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Amaal wore her green graduation dress , her eyes sparkling up as she examined her self in the mirror, her pink lips rolling up into a smile .

Finally she made a one step closer to her dream . She was finally graduating from her senior high and was getting one step closer to achieving her dream of becoming a doctor .

" You look beautiful , mashaallah " amaal turned around to see her mother standing near the door . Her eyes lighted up with a smile as she approach near her mother ." Finally ,my habibiti is graduating today " her mother hands cupped her face , the smile melting amaal heart but was then switched to sad smile .

" What happened ?" Amaal asked her mother at seeing those boring eyes .

" I can't be there for you on your big day " her mother reasoned . Amaal cupped her mother hands which rested on her cheeks and said .

" Don't be sad mom, I know you got your own reasons and I know how busy you get with managing the hospital and bakery . I'm not complaining " she kissed on her mother forehead . Amaal was a inch taller than her mother and could reach her mother head without any effort .

" May allah bless you and protect you " her mother kissed on her cheeks .the emotional tears rolled down her mother eyes at seeing her daughter finally being able to graduate and that's too from a high University .

" Mom , don't cry and I will get you the photos of my graduation " amaal told her mother to cheer her up and fumbled her hand on her pocket to search for her phone to realise that her phone was on the repair shop ." Oh shit, my phone is at the shop" she pouted .

"Get it from arham phone " the mention of her friend name made her realise that she had not even once talked to arham on this 5days . There was no contact at all . Amaal got so busy with all this problems that she had almost forgot about her friend.

" That idiot didn't once came to see me " amaal complained .

" May be she was busy with something . Now hurry up,it's already time "amaal gave a one last peck on her mother cheeks and moved out to walk when she realised she was missing someone to bid a farewell .

" Dad " she ran into her parents room and saw her superhero laying there like a dead corpse , there was no moment of him ,only the breath said he was alive .

Amaal knelt down near her father , her eyes misting ,her lips curled to a sad smile ." Today I'm going to graduate baba " she spoke " finally I'm a step closer to my dream , the dream I had promised you " she cupped her father hand , a tear slipping down her eyes " I will make you proud" she kissed her father forehead " today I will bring my graduation certificate , we together will take a photo " amaal smiled to get no reaction from the male , the smile on her face fading away as she stared at her father .

" I love you dad "


Amaal walked inside the corridor of the university building , her lips not stopping to smile as she walked, the excitement in her veins were kicking in .

Students were all lingering around , talking and gossiping as the graduation ceremony was yet to begin .

Amaal smile started to drop off when she saw everyone looking at her and passing a judging Gaze while some giggled looking at her . She felt weird as people were all commenting among eachother while looking at her .

"Whore "


" Slut "

" She is so low " is all she heard people saying , some even laughed while looking at her where amaal kept on moving to find arham .

" Amaal " amaal turned around at the voice to find manlane ." Come with me " before amaal could protest , manlane pulled her along with her into a empty room .

" What happened ?" Amaal asked confused at manlane . Manlane took adeep breath before holding up her phone infront of amaal eyes . Amaal pupils enormoused its size at what she saw ." What... what is this ?"she asked manlane , her eyes stifling to let the tears down .

" That's what was on the TBuzz for a week , wasn't you were aware of it . I thought you wouldn't show up after this humiliation but seeing you here ,I was really shocked " amaal snapped the phone from her hand and looked into the picture of her trying to kiss someone , the face of male was invisible as he had turned around and and only the back of him was visible and amaal pose looked as if she was trying to kiss that guy .

" This is all fake ,it isn't true " amaal cried . The photo was famed as if amaal was trying to kiss him but in reality she was helping Daniel to blow a air on his eyes to get the dust off, the photo was taken from such a angle that it looked like she was trying to kiss . " It isn't true " she cried . Manlane swiped for more photo to see the other pic having amaal and again Daniel face was hidden , in this photo Daniel was hugging her . Amaal looked down on the comments to see all the hate message , many had called her slut who sleeps around ,and one even had called her for a night . There were lot of comments that had questioned her on her religion , saying the girl who looked all religions and covered is what she is doing behind . Now she had got a tag of school slut , and many more like #thegirlwhosleepsaround #thehijabiwithbenifites #whore and many more .

" This is all wrong " she cried . This was all framed by someone who hated her .

" I believe you amaal but the pic doesn't look like a edit, it clears looks like you are trying to kiss someone "

" This pic isn't a edit but this is all a set up ,like I was trying to help Daniel to--

" The guy is Daniel ,your saying?"amaal nod her head while hiccuping .

" Daniel and I are dating "

" Holy cow " manlane was too stunned by the news that she didn't knew how to react , her jaw was stuck hitting the floor.

" Daniel and I been dating since A months , we are truly in love, this is all done by someone who hates me "There was moment of silence when manlane spoke again.

"You can solve this mess , like you can come out clear with your and Daniel realtionship and if Daniel would say that the guy was him ,like it's really him and the back figure is so similar that everyone will believe and the topic would be shut as nobody would dare to say anything as you both are lovers and Daniel got a power to put that post down and shut the people up "

"You really think?"

"Yes girl , he is rich and got hackers and power to take down ,the announcement of you and him dating will shut everyone's mouth "

"You think?"

"For god sake yes , and now call out for Daniel and make the announcement before it's too late , call him "

"I don't have phone , can you lend me your phone to make a call " amaal dialed Daniel number to get the line busy , after trying for 5th time ,she gave up .

"Go find him , I saw him in the building this morning ,he might be here somewhere " amaal ran out , searching for Daniel all around , she searched for him in every corner and every place , people were still giving those judging Gaze as she cared less and tried to focus on finding Daniel first as he would make the announcement then everything would be fine .

"Where are you Daniel " amaal had stopped to take a breath as she was panting like a animal . She sat down on the bench that was outside the cafe . She was figuring out that where he could be now when something striked her mind .

"Didn't Daniel see it on the TBuzz , if he did then why didn't he contacted me , is he angry thinking it's someother man but he knows that I could never betray him and he might guess that the guy in the pic is himself " amaal was thinking hard when she heard someone clear their throat beside her , she slowly raised her head up to see alyhan . Alyhan was wearing a formal black shirt paired with formal pant, he was looking outstandingly stunning .

" H..take it "amaal looked puzzled at him before her eyes travelled to his hands to see him offering her a book . Amaal bewilderingly took the book .

Alyhan blowed a fist of air out, it was hard for him to say it to her, truly hard as he felt his heart clench at seeing her .

" And here " he took a paper out from his back pocket , the plain white paper and tore it into two half " the agreement we had ends here " saying he turned around to go when he halted . He needed to Say those words that he had prepared .

" And please do me favour by never showing your ugly face again in my life . Hope to never meer you again, bitch " saying it he walked away where amaal was too stunned .

" Did he ,did he just say that im no more his salve " amaal was too happy to focus on other word he said after declaring her as no more his slave , she cared less about him calling her a bitch as she felt too happy by the new of liberation " I'm free now , I'm no more his slave " she danced in enthusiasm but suddenly halted when she remembered what was she up to " shit , I need to find Daniel " saying it she again ran around in search of him .

Alyhan slumped down on a chair that was in the rest room of the school, his heart was paining like a hell, tears were rolling down his eyes as he felt heavy .

" My love don't worry ,you will get someone who would love you more than anything " alyhan opened his eyes up and the first thing he saw was samiya standing at the door .

" Is this a sign that is indicating me that she the one for me ?" Alyhan questioned himself .

On the other hand amaal was searching for Daniel all around when she heard some noise coming from the store room of the building , she was to move on , thinking it's was not her business to eavesdrop but when she heard her name being called and the laugh that felt similar , she stopped and heard over the conservation .

" Amaal is such a fool, she was easy to trick " she heard the male voice and then two female voice joined him In his laugh .

" She still think that you love her , that fool doesn't know that we tricked her, such a poor soul "

" Ha ha ha hah ha"

" That nerd really deserve it " amaal heart almost skipped in her chest when she felt the voice similar .

" Arham "

" Fucking bitch " amaal pushed the doors and entered the room to see Daniel seating in one chair with Sarah on his lap while arham sat opposite to them . Their jaw dropped when they saw her , arham panicked in her seat where Daniel was still in shock .

" Am..amaaal " arham lips streched to nervous smile at amaal where amaal fummed with rage .

" You ... you betrayed me ... You cheated me " she pointed her finger at them while she staggered ,her eyes filling up .

" Finally ,you came to know " Daniel said casually as he made Sarah to stand up and moved near amaal .

" Why , why did you do that , I really loved you" amaal cried as she hold him by his collar , her teeth grinding as she looked at him with those murdering gaze .

" Fuck off you bitch " Daniel pushed her off roughly that her ass hitted the ground and she fall back flat " did you think that, a guy like me would ever date you " he Crouched down and hold on her jaw and made her to look into his eyes " you poor shit disgust me , I only acted like to love you because I wanted my revenge, it was all a drama and by now you would have figured out that the pics that is shared on internet is honoured by me " he pushed her face to other side . Amaal eyes filled up in tears , she felt her heart shattered into million pieces , the man she thought to make a life with was the one to destroy it , she couldn't disgust any of this ,it was hard to believe.

" Revenge , but why ? , What I have ever done to you " she screamed ." I truly loved you Daniel , I had believed you"

" Don't you remember showing those attitude of hard to get , I'm really egoistic person and you had hurted me by showing that hard to get attitude and that day I had settled my mind that I will make you fall for me and that's what I did , you were really a arrogant lady and I needed to break those attitude of you and wanted to take the revenge of you for insulting me that day on the cafe "

" But you said you forgive me, why ,why did you destroyed my life for those small thing "

" Small thing? It wasn't small thing , it was about my ego being hurt , it was about my sel respect " Daniel was acting like a psycho path , he was really crazy and was out of his mind ." Did you know how long did it take me to plot all this and make you fall into this trap ,but then I need to thank this person who really helped me, without her I think I couldn't have done this " Daniel turned and looked at arham and smirked , amaal eyes followed his gaze and looked in the direction of her with painful eyes .

" Arham ,I . I thought we are bestfriends "

" We were " arham cut her off like a sharp blade " we were best friends still high school but later on you become a big pain in my ass, like my parents always compared me to you , you were good at study were I was not and you always stole the spots which I wanted, you were that shiny star that my parents wanted me to become but I could never be like you , because you are a disgusting shit who as no standard and no class, did you know how much it made me feel shamed while standing around you, you were a shit . And even you knew how much I was obsessed with alyhan , when Daniel said that he will hook me up with alyhan in return of helping him, I was more than eager to help him " arham flipped her hair off and acted like it wasn't a big thing to do .

" Was it all fake , the friendship , was it fake ? .We were like sister arham , we used to hang out together , and we both meant so much to eachother , did you fall so low that you forgot all this " amaal questioned , her minds were flashing those old memories of them hanging together, she was more than a friend to amaal, amaal had always thought her as her own sister and could never have imagined her to betray her like this .

" I never thought us to be like that and I could do anything for alyhan "

" Arham why can't you get that alyhan can never be yours " amaal yelled out with pain , she didn't wanted her friend to end up in pain , she was being true as she knew alyhan loved someone else and wanted to save her friend where arham took it differently and thought amaal was jelous .

" What did you say ?" Arhma hopped off her seat and walked near her " you are just jelous that I'm going to get a rich man and that's too alyhan "

" Why I should be jelous of you, I would really be happy if you will get someone rich but the thing is he love someone else"

" Stop lying bitch " arham kicked amaal on her stomach . Amaal cried in pain where arham held her by her scarf " you fucking idiot , I know that you like that man too and want to make him as yours "

" Arham, Daniel is fooling you , he is using you against me " amaal cried as the hold on her scarf got tightened and she felt a sharp pain on her head .

"Stop it " she pushed amaal and let go off her scarf " he is not fooling me , I trust him " Daniel lips kicked in with a smirk , he again croched down with devil smile on his face and was to say something when all of sudden amaal splitted on his face .

"You can never be a good man , I thought you were better than your brother but I was wrong , you are worst than him and can never be up to love anyone , you don't deserve the love because you are a born devil , you are a shit , you don't know --" half of her words were swallowed down her throat when his hand contacted against her face with tight slap. Her face jerked against her left and she felt her head spinning by the manly slap , he had rough and tough palm that made her cheeks to burning and she felt her jaw ache .

" Shut the fu** up " he shouted on her face ." You bitch " he held her by her scarf and splitted on her face " your life is destroyed , you are destroyed , now everyone is going to see the pics , your life is ruined " he kicked on her stomach and passed upon her .

" You deserve it " arham joined him too

" I feel sorry for you " Sarah said and followed them like a puppet , living amaal all alone

Amaal broke down ,she felt her world slip under her feet , just in one day she was ruined , she was betrayed . The people she trusted the most and loved the most were the one to hurt her and betray her .

All those memories of her and Daniel flashed on her mind , how much carring he had showed to her, how he faked to be gentlemen , amaal was too blind in love to notice anyone of his cunning behaviour . But more than Daniel , arham hurted her most because she holded the high palce in her heart , amaal always thought her as her own sister and had very special place for her, she could have done anything for arham as she was her bestfriend ,but now , seeing arham betray her like this , really left her broken.

" What I did to deserve this " she cried .

" Why everyone hurts me , do I not deserve any love , why people always hurts me , why " she was hiccuping as she tried to cover her mouth with her hands to not to make any noise .she heard the voice coming from out , indicating ceremony had begin .

She tried to stand up where she felt a sharp pain on her hips " ouch " she hold the walls and bench and stood up. Her fingers brushed on her lips to see cut , the blood was flowing .

Never once alyhan had raised his hands against her , may he be a jerk and arrogant man but he never hitted her , she still remember the time that he had left her only with a warning because he didn't wanted to raise his hand against a women .

" He was so so far better than you Daniel " amaal cried ."one day, one day will come where you will regret doing everything and karma will hit you hard " she prayed from her deepest heart. The pain was overwhelming as she couldn't make her self to stand here anymore and thought of returning home even without receiving the certificate .


On the way back home ,Amaal saw people gathered around her home, everyone whispering something among themselves , amaal was buffled at why so many people where gathered around her home , she then walked in to see her mother crying while seating at one corner , amaal eyebrows furrowed ,she walked near her mother .

"Mama ,why are you crying? What's happening , why there are so many people here?" She was still processing on what was going on . Her mother sobbed even more , it was difficult for her mother to speak as she cried incessantly .

" Amaal ....amaaal ...your " she again broke down and then raised her index figures in a direction , amaal followed her gaze to see a white cloth covered over a body . Amaal felt her world slip , she couldn't make her self to believe on what she was saying .

"''s... Not true " she stuttered . " Tell me it's a lie , tell me " she screamed like a manic " it can't be true , dad can ..never leave us ...he can never .." she broke down into tears .

This could be the worst day of amaal life. She had lost everything in one day , her friend betrayed ,her boyfriend cheated and now her father was dead .

" Amaal he left us ...he left us " amaal mother pulled her into a hug . Hot tears rolled down her eyes , she felt totally stunned to react , she couldn't just digest anything .

" I want see him " then the man near the corpse uncovered the face , amaal knelt down beside her dad body " you were the best father in the world , you always made me believe in my self , I'm sorry dad , I'm sorry if I have been a bad daughter , please forgive me " she whispered in her father ears and kissed him on his forehead , her tears touched his face , she again took his hand and kissed it " I promise you baba , I will fullfill your dream , I will achieve my goal and will fullfill the promise I made with you, I will become a doctor and will treat patients for free and would save life " amaal made her mind strong, she needed to fullfill her dreams now , atleast for her father sake .

" You need to be strong amaal , mom has no one except you now , you need to act Strong " even tho she was completely broken , she needed to act Strong , atleast for her mother

" Ya allah I know this is all a test from you and I know you test only those who you love and I will bear all this with patience as I know you will never burden a soul beyond it can bear "

Amaal rubbed off the tears and went near her mother and hugged her " mama , be strong , don't cry, you know dad will be sad if he see us from heaven , he will be hurt, please be strong for him " amaal smoothed her mother back who was crying in her arms like a baby .

" Ya allah help me through to get over with all this "


Okey finally finally finally ,I'm done with the he half part , I'm really happy that I finally made into this half and the next part is going to begin soon. This time im so determined to get the book completed without any hiatus.

In sha allah , I will try to complete the book soon and thank you for all those who supported this book . I love you all <3

And please do comment and let me know your thoughts and do vote and share the story among your peeps if you think this book deserve the recognition and love .

Please be with me till the end of journey amd I hope to complete it soon 🤧🙏

Special note - this time the story is bit more interesting and special from the previous one .

Author - gypsy ❣️✨

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