Chloe's First Time Alone

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The Avengers were called out for a mission and won't be back until then. "Chloe this is the first time we're leaving you here on your own and we believe that you're responsible enough to be left alone." They said their goodbyes and left for their mission. Leaving Chloe alone. "I've been on my own before. But, only when I was little. Director Fury would either send Agent Coulson or Agent Hill to babysit me." She sat on the sofa reading a manga series Agent Coulson gave her and it was Hetalia: Axis Powers. She started to read the first book. "This is really interesting. It kinda sounds like the United Nations in a nutshell." She was reading and her phone rang. "Hello?"
"Hey Chloe."
"Hi Jemma."
"You busy this Saturday night?"
"No. Why?"
"Can I come over to your place please?! I've never been to your place before. Please let me come over!"
"Fine. But this is a one time thing. My parents left for something important and won't be back until then."

*Time skip to Saturday night*

Chloe opened the door to not only find Jemma but more teens her age. "Right this way guys." She dragged Jemma to the kitchen. "I thought you said it would be just the two of us!"
"Hey Chloe, chillax. I just brought over some of the guys from school." She looked from the doorway. "You didn't have to invite the entire? stinkin' student body!" Jemma rolled her eyes. "Chloe, you have the entire place to yourself and your 'rents won't be back anytime and just let loose have a little fun. What could possibly go wrong?" Chloe was about to say something when Jemma pushed her into her room. "Now wear something nice while I distract the guys." Chloe picked out a red 40's style dress to wear and curled up her hair.

"All right Jemma I wore something nice and- SWEET MOTHER OF ALL THAT'S GOOD AND MERCIFUL!" She looked to see a huge wild party with music blasting so loud that all of New York City can hear it. "Jemma!" She found the brown haired teen drinking root beer. "Hey Chloe! Enjoy the party!" She growled at her. "You people have overstayed your welcome here and this music is way too loud!" She went over to the sound system that was blasting loud rock music from AC/DC and pulled the plug on it. "What?!" "Who killed the music?" "Aw c'mon!" Chloe got up from the coffee table and gound a microphone from a kareoke machine. "All right people listen up!" They looked to see her. "Who do you all think you are?! Coming into someone's home, destroying it as if it were a nightclub?! You all should be ashamed of yourselves! I bet your parents don't know that you're out here this late and after your curfews!" A boy was near the sound system and plugged it back in this time blasting dubstep from Skrillex and remixes knocking Chloe off the table making her mad. "I'm stopping this party one way or another." She went through all their phones finding the numbers of their parents to contact them and she finally got to Jemma's phone. As soon as she was done, she went into a nearby closet which had two teens playing 7 Minutes in Heaven almost making ger throw up. She found another closet where she called the parents of those teens. Chloe left the closet and slipped way from the party and encountered the parents of the teens. "Hi everyone, my name is Chloe Rogers and I need you to stop this party." Jemma's mother came to her. "Mrs. Cooper. This my sound rather impolite but, how do you raise Jemma? What are your parenting methods?"
"Well Chloe, to confess, I am usually strict when I raise Jemma and she can get so out of control sometimes." Chloe nodded, "That's all I need to hear. Now let's bust this party!" One mother kicked the door open letting them all in. Another parent unplugged the sound system making the tower go quiet again. "Hey!" "What's the big idea?!" The room once again erupted with parents chastising the teens for their behavior. "Now you apologize to this nice girl right now!" One boy with red and black hair with a somewhat emo style came up to Chloe. "Sorry for trashing your place."
"Once you clean this place up you're all grounded!" Chloe smirked at what Jemma's mother said. The teens cleaned the tower up from the party making it spotless as if the party never even happened. "Sorry for wrecking the place Chloe. I now realized that when you say 'no' you mean it."
"Jemma Margarite Cooper! We are leaving!" Yelled her mother. Jemma huffed in annoyance and followed her mother. "Thank goodness that's over." Chloe went into her room changing into her sky blue nightdress. Before sleeping she was reading where she left off in Hetalia: Axis Powers. "Miss Chloe, what shall I do with the footage of tonight's events?"
"Delete the footage JARVIS. I don't need the guys to see what happened when I was left alone."
She heard a knock on the door. She opened it to reveal Jemma's mom. "Mrs. Cooper. I thought you and Jemma left."
"Chloe, call me Elizabeth."
"Okay, Elizabeth."
"You did the right thing. You did something no other teen your age would do and you did it. You were assertive, firm and always knew when to say 'no' when the time is right."

The morning sun shined in her room causing her to wake up. It was 6 in the morning but she forgot that it's summer and she can sleep in. She contacted Agent Coulson. "Hi Chloe. You're up early."
"Yes, I know. Can you come over. I kinda feel pretty lonely without the guys around even though they're on a mission." The line became silent and she heard the doorbell ring. "Agent Coulson!"
"Hi Chloe, you're up early."
"I know, force of habit. I keep thinking, oh my gosh. I gotta get to school."
Phil laughed at this. "Chloe. You're 13 years old now. Maria, Fury and I can't keep babysitting you forever. It's time you learn to be independent. One day, you'll soon live by yourself. Do you understand what I'm saying?" She nodded. "I understand. It's just; I've been left alone and sometimes, you, Agent Hill or Director Fury will take care of me." Phil nodded. "That's true. Only when you were little. You're not so little anymore." Chloe gave a weak smile and decided to be take the adventage of being left alone.

She found the stereo, played music and danced to it. "So this is what freedom feels like?"

She raided the kitchen grabbing Nutella, ice cream, whipped cream, candy, potato chips and every kind of junk food and began watching TV. "I'm sorry Ronaldo. I have found someone else." Chloe was eating Nutella wrapped in a star spangled throw blanket. "No Consuela! Don't leave him!" "Consuela the woman I had an affair with, she meant nothing. You're the only woman I love." The soap opera ended with a commercial of the Black Veil Brides coming to New York. Her phone rang. "Hello?"
"Chloe did you see the commercial!" She nodded. "We should go! They're not only gonna do a concert but there is gonna be a meet and greet too!" Chloe listen as Jemma went on. "Yeah but, didn't your mom ground you for that fracus we had last night?"
"Yes. But, what she won't know is that we'll sneak to the event; meet the band, take a selfie with Andy Biersack, attend the concert and then sneak back without her knowing. That and your, parents won't be back for who knows how long." She thought about it, "Sure, but if any of us get in trouble, you take the rap because it was your idea."

Chloe and Jemma made it to where Black Veil Brides was gonna be. "I'm so excited! We get to meet Black Veil Brides and watch their concert!" They made it and met with the band. Jemma looked like she was gonna explode. "Best day ever!" Both girls made it to Jemma's home by climbing through the window. "See ya Chloe." She returned back to the Tower grabbing some ice cream and watched TV. She was beginning to like being left alone.

Six weeks later...

The Avengers returned from their mission to find the Tower in one piece. "I knew we can trust Chloe to be on her own." The 13 year old ran into their arms. "I missed you guys so much."
"We missed you too, Chloe."
"I had so much fun! I watched TV, spent some time with Agent Hill and Agent Coulson and whole lot of other things I lost track of." Clint tousled her hair a bit. "I'm so proud of you, lil' sparrow."
"What happed to my room?!" Her eyes widened. Uh oh..."

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