Chapter 12

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Eran silently watched Riley leave. He's so good at running away... I really hate that he smells like me; it's so weird. Eran tried to think of a similar scenario and could only compare it to a girl wearing a guy's t-shirt and nothing else. But that didn't sound right. Is he wearing my underwear too?! It was doubtful. Still...This kid has no shame. Outwardly, Eran seemed irritated; but the reality was that it didn't sincerely bother him.

Eran put the open box of cereal on the coffee table and stood up. "Let's go get some dinner!" he called to Riley. Without waiting for a response, he walked out of the front door. Riley appeared quickly after.

As they left the apartments, Riley followed behind Eran. "It's more economical to go to the grocery."

Eran slowed down his pace. "And just who is going to cook?"

"I can do it."

He'll cook for me? I mean...—no it'd be for me. It's my home after all. "Alright, but if it doesn't taste 5-star, you're going to be punished."

"Ooh. Sounds enticing."

Eran almost stumbled, surprised by the response. Is he a masochist? Eran recalled all the times he had hit Riley as reprimand. Riley often just gave a smile afterwards. Eran let out a small laugh, "Haha, you're cute." He'd subconsciously spoken quietly, but it was loud enough for Riley to hear.

The rest of the trip was silent. Eran glanced at Riley who was oddly sightseeing the opposite side of the road. Eran moved to that side, causing Riley to startle. Riley looked forward for a few seconds before studying the side of the street they walked on. Is he avoiding looking at me? Did I do something? ...Is it because I called him cute? Ah, that's right; he doesn't like it when I see him as a child.

When they reached the store, Eran handed Riley a basket. This should be big enough, right—

Riley was holding the basket back out for Eran to take. "Isn't the breadwinner supposed to hold the basket?"

"Huh? No. Isn't the grunt work supposed to go to the one doing less," Eran replied, not immediately catching on.

"Oh? I guess that makes sense." Riley pushed the basket closer to Eran, forcing Eran to hold it, lest it fall. "Here you go." With a smirk, Riley started walking away.

I think I've just be tricked. Eran followed Riley into the store. Somehow this feels awkward yet natural.

He tagged along nearby as Riley scanned the green produce. He seems to have experience. "I only made so much money this month, so don't get carried away."

Riley laughed. "You sound like a real breadwinner."

Before Eran could comment, he noticed Riley was bagging some sort of pepper and there already seemed to be six in the bag. It's just the two of us, what is he doing? "Don't you think that's too many?"

Riley stopped, his hand and a bundle of 4 carrots suspended in the air. "Really? So we're roleplaying."

"I'm serious. Put---"

"Don't worry, don't worry," Riley cut him off. "I'll use the others to make you lunch." Riley put one pepper back, then bagged the carrots. "And maybe tomorrow for dinner..."

He'll make me lunch? And dinner? Curiosity over Riley's motives was trumped by Eran's need for convenience. He scratched his head and sighed, "If that's the case, then use your own soap and wear your own clothes."

Riley nodded and continued walking.

Did I ... just invite him to come over again? After school? "Really, it has to be good," Eran reminded the teen.

Riley remained silent, but a couple of minutes later, he spoke. "What is your job exactly? What do you do at the lab?"

"Mostly research. Collecting, observing, and manipulating microorganisms."

"Do you take courses?"

Is he actually interested or being avoidant again? "Not really... Most 'courses' are just doing hands-on research and working on my thesis. And we can get fellowships to mentor, tutor, or teach undergraduate students. I'm mentoring two now."

Riley paused before muttering, "I can imagine you staring into microscopes, but I can't imagine you being very involved in teaching."

Eran was a bit surprised by how well Riley could read his character. "I'm a 'learn-by-imitation' type of mentor," he admitted.

At the register, Riley pulled out a debit card before Eran could. Eran kicked Riley's calf. "Stupid." The young female cashier rightfully looked startled. "Didn't we silently agree I'm paying?"

Riley pouted as he rubbed his calf. "I get food allowance; plus, I'm sort of imposing." Riley scratched his cheek with his finger and looked away with a guilt-ridden smile.

Eran glared at Riley in irritation. "That allowance is for your food. Not for you to cook for me."

The cashier interrupted. "Um," she said to get their attention. They looked at her and she turned a bit red. "Who's paying?"

Eran gently moved Riley out of the way by pulling on his shirt. "You're cooking for me, that's more than enough," he mumbled, just barely audible.

Riley obediently moved and stood behind Eran.

Eran noticed the cashier was blushing, looking in the direction of Riley. I guess that's normal for a young girl. He isn't a bad looking kid. But for some reason it's really pissing me off. Eran glared at the girl but caught himself before she noticed. "Let's go," he commanded Riley.

Riley took their bags and followed.

Wondering why Riley was being so quiet, Eran looked over. He realized Riley was walking several more feet away from him than normal, staring at the ground.

"Hey," Eran called in close to a monotone. Riley looked towards him. "Stop sulking."

"I'm not sulking."

"You are. You look like a reprimanded dog," Eran pinched Riley's sleeve and dragged him back to his proper spot. "Get over here."

"I'm a dog... Am I feral or a pet?"

As he stopped walking, Eran's emotionless face turned sympathetic and confused. Damn. What do I say? "You're an abandoned puppy, grown into feral dog---that I'm going to train." Eran started walking again. Ah, embarrassing. I'm going crazy. He felt goosebumps surface across his skin.

Eran sensed Riley return to his side and walk with the usual slightly carefree steps.

And the Trainer couldn't help but proudly smile.

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