Chapter 24

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Shahyan's POV.
"Dude I'm going to the airport to see off zayan and his family. Meet me there." I said to Ashar and cut the call.

I was driving toward airport with a huge grin on my face because I was so excited to take her with me. To our home. Anabia was going to stay with me in front of me,this thing was making me so happy. My parents were already there to see off zayan and his family.

"Sorry I'm late." I said as I reached the airport.

"Just enjoy yourself." I said as I hugged Zayan.

"You too." He winked at me and I smiled understanding his meaning.

Ashar reached with his parents and they also hugged Zayan and wished him for best. I saw Maham arrived with her parents and she wished them too and soon Zayan and bhabhi boarded toward their flight after meeting their parents. But my eyes were finding her. Where was she? I was not understanding.

"Beta she didn't came." Aunty informed me and I turned to her fully.

"I asked her but she was scared so I let her stay there. So now you have to go to take her and please lock the house after leaving." Aunty said and I nodded.

Soon aunty with uncle and their daughters and sons depart. We all went out in parking. I was feeling sad and angry. Why didn't she came??

I thought and walked to my car but then stopped. I turned to see my parents talking to Maham's parents. I went closer to them.

"Mom aunty was saying to pick Anabia from their home." I told mom and she nodded.

"Yes she was. Okay I think you should go to take her." Mom said and I nodded.

I turned to dad but he moved to his car showing me his anger. Dad was still angry with me after that engagement me and Maham broke.

"Ashar Maham." I called them both.

"Yes." They came near.

"Can you guy come with me to pick Anabia from Zayan's home?." I asked and both nodded.

We all sat in my car and I drove toward Zayan's home. I was taking them with me because I knew she won't argue in front of them. I can't leave her there alone because I knew there is danger for her. Living alone in a house I can't let her do this.

"Assalam-o-alikum." As she opened the door I said.

I stepped in with Ashar and Maham. Maham hugged her and both sat down.

"Did you pack?" I asked and she looked down.

"Maham go and help her in packing. We are getting late." I said and she looked up at me.

"Go and pack your stuff." I said looking at her and Maham grabbed her hand and both walked to her room

"Dude calm down. You are behaving like you have some kind of right on her. Just relax and easy." Ashar said but I was getting angry.

I had told her that I'll come to pick her and she'll live in her own house but she being a stubborn girl won't listen to me.

"Or you have some right on her?" Ashar asked and I laughed on his words.

"Are we here to talk about me?" I asked and he smiled.

"There is nothing bad in talking about you." He answered and I smiled.

Before we could continue, we turned on the footsteps. Maham and Anabia were standing. Maham was holding a bag in which I think were Anabia's things.

"We are ready. Shall we?" Maham asked and I nodded.

We are went out and lock the doors. Locking the house I sat in car and drove to my home. My heart was dancing with happiness because my wife was now going to live in front of me in my own house. In our house. Ashar was seated next to me while girls were on back seat.

"So Anabia where are you from?" Maham asked.

"Nawab shah." She replied and I looked at her from back view mirror.

"Good." Maham said and both start talking while I was again and again looking at her face which was looking sad and scared.

We reached my home and I stepped out with all. I took her bag out. Both Ashar and Maham stepped in the house while I waited for her to come with me.

"Come let's step in together." I said as I held her hand.

"Shahyan what are you doing?" She said and tried to free her hand.

"Come. Its our home." I said and we both stepped in together in our home and I freed her hand.

"Welcome beta." Mom came forward and hugged Anabia.

She hugged mom back and I took a breath of relieve that my wife was now in my home without any objection.

"Welcome beta." Dad said as he approach us.

He narrowed his eyes at me and I knew he was still angry with me but he didn't know that this was the girl behind my refusal. But I was happy because now the daughter in-law of this house finally was here.

"Let me show you your room." Mom said and Anabia turned to see me.

I blinked and she nodded looking at mom. Both stepped toward the stairs and I sat down with Ashar and Maham who were silent. Dad left to his office and I looked at them who were so silent.

"Guys what happened? Why are you both so silent?" I asked.

"Nothing. I'm..I'm going to see Anabia." Maham said and walked toward the stairs.

"What happened to her?" I asked Ashar and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. She didn't talk to me since morning." Ashar replied and I nodded.

"Feel it home beta." I turned on the voice.

I saw mom coming with Anabia and Maham. Both girls were silent looking down. Anabia I knew that she was scared a little so that's why she was not talking but what happened to Maham. What happened to her? I thought and turned to Ashar.

"You did something? Why Maham is so quite?" I asked looking at Ashar.

"I didn't. I mean what could I do?"  He answered and I nodded.

Mom with anabia and Maham took seat in front of us. I was looking at her who was looking so nervous and scared.

"Boys why don't you go to your offices?" Mom said looking at us.

"Why? Why can't we be here?" I asked.

"Because you both have work. Go and do your work." Mom said and I sighed while Ashar smiled.

"Aunty I'll be going now." Maham stood up before us.

"You stay na please." Anabia held arm of Maham to stop her making me smile.

"Okay." Maham replied after thinking.

"Okay then we are going." I said and she looked up.

"Bye mom." I said loudly and anabia looked down to hide her smile and that's what I wanted to see,her smile.

"Shall we?" Ashar asked and I nodded.

We both went out and sat in my car. I drove to our office where a lot of work was waiting for us.

Anabia's POV.
I was scared,confused and nervous. I was scared of his Dad. I mean how I was going to stay in front of him and nervous on Shahyan's continue gaze on me. Confused on Aunty's so much love. I was not understanding what to do. She showed me a beautiful room instead of guest room. It was so beautiful.

"Come let's set your clothes in your wardrobe." Maham said and pulled me with her.

We walked back to the room. My bag was in her hand. I was looking around. This was my home but it doesn't feel like because somewhere I was still scared.

"Anabia come." Maham called and we both start taking my things out of my bag.

I start placing my clothes in the wardrobe. Maham was passing me things and I was arranging them in the room.

"Is there something between you and Shahyan?" I turned fully on Maham's question.

"No. I mean nothing.. Why you asked?" I asked scared.

"Just generally. The way he looked at you always so I thought maybe you both are..." She stopped and my heart jumped on her words.

I turned again to the wardrobe. My lips smiled on his crazy gaze which he always had on me. His love,his care I love everything.

"So is there something?" Maham asked again

"No there's... Nothing." I replied a lie because I couldn't tell her that there was a lot of love we have in our hearts for each other.

"Anabia can I ask you something?" Maham asked while I just kept placing my clothes inside the wardrobe.

"Hmm." I answered.

"Have you ever been kissed?" She asked and I turned to her fully shocked.

"What did you asked?" I asked to confirm.

She took my hands and pulled me to the bed. We both sat down in front of each other. I was looking at her who's cheeks were turning red while her lips were smiling.

"Maham is there anything you are hiding?" I asked and she looked up.

"No I'm just asking." She said and paused for a second.

"And what are you asking?" I asked.

"What should a girl do if a boy kissed her? I mean after the kiss, a girl should behave?" She asked and my eyes widened.

"Someone kissed you?" I asked shocked.

" not me. My other friend. Her husband kissed her for the first time and she's feeling hesitation in going in front of him. What she should do? She's feeling shy. She asked me to help her but I really don't know what to tell her." Maham said and I looked at her suspected.

"Sure this is your friend not you?" I asked and Maham nodded.

"Okay let me think!." I said and start thinking about my first kiss with Shahyan.

The first time I kissed him when he asked me to do. All the beautiful kisses start giving me butterflies in my stomach only to think about it.

"Tell her to embrace the love. Kissed her husband back this time and give him shock." I said and we both giggled.

"But how would she kissed him? She feels shy." Maham replied and I nodded.

"Okay tell her to close her husband's eyes so she can kiss him." I suggest and Maham nodded with a smile.

"I'll think....I mean I'll tell her." Maham said and I nodded.

I got up but she held my arm again to stop me. I could see a naughty grin on her face.

"What?" I asked.

"So you have never been kissed?" She asked and I slapped her hand which was on my hand.

"Of course not. Who would be the one to kiss me!?" I mocked and got up.

"Maybe Shahyan." She said and I shook my head and walked out of the room with a smile on my face.

Ashar's POV.

I was not understanding what happened to her. She was okay till last night. But then what happened that she was not talking to me. Even since morning I was calling her,trying to talk to her but she was not even looking at me nor she was receiving my call or replying my msgs.

I dialed again her number but she didn't received.

"What is wrong with her?" I muttered looking at the cell phone.

I dialed shahyan's home number. I was waiting someone to pick up.

"Hello." Aunty's voice appeared.

"Assalam-o-alikum aunty. Its me Ashar." I said.

"Wasalam." Aunty replied.

"Is Maham there?" I asked.

"Yes she is." Aunty said.

"Call her please. I need to talk to her." I said hurriedly.

"Okay wait." Aunty said and I start waiting impatiently.

"Maham." I heard aunty yelling for her.

"Come on Maha hurry up." I got impatient.

"Your call." Aunty said and my heart beat faster.

She was really my heart beat. Just she didn't talk to me and I was so restless.

"Hello." Her voice came

"Maha." I called her.

"Don't try to cut the call." I said as I knew what she would do next.

"I'll come to pick you at evening. Don't go anywhere without me." I said and cut the call without giving her a change to say something.

I have to understand what was going on on her mind. Why she was behaving strange. She never stopped talking. She was a non stop talking girl but today she was on silent mode. And specially with me. She was not talking to me only.

I worked all the day. I was waiting to go to pick her. After spending my all day in office,finally I got up at 6 of the evening. I took my car keys and mobiles and walked out of the office.

"Inform dad I'm going." I told receptionist.

With that I rushed out of my office and went to the parking area. As I sat in car I start typing on my mobile.

"Be ready. I'm coming."

I typed and send it to Maham. I started the car and drove toward shahyan's home. In 15 minutes I was in front of his home. I stopped the car outside and went out of the car. Knocking the door, I waited for it to be opened. After some time the door opened and I stepped in. As I stepped in hall I saw her seated on sofa, busy in talking with Anabia.

"You came." Shahyan said and I went closer to him.

"How was the day?" He asked but my eyes were on her who didn't dare to look at me.

Her eyes were continuously on her hands and I saw her again playing with her thumb's nail with her forefinger. Telling me that she was nervous and disturb. Why was she disturb now? I was not understanding what happened to her.

"Ashar you okay?" I startled on the voice.

I turned to see Shahyan who asked the question. I took a sigh and nodded as a answer.

"I'm fine. Actually Maham asked me to pick her so I came to take her." I said looking at her who's face turned into a light pink colour making my heart beat fast.

"Stay for dinner both of you." Shahyan said and she looked up at me.

"No actually my mom would be waiting. And Maham's parents would be also waiting." I said and Shahyan nodded.

"So Maham shall we?" I asked and she nodded.

I got up and so did she. I hugged Shahyan and saw her hugging Anabia,aunty and zainab. She turned to me and I nodded looking at her to indicate her to come. She walked with me and we both stepped out of the house. I didn't talk or asked something. We were silent but I was waiting to talk to her. We both sat in car and I drove the car. Time kept passing and I kept driving slowly but didn't talk.

"" Her stutter voice came.

But I didn't turned or answered. I could feel she was trying to talk but words were not coming out of her mouth.

"Are...are you angry?" She asked but I remained silent.

"Ashar...I'm..I'm..sorry if you are angry." I heard her and I pulled the breakers.

"You care? Tell me you really care about my anger?" I asked turning to her fully.

Her face was lowered down. She was again not looking at me. Her face was a little visible in the moon light. I stopped the car far from the alive city. There was dark and few cars could be seen passing us..

"" She replied

"Really? I don't think so. By the way what happened to you? Why are you behaving strange since morning? What happened?" I asked non stop all the questions running in my mind.

"Its...its not like that. I...I was just..." She stuttered again.

"What? Are you trying to ignore me again?" I asked and she looked up.

"Its not like that okay. What happened last night,I'm...I'm..." She stopped again.

"Last night? What happened last night?" I asked and start thinking and then my eyes widened.

The kiss!!!

"What happened last night,that's the reason that you were not talking to me?" I asked and she again looked down.

"The kiss you didn't like? I mean our closeness you don't want?" I asked shocked and she looked up in my eyes.

"Okay. If that's the reason then I'll stay at distance from me." I said and saw her shaking her head as no.

"No Ashar you are taking me wrong." She said but I turned to other side to look out of the car.

"I thought like I felt happy kissing you,you might also be happy like me but no I was wrong. I won't..." My words stuck because she pulled me by my shirt toward her.

"Shut up. Just shut up. Why don't you understand that I'm feeling shy to face you after...after..." She stopped and her eyes again lowered down with a blush.

With a smile I snaked my right arm around her waist to pull her closer. Her arms slightly wrapped around my shoulders and I rested my forehead on hers. Her lips slightly smile.

"So my Maha is feeling shy after the kiss!" I teased her and she blushed more.

"Let me fade your shyness." I said and she looked up.

Maham's POV.
"Let me fade your shyness." He said and I looked up at him.

What he was going to do.? My heart was not in control. Its beat was making me crazy more. His intense gaze was melting me.

"Ash..." My words stuck as his lips captured mine giving me shock.

My eyes widened but soon closed down as he start kissing me beautifully and sensations start running in my body. My hands held him tightly on his shoulders and I just kept feeling his deep kiss he was showering on my lips. Few seconds later he moved back leaving me breathless and so was he.

"Still....feeling shy?" He asked breathless looking at me and my eyes lowered down.

I tried to move back but he pulled me closer to him.

"Not yet." With that he again slammed his lips on mine making me feel all those butterflies in my stomach.

This time he was kissing me so passionately. His fingers were running in my hair. My body heated up on his every touch and kiss.

"Maha." His whispered on my lips and bit them making me groan.

As he start kissing me again my lips start moving with his responding to his kiss. I was getting crazy for his kiss. It was like an addiction pulling me more to it. We both were kissing passionately each other and I didn't want him to stop. As he nibbled my lower lip I moaned and kissed him back with the same passion.

"Maha." He whispered breathless as we moved back.

"Ashar." I called him with close eyes.

"So still feeling shy?" He asked after a while and I opened my eyes to see him.

I slapped his arm I was holding and hugged him tightly.

"I love you." I said and he wrapped his arms around me tightly like I did.

"I love you too. I can't live without you." He said and I moved back to see him.

"Me too." I said and kissed his forehead.

"Bonus not bad." He said making me go red.

I slapped again his arm and freed myself from his arms. He laughed and I looked out.

"Am I making you shy again? You know I can fade it if you want to." He said making me shy more.

"Ashar stop it please." I said and heard him chuckle.

"Let's have a dinner with your poor husband." He said and I giggled.

"Of course my poor husband." I said and he started the car.

"But on one condition." I said and he nodded still looking at the road.

"I want balloons." I said happily.

"What? Again balloons?" He asked and I nodded.

"I love them. Please please just 2." I said and he sighed mean he agreed.

"Okay only  4." I said and he turned to see me shocked.

"You first said 2 only." He reminded me.

"Yes but now I want 5." I said happily.

"2,4 or 5? Decide first!." He said as he stopped the car in front of a restaurant.

We both stepped out and walked in. Taking our seats we sat in front of each other.

"So you decided how much balloons you want?" He asked and I nodded.

"Only 6." I replied and he laughed.

"Don't you think you are increasing the quantity on my every question?' He asked and I nodded happily.

He ordered our dinner and we both ate while talking to each other. On the way back to home he bought me 6 balloons of different colours. The back seats of car was full of balloons.

"Come inside." I asked but he shook his head.

"Some other day." He replied and I pouted made him smile.

"Come na. Eiya Maa would be happy to see you." I said and he nodded.

He stopped the car in the porch and we both stepped out of the car. He opened the back door of car to take out my balloons.

"Assalam-o-alikum." I said as I entered the house.

My mom dad and my brother Rameez were seated in the launch watching TV. I turned to see Ashar who was standing with my balloons in his hands.

"Sorry." I said slowly and took my balloons from him.

He stepped in and I followed him.

"Don't tell me you again bought these stupid balloons?" Bhai said and I saw Ashar hiding his smile.

"Not fair bhai." I said and placed my balloons aside.

"Where were you since morning?" Mom asked while Ashar sat next to rameez bhai.

"I was with Anabia at shahyan's hone. Ashar came to meet Shahyan so I asked him to drop me at home." I said and mom nodded.

"So young man how are you?" Dad turned to Ashar and I got up and walk to Eiya Maa's room.

"Assalam-o-alikum." I said as i saw her.

"Wasalam.. Where were you? I was waiting for you whole day." Eiya Maa said as I hugged her.

"Ashar is here. Want to meet him?" I asked and she nodded.

I held her hand and helped her to come out of the room we both walked slowly toward the launch. As Ashar saw Eiya Maa he stood up and I took Eiya Maa near him.

"Assalam-o-alikum." He said and Eiya Maa took seat.

"Wasalam. How are you son?" Eiya Maa asked.

I saw my whole family start talking to him and he was not looking uncomfortable. He was looking like a family. He was family. My family. My eyes filled with water of happiness. My lips were smiling. He was looking so happy. Even dad and Rameez bhai were enjoying his company. Mom brought dessert for everyone and we all enjoyed it while talking to Ashar.

"Okay uncle aunty I take your leave your leave now." Ashar said and stood up.

"It was great meeting you son. You should come to meet us all." Dad said and he nodded and hugged dad and Rameez bhai.

He walked out of the house taking a glimpse of me. I waved bye and he went out. I was feeling so much happy that finally he stepped closer with my family. And my family was also liking him. My mobile start ringing as I reached in my room with his thoughts.

"Hello." I said as I received the call.

"Good night Maha." His beautiful voice appeared.

"I love you Mr husband. Good night." I said and I could feel him smiling.

"Sweet dreams love." He said and we cut the call and I went to offer my prayer to thank the Almighty for blessing me so much.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you all??

I'm very late? I know I know and so sorry for making you all wait.

Inshahallah from now I won't be late in updating this story.

So how was the chapter???

So what is going to happen next in Shahyan and Ashar's life with their hidden marriage?

The hidden marriage is going to expose soon. Be with me to read more.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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