Chloe's Superhero Persona

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At school, Chloe went into the sewing club and designed herself an outfit for the 4th of July. "I can't wait to see the look on Spangles' face when he sees me in this little get-up. Mixing Sailor Moon and Captain America is the best idea ever! Something is missing..." She found a blue eyemask to wear. "Perfect. Now, to try it on." She wore the outfit she made and felt like an entirely different person. She had her blond hair braided by Thor at the time. She removed the outfit and placed it in her backpack carefully and made her way to her last class for the day. After school Chloe made her way back home. As she walked the bustling streets of New York, she saw some thieves running from a jewlery store. "Alright Chloe. Guess I have to stop these guys and put my hero training to the test." She ran off somewhere and wore her star spangled sailor outfit she designed and switched her braid for ponytails. She sprung into action catching up with the jewel thieves. "Stop right there you miscreants!" They turned to see Chloe. "Kid, I wouldn't mess with us if we were you."
"Stealing jewlery, that's I where I draw the line!"
"Who are you?"
"I am..." "C'mon Chloe think of something! You're dressed as a star spangled pin-up sailor girl. Wait a minute! Star spangled, sailor girl. I got it!"
"I am the superheroine who fights for freedom, liberty, justice and the American way. I am Sailor America!"
"I've heard of Captain America but Sailor America?" Chloe made a few flips and fought the thieves and used a trash can lid as a makeshift shield recovering the stolen jewlery. "That takes care of that." She dragged their bodies to the police. "The jewel thieves are caught and you know what to do." The police officer looked at her. "Thank you so much. Can you tell me who you are?"
She nodded. "Call me Sailor America." Chloe ran off to find her backpack, switch outfits and tied her hair back to its orginal braid. "Now to get home before suppertime." She made it back home. This was it, Chloe has developed a secret life a Sailor America. She and Tony were watching America's Funniest Home Videos. " Do think we can send videos of ouselves doing whacky stuff?" She shrugged. "I don't know. Spangles has home videos of me on VHS tapes and you recently transferred them on DVD even though he didn't want to and good thing Widow mom showed him how to work the video camera." Chloe said taking the remote. "We interrupt this program to bring you a breaking news bulletin." "Huh?" Chloe turned the volume up on the TV. "There happens to be another superheroine in New York. Looks like Spiderman and the Avengers have some serious competition there Wolf."
"You bet Erin and this superheroine, you're not gonna believe this! She's dressed up like one of those pin-up sailor girls and she has some sense in star spangled style."
"Kind of like Captain America, Wolf?"
"You bet Erin and she calls herself Sailor America."

Chloe was in shock. Tony nearly choked on diet soda. "Sailor America?! Looks like you have some competition there Capsicle."
"Please be quiet T-man." Chloe said sinking herself lower into the sofa. "Wolf, do you think we'll see Sailor America again sometime?"
"I'm not sure Erin, from what I heard she's a bit camera shy. But who knows, she'll probably make another appearance again."
Chloe ran to her room and sat on her bed. "So I guess this is the life of a superhero then, living a double life. This definitely not the best of both worlds." She turned to her side, "I'm sure this whole 'Sailor America' thing will die down like it did with Ultron attacking New York. I hope." She fell asleep and something woke her up. Her phone was vibrating. "Who could be calling me at," She looked at the clock on her nightstand, "Midnight?" She answered it. "Hello?" She said yawning slightly. "Chloe this is Agent Coulson. Did you see the news?" She nodded. "Oh I saw it all right." She said Sleepily. "Sorry for waking you at this hour but, give me your completely honest opinion on Sailor America." She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "Sure thing. Um... Sailor America is an amazing superheroine who fights for freedom, liberty, justice and the American way. I also think she can fight alongside Captain America and the Winter Soldier too."
"Thank you so much Chloe! I have high bets that I can see her and Captain America again."
"In your dreams Agent Coulson." She yawned. "You're right! I'll keep on dreaming on meeting them both! Have a good night Chloe and sorry keeping you up." Chloe went back to sleep hoping tomorrow would be better.

Morning came and Chloe tied her hair to a side ponytail wearing a purple flower crown diadem with a blue camisole with a red flannel shirt and lounge shorts. "At least no one is talking about Sailor America. That's a relief." She thought. "Chloe you'll never guess who made the front page on today's paper?" Her eye's widened when she saw the newspaper. "What?!"
"I know. Pretty shocking. I wish I could personally meet Sailor America." She choked on her apple juice. "Not to be negative Spangles but, your chances on meeting her are virtually impossible." Bruce shook his head, "Don't say that Chloe. I'm sure Sailor America will show up and she'll probably give you advice on being a superhero." Chloe felt like she was gonna pass out. "Gotcha lil' sparrow!" Clint said catching her. He felt her forehead. "Are you coming down with something Chloe?" She shook her head. Natasha asked Steve. "How exactly are you gonna find Sailor America. She could be anywhere in New York." Chloe felt a plan foming in her brain. "Spangles wants to meet Sailor America? I'll make it happen and hopefully, he'll think that she's not that cool like the news portrays her. It's genius!" She thought. Chloe ran to her room and found her "Sailor America" outfit. She suited up and tied her hair in double ponytails. She heard a knock on her door. "Hey Chloe. You in there?" She felt like her heart is gonna explode out of her chest. She found red hoodie that's too big for her that reached her thighs, removed her blue eyemask and undid on of her ponytails. "Yeah come in." Bucky came in. "Hi Bucky."
"I know Steve wants to find Sailor America and meet her face to face. But, where do you think she might be?" She thought about it. "I think she would be somewhere where there aren't a lot of people. You know how the news said she was 'camera shy' and all, right?" Bucky nodded. "I remember there was a place Steve and I went back in our day. It was secluded and she might be at..."
"The shady secluded part of Central Park!" They said simultaneously. "That's it! I'll go tell Steve!" Bucky ran off leaving Chloe alone. She removed the hoodie and became Sailor America again wearing the eyemask and fixing her other ponytail. She jumped out the window from her room grabbing a lightpost and sliding down unharmed. She dusted herself off saying, "Note to self, never do that again." She ran off to Central Park as fast as she can while trying to not draw any attention to herself. "Hey it's Sailor America." "Holy $h*% Sailor America!" "Language!" She yelled back. "Oh my God! Sailor America!" Some people tried to get a picture of her. She spotted Central Park. She smiled joyfully and parkoured her way over and made her way to the shady secluded part of the park. "Made it. Now to wait for Spangles." Captain America made it and found Sailor America. "You must be Sailor America. It's really nice to meet you. Can you come out into the light so can I can take a look at you?" Chloe stepped into the light timidly. "Hi. It's me, Sailor America."
"I'm Captain America. I must say, it's really nice to meet you."
"I can say the same thing." She said nervously. "Are you that shy around other people?" She nodded. "I completely understand that. I know we just met and I don't want to put you in situations like this but you don't mind if I introduce you to some people. They won't hurt you. Trust me." She nodded reluctantly. "Everyone. I want you to meet Sailor America." Chloe trembled a bit worrying that they'll see right through her ruse. "She looks really nice. I bet Chloe will like her." Said Bruce. "Sailor America tell us a little bit about yourself."
"Well, you wouldn't like my backstory. Trust me on this. But I'm just a heroine who fights for freedom and liberty." Cap placed his hand on her shoulder. "So do all of us. You're no different from us. What mattere is that you fight for what is right."

Later that night...

Chloe went somewhere in the city as Sailor America. It's a good thing she knows her way around. Two teens spotted her. "Oh my gosh! It's Sailor America!" "My first two fans." She thought. "It's really you! I saw you on the news and I thought it was one of those rumors. Anyway, can Randy and I take a picture with you?"
"Um... Tammy. What if she's camera shy?"
"Not if we ask her." Both of them came to her. "Are you really camera shy like the news said before?" She gave them a weak smile. "I'm a bit camera shy. But I have one favor to ask of you."
"Yes! Anything!" "Please don't post your photos on the internet."
"Okay then." Tammy, Randy and Chloe took a picture together. They left leaving Chloe alone and she bumped into Captain America. "I never expected seeing you here."
"Neither did I."
"Great minds think alike. I suppose." She said nervously. "You look like a positive influence for Chloe. Ever since she was small, she wanted to be like us and whenever we went out on missions, she would wear whatever she could find as a superhero costume." Chloe tried to hide the blush on her face.

The next day...

Chloe met up with Jemma at Times Square. "Chloe. Sailor America sounds like a cool superheroine. She's like Sailor Moon but cooler and not a magical girl. Do you think it's possible you and I can meet her?" She shook her head. "Nah. Besides, it's impossible to find her." Chloe walked over to the aquarium where one of the girls from her school hung out at. "Look. It's the brat pack Chloe. Gigi, Dawn and Ashley." Jemma didn't like the girls and Chloe was the opposite. She didn't dislike them like Jemma. The girls didn't like Chloe because they think she is not like other girls her age. Chloe went up to them. "Hi girls." They were on their phones and looked up to see the innocent blond approach them. "Oh look it's Chloe." Gigi said sarcastically She wished to be friends with them and tried using her friendship lessons she learned from My Little Pony: Frienship Is Magic. "Hey Chloe. I didn't expect seeing you here." Said Ashley. "Neither did I. We usually have small chats when we were at school before class begins." Dawn nodded as she listened. "Gigi wasn't she that teacher's pet who usually sits in front of class?" Asked Ashley. She nodded. "Yeah. I'm that 'teacher's pet'. One time, in history class I sat in that row with you girls by accident. But our history teacher noticed me."
"Hey Chloe. Did you see my ear piercings?" Dawn lifted a tuft of her tawny hair to reveal her pierced ears. "Cool. I have piercings too!" Chloe lifted one of blond ponytails to reveal her white star earrings. "Clip-ons, how cute." Chloe shook her head. "No, they're real piercings. I never wore clip-ons." Chloe removed her earring to reveal the piercing. "That's so like, rad and I totes love your halter dress! Where'd you get it?"

"I'm glad you asked Gigi. My dad got it for me at Goodwill and it's a 1940's style halter dress."
"OMG! Did you see the latest blog post from Caps#1Fan4Life?!" Chloe knew that username anywhere. It's Agent Coulson's. She learned that he's a really big Captain America fanboy from an early age and was used to it. "He posted a pic of Sailor America and Captain America from last night." "Sailor America could be anyone!" "What if one of us is Sailor America and we don't know it!" Chloe laughed at this. She found herself hanging out with them. "I got an idea!" Dawn began tweeting something. "...#WhoisSailorAmerica and send." Chloe looked confused. After leaving the aquarium, Chloe made it back and texted the "brat pack" that Jemma calls Gigi and her friends. Tony showed her the tweet that Dawn sent recently. "I became friends with Gigi, Dawn and Ashley T-man!"
"I'm happy for you to see that you have friends besides Jemma. Also, don't let peer pressure take control over you." She nodded. Chloe wore her Sailor America outfit and went to Jemma's apartment. She knocked on the window and Jemma showed up wearing a shirt that reached her thighs and wore short pyjama pants. "Sailor America!" She looked to see if her parents heard her. "Sailor America. You came." She said less loudly. "Yes, I came. I met Chloe and she said said you wanted to meet me and I thought, why not. I don't see any harm in that."
"You're even cooler in person. Can you sign my scrapbook?" She looked at the scrapbook which showed pictures of her and Chloe. "Here's a red sharpie." Chloe signed the scrapbook. "You're left handed just like my friend, Chloe."
"Wait a minute." Chloe felt her heart stop. "No wait, I forgot what I was gonna say." She breathed a sigh of relief. "Now I remember."
"Eep!" She squeaked. "I have to remind Chloe that she and I are gonna go early 4th of July shopping tomorrow." Sailor America looked at the clock. "Golly, look at the time. I have to go." She was about to leave through the window. "Sailor America wait! Can I at least get a picture of you with my dad's old polaroid camera?" Sailor America did her best pose for the camera. "Thanks. I can't wait to show Chloe tomorrow."
Chloe got a text from Jemma to meet her at the mall to do some early 4th of July shopping with her. She went over there to meet up with her. "Chloe you'll never guess who visited me last night." She looked at the energetic brunette a bit mused. "It was Sailor America. She is so cool! She's also left handed just like you!" While shopping for 4th of July stuff, Jemma found two small flags, a headband and a glue gun. Dawn spotted the two. "Hey Chloe." She smiled at the girl. "Hi Dawn." She had two fliers in her hands. "Consider yourselves totes invited to our 4th of July party." Jemma believed that she's inviting her and Chloe. "Dawn, Chloe and I would be delighted to come to your party." She snatched the flier away from her. "Not you, Jemma the Hutt." She snarled at Dawn for calling her that. "I'm talking about Chloe. She can give this other flier to bring another guest. She saw this as an idea. "What if she invites me? Then can I go?" Dawn was silent for a moment. "No. After that little fracus with the fireworks last year, we chose not invite you to any parties that involve fireworks. Let's face it, you're just a pyro-maniac. No, a regular maniac when it comes to parties." Jemma was furious. "Chloe. Are you seriously gonna let that, that brat talk to me like that?!" "I'm sorry Jemma." "I think Dawn has a point. You do tend to go crazy at parties that involve pyrotechnics." Jemma was shocked. "Well fine! I'm not going to your dumb party anyway." She stormed off with her stuff in tow. "I can't wait to see who you're bringing. See you on the 2nd."
"Dawn wait!"
"Yeah Chloe? You planned for the party to be held two days before. Why's that?"
"Because on the actual day, the place where we're gonna have the party is already booked for a rooftop party concert and on the 3rd it was already booked for some bar mitzvah. So my daddy made a deal and scored it for me and my friends." She explains. "Chloe you're back shopping." She handed the bag full of star spangled items to Steve. "These are perfect for our party at Liberty Park." Tony bumped in. "I'll also call up a guy I know who'll make you the perfect outfit for you to wear this year."
"Also, Dawn gave me these." She handed the two fliers she was given. "She said I was totes invited and that I can bring a guest with me."
"I volunteer as tribute!" Yelled out Clint. She laughed at this. Looks like someone's been watching The Hunger Games. "I don't think so, Katniss." She said teasingly. Chloe would sometimes call Clint "Katniss" or "Legolas" instead of Hawkster just to mess with him and on one occasion she once called him "Robin Hood" when they went to that Ye Olde Medieval Festival at Central Park last year. "Who are you taking?" Asked Natasha. "I'm taking Bucky with me."
"That's really nice of you Chloe but, I don't do too well in a party with teenagers." She frowned at bit. "But there will be fireworks and it'll be fun."
"Now who am I gonna take?"
"Pick me! For the love of archery, pick me!" She sighed in defeat. "Guess I found my plus one. Let's go, Robin Hood." Steve came in, "Wear something patriotic. It's 4th of July party." Clint got a small American Flag and a matching hat and Chloe was given a special 4th of July outfit

*timeskip to the party*

"Omg! Chloe you made it! Your dress looks so patriotic!" Dawn said excitedly. "Yep and I brought my guest."
"Oh my gosh! Hawkeye!" The party is in full swing with teens using sparklers, taking photos near the photo booth, taking selfies of themselves, eating barbecued foods and dancing to the music.


"I can't believe Chloe said that! I don't go crazy at parties. That incident with the fireworks was beacause twirling aound with sparklers and..." She realized that Chloe was right. "Oh my gosh! Chloe was right. I am crazy when it comes to parties! I have no control." She had an idea. "I know, I'll make it up to her by showing her that I can control myself and don't go beserk at parties like a complete lunatic!"

Back to the action...

Music was blasting at the party and there was a trampoline added to it for the teens who wanna bounce high. "Hey brats!" Everyone looked to see a crazy looking guy wearing a Mexican sombrero and black eyemask holding a lighter. "Crazy Mexican dude! You're like 2 months late Cinco de Mayo passed already." Yelled Dawn.
"Oh, no señorita, it is you who is gonna be passed. Once I launch these fireworks! Don't be sad. At least you'll all go out in a bang." "This looks like a job for Sailor America." Chloe ran off somewhere and changed into Sailor America. "Sorry señor, looks like your little fiesta is canceled."
"Oh my gosh! It's Sailor America!" "She gonna save us from this crazy dude."
"I will not stand for you terrorizing these innocent youths! I, Sailor America, will stop you!" She began fighting him and threw a chair at the guy. "Sailor America! Take this!" A teen threw her a trashcan lid that was painted to look like Captain America's shield. "Thank you random teenager!" She threw the trashcan lid. "Looks like you missed, Sailor America." He sneered. "Did I?" The makeshift shield hit two metal scaffolds and hit the guy in the head knocking him out. Making him drop the lighter on the fuses on all 400,000 fireworks. "Sailor America! Do something!" She had an idea. "Hawkeye! You get everyone out of here and somewhere safe! I'll take care of the fireworks."
"You got it, Sailor America. Everyone let's get out of here!" It was a race against time and Chloe needs a plan to get rid of those fireworks. "I need a plan." She had an idea. "I got it! If I change the trajectory if these fireworks, I divert their direction to shoot upward instead of downward!" She spotted an arch-shaped piece of scrap metal and moved it to where the fireworks would be launched. "I hope this works." The fireworks went off shooting towards the party and instead of exploding downwards, they shot upwards just like she planned. "It worked!" One really big firework pushed Chloe foward and fell back, bounce on the trampoline and fell off the building.
Hawkeye got everyone outside. "Is everyone okay?!"
"Yeah. We're okay. Where's Sailor America?" The sound of the fireworks going off got everyone's attention. "Oh no! Sailor America!"
"She sacrificed herself so we can live!" "She saved our lives!" Clint was freaking out. The others are gonna kill him if he let anything horrible happened to Chloe. "Look up in the sky!" It was Sailor America parachuting down with the American Flag and landing safely. "Sailor America!" "You did it!" "You saved us all!" She was crowded by many teenagers. "Thank you all! But, there's something you should know about me." She removed the blue eyemask shocking everyone. "That's right everyone. I am Sailor America!" Hawkeye ran to her. "Chloe you're Sailor America?!" She nodded. "Yes. I was orginally gonna show Spangles the costume I made for the 4th of July but then these jewel thieves came and I confronted them and..."

A lot of explaining later...

"That's what happened. I'm sorry I decieved you all. I'm nothing special."
"No you're not!" "You're something special!" "We'll keep your secret!" "You saved us all!" Chloe gave a shy smile. "I guess I did save everyone."
"Let's party!" Everyone ran up the rooftop where the party resumed in full swing once again. The Avengers ran up to see what was going on. "Hey guys!" They all ran up to Chloe. "Hi everyone!" Steve went up to her. "You were Sailor America this entire time?"
"Yes, I was. I kinda enjoyed being a superheroine for like a whole week."
"We're glad you're okay." Tony smiled at this. His little girl became a popular hotshot.

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