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Alyhan breathed out the chilly air as he sat in the balcony , lifting his coffe cup to to take a sip .he was back from hospital and all this days after being home , samiya was visiting him daily , taking a good care of him where he insisted her not to worry much about him.

Samiya care towards him had left him doubting on his decision on judging her before .

"This girl is really a gem . I was fool to think her as evil women "  his thoughts regarding samiya had turned into good once

" Uff " he sighed as he kept the cup down the round table and picked the old lather book , his finger brushing gently on the cover .

My diary

It read . Alyhan heart skipped in his chest as he flipped the front cover , it was  more like a excitement or the nervousness rushing up his nerve .

Deary diary , myself amaal abbas , as you know it's my first time to the redwood grade school , yes I'm stepping into one of the biggest private school in California or more like in LA and all the credit goes to my hardwork that I had putten into my studies that I secured a seat through scholarship .

Today I'm really excited and happy and nervous at the same time .' How I would stand out with those rich kids ,  will I ever be able to make friends , would it be hard for me as I'm a hijabi and belong to a lower class family'  this all are questions hunts me , I'm sacred  plus happy about my new beginning in redwood.

"Stay low, focus on your studies and pass out with good grades " is what my motto is .

First day of school -1
Hey diary it my first day , and here I'm hella nervous on what to wear and after battling around for a minute I got choosen a dress as it was bit easy to choose as one - I didn't had much cloth and 2- I'm not dressing to impress anyone .

Today when I stepped into the gates of school , I silently prayed inside my heart by seeing all the eyes staring at my way before focusing on their work . I was stupified would be small word as I was beyond that by seeing all the luxurious cars pulling in to drop their kids off , there were  so many cars that I had seen for the first time in my life . The school building left me in aww as it was beyond my describing .

I was randomly roaming around , looking at the surrounding before finding my way to the clerk office to get the schedule .

" Hey you , the girl with a scarf on her head " someone called behind me . I halted on my steps before slowing turning around and pointing my finger at myself to the person who callled me out .

" Me ?" I asked .

" Is there anyone wearing that shit on the head here " his lame joke made his pals to break out into grosteque laugh while opening their garbage can like mouth .

" Yes?" I slowly walked near them . My hand tugging the hem of my cardigan in nervousness  .

" New to the place ?" The guy ,who I guess was leader of the group ,who had stood in the middle of his pals asked . I nod my head like a small five year kid .

"  Okey ,let's do something fun with you" he had clapped his hands in excitement  "remove the scarf from your head " my eyes drifted up at him like a lighting .

" I'm sorry ?"

" I . said.remove. that . Shit .from .your head " I hold the edge of scarf tight in a fist and took a step back where the guy took one step front .

" I..I can't "

" I didn't ask you , I order you " I moved back while he took a step front ,my steps halted when a pillar hit my back , indicating I had no space to run of as his other two friends surrounded me ." Don't be so dramatic " the guy smirked and moved his hand front to take off my hijab while I closed my eyes and prayed for a miracle to happen .

"Ya allah , please save me " I prayed in my heart .

"Wasn't the old account were enough that your thinking of bothering another soul , Joseph " I heard a Manly voice , the deep voice that send a chilly down a spine . The guy named Joseph paused with irritating look and turned around and that's when I saw him , the Greek god , the most handsome man I have ever seen .

His brown soft bangs covering his forehead while a little dimple crinkled his left cheek as his smirked , his pinky soft lips , which were soft as as strawberry were forming a smile while those amber orbs crinkling with some kind of mischievness .

" What's the fucking problem of you Curzon "

'curzon . Very sweet name tho '

" Your business is my business dude " the guy Curzon , playfully put a hand over Joseph shoulder , towering over him while Joseph looked hella pissed with him .

When I was busy admiring the cute guy named Curzon , his eyes locked with mine for a instant when he indicated something through his eyes . My brows furrowed at him by his actions when he repeated again and that's when I got he was saying me to ran off . slowly thinking it was my chances to slip off, I walked out .

The guy who saved me was Curzon Jackson, a school very popular guy , every one in the school admired him and every girl death wish is to be his girlfriend for once .

School life strated with rough phase for me as most of the students here didn't accepted me as a hijabi and lot more tried to bully me , but it all didn't effected me as I had already experienced so much since my childhood , I still remember those days where getting  one day meal was very hard for us , I still remember those nights when my father slept with hungry stomach, the thought of my father getting insulted for asking a bread to feed me still remains fresh in my brain . Life of poor was not so easy and being born as poor ,I had to suffer .

Everything was good , I was trying my best to stay low and stay away from gossips of people . I even tried my best to not to talk to Curzon when he approached me sometimes to talk  , even I remember the day when he was very sympathetic towards me because I was having my lunch all alone . Curzon beauty might have smitten me but I tried my best to resist and even his kindness and humbleness was really making it hard to ignore him .

How could anyone resist a man ,who is handsome ,kind , gentleman , and very popular . It was hard .

But for me Everything was going well as I tried my best not to interact with anyone  , I was going on the path that I had promised myself, which was too stay low and study hard but one fine day something happened that really changed my world , the act was really small but that's where it all begin. on the parents meeting , my mother had come to school .while the rich outstanded with expensive clothes where my mother wore a old faded kurta top and pant . I still remember how the rich kids made fun on my mother when she asked them the direction of the auditorium, they called her maid and filled around while my poor mother stood in middle , feeling embarrassed and not knowing what to do, they insulted her on her face , called what not, and worst was some educated parents too joined in their kids stupid act instead of scolding them and correcting them .my mother was in tears when i saw her and before I could approach her, I saw a tall figure standing by her, at first I assumed Curzon to be insulting her as I saw glitter shine in her eyes but soon as I reach near them , I realised he was helping her while giving good piece of mind to those idiot people, his kind acted had really melted my heart and I couldn't let it go without saying a thank you and that's when I first talked to him .

I thought I would end the talk just in a thank you but I was wrong, it was a beginning to all that I was scared of . This one talk led to many and we become really close when Curzon said that he was interested in Islam . My intention was only to help him , but I didn't knew I would have ended up in a relationship with him .

' he want to know about the deen . There is no harm in helping him ' is what I had thought but I didn't knew that shaytan in me would provoke me so much that I would end up dating him .

At first I was very sacred and had didn't accepted his proposal saying how others would bully me after knowing this, but Curzon assured me that he would be with me and the relationship would stay low . I was really happy as the guy I was dating was million in one , he was a gentleman , matured ,kind, handsome .the year passed ,our relationship become stronger, we both were really In love with eachother , so madly and deeply that there was nothing that could separate us.  Even tho I knew I was doing wrong,but the thought that we would end up together one day made me feel easy.

Alyhan shut the book close as he reached the last page . He breathed the chilly night air , his eyes looking at the night painted sky with the stars shining like a pearl .

" She loved Curzon " he glupped the lump as he felt some kind of pain in his heart " do she still love him " he thought again when those TBuzz images flashed his mind " whoever the hell she date, I don't care, she is a bitch , a goldddigger and whore " alyhan shut the book and throwed it on the table when a photo card shattered out and fall on his leg , he then slowly picked it up and read the name that was written down the photo.

" Curzon Jackson "

{Curzon Jackson 👆}

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