CHAPTER 18 [ Why Don't We Take A Test ]

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•|At The Abandoned Buliding|•

[ Author P.O.V ]

Jhope slightly nodded his head after hearing y/n's statement and went out of the room as he closed the door, y/n slowly walked towards the man kneeling down as she bent down to his level

"Oh my just look at your condition, you look so miserable right now. I wonder how would that mf react seeing you like this, you are his right hand afterall" Y/n said with a creepy smile as that man gulped

"Who are you? your appearance you aren't a mafia...then how do you know about me?" That man asked in fear

"You don't need to know that...I have my own ways.....anyways we are taking that other jerk so make sure to tell that mf about this later on" Y/n said in a devilish tone as that man felt shivers down his spine

"W-what are y-you gonna d-do to h-him? Please let h-him g-go, we were just following orders" The man said as y/n smirked

"If you want to see him alive go and tell your boss to come and face me if he's a man instead of attacking from behind like a fucking coward, It would be fun to rip out his heart from his chest" Y/n said in a devilish tone with a sinister smirk which left that man trembling in fear while y/n walked out

"Hey are you alright? What did you say to that guy?" Jhope asked in concern

"It's something which you wouldn't like to hear so let's go, the others must be waiting" Y/n said as she continued walking and jhope followed her behind

•|Outside The Building|•

Both y/n and jhope came out of the building and saw that the others were chatting among themselves but the next moment all of their attention was on jhope

"Hey y/n, you are back already?" Srija asked with her brows frowned in confusion

"Yeah I thought you would kill that guy or torture him but came quite soon" Anulisa said as jhope got nervous hearing this but somehow managed to keep a straight face

"Well if I kill him who will inform that coward mf?" Jhope said acting like y/n as they nodded their heads understanding

"Btw where is that other asshole? What did you guys do to him?" Y/n asked casually as srija and anulisa looked at each other and back to y/n

"Nothing usual finished him and then buried his head" Srija and anulisa said while giving a innocent smile, hearing this jhope widen his eyes and looked at y/n in fear only to find her smiling like a proud mom

"Yk this two were literally acting like psychos a moment ago" Yoongi said while looking at srija and anulisa weirdly

"Exactly, it was so scary to look at their faces that time. I almost fainted" Jungkook said putting a hand on his chest

"Stop acting like you never did anything, you are mafia as well" Srija said with a so done expression

"I agree I am but I never killed anyone like how you both did, whenever I think of that it gives me shivers" Jungkook said with wrapping his arms around his body while srija rolled her eyes

"Btw thank you so much for your help today yoongi and jungkook, we could get rid of these bastards only because of you" Y/n said with a small smile

"It's absolutely fine, you don't need to say thanks coz afterall we are friends" Yoongi said returning back the smile

"Since we are done, anulisa give a call at the office and tell them to go back home. They have worked hard today so if they want they can even take off for a few days, also tell them to go at our restaurant for dinner. It's our treat" Srija said as anulisa nodded and called the office

"Then why don't we go to a restaurant for dinner to celebrate our victory?!" Jungkook said with joy

"Hm that's not a bad idea, let's go then" Jhope said as everyone nodded happily, they got inside the car and drove away to a restaurant

•|At The Restaurant|•

It took the six of them about 1hr to reach the restaurant, after parking their car they came inside and ordered a lot of food. All of them were chatting with each other but then jhope noticed something

He felt like his bra somehow got unhooked and it was about to fall down but he sat up straight, srija saw this so she decided to ask him what happened

"Hey y/n, what happened?" Srija asked as jhope gulped and slightly nodded

"Actually my bra got unhooked" Jhope awkwardly whispered in srija's ear

"Ah so that's why you are sitting like this, anyways go to the bathroom and fix it" Srija said as jhope took a glance at y/n who was sitting beside him and then went to the bathroom. Few moments later y/n also stood up gaining everyone's attention

"Um guys I am going to the washroom, you all continue eating. I will be back soon" Y/n said as she instantly walked from there while everyone looked at each other

"Srija....don't you think that was a bit weird? Like y/n just went to the washroom and now jhope too" Anulisa said as srija nodded her head

"I agree it's a bit too weird" Srija said as yoongi frowned his brows

"Why is it weird? Maybe both of them needed to use the bathroom" Yoongi said with stuffing food in his mouth

"You aren't understanding this yoongi, y/n had a girl's problem but just a second later jhope also went" Srija said as jungkook widened his eyes in shock

"Ykw guys, since a few days I have been noticing that hobi hyung is acting different......I am sure something fishy is going on between both of them.." Jungkook said as he stopped eating

"Me too...she hasn't been acting like herself since a few days, for example she cried on her periods which she never did. Second at the building when they came out y/n was following jhope but y/n would always be the one to stand infront" Anulisa said with a worried expression on her face

"Before saying anything about this, I would like to confirm one thing. Y/n is the mafia queen right?" Yoongi asked seriously putting down his chopsticks

"Srija, should I tell him?" Anulisa asked looking at srija as she closed her eyes and calmly nodded

"Yes, you are right. She is the one" Anulisa said

"You see as I heard about y/n, she's a very composed and dangerous person but the moment I saw her I could tell she was nervous. I could feel that aura around her different and from time to time I saw jhope in place of her" Yoongi said as anulisa and jungkook nodded, agreeing with his statement while srija sighed heavily and spoke

"Actually....I have been noticing that from quite a while but I chose to ignore it, now that the topic has rised I realised that both of them have changed. I don't know about jhope but y/n's walking style, talking style, dressing style and everything she does jhope was doing that. It's somewhat like they had changed themselves" Srija said seriously with a straight face while anulisa gulped

"Srija...maybe we are just misunderstanding the whole thing.....maybe after staying together they had some changes in their personalities" Anulisa said trying to her best to convince herself everything is fine but she just couldn't

"No anulisa, from what srija and I saw this can't happen. Such big personalities change can neve happen" Yoongi said sternly

"Plus the way y/n is, she was never nervous before anyone so it's impossible for her to change in a few weeks" Srija said adding more to yoongi's statement

"Um...guys I might have a idea of what's going on, I know this is illogical but maybe.....both of them have switched their souls?" Jungkook said as yoongi's lips formed a straight line

"Jungkook, don't speak like a kid. Those things only happens in novels and movies, not in real life" Yoongi said as he folded his arms

"But do you have any other better reason than this? Yeah it's non practical but what if it's true?" Jungkook said as anulisa thought for a while and spoke

"I agree it's just a story concept but...I think there might be a possibility of this" Anulisa said as yoongi was about to speak but srija spoke

"Why don't we take a test? After which everyone will be crystal clear to us" Srija said as everyone frowned their brows

"A test? What do you mean by that srija?" Anulisa asked in confusion

"Listen, in the first round we will fight with both of them individually. Me and jungkook with y/n while you and yoongi with jhope, as we all know y/n is best at fighting and jhope can't fight that well. If y/n defeats you both, the test will stop but if she can't and jhope can it will continue" Srija said as everyone nodded their heads understanding her strategy

"What will happen after that?" Yoongi asked curiously

"Then we will take a gun test, y/n's shot is always sharp and hit the point while jhope probably doesn't now how to use it. Then the last round, we will take intelligence test" Srija said as jungkook again frowned

"What is that now?" Jungkook asked while scratching the back of his head in confusion

"Y/n is quick-witted and always makes decisions instantly, my plan is that all of us with go for a vacation together and there we will test them in various situations as it can't be judged in a day" Srija said as everyone widened their eyes in amusement and clapped their hands

"Srija, you are amaJIN! That's a fabulous idea!" Jungkook said complimenting srija who secretly felt quite satisfied

"Exactly! After this test we will be 100% sure who is who actually" Yoongi said in joy as anulisa nodded

"But yk I really hope y/n will succeed in the first round so that we won't have to go that far....." Anulisa said with a small smile as srija put her hand on her shoulder, comforting anulisa

"Don't worry anulisa, now only time will decide that and wherever happens I know y/n will be somewhere near us" Srija said with a comforting smile

"Guys let's do that hands up thing as we have a new mission now" Jungkook said as everyone chuckled and put their hands over each other's and raised their hands up

"We will succeed in this mission no matter what! Fighting!" Everyone said together and after laughing they continued eating there food like nothing happened, soon y/n and jhope also came and after having dinner everyone went back home.


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