Chapter 101: Good News

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   About a week after the two weddings, Catherine received some exciting news. Her old friend, Clara Marcoux, was moving back to Paris.

   "Goodness, it's been nine years since we've seen her," Pierre recalled. "We must celebrate her return."

   "She'll finally get to meet Victoria and Gabriel. Won't that be exciting?" Catherine asked. "Oh, this is positively wonderful!"

   "Did she ever marry that man?"

   "No. I am thankful for that. I could tell he wasn't right for her."

   "Cathy, you never even met him."

   "I could tell," Catherine repeated.

   Pierre laughed. "When will she arrive here in Paris?"

   "She said that she will arrive the day after tomorrow. That doesn't give us much time to prepare. Could she live here with us until she finds a place?"

   "I don't see why not. We could have Gabriel temporarily move in with Victoria and Clara can sleep in his room for the time being."

   "Gabriel won't like that," Catherine laughed, "But he'll get used to it."


   "Yes, Dear?"

   "You seem happy."

   "I am, Pierre. I really am."

   That same day, Gustave received word that Lucas and his family would be soon returning to Paris.
   You see, soon after Gabriel was born, Lucas moved his family to London. They had visited every now and then, but the visits were short and not very close together. As a result of this, neither Demetrius nor Athena got to know their father's childhood friend very well. Gustave always thought that this was such a shame, especially considering the fact that Lucas was their uncle.

   "How long will they be staying?" Bella asked.

   Gustave read further. He gave an cry of surprise and announced, "They are going to stay here in Paris for good. They aren't returning to London!"

   "We should introduce Christy to Mia. It's not like either of them have any friends," Bella laughed.

   Just then, Demetrius entered the room. "What did you say about my fiancée?"

   "Nothing, Dear," Bella replied.

   "Son, we have some news," Gustave began. "You remember your Uncle Lucas and Aunt Monique, right?"

   "Yes, of course. Why? Is someone hurt? Is it Christy? When do we leave for London? I'll pack my things," Demetrius said hurriedly.

   Gustave laughed. "No, my son. All are quite well. In fact, they are moving back to Paris. You will finally get to know your cousin."

   "She always has been quite the mystery," Demetrius laughed. "When will they be here?"

   "The day after tomorrow."

   "Where will they stay?" Bella inquired.

   "I don't know if they have any arrangements. Do you think we could offer them the choice to say with us until they find a place?" Gustave asked.

   "We would have to move a few things around. Christy could share a room with Athena, Lucas and Monique could sleep in Demetrius's room, and Demetrius can sleep on the couch," Bella suggested.

   "Wait. I would be sleeping where?" Demetrius asked in surprise.

   Gustave ignored his son. "Now that I think about it, there are a couple open apartments. We could rent them one for a month as a welcome home gift."

   "I like that idea better," Bella laughed.

   So, just like that, it was decided. Lucas, Monique, and Christy were going to move into an apartment and Clara was to temporarily move in with Pierre and Catherine.

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