Our story (3)

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Class 10th arrived and it was the start of something new.

Neil was having an entire gang of friends and he always showed that he is very carefree but he very well knew that how much Avni's presence affect him and he still loves her dearly. Avni on the other side was having limited friends and was more cheerful as compared to her previous classes. Actually she have accepted that she and Neil aren't meant to be together and she is trying her best to move on.

It was April fool's day and Avni decided to fool her friends.

Riya - Guys after 10th we have to choose different subjects. I am interested in medical what about you all.

Ali - I am interested in non medical.

Anita - I want to opt medical.

Rahul - I will go with commerce.

Riya - What about you Avni ?

Avni - I will opt medical but I will change my school after 10th.

All - What ?

Avni - Yeah !! I will do my 11th and 12th from some other school.

Riya - No way, you can't do this Avni.

Avni - I have decided this and my decision is final.

She left from there with a smirk lingering on her face. She successfully fooled her friends.

Neil came inside the classroom and was hell tired due to continuous matches. He sat on his seat, placed his head on table and closed his eyes. Riya and group were sitting beside his seat and they weren't knowing about Neil's presence as they were still shocked due to Avni's confession.

Ali - Why do I feel that she took this decision cos of Neil.

Neil at once opened his eyes when he heard his name and saw Avni's group sitting beside his seat with a tense face. He hid his face with his arms and pretended to sleep.

Riya - I wish Avni will change her decision. I don't want her to leave this school just because Neil broke up with her.

Anita - Exactly dude, Neil don't knows her worth. She shouldn't do this.

Rahul - Let's go and convince her.

They all left from there, Neil got up from his seat and was shocked to the core after listening about Avni's decision.

Neil - She is leaving. ( shocked ) but why ?

Tears brimming from his eyes, he wiped his tears not knowing why is he feeling this pain. He was again submerged in his own world, he was remembering their beautiful memories.

On the other side, Riya and group were trying to convince Avni while she was acting stubborn, but soon she burst into fits of laughter after watching the helpless faces of her poor friends. Her friends were confused at first but then understood that she played a prank on them that too on April fool's day. They all started tickling her while she was laughing continuously asking them to stop but they didn't show any mercy on her. They all hugged each other and Avni promised them that she won't leave this school.

Neil was so lost in Avni's thoughts that he didn't paid any heed to his friend's banters. One of his friend told him that a new girl have joined their class and she is very gorgeous, Neil was least interested in their gossips.

He saw Avni entering the class with her friends and they all were happy and pulling each other's legs. He so wanted to be a part of her group but their ways were separated now and he was the initiator, so he ignored his thoughts as always.

The next day, the new girl came into the class, her name was Juhi. The class teacher made her sit with Neil as he was one of the finest student of the class along with Avni but Vidyut was sitting with Avni as he is weak in studies so Juhi sat with Neil so that he can help her in covering up her pending work.

Avni felt a sharp pain in her heart when she saw how Neil and Juhi have become good friends on the first day itself but she hid her emotions and acted as if she don't care. When she went home she was feeling very low so she wrote Neil's mother's number on her notebook. The same number through which they bonded together and drifted apart. She admired that number with blank expressions. After sometime she closed her notebook and drifted into sleep for composing her shattered mind.

Next day, Avni was playing her favourite game basketball during activity period and spotted that Neil and Juhi were sitting together on the stairs and discussing something, she again felt sad but tried to concentrate on her game.

After avneil's breakup, Vidyut have developed feelings for Avni so he decided to propose Avni. Vidyut and Avni were very good friends, so Vidyut decided to share his feelings with Avni without expecting anything from her.

When he confessed his love, Avni told him that she still loves Neil. Though, Vidyut was upset but he didn't forced her and accepted her decision happily but he was thinking why avneil parted ways when Avni still feels for Neil.

Vidyut and Avni shared very good bond even after rejection of his  proposal, this somewhere ignited the fire of possessive lover into Neil's heart. How much he acts but at the end of the day he can't bare his love talking and laughing with some other guy.

Some months passed and this jealousy  game continued but sometimes one sign is what someone need for understanding the hidden love and thoughts of other person.

One day, Neil was searching for something in his bag while Avni was sitting behind his seat lost in her book. Suddenly a pen fell down on floor from Neil's bag and when Avni saw the pen lying on floor she became shocked, Neil immediately picked up the pen and placed it in his bag so that  no one can see it but it was too late. Avni remembered that one of her pen on which she wrote 'Avneil' with permanent marker was stolen in 9th class. She searched for that pen like a maniac but now she got to know that the pen was stolen by none other than Neil. She so wanted to ask him about the same but she didn't tried to talk to him due to his egoistic self.

This incident forced her to think that somewhere he still feels for her.

When your love is true then even the silliest things will make you feel that you are in love. Same goes with those stupid LOVE PERCENTAGES that most of the students used to calculate during school times.

Juhi became a part of Neil's squad and eventually came to know about avneil's relationship. At first she was shocked but then became confused that why avneil parted ways from each other as according to her they looked uber cute with each other. She asked Neil about the same and he replied that Avni betrayed him. Juhi didn't ask more questions but she wasn't able to believe his words as she  knows Avni very well, she shares a  very good bond with Avni.

One day she thought of calculating avneil's love percentage. Neil opposed her but she acted stubborn and started her calculation. Neil tried to stop her but at the same time he wanted to see the result. He hid his nervous face and tried to act that he didn't care at all. Juhi was shocked with the result and when she showed it to Neil he was also shocked but didn't showed it on his face. It was 97% and Juhi was like why you guys are not together while Neil said that all these concepts are fake. Juhi sighed and kept the page on the table but due to speed of fan it flew away and fell on Avni who was distributing notebooks to students. Avni saw the page and became shocked, she saw Neil and Juhi watching her with shocked expressions while she became nervous. Juhi said sorry to her while she wasn't knowing what to do with the paper. She so wanted to keep it with herself but she can't do that as Neil was sitting in front of her, so she threw the paper into the dustbin with heavy heart. During lunchtime when everyone was outside, Neil came inside the classroom and picked up the paper which was lying in the bin and kept it in his bag, he left from there as he didn't wanted to get caught. After few minutes, Avni also came inside classroom and started searching the bin for the paper but she didn't found it and became sad. She left the classroom with heavy heart.

Soon the boards arrived and everyone used to fear the boards even Neil used to be nervous but one look at the calm  face of Avni and his tension flew away. She used to wish him all the best in form of that composed look that she carried in examination hall, it was enough to calm down his increasing heartbeats.

Soon the last exam came and Neil thought to talk with Avni and atleast maintain a normal friendship with her but at the same time his ego claimed that she can also approach him so he dropped the idea of conversation.

Avni on the other side also wanted to start a new friendship with Neil but thought that he don't want her in his life so she decided to maintain distance from him.

Boards ended and they got holidays. Neil used to pray everyday so that Avni won't leave the school. He was counting days as he wanted to see his love. Avni on the other side was also missing Neil. They both were living in each other's memories.

Counselling session begun and Avni chose medical while Neil chose non medical.

Class 11th was one step forward.


Here it ends, do drop your views.

Much love
Thanks 😍

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