Beauty and the Brat part 1

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"You again, Patriot Girl?!" Chloe grew annoyed this is one time a superhero or agent gets her name wrong. "It's not Patriot Girl or America Girl, it's Sailor America!"
"Guess I'm stuck with you now." She said leading her to a big office where a plum man wearing a cute, frilly pastel pink sweet lolita dress saw the two. "Chief Stroganoff, Agent 069 reporting for duty." She said saluting him. The star spangled heroine did the same. "Sailor America of SHIELD also reporting for duty, sir."
"Stripperella, looks like you made a new friend." He went over to the younger blond. "Tell me, does this dress make me look fat?" She shook her head. "Good, thank God I'm not a cross-dresser."
"Chief, she's not my new friend, I just met her last night."
"Right, anyway, it seems that there are mysterious disappearances from young pageant girls and boys from the annual Rainbow Joy Boys and Girls Pageant." An agent wearing a helmet of sorts came out of a filing cabinet typing on a keyboard. "Stripperella," he said with a lisp, "the one behind the disappearances is 12 year old Bratiana." The image of a ginger haired girl with purple eyes wearing a pink princess dress and big pink bow in her hair giving a Japanese rasberry came up on the screen.
"Thank you, Special Agent 14. This pageant is divided into categories; the cutie pies, boys and girls who are no younger than 4 years old, the double digits, kids who are past the age of nine and finally, the tweens and teens with boys and girls who are 13 and older. There is no adult category and it seems that your star spangled friend, can infiltrate the pageant as a contestant to catch Bratiana." They all looked at her. "Who, me?! I-I'm not pageant girl material!" Stripperella approached her, "Don't worry, I'm sure you got this."

At the Annual Rainbow Joy Boys and Girls Pageant, Chloe paces the floor nervously. Stripperella was in disguise as her "mother". "You got this, just focus on stopping Bratiana." Some parents with their pageant kids looked over to them. "I mean, you better win this for mama so I can show off that you're prettier than the other girls!" They just returned to their stuff giving their sons and daughters pep talks and telling them to win this. "That's a close one." The line up for the evening gown portion is coming up Chloe is up first.

Tony was at the hotel room watching TV when he switched to the channel that was showing the pageant. "My name's Amy Merica I'm from New York and I love this country!" He dropped the remote in shock. The sight of her being in a pageant. He kept his eyes fixed to the TV as the pageant progresses.

"Nice job and really, "Amy Merica"?"
"It's the best one I can come up with at short notice." She said defensively. "Hi, Amy!" She turned to see a 12 year old ginger haired girl. This must be Bratiana. "Hey, Bratiana, if that is your name."
"That's my name, don't wear it out. Is this your first time in this pageant?" She nodded. "How... interesting." She said with her right eye slightly twitching. "As a pageant girl veteran, I know how these things work," her mood changed from bubbly and innocent to angry and jealous, "and I am determined to win this so stay out my way, Amy!" She said angrily. Her mood instantly changed when she saw a disguised Stripperella come by. "I mean, good luck. Toodles!" She skipped away. "I think I found, Bratiana and she seemed pretty mad and wanting to win this pageant. "Up next for the talent portion is Amy Merica singing "God Bless the U.S.A."."

She took the stage wearing a bedazzled American Flag designed eye mask and USO Girl dress. She began singing wowing the crowd.

Stripperella watched as she sang every word for word with no issue.
The crowd roared with cheers of excitement. "That was amazing!" Bratiana's talent was performing to the High School Musical 3 song "I Want It All". "Is she really that good?"

"You're doing great so far, now comes the question and answer part of the pageant. I have seen many pageant girls give their answers before and some of them were well... controversial." Chloe looked confused. "How controversial are we talking?" She took a deep breath. "Let's just say that you don't want to ruin your life early by mentioning touchy stuff, 9/11 jokes, Nazis, communism and terrorists." She nodded in understanding.

Tony watched the pageant boys and girls do the question and answer portion. He laughed when kid had to drag Donald Trump into his answer. "I would've approved of that answer!" He said wiping away the tears from the laughter he experienced. "Up next, have Amy Merica from New York." She took her place on stage with the same outfit she wore in the talent portion. She moved her bedazzled eye mask a bit as she stood next to the host. "Amy, with the current situations arising with the conflicts of racisim, prejudice against the LGBT community, hostility towards other religions and total disregard for the American Flag, what is your say on these situations?" He pointed the microphone at her. She quickly thought of what she is going to say.  "My say in these situations is that we should learn to express a feeling the we all lack and that feeling, is love. The stuff about "black lives matter", "blue lives matter", forget those. All lives matter not just black or blue lives. I think it's sad that people are prejudice against the LGBT community. Just because you're not straight doesn't mean that you're an outcast. Same with wearing hijab." Stripperella silently begged for her to not go there. "Just because you wear one doesn't mean that you're a Muslim Extremist or a terrorist. When I think of those who show total disrepect for the American Flag, it breaks my heart. Doesn't anyone realize that this Flag is a symbol of our freedom?!" The audience and judges started murmuring. "Every time I see Old Glory, I always think about why we are American in the first place. Yet we repay her by burning, stomping, tearing and even trampling."

Steve and Bucky were watching TV when Clint switched to the channel where the Rainbow Joy Boys and Girls Pageant is being broadcasted. Bucky nearly choked on his plum at the sight of their little girl on stage. "If we all work together and do our part, we will be able to show proud we are no matter what age, skin color, race, religion, even sexuality. I believe that if we learned to show love and respect to each other, we'll be able to bring peace to our great nation."

The crowed erupted with louder cheers and applause for her answer. "Thank for that amazing answer, up next is Bratiana." She met up with the tall blond woman. "That was amazing and no one started booing and hissing when you gave that answer." She gave her a compassionate smile. "You're not that bad, kid."

Chloe and Bratiana were the remaining two of the pageant. "The votes are in and only one can win, Amy Merica from New York and Bratiana from our very own fabulous Las Vegas." The host held the envelope. Both girls held each other's hands and looked into their eyes. Her blue eyea reflecting against her own deep purple orbs. "And the winner of the Rainbow Joy Boys and Girls Pageant is..." Tony was on the edge of his bed clutching the pillow tightly that it started to be rip. The Avengers were also on edge with Clint breathing in and out of a bag, Thor Crushing Loki in his arms, Pietro begging for her to win, Wanda trying to calm herself down with her magic and Bucky holding his hair tightly. He opened the envelope and with a big smile he declared, "Amy Merica from New York!" Everyone cheered happily in Avengers Tower and in a penthouse hotel room in Las Vegas. "I won?!" They placed a tiara on her head, a sash on her star spangled gown and handed her a bunch of flowers. "No..." Bratiana clenched her fist. "No! No! NO!!!!" She shrieked. She puched the host in the face and sprayed light pink mist at the young teen's face making her dizzy and disoriented until she finally lost consciousness and her world went black. The last thing she heard was the sound of a gunshot.

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