Chapter 5: Donghan

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There were many things that Donghan loved about Kenta, but there were also many things Donghan hated about him. Donghan loved Kenta's smile and bubbly personality, but he hated how often Kenta showed these traits to others, especially to the members. He hated catching Hyunbin and Kenta cuddling, he hated seeing Longguo and Kenta napping together after their stages, he hated seeing the affection that Kenta easily shared with Taehyun, and he most definitely had some internal issues with Kenta and Sanggyun sharing a room. Donghan was jealous and he couldn't help it.

When the members were visiting Japan and Kenta decided to sleep with Hyunbin because he was scared, Donghan felt a small pang in his chest. Why didn't Kenta trust Donghan enough to want him to protect him. Why Hyunbin ? But later, Donghan felt that some kind of deity was on his side when Kenta quickly ran into their room to plug in his phone. Donghan was able to quickly dragged Kenta back. It peeved Donghan, however, when Kenta whined about wanting to return to Longguo, Hyunbin, and Taehyun though.

When it was time for JBJ's debut stage, Kenta was laying down with Hyunbin and Longguo when Donghan quickly jumped on Kenta. He was content with his actions until Hyunbin laid on top of him and kissed Kenta. Donghan would have said something, but for the sake of the camera rolling, he held down his uneasy emotions.

Despite all this, Donghan endured. Never did Donghan think that when he actually did blow, his jealousy would come out as insults towards the one he felt the jealousy too. Sadly... it did and Donghan didn't notice it until it was too late. Kenta's smile dropped completely and he was already hurt.

The emcee, Taehyun, and pretty much the whole group besides Kenta, looked at the maknae with disapproval of his words and actions. The emcee had cut the program shorter than it should have been. It wasn't necessarily a problem because they were close to the end anyway, but that itself was not a good sign. After the radio show, Kenta went straight to his and Sanggyun's room and made it clear that he wanted no one inside as he locked the door.

Donghan felt terrible to say the least as his hyungs stared him down. Before Donghan could retreat to his own room, Hyunbin blocked his way and pointed to the living room. Donghan begrudgingly sat down on the floor. The other members joined him and they formed a stretched circle.

"Explain," Taehyun grumbled, which was surprising for everyone to hear. The leader is usually a more of a lenient person; but, never does he want to see Kenta that upset, no one does.

Donghan feigned ignorance, "Explain what?"

Sanggyun responded before Taehyun did, "Stop acting innocent and admit your mistakes."

"What?" Donghan said, his tone challenging for a change in authority.

"Don't catch an attitude, maknae. He's not the one who constantly upsets Kenta hyung." Hyunbin responded, accepting Donghan's challenge.

Donghan stood up and Hyunbin did the same. Longguo quickly stood up and tugged on Hyunbin's arm, "Don't you two dare." He spoke in a dangerously low voice. That was all it took for Donghan to huff and sit down. Hyunbin followed. This time Longguo sat between the two, a hand on both of youngers.

"Talk. Now." Taehyun tried again.

It took Donghan a little before he finally spilled his emotions, "I'm... jealous..."

"Of what?" Taehyun inquired.

"Of you all." Donghan sighed and rolled his eyes in his embarrassment, "I don't like how close you are to Hyung."

Everyone exchanged glances except Donghan. The other members then stared at Hyunbin specifically, "What?" He asked.

"Especially you." Donghan glared at the older, "You're always touching him."

"He does not belong to you." Hyunbin countered.

"You know I feel about him! You should all know!" Donghan said incredulously.

The members exchanged more glances before silently deciding what to do next, "Did you even try telling Kenta how you felt?" Taehyun stated more than asked.

Donghan stiffened at the idea, "As expected." Sanggyun responded the smile on his face contradicting the sullen sigh.

Longguo stood at patted Donghan's shoulders, "Ah, just tell him. He'll take it well." Donghan's countenance was one of the utmost uncertainty.

"You can always make it up to him." Longguo continued, "Kenta's forgiving, if he wasn't, he wouldn't let you come to him."

Everyone nodded in agreement while Longguo walked towards the bedrooms, "I'm going to take a nap. Good luck, Donghan-ah."

"Apologize." Hyunbin said while standing up as well, most likely to join Longguo.

Sanggyun and Taehyun made eye contact and sighed, the two went to Taehyun and Donghan's room, leaving the maknae in the quiet living room.

Apologizing was easier said than done. Hyunbin was purposely making it impossible to talk to Kenta alone and that really didn't help with Donghan's green eyed monster. Donghan started losing sleep over this, it was bothering him way too much.

It hurt even more seeing how Kenta always looked so ecstatic playing with Hyunbin. Why was Hyunbin being so unfair and petty? It put an almost permanent scowl on Donghan's face which always concerned the makeup noonas in addition to Donghan's new heavy bags under his eyes. Donghan was determined to do something about this, even though he couldn't go to Kenta directly.

He started with small texts. Donghan being Donghan, he didn't know what to type. It ended up being something random almost every time. Kenta only read the texts, he never responded. It was a good sign, Donghan was not being completely ignored. This went on for two days before Donghan realized that it was getting him nowhere.

Sooner or later, Donghan had been leaving gifts for Kenta in his room. The gifts included things like candies and other treats and even some savory foods. Kenta started looking at him again after the 5th or so gift. Curious as to why Donghan was giving him these things. As far as he was concerned, 'Kenta's just some wanna be Korean foreigner pursuing this career because of his past obsession with K-Pop.' Ouch, right? Ah... Donghan messed up big time.

Either way, it seemed that Kenta was finally comfortable with being around the youngest; seeing as to how, now they could be seated together during filmings. With new confidence blossoming in his chest, Donghan took it up a notch. He started complimenting Kenta through texts. Kenta did read them only, however , Donghan noticed that after he read the texts, his ears were red and his lips would quirk up a little. No one else made Kenta feel embarrassed like that . Donghan noted and finally felt like he was winning against his Hyungs for Kenta's heart.

It wasn't a race, but it sure as hell felt like one to Donghan. He continued his texts, now talking to Kenta more rather than just complimenting him. Kenta started texting back. They didn't talk off the phone yet. But it was definitely improvement Donghan would take...

Hyunbin eyed Donghan as he laid with Kenta on the couch. The elder was asleep and holding onto Hyunbin's left hand. Donghan stared at Hyunbin, his eyes asking for mercy. Hyunbin evilly smirked and remained next to Kenta. Donghan was not going to let it slide again, he missed Kenta so much. He desired to be alone with Kenta, it's been too long.

"Please..." He spoke lowly, his expression was earnest. Hyunbin smiled, a cat like smile that he probably learned from Tolbi and Reushi, and leaned up slowly. Careful to not wake Kenta, he removed his hand from Kenta's grasp. Once fully free, he stood and walked to Donghan.

"Good job." Is all the taller one said with a pat on Donghan's shoulder before leaving Donghan with Kenta. Said person moved in his sleep, patting the empty side of the couch. Donghan was going to replace Hyunbin. He was going to be the person Kenta wanted at his side. Him. No one else.

Donghan walked closer to the couch, sitting down next to Kenta.

"Hyung..." He called. Kenta didn't respond. Donghan called for him again, this time shaking him slightly. The elder's eyes eventually fluttered open.

"Hyung." Donghan said. Kenta didn't say anything, he only stared.

Donghan frowned, "Kenta-hyung, I-I'm sorry." Kenta's tired expression failed to change, he showed no reaction to Donghan and that did things to younger's confidence. At this point it didn't matter if Kenta wouldn't talk to him. He only cared for managing to get out what he wanted to say.

"I wanted to apologize to you weeks ago, but Hyunbin wouldn't let me get close to you. He kept staying by your side and you wouldn't look at anyone but him!" He started, clenching his hands into fists.

"I was jealous of how close you were to everyone except me and I ended up insulting you... I'm truly really sorry for that Kenta-hyung. I wanted to talk to you so badly and I didn't know how to, so I started texting you and you wouldn't respond. But knowing that you read them was enough for me to continue doing what I did. I gave you gifts as a peace offering and you seemed to like them, so I started complimenting you as well. I complimented you not because I wanted you to like me again, but because that's honestly how I feel about you.

"I was so happy that you started smiling and blushing at my compliments. Y-you even started replying to me and sitting next to me again... I really missed you! I was stupid to let my jealousy get the best of me, I promise I won't do it again, Hyung. I just... I just love you so much and... and-" Donghan voiced failed him as he was surprised by the hand over his fists.

"You're going to hurt yourself if you keep that up." Kenta said. He tugged Donghan's hand and the younger opened it. Suddenly he noticed how blurry his vision had become during his rant.

He was crying.

After blinking them away, he found out something more surprising-

Kenta was crying too.

Kenta smiled softly, "You're crying so much. All because of me?" Donghan could only nod, "Hyung... please forgive me."

Kenta tugged on Donghan's hand again, pulling him down. The two laid on their sides, looking at one another. Kenta moved his sleeve to wipe Donghan's face, "Don't cry, Donghan..."

It's not like he could help it. Donghan was a wreck, relief filling him at the gentle action from Kenta and he eventually he stopped. Crying so much seemed to tire Donghan out. Now that he could relax a little, he was dozing off on the couch.

Kenta held his hand squeezing it softly, "I'm glad you love me too." Is what he heard Kenta say before he completely lost his grasp on reality.

His mind soared around " too..." Kenta loves him too!

For the first time in a while, Donghan actually smiled. When he'd awaken, he'd be sure to set things straight with Kenta. But for now, he let his body rest from ridiculous amount of stress he felt for the passed weeks.

When Donghan had awaken, he was in the same position he fell asleep in. This time, Kenta was closer to him. Kenta's face was buried in Donghan's chest as his arms wrapped around the younger's waist. Donghan felt his face heat up a little at this, but he sure as hell wasn't complaining.

What he did complain about, was the fact that all of his Hyungs were laughing at the two and taking pictures. How did Kenta sleep through that?!

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