Chapter 6

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Maham's POV.
I was waiting for Shahyan to come out but I think he forgot that we all are waiting for him. I was roaming here and there but here was not sign of him coming.

"Let's go. He'll join us." Zayan said and I made an annoying face.

"No i won't go without him.I will go with Shahyan ."  I said and leaned my back on car.

"I'm going. I can't take this anymore." Ashar said and I turned to him.

"Excuse me?? What do you mean you can't take this anymore. Its me who is tolerating you since the time you came." I said and turned my face to other side.

How dare he?? He never let any chance go to fight with me. What he think of himself.

"Come on Maham.just sit inside." Before I could understand anything,Hiba pushed me in the car on front seat and closed the door.

Zainab took back seat and I turned to my right side only to see the annoying face of The Great Mr.Ashar.

"What? Guys open the door." I was about to open the door when Ashar lock the doors and I turned him.

"Open the door." I yelled at him.

He didn't say anything and start the car. He start driving while I was looking at him shocked. I saw Zayan'car was coming right behind us.

"Ashar stop the car or you'll regret on this." I said giving him warning.

"Why?? Now you don't want to go on a long drive? Since I came I'm listening long drive,long drive. Ufff you made me sick." He was saying and I was looking at him with my mouth open.

"Did I say I want to go with you?? Don't give so importance to yourself." I said and start looking out of the window.

He was really my enemy. He only liked to tease me to fight with me. But here he really crossed his limits. How dare he to start car without taking Shahyan with us. I was suppose to go with Shahyan not with him. I glare at him who was busy in driving.

"And by the way when you start liking long drives?? " he said and I turned to him.

"What do you know about me?? Just don't talk to me??" I said and turned again to see the passing views.

"You think I'm interested in talking to you. Please..!you would be the last person I wished to talk." He said and I turned to him fully.

"You..!" I pointed my finger toward him.

My rage was unstoppable. When ever I said to myself that I won't mess up with him.I won't talk to him. He again do something which makes me angry and I just couldn't control myself from fighting with him.

"You are such a disease that don't leave me alone. My only enemy who never like to see me happy." I shouted looking at him.

He turned to me with widened eyes.

"What did you say?? Disease!! And what you are?? Headache. My headache which never leaves me alone."  He exclaimed.

I turned him fully looking at him who was now driving without saying anything. How dare he to call me a headache!!

"Excuse me you call me headache??" I asked but no answer from him.

"Ashar." I called him again.

"Don't give me more headache. You headache." He said and my rage was unstoppable.

I slapped his arm with full strength but he doesn't move. It seems that he didn't get any effect of my slap. I look at my hand which was looking so tiny in front of his strong body.

"You..!!" I shouted again. I just wanted to throw my all anger but I was not getting the way.

"Stop struggling headache." He again called me headache.

"One more time you called me headache. Then I'm gonna throw you out of car." I shouted and turned to other side.

This man is impossible. He doesn't know how to behave with girls and with me he has a special allergy. He always has to do work which irritated me.

"If you both didn't stop arguing,I'm gonna throw you both out of guys are giving me a headache." We heard a voice and I turned to the back seat where Zainab was seated.

I didn't know Zainab was also there and we were fighting like kids. I give a glare to Ashar and then turn to the window.

Anabia's POV.
As I was taking steps to go out where everyone was waiting for me. I was about to call hiba when someone hold my hand. I turned and saw Shahyan standing next to me.

"What are you doing?? Leave me." I whispered while looking around to confirm if anyone is watching us or not.

"Shhh...come with me." Shahyan said and dragged me somewhere.

I was dragged by Shahyan to the corner of the porch. He was hidding behind a puller having me with him. I look at his direction where his eyes were fixed.Zayan Bhai and his other friend was waiting for us with Maham and Hiba people.

"What are we doing here? They are waiting for us." I said looking at him who was trying to hide himself behind the pillar.

I was about to take a step toward them when he fully dragged me toward him and i collide with his chest. His hand reached my waist and pulled me more closer to hide. My eyes widened.

What was he doing?? We were in house where no one knew that we are married then how can he do this??

"Shahyan..." I was saying when he put his hand on my mouth.

"Keep quite." He stopped me from saying anything else.

My heart fluttered on his nearness. What his only touch  was doing inside my body?? I was feeling all kind of sensations in my body. The warmth of his hand on my mouth was shivering me. I was feeling all the butterflies dancing in my stomach and tingling in my heart.

I was just looking at him with wide eyes who was busy in observing them who were waiting for us. He said something through his eyes to someone and then in just 2 minutes i heard car's voice.
They all drove out of the home. I was looking at him whose hand was still placed on my mouth.  He turned to me and smiled. He slowly removed his hand from my mouth and look deeply in my eyes.

"I think we are going to have a long drove date tonight." He whispered and my eyes lower down on his word date.

My heart was running a marathon. His nearness was making me nervous.

"Let's go." He said and hold my hand.

We reached near his car and he open the front seat door for me. I didn't know what was he doing?? Where are we going?? I lost in his touch. I was busy in controlling my heart which was beating as loud as It can. He drove the car and I didn't ask him where we are going. I startled when he hold my hand and I turned to see him.

"What...are you doing?" I stutter and was amazed on my own words.

Why can't I was able to free my hand?? Why I wanted him to just keep holding my hand like this?? I was trying to understand the feelings which were developing inside me, which were increasing my heart beat.

"Where are we going?" I asked turning to him.

"Where you want me to take you?" He asked looking at me for a second then again fixed his eyes on road.

"I..I..don't know." I simply said and start feeling the warmth of hand against mine.

He didn't say anything buy kept driving. There was all silence in the car but it also has its meaning. The silence which was filled with heart beats. The silence which was carrying a lot of feelings and emotions pouring on our heart.

He was driving and I was lost in his thought. His thoughts were making my heart flutter and I was falling for these feeling which he was creating inside me.

Asher's POV.
How can be someone so annoying?? Since the time she was with me I didn't felt a second of peace.

I turned and look at her who was chewing bubblegum and was playing subway suffers on her mobile. I made an annoying face. I took my mobile and dialed zayan's number.

"Hello Zayan yeah where to now??" I asked because I was fed up now of driving continuously for last one hour.

"Okay be there in 10 minutes." I said and cut the call.

Zayan called me on a the ice cream parlour which we always visit from our university days. I turned and saw Zainab getting bore. She was looking outside the window.

"So Zainab want to have an ice cream??" I asked her.

"Ice cream.sure Bhai." She got excited and I smiled.

I saw Maham looking at me as of she was waiting for me to ask her for ice cream but I didn't bother to..I just keep my eyes on road and kept myself busy in driving.

We reached on ice cream parlour and I saw Zayan and his sisters already there. I stop the car and went out. Maham and Zainab followed me. I and Zayan took a seat while all girls sat next to our table. I turned and saw all girls were chatting while Maham was missing. I look around to find her but she was nowhere.

Where the hell this girl is??
I thought and start looking around. A second ago she was here in front me and I just avert my eyes from her,just for a second and she was lost.

"What happened Ashar?"Zayan asked looking at me.

"Maham! where is she??" I asked looking around still finding her.

Zayan also look around to find her but I found no sign of her. This was a street ice parlour. I look around to find her and start walking here and there but no. She was nowhere.

Where the hell she gone??

I thought. My heart was beating so fast. She was scaring me..I never felt this before. I look at the right side of the ice dream parlour and then at left. I almost run toward the both sides to see her but that stupid girl was nowhere to be found.

"Did you find her??" Zayan asked as he came near me.

"No. Where the hell she is?" Zayan yelled and I turned to the girls who were looking at us worriedly.

"Zainab, Maham was with you right??" I asked Zainab and she just nodded.

"Then where she gone?? Have you seen her going anywhere??" I asked impatiently.

"No Bhai I didn't see her." Zainab said and I clutches my hair in my fist.

This girl is really my headache. She never let any chance to torture me.

"Cool down ashar. She will come. She's not a kid." Zayan said but I didn't know why I was feeling so restless.

She should be here in front of me. I want her in front of my eyes right now . My heart was not satisfied and I again turned to see her.

This restlessness because of this girl!!!

I thought but didn't bother to concentrate on the feelings inside me. For now I want to see her at any cost fit and fine in front of me. Bad thoughts start coming on my mind.

I sat next to Zayan on a chair holding my head in my hands. Our mood was spoiled. The atmosphere was filled with tension. I was not getting peace. I again stand up and start roaming around to find her. As I turned I bumped into someone. My eyes widened and then rage took over me.

"Hi Ashar look what I have!!" She was standing in front of me.

Miss Maham was standing right in front of my eyes holding two balloons in her hands. She was smiling and showing me that stupid balloons.

"Where the hell were you??" I shouted on her. I couldn't control the rage which was boiling in me." You didn't bother to tell us before going anywhere??" I added looking at her who took two steps back in fear.

"But I..." She tried to say but I stopped her.

"Shut the hell of your mouth. What you think you were doing??? Where the hell were you??" I shouted,didn't realize that we were standing on a street.

"Ashar relax. She's here now. Don't create a scene." Zayan hold me and I just glare at her who was looking at me without blinking.

I moved with Zayan but realize that she was not coming with us. I turned and find her still standing there..

"Now should I invite you to come??" I said and she stepped forward.

I sat with Zayan on a chair while she sat with other girls. I look at her for two times. She was looking down playing with her nails. This was her habit which irritates me. She always plays with her nails. And usually she does this when she was disturb. But why isshe disturb now???

I though and turned again to see her.she was still playing with nails,making circles with her forefinger on her thumb. She look up at me and I immediately avert my eyes from her.

"Come let's go to have ice cream." Zainab's voice came in my ear but I didn't turn.

"You go I'll just join you." I heard her and this was the first time when she talk to someone politely.

I start talking to Zayan while my all attention was fixed on her. I was scared if she again disappear then?? I was stopped on my thinking and scold myself for thinikbh about her.

I tried to divert my attention from her talking with Zayan and i succeeded. We kept talking when Zayan said.

"Dude I think we are here to have ice cream. Go and bring for me also." He said and I smiled.

I got up and walked toward the ice cream stall when I turned to asked.

"Zayan which flavour?" I wasasking while walking.

My head was on back side looking at Zayan while my foots were moving ahead.

"Ouchh." I heard and felt someone bumped into me.

I saw the person and then at my shirt.

"Maham." I yelled.

Maham's POV.
"Maham." He yelled and I again took two steps back.

When he gets angry,he become very scary. He shouted on me a few minutes ago and now again.

No no I'm not gonna let him scold me again. When we came here I saw a lot of balloons at a distance. I loves balloons,so I thought to take some and I went directly toward the man who was selling the balloons. But he was moving ahead and I kept following him. When I buy those beautiful pink and red balloons I came back and what I get was his anger.

But I was not worried for his anger,I was use to it but what was new for me was his concern. His worrieness. The way he was looking at me. I find something new in his scoldness. That was bothering me.

I got up to take ice cream to divert my mind from him. I was continuously thinking about Ashar which was disturbing me. As I turned,I bumped into someone.I look up and find him.standing in front of me. My ice cream was messed on his shirt leaving its strains. I look at him and then at my ice cream.

"My ice cream." I sadly said.

"What!!! you are worried for your this stupid ice cream?? What you have,done to my shirt. Just it." He yelled but this time I decided not to get scared.

"Its your mistake. You were looking behind." I said looking direct in his eyes.

"Really!!if I was looking behind then you have these eyes. Why didn't you use them??" He again shouted.

"Stop shouting at me. I'm not gonna tolerate your shouting again. " I said looking at him.

He have no manners how to talk to a girl. He's always like this. He can never change. Stupid.

"Excuse me! You are tolerating huh! Its me who is tolerating you since first day." He said. How dare he said that.

What I have done to him??




"Who told you to tolrate me?? And what do you mean by that??" I folded my arms on my chest.

"You are such a headache. I have start getting a headache."  He said and my eyes widened.

"You...! Before I could say anyyhing further,someone interrupted us.

"Excuse me are you both husband and wife??" I turned on the voice and saw the shopkeeper of the ice parlour.

My eyes widened.

Husband and wife???

Me and him?

I mean Maham and Asher!!!! Husband and wife!!! Really. What a joke!

"Oh hello we are not husband wife. I will die before making her my wife." Before I could say he stated something which burned me.

"How dare you yo talk about me like that??" I yelled and he took steps back. .

"Stop yelling. You don't have any other work than yelling st me." He said while putting his hand on his ear and before I could say anything that man again interrupted us.

"But you both fight like husband and wife. Its husband and wife who never tired of fighting. You are same." He said and I turned to look at him and then at Ashar.

"Whatever." I heard Ashar's words.

"Zayan let's...." Asher turned to call Zayan but there was no one.

I look around to see but no Zayan,no Hiba,no sana and not even Zainab. Where the hell they gone???

I look at asher who was shaking his head here and there.

"Come let's go home." He said and I quietly went toward the car and open the front seat door.

He said he will die before making me his wife. Why??

Am I that bad???

I turned to him who cleaned his shirt with his handkerchief and start driving.

Zayan's POV.
"Bhai stop laughing now." Hiba said while laughing herself.

"They'll be finding us." Sana added and I laughed even more.

When I saw Ashar and Maham fighting again,I hold my head and then an idea came in my mind. I look at the girls who were already looking at me. I pointed toward the car and in next minute we all were in the car. The were so busy in fighting with each other that they didn't realize that a lot of people were watching them.

It always happened whenever they both came in front of each other,they forget everything and everyone around them. What they remember was how to fight with each other,and who will win the fight. They just remember each other.

"Bhai why fight so much??"  Zainab asked and I smiled lightly.

"They like to fight with each other. And their this fight is leading them both to somewhere else." I said remembering the tense face of Ashar.

I was surprised to see ashar worried for Maham. I have seen her going after the balloons and I was about to tell Ashar but what I saw makes me to keep silence and observe. Her absence was making Ashar restless. He was tense for her. Why???

When he saw her in front of him,the peace I saw on his face also surprised me. I have never seen  him that much angry and calm. He shouted on her with full right. Like he has only right to fight and yell on her. And I was more surprised when Maham didn't replied anything. She was just listening him.

All the time after  that Ashar was with me but I witness his eyes all time roamed around her. He was keeping an eye on her. He was again and again checking if she was there or not?? I smiled looking at his craziness.

"Why can't they just talk to each other like normal people??" Sana asked and I could see the annoyance on her face.

"Because we didn't fight with everyone. We talk to everyone normally. That's the casual thing. But when two people fight only with each other that has its own meaning." I said keep both my stupid friends in my mind.

They were not aware where their these fights and annoyance was taking them. Anyone could tell that they both are stupid,not aware of their own heart's condition.

I smiled and turned right to reach home fast.

Shahyan's POV.
I was holding her hand in me. The feel of her hand next to mine was fluttering my heart. What was happening to me?? I never felt this kind of feelings before. I intertwined our fingers and she didn't protest but lower her head in shyness. I could see  a lot of colours of shyness on her cheeks which was making her more beautiful.

I stopped the car near a ice cream parlour. She look at me and I smiled.

"So dear,wife which flavour??" I asked and she blushed on my words.

"Vanilla." She slowly said and I nodded.

I slowly removed my hand from her and I suddenly  miss the warmth of her hand. I went out to take ice creams. As I came back with two ice creams in my hand. I hand over to Anabia an ice cream. She took it and we start eating our ice cream slowly. I look at her who was going to put the spoon full of ice cream in her mouth but I grabbed her hand and immediately put it in my mouth.

"What...what are.." She startled and I enjoyed seeing her like this.

"What!!??? I'm eating ice cream with my wife's hand. Simple" I said and she lower her head.

My mobile start ringing. i picked the call and it was Zayan.

"Bro hurry up. We are about to reach home." Zayan said and I nodded.

"Coming." I said and cut the call.

I start driving back to home. I was happy that I spend some Time alone with her. I turned to see her who was looking at her hands. I took her hand again making her startled. I hold her hand and fixed my eyes again on road. She didn't tried to remove her hand from mine which was making my heart fly in happiness. I reached home and saw Zayan was already waiting for me. Zainab look at me and Anabia confused but it was not the right time to tell her anything.

"Where are Ashar and Maham??" I asked looking around.

"They'll be here. Come let's go inside." Zayan said and we all start walking inside.

We all were waiting for Ashar and Maham. Dad wanted to tell something but for that he said Maham should be here.

15 minutes later I saw Maham stepping in with Ashar. Ashar took seat next to me while Maham went toward the girls.

"So now Maham is here. I wanted to tell you all something." Dad started and we all fixed our eyes on dad.

"On coming Tuesday Maham and Shahyan are getting engaged." Dad almost blast a bomb on my head.

There was all silence in the room. I turned to see Anabia immediately. I saw her eyes getting wet but she manage to bring a smile on her face. I was still shock.  How the hell dad can do this?? He didn't ask me for once??

Zayan and his family were also shocked like I was.

"Shahyan,Maham come here." Dad called us and I was controlling my anger.

Zayan nodded for me to go. I went near my dad and also Maham accompany me..we both stand together but my eyes were fixed on the girl who was not looking at me.  I just wanted to look in her eyes.

"Bless you my son." Dad said and I turn to glare him.

He knew what I was thinking. He knew how mad I would be on his this decision but for now,I was keeping my anger inside me. Zayan and his family recover from the shock and slowly congratulated us. I was waiting for her to come to me.

"Congratulations." Anabia whispered as she came near me.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum dear,readers.

May Allah bless you and a very Happy Ramadan.

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I hope you all like the chapter. I know I'm taking the night long but what can I do?? Story has to pass through this long night.

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Till next update Allah Hafiz.

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