Nice To See You Ch. 3

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Ash's POV

Blinding light from the window woke Ash up.  He got out of bed and stood up. He  couldn't find Pikachu anywhere in his room and guessed that he was downstairs.  He changed out of his pajamas and went downstairs. He found his mom, Mr Mime, and Pikachu in the kitchen making breakfast and setting up the table. 

"Ahh, morning Ash. We're having pancakes today." Delia said.

"Hey mom, Mr Mime." Ash turned to Pikachu. "So you were here buddy." Ash patted his head.

 Breakfast was done in five minutes and they quickly sat down in their seats and began eating. Pikachu swallowed a whole pancake. Ash drank some milk that his mom put out before she asked him a question.

"So Ash," She began. Ash looked up at his mom. "Do you like Serena?" At that moment, Ash spit out his milk and began coughing. Pikachu climbed up Ash's shoulder and started patting him on the back. When Ash stopped coughing, he looked at his mom in shock, a very noticeable bright red blush stretched across his face. "What?!"

"Well, yesterday you spoke very highly of her. You even blushed." Delia told him.

"I-I... uhh... I-I was?" Ash stuttered.

"Yes!" Delia laughed. "I'm guessing that there was some sort of... moment between you two?"

"U-uh... B-before Serena left for her plane, s-she..." Ash felt his whole face go warm. He lowered his head to hide the blush. "S-she k-kissed me..." He admitted.

"Really?" Delia asked, not a hint of surprise in her voice.

"I-I have to go." Ash stood up and went outside. 

"Hehe~" Ash's mom giggled.

"Uuuuggghhhh...." Ash buried his face in his hands. "My mom's so embarrassing!" He said.

"Pika chu pi!" Pikachu said, trying to cheer him up.

"Man, I bet the others would laugh if they saw me like this..." Ash said to himself. "Wait a minute... THE OTHERS! I TOLD THEM THAT I WOULD CALL THEM!" Ash jumped up and ran towards the Pokémon Center, while Pikachu clung to his shoulder for dear life. When Ash got there, he went to the phone and dialed the first number that popped up in his head.

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring* *Beep!* "Hello?" A face popped up on the screen. 

"Clemont! It's good to see you again!" Ash smiled.

"Ash! Wait one moment." Clemont rushed off in a frantic hurry. Ash looked at the screen, confused. When Clemont came back, Bonnie was there, a happy smile on her face.

"Hi Ash! How are you doing back in Kanto?" Bonnie asked.

"Hey Bonnie! I'm fine! How's Dedenne?" Ash asked her. As soon as he said it's name, it crawled out of her bag and onto her head.

"De ne ne!" Dedenne squeaked happily. "Pika!" Pikachu said. 

"Anyways," Ash continued. "How are you guys over there?"

"Hmm? Oh, we're fine. I get challenges for a gym battle every now and then and I keep inventing." Clemont replied.

"Yeah, but they all blow up!" Bonnie declared.

"Hey! Bonnie!" Clemont shouted.

Ash heard a noise from the screen and Bonnie and Clemont turned around. Clembot came through the door.

"Gym Leader Clemont. There is a challenger waiting for you." He said.

"A-ahh. Alright. Thanks Clembot." Clemont turned to Ash. "Sorry Ash. I've gotta go."

"See ya Clemont." Ash replied. Clemont waved at him and walked out of the room, leaving Ash to speak with Bonnie alone.

"You know, Clemont still hasn't been able to get Clembot's memories back, so every time he sees him, it's a little hard on him." Bonnie told him.

Ash could understand. Clemont and Clembot were really good friends. Losing him has been hard on everyone, especially Clemont. Clembot sacrificed himself to save them and all of Lumiose City.

"Anyways, have you spoken to Serena lately?" Bonnie asked.

"Huh? Uhh, no. I haven't yet. I was thinking about calling her after you guys." Ash answered.

"Really? Then I shouldn't keep you any longer! Bye Ash!" Bonnie waved and so did Dedenne. Ash and Pikachu waved back. *Click* The call ended.

Ash sighed. 'Alright. Serena next." Ash thought to himself.

Serena's POV

"And finally, Flamethrower!" Serena shouted. Braixen launched the attack into the air and it exploded into shiny orange sparkles. Serena and Braixen were both panting and sweating. Pancham brought them some water and Sylveon brought some towels.

"Thank you guys." Serena and the rest of her pokémon walked back into the Pokémon Center and were greeted by Nurse Joy.

"Good job Serena. I wasn't able to see it, but I could tell that you all were working hard." Nurse Joy told her.

"Thanks Nurse Joy." Serena said.

"Would you like me to take your pokémon and help them rest up?" Nurse Joy asked.

"Sure! You guys go, too." Serena told Pancham and Sylveon. They both nodded and they all followed Nurse Joy into a room. When Serena turned around, she saw a phone ringing.

"Calling. Serena Yvonne. Calling. Serena Yvonne." It said.

'Huh? I wonder who could that be?' Serena thought. She walked over to to phone. On the screen, it said, "Pallet Town, Kanto Pokémon Center." Serena blushed. Ash! She rubbed her face to get rid of the red on her face. She pressed "Answer." A face popped up onto the screen.


"Ash!" Serena said happily.

"Serena! It's nice to see you again!" Ash said.

"How are you?" Serena asked.

"I'm fine. I just spoke to Clemont and Bonnie before you came actually." Ash replied.

"Really? How are they?" Serena asked him.

"They're fine. They fixed Clembot up, but they haven't been able to get his memories back." Ash told her.

"Oh. I hope they find a way to soon." Serena said.

"Yeah. Anyways, how are you over in Hoenn Serena?"

I'm fine. I'm staying in a Pokémon Center in Slateport City right now. Oh right!" Serena suddenly shouted.

"Huh?" Ash asked.

"I found out that the next Pokémon Contest will be here! So I've been training really hard to prepare!" Serena told him excitedly.

"That's great! Actually, I think that I can watch your contests on tv here." Ash told her.


"My mom had to get all the channels from the regions that I traveled to so that she could watch all of my Pokémon Leagues." Ash explained.

"Wait, you've been to other regions before?" Serena asked.

"Uhh, I guess I have. Now that I think of it, I never really told you guys about my past adventures, huh?" Ash asked.

"Yeah. Hey Ash, on your other adventures, did you travel with other people?" Serena asked him.

"I did actually! Hmm... let's see... When I traveled around the Kanto and Johto regions, I traveled with Brock and Misty. In the Hoenn region, I traveled with Brock, May, and her brother, Max. In the Sinnoh region was Brock, and Dawn. And finally, the Unova region was with Iris and Cilan." Ash responded.

"Wow... That's... a lot of people..." Serena said. 'It sounds like there were some girls there too...' Serena pouted. 

"Serena! Your pokémon are all rested up and perfectly healthy!" Nurse Joy called.

"Oh, I'll be right back Ash." Serena walked to the front desk. She hugged her pokémon. "Thanks Nurse Joy." Serena said. Nurse Joy smiled and walked back into the room. Serena turned to her pokémon. "Guys! Guess who just called me!" Her pokémon looked at her confused. "Come on!" She said excitedly. She pushed them towards the phone. When they looked up at the screen, they saw Ash and Pikachu. Their faces exploded in sheer excitement. They all started talking at the same time. Serena, Ash, and Pikachu sweat dropped. Suddenly, it seemed as though Braixen realized something and tried the stop Sylveon and Pancham from talking so much. When Braixen explained, they stopped talking and made way for Serena to talk to Ash. Serena laughed and Ash smiled.

"Well, it's good to know that you're all okay." Ash said.

"Yeah." Serena said.

"So Serena, how's your practice going?" Ash asked.

"It's going really well! We've almost got everything down. There are just a few mistakes here and there, but other than that, we're good to go!" Serena smiled. "Braixen's doing really well!"

"That's good to hear. So Serena, do you know the official date of the Pokémon Contest?" Ash asked.

"Yeah. Nurse Joy told me that it was next week on Friday at 10:00 am through 2:00 pm." Serena answered. 

"Alright. I'll make sure to watch it then!" Ash said. "I better go now. It's almost lunchtime."

Serena looked at the clock on the wall. "11:45 am." Ash was right! When did it get so late!

"I'm sorry Ash. I promised everyone that we'd go and eat out today because they worked so hard!" Serena said.

"That's alright Serena. I understand. Have fun!" Ash called.

"Bye Ash! See you later!" Both waved at each other until, *click.* The screen went black. Serena stared at the black screen in disappointment. She wished that she could talk to Ash a little longer, but she didn't want to hold this off. She turned towards her pokémon. "Alright guys." Serena said suddenly. "Let's go."

Hehe! That moment when you're smiling and giggling at your own work. :P Also, FINALLY! Some Amourshipping moments! (Emphasis on "some") I decided to make this chapter a little bit longer. Sadly, school has come back and now I won't be able to upload very often. Sorry!! Anyways, hope you all enjoyed!! <3

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