Chapter 7

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Zayan's POV.
And the bomb blast for which I was waiting. Shahyan's father almost blast a bomb on us. My parents and I was in shock. I knew something this kind was gonna happened. I look at Shahyan whose eyes were widely open and he was just looking at Anabia bhabhi. Her eyes were fixed on ground. But I could feel their wetness. We all went near Shahyan. Maham was standing near Shahyan. She was holding Shahyan's arm. I turned a little to see Ashar who was also shocked. His eyes were fixed on Maham.

I heard Anabia bhabhi congratulating Shahyan and then again went near the sofa to sit. Her eyes were wet. I saw. I know now it was difficult for her to sit here. I congratulate Shahyan and turned to see Ashar. He came forward and congratulate both of them. I saw Ashar was also surprised as we were.

"Thanks Ashar." Maham said looking at Ashar.

"Excuse me." With that Ashar left from there and I saw the happiness faded away from Maham's face.

Her hand slipped down from Shahyan's arm. Shahyan run to his room while I saw Maham looking at me.

"Where is Ashar?? Where did he go??" She asked I smiled.

This girl is crazy. I mean on one side she is happy that she is getting engage with Shahyan but she didn't notice Shahyan going from there. Her eyes were finding Ashar. Great!!!!

"Maybe he went to call his parents." I lied.

"I'll just check." Maham said and took step out of the house.

These two stupids don't know anything and these two stupids don't want to know anything. I think for all of them I have to become a Cupid who were turn them to their right place.

Okay I will do it..

After all what are friends for. ;)

I thought and turned to bhabhi.

"Bhabhi shall we go now??" I asked. To Anabia bhabhi.

"Please." She said and I nodded.

We all bid our bye and left from there. But I didn't forget to see Maham who was standing right behind Ashar. I smiled and drive the car out.

Shahyan's POV.
What the hell dad did??

I didn't expect dad to do this without even asking me??

Now should I tell him that I'm already married??

I was roaming in my room. My frustration was increasing. The problems were not leaving me alone. Now what to do?? I'm shocked on the sudden announcement of my engagement.


I thought and ran downstairs. I saw her eyes wet. The hurt on her face. I gave her believe that I will not leave her then all of sudden this announcement. She must be getting me wrong.

No no I have to talk to her.

As I came in hall,there was only Maham's dad was seated who was busy in talking to dad.

"Where is zayan and his family??" I asker my mom who was talking to Maham's mom.

"They left son. A few time ago." Mom informed me and I rushed out.

"Shahyan where are you going??" Mom asked but I didn't stop.

I went out and sat in my car. I have to talk to her. I can't let her cry or hurt. I have to explain myself. I was driving as fast as I can. Finally in just 15 minutes I was in zayan's house. I saw zayan I hall watching TV.

"Anabia where is she??" I asked zayan as I reach near him.

"Bhabhi is in her room. But dude why are you here now?? We got the news of your engagement." Zayan said sarcastically.

"Shut up." I yelled and run toward the room.

I open the door as I reach there. I entered and she turned. She was on bed. Her face was dip in the pillow but I still can hear her hiccups.

"Anabia." I called and she turned.

Anabia's POV.
"Anabia." I heard his voice and I turned.

Shahyan was standing in the middle of the room. I just kept looking at him. I don't know why my tears were streaming down. Why I was crying?? When I know that he belong to somewhere else,to someone else then why???

I placed my dupatta on my shoulders and got. I lower my eyes and tried to control the tears but today they lost their control. I heard Shahyan 's footsteps. He stopped tight in front of me. His hand reached my face and he lifted my chin to look up at him.

"You believe me??" He asked and I couldn't control my tears from falling down.

I removed his hand from my face and took two steps back to create some distance between us.

"I told you..that...I..just need of your name." I was crying and saying.

My hiccups were not allowing me to speak properly.

"Maham is..a nice girl. You will...stay happy with her. You..don't about me." I said still looking down.

I was angry on my tears and hiccups. Why I'm crying???

"What did you say?" Shahyan asked taking one step closer.

I took one back. I was rolling my dupatta on my fingers in nervousness, anger and to avoid the feeling which were raising in me.

"I...don't have any...problem with your..eng.." I stopped.

My words stuck in my throat. I thought I forgot what I want to say. Tears start rolling down on my cheeks rapidly.

"You should...agree on this engagement." Finally I said and turner to other side to hide myself from his eyes.

I was crying. The hurt I was feeling in my heart was killing me. Why I'm feeling this pain???

He grabbed my arm and turned me toward him. I hit with his hard chest. My dupatta slipped from shoulders.

"Now say what you were saying??" Shahyan was saying looking directly in my eyes.

I tried to move but he again pulled me toward him and my dupatta fall on ground.

"Leave.. .me" I said and was about to turn when his right hand drift down to my waist and in just a second he pulled me in his arms.

He was holding me tightly with his right hand on my waist while his left hand reached on my face and he remove the hair from my face.

"Now tell me what you were saying??" He asked and I lower my eyes.

"Shahyan please." I tried again to free myself.

"I asker you something!!" Shahyan again said pulling me closer to him.

His face leaned on mine while his left hand cupped my face. His breath was fanning my face and I felt my eyes getting heavy. I couldn't see in his that dark black eyes which were fixed on me.

"You trust me??" He asked and I nodded with tears falling down.

"Then don't worry. I have told you before that you are and will be my wife. Just believe me. I won't let our marriage broken. Dad started this game so now it's now my turn to playback." He said and I look up at him.

"Please don't fight with your dad because of me." I said and his thumb wipe my tears.

"You don't worry. You are his daughter in law and he have to accept it. Just give me some time." His voice sending peace in my heart.

"And what rubbish you said early I don't want to hear it again. You are my wife. Mrs Anabia Shahyan Malik." He said and remove a hair lock from my temple.

"No one can take your place. Never forget okay!!" He asked and I just nodded.

"But Maham and her family. I'm telling you. You don't need to create problems for yourself only because of me. You can marry....." I was saying but he put his hand on my mouth to stop me saying any further.

"This time I stopped you with my hand. Next time I don't want to listen these kinds of words from your lips or else..!" Shahyan said and his thumb touch my lip.

My eyes lower down. My heart start bearing fast. I understand what he was saying. His thumb was tracing my lips and I felt my heart will come out. My body heated up.

"You get that or should I try something else.??" Shahyan stated and I look up at him.

He was looking at me with his that intense gaze. My heart was shivering under his touch. His fingers were still on my lips.

"Anabia!!" He called me and I nodded.

"Good. Now don't think about anything. Don't think about this engagement and all. I will handle all this. Just remember you have to come to that house one day,in my room as my wife. Don't think about anything but just me." He said and winked at me.

My eyes lower down. He just fade my all tension. I suddenly feel our closeness. I tried to move but he was holding me tight.

"Mrs Shahyan don't try to move because I'm not letting you go." He said and  leaned on my face.

"Sha..hyan." I stutter his name.

He place his lips on my forehead and kissed me. My eyes closed automatically. My hands on his shoulders clutched his shirt in my fist. His rested his forehead on mine and I was feeling his breath on my face.

"Just don't be tense okay." He said and I open my eyes.

"Just trust me. I'm going to fixe all this." He said and I nodded.

We just keep looking at each other. His fingers were playing with my hair locks while he was holding my so close to him. Our faces were merely few inches away.My face was heated up.

"May I go now??" He asked and I lower my eyes.

I don't want him to go. I just want him keep holding me like this.

What is happening to me???

"I don't want to go." He said and start playing with the chain I was wearing.

His fingers were touching my neck sending sensations down to my spine. He didn't know what he was doing to me. He was giving me completely new feelings which I never experienced before. My heart was tingling.  His touch was giving a lot of butterflies in my stomach. I lower my eyes and start controlling my heart which was beating so fast. I start biting my lips to stop myself from feeling the sensations he was giving me.

"Shah....yan..." I hardly said.

"Anabia look at me." He said and lifted my head to see him.

"Are you feeling the same which I'm feeling??" He asked and I again look down

"Do your heart beat fast when I came closer to you just like mine?? Do my touch have an effect on you??" He asked while tracing my neck with his fingers.

I wanted to say yes but I stopped myself.

"My heart beat faster when you came this close to me. I like to touch you,to think you all day. Why?? What is happening to me?? ". He was saying and his every word was fluttering my heart.

My face flashes red. His touch was burning me.

"Do you feel the same?? When I touch you how you feel?? When I called you,when I saw you. Do you feel the same as I feel.??" He was asking and I had nothing to say but to blush.

He leaned on my ear and I feel his breath against my earlobe.

"I guess I know how you feel." He said and kissed my ear which makes me gasp.

I felt his lips smile on my ear. He didn't move back. His hand touched my ear and start playing with my earring.

"Am I falling for you??" His voice touched my ear and I closed my eyes.

"Shahyan...I think...." I stopped and he pull back to see me.

Before he could say anything or I can,we heard a knock on door and we both came out of our gaze. I lower eyes immediately.

"Will you go out on a dinner with me??" He suddenly ask and I look up.

"Tomorrow will you??" He again asked and again I heard a knock on door.

"Shahyan someone is on the door. Please leave me " I tried to move but he was not letting me go.

"First answer me. Will you go with me??" He again asked looking in my eyes.

"Shahyan please. " I said as I heard again a knock on door.

"No first answer me." He said.

Why is he so stubborn???

"Okay I will. Now leave me." I said looking at him.

He smiled and Kissed my right cheek. I blushed.

"Be ready for tomorrow." He said and free me from his arms.

I picked my dupatta and placed it on my head. Shahyan look at me and then open the door. Hiba,sana and zayan were standing in front of the door.

"Dude what take you so much to open this damn door??" Zayan bhai said angrily to Shahyan who was now scratching the back of his head.

"Is everything okay bhabhi? Did he say something to you??" Zayan bhai entered the room and asked me.

"I'm fine." I said looking down.

"Oyee...what do you mean if I said something?? She's my wife. I can say anything to her." Shahyan said and I just keep looking at the ground.

"Come out then I will talk to you." Zayan bhai said and grabbed Shahyan's arm.

"Wait." With that Shahyan walker toward me making me nervous again.

"I have start waiting for tomorrow night." He whispered and left from there.

I put my hand on my heart to calm myself. But today I think my heart was going to break all records.I look at Hiba and sana who was smiling looking at me. I run inside the washroom. As I close the door and went in front of the mirror,my eyes lower down as I saw my face. My face was as ree as beetroot. His touch was still visible on my body.

Am I falling for you Shahyan???

I think and look up st myself in mirror and the answer was yes. I smiled shyly.


What is gonna happened tomorrow???

I thought and went out.

Ashar's POV.
What the hell is happening to me???

To hell with Maham and her engagement.

I was roaming in the lawn. I was not able to understand the restlessness I was feeling. I mean I don't have any problem.

"Ashar." Maham called me and I turned.

"What are you doing here??" She asked and I really wanted to escape from here.

"Why?? Why you want to know?? And what are you doing here???" I asked looking at her.

"I just thought to call you." She said.

"Don't think about me. Go to your Shahyan." I said and start taking steps toward my car.

"Excuse me!!" She grabbed my arm and turned me to her.

"I and think about you??? Have you lost it. You'll be the last man on the earth I will ever think. And by the way what all of sudden happened to you??" She again started and I just free my arm from her and start walking again.

I just don't want to talk to her.

"Ashar.." She again called me.

"Don't call me. How many time I have told you not to talk to me. I don't like you at all. Just stay away from me." With that I sat in my car and drove out of the house.

I was driving as fast as I can. I just wanted to go far from her. Where I can't see her.

This girl is really a big problem for me.

Irritation of my life.

I was mumbling when I reached my home. My dad was not home. He was out of country. I saw my my mom seated there on a couch waiting for me.

"Ashar beta." My mom called and I went near her.

"So how was the dinner??" She asked and I lay down in her lap.

"Fine." I said and closed my eyes.

Mom start running her hands in my hair. I start feeling relax.

"So how was everyone??" Mom asked.

"Fine. Aunty was asking for you." I said with closed eyes.

"How's Maham?" Mom said and I open my eyes.

"Mom don't take her name. You know na how much this girl irritates me. Just don't talk about her." I said and put my mom's dupatta on my eyes.

"Its mean you both again fought today." Mom said but I didn't replied.

My mobile start ringing and I received it with out checking the caller I'd.

"Hello." Maham's voice came from the other side.

"You...!!! Why you called??? Don't you get that I'm not interested in talking to you??" I sat up and start yelling at her.

"Stop yelling first. I'm just call to ask about my balloons. They are in your car. Please take care of them." She said and I was like really!!!

Those stupid balloons!!!!

My mouth widely open. I just don't believe that she just call for her that stupid balloons.

"Balloons right!! Wait and watch." I said and walked toward my car.

"Ashar what are you doing??" I heard Maham saying from other side but I didn't say anything.

I took that balloons out of my car and I insert my car keys in them so they blasted with a noise.

"You heard that!!! These were your balloons. They are dead now." I said and cut the call.

This girl is crossing her limits.

Balloons really!!!!

I went in and saw my mom standing there,trying to understand what is going on.

"Mom good night. " I said and rushed to my room.

I just free my foot from shoes and fall on bed. I closed my eyes to get some peace when again my damn mobile start ringing.

"Hello." I answered the call.

"How dare you to cut my call?? And you tore my balloons. How dare you to shout on me???" She was yelling from other side.

"Shut up. Just shut up. Headache. Whenever I talked to you, my head start feeling headache. To hell with you and your stupid balloons." I said and cut the call.

I turn off my mobile and hide my head under the pillow.

God this girl will make me mad.

I'm going mad.

Stupid fellow.

I was again trying to sleep and wanted to relax. I was about to dozz off when again I heard.


Maham's POV.

How can be someone so annoying???

I went in lawn to talk to him and he just start fighting with me. I don't know what is his problem.  From the first day to now I'm trying to understand him.

I called him to check if he reached home but he again start shouting on me. I just ask about the balloons to tease him and here again he start yelling. He cut the call without telling me.

How dare he!!

When again I called him he called me headache.

He again called me headache!!

How dare he. No one talk to me like that but this boy he always cross his limits.

I drove to his home and saw his mom in hall.

"Hi  aunty. Where is Ashar??" I asked.

"In his room." Aunty said and I rushed toward his room.

Aunty was standing there looking at me going to her son's room. Today I'm not going to spare him.

"Ashar." I called him as I entered in his room.

He was laying on bed peacefully. How can he sleep peacefully when I'm here restless and angry.

"You...!" He saw me and get up.

"What the hell are you doing in my room??get the hell out of here right now." He shouted coming closer to me.

"Stop shouting on me. What you think I will do what you will say. I'm not going anywhere until you apologize to me for shouting at me." I said and sat on bed.

"What..!!! Me and sorry. For what??? You are the worst thing which always ruin my mood,my sleep." He said looking at me.

"Get up Maham and get lost. I'm not in mood of fighting with you any more." He said and hold my arm.

He made me stand up and was dragging me toward the door.

"Leave me..I'm not going anywhere. How dare you to talk to me like this." I was  struggling to free myself but he was so strong.

I pushed myself in the room and we both didn't maintain our balance which result in falling us both on ground. His arms was on my stomach while I was completely on floor. He look up and our eyes met.

I couldn't avert my eyes from his. He just caught my eyes in his deep eyes. My hand was on his shirt holding him close. We were lost in each other when his mom's voice snapped us out.

"Ashar,Maham what is going on??" His mom entered the room and saw us on ground.

Ashar immediately moved from me and stands up.  I tried to get up but I feel a sharp pain in my foot.

"Ouch.." I said and sat down on ground again.

"What happened beta??" Aunty asked coming closer to me.

"My foot. Its paining." I said and aunty helped me to get up.

Ashar was looking at me. I tried to take a step but again I felt a sharp pain and was about to fall when his strong arm hold me. I look at him.

"Come let me see." He said and I slowly walked with him but pain was so strong that tears start rolling down on my cheeks.

Ashar look at me and then in next second he picked me in his arms and start walking toward the bed. My eyes were widely open. I forgot my pain and start feeling the tingling inside my heart.

He made me sit on bed and start examining my foot.He was seated in front of me on ground.

He twitched me foot so hard that I shouted in pain.

"Ahhhh....Ashar." I yelled while grabbing his shoulder in my hand and he smiled.

"Now move your foot." I moved my foot and it was okay.

I was feeling no pain. I smiled looking at him who was smiling at me.

"Maham you okay??" Aunty asked and I nodded.

"I'm fine aunty." I said and stand up.

"Why you both were fighting??" Aunty asked looking at us.

"Aunty its Ashar who always fight. He called me headache. What headache I gave him?? You know he just tore my balloons." I said looking at aunty.

"Excuse me!!! That stupid balloons. Don't mention them again. And please its you who always irritates me. Now go let me sleep." He said and I was looking at him with open mouth.

"How rude!! You should shame on yourself for throwing me out of your house." I said looking at him.

"Yeah I know. Now please leave me alone." He said and lay down on bed,covering himself with blanket.

"You...!! GO to hell." I said and ran out of his room.

That much rude.

That much arrogance

That idiot .

Stupid Ashar

I'm not gonna face him again.

Hell with him.

My innocent balloons..!!!

I drove to home mumbling to my myself. My rage was not getting over.

Ahhh I hate this man.

With that I went in my house,deciding that I will never see him and talk to him.

Shahyan's POV.
I was happy that Anabia listen to me and believe on me.

The moments I share with her making me smile. Her fragrance was still around me. The way she was holding my shirt,her shyness, her blush and her shiver on my closeness everything was making me crazy for her.

I reached home and saw there is no one. My parents were gone to their room. I wanted to talk to dad but now it was not possible. I went in room and fell on bed. I was thinking how to cancel this engagement when my mobile ring.

"Hello." I answer the call with close eyes.

"Hel..lo." Her voice snapped me out from my thoughts.

"Hello Anabia." I said and propped up to sit.

"You reached home??" She asked and I smiled.

"Yes. But why didn't you sleep yet??"I asked

" I was waiting for you to reach home. Now sleep." She said which made me smile.

"How without you??" I said

"Good night." And she cut the call.

I laughed thinking about her shy look. I called her again and she picked the call.

"Tell me how can I sleep when you are not here. I wish I can take you in my arms and.." I was saying and she again cut the call.

I laughed. I know she was shying. I really wanted to see her that red face. I closed my eyes and drawn into sleep.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you??

Chapter 7 is in your library now.

So how was the chapter???

Your favorite scene??

Favorite POV???

I hope you like the chapter. I will try to update another chapter  in this week but if I didn't then I won't be able to update till 20 days. I'm going out of town. There is no internet. Hope you all understand.

Do vote & comments.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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