined him there. Me and Shahyan were on his either sides talking to him cracking jokes. My eyes moved the the smiling face that just passed. My eyes start following her who was making my heart flutter.

"Dude control." I heard a whisper and look at Shahyan.

I smiled and again look at the face. Her smile her style her moving lips her blinking eyes everything was making me lose my senses.

"Have patience as I'm having." He whispered again and I startled.

"What you mean like you?" I asked didn't understand what he was saying.

"Nothing." he said and moved from there.

I saw him going closer to his mother. The function was combine. All family male and female were present in this hall while the male guest were on other side of hall which were being attended by Zayan's brothers.

I saw Shahyan coming with Qazi Sahib and Zayan's brothers.

"Nikah  is about to start." I whispered in Zayan's ear.

"Relax man." I said as I saw Zayan getting excited.

"I'll ask you to be relax on your Nikah ."  he said and all the memories of my Nikah  with my Maham start flashing on my mind.

"What happened?" Zayan asked and I shook my head to bring me back from memories.

"Nothing just imaging my Nikah ." I joked which made him laugh.

"With whom? Your Maha." He said and I smiled.

"My Maha." I whispered and my eyes went back to the curtain where she just disappeared.

Soon the Nikah  ceremony started and all the memories of my own wedding start running on the curtain of my mind. The Nikah  was done and the hall filled with the sounds congratulations. Me and Shahyan hugged Zayan to congratulate him. 

"Waiting to see your bride?" I whispered in his ear.

"Of course." He said and we both chuckled.

"Congratulations." We turned on the voice and saw Maham standing.

"Finally got married." She said while passing a box to Zayan.

"Thank you." Zayan replied while holding the gift.

"You are looking handsome." She said and I saw her eyes moved to me.

Just for a second she look at me and then walked down from the stage. I smiled on her words.

"That was for me or for you?" Zayan whispered in my ear and I pushed him back on his seat.

"Where is Shahyan going?" I asked looking at Shahyan who was going to the washroom  side.

"Leave him." Zayan said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"See your bride is coming." I said looking in front of me.

"And so is yours." Zayan commented.

My eyes stuck on her who was looking like a princess in the crowd of girls. All girls were coming along with bride. But my eyes were just on her who was walking so beautifully with a smile and lower eyes. She was not looking up as she knew that my eyes were on her. They stepped up on the stage and made bhabhi seated with Zayan.

"Perfect." Maham said looking at the pair of Zayan and bhabhi while I was just lost watching my Maha.

"Perfect." I whispered but I thought she heard.

She look at me with a light blush and walked down holding her dupatta to her head. I smiled and walked down behind her who was going out of the hall. Stepping out of the hall I walked around to find her. But she was nowhere. Going to the lawn I looked around to see her.

"Maha." I called her.

Anabia's POV.
"Shahyan what are you doing? Leave me." I said while pushing him back.

But he being stubborn pulled me to his arms and spun me around to the cage me between his arms. My back touched the wall and he leaned closer to me.

"Sha...Shahyan." I stutter as his heated eyes were fluttering my heart.

"Why are you looking so beautiful?" He whispered while leaning on my face and touched his cheek with mine.

My heart jumped and eyes closed down. Our cheeks caressed with each other and then I felt his lips kissed my cheek.

"Shahyan." I whispered.

He moved back and I opened my eyes to see him. His hand reached on my face and his thumb started running on my cheek to create tingling in my heart.

"Shahyan leave...leave.." But his thumb pressed against my lips stopping me.

"I'm losing myself in your beauty." He whispered while kissing my face.

"Sha...Shahyan." I tried to stop him.

"I love it when you call me like this." His voice brought a smile my face.

"Shahyan." I called him again while caressing his face.

"Yes." He said and I smiled.

"Move." I said as I pushed him back.

I giggled looking at his opened mouth.

"You should control yourself as we are in a gathering Mr Shahyan." I said while taking a step toward the hall.

"Not fair Biwi." I heard his protest which made me smile.

"Everything is fair." I said and walked to the hall.

I saw him coming behind me. I just keep walking without turning to the stage where all guests and girls were around bride and groom.

"Congratulations Bhai." I said as I stepped on the stage.

"Thank you." Zayan Bhai replied and I smiled.

"Congratulations bhabhi." I heard Shahyan's voice and smiled and just keep talking to Kashaf and Shahyan's sister Zainab.

Photo session started and we all start making pics with bride and groom. As I stood behind the couple I felt a hand on me. A smile touched my lips as I knew only my husband can do this. I turned a little to see him standing next to me. We smiled and the pic clicked.

"Anabia aapi come. Let's go to call Maham aapi." Zainab said and I nodded but her stubborn brother was not leaving my hand.

"Shahyan leave my hand." I whispered a little but he hold it more firmly.

"Zainab you go. I'm just coming." I said and she nodded.

I tried to free my hand but he was not letting it go. Thinking what to do I turned to him and he faced me too. Bringing a smile to my face I pinched on his hand with my other hand making him squeal. But in all this he freed my hand and I giggled.

I walked down from the stage leaving him shock when I bumped with someone.

"I'm sorry actually..." My words stuck in my throat as I saw the eyes.

Maham's POV.
"Maha." He called me.

Ad I love it when he called me Maha. His Maha. Only his. I was looking at him who was trying to find me. He was looking so handsome in his grey shirt with black pant. Top two buttons of his shirt were open and his sleeves were folded till his elbows.  A black waistcoat was making him more adorable.

"Maha." Again. His voice and I brought myself out of my gazing.

I smiled and walked to him who was finding me around.

"Looking for someone?" I asked as I stepped closer to him.

He turned to me on my voice and a smiled touched his lips. He folded his arms on his chest and looked at me from head to toe.

"Yes I'm looking for someone." He said and I took a step more closer.

"Oh! Who is the lucky one?" I asked and this time he took a step closer.

"Maha. My Maha." He said and I smiled.

"Maha!" I said taking a step more closer.

"Who is she?" I asked while folding my arms on my back.

"Maha hmm let me think." He acted to think and then looked in my eyes.

"She's my life,my wife,my breath,my smile, my tears,my days,my night,my beat to heart." He was saying and I was lost in his words.

"Want to know more?!" He asked while pulling me to him.

I collided with his chest and his arm snakes to my waist pulling me to him. My eyes lower down with a blush and a smile on my lips.

"I love you." His whisper send chills to my spine.

"Ashar." I called him and look up in his eyes.

"You are looking so beautiful." He said making me smile.

"And you are looking so handsome." I said while touching his collar.

He took my dupatta from my shoulders and place it on my head. I smiled looking at him whose eyes were fixed on him. Leaning toward my face he kissed my forehead and I hide myself in his chest while wrapping my arms around him

"Its so difficult to stay far from you Maha." He said while wrapping his arms around me lovingly.

"I know." I whispered while closing my eyes.

"When you are coming home?" He asked and I giggled.

I moved back to look at him who was waiting for my answer.

"So my husband is missing me?" I asked teaming him.

"Of course. Poor me." He said with a sad face making me laugh.

"Oh my poor husband you have to come to take me with you then." I said and we both smiled.

"So when you are coming?" I asked while holding his shirt in my hand playfully.

"Tomorrow." He said and my eyes went up to him.

"Tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes I can come tomorrow if you want me to." He said and before I could say something my eyes went on something which startled me.

"No." I stopped myself from yelling.

"What?? No?!" He asked in shock.

"Not you Ashar. Just look at there." I said while pointing toward the car.

I walked closer to the car which was standing near the main gate of hall and was visible from lawn that's why I could see it. Marriage hall was illuminated with lights so it was so clear to see. It was the same car.

"Ashar its the same car." I said going closer to car.

"Maham what car? What are you talking about?" He asked and I turned to him.

"Listen its the same car I have seen outside Zayan's home. All these days,of marriage I was noticing this car standing outside the house but at distance. And now its here again." I said as I remembered the day first I saw it on mehndi function of Zayan.

"It may be of some guest. Come on Maham. You are taking it seriously." He said but I knew i was not wrong.

It was not of some of guest. I had been watching this car and no one from car came out and no one also went toward the car. Whoever was he was inside the car and keeping an eye on us all.

"Ashar I'm suspecting that this car is keeping an eye on us." I said suspectedly going a step closer but he grabbed my hand to stop me.

"Maham I think that's enough for now." He said and took two step back taking me with him.

"But at least let me note the car number. It can be dangerous Ashar." I tried to convince him.

"Detective Maham enough. Its just a car." He said and leaved my hand.

"Yeah right." I said and took steps toward the hall and I felt him following me.

Stepping on the stairs I was completely ignoring him. He was smiling looking at my  offended face.

"Ouch." I said and stopped myself from falling as I was bumped with someone.

"I'm,..I'm..sorry." A female voice came.

I looked up but she just rushed from there hiding her face in her dupatta. I turned to see her who was running down from the stairs.

"That lady..." I turned on the voice to see Shahyan coming.

He was breathless as he was running.

"Stop that lady." He said again and I looked at the woman who just ran toward the car standing there.

"She's going to that car." I said to Ashar and he looked at me and then we both ran to the car to catch her.

But before we could reached there she was already in the car and the car drive out of the Hall in a speed.

"I...I..told you that this car..." I breathed heavily looking at Ashar.

"She ran away." Ashar said looking at Shahyan.

"Who...who was she?" Ashar asked and we both look at Shahyan to answer the question.

Shahyan's POV.
I was watching her who went down from stage after pinching my hand. I smiled on her cute act. My eyes were following her who was looking so beautiful in her long red frock with side braid killing me with her looks. Her smile,eyes and walk everything was pulling me to her. My heart was beating for her more. I saw her bumping with some woman and then I saw her taking steps back in fear. She turned to me and I could see her lips whispering my name. The fear in her eyes and she start taking steps back. I ran almost down from the stage and at the same time the woman Anabia bumped into ran outside. I thought for a second and ran out to stop her but she ran away as she was afraid to get caught.

"Who...who was she.?" Ashar asked and I really didn't know who she was.

"I'll talk to you later." I said and rushed inside to see her.

Looking around to find her I walked to the bride section. Stepping in the room I saw her seated on a chair frightened. As I closed the door she look up at me. I could see the lines of fear on her face. Her body was shivering in fear.

"Anabia." I called as I took a step closer.

She ran to me and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her protectively. I felt her crying. Her tears were absorbing in my shirt but I didn't stopped her. I let her cry.

"Now tell me what happened?" I asked moving back.

"That...I...please I don't want..." She was stuttering while crying with hiccups.

"Shhh...calm down first." I said while holding her face in my hands.

Wiping her tears I took her back to the chair to made her sit. Taking a seat with her I made her drink water. She was trembling with fear. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me.

"Just calm down first. I'm here okay." I said while caressing her hair.

"Don't leave me please." She said and I felt again her tears rolling down on her cheeks.

"Anabia." I called her and moved back to see her.

"Tell me what happened?" I asked while holding her face.

Her eyes were fix on me. I was waiting for her to say something. At least to tell me the reason of her fear.

"I'm scared. Please take me home. I...I..don't want to be here anymore." She said while holding my hands.

I know she was scared but why. Why she was not telling me. This was not the first time I was watching her like this. Her fear was not new to me. In the mall that day she felt all this. I saw her tears,fears,shiver of fear on that too. Everything was same to that day. I wanted a reason behind it and she was not spilling it out.

"Shahyan please I don't want to be here. Please take me from here." I was shocked on her words as she was crying badly.

Hugging her tightly I thought to let it go for now. She was not in state of telling anything. I just keep calming her.

"Hey listen okay." I started and just keep her close to my heart.

"I won't let happened anything to you. I don't know why are you so scared but I want you to remember one thing." I said and pulled back.

Her eyes were on me waiting for me to continue. Without blinking she was looking at me and I was falling for her again.

"Just remember that your Shahyan wouldn't let anything happened to you. Your Shahyan is always there to be with you." I said while cleaning her face with my hands.

"Always?" She asked and I smiled and nodded.

"Always and forever." I said and kissed her forehead.

"Come." I took her out.

She composed herself with a small smile. She was holding my hand tightly. I look around to find Zainab.

"Bhai." She called me as she saw me.

Coming near to me I slowly leaves Anabia's hand which startled Anabia. I blinked my eyes to ensure her that I'm still near her.

"Take Anabia to mom. She's not feeling good. So make her sit with mom." I said to Zainab and she nodded.

"Go to your mother in law. Be with her." I whispered to her and she nodded.

She took steps with Zainab to mom. I was,watching her. My eyes were on her. Walking back to stage to my friend and bhabhi I was still thinking about the incident. My eyes were on her who was now smiling with mom but still I could see the fear in her eyes. She looked at me and I passed a smile to lighten her fear.. One thing was confirm that something was bothering her something she was not telling me. But I was not going to let it go. I have to know the reasons of her tears,her fear. And about that lady.

"Anabia you have to tell me." I thought to myself and nodded.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all???

Finally a chapter! ;)

I hope you guys like it. Story is going to its end. Stay with me to know what happened next.

Your comments please.

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Till the update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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