Our story (2)

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Days were passing and their bond was becoming stronger day by day.

From stealing occasional glances in classroom to having regular phonic conversations, avneil were living their moment.

If we will open their treasure of school life then we will find different memories. Memories that are enough to bring a wide smile on their face.

Library becoming their favourite spot precisely Neil's favourite spot as he can admire his lady love without any restrictions. He always waited for Avni to occupy newspaper stand which can be used by 2 people at a time. As soon as Avni started reading newspaper, he would get up from his seat and stand opposite to Avni. Well, for others he was reading the newspaper but only Avni and Riya knew what he is actually doing. He used to stare Avni and Avni always felt shy and avoid his intense gaze. Her boyfriend never leaves a chance to make her blush.

Then came another day when Neil collected his pocket money for buying a chocolate for Avni as it was Valentine's day. It was sports period and everyone went out, Neil secretly came inside the class and kept Avni's favourite chocolate in her bag. Avni badly wanted to talk to him as it was Valentine's day and he was missing from playground. She became sad but a wide smile replaced her sadness as soon as she saw him running towards the playground. Riya knew very well about her friend's wish so she went towards Neil and told him about this. Neil told her to bring Avni near pool area as it was empty and they can talk there without any restriction. Riya at once pulled Avni and brought her near pool area, soon she ran away leaving Avni alone.

Avni was confused but her confusion was cleared as soon as she spotted him standing near one of the corner, she went towards him and he smiled at her sweetly.

Avni - Happy Valentine's day. ( smiling )

Neil - Happy Valentine's day. ( smiling )

Avni smiles back.

Neil - You wanted to talk to me ?

Avni - I just wanted to wish you. ( shyly )

Neil - Sorry, I wanted to talk to you since morning but...

Avni - I know schedule was busy. Shall we go now or else teacher will get suspicious.

Neil - Okay.

Avni - You go first, after that I will come.

Neil - As you say.

He was about to leave but stopped and came near Avni, she narrowed her brows when she saw him approaching her. He kissed her cheek lovingly while Avni became shocked.

Neil - I love you.

Saying this he ran from there as he was afraid of his ladydon's reaction. He didn't wanted to loose his teeth and bones, little did he knew that Avni's face was completely red and she was just touching her face in order to feel what happened few minutes back. With much difficulty she composed herself and went towards playground. She spotted him playing football and he winked at her. Soon Avni started playing volleyball and his maximum attention was on her while she was stealing glances at him occasionally.

Soon the sports period came to an end and they went back to class. As soon as Avni opened her bag she spotted her favourite chocolate and it didn't took her much time to guess who placed this chocolate here. She saw him standing in his friend's circle and cracking some lame jokes as usual. Soon his eyes met hers and he saw the chocolate in her hands. Avni was trying to tell him that she won't accept it but he winked at her and passed his charming smile which was enough for convincing her. She smiled and mouthed a thank you while he just smiles and nods his head negatively, Avni chuckles and mouthed an "I Love you" his smile widens and he mouthed an "I love you  too".

They were becoming close day by day until and unless some external agents decided to spread their poison in their lives.

Danish, avneil's senior, studying in 10th class wanted to be in relationship with Avni for God knows which reason. Mithali being one of the fan and friend of Danish decided to tell Avni regarding the same. Mithali was childhood friend of Avni just like Riya but Avni wasn't much close to Mithali. Mithali was a dumb headed girl whose boyfriend changes with every class, though she was having looks but her brain was rusted with attitude.

Mithali told Avni about Danish and Avni clearly rejected his proposal. Avni wanted to tell Neil regarding this but he was already tense due to exams. Avni used to motivate him regularly still he used to be tense as he was facing difficulty in some topics. Avni helped him alot still his fear was increasing. She didn't told him about Danish's proposal as she didn't wanted to bother him more.

One day Neil decided to meet Avni as he was feeling low and only she can cheer him up. He approached Riya and she assured him that she will help him. During lunchtime, Riya told Avni that Neil wants to meet her and he is waiting for her in corridor.

Their class was situated on third floor and there was no staff room or CCTV camera there. The corridor remained empty during lunchtime as all students went out. It was one of the safest place for their meeting.

Avni went there and found him standing there with a rose in his hand. She smiles at his gestures while he scratches the back of his neck nervously, a shy smile adoring his face. Avni went towards him and he gave her the rose that he brought for her. She took it happily and they started talking which uplifted Neil's mood and he told her how his mother scolded him for some lame reason while she cheered him up. They were happy in their small little world of happiness, little did they know that a lethal person is watching their happiness with her evil eyes.

Mithali saw everything and became shocked. She was the gossip queen of class, so it's pretty much obvious that she told about avneil's relationship to one of her friend and soon everyone came to know about their relation.

At first avneil were shocked when they came to know that everyone knows that they are in relationship but they understood the situation and maintained fair amount of distance from each other. Though Neil faced a lot of difficulty as he was habitual of his staring sessions but somehow he composed himself. They used to conversate regularly via their parent's mobile but maintained distance in school as they didn't wanted to create more gossips.

Soon Danish approached Avni regarding relationship but she refused on his face. Mithali used to tell her that Danish is more smart and loves her etc etc but Avni never paid any heed to her gossips.

Mithali was close friend of Neil. Soon she told Neil about Danish's proposal for Avni. Neil was shocked at first but asked about Avni's answer to which Mithali replied that she is confused, she wanted to be in relation with Danish but at the same time she don't want to break his heart. Neil's world clashed at this moment. He thought that Mithali was right but at the same time he can't mistrust Avni that easily.

Maintaining relationships at younger age is very difficult cos at that time you are immature and don't know about some important aspects that affects relationships i.e trust and ego. Trust can strengthen the relationship while ego can break the relationship.

Avni and Neil weren't able to maintain their relationship due to these two aspects.

Neil was pretty much egoistic as compared to Avni and this was his biggest failure.

Neil was lost in his own world but Riya broke his thoughts by placing a chit in his hand. He was confused at first but then opened the chit.

I think you are upset over something, I am watching you since morning. If something is bothering you then you can tell me.

I love you

Neil's lost smile was back on his face. He thought that Avni won't leave him but at the same time he was thinking about Mithali's words. He was confused and wasn't knowing whom to believe.

He shrugged away his thoughts and decided to live this moment.

He came out of the classroom as it was refreshment break and saw that Avni was playing hide and seek with her friends, it was her turn. When she was about to go for finding her friends, Danish came and held her hand. This is when Neil witnessed everything and left the place in anger thinking that Mithali was right.

Avni jerked Danish's hand and warned him that she will complain the teacher regarding his misbehaviour.

Same evening Avni tried to call him several times but Neil wasn't receiving her calls. She sighed and called for one last time in a hope that he will receive her call and he did but she didn't knew that this was their last call.

Avni - Neil what happened ? Why you weren't... ( Neil cuts her off )

Neil - I want to break up with you.

Avni was shocked at his confession, it was the confession of his hurted ego not of his broken heart. If he would have listened to his heart then he would have clarified everything but he listened to his ego and trusted his close friend over his girlfriend.

Avni - Neil what are you.... ( too numb to react )

Neil - Please Avni don't call me. It's all over.

Call ends

This was the end of their beautiful relationship. The relation that started with heart touching smiles have ended with painful tears.

Both cried their heart out the entire night. Next day in school, Avni tried to  talk to him but he ignored her and he eventually became more egoistic.

Soon class 7th came to an end, avneil were separated from each other and didn't used to talk anymore.

Class 8th arrived, feelings and love remain the same but differences increased.

Avni became quite silent and reserved. Riya used to cheer her up everytime and she knew that there is some reason behind Neil's action and she tried to ask him several times but he didn't told anything.

Neil used to admire Avni with love in his eyes secretly but always showed ego whenever someone talked about her.

One day Avni needed black pen as she wanted to make some changes in her project but she wasn't having it. She asked everyone except Neil and he came to know that she needs pen and is looking quite worried regarding the same and he can't see her in trouble so he handover his black pen to one of his close friend Anish and asked him to give it to her. He knew very well that Neil still loves Avni madly so without asking much questions he gave the pen to Avni. She sighed in relief and smiled at Anish. Neil smiled after seeing her smile but looked away as he remembered that horrific day.

Soon class 9th arrived but their silent relation didn't progressed.

Class 10th arrived and it was the start of something new.


Here it ends, do drop your views.

Much love
Thanks ❤

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