Chapter 7:

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hello. This chapter is a bit dishevelled as I took 3 weeks to write it (I was busy). Chap 8 is on its way.

Rosé's POV:

"There you are! We need to leave, the security guards are looking for us!"

"What? Why?" I asked, hiding Jisoo behind me so she could fix herself.

  A shadow of guilt crossed the Thai's face and the latter smiled apologetically.

"I may have or may have not pushed someone in the pool. It caused a commotion, then the gardener arrived and said he saw us escalating the wall. Oh, and a weirdo in a gold dress complained about you."

  Jin Ah.

"I don't care if I get arrested, but you are a teacher, Rosé. You can't go to jail!" Lisa added.

  I felt Jisoo's hands brush against my hips and the Korean pushed me aside softly. Her cheeks were still a bit flushed after our making out.

"It won't be a problem. I will accompany you," She said with a small smile.

  The writer started walking towards the door, then left the room. Lisa and I followed her, sometimes passing in front of security guards who eyed us suspiciously. They didn't dare approach us thanks to the Korean's presence, and it made me wonder how important she was.

  We managed to make it the villa's entrance, out of breath. I felt hot and bothered, still high from what happened in the music room. It was better than everything I imagined.

  Jisoo told an employee to open the front gate so we could leave by foot, then faced us, her eyes glittering.

"Go, fast," She hurried us with a worried look. "I can't take your defence in front of them."

"Come with us!" Lisa exclaimed.

"That's not possible," The Korean blurted.

  My best friend shrugged and ran past the gate, surely going to get her bike. Firmly grabbing Jisoo by the waist, I crashed my lips against hers in a desperate kiss. She felt so good against me as if she was shaped by God for my only hands.

  Out of breath and turned on, we parted away from each other, lust shining in our eyes.

"I expect to see you soon," I smiled like a fool before leaving the villa.

  Later, I realized I forgot to ask for her number.

* * *

A month later...

  I climbed off Lisa's bike and took off the helmet, letting my hair cascade down my shoulders. The sun was shining bright, high in the sky as a gentle breeze brushed my skin.

"Don't screw up this job, Park Chaeyoung," The Thai warned me with a mischevious smile. "You are lucky they accepted you despite your bad character."

"I do not have a bad character." I rolled my eyes. "Shut up and drive safely."

"Have a nice day, milady!" She exclaimed with a laugh before driving off.

  Sighing, I started walking towards the teachers' entrance. The school I interviewed for accepted my application a few weeks ago, just after the launching party of Jisoo's book. Since then, I was so busy with the preparations for the beginning of the scholar year that I couldn't focus on anything else.

  And by anything else, I meant the Raven beauty who took my heart.

  Reaching the teachers' room, I saluted my new colleagues and bowed to our superior: Miss Kang Liu. Someone offered me a coffee, then I went to my classroom, opening the windows and organizing neatly the books on the shelves.

"Are you ready?" Someone asked behind me.

  I turned on my heels to face Bae Irene whose classroom was next to mine. She was probably one of the most beautiful women you would ever see, and one of the kindest too.

"More than ready!" I exclaimed with a big smile. "I missed teaching!"

  She laughed and shook her head.

"Let's go. The kids already arrived and we need to welcome them and their parents."

  I nodded and followed her down the corridors to the hall. We sat on our respective seats, waiting for Miss Kang's speech. The woman was, as usual, gorgeous and dressed elegantly, attracting everyone's attention. She took the mic in her hand, confidently walking up the stage.

  A long speech followed and I listened to while watching the crowd. Some kids were crying and clinging onto their parents, surely not wanting to be separated.

  Miss Kang announced that the lists per class were hanging along the walls and that the parents were asked to walk their children to their respective classroom, implicitly telling us, teachers, to dismiss the stage.

  Irene-unnie and I walked fast, silently cursing our heels that were too inconvenient, then changed for our in-door shoes.

  After some time, children started filling the class and I placed them in order of difficulty, depending on their results during the precedent year: kids with the lowest scores were placed on the front row, where they could be more focus and still.

  Mentally counting them, I was disturbed in my thoughts by a light knock on the door: a relatively old woman was standing in the corridor, a little girl hiding behind her legs.

"Annyeonghaseyo," I bowed and walked towards them.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I am Choi Jiwon's grandmother. I wanted to talk to you for a second."

"Of course."

"It's about my grand-daughter. She is very shy and awkward with other kids. She has difficulty making friends and participating in class. Anxiety gives her stomachache and she might feel ill too. I would like you to be very patient with her, and also not judge her because of her grades or behaviour."

  I nodded and offered her a smile, then squatted to reach Jiwon's height. She indeed looked timid, almost scared. Smiling sweetly at her when she peeked an eye out, I did a small wave of the hand. She avoided my gaze and looked at the floor.

"Hello! My name is Park Chaeyoung, but I like when students call me Miss Park. May I call you Jiwon? Is that okay with you?"

  After a few moments, she nodded a bit and hugged her granny's legs tighter.

"I will be your teacher this year. We will learn a lot of things together, and it's fine if you don't understand everything. I will help you. Okay?"

  She nodded again, then slowly let go of her grandma to take my offered hand. I assured the older woman I would take care of her, then walked Jiwon to the front row, next to the window and just in front of my desk.

  I waited for everyone to settle, then clapped in my hands, asking for silence. Students looked at me with curiosity and expectations.

"I am Miss Park, your new teacher."

* * *

"So, she didn't talk at all?" Lisa asked with a frown.

"No. It was just the first day, so I didn't need her to participate. But I am working on a sort of program to help her," I said, taking a bite of my bread.

"A program?"

"Yes, so she would overcome her fear gradually. I once read an article about social anxiety. I should document myself more, though."

"I had a classmate with social anxiety. We all thought she was being bitchy to us, but she was just shy. It must have been hell for her."

"What did the teacher do?" I asked with curiosity.

"Nothing, until the parents came and explained the situation to everyone. And even then, he didn't understand what it was about. I don't know what happened next. I moved to Bangkok and changed school."

  Lisa took her plate then put it in the sink, stretching her sore muscles.

"Anything new with your future wife?"

Sighing, I groaned and slapped my forehead.

"No, and I can't believe I screwed up my last chance to see her. Seriously, what's wrong with me?!"

The Thai smirked.

"You saw this hot writer, became a hot mess, did hot things with her, and your brain overheated. Next time, bring a pack of ice."

"Ahah, very funny ManobaL."

"Thanks, Central Park."

* * *

The week after, I waited in the class patiently and was surprised to see Jiwon arrive quite early, still accompanied by her grandmother. I talked to the latter a few minutes before she left, smiling.

"Hi, can I propose something to you?" I asked Jiwon after some time.

  We were still alone in the room, but students would start to come soon.

"Would you accept to stay one more hour after class, so we could review the lessons you didn't understand or maybe play together. You can refuse, of course."

  She blushed, and I was scared I may be pushing her too far or that she would only accept by guilt. However, the child nodded quietly, looking up at me.

"It-it would be nice."

"I thought the same," I said and winked at her. "Your grandmother told me it was okay as long as you agreed. What do you like to do in your free time?"

  She shrugged.

"D-drawing and reading."

"Those are ones of my favourite hobbies as well. What sort of books do you prefer?"

  My eyes fell on the piece of paper I had on my desk. It was all the ideas I had for Jiwon to enjoy school. Reading it quickly, I looked back at my student, smiling softly.

"Anything my mom reads," She said, blushing.

"It is great that you two share a passion."

  After that, I let her occupy herself alone, then watered the green plants that I placed around the class.

  Once classes started, I put the students in pairs with their seatmate for an activity. From the corner of my eye, I observed Jiwon with attention, noticing she was quiet, but still working with the child beside her.

Jisoo's POV:

"So, how is Jiwon feeling at her new school?" I asked my mother on the phone.

"Well. Her teacher is really kind."


"Yes," My mother agreed. "Miss Park seems to be very competent and a nice person; I had a good vibe when I first talked to her. Jiwon probably felt the same, because when the teacher proposed to tutor her after class, she accepted. It seemed like a good idea, and I agreed."

  Surprised, I did not say anything. I regretted not being present enough for my children, and I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous at the idea of someone else taking care of my daughter. And what if this Miss Park's intentions were malicious?

"Do you think I can manage to pick Jiwon up, today?"

"Weren't you supposed to sleep at a hotel? Are you driving?"

"I missed you all too much, so I skipped the hotel. And yes, I'm driving."

"Jisoo, don't be so careless!" My mother scolded me. "I'm hanging up, bye. Go get Jiwon."

"Thank you, Eomma!" I exclaimed, smiling.

  After we ended the call, I threw my phone on the passenger seat and sped up on the road. This month has been quite hectic between the interviews, the photo shoots, and other meetings to attend out of the town. Being an author was harder than I thought, but at least, I was able to live off my passion.

  Seoul's streets were busy, and the high traffic was slowing my pace. At this rate, I wouldn't be able to pick Jiwon up on time. As the sun was setting on the horizon, I parked in front of the school and hurried out of the car.

  The concierge let me through then showed me the way to classrooms. Absolutely none was around, however, some light and a piece of music could be perceived from one of the room. Silently, I approached the door and peeked inside.

  Jiwon was sitting beside a blond haired woman, attentively watching her playing the piano. The little girl obviously wanted to try it but was too shy to ask. Her teacher noticed it and stopped her melody. She then took Jiwon's hands in hers, placing them above the keys.

  I was only able to see their back, but something told me I knew the stranger. My heart swelled and beat faster; a sudden wave of heat went up to my face.

  Too absorbed in watching them play together, I did not notice I was quietly walking towards them. My eyes trailed along the woman's familiar body: the elegance of her curves, the exotic tan of her skin, and her hair made of gold.

  Jiwon must have seen me in the reflection of the piano since she suddenly turned to face me, giving me a beautiful smile that I reciprocated.

  She jumped off the stool and ran in my direction. I dropped on my knees to reach her height, and she threw herself at me, almost making me lose my balance. I held her tight against me, eyes closed, and buried my nose into her silky dark curls.

"Eomma!" She cried for joy, clinging onto my neck.

  I kissed her hair lovingly, still amazed at how good it felt to be her mother. She and her brother were the most precious things I had in my life, after all.

"Hi, babe. Sorry for the wait. I thought I would come back from Busan earlier and pick you up."

"It's fine, I am so happy to see you!" Jiwon squealed, bouncing up and down.

  Parting away from the hug and feeling slightly emotional, my eyes opened to meet the angel who haunted my dreams. Stunned, it was like I got stricken by a bolt of lightning.

  Rosé was standing next to the piano, looking as astonished as I was.

(A/N): What a coincidence, they meet again! XD

Another chapter is coming this weekend since this one was almost chaesoo-less.

Also, thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting on this story!!Happy 1000 reads!! (in late)

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