Chapter 4: Hyunbin

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It has been about a year or so since Sanggyun moved out of the apartment he shared with Kenta. Sanggyun decided that he wanted to live with their Hyung, Taehyun, after Sanggyun caught somewhat of a crush on the elder which grew too big to hide. It was a very spontaneous move, all Taehyun did was mention how he was feeling a bit lonely in the new apartment he moved into. Immediately, Sanggyun offered his company to the elder and asked Kenta if it was okay.

Kenta didn't object to the request because he knew how much Sanggyun liked Taehyun. However, he was starting to regret saying yes, and wishing that he could say no, a little better. If only Kenta knew that the person Taehyun made move in with him was Kwon Hyunbin.

Don't be mistaken, there was nothing wrong with Hyunbin... but, that was the problem. Kenta saw too much perfection. First, it was his height. Hyunbin was freaking 6'2", a height that Kenta can say he envied a little. Being this tall made Kenta feel secure and protected, especially because Kenta found himself always cuddling with Hyunbin when they had the time for it. But sometimes Kenta cursed Hyunbin too, the guy was sometimes a little trickster and would purposely put Kenta's snacks on higher shelves, so Kenta would have to call for his assistance.

Kenta saw nothing of it until one day, as Hyunbin reached passed Kenta's hand, their hands touched. Kenta looked back and saw Hyunbin looking down at him. Kenta quickly turned a deep shade of red and Hyunbin moved his free hand to his cheek. Hyunbin made Kenta feel so small in that moment. Hyunbin's eyes looked down at Kenta's lips as he moved his thumb to Kenta's bottom lip and tugged it down. They made eye contact again and Kenta couldn't quite pinpoint what he saw in Hyunbin's eyes.

They stood like that for a while, with Kenta trapped between Hyunbin and the counter ledge. Kenta made the first move by turning his head and looked down, " cookies..." There was only so much that Kenta's heart could take and being stared at like prey was not included. Hyunbin moved back in shock at what he had done. He quickly grabbed Kenta's box of cookies and put it down. Without looking back at Kenta, Hyunbin walked to his room and Kenta's face finally managed to cool down.

Second, was his athleticism. It was no secret that Hyunbin was an athletic person, Kenta could easily tell by his stature and physicality. There were also many times where Kenta had been told or reminded that Hyunbin played basketball, whether it was seeing Hyunbin holding a basketball or Kenta seeing his uniform when he did laundry. Kenta knew, but never came to any of his games because of work.

One of the times Kenta did go to a game was when Hyunbin's team was seemingly playing against its rival team. He admired how Hyunbin's countenance was filled with determination to win.

During the last minutes of the game, Hyunbin finally noticed Kenta and he smiled. The rival team was up by two points and someone passed the ball to Hyunbin. Kenta was on the edge of his seat, watching Hyunbin closely. Hyunbin made a quick 3 point shot, but was shoved to the ground. Kenta didn't watch Hyunbin fall, instead he watched the ball as it rolled within the basket. Everyone assumed it fall out, but it went in!

Hyunbin's team ran to him as the buzzer went off. They helped him up and the team cheered. Kenta had the opportunity to go on the court and when he did, Hyunbin hugged him but Kenta pushed him back, "Ew! You're all sweaty!"

Hyunbin cheesed at him, " That shot was for you Hyung, thanks for coming to my game ."

The third reason just so happens to be Hyunbin's personality. He was really just a cute dongsaeng that Kenta took care of after all. He would often come to Kenta's job at the cat café after he finished his classes and basketball practice just to watch the elder work.

Fun fact: Hyunbin was actually the one who started making Kenta wear the cat ears and tail, claiming it looked nice. Kenta's coworkers also agreed and it turned into a normal thing for him. Hyunbin often used his aegyo to get what he wanted from Kenta, and even when he didn't, Kenta still couldn't say no.

The current state of relationship of the two baffled Kenta. He had to admit that at this point, he definitely fell for the younger, but he didn't know about how Hyunbin felt. The two still cuddled now and then, Hyunbin has gotten comfortable to the point of kissing Kenta's neck and cheek while they did it too. But, other than that, Hyunbin hasn't dropped any hints of liking Kenta like that even though that action right there raised so many green flags.

They never kissed, Hyunbin never looked flustered when he did kiss Kenta's neck or cheek, and Hyunbin never said anything that made his feelings clear. Did he or did he not like Kenta?

Kenta could not figure it out at all and decided to seek Taehyun's advice, who was more than happy to help out his dongsaeng. Taehyun went over the the cat café with his friend Longguo--who Taehyun introduced briefly to Kenta the same day he introduced Hyunbin.

When the shop was remotely calm when the two arrived, so Kenta sat down and started confessing everything that has happened between the two within the past year.

"My question is, why haven't you said anything to him ?" Longguo asked while petting an egyptian mau kitten. It was a very adorable site.

"I-I don't know..." Kenta said covering his face with a hand, sighing deeply.

"Are you scared?" Taehyun asked putting his hand over Kenta's.

"A little." Kenta frowned.

"You already cuddle so intimately, I'm pretty sure that means something." Longguo said. "Before I moved out of my old apartment, Hyunbin lived with my cats and I."

"Is that how you know him, Hyung?" Kenta asked and Taehyun nodded.

"While we lived together," Longguo continued, "He never teased me like he does to you and we surely never cuddled before."

Kenta's eyes widened a little bit at that fact, "But even so, he never drops any hints that he likes me other than cuddles."

"You said that he claimed he made a winning shot at the games that you went to, just for you. Let's not forget that you shared an intimate moment in which you backed away and he apologized repeatedly for." Longguo said.

"You said that he often carries you around when you're tired after work or just in general, buys you snacks, and never does anything that could possibly harm you. He always asks if you're okay and comes to see you work after his classes or basketball practice." Taehyun added.

"If he doesn't like you..." Longguo looked at Taehyun and the two made a conclusion, "He loves you." Taehyun said.

"He... loves me." Kenta said, finally convinced. Longguo and Taehyun sighed and mentally patted themselves on the back.

Kenta finished his shift and he walked with Taehyun and Longguo to the train station. Kenta asked Longguo about where he was living now, since the latter mentioned that he moved.

"I still live near campus, but I live with a new roommate." He said, "His name is Donghan and unlike Hyunbin, he definitely attempts to cuddle with me."

"Attempts?" Kenta asked.

"He plays hard to get." Taehyun said rolling his eyes, "Deep down, Longguo wuvs Donghan." He finished childishly.

Longguo nodded, "Mhm, like how you wuv Sanggyun when he kisses you, right?" Taehyun embarrassingly choked on the air he inhaled, "That's what I thought." Longguo said fixing his jacket collar and Kenta gently patted Taehyun's back.

When Kenta got to the apartment, Hyunbin was already home. Kenta heard the bathroom shower head running and decided that his plan would still be effective. He went to his room and quickly changed out of his uniform into something more comfortable (i.e. an over large t-shirt and pajama pants).

The shower head turned off and Kenta quickly went into Hyunbin's room. Like when Sanggyun lived with Kenta, the two had agreed that when they took showers, they would dry and dress themselves in the bathroom. So Kenta patiently waited for Hyunbin to come to his room, while holding one of Hyunbin's pillows. Gosh how it smelled so strongly of him.

When Hyunbin entered the room, he only had on sweatpants. It was distracting, but Kenta had an objective. He beckoned the younger to come closer so he could finish drying his hair with the towel.

Hyunbin sat on the bed and Kenta stood in front of him. Kenta wasn't as shocked as he thought would have been when he felt Hyunbin placed his hands on Kenta's hips.

"Hyunbin-ah..." Kenta started, "I wanted to talk to you."


"Us," Kenta slid the towel back around Hyunbin's neck, "Do you happen to... like me as much as I like you...?"

"It depends Hyung," Hyunbin stood and leaned over Kenta, "Do you love me too?"

Kenta couldn't help but feel some type of way about being looked down at like that. Kenta knew that he liked Hyunbin, he didn't know so much on towards loved. The words seem synonymous, but really they are on different scales of commitment.

Kenta didn't say anything, but his eyes were telling a whole story. Hyunbin still got the message, "Then I'll make you love me." Which, if we were all being honest, is not that much of a push.

"You can only do that if you prove that you actually do love me." Kenta's voice was small but serious.

Hyunbin leaned down and captured Kenta's lips in a soft and tender kiss. It was passionate enough for Kenta to let out a muffled whine which intrigued Hyunbin. Hyunbin licked over Kenta's bottom lip, tugging it softly with his teeth. The action surprised Kenta, whose face was definitely beet red now, if it wasn't before.

Kenta pushed his tongue out, meeting Hyunbin's, but Kenta wasn't the dominant one here and Hyunbin made sure of it. He did so by turning them around and pushing Kenta down on his bed. Kenta was shocked, but he'd be a liar if he said he didn't expect the tables to be turned like this.

They continued kissing and the kiss only got more passionate the longer they did it. However, while it was a heated kiss because of the heavy usage of tongue at the moment, Hyunbin was still as gentle as he normally is with Kenta. The gentle treatment warmed Kenta's heart as it did excite him too and he couldn't stop himself from letting out a soft moan. Hyunbin heard it and pulled back, a happy smile on his face.

Kenta turned his head, not willing to look the younger in the eye. The younger saw this as easy access as he leaned in and left open mouth kisses on Kenta's neck. This only made the latter squirm from underneath as Hyunbin nibbled and sucked on areas within the junction from the neck to the shoulder. The kisses left the elder lolling his head back in temporary bliss. Kenta trembled as Hyunbin sucked on his sensitive skin, "H-hyunbin-ah..." He whimpered.

"So cute." He replied, sliding his hands underneath Kenta's shirt. Kenta pouted at the use of cute, he could be sexy too if he wanted to. Hyunbin lifted Kenta's shirt, removing it and leaving them both topless.

Hyunbin shifted their position, spreading Kenta's legs so he could sit between them. The position allowed Hyunbin to see how excited Kenta actually was and he wanted to tease him again.

"Aww, Hyung... all I did was kiss you."

Kenta's ears were red as he continued to avoid Hyunbin's eyes, "S-stop it."

Hyunbin moved his hands to the hem of Kenta's pajama pants, "Can I?" Kenta nodded and lifted his hips so Hyunbin could easily slide down his pants.

Hyunbin licked his lips and took in the site of what was supposed to be his cute Hyung. Kenta's cheeks were flushed and dewy from the light tears he continued to let out. All because of the stimulation he received from Hyunbin's long fingers. His lips were a bright red, a little bruised, and slicked over from biting his lips and licking them so much. His constant attempts to not let out any sounds were deemed useless, Hyunbin's fingers were so precise at hitting all the good spots within.

Kenta panted as his hair was matted to his forehead because of sweat. Hyunbin was going to continue pressing inside of Kenta to make sure he wouldn't feel any discomfort, but the latter had enough, "C-come on... I'm ready..." He whined softly, "Hyunbin please..." It wasn't technically begging but, hearing Kenta's defeated voice as he asked for Hyunbin to have sex with him was just so arousing.

Hyunbin couldn't help but slightly growl as he started pulling down his sweatpants and underwear. The sound surprised Kenta as Hyunbin spoke, "Ah Hyung, you look so sexy right now..."

"I thought... I thought I was cute." Kenta had to pause as he looked at Hyunbin slicking up his erection.

"You... you are amazingly both." Hyunbin held Kenta's hip and pulled him a little closer, "Ready?" Kenta nodded and Hyunbin pushed himself in.

Kenta's eyes were closed as he bit his lip again. He told Hyunbin to thrust faster and he couldn't help but let out 'embarrassing' sounds. Hyunbin noticed and put a hand at Kenta's cheek. He spoke lowly, "Hyung... I want to hear you." Kenta opened his eyes and was surprised to see the same look that Hyunbin kept giving him. Hyunbin smiled as he got what he wanted. He continued his movements unfazed by the obscene sounds that left his partner. In fact, they only helped in pleasuring Kenta more as Hyunbin thrusted harder.

Hyunbin loved how Kenta was a mess because of him. He loved how Kenta's face and neck down were completely flushed. He especially loved how tightly Kenta's legs and hole were clenching around him, even seeing his dick disappear inside Kenta was exhilarating.

"H-hyung, you're taking me so well." Hyunbin gasped feeling his hips moving even faster.

Kenta gripped Hyunbin's bedsheets and his back slightly arched off the bed. He was not trying to hid his moans anymore and instead relished in the complement by moaning out Hyunbin's name repeatedly. Also excited by the way Hyunbin growled a little every time.

Soon enough, Kenta felt a familiar heat pool in his abdomen. He made cute grabby hands at Hyunbin who pulled him up. The position changed as Hyunbin sat back and Kenta quickly wrapped his arms around his partner's neck.

Kenta panted softly as he mumbled out his words, "I-I'm close." Hyunbin found himself resting his head on Kenta's shoulder as he continued moving Kenta's hips.

"Not... not yet." Hyunbin sighed and rolled his hips. Reaching deeper, Kenta was louder than before and Hyunbin loved Kenta's voice, but Kenta was moaning directly into his ear at this point.

"Fuck..." He cussed at the moans.

"P-please Hyunbin-ah," Kenta whimpered, "I can't..." Hyunbin groaned as Kenta only got tighter around him.

Hyunbin wrapped a hand around Kenta's member, encouraging him to release. Kenta's body stiffened as he finally came, spurting and making a mess of the their chests and stomachs. Hyunbin held Kenta's hips down as he released after, groaning out an "I love you".

After getting down from their highs, Hyunbin tipped himself over having Kenta lay on top of him. They laid there, breathing softly for a while until Hyunbin decided they needed to clean themselves. Hyunbin reached into his bag, where he kept his sanitary wipes and wiped down his chest.

He got up and left the elder in the room. Hyunbin walked to the bathroom and plugged the bath tub. He started the warm water and added in Kenta's favorite bubble bath scent: strawberry. When the bath water was at a decent length, Hyunbin turned off the water and walked back to his room.

The elder remained in the position Hyunbin left him in. He was breathing really slowly so Hyunbin concluded that he was dozing off. Without saying anything, Hyunbin quickly lifted Kenta and walked them to the bathroom. Kenta was shocked to feel the water and quickly tightened his grasp, literally clinging to Hyunbin.

Hyunbin laughed, "It's water." Kenta blushed, a little embarrassed at his actions. Hyunbin settled Kenta in the bath and started cleaning his body slowly.

Once Kenta was cleaned, inside and out, Hyunbin drained the water and started the pipe again, letting out fresh water. Less soap was added and Hyunbin just let Kenta soak in the water.

Kenta giggled as Hyunbin played with the bubbles. They made eye contact and there was that same look. It finally hit Kenta though. How much love can one have for another? Kenta couldn't tell before, but now it was clear as day. Hyunbin's eyes hide hidden fear, adoration, and strong sexual desire. All for Kenta. Now Kenta had his mind made up.

"Hyunbin-ah," He kissed the younger and connected their hands. When he pulled back, he simply smiled affectionately and squeezed Hyunbin's hand.

"I love you too."

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