Giving Chloe the best Christmas ever

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All of Avengers Tower was covered in Christmas decorations. Tony was busy writing something. "What are you writing?" He looked to see the young blond wearing a red sweater. "This may seem pretty silly but, I'm writing a letter to Santa."
"Don't give me that look, princess. Lots of grown-ups still write letters to Santa." She shook her head. "I ain't judging or teasing you."
"Why don't you write a letter?" She got a pen and began writing. "What do you want for Christmas?" Tony thought for a moment. "I want one of those cool-looking power cycles that the cool kids use." Pepper scoffed. "I bet by Christmas Morning you'll fall and break your neck."
"I wanna see that!" Clint said through the vents. "Not gonna happen." He turned to Chloe. "Chloe, you're gonna have the best Christmas ever."

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