Chapter 15:

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(A/N): wattpad messes up my editing. Each time, the spaces are deleted or become huge af. I have to do it all over again. AAAAARGGGGH

sorry if it's hard to read


Jisoo's POV:

Rosé stretched her arms up, yawning cutely. My jacket slipped off her shoulders as she didn't notice its presence. The Aussie grabbed it with a soft beam on her face, then nuzzled her nose in the fabric, gazing at me.

She was so adorable that it brought a smile to my lips.

"Did you rest well?"

"Yes, thank you," She chuckled. "How was your day?"

"I've been writing," I shrugged with a grin.

"About what?"

About you.

"Secret," I winked.

Rosé rolled her eyes playfully, slightly amused. She stood up and straightened her shirt before walking towards me.

"Jiwon showed you her fantastic grade, but did she tell you she was going to sing for the school's performance?"

I watched as my daughter blushed and hid behind her open palms. I giggled and took her hands on my lap.

"No need to be shy with me, Jiwon. The performance is for the end of the year, right? Why didn't you tell me?"

She pursed her lip before answering:

"I am scared of people's reaction. I don't want you to be ashamed of me."

"Your brother and you are my pride and happiness. No matter what others say, I think you are perfect just the way you are."

Jiwon hugged me, and after a moment of silence, I added:

"Besides, if it comes off like last year, all the kids will be singing out of tune."

She giggled against my shoulder and Rosé glared at me. The latter was a teacher and loved her students; of course that she wouldn't agree with me.

"Do you want to join us for dinner tonight?" I asked her.

"It would be a pleasure," She grinned.

After Chaeyoung and Jiwon packed their stuff, I drove us to my apartment and couldn't help but notice the older woman's off behaviour. Thinking she was stressing about her trial against Yin, I put a hand on her knee while driving.

She gazed at with her doe eyes, thanking me silently.

Once we arrived home, I couldn't help but giggle when I saw Eojin on top of Jennie's back, watching a documentary.

Jiwon took off her shoes then ran towards her aunt, crashing on the ground beside her.

I suddenly pulled Rosé into the kitchen and kissed her passionately, pressing her against the counter.

"I desperately needed this," She said, panting.

"You smell amazing," I grinned, burying my nose in her hair.

"I used your shampoo," Rosé frowned. "Are you complimenting yourself?"

"No!" I chuckled. "But you have the same scent as mine. There is also a toothbrush for you in the bathroom. You belong here, now."

She leaned her forehead against mine and closed her eyes, beaming softly.

"According to the Law of the Toothbrush, it's like we are already girlfriends."

"Exactly!" I exclaimed and we burst out laughing.

After a few minutes of just holding each other, she brushed her lips against mine.

"You smell like home to me."

Her words made me blush and I hit her chest playfully.

"I can't wait for our date," she added.

I parted away from her embrace and put an apron on, enjoying the way she was observing me with attention.

"I noticed you were a bit down in the car," I remembered out of nowhere.

Rosé sighed and started cutting the vegetables I previously washed.

"I met Alice, today," She revealed.

Surprised, I listened carefully while we cooked dinner. I couldn't help but notice Rosé's thoughtful expression and the way she avoided talking about her feelings.


Rosé's POV:

"Miss Park?"

I looked up from my notes and saw Miss Kang standing outside my classroom. Jiwon left with her grandma half an hour ago and I was waiting to meet with Alice. The latter said she would pick me up after work so we could talk, and I was rather nervous.

But my worries about our meeting flew out of the window as soon as I crossed Liu's eyes. She seemed both determined and flushed which, for some reason, made me uneasy.

"I heard from M. Yin you are suing him. Do you realize the impact it would have on his life? On the school and all of his employees as well?"

"He should have thought about it before sexually harassing me," I blurted, my voice wavering slightly.

I grabbed my bottle and gulped down some water, eyes shut tightly. Before I could react, the woman walked behind me and put her around my neck.

"Was it really harassment?" She whispered to my ear.

I felt her fingers creeping up under the collar of my shirt and slapped her hand away before standing up abruptly. One of the buttons on my blouse was torn off because of my movement and I turned on my heels to face Miss Kang.

"What do you want from me?" I asked with a deep frown. "Why are you suddenly all over me? Is it a trap?"

Her eyes fell on the red spot on my collarbone, where I knew Jisoo let a love bite. She smirked evilly but her smile quickly disappeared when someone coughed at the entrance of my classroom.

"It looks like a trap, to me," Alice said.

She was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed. I instantly felt a huge relief at her sight.Miss Kang stepped away from me and gazed her up and down.

"And who are you?"

"Park Alice, her sister. I am a lawyer and chief of department for Son&Partners." She answered with an intimidating glare.

My superior seemed nervous, all of a sudden.

"My name is Kang Liu, head of the teachers in this school. I will leave you two alone, now. Have a nice evening."

Alice and I watched her as she hurriedly left the room, almost knocking down one of my green plants.

"Is she the person you wanted my services for?"

"No. I am suing my boss, Yin Jae-ho..."

My sister seemed hesitant, fearing what I was going to say next.

"... for sexual harassment."

We stayed silent for a moment before she took my hand and squeezed it tightly, her jaw clenching. I could feel she was angry; furious, even.

"Who's your new lawyer?"

"Kim Namjoon."

"He is excellent at his job," She nodded. "Isn't he too expensive for you? Do you need money?"

"Jisoo and Lisa - my best friend - financially support me, as for now. They have far better salaries than me."

Alice sighed, letting go of my hand, then started walking around the classroom. She looked among the shelves and behind the plants, inspecting everything without any exception.

"Have you noticed something out of place? Or did you feel scrutinized?"

I didn't know what to answer, so I just watched her rummaging everything that fell under her hand.

At some moment, she glanced at my desk and stilled, slightly out of breath.

"Did you turn on your computer?" Alice asked.

"Yes, like every morning. We have to check every student's attendance and send a message to the administration if there is an issue."

She suddenly rushed to my side and sat on my chair.

"What are you doing?" I interrogated her.

"I'm looking for cameras. You put tape on your webcam?"

"Yes. I don't like having it pointed at me," I blushed from embarrassment. "And I don't see why I would need one. I'm here to teach, not to video Skype."

Alice chuckled then helped me gather my stuff. As I was locking my classroom's door, she stared at a dark corner of the corridor.

"Were you aware of this camera?" My sister asked.

"Yes, but we told me that it only works at night. Before I came here, someone penetrated the school and stole some computers, so they put a better security system."

"Have you done something in this corridor they could use against you?"

I started shaking my head when I suddenly remembered Jisoo and our stolen kisses. Alice noticed my expression and scrutinized me with worried eyes. On the verge of crying, I instinctively walked to my sister and hugged her, burying my face in her coat.

She rocked me gently, patting my hair.

"It's gonna be okay."

* * *

"How is Dad?" I asked, sipping on my tea.

"I didn't see him since last Christmas," Alice shrugged and avoided my gaze. "He met someone. A woman named Eve."

Surprised, I didn't utter a word.

"I confronted him about why he didn't send you my letter," She continued. "He avoided my question, so I made my own conclusion..."

"He didn't send money to halmeoni either. Since she designated me as the sole heiress of her property, I have access to her accounts. There is no trace whatsoever of any transfer." I added.

Alice sighed, eyes closed, and clenched her fists.

"Are you okay? You look in pain."

"It's just a headache. It happens when my blood pressure is high," She muttered. "I can't believe that Dad had the nerves to..."

A silent tear rolled on her cheek and she crushed it with her palm.

"I will never forgive myself either," and her voice broke.

It was so foreign to me, to see my sister in such a state of distress. She has always been the strongest one, emotionally speaking. She held her tears back when mom died and never cried in front of us.

I scooted closer to her and leaned my head on her shoulder.

"We both lost our mom at a young age and had issues we were scared to share. It's this lack of communication that destroyed our relationship."

Alice shifted on her seat and grabbed my shoulders, facing me.

"Let me be the big sister you deserve. I promise I won't fail again."

She seemed determined, and her gaze was sincere.

"Swear you won't break my heart. You are the only family I have left," I said, fighting back against my tears.

"I swear on my life."

And that was as if a huge weight was taken off my chest. I had a sister, a best friend, a lover; everything was starting to fall into place. If M. Yin didn't cross my path, I would have been living the happiest moments of my life.

Another cry, this time of pain, came out of my sister. I parted away from her and examined her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

Alice clenched her shirt and leaned forward as if she was going to throw up.

I grabbed a vase and removed the flowers before handing it to my sister. It didn't take long before she emptied her stomach, shivering. I held her hair back, trying to say comforting words.

I brought Alice to the bathroom and helped her wash up, watching as she suddenly became weak and very pale.

She took a device out of her purse and put it on her wrist. I recognized it, as my mom had exactly the same.

"Systolic pressure is at 150 mm Hg, diastolic pressure 100 mm Hg," I read for her after a minute. "It's high."

"My cancer is still there, but don't worry. It won't kill me. I just had a lot of emotions, today."

"You should take a nap," I said and helped her walk to my bedroom.

I was almost carrying her, which worried even more because she couldn't stand on her feet. I laid her down on my bed and covered her body with the sheets. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room, leaving the door open in case she needed me.I locked the front door then checked the notifications on my phone. There were 3 messages left unread:

Poop Lisa: Not coming home, tonight. Video conference at 2 am because of the time difference.

Jisoo: I received your text. Don't worry about the security camera. We kissed past your work hours. Tell this to your sister. But Kang tried to pull you in a trap, for sure. Check again if there is no hidden camera in your classroom.

I briefly answered to Lisa and thanked Jisoo for her advice. Then, as I was reading the last message, I had the nasty feeling that something bad will happen.

Bae Irene (work): We need to talk.

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