Chloe Reveals the Truth

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This chapter also contains spoilers from Captain America: Civil War and you know the rest.

Chloe sat on her bed polishing off Steve's shield that she secretly recovered from the HYDRA base. She saw her own reflection and remembered something.


"Careful with my shield Chloe." 4 year old Chloe was trying to lift the shield by herself. She was able to get the hang of it until she fell back finding herself underneath it. Gotcha sweetheart." He lifted the shield from her and placed her on his lap. "When I lift it Spangles?"
"You'll be able to lift it soon and you just gotta be patient. You did a really good job trying to lift it by yourself." She smiled at him. "Does that make me a big girl?!" "Chloe, you matter how old you get, you'll always be my little girl."

End of flashback...

One tear fell on the star of the shield. "I'm still your little girl Spangles." The door opened slowly with Natasha peaking out. "Chloe. Are you in there?" She quickely hid the shield under her bed. "Yes Widow mom. Come in." The redhead noticed something hidden under Chloe's bed. "Chloe what's this." She sqeaked at bit and hid the shield deeper with her foot. "That?! It's nothing. I didn't steal anything." She looked at her with concern. "It didn't look like nothing." Beads of sweat formed on her forehead she knew that she couldn't hide anything from her. "Okay! I admit it! Before leaving that HYDRA base, I took the shield back with me without T-Man and Spangles knowing and I knocked Bucky out with a cast iron frying pan so I can give him a new arm and I'm sorry for lying to all of you!" She got the shield out showing it to her. "That's all we needed to hear Chloe." She looked to to see Steve standing by the doorway. "What the what? How much did you hear?"
"All of it to be honest." She looked down sadly. "I guess I'm in serious trouble right?" Nat looked at thw super soldier. "I don't think we should be too harsh with her. After all, she did tell the truth."
"You're right Natasha, we'll leave her off with a warning."
"Chloe. You're not in big trouble. What matters is that you told the truth." She handed him the shield. "I think this belongs to you. Don't listen to what T-Man said, that shield will always belong to you. There is only one Captain America and that's you."
"You're a really good kid Chloe." The three of them hugged it out. "Why don't we go out for ice cream." She nodded. "I would love that very much."

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