Staying In

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About halfway into the dream, the girls were crying while the boys were comforting their wives with deep frowns.

"This is a nightmare for me!" Lucy exclaimed while blowing her nose on a tissue paper.

"Lets hope everything os fixed once this terrible nightmare ends," Mira says dabbing at the continuous flow of tears.

Jellal looked at the screen and sees that white light is swirling around Gray and Juvia, "Guys, the dream is about to end. White light is swirling around them."

"Okay everyone. We better fix everthing before they wake up," Erza told everyone with tears still visible.

Right when Natsu lastly jumped out of the window, Gray and Juvia were beginning to open their eyes slowly.

Juvia was the first one to completely open her eyes. Once she saw that she was faced with her Gray-sama, she immediately kissed him. The action caused Gray to fully open his eyes but he closed it once again.

So much passion was put into the kiss but other emotions were there too. Longing, need, worry, love, and several more. Once ending their emotion filled kiss, Juvia had tears in her eyes while smiling warmly at Gray. Being the soulmates that they are, Gray understood immediately.

She had the same dream and she was scared. Fortunately, Gray would do everything in his power to keep her away from negative emotions as much as he can.

Wiping her tears away, Gray kissed her forehead. "It's gonna be okay. I will never leave you. Got that?", he murmered against Juvia's skin. She hummed an agreement in return.

"Lets stay in today okay?" Juvia eagerly agreed and snuggled up against Gray and sighed in content. Gray chuckled at this and held her close. Never will they be separated. They will be together. Forever and Always for Eternity.

~At Lucy and Natsu's Home (nearest to Gray and Juvia home)

Thanks to Jellal and Erza, they were able to witness the scene and well...

"OH MY GOSH!~~~"

Jellal's eyes went wide at the girls' reaction."Girls calm down! You don't want them to hear right?"

Still squealing, the girls nodded their heads vigorously that it looked like they would break off any moment. While the girls were on the floor rolling around and squealing about the Gruvia cuteness overload, the boys, of course, fist bumped and snickered at the sappy side of Gray. (A/N You guys are literally as sappy as him when you're with your soulmates -.-)

~Gray and Juvia's Home~ 9:00 am~

Opening her eyes once again, Juvia came face to face with the most gorgeous being she has ever witnessed in her whole life. Gray Fullbuster, her husband. Giggling, followed by a kiss on the nose, Juvia woke Gray up.

"Wake up Gray-sama. Juvia is making a special breakfast for us!"

The words that came out of Juvia's mouth made Gray's eyes shoot open. "Gray-sama? You haven't called me that ever since we got more into work. Even your 3rd person way of talking is back!" Gray said happily for he missed being called Gray-sama by Juvia and her 3rd person talking.

Juvia giggled, "It seems that it was because of all the work and stress, it wasn't in Juvia's mind set to call Gray-sama well, Gray-sama!" Smiling warmly at his wife, Gray picked Juvia up and nuzzled her nose. "Gray-sama!" a blushing Juvia said.

"How about that special breakfast?"

"Oh yeah! Can Gray-sama help Juvia make it?"

"How can I resist?" Walking down the stairs, the happy couple started making breakfast when they got to the kitchen. While eating though, on the couch with Home, courtesy of Juvia, playing, Juvia brought something up.

"Gray-sama?" Gray hummed a hum that showed that he was listening.

With a sad and contemplating expression, Juvia asked, "What do we do about our work?"

"Hm. I was thinking...we could just quit."

"Quit!?" Juvia exclaimed with wide eyes. Never have she imagined to quit. She had to admit though, the job was getting a little boring.

"Yeah. I mean, all the others have survived with their small shops and stores. In fact, they earn a lot and at the same time, spend a lot of time with each other." Gray explained to the wide-eyed Juvia.

"Gray-sama has a point. But what would we run?" Juvia questioned being the clueless little munchkin that she is. Gray couldn't stop himself from admiring her cuteness. He was so lucky.

"Didn't you say you wanted to run a flower shop?" Gray suggested recalling Juvia saying that during college.

"Juvia does want to, but what about the idea of Gray-sama of an ice cream shop?" Juvia pouted because she wanted something that Gray wanted too.

"Aw you remember! And stop pouting. You are too cute. I might do something I regret." Gray said gushing and mumbling the last part. It was really rare for others to see Gray act like this but with Juvia, minus the working days, he did this on a daily basis. "How about we combine a flower shop and the ice cream shop together?"

Juvia suddenly had sparkles in her eyes and rainbows coming out of her mouth.


~At the Nalu home~

The couples slept at Natsu and Lucy's home last night because they all just kind of, collapsed.
But when Juvia screeched her "yes"...


All of them screamed ,"WHERE'S THE BANCHEE!? WHERE'S THE BANCHEE!?" Quickly though, they all went back to sleep shortly after that.

~Gruvia Home~

After Juvia's outburst of excitement, Gray was on the floor twitching. "Gray-sama! Juvia is so sorry! She was just really excited. Is Gray-sama hurt?"

Gray recovered from the twitching and reassured Juvia that he was ok. With a sigh of relief, Juvia and Gray sat back down on the couch again.


"Yeah Juvia?"

"What will we call our flower shop slash ice cream shop?" Juvia asked Gray with stars in her eyes.

Gray chuckled at his wife's adorable action. "Well, first off, what will our little shop be?"

"Oh oh oh! Can we put flowers that represent each season if it's that specific season and the ice cream will also be based on the season if it's that season too? And if its the holidays we will give special flowers and ice cream to represent that specific holiday and do special events like give out free flowers to couples and free sweets too? Other than ice cream can there be sweets too? Can we also sell flowers too? OH JUVIA IS SO EXCITED!"

After Juvia was done with her rant she was breathing in and out rapidly while Gray was gushing like a fangirl.

"Um, is Gray-sama alright?" Juvia asked concerned because of the face Gray was making. Suddenly, Gray hugged Juvia and Juvia let out a little squeak.

"You are to adorable for your own good," he said into Juvia's hair. "Anything you want Juvia and that sounds like an amazing idea!" Gray exclaimed looking at Juvia with a genuinely warm and sappy smile.

"Yay!~" Juvia then pounced on Gray and hugged him in a way only Juvia can manage. "Gray-sama? Can we look for a spot for our shop tomorrow?"

"Of course. Once we find a spot and buy it, I'm going to design it then lets put more details later on. Agreed?"

"Agreed." Juvia said with a smile on her face. We all know that Gray and Juvia's smile won't be wiped off for a LONG time.


Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed the chappie! I have a special activity or game for anyone and everyone who wants to join! (Will be shown on the next chapter)
Thanks for reading the new chapter and I hope you enjoyed! Until the next chapter fairies! (changed gypsies to fairies hehe)

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