Movie Mix-up

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"I can't believe your mom let you go to the movies by yourself." Chloe said excitedly. "Me too! I can't believe your dad decided to let you go alone." Replied Jemma. "What better way than to celebrate our release from prison... I mean, school than to watch Finding Dory." Said Jemma. Both girls got their tickets for the movie. "Now where is the theater that they're showing it?" Chloe looked around and Jemma led her to a nearsighted employee. "Excuse me. Where is the theater to watch Finding Dory?"
"Can I see your tickets?" Chloe handed him the tickets. "Ah. Finding Dory. In theater 2 over there. Enjoy your movie kids." The girls ran to theater 2 where they were handed 3D glasses. "I don't remember paying to watch it in 3D." Said Chloe. "Whatever let's go!" Jemma said dragging Chloe in.

After the movie, Chloe and Jemma were scared stiff. "That wasn't Finding Dory. It was The Conjuring 2." Both girls made their way out to meet Steve outside. "There you girls are. How was the movie?" Chloe cracked a tiny smile. "It was... great. I give it a 10/10." Both girls went their separate ways to their own homes. "Jemma you're home. How was the movie?" Asked Elizabeth. "It was... terrifiying-ly awesome. Yeah that's it, terrifyingly awesome. Do you have Father Lynch's phone number?" Asked Jemma. "Yes, why?" Wondered Elizabeth. "I need to call him to see if he can put Holy Water in my eyes." She looked at Jemma confused. "That's a... strange thing to ask."
Chloe arrived and saw Tony crying in Pepper's shoulder. "Is he okay?" She nodded. "Yes, we just watched Me Before You. Poor thing, I haven't seen him cry like this since we watched The Fault In Our Stars." Tony cried even harder. "There, there, it's okay." She walked to the kitchen. "Spangles, do you have the number of our priest friend from St. Patrick's Cathedral?"
"Who, Father Damien? Yes why?"
"I just want to know if he can pour Holy Water in my eyes." He looked at her confused. "That's a... pretty strange request, Chloe."
Chloe's bedtime came and she asked Steve to tuck her in tonight. "Get some rest Chloe
Tomorrow, you begin summer vacation." He planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Spangles wait." He turned to see her, "Yes?"
"Can you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep." He nodded. "Sure thing. Just until you fall asleep." Chloe felt a pair of warm arms wrap around her she looked to Steve holding her. This made her feel safe and secure. She felt sleep taking over her until she eventually fell asleep. The last thing she heard was the door in her room closing leaving her in the darkness. She trembled at bit under the covers fearing that something will jump out and attack her. She heard thumping in the vents. "Oh no..." She got her flashlight that she keeps on her nightstand. The thumping grew louder and louder when she heard a crash making her scream and shined the light on where the crash came from. "Gah! My eyes!" She screamed even louder that she threw the flashlight hitting him on the forehead. "Ow! Chloe! Chloe calm down! It's me Clint!" Steve and Bucky ran into her room with the shield and gun in their hands. "What happened?! We heard screaming?!" She ran into their arms. "I'm so scared!" They looked to see Clint rubbing the sore part of his forehead that came in contact with Chloe's flashlight. Bruce ran with a mop in his hands. "What happened?! I heard Chloe scream!"
"I don't know. But, whatever it was, it spooked her really bad."
"Why don't you sleep with me for the night?" Suggested Bucky. He brought her to his room and found her asleep in his arms. "Poor kid. Clint must've spooked her hard."
Morning came and it was the first day of Chloe's summer vacation. "Hey Chloe. How'd you sleep?" Asked Natasha. "Not much Widow mom. I just had a rough night that's all."
"Clint scared her when he crashed into her room last night." She went over to watch some TV and a preview of the movie, The Conjuring 2 came up scaring her. "Chloe?!" Thor found her hiding underneath a throw blanket. "I found her." He gently cradled her in his arms. This calmed her down. "The Conjuring 2? I know, it's scary. Scary enough to make Capsicle piss himself." He said laughing and imagining it.
"Language T-Man!"
"I was gonna say that but she beat me to it."
Chloe went out with Jemma to Central Park. "Rough night?" She nodded. "I didn't think it would be that scary."
"No kidding Sherlock. My cousin Louie saw the first movie of The Conjuring and this pastor from an Episcopal church who is a friend of his, blessed his whole house and did an exorcism prayer for safety measures to make sure he wasn't possessed." Said Jemma.


Pepper was with Tony and remebered something. "Do you remembered when we went to watch Me Before You?" "Yeah. Don't get me started Pepper."
"I know. But before we went in, I saw Chloe and her little friend Jemma running in to see The Conjuring 2. Instead of Finding Dory." The others heard that. "WHAT?!"
"No wonder we heard Chloe scream."
"She must've accidentally went in an saw it."

Back to the action...

"How are we gonna break it to our parents that we saw The Conjuring 2?" Asked Chloe. "I don't know about you Chlo, but I would be grounded for the rest of the summer is my mom found out I went to see a scary movie instead of the movie we planned on watching." Said Jemma. "Mine too. I would be in serious trouble is my parents found out too. Only, they would ground me for a year if they found out." Chloe got a text message from Clint. It said: "Come to the tower. We need to talk my lil' sparrow."
"Sorry Jemma I have to get home. See you the next year." Chloe ran off to Avengers Tower. Jemma waved at her. "See you next summer. I hope." Chloe made it to the tower. "There's my lil' sparrow." Clint ruffled her hair a bit. "Chloe. We're just gonna ask you something important." She nodded. "I'm ready to comply."
"Did you and Jemma see The Conjuring 2?" She nodded. "Yes, I did and I thought we were gonna see Finding Dory. Honest."
"It's okay. But what did you learn from this?" Asked Bucky. "I learned that I should think things through and not do anything that will harm my well-being?" Steve hugged her gently. "That's my girl."
"Does this mean I'm grounded for the rest of the summer?" Tony looked her wide eyed. "What? No. It means we forgive you and be more careful the next time you make any decisions."

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