Beauty and the Brat part 2

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She slowly opened her eyes to find her wrists and legs tied up with hair ties? She looked to see some kids tied up and gagged as well. "Amy, Amy, Amy, I think you forgot what I said earlier. I am determined to win this so stay out my way!" She strugged to break free. "Why are you doing this, what did me and these innocent pageant contestants do to you?!"
"You're so demanding, Amy but fine, so listen clearly 'cause I am doing this once." Bratiana began her backstory. "I am the daughter of a multi-millionaire. Mom and dad gave me everything I wanted and I still wanted more."
"But that doesn't answer my question." She pulled out a gun from her dress pointing it at the bridge of her nose. "Don't ever interrupt me! So shut up and listen!"
"Anyway, I wanted more. What better way than to gain attention by entering the world of pageants, glitz and glamour. When I first entered the Rainbow Joy Boys and Girls Pageant, I needed to win and what better way to eliminate the competition than with triggering a few trap doors, this knock out spray that contains lavender and chamomile, the old "see if this rag smells funny" trick with chloroform and many other ways that I lose track on. So I can be the only one standing. Then you showed up, "Amy Merica". I don't know what kind of person you are under that mask but that doesn't mean I won't dispose of you or anyone else in this stink-hole!" She held a lighter with an evil look on her face. "Was thinking many ways of disposing each of you. But as a rich pageant girl, I don't wanna get myself dirty with your blood and guts."
"Bratiana, what do you think you're doing?!"
"This stink-hole you're all trapped in is actually a sewer with loads of methane gas and one little spark of this lighter and FWOOSH! Your dreams of winning a pageant are up in flames, literally." She let out a wicked cackle and began a coughing fit. "Stupid methane gas!" Sailor America tried to get loose from the hair ties. She was gnawing at her wrist bonds when she found a loose, weak, spot. She kept chewing on it until she broke free. "Stupid lighter, make a fire already!" Bratiana's still focused on making the lighter work giving her the opportunity to free herself and the other kids. "Thank you."
"It was no problem." She found a nearby ladder leading them out of the methane gassed sewer. "This will lead you out, I'll take down Bratiana." The ginger haired brat saw some sparks and were put out by Sailor America. "Hey! That's not cool!"
"Kidnapping pageant kids for your own selfish desires is not cool either."
"You're the worst! I hate you!" She was about to shoot her with the gun when the star chain caught her gun. "Not a very wise idea for you to carry a gun at a young age." She smashed it to bits making her mad. "No fair!" She took out a pocket knife and lunged for her. She caught her wrist before she could stab her. "I won't let you continue you reign of terror, Bratiana!"
"Stop telling me what to do!!!!!!" She shrieked. Her red and white stripes caught the bratty girl making her fall into the filthy water ruining her pink dress. "You. Ruined. My. Dress!!!!!" She got the lighter and just as she was about to ignite the flame the star spangled girl snatched the lighter from her hand. She made her star chain appear and tied her wrists together taking her out of the sewer where loads of police officers, Iron Man and Stripperella met the two girls. "Hands up where I can see them!" Both girls raised their hands in surrender. "Not you, Sailor America." Two cops were about to approach the two when the smell of sewage and methane hit their nostirls. "I got this." A firefighter said getting the fire hose ready. "Hands against the wall, girls." He ordered. "Let 'er rip, Barney!" He gave him a thumbs up and started the fire hose getting the girls soaking wet making them squeal from the cold sensation. "That's enough!" Both girls were soaking wet from the water and shivering. Both firefighters wrapped towels around them to dry off. "Bratiana, you are under arrest for kidnapping and possible murder."
"You can't arrest me! I'm too young, delicate and pretty to go to jail!" She wailed. "Sorry, Bratiana, looks like you'e grounded, forever."

"Way to go, kid!" Iron Man said wrapping his arms around her. Stripperella crossed her arms as she saw the sight. She remembered how proud she was when she did the Q&A portion. That smile of hers can light up brighter than the lights in Las Vegas.

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