Old Faces Ch. 4

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Ash's POV

After lunch, Ash decided to go to the market to grab some groceries for his mom. He was glad that she had dropped the conversation about Serena, but he wasn't going to take any chances. His mom could be very nosy sometimes.

When Ash walked into the market, he saw stalls everywhere. He had forgotten how big the market had been since he was away, but for some reason, it looked bigger now. He clutched the list of groceries that his mom had given him in his hand and walked around. Whenever he walked by a food stall, his mouth would water and his stomach would tell him to buy something. When he finally grew tired of resisting, he bought a bag full of taiyaki.*

After about 20 minutes at the market, he almost had everything on the list. He just needed a few more things. Ash started reading the list aloud.

"Rice, check. Fish, check. Soy sauce, check. Soybeans, check. Carrots, check. Beef, check. Potatoes, check. Squash, check. Light blue and white fabric, check. White cloth, check. White and black thread, check... And... Alright, I think all I need now is lettuce, pork, soap, and shamp- Ooph!" Ash grunted as he accidentally bumped into someone in front of him.

"Oops! Sorry about that!" Ash apologized. Ash picked up his head to find himself looking at Misty. Both widened their eyes in shock. A figure came running up to them.

"Hey! Misty! Are you alright?" The voice said. Ash turned to the voice and if his eyes could widen any further, they would've. As soon as he met his eyes, Brock's eyes widened as well. All of them stood in wide-eyed shock staring at each other for what seemed like an hour. When they finally came too, Misty was the first to speak.

"Ash? You're back already?" She asked.

"Uhh... Yeah. You didn't know? I've been back for three days no- Ooph!" Ash had the wind knocked out of him when Brock gave him a life crushing hug. When Brock put him down, Ash almost fell.

"It's great to see you again Ash!" Brock said.

"Y-you too, guys." Ash said.

"Hey, where's Pikachu?" Misty asked him.

"Pikachu is at the house taking a nap." Ash answered.

They started walking around the market and helping Ash with the groceries.  When they finally got everything off the list,  they went to Ash's house to catch up. When they got to the house, Delia immediately went into the kitchen to make some snacks, taking the bags off their hands. They all sat on the couch in the living room. Pikachu came down from upstairs to see what was going on, and immediately ran into Misty's lap as soon as he saw her. 

"So Ash, can you tell us about your adventure?" Misty asked. Brock nodded in agreement.

"Alright. Hmm.. let's see... so, after I came off the plane, I wanted to go to the nearest gym in the area, so I went to the one that was in Lumiose city. I went inside it and... (If you've seen the anime, you know what happens next.)" Ash started explaining.

Le Time Skip~

"After I lost the Kalos League, Alain went to go and get his trophy, but red vines suddenly came out of nowhere." Ash said.

By the time Ash was at this part of his story, everyone was eating dinner and listening to Ash. Since their homes were far away, Brock and Misty were staying over for the night. Everyone kept listening to Ash.

Le Few Minutes Later Time Skip~

"And then it was time to leave for the airport. We said goodbye to Serena first and watched her go down the escalator." Ash purposely left out the kiss scene to avoid embarrassment, but sadly, it didn't work.

"But Ash," His mom interrupted. "Didn't you say that Serena kissed you?" Ash's face immediately burned up.

"What!?" Misty and Brock both yelled at the same time.

"I-I... M-Mom!" Ash stuttered. Both Brock and Misty jumped up and zoomed in on Ash. 

"What?!" Misty asked again.

"How did you do it?!" Brock shouted.

Nobody even bothered to answer that question and they all went back to Ash.

"L-look! S-she just kissed me on the escalator, o-okay?" Ash yelled, still blushing bright. "I'm tired! Let's go Pikachu!" Ash picked up Pikachu and made him drop his ketchup bottle, making him so made that he electrocuted everyone in the house.

Another Le Few Minutes Later Time Skip~

Ash set up a sleeping bag on the floor of his bed. Brock was sleeping with him because Misty absolutely refused to sleep in Ash's room. Ash let Brock use the bed while he slept on the floor. Pikachu decided to keep Misty company on the couch downstairs. Ash turned off the lights and they both got settled in. They stayed awake for a while, staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, until Brock spoke.

"Well..." He started. "This Serena girl sounds like a nice person..." Brock whispered. Ash suddenly started choking on air. His face started to resemble a tomato.

"Heh... Your reaction... Do you like her?" Brock asked.

"I-I don't know." Ash admitted. "She's a really good friend. We first met during Professor Oak's Pokémon Camp back when we were kids. We met in Kalos after that. She's been a really big help." Ash said. "She's really bright. I remembered the first time she won a Pokémon Showcase, she was so happy. She looked like she was shining." Ash smiled.

There were a few moments of silence, but Brock suddenly said, "Yup. You like her." He said finally.

"Hey!" Ash shouted.

Hey guys! Wow!! Two chapters in one day!? I hope you all enjoyed! I decided to make this chapter mainly about Ash, but the next one will be about Serena! Also, here's a bonus!!

Serena's POV

Serena was dreaming about her and Ash walking down a beach, hand in hand, and eating ice cream together. They sat down in the sand, and suddenly, Ash leaned in close to her face. He leaned in closer and then-


Serena jolted awake, still half asleep. 'Ughh...' She thought to herself. 'Was someone talking about me?' Then, an image of her and Ash popped up in her head. She suddenly remembered her dream. Ash, the beach, holding hands, ice cream, the sand, and then- *Blush* Serena dove into her pillows, blush covering her face.

"Why did I dream of that!?" She yelled into the pillow.

Thanks for reading everyone! Have a great day! :3

~Crystal <3


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