Chapter 8:

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(A/N): omg I really thought I wouldn't finish this chapter before Monday. But it is Sunday 11 pm and I am on tiiiiiiiime


Jisoo's POV:

  I stood up, taking Jiwon's hand in mine. Rosé took a step forward, looking unsure of how to act in front of my daughter. Shyly, I put a strand of hair behind my ear and bowed slightly, heat going up my cheeks.

"Annyeong, Rosé. It's been some time, already," I said under my breath. "Jiwon, honey, would you stay in here for a minute? I need to talk to your teacher."

"You can water the plants if you want. Wait, I'm going to give you a small watering can," Chae said, hurrying towards her desk.

  She filled the little container with a bottle she kept in the class, then gave it to Jiwon. The little girl loved nature and happily walked towards the plants to take care of them. Rosé then pulled me gently out of the room and closed the door behind us.

  Before I could say anything, she leaned forward and kissed my lips softly, without rushing. I closed my eyes and rested my hands on her hips, feeling lighter than a feather. Her kiss temporarily erased all of my doubts, and a whine almost escaped my mouth when she parted away.

"Hi," She smiled. "I thought I would never see you again."

  Speechless, I just stared at her in disbelief. She seemed to understand my actual state of mind and stepped back, holding me delicately the wrists. 

"I guess it's a bit overwhelming," Rosé blushed and looked down, her hair falling to cover her expression. "This is way more intimidating than the other times, gosh."

  Unconsciously, I brought my hand to her face and lifted her chin back up, gazing into her amazing dark orbs.

"You find me intimidating?" I asked. "Haven't you been the bold one, all this time?"

  She chuckled softly and leaned against my palm.

"You are messing my thoughts," I muttered. "I was supposed not to see you ever again, and here you are, teaching to my daughter."

"Just so you know, I do not stalk you."

"Too bad," I let out suddenly and immediately blushed. "I would like to apologize for what I said a month ago. You weren't a mistake nor a one-night-stand. In fact, I cherished our moments together more than I should have."

"It's okay."

"No, it's not. I was so scared, and I am still... But it was not a reason to say all of those things."

"What are you scared of, Jisoo?" Rosé asked, taking a step forward.

  Stunned, I didn't say a word, and the Aussie understood that I wasn't ready to share that with her. She kissed my palm affectionately, and my heart beat faster at the sweet gesture. I retired my hand from her hold and put it in jacket's pocket, feeling too overwhelmed.

  I didn't understand how I could behave so familiarly with Rosé when we only spent a few days together. It was going way too fast, and the sensation was frightening. She was still a stranger.

"So... how is Jiwon doing in class?" I tried to change the subject of the conversation.

  The blond-haired teacher looked at me in understanding and leaned her back against the wall.

"She has a sharp mind, but has difficulties to focus or work with the other kids."

"Did she befriend anyone? With whom does she eat at lunch?" I asked in a concerned tone.

"Jiwon didn't bound up with any of her classmates yet, but she doesn't eat alone. While the others go to the cafeteria, she stays here and eats with me."

  I sighed, worried about my daughter. One of my worst fears as a mother was that my children grow up unhappily.

"Thank you for taking care of her," I bowed.

  After some time spent in awkward silence, the door of the classroom opened hesitantly, and a shy Jiwon appeared. Just the sight of her gave me back all my energy.

"It's time to go home, honey. Take your bag and your coat, then say goodbye to Miss Park."

  She nodded obediently and went to her desk to gather her stuff. Once she was done, she bowed to Rosé and joined me on the doorstep. I did a small wave of the hand to the Aussie, knowing that I would probably see her the day after.

  As Jiwon and I were walking down the corridor, we heard the piano playing again: a beautiful melody, I might add.

  But was there anything that wasn't beautiful about Rosé?

  On our way, I saw an old relative of my ex-husband: Liu. She was the archetypal woman dedicated to her career: serious, smart, hard-working. Always dressed to the nines and staying up outrageously late, I never saw her laugh nor smile.

"Oh, hi Jisoo-ssi. How are you doing?" The woman asked politely once she noticed me.

"Fine and you?"

"I am just a little busy. Did you perhaps see Miss Park, one of our teachers? She is blond-haired."

"Hue, yes. She is still in her class," I answered with a frown.

"I am sorry if I have to cut short our conversation. Have a nice day," She bowed before hurrying towards the classrooms.

  I watched her go, feeling a hard pang of jealousy into my chest. Why was the idea of her searching for Rosé so painful? It was none of my business after all.

* * *

  The following day, I woke up to the feeling of a weight resting on my right arm. Slowly opening my eyes, I took in the sight of Eojin and Jiwon cuddled up against me. Both of them made a fuss the night before, begging to sleep with me.

  And of course I accepted; mainly because I hardly saw them those past few weeks. I watched them sleep peacefully before stroking their back to wake them up.

  Eojin tightened his grip on my nightgown, blabbering incoherent words while his sister shifted with a soft groan. Melting, I kissed their hair before getting out of bed, yawning.

  After I took a quick shower, I hurried Jiwon to clean up while I was preparing some breakfast. My mom would be here any time soon to take care of Eojin, also I wasn't worried about letting him oversleep.

"Eomma, can I have strawberries?" Jiwon asked when she walked in the kitchen.

"I will wash some. But be careful not to put juice on your clothes."


  I handed her a bowl of fruits and another of cereals before kissing the top of her head.

"How do you find your new class, honey?" I asked, sitting on the chair across hers.

  She shrugged, taking a bite of bread.

"It's okay."

"Are you sure?"

  Jiwon shrugged again, and the regret in her eyes made her look older than 7.

"I am scared to talk to them. What if they don't like me, and find me annoying?"

"Show them the true you. If they still don't recognize your value, it's simply that they do not deserve you," I said, then kissed her forehead.

 She cuddled up my side, munching on her food.

"What about your teacher? Does she treat you well?"

  Jiwon nodded against my shoulder and I looked down at her, surprised to see her blushing. Smiling softly, I pinched her cheek playfully.

"You are as red as a tomato. Do you perhaps have a crush on Miss Park?"

"N-no. She is just so nice and pretty. And cool, too!"

  I chuckled and caressed her hair, before taking a spoonful of cereals. Suddenly, I heard the door unlocking and my mother entered the apartment, holding a bag full of groceries. When she saw me still in my PJs, she sighed loudly and pointed at the kitchen's clock.

"You are about to be late, Jisoo."

"Hehe, sorry Eomma. Jiwon, let's go brush our teeth."

"Where is Eojin?"

"Sleeping in my bed!" I exclaimed before entering the bathroom.

  Twenty minutes later, my daughter and I arrived at her school, a bit stressed out by our morning rush. At least, we managed to arrive on time, and even a bit early.

  I walked Jiwon to her classroom and saw the door wide open. Rosé was watering the plants, her silhouette haloed with the morning light coming from the windows. Her beauty was goddess-like, and my knees just weakened at the sight of her.

"Good morning, Miss Park," Jiwon saluted politely.

  The teacher faced us, the sweetest of all smiles playing on her lips.

"Good morning Jiwon, Miss Kim," She bowed slightly before going to her desk.

 I bid my daughter goodbye, but as I was about to go out, Rosé handed me a piece of paper. After I read it, I had to fight the urge to grin.

'Would you go on a date with me?'

  I felt like a teenager, getting butterflies at such a gesture. It still amazed me how natural it was to be with the Aussie.

"Can I have a pen?" I asked, biting my lower lip.

  The teacher hurried cutely to grab one on her desk. She was nervous, anticipating my answer in an adorable manner. However, I was scared to disappoint her, this time again...

'Can we wait for a bit? Everything is so sudden.'

  Rosé smiled softly, then wrote down:

'Of course, we can. But would you agree to give me your phone number? We can chat friendlily.'


  I was handing her back the paper when one called me out:

"Jisoo-ssi, what a nice surprise to see you again, today."

  Facing Liu, I arched a brow amusingly. Rosé bowed to her superior before discreetly hid my number in a drawer.

"Good morning, Liu-ssi. We should catch up around a coffee, someday."

"Sure," She nodded, not meaning it even a bit.

  As I already said, this woman was workaholic.

  However, she walked up to Rosé and put a hand on her waist, leading her towards the desk. The gesture didn't go unnoticed by me, and I tried to forget the feeling of jealousy growing up inside my chest.

"Goodbye," I said before rushing out, confused and bothered.

  I never felt this way with Seung-Chul, even after I discovered he has been cheating on me for years. Maybe betrayal, but never jealousy nor possessiveness.

"Rosé, what are you doing to me..." I let out in a whisper.

  A notification popped up on my phone and I checked my messages, finding a text from an unknown number (indubitably Rosé's).

'Look up.'

  Confused, I obeyed and saw Jiwon waving at me from her classroom's window. I mirrored the gesture, unable to hold back a grin. My children were my pride and happiness.


Unknown: Have a good day :)

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