How Odd After All

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Asmodeus x Reader {4}

You looked around your new room, mentally marking where to put certain things once the boys helped you with moving in a few things. You weren't allowed too much furniture from home, but they did want to allow you to bring everything you needed for self care and some for comfort. Once you had a rough image in your mind, you began unpacking what you had already brought, a small suitcase of clothes. Mammon had told you to finish unpacking then to go see Lucifer in his office for getting your measurements for uniforms. That would have been fine had Mammon led you there. But as it turns out, you had no idea where his office even was.

"You have such pretty clothes!" You jumped and turned to see Asmodeus standing by your closet and admiring your clothes. "I mean, this sweater? It's SO cute! And such a lovely color for you too~"

You felt your body tense and in response, you gave an awkward smile and quickly said, "oh uh, thanks!" That sounded stupid. You mentally beat yourself up as you wondered if that had even sounded "normal." Asmodeus then turned and smiled at you.

"You really do have a nice room! I've often used it as my second room away from my own, but I had to stop once we got the word you'd be coming here." Asmodeus walked up to you, holding for a moment, "May I touch you?" You tensed up further, feeling your cheeks flush as intrusive thoughts entered your mind. You pushed past them and nodded anyway. Gently, Asmodeus reached his arms around you and held you close as a lover would have done.

You just kinda stood there, trying to give affection back to him yet also completely lost as to how. Your heart raced and your stomach started to churn slightly, wondering if you were messing this entire thing up.

"You're really cute, you know. I'm glad that someone as beautiful as you is staying here with us." Asmodeus cooed in a soft and gentle voice. "Maybe a romance could even blossom, or something more~"

You definitely didn't know what to say now. Your brain was screaming at you to say something, but all you could do was stay silent and shut down. Part of you wanted to flirt right back, but knowing how often you stumble over your words, you somehow knew you'd just make a fool of yourself trying.

"Um...I actually have to go see Lucifer right now." You spoke softly, voice cracking a bit as you quickly cleared your throat. Sound normal, come on. Leave me alone please. Ugh, what if he could show us where it is? No no, act like you know, everything is FINE. AHHHHHHHHH. You gave a friendly smile, closing your eyes and tilting your head. "I have to get measured for my uniform so I'll be going now!" Your voice was smooth with a certain bounciness to it as if you had suddenly become the perfect social butterfly.

"Ooh~ measurements huh~ I can help with that! We can do it right here~ or we can go to my room~ I have all the right tools there~~~" Asmodeus looked at you with a hunger in his eyes, but not forceful like some people you had met before.

You shook your head, pulling away from Asmo. Your body shook slightly as you smiled as normally as you could. "I'm sure Lucifer would be upset if I didn't show up. And um...I dunno if you're insinuating anything, but I barely know you so...please don't be mad...?" And why did you say that? Now he's gonna get really upset and it's all your fault! Great, prepare for the yelling. Shut down, shut down, shut down, shut do-

"Oh no worries! I'm sorry if I made you feel pressured." Asmodeus smiled softly as he waved his hands, speaking in such a kind tone. "I can't help teasing you when you're all cute, but thank you for letting me know. If I make you uncomfortable again, just say so. I'd never want to do anything if you felt uneasy or unwilling." You just stared at him, unable to process what he said. Was that...kindness...? From a stranger...? No, not possible.

"Oh uh...then um..." You looked around, heart racing as your picked at the skin around your wrist. "Can you maybe show me to his office...? Mammon just...kinda left and I don't actually know where to go......."

"No problem!" Asmodeus held his hand out to you which you were truly glad to take. His hand was extremely soft, like an angel's might have been, and his grip was gentle yet reassuring. "Just follow me! And don't mind him, he can be such a thoughtless idiot sometimes. I swear! Leaving our cute new roommate all alone like that~ ugh, he has no manners!" Asmodeus led you out of the room, matching your pace so he wouldn't go too fast.

As you walked, he explained a little bit about where things were and how to find things before going into some topic about his work at Majolish and how he's wanted to try modelling, but he's not sure if the cameras would even be able to handle his radiant beauty. You laughed a bit and enjoyed it, feeling more relaxed than before as you never felt pressured to speak. Asmodeus led the conversation well and tried his best to ease your nerves. Before long, you arrived at Lucifer's office and Asmodeus ushered you in, promising to wait outside for you.

. . .

Asmodeus sat down in one of the comfy armchairs and read a magazine as he waited for you. You had gone inside to have your measurements taken to ensure that the uniform would fit and Asmo had promised not to leave while you were in there. He mindlessly flipped the page to the magazine, only half reading what was inside. It had seemed that his mind continued to wander to how you looked back in your room.

Although you had let him touch you and hold you, he could tell that you didn't quite know what to do. What really hit him was when you told him you didn't want to do anything. Not cause someone had refused him, no, it was the way you said it. The way your voice nearly trembled and how uneasy you seemed to be. Then moments after how you had visibly tensed up, nails picking at your clothes mindlessly. Asmodeus had felt something in his chest sink like a black hole had opened up in his core. Yet in that single moment, Asmo felt as though he had seen a raw and real part of you. You looked almost scared as if he was about to force you to do something you didn't want to.

Twirling his hair, Asmodeus was now gazing at the pages blankly. He hadn't been reading, it was just staring now. A far-away look in his eyes as his hair wrapped around his finger and spun around. All he had wanted in that moment was to help you feel safe. Not that he really understood why, but he already felt a longing for you. However, it wasn't in his usual lustful way. No, it was as if his lust didn't even exist for a moment. It was as if he had been freed from it for just one second. Or perhaps a different form of lust had appeared. But sexual lust was all he had known long...yet this complete stranger suddenly had him feeling something odd.

Coming back to his surroundings, Asmodeus shook his hand and set his hand down, leaving his hair alone. No, it has to be lust. It's just different because they're not a normal charmed human like I normally interact with. Yet they're not a demon either. That's why it's weird. Yeah, that's it. His chest rose slightly as he was more aware of his breathing. As his chest slowly fell, Asmodeus breathed out audibly all of his breath, closing his eyes and taking a moment.

"You are beauty, you are grace, you are lust, you know your place." Asmodeus had mumbled to himself.

A door creaked open and Asmo quickly got up and skipped over to you.

"(Y/N)!" Asmodeus clasped both your hands excitedly but not too forcefully. "I missed you! Is everything sorted?"

"How can you miss me when I was barely gone?" You spouted out, not even thinking.

"Everything is in order. I'm sure I can trust you to take them back to their room, Asmodeus." Lucifer gave him a stern look. "You know better."

"Know better?" You asked, looking to Lucifer.

"Of course, Luci! (Y/N)! Let me give you an official tour now! Since I'm sure Mammon did a pitiful job at it." He pulled you along gently and went off to show you around properly, knowing damn well that Mammon would have slacked on his duties. So off you two went.

Lucifer looked after you, a small smile curling on his lips before he closed the door once more and returned to his duties.


Chapter Art Credit: Obey Me, Solmare, "Makeup Transformation!" UR+ Devilgram story

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