Chloe: The early teen years

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13 year old Chloe was in middle school and in history class, the teacher was talking about life in the 1940's to the point of World War II. Most of the students were on their phones or ignoring the teacher. "Miss Rogers." He said referring to Chloe, "Yes sir, Mr. Andrews?"
"Can you tell me the main goals of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Josef Stalin?"
She nodded. "Ahem, the goals of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Josef Stalin were world domination. I may be exaggerating but I am not wrong. Hitler had Nazis and his goal was Socialism and did a mass genocide of the Jews in Germany known as the Holocaust. Benito Mussolini, started the fascist movement in Italy and Josef Stalin's goal was for the Soviets to invade America and believed in Communism. Does that not sound like the goals for world domination?" Some of the students were murmuring stuff. The teacher nods as Chole explained. "Thank you Miss Rogers. That's all we need to hear." Chloe returned to her seat listening to her teacher as he continued with the lesson. "Remember class, there will a test next week that will double your average grade points so study hard now." Chole left the classroom and headed to her locker. "That's so unfair of your mom to let you go to the movies to see The Boss." "I know right! It's not like we're gonna repeat the same words from the movie." "She's so uptight!" She overheard the girls talking. When school was over, she was going to talk to one of the Avengers about this. "Spangles! I'm home!"
"Chloe, you're home. How was school today?" "School was great. I gave a lecture in history class. We were talking about the 1940's." She said happily. "Good to hear that." Steve replied. "Spangles, can I ask you something?"
"Darling, you can ask me anything. You know that right?" Chloe nodded. "I heard these girls talking about an R rated movie they wanted to see called The Boss. Do you know what R rated movies mean?" Steve shook his head. "I honestly have no idea. I bet Tony has an idea." Chloe went to Tony asked him the same question. "So, you wanna know what it means that a movie is R rated?" She nodded. "Ok, when a movie is R rated it means that it's not right for teens your age to watch." Chole now understood everything. "Thank you so much T-man!" She said hugging him. "No problem princess. Here you are." Tony gave Chloe her allowance which is $120. Sometimes when she can't sleep she can sometimes hear Cap and Tony arguing about her. She could make out their arguments but this time it's about her. "I'm telling you, keep this up and Chloe is gonna be spoiled by you and I don't want her to become a brat."
Chloe felt a bit hurt. Do they really think that she's going to be a spoiled brat. Now that she thought about it, she hasn't been acting like a brat at all. So what if Tony got her the latest iphone or a new ipad mini. She didn't mind at all and ask for anything else. She sat on her bed and eventually fell asleep.
Saturday, a day for Chloe to rest from school and do a bit of homework and studied for the upcoming history test. Her phone rang. "Hello?"
"Yo Chloe! What's up!"
"Hi Jemma. I was just studying for the upcoming history test. How 'bout you?"
"Me? I'm just watching some tv and did you know that there's gonna be a Katy Perry concert coming up next month?"
"Katy Perry? For real?!"
"Yeah, I just saw it when I was watching The Night Manager and the commercial came up. Are you gonna go?"
"I don't know? I have to think it over with my dad and he said that if my grades are decent, say like A-, A+ or even a B, he said that we'll talk and Jemma, the concert isn't until next month and the tickets are probably sold out already." Steve came in seeing Chole chatting with Jemma about the upcoming concert. "Chloe, who are you talking to?"
"Excuse me Jemma." She held her hand over her phone. "Hi Spangles. I'm talking with Jemma and she said that next month, Katy Perry's gonna perform in New York. Of course I said I need to talk it out with you and you can talk to her." She said giving the phone to him. "Hello Jemma?"
"Are you Chloe's dad?"
"Yes and Chloe said that both of you are planning to go to a Katy Perry concert?"
"Yeah, is Chloe gonna come or what?"
"Chloe and I talked and I did tell her that if she gets good grades, she can go with you."

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