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Everything in life is pre-written but with dua it can be rewritten -unknown
Sun is alone too, but still shine's
Amaal pov

"The black orbs of his ,so dark as a chocolate , his thin pink lips ,so sweet as a strawberry , " she licked her upper lip seductively" his chiseled jawline , so sharp that it would leave a cut if you touch , his fair tone which even could beat the complexion of a moon , his toned stomach and bisceps are just 'wow' to say , he is just a walking Greek god , so handsome and hot he is " arham was staring at her phone screen from past 15 mintues , gawking at it while holding a French toast in her other hand , my face grimaced at her not- so - good acting

"I'm in love with him " she squinted her eyelids dramatically , I sorted placing the last cup in the tray and turned to face her

"Wasn't you said same thing about çaglar " I collapsed on the chair across her , brows rosed at her while lips curled up

"BAE , çaglar is my crush not my love ,even he is a celeb which means it's just celebrate crush " she crooked her index and middle finger in the air ,a thin thight smile pasted across her face making me to shook my head in amusement

" Alyan is my hero ,he is my knight in shining armour , I'm in love with him" she placed her chin under her right palm while staring at the coffee board dreamily

" Woo gal , it's notch even been a month , and yuhr saying yuhr in love with him ," I stated flabbergasted , clapping my hands in mockery,

" It's infatuation , nothing more " I stated as I got up to prepare a cappuccino for the costumer ,who just placed the order .

"How can you say that " her voice dripped with dispoinment , I felt a pair of eyes glaring at me

Eww !such a drama queen she is

"Because I'm your bestie " I wincked at her where she rolled her eyes up making me to chuckle at her kiddo act

" But you can't read my heart " I filled the cup and handed to the customer , my lips crinkled to a sweet smile which the man returned back while paying the bill

"Hope you to visit again " my jaws started to stinging by having that full-on -time fake smile

" Yep" the man walked out taking his cup of cappuccino where I sighed before turning to face arham , i was not in the mood for her love sap

" But I can feel it " she munched on her french toast , roughly biting it as if she was taking all her frustration out on it

" I really love hi ..." She was trailed off when a voice from the door interrupted

"What's the gossips gals " Jessy walked in and placed the tray on the counter , jessy was my co-worker , who used worker along with me from past two years , she was such a sweet and cute girl with a package of enthusiasm filled in her nerve .

" Arham gottcha new crush " I stated monotonously , crinkling my lips to a smirk , Jessy heart big lips parted as her almond eyes glittered with astonishment,

" Who is it now ?" her eyes glittered with enthusiasm as she clapped her hands like a kid, standing on her toe

" Çaglar ?" She quired where I shook my head

" Berk atan?"

" No"


"No " my voice raised a bit this time

" Then lemme guess ,...Ismail? " Her tone dripped with the enthusiasm , eyes held the curiosity

" Who is Ismail?" stated arham abruptly , both our head turned to face her who had bewilderment written all over her face

"Ismail Ege sasmaz " she emphasized giving pause inbetween to make us get the name clearly

" Ohh " was all arham said before starting back at her phone

" no ,not Ismail , It's a boy from school " I stated mundane , lingering my eyes on arham and catching her each move .

" Burnette or blonde ? " My head snapped at Jessy who had her eyes fixed at arham

"It's blonde " replied arham , still eyes lingered on the phone screen , she was acting as if her ship has been drowned

"If I'm not wrong then you were crushing the brunette last semester? " Jessy knew arham too well , even she could say who was arham first Crush , so close they were , arham and Jessy freindship started after arham started to visit me at the Cafe in her downtime , arham liked Jessy at first sight and didn't hesitated to open up about her , after knowing Jessy was a Turkish fan too , the bond become solid

" She thinks that she is in love with that British kid , who joined the school prior to week " I crossed my hands across my chest , exhaling a deep breath

" Poor soul, I'm really feeling pity for him " Jessy faked a pity look while arham eyes glared at her

" Lemme see that laddie "Jessy peeped at her phone before snacthing it away from arham grip, making her to startle

"Hey gimme back my phone " arham stood up from her seat , trying to snatch back her phone from Jessy who was holding her back from doing that

" O f**** shit , he is really hot , I'm must say arham have good taste in boy's " arham stopped struggling as she flumped back on her chair , having the smug smile pasted on her face

What's there to be proud of ?

"So what's the point for this hunk ?" Arham quired , lips crinkled up to a smirk , Jessy eyes were like it may come out of their sockets any moment wide she was starting at the phone screen

"It's 1 " Jessy head popped up from the phone screen to arham

"One? " arham shrieked , looking at Jessy as if she had grown two horn in her head


That not fair

He is not so bad that he deserve 1 out of 10 ... Atleast 7or 8 can make up

"So you're feeling bad for him, haa? " Came a mocking question from my back of head

"I don't feel any bad for him , and why should I be , I was just stating the fact " i argued back like a alec

"It's 100 " screamed Jessy from her top of lungs , gaining unnecessary attention on her way , some people glared at her while some looked amused at her way

Jessy bitted her bottom her lip in akwardness and then turned to face arham

" He is really hot and handsome and even se** too" stated Jessy in hushed tone while arham gave a look of - I know

"So tell me about him" Jessy pulled out a chair and placed her ass on it , she was agoged to know about him

" I don't get why Yuh guys are so intrigued in boys ,what's there to talk about them " both their head snapped at me as if I said something '-so unreal'

" Aww gal your so navie , you can't get this thing , you need to be grown up to know" I gave a bored look at Jessy who stated it

" And if you mean by scoring and gawking at the men is grown up then I don't want to be " I blinked my eyes giving contemptuous smile at them

" Wait wasn't someone was interested in çaglar " asked Jessy , eyeing me up and down , I sighed crossing my hands over my chest

" Its just obsession nothing more and even I don't go all Cray like you do "

" Say's the one who as his photo pasted across her room wall " Jessy smirked where arham chortled making me sigh in defeat

" Okeyy okeyy , I agree ,I do Fangirl him but not as much as you guys do , even I don't go behind random boys like you two do" my finger shooted between them ,while holding a grimaced face

" Whatever ," saying it Jessy turned to arham who then started to fill the air with deets of alyan

" Amaal" I turned to find mrs grace standing in my back, she was the one who was running the cafe after her husband passed away , she was sweet and gentle and very caring like a mom , she always treated me as her own child then as worker ,

The smile on my lips started to fade away when I got that look on her face which she have when she was in trouble

" What's it now " I asked where she smiled apologisticly at me

" You know Rhea , she skipped today aswell,....and there a VIP customer here who I want you to go and take down the order " I whine, scrunching my face ,

" Why do that Rhea always do that " I throwed up my fist in exasperation.

My shift was done and it was my time to leave ...but now I couldn't because of this , I was really knackered after working all day and was waiting to get home for a good nap .

My frustrations got down when I saw the pleadings look on her face and I couldn't say a no to this face , with groaning and groaning I nodded my head

"Okey , but this is last time I'm going to take her shift " I Said which I have been saying everytime before doing that and endup doing it again

"Now hurry up " she hurriedly pated my shoulder while I collected a note and a pen from the drawer

"This is last time , I'm saying it" she nodded where I gronnded and marched to the VIP doors

I took a deep breath , adjusting my shirt and straighing my cap I walked in like a pro waitress

"How may I.." my words blocked on my throats as I looked up at the person

"Hey " he waved cheerfully , keeping away his I pad and straighing his posture in the chair

"The world is really small , I didn't hoped to meet again " he stated as if we were never going to meet again by ignoring the fact that we often meet up in the school

"You say as if we never going to see up in school again " I smirked ,he chuckled while placing a hand over his face to hide his boyish grin

"I didn't meant in that way , what I wanted to say was that I was not hoping to see you in weekends as you said you are a busy women " He said making me to sense something suspicious about him ,

Wait ,why do I feel like he is here after me and this cafe is so far away from where he lives and secondly it's not that lavish cafe that he would like to visit , there was no reason of him being here

"What if he is here after me , " my subconscious thrilled

" But why would he do that , there is no reason for that "

" What if he wants to befriend me in the name of dare and take me to his bed "

" Ya Allah , right , I have read many Wattpad stories where a riche boy go behind a girl in the name of dare and use her and throw her off ,...yes it could be it , he is here just for a dare " my eyes glared at him as my mind reckoned some Wattpad stories where a boy go behind a poor girl in the name of a dare ,as she is a easy target and play with her feelings

" Just split the bean that you're here after me " I said without beating the blush and getting straight to the point , he didn't responded as he continued to stare

Damm , I knew it , he is stalking me , he as been dared to do , I know this rich people who get enthusiastic in the name of dare and will go to any depth to fullfill that

"So gross they are " my subconscious ranted ,my face grimaced looking at him

" I know the intention of guy like you ,you think that having money can make people to fall on your feet , you think that with money you can buy anything and anyone but mr " I pointed my index strenly at him " I want warn you that , I'm not any girl that will go behind you just because you are handsome and rich "

" I never said that " he stated like a innocent kid , I smirked at his act of innocence and said" this eyes and face will not work with me , you can't fool me , and stop this low class act by stalking me , be a gentleman and respect a women , I know men like you think that women are like a tissue paper which you can use once and throw it off , guy like you only knows to fullfill there lust and desire " I shouted clenching the wooden chair firmly , I didn't know what had gotten up on me that I was bulburing like this

" what a pity for the mother who gave birth to a child like you ,who only look up at women with lust and lecherous ignoring the fact that even your mother is a women and other men must have looked at her way with same lu...."

" Enough " he shouted, banning his fist on the glass table and stood up , I flinched back , holding the notepad firlmy in my palm

" If I don't say anything then it not meant that im allowing you to say bullshits ," his face glowered at me making me to feel my knee weak , I glupped my salvia anxiously,

'Amaal be strong , '

"And one more thing , never judge a person by what you hear about them , watch out there action with your own eyes before judging anyone by what you hear , " I dropped my head down in embarrassment, eyes lingering on my boots while I fidgeted with my toes

" do you think being billionaire means we have a right to play with other feelings just because we have we don't have a right to play with other feelings and even money can't buy everything , "he sighed before saying " not all billionaire are same , And do you think that being a billionaire son is really that easy , do you think it's blessing " he paused , chuckling sadly " it's not a blessing but curse , we don't get time to spend our times with our parents like you do , our parents even doesn't spare a single mintues for us , they always get busy with their works and party , the warm of crudled up in mothers arm or the love of father we never experienced as we were always put down with hands of nannies to take care of "a single tear dropped his eyes making my heart clench , I felt rue on my act ,

" Split of that, people spread random things about us even not witnessing it , " his lips roses to a sad smile , there was silence for a minute until he said

" I don't know who filled this stupid thing in your head that I go around sleeping with woman and using them , to be real I'm still a fu***** Virgin " he clenched his jaws , my eyes shooted up at him


" If you don't believe then you can escort me for a doctor check up" a silly smile took over his lips which immediately coverd behind his frigid look

"I'm sorry " I muttered like a wet cat , bitting my bottom lips

"Don't be sorry , I just hope you to not to judge anyone by what you hear about them other then witnessing it infront of your own eyes" I meekly nodded my head , I heard the opening of the door and when I looked up he was already gone

So fast !

I slumped on the wooden seat , feeling rue for my act . I covered my faces with my palm

" Shit , I shouldn't have said that " I started at the door that he just walked out , I clapped my thighs and got up to go . When I walked out I saw Daniel talking to mrs grace while the two monkeys gawked at him , having some droole hanging their mouth ,

" Okey mrs grace , hope to see you again" I heard him say as my pace got near to him

" Bye my son " she waved her hands at him with sweet candy smile while I looked taken a back

" You know him? " I asked once he was out of the cafe

" Yea , my husband used to work for them before he started his own cafe , " her hands fumbling through the wooden cabinet , searching for something " they are good people , they helped us a lot with financial state , even now they send me some money for my needs , I'm so grateful to them " something flickered my mind as I face - palmed myself mentally

" So he was here to give the money" I asked , emphasizing on my words , mrs grace eyes met mine " yes , and I feel so bad that he didn't ate anything , I really insisted him to have a cup of coffee atleast" I collapsed on metal seat ,

" got it " taking out the coffe beans , mrs grace walked out

" Tell me " my head turned at arham who had her orbs rosed at me

" What? " I asked back like a innocent kid

" I know that look on your face you have when you do some blunders "

There is nothing to hide from them

" How cliché "

" How can you be so brain-less"

" Wattpad screwed you"

" You got really bad reading that cliche stories , I shouldn't have introduced that app to you" was all the throw back I got after explaining them with my blunder

" It's not only because of Wattpad that I made him to hear out so many things " I muttered making both the eyes look suspiciously at me

" I heard so much of things about him out there in picstagram "

" What you heard " arham stern voice filled the air

" That alyan is bad guy who go around with girls , sleeping with them , wasting his money , doing forbidden things , playing with girls feelings and then dumping them as if they are some shits " arham eyes looked at me as if I was saying a lame joke

" What " I asked pissed from her looks

" Where is Daniel in it , you only said about alyan " a wave guilty washed over me as I realised what mistake I have done - I judged Daniel by hearing the blunders of alyan

" You miss judged him " said arham

" And even you can't judge alyan by the deeds you hear from rumours , they can be a lie aswell , you can't judge a book by its cover " I bitted my bottom lips , feeling ashmed by my act

" I'm reckoning why didn't he slapped the glass plate across your face " chuckled Jessy , my eyes glared at her

" What , anyone in his place have did that as you said so awful things about his mom , who can bear hearing that things , would you have just walked out if someone say nasty about your mom? " I nodded in negative sign as a tear slipped down my eye

" You did big blunder , you judged a book by its cover , you didn't tried to read it " Jessy stern voice made something to realise inside me

" I know I did a big mistake and now I want to make it right , help me please" I begged with tears in my eyes , their eyes moistened looking at me

" You shouldn't have did that at first place " stated jessy starting at the Celling and then back at me

" May Allah save you "collecting her purse and phone from the counter, arham strided out


"How cliché"

" How can you be so brain-less"

"Wattpad screwed you"

" You lost your sense"

I flipped and tossed on my bed trying to sleep which was so far away from engulfing me,my mind recolled on arham words which hitted like an arrow to my chest

" Eeee" I gronnded as I jerked up , I pulled my hair from my scalp out of frustration

" I shouldn't have said that " I gritted my teeth , feeling vexed over myself

"Now how to make it up for my blunder " my lips twisted to corner as I pondered on what to do , my eyes lighted up looking at my phone

" Yes she can help me " I grinned like manic before taking my phone from the study table , my eyes rommed at the side bar to see 3:3 in morning

" She must be sleeping" I sighed before putting my phone a side

" How can you be such a fool amaal, what had gotten into you , "

"Never ever try to hurt someone with your words because the words once fallen down from mouth can be never taken back , a good muslim can never hurt others asper it's a sin , Allah will not like the one who hurt others by their words , amaal do remember one thing even if someone hurt you don't hurt them back " mom's words echoed in my ears as I tried my best not to cry

" I hurted him even though he didn't did anything to me " I hiccuped rubbing my tears hastily

The amaal who could even not think of hurting someone in her dream as insulted a man so much that he now don't want to see my face

" I have to make it right , I have to do it " I rubbed off the tears , taking the phone back and dailed arham number , after three ring and 4 miscalls she finally picked up

" Helllooo" came a sleepy voice from other end , by her tone I was damn sure that she was still in her bed

" Hello , it's me " I hushed

" Hello me , bye me " came a stupid reply from her side , she haven't have checked the caller ID aswell I guess,

"It's amaal here " I said with a bit raised voice this time

" So what " came a exasperated reply

" I need to say something "

" What you have to say at the mid night , please leave me I wanna sleep " she gronnded

" But I can't sleep thinking about it " I pouted ,

" But I can right , and don't think over it everything will be fine " this time she sounded energetic

" How can you be so sure "

" My dear amaal , please this is not a good time to discussing over it , we can meet up in cafe and will talk over it , for now good bye "

" But..I ..I" she didn't let me complete as she hanged up the call , I took the heart sized pillow and holded tight near my chest


"Are you sure , will it work? " I asked looking back at arham , who glared at me in response

"For god sake stoping asking it , you're repeating it for 10th time now and if you don't make a move then I'm gonna kick your ass" she threatened showing her index at me

" Okey , no need for a kick in the ass " I rubbed my palm all over my face and then took a deep breath ,my eyes rommed around the cafe in hunt of him untill it finally Landed on the table at the corner near the window, where he was reading a book while sipping a coffee

" Bismillah" I muttered under my breath and trudged in his direction

" Hi " I muttered meekly which was even not audible to my own ears ,

His hands flipped through the next page as he nonchalantly enjoyed his coffee

" Mmhhh" I scoffed to get his attention , his blue ocean eyes trailed up from the book to meet my brown hazel one

" Can I have a seat " my finger pointed at the wooden chair across him ,

" Yea sure "he replied , having that stren look on his face , I glupped my saliva anxiously as I scotted my ass on the seat

" So " I chewed my inner cheeks as his eyes glared at me , he sighed before putting his book a side and placing his elbows on the table , jointing his knuckles he placed his chin on it

" I know you're here after me "his stern full tone made a shiver run down my spine, I clutched on my cardigan as I gave a candy smile at him

" Wait , is not that a pretty girl like you is sent behind a billionaire like me so that she can make him fall in love with her and enjoy his money , " no words printted my mind except the word pretty , i blinked looking at him , still trying to puzzle out

' is I'm I dreaming'

'did he really called me pretty '

My cheeks heated up with colour of crimson red ,my eyes knitted down the floor , finding it more interesting at the moment

" I think in the end , she leaves him after he gets finished of with money , thats what the book says , I didn't read it completely, but is it your here after it " he pointed ,

" I mean after my money " his hands crossed over his chest , he slumped his head backward , still holding his stern full expression

My pupil maximised it's size as his words registrated my mind

How dare he

I opened my mouth to yell at him when arham words flickered my mind

" Even if he taunts or say something not so good , you have to bear ,as he as the rights because you were the one to start , work out with a cool mind , hold back your rage " I exhaled and enhaled a deep breath , trying to calm my self

" I know your angry and you have all the rights to say ..." Before I could complete my words he chimed in

" Wait , Im not done , hear me out first " I nodded my head , dropping my gaze down the floor again

I didn't know why , but the floor was looking more interesting then his charming face at the moment

" But I don't think your kinda that type of a gal " my head shooted abruptly at him

" I know you are good and pure soul who couldn't even think of hurting anyone" i goggled at him , looking astound by his words

" I know what you said out there was not your inner voice but the one which rumours had filled with , and I also know that trusting people nowadays is not so easy and upon that a guy like me willing to talk with you must have felt strange , and I think you were right in your position , even if I was in your place would have did the same but wouldn't have gonna so extreme " he chuckled making a embarrassed smile take over my face

" But still I'm sorry , this was all because of Wattpad which have messed my mind , and I think I should be punished for my blunder" I pouted making a puppy face where he tittered covering a hand over his mouth to hide his boyish smile

" don't worry I forgive you " my eyes lighted up looking at him

" Really , but how ..I mean why..I mean " I stuttered

" Easy girl , I know you were rue for your act , arham had called me 4 in the morning informing of how jittery you were over to talk with me , she said me everything "i looked baffled at him for a minute and then turned my head throwed the doors to find no one

'I think she must have gone for her class '

*Note - I should thanks her after the class

"What she said , " I said showing a fact of agog over it

" Nothing much , just that how sorry you felt and how did it all started because of the cliche stories of Wattpad which have messed your mind " my head hang down in shame as he chuckled

" Btw , what kinda book you read " he quired looking eager to know , a creepy smile mended my lips

This how excited I get when someone talk about Wattpad

" I guess most of that billionaire stories" he teased giving his boyish grin

" Yeah ,but I do read mafia and vampire series a lot " and then started our long talk about the Wattpad stories

" Which is your favourite book " he asked

" There are lot , I can't even name it " i started to count among my fingers "even my fingers ended but not my count"

" So your obsessed with books " I nodded grinning like a moron


" Opps , I think it's time for the class , see ya " I got up from my seat and hasten over the door when he said

" Wait " my foot halted on it track as I slowly turned my body to face him

" I forgot to say what's your punishment" my pupil maximised as he words registrated

Wasn't he was one to say 'i forgive you'

" Didn't you say I forgive you?" I asked bewildered

" Yes I did , but I didn't say Im not gonna punish you"

'And here I was thinking him a gentleman'

" And your punishment is that" he paused making me to catch on my breath , my heart poundered over what might be the punishment

'May be becoming his slave' said my inner conscious

' no no , may be he want to....'

'Stop it ' I chined mentally to stop my self from thinking unwanted thoughts

" I want you help me with maths " I released the breath that I was holding

"Only that " I asked sounding slackened

" Why , did you thought something else ?" he tugged his hands in his denim jean , he titled his head to his left making his brown silk smooth hair to fallen on his eyes

" Wait , don't say that your mind gave you stupid idea of punishment which you have read over Wattpad " he gave fake look of worried which then turned to a giggle

" Your so crazy " he laughed making his cute dimple to appear on his face

" Wattpad have really messed you , arham was right about it " we strode out of the cafe and ambled around the campus

" So are you ok with your punishment it more like with my request " his foot halted near the locker , his shoulder slouched against the locker , hands tugged in his jeans , eyebrows raised at me

" I'm really screwed man , I needa help , please help me , " he begged , my lips titled up

" Okey , atleast this could be a way to pay you back for forgiving me ,"

" And now I'm really getting late for my class " my eyes glanced at my wrist watch and then at him


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