Chapter 23

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Anabia's POV.
I was looking at my hands but I was feeling his eyes on me who was waiting for my answer. For any explanation. After coming back from the marriage hall and rituals we sent bride to her room and all the guests also left leaving family members only. Shahyan's parents also left but he didn't. I could feel his eyes on me and when Everyone left to their rooms I walked to my room Shahyan following me. 

"Anabia I asked you something." He asked again and I sighed and two tears slipped on my cheeks.

"I'm..I'm..scared Shahyan." I said and I saw him coming closer.

"That's what I'm asking that why are you scared. Tell me everything. The reason of your tears,the fear I can see in your eyes. What is happening Anabia.?" He asked frustrated and worried.

"I'm scared that my past is following me and one day I'll be caught by it." I said and cried.

"What you mean?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"That...that day in mall I saw my stepmother and chacha. I got scared that my past will come in front of me again. That bitter reality was never be my past but it will always be my present. How can I forget that...that..." I stopped and start crying again.

"Shhh....Anabia.. Calm down." Shahyan said while hugging me.

" Zayan bhai's marriage I saw her again. I'm sure it was her. I...I..can't forget those eyes. Those evil eyes." I cried again while hiding my face in my hands.

"Shhh...stop crying first. Tell me why are you scared? Because of these people?" He said while removing my hands from my face.

Wiping my tears he lifted my face and I looked up in his eyes.

"Tell me why are you scared?" He asked while cupping my face.

"That...that.. They...they will take me from here. Far from you again in that hell to beat me to sold me to someone. I'm scared Shahyan. I can't live without you. I don't want to go to that hell again. I don't want to face that disgust again. I don't want any other man to look at me or touch me. Please Shahyan I'm scared save me please." I cried while saying.

Pulling me in his arms,he wrapped his protective arms around me and I hide myself in his chest. My tears were rolling down on my cheeks and he was calming me down with his touch. The slow caress of his hands on my back was calming me down. We slowly pulled back  but my eyes were still lower trying to control my tears.

"Look at me." He said and I looked up at him.

"You trust me?" He asked while holding my hands.

"More than myself." I answered and he smiled.

"Then just don't think anything. Your Shahyan won't let happen anything to you. You are mine and no one can harm you until I'm alive. Don't be scared. Live fully. Just trust me that I won't let happen anything to you." He was saying and I was just listening him.

"About your that stepmother and chacha,you don't worry about them. I know how I have to handle those people." He said with a smile and my all stress lighten.

"I love you." I said making him laugh.

"Not bad Biwi." He said making me smile.

"I love you Shahyan." I said while resting my head on his chest.

"I love you too. Don't think about anything but me." He said while wrapping his arms around me protectively.

Maham's POV.
"How I'm looking Eiya Maa?" I asked as I stepped in her room.

"Hmm Mashallah so beautiful." Eiya Maa said.

"Is your Ashar coming?" Eiya Maa asked and i blushed.

"Eiya Maa." I said and hugged her blushing.

"Bless you stay happy." Eiya Maa said and I smiled.

"Okay I'm going now." Kissing her cheek I said and left from her room

"Maham ready?" Mom asked as she saw me.

"Yes mom." I said as I covered my head with my dupatta.

"Maham you have changed a lot." Mom said looking at my outfit.

"And I love this change." I said and walked out.

It was Zayan's vallima function and we all were ready to go to the marriage hall.  We all sat in our cars and drove to the destination. My heart was beating fast as I wanted to reach him as soon as I can. My lips were smiling and his face was roaming on my eyes making me crazy for him. Today I was going to tease him. I smiled on the thought came in my mind.

As we stepped in hall I looked around to find him. My eyes lightened as I saw him on stage hugging Zayan. Zayan and his wife were looking beautiful as a pair receiving wishes from guests. I walked up to them.

"Assalam-o-Alikum." I greeted them and turned a little to see him.

He looked at me and I immediately moved my eyes from him to Kashaf. I start talking to her while I was feeling his eyes on me. Shahyan came and hugged Zayan. We all started talking laughing but in all this I was avoiding him. I started the game and I was enjoying it as I could feel his restlessness on my ignorance.

"Anabia come." I said and dragged Anabia with me down to stage.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked but I just keep pulling her with me.

"Girl just come. Let the boys wait for us." I said and she giggled.

"Just a naughty girl you are." She stated and I laughed.

"That's I'm." I said and we both went to the tea stall and took green tea for us both.

Taking a seat together my eyes went to him who's eyes were following me. I averted my eyes again from him showing him my ignorance. I laughed when I saw him walking out. I was talking to Anabia when Hiba joined us.

"Hey how are you?" I asked and she nodded.

"Good." She replied.

"Bhabhi mom is calling you."  Hiba said looking at Anabia and she nodded.

She left and I looked at Hiba confused.

"Why you called her Bhabhi?" I asked.

"She's wife of my cousin brother that's why." She informed and my eyes widened.

"Is she married?" I asked and Hiba nodded.

"But her rukhsati didn't happened. It will be soon Inshahallah." Hiba replied and I nodded.

"Excuse me." Hiba aid and she left while I keep looking around to find him.

All the function continued but I didn't see him again. Dinner served and all guest start having their dinner while I was looking for him. Going out in search of Ashar I was tensed. I knew I offended him and that's why he disappeared.

"Ah.." My screamed broken down in my throat as someone covered my mouth with his hand while his other hand wrapped around my waist.

Someone was pulling me with him. I couldn't see the one but whoever it was I'm surly going to kill him. I was turned around and my eyes widened.

"Ashar." I shockingly said.

"Yes me. Now stop looking at me like this. Get in." He ordered while he opened the door of his car.

"Excuse me. I'm not coming with you anywhere. You just spoiled my all makeup." I said while taking the mirror out from my clutch.

Thankfully my lipstick was not spoiled. I start giving TouchUp to my makeup only to tease him. I knew he must be fuming on my ignorance and that's all I wanted. I wanted to see that how much it effected him when I didn't talk to him or notice him or give no importance to him.

"That's it." With that he grabbed my mirror and lipstick only to through it away.

"Ashar." I protested but he pushed me in his car and locked it.

Coming to his side he get in and started the car. I was shocked on his act.

"What the hell was that?" I asked angrily or maybe I wanted to fight with him like old times.

"I'm asking you to stop the car. That lipstick was my favourite." I said while clutching his arm in my hand

"Really so that lipstick become more important for you than me.?" He asked and I turned to him fully.

"Where you come from? Its about my lipstick. It was my favourite colour." I said as I looked at my lips in his back view mirror.

"Really!" He said looking at me and then increased the speed.

"Ashar stop the car or slow it." I said but he was not listening.

"Stop it please." I said panicked as he pressed the accelerator.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Why are you doing this.?" He asked as he pulled the breakers.

"What? What I'm doing?" I asked looking at him who just turned to me fully to face me.

"Ignoring me all the time. I was waiting for you and you didn't looked at me. And more of that you are concern more about your stupid makeup and lipstick than me and you are asking what are you doing?" He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you going to fight with me again? Come on now. Grow up. I'm fad up of these fights." I said and looked out of the car.

There was only dark I could see. I didn't know where he Parked the car but there was all dark and no traffic. Car lights were making the place lighten otherwise there was no light at all.

"Me and fighting.? Its you who started." He shouted and I turned to him.

"Don't shout. And yes you are the one who always fight with me." I said and looked again out of the car.

"Look at me while talking. Tell me why you were avoiding me?" He pulled my arm to make me turn to him.

"Oh really! I'm not going to answered that I'm still angry because you throw my that favourite lipstick. It was my favourite and you." I said making a face.

"This lipstick you are talking about right!" He asked looking at my lips.

"Yes and don't talk to me because..." My eyes widened and my words stuck in my throat as his lips silenced me.

Anabia's POV.
"Aunty what happened?" I asked as I sat next to her.

I looked in front of me where Shahyan's mother was also seated. I felt tensed. I didn't know what was happening or going to happen.

"Anabia as you know tomorrow Zayan and Kashif are flying to Singapore for their honeymoon and beta I forgot to tell you that our tickets for umrah(pilgrimage) also arrived few days ago." Aunty started and I was just listening her.

"Our flight is also tomorrow. So we can't leave you alone at home as you know we all are going to this holy pilgrimage so I asked Shahyan's mother to keep you at their house for sometime until we return." Aunty completed and my eyes widened.

My heart start beating with fear. I looked at aunty and she reed the question rising in me. She blinked her eyes to relax me.

"Beta you don't worry. We wouldn't make you feel uneasy. You can stay with us." Shahyan's mother said politely.

"Aunty I'm.." I stopped as Zayan's mother put her hand on mine.

"Its okay beta. Relax. She's like your mom. You'll feel like home." Aunty said squeezing my hand.

"Its done then. I'll drop her tomorrow to your house..and thank you so much Mrs Hasham." Aunty thanked Shahyan's mother and she smiled.

But I was shocked on this turning point of my life. Where my life was taking me now and what was going to happened next. I was so scared.

"Aunty why?" I asked as Shahyan's mother left.

"I can't leave you alone so its better to make your place in your in laws heart. And for that you have to live with them." Aunty said but I was still scared.

"But.." I tried.

"No but just trust me. This turn will change your life." Aunty said and I nodded.

She left and I just keep seated there thinking about my life.

"What are you saying?" I looked at him who jumped with happiness.

"Are you going to stay with me.? I mean in our house?" He asked again and I nodded.

"God I'm so happy." Shahyan said and kissed my forehead.

"But...but I'm scared Shahyan. What if your parents comes to know about our marriage?" I asked scared.

"Just relax." He took seat with me.

We were our way back to home and when I told him about my staying at his home he stopped the car in the middle of the road. He drove the car and parked it aside. Turning to me he he held my both hands and I looked at him.

"Don't think too much. Maybe this is the way you have to enter in our house." He said and I nodded.

"Be happy because you'll be now in front of me." He said and I smiled looking at him.

"I'm happy but a little scared." I said looking his deep eyes.

"Don't be. I'm with you as your shadow." He said and kissed my cheek.

He drove back to home to drop me at Zayan bhai house.

"I'll come tomorrow to pick my wife to our own house." He said and I smiled happily.

"I don't know what is happening but...I'm happy. I don't want to be scared. You will be with me right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Always. Don't be scared. And go get ready to come to your own house." He said and I smiled happily.

"Allah Hafiz." I said and he kissed my forehead and I went out of the car.

Ashar's POV.
I was looking at her who ignored me first in the function and now was fighting with me because of that stupid lipstick. I don't understand this girl. Sometimes she's crazy for balloons and now lipstick. I really don't understand her. She was looking so beautiful in lemon colour frock with dupatta on her head. But why she was avoiding ne. All the day I waited to see her and this Maham start avoiding me. I was not getting it. And now in front of me again and again she was getting sad for her that stupid lipstick.

"Look at me while talking. Tell me why you were avoiding me?" I asked while pulling her toward me so that she can face me.

"Oh really! I'm not going to answer that I'm still angry because you throw my that favourite lipstick. It was my favourite and you."  She said and made an annoying and sad face.

Again lipstick!

I was fading up now. My eyes went to her lips which were looking so beautiful in that red lipstick.

"This lipstick you are talking about right!" I asked looking at her cherry lips.

"Yes and don't talk to me because..." She said while shaking her head but I smiled on the thought.

I didn't let her complete and silenced her by pressing my lips on her harder. Her every movement stopped and I felt her body stiffened. I smiled on her lips and drifted my arm around her waist to pull her closer. I was not going to leave her soon. Slowly I start kissing her lips while taking her hands to my shoulders which were stopped in air. As her hands touched my shoulders, I pulled her more closer and cupped her face with my other hand. She was still,shocked and I was enjoying her condition. I start kissing her passionately. I felt her hands fisting my shirt in her hands.she was not kissing me but I was showering kisses on her beautiful lips. I just keep kissing her lips teasing her nibbling on her lips. Our noses were tangling while I was just lost in kissing her beautiful lips. After kissing for a while I moved back to take  breath. As I rested my forehead on hers my eyes went to her who's face was red as carrot but eyes closed. She was breathing heavily like I was. I caressed her jaw and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Your lipstick." I said breathlessly as my thumb touched her lips.

"Is gone." I whispered making her go red fully.

She tried to move back but I pulled her to me. Her arms were wrapped around my shoulder while her eyes lowered with shyness.

"Now fight that I took your lipstick!" I said while looking at her who didn't dare to say something or look up.

"Ash...Ashar. Leave... Leave me." She stuttered and I pressed my lips on her forehead.

"Never avoid me or you'll get this." I said as I leaned again on her lips taking them again in mine to kiss.

She gasped on my sudden touch of lips on hers again. I kissed her harder and bite on her lower lip. I moved back leaving her breathless. We both looked at each other and she pushed me back and turned to other side to hide her face while I chuckled.

"You are avoiding me again!" I said as I started the car but she didn't turned and I know she was feeling shy.

I smiled and drove to her home to drop her.

Maham's POV.
The car stopped in front of my house but I was not able to move. What happened today made my whole body shiver. My heart was still beating fast.  I still could feel his lips on mine.

"Mrs Ashar." His voice bring me out of my thoughts.

I turned my face to him and looked at him just once. My lowered down again as I could see mark of my lipstick on his lips. My face heated up and I turned and unlocked the door.

As I stepped out his hand grabbed my arm to pull me to him. Pinning me with car he leaned on me making my heart beat increased.

"Avoiding me again." He said and I looked up at him.

"I'm..I'm..not..its...late." I managed to say as his warm breath was again falling on my lips teasing me.

"Maha." He called me as he lifted my chin.

"Ashar its getting late." I said but he was not in mood of leaving me while I was so shy to be in his eyes.

"Feeling shy or awkward about the kiss?" He asked and my cheeks turned red.

"Ashar please." I shy said as his thumb again touched my lower lip.

"I'm making you shy don't I?" He asked and chuckled as he saw me blushing.

"I'm leaving you for now but never avoid me love." He said and kissed my forehead making me smile.

He moved back and I almost run from there to house. I heard his laugh while I was also smiling. I didn't stop but just went directly in my room. Locking the door I fall on my bed and hide my face in pillow. My heart was beating fast. All moments were teasing me making me shy and smile. I slowly touched my lips and smiled shyly.

"Ashar." I whispered while covering my face again.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum dear readers.

How was the update?

I know shot chapter and not enough of Shahyan and Anabia but next chapter will be their. I hope you enjoyed Ashar and Maham's fight again and of course the kiss ;)
Waiting for your comments.

Do vote.

Love you all for patient.

Till the update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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