chapter -3

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Every pain you feel in this
world , there's is reward for it in the next - unknown

True friends are not the one who surreptitious your darkest tale when are with you , true friends are them who surreptitious your darkest tale even when you become enemies - gypsy hassan

Amaal pov

I breathed at the aroma of the caffeine , my eyelids were feeling bit heavy , my lips sealed on the plastic cup of caffeine making a hot sensation to build as I glupped it down my throat.

I yawnked as I placed the cup down and then scrolled on my phone to see the time 6 in the morning,we were supposed to have an extra English class at this time which then happen to be postponed to 7 . I looked around the cafeteria to find some students busy reading a article where some doodle on their books

I checked my picstagram when arham new post popped on my screen

Wait , where is arham

Hey nincompoop, dida forget , yuh gota extra english class to attend now ,-amaal

Hurry up Yuh jack-ass,- amaal

Gonna come ?, - amaal

After a minute or some she replied back

Dumbo , im having the second batch which is around 9, please don't distrube my beauty sleep , - arham

I had virtually forgot that we had two batches of English class , first batch had an classes around 6 every Tuesday were second batch had around 9, but on Friday we had class on 9 were they at 6 , vice-versa

"Lucky ass " I murmured under my breath , keeping my phone aside ,I took out my new sharp pencil from my back, I scribbled on my note with my pencil as I pointed down few key points of grammars

"Hello " a masculine voice echoed in my ears making me to snap my head at the man standing at his all 5.9 feet height

" Don't mind if I take a seat ?" His index pointed at the chair across me

" Nop " answering him I went back to my previous work of scribbling

"So your having the 6AM class ?"my hands stopped on its track as I slowly moved my head at him with still my spine contorted down

" Yep , and you too?" I quired as I brought my self up straight this time

"If it wasn't about the class then I would have covered beneath the duvet " he snorted as he nonchalantly brought his cup up to his lips and took a sip , his tongue licked on his upper lips and then down

Wallah he as a baby cute pink lips

"Hey , we got a hour free , if you don't mind can you help me to solve some maths? " his blue eyes locked into mine , I was lot in that Pacific Ocean , so deep and blue it was , I never liked guys with blue eyes ,I always thought that it's fugly to be looked but then this guy- who is sitting in front of me- proved it wrong, he had very beautiful eyes and it was alluring the one who looked into it

" yea sure " I answered giving a thin smile , my heart beat was in pace 10x more then the Normal rythem , I didn't get why does I was feeling such kind of vulgaris feelings

May be because this the first time that I'm sharing a table with a man.

" It's wrong " i said implying at his answer, he was getting every answers right until he was stucked on the 5th, which was to find the X graph ,

" O god " he put down his pencil as he leaned back in his chair , his eyes were lingered on the sheet of paper as if he was trying to find an answer ,

His masculine cologne hitted my nostrils making me to shut my eyes and feel the air of redolence, the very Vanilla combined with his saop smelled so good and pleasant , my eyes trailed on his face as a blob of water dripped down his face , he was looking so fresh and cool as if he have walked straight out from a shower , his black hair looked so Messy but cute on his face,his thin pink lips that was now crinkled to side making an cute dimple to appear on  his face , he had a fair complexion with that sharp masculine jawline , outline of his toned stomach so visible under his camouflage shirt beneath black denim jean and a denim sweater , he was not looking any less then that vogue magazines models

" if I take y with other digit , then I may get the X"

" H..ha?" I said ,more like questioned fuddled

"I say that if I take y with other digit then I may get X " he verbalize , wagging his pencil back and forth between his index and middle finger

" Try it then " I said , his hands trailed on the sheet as he started to draw the graph line , he was so preoccupied in his work that he was oblivious about the surrounding that was staring at him , each and every girl in the cafe was gawking at him , drool hanging down their mouth while some faces were glowering in my direction ,

"O man I didn't knew it could be so easy " my head turned back at him , he had smugly smile pasted across his face , eyes still lingered on the sheet

" Thank you so much amaal , " his blue orbs met brown hazel of mine, he was dancing in victory as if he have won a big battel

" Your welcome" my phone beeped with the remainder that I had set ,"I think it's time for my class"  I gathered my belongings from the table and scooted out

" Hey what's your plan on the weekend , "my foot halted as I turned to face him who still had his back facing me

"If you are free then can we do combine study " he turned hastily in my direction , holding a genius smile on his face

" Sorry ,but I'm not free , I work at near by cafe in the weekends "I stated candidly and strided out before he can march up to my pace

I dawdle around the corridor , clutching the book tight near my chest ,still in engrossed in my thoughts , I really didn't expected him to be working out the problem solemnly , when he asked me to help him I didn't thought him to be determined about it ,

Then what did you anticipate?

"That he wanted a reason to spend his time with you ! Who are you ! Selina Gomez or dua lip , girl wake up , he is Daniel , girls kiss the ground he had walked on , and you think he wanted to spend time with you or flirt around you " my subconscious snapped

"Opps " I Yelp rubbing a hand over my forehead, I looked down to see my books shattered around the floor

Wait ,

I was too timid to look up at the person I got collided to , my eyes dallied from her foot till finally it met her brown eyes , I glupped my saliva anxiously as I saw the dejâ vû standing herself in my front

" I ...m .. sorry" I stammered frightened

"Yea, it's ok " she dismissed her hands in the air as she continued to stare at her left , I gawked blinking my eyes server times to believe on what she said or more like who has said it

Wait , what!

She didn't yelled at me

Suprise , suprise the great Samiya Sheikh didn't ranted or went deranged all over me

What had gotan into her , dida she waked up at her right side or did any pole hitted her head on the way .

My eyes then diverted at the scenario that she was gazing at to see the Greek god aka alyan doffing his shirt off while pouring a bottle of water over his head which then trailed down his abs ,

Gosh , he had 6 pack abs

A smugly smirk pasted on his face as he marched up to the stadium . being shirtless ,

"O god he is so hot " my eyes turned at the voice to find a new face which I reckon to be a freshman

"Damn , he is so handsome , dida see his toned stomach , he is so hot and se**" I could see the drool that dropping down her mouth as she gaze at him vocuously

"Freaking F****" the other one Jabber , every eyes were now lingered on him as if he is really something to be gazed at ,

"I'm so sweating , why is he so hot "another one stated dramatically , fanning her face with her palm

"So much of drama " muttering under my breath I strode to my English class

Alyan pov
Doffing my shirt and throwing it away , I poured a cold water over my head , so knackered I was left after the football practice

"Alyan " Jordan called out standing at the stadium where I ran up to him

" O gosh alyan , Yuh r so hot " he mimicked a Girlish tone while his hands lingered on my naked chest

"Gross , taka hand out from meh " I stepped back , crinkling my face into grimace

"Hey , that what girls do when they see something hot and striking , right?" he quired raising his arched brow at me

" that's girls things to do , not yuhr " I said emphasizing at the word 'ur' while crooking my index and middle finger in the air

" Hahaha , if a gal had done that then you would have never said to remove her hands from yuh" he sneered while I stifled the urge to roll my eyes at him

O god , how did I end up making him as my pal

"Picstagram did that " came a answer from my back of head

It's so true that the person we meet on social media is so different in real life then how they tend to be in it ,

" Don't worry man , I'm not a gay ,I'm into girls and even I had lost my virginity to a gal when I was in my 6th grade " he said apprehensive my uneasyed face and flumped on the metal seat

I gasped at his words before covering it up with the neutral face , which didn't went unnoticed by him

" Wait " he said as he brought his face so close to me that I was smelling the bacon from his breakfast

" Don't say that you are a virgin " he emphasized on his each words , while his face hold the stagger

" Hey , that how I should be reacting man, you have lost your virginity at smoll age and your no more a fu** Virgin " I chimed in , shoving him in his chest playfully

" O god , mother of f****** ,alyan we are at 21 century where losing virginity is common man , it's not a big deal " he stood abruptly while hanging his head in his hand " you are a virgin , how come it be possible" he turned to me , eyes widened in astonishment

" Because I never had a sex" I stated lucidly ,he gawked at me while I resisted the urge to punch him on his face

" How come girls didn't ended up laying beside you "

" Because I never let them to do " I resort , packing my bag up, I scooted out where he jogged up to me

" Is it taboo to you ?" I halted on my spot before turning to face him

" I promised my virginity to someone" with that I left him behind flummoxed

"But to whom?" He quired coming out of his daze and following me like a lost puppy

"That's a secret " I throwed my gym bag at my changing room locker and took out a shirt to wear

" I doubt , dida ever Yuh kissed " he said more like questioned himself looking at the Celling

"Hey , I'm not that so good that I could resist kissing a girl" I tittered, titling my head back at him

" That wa....." He was cut off by a loud ranting coming by the door , both our heads snapped at the doors to see a guy of covel walking in while cursing someone under his breath

" That f*** woman, the bitch , she is dolt ,she is freaking hell" he slumped on the seat , hanging his head in his hands

" Ohh , who is the lady of praise, David " Jordan joked patting his shoulder , the guy - David glowered at him

" Alice is insane , she was f*** the shit out of me " David vociferated , looking so pissed

" What she did ?"

" That clod was not letting me go , she called me 4 in the morning , informing that we had some arrangments to make for the band fest. I feel really sick working with her " David gritted while covering his palm into a tight fist , he was so furious over that girl named -alice.

"Then why don't you stop working with her " David glared at Jordan as if he as said something balderdash

"As if it was my choice " David sneered which then swapped to scowl look

"Its all because of that damn scholarship which I got under working with her , even I wish to leave I can't , i don't have any choice or more like to say options left other then working with her to keep up with my tuition expenses"

" Hey , you are in sports team ? " I questioned out of blue , looking at the Jersey in his hand

"He is a pro " Jordan said , stretching the 'o' in the pro

"Then why didn't you take the scholarship under sports, if you are good in it ?" David eyes made its way up to Jordan , who was standing beside him , resting his hand on David shoulder

"Thanks to this man ,who is standing beside me , he informed me at very end of the distribution day , saying that scholarship are being dispensed, ..and when I got there , the Dean informed me that all the scholarship under sports are taken and the one remaining was helping the school organizers ,"his tone dripped with sarcasm , Jordan brows knoted before saying" hoe , even I got to know the day I informed you , "

" then ,Dean must be reserved one for you as you are an a dabster in sports and athletics " he mocked a thin smile at him

" Being a dabster is true but more than that ,I got it because a freind of mine reserved it special for me " Jordan plodded near me , grinning like a moron and then resting his elbow on my shoulder

" Freind of you?" David brows furrowed

" Alyan dad is a philanthropist ,the 50% of scholarship here are from his dad ,and that's a reason I got reserved one " Jordan patted my arm while showing his set of teeth at me , David opened his mouth to say something when an phone call interrupted him

" Eeeww , not again " he glowered at the phone screen before attending the call

" Hey don't you have any class "

" My class starts at 9 " I informed as I pulled my shirts on

" Then ,why did you came so early " my hands stopped on mid track as I turned to face him , thinking as if he is real

" Because someone called me and informed me that we are having a football practice " I said pulling the shirts on and then removing my trousers to change into my jean

" Football practice ? , Who the moron informed you that " my head snapped at him ,I looked at him dumbfounded

Is he suffering from Alzheimer ?

" We are having the football in next quarter "

O wait

It's not Britain , but America and he is a American chick

"My mistake , I mean to say soccer " I said bitting my tongue

"Okeeeyyy ,so it mean that somebody who called you is 'me' and in that case I become moron '" he pointed his index at himself while keeping a straight -cool face which then turned horrified after the realisation hit him hard.

"You are a moron for sure but I feel bad that it took so long Yuh to realise " I jest , kissing my lips to suppress my laugh


" Good morning students , I'm your new english teacher ,ms Angelina Jolie " she flipped her hair with her index , showing her white set of teeth's

"If you have any doubt then feel free to ask " saying it she turned to the white Border , scribbling something with the black marker

" Ms Angelina , " my head turned at the voice to see Tyler raising his hand up

" Yes " she turned , her eyes hunting for the owner of voice in the herds of students untill it finally Stopped on Tyler

" Are you single "students gapsed looking at him in amusement , I bitted my bottom lips to stifle my laugh

" What " her eyes widened at him , jaw hanging wide

" I mean , is it a correct pronunciation " he rubbed his back of neck while giving a boyish smile

"Hmm...yea ryt " she was taken aback by the question ,students chortled making ms Angelina to go all red ,

"Ms Angelina " he called out again ,

" What's now " she asked vexed at his question

" Can I get your number " her brows furrowed before answering

" Is it another pronunciation
Trial " she asked , looking annoyed

" No , I'm serious , I really need your number"

" May I know why " her ass rested on the front desk , her hands crossed near her chest , eyebrow raised at him

"In case of doubts "

" You can clear your doubts in the class itself, why do you need my number for that "

" What if I get doubts in the middle of night " her eyes widened , she looked at him dumbfounded

"Who do gets the doubts in the middle of night " she said emphasizing on her words, looking bewildered

"I do , you see ,most of doubts arise in the middle of the night as I sleep dreaming about it " she looked at him as if he was saying a lame joke

" Dreaming about what , doubts or the lessons "

" You " he grinned sheepishly while her face glowered at him

" Out of my class right now " she pointed her index at the exit door where he shrug before dangling his back

" Sure " he strolled out not before passing her a genius smile

I packed my back and scooted out when she said

" Where are you going mr " she questioned raising her brow at me , hands still crossed near her chest

" The class is boring anddddd ..... you are too" her jaw dropped down the floor where i absconded before she can go bonkers all over me

" Hey Tyler " i called out where he stopped on his track before turning to face me

" Me " he asked pointing his index at him

" Is there anyone else named Tyler here ?" I quired , he looked around the corridor before turning to face me again

" I think ,no " we both giggled looking at eachother faces

" By the way I'm alyan"we perambulate around the campus leisurely

" You mean the Greek god !" I looked at him bewildered ,

Greek god?

" That's what the title given to you by the T bug " he answered getting my bewildered face

" Yea then , you can say that " my lips curled up to a smugly smirk, I rested my hands in my jeanpockets , exhaling a deep air out ,I passed a thin smile at the cafeteria lady as we entered , her face scowled at me

Opps , I'm not everyone's favourite

" I like the way how you act , so cool and calm " I scooted my ass down the seat where he took a seat across me from the table

" So it mean I impressed the great alyan aka the Greek god "he asked dramatically raising his brow at me

we chewed the fat , almost telling everything about eachother , we were so engaged in the convo that we almost Skipped 2-3 classes , I almost came to know everything about him, from his favourite colour to the underwear he wear

I think he wear jockey !

" So freinds" I showed up my fist in the air , I never requested or asked out someone to be my friend , it always been them , asking me or requesting me to make them as my friends, but this guy was really something , he was so different from the people I met and he looked not so impressed by my wealth,and that's a reason i thought to make him as my friend

" Sure " we fistbumped before striding out


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