CHAPTER 17 [ Just Do What I Said ]

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•|A Week Later|•

[ Author P.O.V ]

It has been a whole week since that incident happened but whenever y/n thinks of that, she still gets so embarassed like she's a dangerous mafia queen and she is scared of lizards, plus jhope even saw it

Even tho jhope knows it's because y/n has a phobia of lizards but still it's kinda funny to him so whenever y/n nagged at him, he would tease her nonstop by mentioning that incident

Y/n got very annoyed and irritated by it so as a punishment she started teaching jhope how to fight, it wasn't just normal training tho it was mafia training and no matter how much jhope cried, y/n didn't leave him

Currently both of them were at the training room where y/n was teaching jhope how to use a gun, since he can't learn martial arts in a week y/n thought to teach him to use a gun so that atleast he can defend himself

"Shoot!" Y/n yelled as jhope shot the gun at the target's head but inside it got hit in the shoulder area

"Um y/n, actually I didn't understand can you teach me one more time?" Jhope asked as y/n closed her eyes and clenched her jaw in anger

"Why can't you just understand a simple thing?! Are you a fucking fool?! All day you irritate me! I can't take this anymore!" Y/n yelled in rage as jhope widened his eyes in shock

"Did you just curse me?" Jhope asked as y/n rolled her eyes

"Again... again you started being dramatic! Why can't you just stop?! You can't do anything properly! Ykw do whatever you want, I am so done!" Y/n said grabbing her hair in frustration as she walked out of the room while jhope just blinked

"She spoke in a speed of lighting and left like a fire I should follow her" Jhope said as he ran behind y/n while the moment y/n came out she received a call from the company, she saw jhope and gave him her phone

"Quickly answer the call and put it on the speaker!" Y/n yelled as jhope flinched but still picked up the call

"Hello Ms. Yang, there's a huge disaster at the company. Our information and database has been hacked so please come quickly!" The employee said as she disconnected the call while hearing this both jhope and y/n widened their eyes in shock

"Oh no...this is bad....looks like we have to go to the office immediately!" Y/n said as jhope nodded and they instantly walked out of the house


On the other hand here was srija and jungkook at the flying yoga class, as she said srija was teaching jungkook flying yoga but he would always make some mistakes which annoyed srija but then she also received a call from the office

"Hello srija! Our information and database has been hacked so please come quickly!" Sumin said as she hang up leaving srija confused

"What happened srija?" Jungkook asked

"I don't know, sumin said our company's information has been hacked but how can it be? I just checked it yesterday, wait I will call anulisa" Srija said as she immediately called anulisa

"Anulisa, is it true that our information has been hacked?" Srija asked nervously

"Yes it is and I will reach there soon so you should come as soon as possible and if jungkook is there bring him too, he knows how to hack" Anulisa said as she cut the call and srija started getting anxious

"Looks like we are in big trouble, jungkook let's go!" Srija said as jungkook nodded and both of them left for the company

•|At The Company|•

"Oh no, where is srija and jungkook? It has already been an hour and we are receiving tons of calls" Y/n said walking around in her office quite anxiously

"Don't worry y/n, everything will be fine" Jhope said as the next moment anulisa and yoongi entered

"Hey anulisa! Where is srija and jungkook?!" Jhope asked being quite worried too

"On my way I received a call from her and soon they will arrive so relax" Anulisa said trying to calm them down

"How can we relax when such a thing has occurred?! Anything worst can happen anytime!" Y/n said as she sat down on the couch and grabbed her hair in frustration

"Don't worry jhope, nothing will happen. We won't let anything happen" Yoongi said trying to comfort y/n who was literally on the edge of panicking

"But yk I am confused about one thing, who could have such courage to hack our database?" Anulisa asked while being deep in thought

"Only time will tell who is that jerk who dared to do that" Srija said as she walked inside along with jungkook beside her

"Finally you both are here! Yk we were so worried!" Everyone said as they saw srija and jungkook who came and sat down on the sofa

"We would have arrived earlier but it took us a while coz of our gadgets, anyways now leave everything to us" Jungkook said snapping his fingers as he wore his headphones

"You four don't panic and let us do the work, after tracking down that jerk's location you just go there and finish him" Srija said as she also wore her head piece and started typing some codes in her laptop, jungkook also did the same

Like this hours passed and the other four were getting anxious while srija was trying to locate the person who hacked and jungkook trying to gain control over their database by cracking the password

"Guys! I did it! I gained control over the database!" Jungkook said happily as he stood up and finally all the four of them took a breath of relief

"Thank god...I thought..." Y/n mumbled which jhope heard so he put his hand and rubbed her back

"Ok now that the database is back, what about that jerk srija?" Y/n asked as srija looked up and smirked

"Found it, they are at xxxxxx buliding which is 5km far from here so you have to leave right now" Srija said showing them the location on her laptop screen

"Go and get rid of them quickly coz they are trying their best to gain control over again" Jungkook said as he again sat down and typed some codes

"Then you guys stay here and take care of everything while the four of us go" Jhope said with a straight face

"Yk it has been days since I beat up anyone, my hands had been itching but I guess now it won't" Anulisa said with a sinister smirk

"Me too, just at the thought of it is making me so excited. I can only wonder how fun it will be" Yoongi said while smiling like a psycho

"Yeah you are right, it will be very fun..." Y/n mumbled in a devilish tone as all the four of them left

•|At A Abandoned Buliding|•

It didn't take the four of them to come here and they reached in half an hour, they came out of the car with weapons in their hands. There was guns, daggers, etc

"It has been a while since I used guns, I miss using them tbh" Anulisa said with a pout while yoongi smirked

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go" Yoongi said as he and anulisa went inside, y/n was also about to go but she noticed Jhope was quite nervous

"Jhope are you okay? If you want I can stay with you, I'm sure they can handle it alone" Y/n said in concern as jhope shook his head

"It's alright, I know how to use a gun so don't worry about me and get going" Jhope said as y/n smiled and grabbed his hand as they also went inside

The moment they stepped inside they found almost a army of people standing before them with a person, probably their leader

"Look everyone who has came" The leader said with a dirty smirk

"Yeah, look at us clearly coz afterall....your death has arrived" Anulisa said in a devilish tone as the leader scoffed

"You shouldn't talk big when you are outnumbered dear, I don't think you will even last a minute" The leader said as y/n came forward

"Alright then, let the game began" Y/n said with a smirk as all of the people charged at them

A person came at y/n to stab her but the next moment he dropped on the ground dead, another person came at anulisa and she shot him directly in the head

Two people came at yoongi but the very next moment they had daggers across their chest, while all of this was happening jhope was literally shaking in fear as he wasn't used to stuff like this

Some people were about to attack him but y/n came at the right time and shot them dead, while jhope was now more scared

"Jhope listen to me, this isn't the time for fear. You have to fight back, it's your first time but that doesn't matter. Think of them as your bullies and just shoot or strangle them, if you can't do this just stay by my side" Y/n said while holding jhope's shoulder but the moment he heard "bullies" he felt his body burning in rage

"No... I won't sit back and watch like before....I will fight back and KILL THOSE BASTARDS!" Jhope said as he shot a person who was about to attack y/n from behind, y/n turned back only to find that person dead

"Yes just like that! I know you can do it jhope! Don't lose hope! You can do it!" Y/n said with a proud smile while jhope looked confused

Someone was about to stab jhope but y/n came and twisted his head while someone came for y/n but jhope went to him and punched him which made that person fall, taking the chance jhope shot him in his head

Like this all of the four of them got engaged in fighting and soon each and everyone of them were completely wiped out

"Anulisa and yoongi, you both go and take care of those two a**holes. Me and y/n are coming" Y/n said as anulisa and yoongi nodded as they went to those two left

"Hey y/n, are you alright? You didn't get hurt right?" Jhope asked as he went to y/n who was panting in exhaustion

"I am the mafia queen, what could happen to me? Instead of me you should worry-" Before Y/n could complete jhope accidentally stepped on a stone and fell on top of y/n as their lips touched

"Yo guys, we are here! How's the frighting goi-" Srija said as she and jungkook entered but she stopped speaking midway as she saw jhope on top of y/n and they were kissing

"Finally you two are her-" Before yoongi could complete he and anulisa widened their eyes in shock seeing the view infront of them

On the other hand jhope and y/n didn't even flinched and just kept on staring into each other's eyes like they got lost but then jhope noticed srija and jungkook as he snapped back and instantly got off y/n

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" Jhope said while covering his lips and his cheeks were red, y/n also got up and touched her lips as she secretly smiled

"Ah com'n! Why did you both stop?! Continue your romance, I was enjoying it~" The leader said as anulisa glared at him and punched him in his face while y/n snapped out of her thoughts and looked at jhope

"Btw guys can you please go outside with that idiot? I...want to talk with the other one in... private" Jhope said with a poker face understanding y/n's signal

"Oh sure....come when you are done, we will be waiting outside" The other four said as anulisa took that idiot and left with the others

"Jhope, close the door and wait for me outside" Y/n said while stepping towards a man who's hands were tied and he was kneeling on the ground

"But what if something happen-" Beg jhope could complete y/n glared at him

"Just do what I said" Y/n said as jhope nodded and went outside, leaving y/n and that man alone.....


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