Part 3 - Chapter 11

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When Eran left the apartment, Riley took a deep breath. Riley's fingers curled against the cushion as he tried to steady his pulsing heart and settle his frustrated mind. His nails dug into his palm.

He thought about leaving and taking something with him just to shock Eran. I bet there isn't even anything worth taking. Feeling vindictive, he decided to explore the house in hopes of finding porn or something shocking. All he found was that the apartment was dirty. It's like he barely even lives here. Riley wondered if Eran spent his days and nights in the lab. Does he eat breakfast? Bothered by the state Eran was leaving his apartment in, Riley decided to clean the apartment—from the floors to furniture to windows, and even the bathroom. When he started the laundry, Eran still hadn't returned.

Riley stared at the entranceway and sighed. He never expected to be staring once again at a door, waiting for it to open. I can't leave before he comes back... I'd be just like everyone else. He wanted me to stay... didn't he? Riley scratched his head. It doesn't matter, he decided, feeling the dirt from the puddle earlier. I won't leave, even if he tries to literally kick me out. I'm going to make myself right at home. With a sense of resolve, Riley took a shower, then put on Eran's clothes (the largest he could find). He found a box of cereal and sat down to watch TV.

A few minutes later, Eran returned. Without looking away from the TV, Riley greeted Eran in a way he figured Eran would find too familiar. Eran silently looked into the bathroom, then came out and sat beside Riley.

He looked at Riley's clothes and tugged on the knee of the pants. "Are those my pants?"

"Yeah," Riley said, still looking at the TV, eating cereal. I'm being punished for something, Riley determined as his knee burned—and Eran hadn't even touched him. I have better self control than this; he shook off his nervousness.

Eran took the box away from Riley and said, "Impressive," sarcastically, "I've underestimated you."

Looking over at Eran, Riley asked, "Are you mad?" He looked like an abused puppy.

Eran seemed to notice Riley's manipulation and repeated in a sing-songy way, "Impressiiiive." Eran ate some cereal.

Riley pulled up the collar of the shirt he was wearing to his nose, and sniffed quietly. "I smell like you," he said teasingly. He glanced over at Eran to see a reaction.

Eran had the palm side of his thumb between his lips, licking off the sugar. "...Yeah, it's weird."

Riley didn't expect such a nonchalant response, and definitely didn't anticipate Eran licking his thumb so sexily. Damn, I feel like I might get turned on. Riley pulled his knees to his chest and tried to calm down. Why is my body...? Ugghh, even my thoughts...Riley remembered that he had once decided being attracted to Eran was something he'd accepted. It's no use—I still feel weird about these feelings. This is worse than I thought. Am I bi? The thought of doing something with any other guy was unappealing. But with Eran, he could easily picture doing something. What the hell am I doing fantasizing? It's only making things worse. He clasped his hands together, trying not to collapse. I can't look at him. If I do, I know I'll kiss him. But his resolve broke and he couldn't help but glance over.

Eran was staring directly at him. "What are you thinking about?"

Riley turned red and jumped up. "The laundry. I need to finish the laundry." He quickly left the room, leaving Eran alone and likely perplexed.

I'm a man, Riley told himself. I need to hold back. Wait—I'm totally holding back! He's the one who keeps touching me. Why does he keep touching me? Riley slid down against the wall. He debated between being mature like Eran and childishly trying to get Eran's attention. I'm not gay, or even bi, and it's not just lust. I really like him—I just want to be near him. Riley realized that even if he couldn't be with Eran, hearing Eran's voice and seeing Eran's face from afar would be enough. Riley thought about how happy and how different he felt when he was with Eran. For the time being, he decided, just being beside the person he liked was enough.

A/N: There's some funny pictures if you google "sexy cereal." I like the picture of the bearded man the best.  

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