Meeting Stripperella

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"Chloe, Pepper's out for an important business confrence to represent Stark Industries." The blond switched off the TV. "She also told me to tell you not to do anything stupid while she's gone."
"Princess, when we go on our father-daughter weekend trip to Las Vegas, I can promise you that I won't do anything stupid."

Somewhere in Vegas...

"Hanging out in Las Vegas with my cool dad." She said captioning her photo of them taking a selfie in a line for getting to Las Vegas' first and only nightclub for teens 13 and up for Instagram. "Have good time and don't do anything I would do." She stood in the line with some teens wanting to dance and party the night away. Looks like this weekend will be a fun one. Suddenly, two crooks ran out of a casino with loads of money. "We should've robbed casinos in Las Vegas a long time ago!"
"Better than that, Sailor America ain't here to stop us!"

"I don't think so!" The two crooks looked to see a woman with blond hair, dressed in purple. "Holy cow." "Talk about hot like wow."
"Um.. my eyes are up here, perverts." She said annoyed. "I'm Stripperella and I'm here to stop you!"
Across the street, Chloe saw what's going on. "I better transform." She said softly. "Partying at a club can wait, it's time for me to save the day." She said running into an alley transforming into Sailor America and flying across the street. "Not so fast, you clods!"
"Not you again."
"Who are you?" She looked over at Stripperella. "I'm Sailor America."
"Listen here, America Girl, I got this." She crossed her arms. "It's not "America Girl" it's Sailor America."
"Whatever, I'll capture these guys." Sailor America already trapped the two in her star chain. "Told you I can handle these clods."
"Thanks a lot for ruining our crimecation." She looked confused. "A what?"
"A crimecation. See we fused the words crime and vacation together." She got the loose end of the star chain so she can take them to the police. "I don't wanna hear it! I'm taking you to the cops and they'll make arrangements to send you back to New York." Stripperella looked astonished. "You got confidence, kid."
"Same to you." She replied.

"Tonight was awesome, I partied at a teens-only nightclub, met another superheroine and took down those annoying clods from New York."

"Chloe, I'm back!" She looked to see him with a woman with blond hair wearing shorts and a crop top. "Who's she?"
"Erotica, this is Chloe. Chloe, meet Erotica, we each other at the strip club." She looked concerned for a bit. "Pepper's gonna kill you if she finds out you slept with another hooker."
"Relax, this isn't a hook-up, I brought her over so we can hang out and talk."
"You kinda remind me of Pamela Anderson." Erotica was astonished. "You really think so?" She nodded. "You got it all, the looks, the charm and your support against animal cruelty!"
"Tony, I like her, I think she and I can hang out after we finish hanging out." She looked into Chloe's blue eyes like she knew her from somewhere but a vibrating noise snapped her out of it. "Uh oh! I gotta go, I'm needed at the strip club." Erotica dashed off leaving the two alone. "I'm gonna watch TV, you can chill by the pool and hang at your poolside teen bar." He said gently giving her head a pet. "Be good, okay?"

"I hope I can see Stripperella again." She thought. Transforming into Sailor America she flew down the hotel penthouse to find her on a motorcycle. She followed her to a building and walked behind her entering a secret HQ of sorts. "You again, Patriot Girl?!"
"Busted." She said silently.

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