Katy Perry Concert Drama

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The concert was a day away and it was report card day. Chloe was very nervous about today. If her grades are bad, she and Jemma won't go to the concert and if they're both good and bad there was a fifty fifty chance of going. She returned home with the report card. "Guys, I'm home! Spangles, T-man, Hawkster, Brucey, Bucky? Where are you guys?"
"Miss Chloe, the Avengers were called out on a mission by SHIELD. They shall return soon."
"Thanks JARVIS." She ran to her room and placed the report card on her nightstand because she would prefer to look it over with Steve and the others when they come back from their mission. "I better see what's on TV today." She turned the TV on to see that Mork and Mindy is on. "I like this show." As she watched, her phone rang. "Hello, Agent Coulson?"
"Hi Chloe, I just want to call you to remind you that Captain America and Iron Man returned from their mission early."
"Really? What about the others?"
"They're still on the mission and they got the Hulk. He's a really big guy and super strong."
"Okay, are you gonna send a SHIELD Agent to take me to the Helicarrier or something?"
"No need Chloe, they should arrive at Avengers Tower any moment."
"Wow, thank you Agent Coulson." She hung up, turned the TV off and ran downstairs with her report card. "Spangles! T-man!"
"Hi Chloe!" They both pulled her in for a hug. "How was school today?"
"School was great and it was report card day. I'm also nervous about it too."
Tony got the card from her. "I'm sure your grades can't be that bad."
"Let's see for ourselves." Both of them took a look at the report card.
Math: A
Science: A
History: A+
English: A-
Art: B
Chloe was very nervous about this. "Four A's and a B." She trembled at bit.
"Consider yourself, seeing Katy Perry tomorrow night!" Tony said joyfully. He was about to hand her the ticket when Steve interrupted. "Chloe, four A's and a B, are good grades but let's see what your teachers said about your behavior at school."
"Never in all my years of teaching have I ever saw a student like Chloe in my class! She, among other students, is actually the only one not using her cell phone in class. The only time is saw her with the phone was when she contacted me. " Caroline Leech, Math class.
"Chloe is a superb student in history, her attitude is one of most respectful that I have ever seen. I don't know what you're doing but keep at it." Edward Andrews, History class.
"In all my years of teaching science in middle school, Chloe is like a super genius. When I asked her to do an experiment, she did a college professional level science experiment. I really hope to see her again in my class." William Finnley, Science Class.
"Chloe's work in English class is acceptable, when she was told to recite a literary work she stammered a little but her enunciation exceeded my expectations." Oliver Weatherby, English class.
"Art is a bit challenging for Chloe. Her creative flow is a tad choppy. I'm sure that if she's in my class again, her creative flow will be flowing smoother than a river flowing in a forest." Stephanie Carson, Art Class.
"I have to say, Chloe, I'm happy to hear what your teachers said about you. Your grades tell me that you can go to the concert tomorrow night." She hugged Steve and Tony happily knowing that she can go see Katy Perry. "Just to let you know, I got these for you." Chloe opened the envelope to reveal a front row seat concert ticket and backstage pass. "You got these for me?! Thank you so much T-man!"
She ran into her room to talk to Jemma. "Hello? Hi Mrs. Cooper, is Jemma home? Uh huh, she's in really big trouble, bad grades, a D in english, a C- in science, an F in math?! That sounds awful! Can I talk to her? No? Okay then, it was nice talking to you Mrs. Cooper. Bye now." She fell back on her bed. "Jemma got grounded for bad grades and can't see Katy Perry perform tomorrow. Is it fair for a parent to ground their kid over bad grades? I better talk to Spangles."
"Spangles? Are you here?" She asked. "Yes Chloe, is there something wrong?" She nodded. "I tried to call Jemma today to tell her about my good grades but her mom answered instead and told me that she grounded Jemma because of her bad grades. Is it right for a parent to punish their kid over bad grades?"
"You came to the right person Chloe. During my day, back in the 40's, when a kid, say, your age comes home with bad grades, most parents would be upset to see such grades and yes, it was the fair thing to do. Right now, the parents today have different parenting styles. If Jemma's parents are strict and we're not judging them, they had every right to ground her. Do you understand Chloe?" She nodded. "Since Jemma's not going, then I'm not going."
"What? Chloe, just because Jemma isn't going doesn't mean that you're not going. Tell you what, I'll convince Tony to take you to the concert. So that way you'll have some adult supervision and you can't go alone anyway."

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