Chapter 14:

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Jisoo's POV:

"Good Morning, sleepyhead."

My eyes remained closed, but a smile spread on my lips. Rosé pushed my hair off the way, her nose nuzzling the curve of my neck as she kissed it softly. She pulled my body closer to hers, pressing her bare chest against my back.

"Hello," I grinned, feeling her hand tracing random patterns on my stomach.

"Did you sleep well?"

I hummed and buried my face in the pillow, gasping when Rosé would tickle my side playfully.

"I have to go to work," She said with a husky voice, biting my earlobe. "Would you mind joining me in the shower?"

I flipped around and straddled Rosé's hips in a swift move. Her beautiful hair was sprawled onto the sheets and her lips were a bit swollen.

A quick glance at my bedside's clock revealed that we slept a couple of hours. Last night was full of passion and erotism; we stopped making love only because of exhaustion. I missed her presence during two long years, at the point where I would only dream of her at night.

It was crazy how deep I fell for her, back in Paris, despite the short time we spent together.

"Chu, are you okay?"

Rosé's voice brought me back to reality and I met her big worried eyes. I leaned down and pecked her lips softly, smiling in the kiss.

"What were you thinking about?" She asked curiously.

"You," I answered truthfully. "And what happened between us last night."

Her hands trailed up towards my hips, securing me on top of her.

"Do you regret anything?"

"No," I shook my head. "In fact, I haven't felt this happy in a very long time."

My cheeks reddened and I suddenly got shy talking about my feelings. I felt like a totally lovestruck teenager when I was with Rosé.

She pulled me down and I laid on top of her, her hands caressing my back.

I buried my face in the crook of her neck and closed my eyes, enjoying the way she was holding me.

"We wanted to take things slow."

"That's not a very good start," She said, making me laugh. "But I just want to make sure I'm not pressuring you or..."

I pinched her side to cut her off.

"Perhaps I wasn't ready to start a new relationship before, but I have deep feelings for you, Rosé. I should be the one asking if you were comfortable doing it with me, last night."

We both knew I was referring to what happened with Yin. He sexually abused her; even though it was not a rape, her mind was scarred by what he did to her.

Chaeyoung cupped my cheek and I leaned against her palm.

"To be honest, at first, I was nervous. I feared that Yin's image would come to my mind and that I would push you away. But you were nothing but perfect: gentle, patient, loving."

She froze after pronouncing the last word. I could see the doubt in her eyes.

"I don't think it's a good moment to tell you about my feelings. I want to ask you properly, during a romantic dinner," I smiled tenderly. "Perhaps we can go on a date before that, and I would show you how much of a dork I can be."

Tears shone in Rosé's eyes as she beamed with joy.


Rosé's POV:

After leaving Jisoo's apartment, I went back to Lisa's to change my clothes. I still felt giddy after the night we spent together and the talk we had this morning. My body was sore and my mind clouded with a whirlwind of emotions, adding to the tiredness of staying up late the night before.

However, as I was nearing my building, my mood downed little by little at the sight of my sister. Alice was sitting on the hood of her car, arms crossed, wearing a deep frown on her face.I have ignored her calls since we met again, 3 weeks ago. She begged me to talk to her, but I wasn't ready. Even after all those years, the pain still lingered. I already had to deal with Yin; I didn't want to add more stress.

But my heart sank in my chest when I saw Alice wipe her tears away.

Before mom's death, she was my best friend, my partner. We were inseparable. However, what she had done to me was impossible to forget.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, walking until I stood a few meters away from her.

Alice jumped from her seat, surprised by my sudden arrival, then straightened her closed.

"H-hi, I just needed to talk to you and..."

She took an envelope out of her purse and extended it to me.

"... and give you this."

"What is it?"

"Some pictures of Mom and granny. I thought you would like to have them."

"Thank you," I said, taking the package from her hands.

I felt Alice eyeing me up and down and remembered I was still wearing my outfit from the night before.

"You look beautiful. Did you go out last night?"

"Yes. With my lover and a few friends."

"Your lover..." She muttered, looking down. "I am happy you met someone."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"You weren't so happy when I came out, years ago. Don't you think you are a bit hypocrite?"

Alice's head jolted up as her eyes widened.

"No! I wasn't mad at you for being homosexual. There is nothing to be mad at, in the first place. I just realized how much you must have struggled, dealing alone with this. I remembered when you came home beaten up and... I was ashamed and astonished. I said all those awful things to you, I wanted to burry myself for hurting my little sister so much."

She took a deep breath then bowed.

"I apologize for everything I said or done to you, Chaeyoung. I... I was a bitch and the worst sister you could have ever had."

I looked away, my eyes filling with tears of sadness and anger.

"I can't forgive you. When I left the house and you never reached for me, what did you do? When I cut my wrists and almost died, why didn't you visit me at the hospital?"

I wiped my tears away angrily.

"When grandma passed away and you didn't come to her funeral, what were you fucking DOING?!" I started yelling.

Alice flinched, crying silently.

"I didn't know any of this," She sobbed and fell on her knees. "I'm so sorry."

I stared at her with a disbelieving look.

"A-After mom's death, we discovered that I was suffering from breast cancer, just like her."

My knees gave way at the revelation, and I leaned against the nearest car. Alice played with a ring at her finger, trying to speak despite the knot in her throat.

"I was bitter and angry at the world, and I realized too late that I was letting off steam against you. That again, I am begging you for forgiveness." She sighed, looking at me straight in the eyes. "The day following your departure, my condition suddenly deteriorated and I was transported to Korea, where we were testing a drug unavailable in Australia."

"There is no drug preventing cancer," I noticed.

"It made chemotherapy more bearable. I was weak and needed support from it," Alice precised. "I asked Dad to go back to Melbourne to get you back, but he was scared I would die while he was away, so he sent you a letter and money to grandma, to help her support you."

"I received no letter."

Alice frowned and I could see she didn't expect that. She stood up slowly and took my hand in hers. I intertwined her fingers with mine unconsciously, seeking comfort.

"I'm sorry," She muttered. "When I was healthy enough to come back to Melbourne..."

"You couldn't find me because I changed my name and moved to Sydney, then to Adelaide."

"Your name?"

"I am no longer Roseanne, but Chaeyoung," I revealed. "They accepted because it is my Korean name."

Alice nodded and leaned back against the car.

"I should have thought of that."

We stayed silent for a moment until my phone buzzed inside my pocket. I took a look at the screen and realized I only had 10min to change clothes or I would be late for work.

"I didn't tell you about my cancer so you would forgive me by pity. I told you because I..."

I suddenly hugged Alice and she froze into place, too surprised to talk.

"I will message you so we can meet. There is a lot to say."

"Before you go... I wanted to know why you needed a lawyer. My boss didn't allow me to look at your file after you left my office."

"Let's just say that I am having a hard time..."


Jisoo's POV:

The day passed by quickly and soon enough, I came to pick up Jiwon earlier than usual. After Rosé left for work, I napped for a few more hours to make up for our sleepless night, then started writing a new book.

I was fully motivated, thanks to the remarkable Aussie. She inspired my first two novels, and I will think of her again while writing this one.

She was my muse, after all.

Walking down the corridors, I crossed path with Kang Liu and shortly greeted her. I still felt something off about the woman, but I couldn't decipher if it was because of her being attracted to Rosé or something else.

She didn't like me either, anyway.

I knocked at Jiwon's classroom, finding myself smiling again at the thought of seeing two of the people I loved. When I got no answer, I peeked an eye inside and saw my daughter drawing quietly at her desk.

She beamed as soon as she saw me, then pointed at the teacher's desk, signalling me to be silent.

I smiled fondly at the sight of Rosé sleeping on her desk, then smirked at the thought that I was the cause of her exhaustion. I kept her up all night, unable to get tired of her moans, and I regretted nothing.

Noticing she was shivering in her sleep, I placed my vest onto her shoulders then took a seat beside Jiwon.

"How did today go?" I whispered to my daughter, kissing her forehead.

"Chaeyoung Eonnie... I mean, Miss Park, gave us back our math tests and I got a full mark!" She exclaimed quietly, getting the paper out of her backpack.

I smiled happily and gave my daughter a tight hug.

"I am so proud of you! You are so smart!"

Jiwon squealed in my embrace as I kissed her face several times.

"You need to sign it!" She said, beaming.

"I will use my favourite pen for it, wait," I took one in my purse and worked my prettiest writing.

I felt how happy Jiwon was to get this grade, especially knowing that she had so many difficulties at school. I wanted to fully support her, no matter how ridiculously cheering I looked each time she handed me her test.

"I will cook anything you want, tonight. Keep studying like this, okay? No matter the ups and downs."

Her grin grew bigger, melting my heart, then she went back to her drawing.

I looked in Rosé's direction and saw her observing us while smiling fondly. Her head was resting atop her crossed arms, her hooded eyes partially hidden behind her hair.

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