Chapter 3: Longguo

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Longguo sat on the sofa in the living room with an over a large grey hoodie and black basketball shorts on. His legs were sprawled on the small coffee table in front of him as he petted Tolbi and Reushi--who rested across his shoulders. Longguo was very comfortable, to say the least, and felt blessed that he finally had time to himself after battling against the scheduling of setting up his name in the music industry and his school work at the university.

Longguo's cell phone started to ring and move slowly on the table due to the vibrations. Longguo let out a soft whine as the ringing only got louder, "Tolbi... Reushi... one of you gets it... please." Tolbi stared at Longguo, offended that his butler just told him to do something. Uh, news flash! That was Tolbi's job to do the bossing.

The phone stopped ringing and Longguo returned to petting Tolbi--and Reushi because the phone call woke her up. Longguo sighed, content once again. All was nice and still, so everyone started to drift off into a light slumber... until Longguo's phone started ringing again. Longguo scowled at his phone and sat up. He took his phone out of the charger and noticed the ringer: Hyunbin. What did he want?


"Ah! Hyung finally!"

"Is there something I can help you with?"

"Yes actually, could open your door in 3, 2-"

There was a faint knocking at the apartment door and Longguo rolled his eyes.

"I don't know if I should."

Hyunbin whined, "Hyung."

Tolbi jumped off of the couch and walked to the door. He meowed loudly, clearly annoyed that someone interrupted his downtime. Longguo agreed with Tolbi's reaction and heard Hyunbin speak again.

"Is that Tolbi at the door? Hyung let me in!!!"

The whining at this point was starting to get annoying and Longguo didn't have the patience for annoying right now. He stood up and walked to the door, opening it slowly. Hyunbin stood in front of him with a big smile. Tolbi ran to Hyunbin, no longer upset at who was behind the door, and Hyunbin lifted him up, "Aigoo, you're so cute Tolbi-ssi." Tolbi meowed in agreement.

Longguo sighed and moved aside letting Hyunbin in. Hyunbin took off his sneakers and quickly made his way to Reushi. Pretty soon, Hyunbin replaced the giant pillow the cats were originally using.

"What is it Hyunbin? I was trying to relax."

"Yay, Shihyun owes me ₩ 11000."


"Shihyun-ah and I made a bet on whether or not you'd forget what today is."

"What's today...?" Longguo asked.

"Just go and dress up Hyung, I'm taking you somewhere."

"Hyunbin." Longguo glared at him.

"Please Hyung, just do it. You won't regret it." Hyunbin lifted up Reushi who was clearly on Hyunbin's side because she was pouting, "Can you really say no to this face?" How dare Hyunbin go right for Longguo's heart like that?!

"...anything I should wear specifically?"

Hyunbin thought for a second, "Nah, just casual."

Longguo finished his second shower of the day, styling his hair (which was still damp), and dressing his best (even for a casual look) in a record time of 9 minutes. When he came into the living room again, Tolbi and Reushi were nicely tucked into the bag carrier hung across Hyunbin's left shoulder.

"Where are we going?" Longguo asked.

"It's a surprise Hyung."

"Why are we bringing Tolbi and Reushi?"


"Alright fine."

Hyunbin turned and walked to the apartment door and put on his sneakers. Longguo took his keys, wallet, and cell phone and followed after Hyunbin. Just like that, Longguo's lazy day was over.

Hyunbin couldn't help but snap a picture at Longguo's saucers for eyes when they stood in front of the cat café. This picture was definitely going on social media later. For the first time that day, Longguo's smile shined so brightly.

Hyunbin had enough of the dilly-dallying and opened the door. Before Longguo had the chance to walk in, Hyunbin stood in front of him quickly and let out Tolbi and Reushi. Then he ran inside quickly. Longguo sighed at his dongsaeng's actions and walked in afterward.

The lights were off inside and Longguo walked to the center of the room, "Hyunbin-"

The lights quickly turned on and Longguo was shocked at the "SURPRISE!" Party poppers went off and Longguo sighed with a small smile.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LONGGUO!" He knew he forgot something about today.

The people in the café consisted of about 6 employees, some college friends, and family (mother and grandmother). The workers brought out a birthday cake that had small models of Tolbi and Reushi--which Longguo took afterward. Longguo made his birthday wishes and everyone received a slice of cake. Everyone sat at a table of their choice and Longguo sat at a larger round table with Hyunbin and Shihyun. Everyone took turns going to to the table and dropping off their gift, there was soon a small mountain of presents and Longguo felt spoilt.

After about half an hour, some customers walked into the café and the employees went to serve them. As Longguo opened some of his presence, he couldn't help but notice that one employee was wearing cat ears and a tail. This employee seemingly just got here because Longguo didn't recognize him from before.

"Hyung has his eyes on a special kitty," Shihyun whispered as he elbowed Hyunbin.

"I'm sorry, what?" Longguo said prying his eyes away from the worker.

Shihyun smiled, "You totally do."

"I don't know what you are talking about," Longguo said looking back at the box he was unwrapping.

"Oh, daebak." Hyunbin awed at the vintage t-shirt of a cat playing the banjo.

Longguo continued opening presents and didn't notice Hyunbin and Shihyun waving at someone. It was when a small shadow appeared in front of Longguo that he looked up and noticed the figure ahead. It was the same employee that he was staring at before. The cat ears and tail that he had on were the same dark brown as his hair, it suited him well and looked quite natural too.

Longguo realized that he was staring much too long when Hyunbin elbowed him, "Hyung," he paused and snickered, "Introduce yourself." Longguo felt his cheeks heat up just a little bit when he stumbled on his words, "I uh... Hi... my name is Longguo."

The employee smiled and held out a velvet green box with lime green ribbons holding the top and bottom, "Happy Birthday Longguo."

"Thank you..."

"...Kenta." The employee finished for him.


After Longguo's party at the cat café, Longguo's mother and grandmother went to have dinner with him. They continued to spoil their special boy with all his favorite Chinese delicacies until he had enough of being spoiled. He made sure to see the two off safely and returned to the comfort of his own home.

Hyunbin had texted him earlier about taking Tolbi and Reushi home with him, so Longguo was home alone. Longguo also noticed that he had a TON of birthday wishes and never heard his phone go off because it was still on Do Not Disturb mode.

Longguo arrived at his apartment and his phone started ringing. He noticed the caller was unknown, but still picked up.


"Longguo?" The voice sounded somewhat familiar to him, "It's Kenta... I meant to text you, but I decided to call instead."

"I don't mind... did you want something?"

"Hyunbin told me that it was your first time at the café, you should come again!"

Longguo found himself being a regular at the café within the next 2 weeks. Some workers already memorized his order and often chatted with him about anything that came to mind.

"Longguo-Ssi," Said a high school junior, "Since you're here so often, which cat is your favorite?"

Longguo saw Kenta walk in from the back, regular clothes on, and the latter smiled at him. "That cat."

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