Don't Look In His Eyes

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Asmodeus x Reader {3}

Asmodeus stood perfectly in line amongst his brothers. Although they wore their uniforms, he had ensured that he still looked beautiful and presentable. Lucifer ran through the expectations real quick before they brought the next human exchange student to the Devildom. Mammon was the only brother missing from the line up. Belphie was sitting in a chair, falling asleep while the others stood next to each other. Asmo was trying to keep himself from bouncing as his heart pounded and he waited for Lucifer's boring lecture to end and for them to summon the new exchange program. Would they be a boy? A girl? Something else? Would they be short or tall or maybe around his height? Would they be like Solomon or Levi or Beel or possibly even Mammon? The possibilities felt endless as he tried to envision what this new student might look like. Lucifer finally finished then Barbatos opened up the portal and summoned you from the human realm.

You were just sitting on your bed, watching your favorite YouTuber and relaxing under blankets with your favorite drink in a mug next to you when suddenly light seemed to flash around you. You felt yourself suddenly whisked away and pulled through to another world. Your first thought as this happened was "what the actual fuck?" But the second thing you thought was fanfiction related.

Plop. You landed on the floor of this new place. Thrones lined against the wall with banners of animals above each one. There were tall, very attractive men standing before you except for one slumped in a chair, leaning against a pillow he held in his arms. You took note of each one. A tall red haired man with darker skin than the others and wearing a red uniform which stood from all the others. He was bulky but still had a bright and friendly smile on his face. He welcomed you in a confident and booming voice. Next to him stood a dark and brooding man with black hair that had silver tips. He had fair skin with dark eyes that looked like they were disappointed in you even though you didn't even know who he was. On the other side of the man in red was a thin man wearing gloves and what looked like a butler's tailcoat despite wearing the same uniform. His hair was magnificent, such a unique color with a part of it even glowing. He had a soft yet mysterious smile upon his face.

The others stood to the side. A tall bulky guy with vibrant orange hair that seemed to be lost in thought. The one falling asleep in the chair had navy hair with light tips that draped over his eyes. Then there was the one with a blue bowl cut or something like it. He had headphones on and seemed busy with something on his phone. He barely even looked at you. Next to him was a fairly tall and strong looking blonde guy with green eyes and a cute bowtie that stood out from the ribbons and ties the others wore. And next to him was a beautiful thin man that you could instantly tell what he was like. You were one for flirts in media and you could just tell from the way he smiled and looked at you that he would be another France from Hetalia or a Zen from Mystic Messenger.

After assessing them all, not really paying attention to what the man in red was saying, you started to get up. The cute "Zen-like" guy rushed to aid you and helped you up. He held your hand, stroking it slightly and immediately looking straight into your eyes.

"Aren't they just beautiful? Look deeply into them~" He advised. You got a bad feeling but figured you'd do it anyway cause why not? So you stared into his eyes, but then it got too stressful so you looked away.

"I'd be careful about looking into his eyes." The disappointed looking man said. "He can charm any human that looks into his eyes to love him."

You glanced at the guy holding your hand still as he seemed to pout. "It didn't seem to work anyway..."

"I'm sorry, but where am I? Who are you?" The disappointed man sighed heavily as the blonde guy and the charming guy began laughing. He let go of your hand and went back to stand next to the blonde man.

"We explained this to you already."

"Lucifer, it's alright. It must be overwhelming for them!" The red man said in reply to the disappointed man.

Quickly, the man in red ran through it. You were now in the Devildom and these were demons before you. That explains the ridiculous attractiveness that no human can obtain. Cause hot damn they're as pretty as anime boys, you immediately thought. There was Lucifer, Lord Diavolo, Barbatos the butler so Sebastian from Black Butler? You couldn't help but make comparisons. The other boys introduced themselves.

"Belphegor." The sleepy one said through a yawn.

"I'm Beelzebub, you can all me Beel." He still seemed preoccupied by something.

The blue haired one got a slight pat from Beel as he motioned towards you. The blue haired one slid his headphones off and slightly waved, not really looking at you directly. "I'm Leviathan or Levi as everyone else calls me." He slid his headphones back on and went back to ignoring you.

"I'm Satan, the Avatar of Wrath. Lucifer is Avatar of Pride. Levi is Avatar of Envy. Beel is Avatar of Gluttony. Belphie is Avatar of Sloth." The blonde man quickly explained since it seemed the others didn't bother to.

"And I, my dear, am Asmodeus~ the beautiful Avatar of Lust and the one and only~" He posed dramatically as if he were in some performance.

"Now if you could introduce yourself." The one you remember as Lucifer asked of you.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N)." You felt so stiff and awkward as you introduced yourself. It didn't feel like enough, but you didn't know what else to say. Lucifer walked up to you and held out a phone to you. "I already have one, sorry..."

"This is a special Devildom phone. We call it a DDD for short. It has everything you need for your classes and all our contact info in it already." Lucifer explained. "It'll be more useful than your current phone." You nodded as you took it, feeling like a fool.

"Can I show them around like I did Solomon, Luci?! Please!!!" Asmodeus practically begged.

"I have someone else in mind." Lucifer looked at you. "Will you dial this number?" He held up a number entered in his phone and you did and dialed it.

After ringing for a few minutes, someone picked up. "If this is another damn scam, I don't wanna hear it!"

"Mammon." Lucifer spoke in a stern and cold voice.

"L-Lucifer?! Why are ya callin' from this random number?!" The guy, you assumed Mammon, replied.

"This is the phone of our exchange student, (Y/N). You failed to show up to the meeting to welcome them."

"Shit..." You heard mumbled on the other end. "I uh, I got busy with schoolwork! Gotta get my grades up somehow! I've been waiting for Satan to show up to help me!"

Lucifer closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his noise, mumbling curses. "Just get over to the student council room now if you don't want me to confiscate Goldie again."

"O-On it!" The call ended.

You didn't really know what was going on. Asmodeus and Satan seemed to talk in disbelief at how he could think that would work. You just stood there silently as you waited. Then the doors to the room burst open and in ran a dark skinned, white haired man. He wore shades and blue jeans with a brown jacket and black boots.

"At your service, Lucifer!"

Lucifer sighed before saying, "You had enough time to go home and change? But you couldn't show up?"

"I swear I forgot! So I went straight home, haha..."

"I'm going to just pretend that's the truth. This is (Y/N). Show them around and if I hear any complaint about you, expect punishment." Mammon seemed to tense up at that.

"Got it, sir! Alright, human! Let's get a move on!"

You looked at Mammon then right back at Lucifer. "Why can't you show me around?" You somewhat pleaded.

Lucifer shook his head and replied, "I showed up. We all did. He didn't. Besides, I have to finish setting up your schedule and everything else so I'll be busy. Now go with him. He can be semi-responsible if you scare him enough."

You heard Mammon mumble, "I ain't scared." He cleared his throat then grabbed your arm. "Let's get a move on then, human!" He dragged you away, your blanket still around you as you were taken away by the strangest demon of them all.

~★~ End ~★~

Chapter Art Credit: Obey Me, Solmare, In Game

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