Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


       I really hoped my group would be able to finish our project today. It was the last day we would be able to meet up after class, so unless we were all free another time, it was probably the last chance we could meet up.

       I did have faith in us, though. We did get a lot of work done last time so as long as we buckle down and stay focused, we would be able to complete it in time for our next class. That still didn't mean we were okay with this project, though. We were still very annoyed that we got this assignment so late in the semester.

       In fact, our next class is our last one. I didn't see the point of starting a project so late.

       After class, my group met up at the library just like last time. Lisa was the one who kept the powerpoint and all the notes on her laptop, so she already had her laptop out when I got there. I would have walked there with them, but I had to call Nolan to let him know I was staying after school for a bit.

       Of course, his reply was telling me to hurry up so we could have sex, so I had to tell him to keep it in his pants. I blamed myself for making him a really horny teenager. And I mean really horny. I didn't think a day went by without him asking me to ask for sex.

       Unless he was having a bad day, but even then he would sometimes tell me that having sex would make him feel better.

       I sat down at the table. "Sorry for having to make a call before coming here."

       "No worries," Lisa said. "You literally got here not even five minutes after us. So I actually got started on the powerpoint already."

       "What?" I asked. "You didn't have to do that. It would be unfair that you work alone."

       Lisa shook her head. "It's fine. I had the time to do it. I didn't put in all the information. I just organized the slides so we know what to put where." She turned the laptop around so we could look at it. "I just have the title page, the introduction to the topic, our first point, stuff like that. It would at least speed up the process of making this together."

       "That's true," I said. "Thanks, then. Now I feel bad because it's like high school all over again."

       "You did all the work for high school group projects?" Lisa asked.

       "Unfortunately, no," I said. "I was the one who didn't do any of the work and would just slap my name on the project. But university is different. I chose to be here and take these classes so it would be useless if I don't learn anything from the group projects."

       "Fair enough," Lisa said.

       We got to work on the project, making sure the powerpoint was completed for our presentation portion. It actually didn't take too long thanks to Lisa getting the slides organized. The last part of our meeting was just us deciding who was going to say what for the presentation.

       Once we done, we also agreed to meet up thirty minutes before our next class just to run through the presentation one more time.

       As the four of us were packing up our stuff, Lisa said, "Oh, I just remembered something. My cousin's sorority is throwing a party next Friday for the end of the semester, and it's open to all students. You guys should come."

       "Ooh, sounds fun," Sophia said. "I'll probably go."

       "Me too," Jensen said.

       I didn't say anything because I didn't have any plans to go to anymore parties. I wouldn't really call my past teenage self rebellious or anything, but I put that phase behind me. Going to parties only caused me to drink a lot because I was surrounded by a lot of alcohol, and I'd rather not drink as much.

       Lisa looked at me. "What about you?"

       "Uh... I'm not sure," I said. "Maybe. I'm not really a party person anymore."

       "Well, if it helps, the sorority's parties never really get out of hand," Lisa said. "They're chill. Well, as chill as parties can be. Just think it over."

       "I will," I said, though I probably wasn't going to go. Sure, university parties were different than high school parties, but it would probably be best if I didn't go. But I would have to see how I feel that day. Maybe my final exams would get me stressed out that I would want to do something to relax for a bit. 

       I left the school's library and left the campus to head home. Like always as soon as I got home and into the bedroom, Nolan got up from the bed and walked over, wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me down to press his lips on mine.

       Once he pulled away, he smiled at me. "Hi, sexy."

       "Whoa, that's a new nickname," I said. "Call me that again."

       "No, thanks," Nolan said. "That was a one time thing. Probably. I mean, you are sexy so I might accidentally call you that again. Anyway, wanna have sex?"

       "Nolan, how many times do we have to go through this? We're not going to have sex when your family is home."

       "But they're not home," Nolan said. "Nope. Not at all. They went to... an arcade."

       "I literally just walked by your siblings in the living room, so unless they left right after I came to the bedroom, I highly doubt they're going to an arcade. That, and you're a horrible liar."

       Nolan frowned. "We haven't done it in so long."

       "Yesterday, Nolan. We did it yesterday in the shower."

       "Wanna do it again?"

       I kissed Nolan. "Maybe later. I should probably do some studying for my upcoming exams. I really don't want to fail and have to retake the classes."

       "Okay," Nolan said. "Ooh, I know something that will help you study."

       I smiled, knowing exactly what he was going to say. "Let me guess. If I pass, we could have sex."

       "You know me so well."

       "Yes, and I also know you well enough that if I fail, you would say we should have sex to make me feel better. Either way, we're going to end up having sex so you should probably think of some other motivation for me."

       "Fair enough."


jerome: hi-
nolan: sex please

love that horny guy.

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